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The Daily Sceptic

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The National 1916 commemoration committee - reclaim the Proclamation !!

category national | history and heritage | opinion/analysis author Saturday August 12, 2006 02:01author by Kevin Murphy - 32 County Sovereignty Movement ( south Armagh)author email sarmagh32csm at hotmail dot com Report this post to the editors

The states photo opportunities are over for this year - who stands by the republic now ?

As the hypocritical farce which was the 26 county states dishonest attempt to misrepresent and hijack the anniversary of the Easter Rising fades for another year the real work of reclaiming the republic for the people carries on in the background . The National 1916 commemoration Committee was founded in 2001 with the express purpose of commemorating and remembering the ideals , aims and sacrifice of the 1916 rising in a dignified and fitting manner as the 100th anniversary of this momentous event draws ever nearer . It is essential Irish people are made aware of the yawning gulf between the aims of 1916 and the reality of the corrupt, servile neo-colonial 26 county state , which stands in fundamental opposition to everything 1916 was about - the sovereign ownership of Ireland, its territory and resources, by the people of Ireland . With the ongoing foreign occupation of our northern territory , the theft of our national resources - gas , oil and the imminent privatisation of our water resources in the north , the use of Shannon to facilitate mass murder , kidnap and imperialist ventures throughout the globe it can be stated quite honestly that Ireland today remains a subjugated land , outside of the ownership of the Irish people . Irish sovereignty in all its forms has been cast aside by native capitalists in ignnominious servitude to foreign masters and landlords . The National 1916 Commemoration Committee urges all Irish citizens to stand against these multiple usurpations of our sovereignty , to reject the states hypocritical ceremonies in future and stand with them in commemorating the ideals and aims of 1916 . It is essential this debate is kept alive and as part of our attempts to do so we present this article examining the motivations and aims of the 1916 leaders .
Padraig Pearse at the Funeral of O'Donovan Rossa
Padraig Pearse at the Funeral of O'Donovan Rossa


Eiri Amach na Casca

'Sé do bheatha a bhean ba léanmhar!
B’é ár gcreach tú bheith i ngéibhinn
Do dhúthaigh bhreá i seilbh meirleach
Is tú díolta leis na Gallaibh


Óró ! Sé do bheatha ‘bhaile !
Óró ! Sé do bheatha ‘bhaile !
Óró ! Sé do bheatha ‘bhaile !
Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh .

Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile,
Óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda -
Gaeil iad féin is ní Frainc ná Spáinnigh -
Is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh.


A bhuí le Rí na bhFeart go bhfeicfainn,
Muna mbeinn beo ina dhiadh ach seachtain,
Gráinne Mhaol agus míle gaiscíoch
Ag fógairt fáin ar Ghallaibh.


Padraig Mac Piarais

When Padraig Mac Piarais penned those verses he was following in the footsteps and traditions of the great Gaelic Aisling poets of the late 16th, 17th and 18th centuries , men such as Art Mac Cúmhaidh , Seamus Dall Mac Cuarta , Peadar Ó Doirnin , Aogan Ó Rathaille and a host of other gaelic scholars . These were individuals who had been born in the era following the flight of the earls . They lived in an Ireland where the political , social , economic and military power of the gaelic and Brehon system had been broken and the Irish were subjugated to English rule . Despite the military defeats of the 17th century and the impact of the penal laws in the 18th century however , the Gaelic language , folklore , poetry music dance and song remained an integral part of the daily lives of the native Irish until the mid 19th century . They were kept alive by na Filí and the travelling bards and harpists . The plight of the people of this period was reflected in many of the poems and songs composed and made popular in that era . A recurring theme in many was the hope that Gaelic Ireland would one day be restored to its former political and military status . In many of these works a coded political message was delivered . Ireland was presented as the beautiful lady or the mystic vision returning to rouse her children from their servile slumber . In later years Ireland in literary and theatrical circles was often referred to as Roisín Dúbh , Grainne Mhaol , Dark Rosaleen or Kathleen ní Houlihan , the beautiful mystical vision which would at the appropriate time in history be transformed into political reality - a sovereign , independent , Gaelic Irish Republic . It was a theme which held great appeal for the Young Ireland Movement , particularly that section of cultural nationalists within the organisation exemplified by an individual such as Thomas Davis .

The Young Irelanders are an important grouping , historically and politically , when analysing the ideological motivations of the 1916 insurgents . Two of the leading ideologues of the Easter Rising , Padraig Mac Piarais and James Connolly were deeply influenced by the Young Ireland movement ; Pearse by Thomas Davis and Connolly by James Fintan Lalor . Its therefore not intended here to present to the reader a chronological account of the events of Easter week in Dublin in 1916 . Republicans are well conversant with that epic period in Irish history . Instead we will outline the ideological motivation of the men and women who partook in the insurgency by examining the political philosophies of Pearse and Connolly , identifying the political and economic systems which they confronted and sought to overthrow . We will assess the relevance of their teachings to the Ireland of today and measure the present day strength of the enemies they faced and their continuing influence on Irish society .

