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Rabbittes personal attack on Cllr Kieran Walsh

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Thursday August 03, 2006 00:09author by Kieran Walsh - Labour Partyauthor email kieranwalsh124 at hotmail dot comauthor address C/O City Hall Limerickauthor phone 087 9255824 Report this post to the editors

Kierans Response

Folks, Pat Rabbitte, Leader of the Labour Party said some not very nice things about me on a recent visit to Limerick. I dont have the full copy of the text but his comments were mostly about my indiscipline regarding various comments i have made about the state of Labour movement, my opposition to the mullingar accord, etc etc etc

Hope its ok to publish my response here. I have sent same to local media

Cllr Kieran Walsh bemused by more interference
2nd August 2006

Cllr. Kieran Walsh has said today that he is bitterly disappointed with his party leader Deputy Rabbitte, whom, on a recent visit to Limerick, didn’t try and contact any of the three Labour Councillors on Limerick City Council, before making profoundly uninformed remarks regarding the current state of the Labour Party in Limerick.

“ I find it extrememly disconcerting that Deputy Rabbitte is making these remarks without even picking up the telephone to me or my colleagues, some of whom also share my concerns regarding the Labour Partys future in Limerick East. The last time I spoke with Deputy Rabbitte was six weeks ago, when he was threatening others and me as to our membership of the Labour Group within Limerick City Council.

Having fought more General and Local elections as a loyal Labour member than Deputy Rabbitte, Cllr Walsh feels that he has every right to express his views on the Labour movement, without fear of being rebuked from a man who has only recently made the convertion to mainstream politics.

“If Deputy Rabbitte seriously doubts my claims that Labour is trouble in Limerick, then I invite him to come knocking on doors with me over the summer months to see the fullness of the impact of the Mullingar accord, however he does not need to come to Limerick, he just needs to analyse the last 18 months of opinion polls that show Labours support as more or less static”. Fine Gael have increased in support, and I fear that the working class people of Ireland will move to other Left wing partys in order to ensure better representation.” Added Cllr walsh.

“ Perhaps it is true that certain sections of the Labour Party are out of touch with working class people because of the cosy circumstances that they have found themselves in, this shall not deter me from trying my hardest to represent what I see as the failings of Irish Politics”.

Regarding Rabbitte’s claims that there is not enough intereference in Local affairs by national politicians, Walsh claims that elements within the higher echelons of the Labour party have drastically overstepped the line in an attempt to influence the outcome of Limericks mayoral election last June. “What happened in June was disgusting, there were attempts made to interfere with peoples future possible livelihoods in a direct attempt to secure a mayoralty for one individual, and by anyone’s standards, this is wholly unacceptable”

Added to this, The Labour Party has expressed a view that more power should be given to Local Authorities under its “New Councils” policy document. How this squares up to Rabbittes latest comments is beyond my comprehension. Local Councillors are supposed to run the City, without fear or Favour and to make the best decisions on behalf of the people.

It must be pointed out that I have never voted against my Party in the Council, the only person to vote against the Labour Party is Mayor Leddin. He did this when he voted against Cllr. James Houlihan contrary to a signed agreement, which would have seen a Labour Candidate as deputy Mayor.

Rabbittes assertion that the current unrest in Limerick Labour is purely a “personality conflict” shows his outright lack of vision and leadership skills. If deputy rabbitte had bothered to come near me or my other council colleagues, We would have told him exactly what the differences are. I have always said that I have no problem with the appointment of Joe Leddin as Jan O Sullivan’s parliamentary assistant, it was the ham-fisted methodology of the appointment that got under the nose of many long serving Labour members.

I am absolutely baffled by Deputy Rabbittes continued intereference in local matters. I cannot understand the reasoning behind this personal attack, or the concentrated effort that Deputy Rabbitte and others are putting into to this dispute. I believe that Labours efforts should be concentrating on vote getting and policy issues rather than castigating a local councillor

author by The parishpublication date Thu Aug 03, 2006 01:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I am one of your consitituents Kieran, when exactly will you be calling?. We haven't seen you since last election, actually come to think of it we didn't see you then either. Where I live is your working class audience the biggest section in your ward. I would assume in the last election you still got the largest party political vote there(obviously John Gilligan topped you but he is independent) however I'm sorry but I don't see you working for those votes.
Oh yeah Rabbitte did visit the creche recently- maybe you were along that day.
Forget the internal bickering and start showing some fresh insights please.

author by Green Inkpublication date Thu Aug 03, 2006 01:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

... you should really be rallying behind your leader in public and addressing criticisms to him privately. This kind of internecine nonsense is what discredits a potential alternative government. Just look at the comment above Kieran. You're probably a bit young to be shooting across the bow for leadership anyway, but for goodness sake leave the scalps 'til after an election? Or you might find yourself holding your own? Voters aren't interested in parties that indulge in petty bickering even if you feel that bickering is warranted.

author by Seán Ryanpublication date Thu Aug 03, 2006 01:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Kieran, tis me, that rambling and moaning bloke you've talked to here, on the odd occasion or two.