It is claimed by many historians and political scientists that when Pearse read out the Proclamation of the Irish Republic in front of the GPO that he drew into the light of day not a single strain of Irish republicanism but the entire tapestry of Irish traditions ; social radicalism in the person of Connolly ; the conspiratorial dedication to physical force personified in the old Fenian , Tom Clarke and the romantic Ireland of the cultural nationalists as represented by Pearse himself , Joseph Plunkett and Tomás Mac Donagh .The various ideological threads threads which permeate the 1916 proclamation trace their roots back to the Young Irelanders and the teachings of Thomas Davis , Fintan Lalor and John Mitchell .

In his pamphlet entitled “ The Sovereign People” Pearse referred to Theobald Wolfe Tone , Davis , Lalor and Mitchell as “the four evangelists” of Irish republicanism . He wrote :

“ Tone is the intellectual ancestor of the whole modern movement of Irish nationalism , of Davis, Lalor , Mitchell and their followers . Davis is the immediate ancestor of the spiritual and imaginative part of the movement , embodied in our day in the Gaelic League . Lalor is the immediate ancestor of the specifically democratic part of the movement embodied today in the more virile labour organisations . Mitchell is the immediate ancestor of Fenianism , the noblest and most terrible manifestation of this unconquered nation”

From the time of the French Revolution , the ideal of an Irish Republic , asserting the principles of Liberty , Equality and Fraternity had motivated generations of young Irish hearts and minds . The writings of many of their leaders reveal what their ultimate objective was - “ Separation from England and her establishment as an independent Republic ” was Tones final ideal for Ireland . “ Our object is to establish a free and independent Republic in Ireland” declared Robert Emmets’ manifesto in 1803 .
“ Freedom can but take one shape among us - a Republic” - Thomas Devin O’Reilly , one of the revolutionaries of 1848 affirmed , and John Mitchell wrote in his Jail Journal “ I have made sure the struggle will become a republican one in the long run” .

The men who led the Young Ireland Movement were a band of gifted and devoted Irish men . They came mainly from a Protestant middle class background . They were very unfortunate in their revolutionary endeavours . Thomas Davis died at the critical moment of preparation . John Mitchell was convicted of treason felony and transported to a penal colony for 14 years . The small armed force led out by Smith O’Brien and Francis Meagher was broken at the first encounter . Their effort failed however , as Tones had failed and Emmets had failed, but it served like theirs as a symbolic gesture and protest . It left a memory , a legacy and literature which never ceased to influence the thoughts of the nation . And it left the Tricolour , the flag of green , white and orange presented to the Young Irelanders by the Republicans of France . It was the survivors of the struggle of 1848 who formed the Irish Republican Brotherhood , led by John O’Mahoney in the United States of America in 1858 . The centre of the IRB organisation remained in the US .It was supported by a large , powerful and virulently anti-British organisation , the Irish American Clan na nGael . James Stephens , in exile since 1848 was entrusted with the task of coming to Ireland , organising the Republican Brotherhood and preparing for a Rising . Among his first comrades was Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa . The strongly anti- British mindset of the IRB was hardly surprising given the historical background and geographical location of its evolution - the Irish communities in the United States in the aftermath of the genocidal Ocras Mhór of 1846-51 . These were people whose personal experiences and abiding memories of the British imperialist ethos and system were horrific in the extreme . They were determined that , despite the overwhelming power of the foe they faced , they would content themselves with nothing less than a sovereign , independent Irish Republic .

For 60 years after its formation the Irish Republican Brotherhood was to play a pivotal , but in many instances a secret , invisible role in Irish politics . It was instrumental in organising the Fenian Rising of 1867 .It gave the seal of approval to the New Departure of 1879 and was prepared to co-operate with Parnell and the Irish Nationalist Party and Michael Davitt and the Land League for what it perceived to be short term strategic political advances . However it never lost sight of its ultimate goal - to sever the British connection in its entirety and was fully prepared to use physical force to achieve that end . It was the Irish Republican Brotherhood who advocated , planned for and initiated the Easter Rising in 1916 . When Edward VII visited Dublin in 1903 the atmosphere , and celebrations in that metropolis seemed to confirm the British view of the Irish capital as the second city of their British Empire . That nauseating celebration of servility and imperialism proved all too much for the stomachs of the IRB leadership and the conclusion drawn by them at the end of those dire proceedings was that something had to be done . It would require drastic action to redeem the ancient Irish nation from irretrievable servile ignominy . With the outbreak of World War 1 in August 1914 they were determined to implement the maxim that Englands’ difficulty is Irelands’ opportunity . The mood of the IRB was summed up in the lines from Pearses poem “Fornocht dó Chonnacht dú”

I have turned my face
To this road before me
To the deed that I see
And the death I shall die

It was a conviction that only through death , most probably their own deaths , that a sovereign , independent Irish nation could live again .

And should they have been successful in their struggle what model of state , what type of society did these revolutionaries envisage for their new independent Ireland ? In response Pearse asserts the aims and ideals of the four evangelists ;

“ Whereas Tone had accepted Ireland must be free , Davis , accepting that and developing it , stated the truth in its spiritual aspect , that Ireland must be herself ; not merely a free self governing state but authentically the Irish nation , bearing all the majestic marks of her nationhood . That the nation may live , the Irish life , both the inner life and the outer life must be conserved . Hence the language which is the main repository of the Irish life , the folklore , the literature , the music , the art, the social customs must be conserved “

As Davis had also stated “ A people without a language of its own is only half a nation . A nation should guard its language more than its territories - tis a surer barrier , and more important frontier than fortress or river”

Therefore the Ireland that they envisaged would be “ Ní ach saor amhain , ach Gaelic chomh maith , ní ach Gaelic amhain ach saor chomh maith”

In the Sovereign People written in March 1916 Pearse dealt with Lalor and Mitchell and their social attitudes “ The nations Sovereignty extends not only to all the men and women of the nation but to all the material possessions of the nation , the nations soil and all its resources , all its wealth and all wealth producing processes within in the nation . In other words no private right to property is good against the public right and welfare of the nation” .

Although Pearse embraced no coherent socialist doctrine we can detect a distinct sharp move to the left in his speeches and writings in the period from 1913 to the outbreak of the Rising . He fully supported the Dublin working class in their struggle against the noxious William Martin Murphy and the employers during the Lock-Out . He was appalled at the conditions in which the workers were obliged to toil and the poverty and squalor they and their families had to endure in their daily lives . The brutality meted out to them by the Dublin Metropolitan Police and the Royal Irish Constabulary angered him deeply . He was determined , that in the Ireland he envisaged , the nations rulers would be truly representative of all the people , not just one dominant class and he asserted that ;

“ It is , in fact, true that the repositories of the Irish tradition , as well as the spiritual tradition of nationality as the kindred tradition of stubborn physical resistance to England have been the great , splendid, faithful common people - that dumb multitudinous throng which sorrowed through the penal night, which bled in 98, which starved in the Famine , and which is here still - what is left of it - unbought and unterrified . Let no man be mistaken as to who will be Lord in Ireland when Ireland is free . The people will be Lord and master”

Fintan Lalor was Pearses’ acknowleged inspiration when he wrote these words, as he also inspired Connolly . A favourite extract from Lalors writings which appealed to both patriots was the passage where he outlined his plans and stated that he sought - “Not to repeal the Union, then, but the conquest - not to disturb and dismantle the empire , but to abolish it forever. Not to resume or restore an old constitution, but to found a new nation and to raise up a free people , and strong as well as free, and secure as well as strong , based on a peasantry rooted like rocks in the soil of their land”

Many Socialists , both internationally and admittedly some Irish , claim to have never understood or have found it difficult to come to terms with Connolly’s participation in the events of Easter week 1916 . They regarded the rising as a nationalist putsch, which lacked popular support and a clearly defined social and economic programme . Connolly was an outstanding political thinker and theoretician , even the most implacable of his foes conceded that fact . Intellectually he was superior to Pearse , very much the realist and sharp political scientist and analyst , whereas the latter, despite his undoubted academic achievements and scholarly and literary ability remained a romantic figure and Gaelic visionary . The tributes to Connollys intellect and ability poured in from individuals who were themselves intellectual , political and literary heavyweights in their own right . They are too numerous to list . It was said of him that “ he had the most vital democratic mind in the Ireland of his day . A man of genius and character. A born leader of men, a most extraordinary man. With the possible exception of Robert Emmett there is not in the whole gallery of Irish revolutionaries a more commanding figure or interesting personality than that of James Connolly”

Although the majority of socialists outside Ireland claim to be somewhat confused by Connolly’s actions , there were those who supported him . One of these was an obscure Russian revolutionary named Lenin who wrote in relation to the Easter Rising in October 1916 ;

“ The misfortune of the Irish is that they have risen prematurely when the European revolt of the proletariat has not yet matured . On the other hand the very fact that revolts break out at different times in different places ….guarantees wide scope and depth to the general movement , only in premature , partial, scattered and therefore unsuccessful revolutionary movements do the masses gain experience , acquire knowledge , gather strength, get to know their real leaders, the socialist proletarians , and in this way prepare for the general onslaught”

The reason why James Connolly weighed in behind the Irish Republican Brotherhood and became a member of its military council is in fact quite clear cut . In turn, the reason why so many socialists and members of the various European and British Labour and Trade Union movements professed bewilderment was a clumsy attempt on their part to divert attention from, and create a smokescreen for the fact, that although they had professed their commitment to socialism and the unity of the working class across all national borders they had fully committed the membership of their political parties and trade union organisations to a blatant , unnecessary imperialist war . With the outbreak of World War 1 Connolly had placed great faith in the ability of the international socialist movement to prevent the general mobilisation of the armies in Europe . He was not alone in his belief . In fact the German General Staff , including Hindenburg and Ludendorff , had expressed their their grave concerns to the Kaiser , Wilhelm II, that the strength of the German left might cause serious problems in relation to German mobilisation . However when war broke out not only did the Labour and trade union movements acquiesce in their respective national call ups they called on their members to increase war production . They agreed to the banning of strikes and many trade union leaders even served in the national governments during the war . A despairing Connolly remarked “ What then Becomes of all our protests of fraternisation , all our hopes for the future ? Were they all as sound and fury signifying nothing ?”

Bear in mind the horrendous slaughter of World War 1 and the totally selfish imperialist and expansionist reasons for it . The slaughter of hundreds of thousands of human beings on a weekly basis for professed causes which were of no concern or relevance to the vast majority of the fallen . Dwell on the fact that the respective heads of the 3 Royal Families involved , George V, Wilhelm II and Nicholas II were full cousins and assess the impact of this horrendous obscenity on an individual with the intellect , strength of character and moral fibre of James Connolly . He became disillusioned , not with the political ideology of socialism but with some of the personnel and organisations who professed to be socialists yet supported an imperialist war in which the working classes of Europe were being slaughtered .

Connolly now realised that if there was ever to be any hope for a socialist society in the Ireland of the future , then the working class could not rely on support and solidarity from the British Labour and Trade Union Movement . He came to the conclusion that an essential pre-requisite for the advancement of socialism in Ireland was the need to break the political connection between Ireland and Britain and her Empire . He led his Irish Citizens Army alongside Pearse and the Irish Volunteers in a head on clash with British imperialism . Both individuals identified clearly the evils of imperialist aggression , conquest and subjugation . Connolly in addition was determined to strive to eradicate the scourge of capitalist exploitation . Pearse was undoubtedly moving increasingly leftwards in his political and ideological thinking , and these two individuals with highly principled ideals , sharp intellect and noble character led their small band of followers into the lions den of head on confrontation with the twin evils of capitalism and imperialism .

So how did the average citizen of Dublin react to their revolutionary enterprise ? Stephen McKenna , one of his few supporters outside the GPO recorded the scene as Pearse read out the Proclamation to the crowd in Sackville Street .

“Very pale he was , very cold of face, as he scanned the crowd , the indifferent-seeming crowd that at times and in places warmed only to show positive hostility . I saw him read the Proclamation of the Irish Republic ; but for once the magnetism had left him; the response was chilling; a few thin perfunctory cheers, no direct hostility just then; but no enthusiasm whatsoever . The people were evidently quite unprepared, quite unwilling to see in the uniformed figure , whose burning words had thrilled them again and again elsewhere a figure of significance to the country”

But if the mood of the crowd at the GPO was one of sullen indifference the feeling by the end of the week was one of anger towards the rebels . With tens of thousands of Irishmen serving in the British army the reaction of many of their relatives was to display animosity towards the defeated insurgents . The GPO garrison were taken through enraged crowds who showered them with rotten vegetables . They were marched to the Richmond barracks and ran a gauntlet of vicious abuse . Many of the women of Dublin waved their husbands and sons British Army allotment papers in the Republicans faces . They pointed to the British Crown crest on the pension books and taunted the Volunteers with the jibe “ we don’t bite the hand that feeds us” , much to the amusement of the British Tommies . It all amounted to a sad , soul destroying finale for the Republican and socialist idealists . The conclusion of the episode though had still to come .

The British Commander in Chief General Maxwell dispatched the following communiqé to Asquith the British Prime Minister .
“In view of the gravity of the Rebellion and its connections with German intrigue and propaganda and in view of the great loss of life and destruction of property resulting therefrom , the General Officer Commanding in Chief, Irish Command, has found it imperative to inflict the most sever sentences upon the organisers of this detestable Rising and on the commanders who took an actual part in the actual fighting which occurred . It is hoped that these examples will be sufficient to act as a deterrent to intriguers and to bring home to them that the murder of His Majesty’s subjects or other acts calculated to imperil the safety of the realm will not be tolerated .”

The news of the subsequent executions, in particular the manner of Connollys execution outraged Irish public opinion . In a famous phrase the mood of the Irish people was captured “like watching a stream of blood coming from beneath a closed door” . The IRB assessment and calculation in the aftermath of Edward VIIs’ visit in 1903 would prove to be accurate .The shift in public opinion came with astonishing speed . The first prominent voice raised in protest was that of George Bernard Shaw . In a letter to the Daily News in London , written two days before Connolly’s death, he said he “could not regard as a traitor any Irishman taken in a fight for Irish Independence against the British government which was a fair fight in everything except the enormous odds my countrymen had to face” . John Dillon of the Irish Nationalist Party rose at Westminster and said “ I declare most solemnly that I am proud of those men”

Likewise the fortitude and dignity displayed by the Irish Republicans as they faced the British Courts Martial and firing squads did not fail to make an impact on their captors . One of the judges , who sentenced Pearse to death, was moved to pay him tribute that evening . The Countess of Fingal, in her diaries and memoirs stated how “ General Blackadder who is president of the Courts Martial dines with us sometimes . He came to dinner tonight greatly depressed . I asked him “what is the matter ?” He answered “ I have just done one of the hardest things I have ever had to do . I have had to condemn to death one of the finest characters that I have ever come across . There must be something very wrong in the state of things that makes a man like that a rebel . I don’t wonder that his pupils adored him”

Although they succeeded in helping to transform Irish public opinion the ultimate political aims and ideals of the 1916 patriots have still not been realised . The power and influence of the twin evils they confronted - imperialism and capitalism - continue to exert their malevolent power and influence in the Ireland of today . A verification of this fact was provided by the Bush/Blair war summit on Iraq , held in this country just a few short years ago . By the presence of these imperialist war criminals here in this country the Irish people were forced to endure and witness the desecration of our national territory , the denigration of our sovereignty as a people and any notion of our political autonomy ; the contemptuous dismissal of our protests and the humiliating spectacle of Irelands political representatives , amont them those who declare themselves the heirs of Connolly and Pearse , slavishly joining the queue for a photocall and handshake with two bloodsoaked imperialist warmongers .How would Pearse and Connolly have reacted to that nauseating spectacle ? How would those men react to William Martin Murphys’ re-incarnation Sir Anthony O’Reillys boasts that because he owns 35% of the Irish media he can force Irish politicians to give him the Irish peoples oil and gas resources for nothing to do with as he pleases ? How would they react to the Chairman of Shell oil , Lord Oxburghs boasts to his shareholders that the Mayo farmers protecting their homes would soon be dealt with by a servile police and judiciary enabling them to rob our countrys and childrens wealth without hindrance ? Pearses own words give us an indication -

We will try it out with you,
Ye that have harried and held,
Ye that have bullied and bribed,
Tyrants, hypocrites, liars

The military failure of the 1916 Rising proved to be less significance than the effect of its impact upon the mindset of the Irish people . It was the expression in action of an idea essentially spiritual, the translation of an old and vital aspiration into living history . During Easter week 1916 the historic Irish nation was reborn . For the men and women who shared in that illustrious deed , Padraig Mac Piarais, in one of his last messages asked for the remembrance of Ireland , present and to come .He did not ask in vain . The task of the National 1916 Commemoration Committee is to ensure that continues to be the case throughout the run up to the centenary of this nationally defining anniversary . The tyrants , hypocrites and liars cannot be allowed to misrepresent everything 1916 stood for to the Irish people and subvert the vision of Pearse and Connolly - a sovereign , independent, democratic and socialist Irish Republic .
They shall be remembered forever,
They shall be alive forever,
They shall be speaking forever,
The people shall hear them forever .

“ To soldiers,

….let us remind you of what you have done. For the first time in 700 years the flag of free Ireland floats triumphantly over Dublin city…”
James Connolly
28th April 1916

“Wasn’t it a full life Lily, and isn’t this a good end?….the Socialist will never understand why I am here . They will all forget I am an Irishman”
James Connolly (to his wife)
May 11th , 1916

“ We seem to have lost . We have not lost . To refuse to fight would have been to lose; to fight is to win. We have kept faith with the past and handed on a tradition to the future …..If you strike us down now , we shall rise again and renew the fight. You cannot conquer Ireland . You cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom .”

PH Pearse Shot in Dublin May 3rd
Tom Clarke Shot in Dublin May 3rd
Thomas MacDonagh Shot in Dublin May 3rd
Joseph Plunkett Shot in Dublin May 4th
Edward Daly Shot in Dublin May 4th
William Pearse Shot in Dublin May 4th
Michael O’Hanrahan Shot in Dublin May 4th
John MacBride Shot in Dublin May 5th
Eammon Ceantt Shot in Dublin May 8th
Michael Mallin Shot in Dublin May 8th
Con Colbert Shot in Dublin May 8th
Sean Heuston Shot in Dublin May 8th
Thomas Kent Shot in Cork May 9th
Sean MacDermott Shot in Dublin May 12th
James Connolly Shot in Dublin May 12th
Roger Casement hanged in Pentonville August 3rd

“ My own view is that those men who were shot in cold blood after their capture or surrender were prisoners of war, and that it was entirely incorrect to slaughter them…I remain an Irishman and am bound to contradict any implication that that I can regard as a traitor any Irishman taken in a fight for Irish independence against the British government , which was a fair fight in everything except the enormous odds my countrymen had to face”

G.B Shaw

Soldiers of the Irish Citizens Army
Soldiers of the Irish Citizens Army

 behind the barricades
behind the barricades

the shattered and gutted remnants of the GPO
the shattered and gutted remnants of the GPO

Pearses surrender on behalf of the insurgent forces
Pearses surrender on behalf of the insurgent forces

author by Kevin Murphy - 32 County Sovereignty Movementpublication date Sat Aug 12, 2006 02:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

“ The nations Sovereignty extends not only to all the men and women of the nation but to all the material possessions of the nation , the nations soil and all its resources , all its wealth and all wealth producing processes within in the nation . In other words no private right to property is good against the public right and welfare of the nation”

our new masters in Hillsborough castle
our new masters in Hillsborough castle

standing by the republic ?
standing by the republic ?

tyrants , hypocrites , liars
tyrants , hypocrites , liars

William Martin Murphy
William Martin Murphy

Sir Anthony O'Reilly
Sir Anthony O'Reilly

author by Peadar - 32CSMpublication date Sat Aug 12, 2006 23:18author email manchester32csm at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

that is a great aricle, and brings the issues to the fore, it would be good to see further debate on the article or indeed the topic of Irelands Soverenghty

author by Frankpublication date Sun Aug 13, 2006 14:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The website address for the National 1916 Commemoration Committee is the following..

Related Link: http://www.national1916.com
author by Seaicilín Fpublication date Sun Aug 13, 2006 17:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Comhghairdeas leat on this extremely well written and thought provoking article which I enjoyed reading immensely. It is a great tragedy the ideals of the signatories to the 1916 Proclaimation of the Irish Republic have in 2006 yet to be realised, and were cast aside like a worn out shoe by the 26 county government and are nothing more now than a museum piece for them to be brought out once a year to be gawked at for a photocall in front of the media and then swiftly forgotten and hid away by them, in their rush to appease and not upset the forces of British imperialism and US capitalism.

James Connolly would indeed be disgusted at the 26 county government's grovelling to the US and British imperialists and its servile nature to both and its embarrassing lack of courage in not taking a stance against them in forbidding the use of Irish airports to these warmongerers who are responsbile for the murdering of countless innocent civilians in the Middle East and elsewhere.

James Connolly would indeed be dismayed by the invasion of Ireland by US multinationals and English capitalists and our extreme dependence on them and the erosion of Irish manufacturing industries and the selling-off of our natural resources and airlines to the highest foreign capitalst bidder and the destruction of small Irish farm holdings due to EU's agricultural policies. He would also not be impressed at the endless boring supply of British chain stores and US fast food outlets occupying our cities and towns which add nothing of value to Ireland as a unique destination and makes its towns appear like any other in England, as I overheard one English tourist on a bus to her friend say recently, "why did we bother coming to Dublin, the exact same stores are at home and the goods are cheaper?" Why indeed. I'm sure if James Connolly and Pádraig Pearse etc., returned to Dublin and took a walk up Grafton Street they would indeed wonder if they were in fact in Ireland at all as there are absolutely no Irish stores with Gaelic names on that street, because Irish owned companies can't afford to compete finanically with the US/British capitalists due to exorbitant high rents? Should add here that I was accosted some months back in Dublin by a tourist anxiously looking for an Irish store in Dublin that sold Irish goods?

We are in grave danger of losing the unique cultural qualities that attract tourists to Ireland and separates us from the rest of the world and one of our most important Celtic heritage sites pre-1169, Tara, is in grave danger of losing its uniqueness and magic to a feckin motorway! Everyone in their own way can make a stance even in simple ways like refusing to wear clothes with say US/Brit foreign company logos, and buying only Irish made goods or manufactured clothes and jewellery and by promoting Irish culture by speaking or learning the Irish language and music and protesting at the endless stream of foreign capitalists into our country.

I'm glad the signatories of the 1916 Proclaimation don't know about today's Ireland and how their vision of an Irish Republic and Connolly's socialist republic was sold out to a foreign capitalist invasion.

Kevin, comhghairdeas leat arís. Mo cheol thú!

Slán agus beannacht Dé ort.

author by Johnpublication date Mon Aug 14, 2006 19:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So, you want Irish people to "buy only Irish-made goods or Irish-manufactured clothes". OK, then tell me: should English people "buy only English-made goods or English-manufactured clothes"?; should French people "buy only French-made goods or French-manufactured clothes"?; should German people "buy only German-made goods or German-manufactured clothes"?; should American people "buy only American-made goods or American-manufactured clothes"?. If your answer to all these is 'no', then what you advocate is pure hypocrisy. If your answer to all these is 'yes', then what will become of the hundreds of thousands of jobs in Ireland that are dependent on the sale of products made in Ireland to England, France, Germany and America?

author by sovereigntypublication date Tue Aug 15, 2006 05:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As both Britain and the US are violating Irish national sovereignty as well as acting in an imperialist manner in oher nations boycotting their products wherever possible is quite acceptable , just as boycotting S African goods was quite acceptable .
What youve just written there is possibly one of the most idiotic inane and time wasting posts Ive ever seen on Indymedia , and thats saying something . I sincerely hope you wont be permitted by the editors to derail this thread with utter nonsense like youve written above "john"

author by with Johnpublication date Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm with John - far from being innane, he is rare voice of sanity here. The petty nationalism of most contributors, stuck a hundred years in the past, obsessed by abstractions, soaked in nationalist prejudicfe, is amazing. To listen to you one would think not only that nothing has changed since 1968 (NEWSFLASH: they have - there is nothing worth fighting over anymore), but that things haven't changed since 1900. We now live in reality in a globalised, inter-dependent world, and I and many others are happy to leave nationalist quackery behind. You are welcome to your flags and symbols of nationhood: the rest of us have a living to earn in the real world. I also note that for all your prattling about the rights of the Irish people and sovereignty, you don't seem to object to to a tiny minority being prepared to wage war in absolute defiance of the express wishes of the same Irish people!!! You are an odd lot....

author by cool jpublication date Tue Aug 15, 2006 14:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The uncontrolled exploitation and influx of foreigners has lead to wages being driven down despite the fact Ireland is now the most expensive place to live in Europe. Big business is making huge profits in this country at the expense of ordinary people who are struggling to pay for grossly inflated mortages and over-priced groceries. This government has consistently favoured big-business interests over consumer/public rights. No wonder developers, corporate types pack the FF tent at Galway every year. New data has shown the abolishment of the grocery order has meant that the big shopping chains like tescoes, spar etc. are screwing, the farmer and genral public even more, greedily grabbing bigger and bigger profits.

As regards the mutinationals you list, all are here due to the fact they pay negliagble tax on profits, while many are grant aided to hilt by the tax-payer. And like Fruit of the loom will simple move on to Eastern Europe, India, Africa etc. when it suits them. This is all due the governments failure to properly foster native expertise and Irish resources in the form of R and D, alternative energy , fisheries, tourism and organic quality food etc which would more than sustain this economy when the building boom ends!!

Not to mention all the PPP's this govrnemnt has saddled the ordinary tax-payers with for decades to come which will seriously drain the countries resources while lining the pockets of their big-business

In conclusion John , if I were you I'd quit acting like a know-all economist since it just doesn't wash!!!

author by Johnpublication date Tue Aug 15, 2006 19:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think you'll find that, in order to see the stupidity of a campaign to boycott the products of those countries to which Ireland exports most of its own production, it isn't necessary to be a know-all economist, but merely to possess a modicum of common sense. You must have missed that report last week which showed that workers in Dublin have the third highest purchasing-power of any city in the world.

author by Stickpublication date Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That extra pair of legs behind Padraig Pearse in the picture of the 1916 surrender (above) just happens to be Nurse Elizabeth O'Farrell who risked her life to convey messages between Pearse and Connolly and the eventual surrender note to the enemy. Unfortunately even self-proclaimed republicans keep writing her out of history.

author by Barry - 32csmpublication date Wed Aug 16, 2006 13:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No-one involved in this article has written the lady out of history you eejit .
Why not write a piece about her rather than chucking insults . Do something productive rather than sneering like a bollix

author by cool jpublication date Wed Aug 16, 2006 16:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

John you really are for the birds - The only people nowadays who can afford to live in the city are virtual millionaires given the grossly inflated property prices and general cost of living there. Many of the so-called Celtic tiger cubs have been forced to live in surrounding counties - Some as far a away as Cavan and Wexford. The small % of wealthy people who can still afford a house in the city are hardly representitive of the averge man in the street's purchasing power which is rapidly going south, what with Ireland now having the highest inflation rate in the EU.

PS - Indeed John you don't have to be an econmist to see whats going on though in your case a little common sense would help!!!

author by Johnpublication date Wed Aug 16, 2006 17:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you have to be a millionnaire to live in Dublin, then tell me where the teeming multitudes live, who are to be found every day in Dundrum Shopping Centre, Tallaght Shopping Centre, Blanchardstown Shopping Centre and a hundred others such places. Have they all travelled from Cavan or Wexford to do their shopping? Might I suggest you go to Croke Park when Dublin play in the semi-final and ask the 70,000 Dublin fans who'll be there which county they now reside in. And, if everybody is moving out of Dublin to far-flung parts as you seem to think, then why are developers building so many new houses, appartments, shopping centres, restaurants, cinemas and such like in Dublin? Consider the possibility that they know more about making money than you do.

author by cool jpublication date Wed Aug 16, 2006 17:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The shopping centres you mentioned are often thronged with people from nearby Kildare and Meath and of course mainly older locals who were lucky enough to get on the property ladder before the current phase of speculator induced madness took over. Navan is expected to have 60,000 people living there within 5-8 years, most of whom would rather be living in Dublin. Commuting, mortages, overcrowded schools are all causing untold stress to families who can't afford to live in Dublin since only single people can live in the tiny flats you talk about - A 3-bedroom house is out of most people's league near Dublin city.

Its easy to be smug about all this John when you were lucky enough to buy a house in Dublin before the current market madness took over but then your own warped philosphy views people merely as labour units to be exploited for big business and not individuals who are entitled to some quality of life for themselves or their families.

author by Spinning Quicklypublication date Wed Aug 16, 2006 22:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

...there won't be many jobs left in Ireland if the firebombing of shops (like Newry) becomes a regular event as it did a couple of decades ago.

Your "heroes", the Real IRA may talk socialism, but they are a blood-obsessed cult.

Gaah, get out of your mutual admiration society and take a look at reality.

author by Johnpublication date Thu Aug 17, 2006 01:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I can assure you, Cool J, that I don't own a large house in the suburbs bought before the current boom. I own a modest 2-bedroom appartment, purchased in 2002 on my return from 25 years exile in Britain and America. You speak as if Meath and Kildare were in Outer Mongolia. Both are a few miles from the centre of Dublin. Its perfectly common for people to commute these days. When I was living in London I commuted 30 miles daily from Essex. Nobody living in Essex would moan because they couldn't afford a house bang in the centre of London. The increase in house prices in Dublin has nothing to do with speculation. Its the result of hundreds of thousands coming to live in Dublin from abroad, not just foreign nationals but returning emigrants like myself. Would you prefer to return to the situation we had in the 1980s when houses in Dublin were dirt cheap because everybody was leaving? What makes you think a socialist society would improve your quality of life? Why don't you ask some of the Poles, Latvians and Lithuanians living in Dublin what quality of life they had under socialism?

author by Hitlerpublication date Sun Mar 27, 2016 19:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

America gets involved in many nations conflicts then runs when the going gets tough. Although there are a lot of descendants of Irish emigrants in the states, That does not make you Irish. The commemoration of 1916 in Dublin has lost all meaning as far as what the vision of the leaders had. Today the hypocrites enjoy what they call a celebration. It is not a celebration. It is and should be a remembrance of the Irish men and woman who gave their live for the freedom and the equality of the Irish people. Now they also commemorate the British soldiers that took their freedom, Their equality and their dignity.
All the suits get richer and the working class get taxed to pay for mistakes of the so called government. You yourself the people are responsible for voting them into power.

Democracy doesn't work for the ordinary person. Unless you're well heeled and in with the big shot crooks that run the place.

author by Connpublication date Tue Mar 29, 2016 14:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is a big difference between Socialism and Communism, the latter is what the people of former eastern bloc countries Poles etc lived under.
Socialism and communism are ideological doctrines that have many similarities as well as many differences. One point that is frequently raised to distinguish socialism from communism is that socialism generally refers to an economic system, and communism generally refers to both an economic system and a political system. The means of production are publicly owned in both systems, but the ways that money and resources are distributed are different. In socialism, each person is allotted resources according to his or her input, or amount of work, and in communism, each person is allotted resources according to his or her needs. Many people consider communism to be a "higher" or more extreme form of socialism.

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