I'd not worry too much about being out of sorts with Mr. Rabbitte. He is where your party is headed and that the two of you have issues, I see as a good thing. I don't know your history as a politician, and I haven't checked you out for fear that I might end up disliking you (I'd not worry too much about this - I dislike most politicians). Anyway, I think Mr. Rabbitte is 'making his move,' he's virtually assured of having a top job come next election and he's setting the scene. He doesn't want to appear like the current muppet in charge - afraid to confront party members ('I don't want to see heads roll"). He's getting some practice in, by trying to whip a local Councillor rather than tackle an established td. Gotta start small before you can tackle bigger fish.

The fact that you don't understand the why of his attack on you points in the direction I'm aiming at. And it makes it harder to fight back too, and thus all but assures his victory.

I'd advise you to leave the Party, to become an independent. Hit Pat in a fashion similar to the way he's hitting you. It'll build your profile and diminish his. Whereas, if you stay and make up, you'll always be seen as someone who fell into line when told to do so. Your profile diminishes, and Mr. Rabbitte will be seen as someone who, when he tells folk to jump, they do so.

Couple the above point of view with this: Mr. Rabbite expects to be in a powerful job come next election. However, people in this country are beginning to wake up - you might have noticed. We see Mr. Rabbitte for what he is. He'd sell his soul for the top job and his friends just for the fun of it. He's no better than anyone in FF or the PD's and would behave no differently in government. This is the great pity about Labour. It's changed - it's not changing or in the process of doing so.

New Labour is here, and old Labour is dead. This is a pity, because there are lots of good people in Labour, who are currently foundering and confused, because they cannot accept that the Party is in it's death throes.

There is another alternative, but it aint easy; convince the Party that Mr. Rabbite is 'dead weight' and jettison him and his lackeys. Then convince the rest of the Party that the only way forward, ie. getting elected next time round, is to not form a pact with FG. Form the pact with Independents. Enda is from Mayo, methinks the Rossport 5 are going to have a big impact on Enda's future, what with him favouring a foreign and parasitic multi-national before his own people. FG are on the way down, and it won't be pretty. Look at some of the Health Proposals these idiots have come up with during the last year. Check out they way they talked, and then voted with regard to the new law on Statutory Rape and how it misses completely filling the hole it was legislated to take care of. Labour were not too far behind in this - however, Brendan showed at least, that not everyone in Labour is brain dead at this current time.

Scary stuff huh?


author by Joe S.publication date Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Looks like good old Uncle Pat has brought a bit of democratic centralism...er.... I mean centralism with him from his old USI, Official Sinn Fein, SFWP, WP, New Agenda, DL days. I mean Kieran you are a member of the Labour Party aren't you. Put forward a motion to your conference and get it passed, then you can tackle Uncle Pat. I've no time for people who piss inside the tent.

author by Ex-stickpublication date Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Boy did that gang really take Old Labour for a ride. A bunch of ambitious, principle-free, chiefs, bereft of any indians, just land in the poor Labour nest and gobble all around them. To think that so many naive Labourites expected a healthy influx of committed activists. As they now realise, most of the grassroots people had long departed and all that was left in DL when it merged with Labour was the TD's and a small coterie of upper middle class liberals.

Maybe I exagerate: they did retain one principle from their stickie days: 'Your job is to obey orders, not ask questions'. Maybe it was all a cunning plot by Sean Garland to destroy the Labour Party by sending his agents into the enemy castle (not that theres anything much waiting outside the gates given the current state of the geriatric North Korea Friendship Club that is the WP).

So Kieran, Declan, etc etc you are welcome to Pat 'I gave the money back to Dunlop' Rabbitte, Kathleen 'If Sean Garland sez its true den I believe Sean Garland' Lynch, Eric 'Guttie Boy' Byrne, John 'Palestinians, never heard of them' McManus, Proinsias 'Can't mention my horrible history coz I sued the Indo' De Rossa etc.

author by Sheepstealerpublication date Fri Aug 04, 2006 14:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Cllr. Walsh,

In my opinion, you should go independent and advise the other two councillors on Limerick City Council to do likewise and forget about your so-called 'leader' Pat Rabbitte (Ná bac leis). I mean what sort of a leader in the run up to a general election visits a county and doesn't bother his arse contacting his party's locally elected representatives in the area. Why an earth would anyone be bothered staying in a party that had such a leader?

The 'Mullingar Accord' is the final nail in the coffin for the 'Labour' Party, who have clearly forgotten their roots. Why don't the 'Labour' Party just come clean and do what they clearly want to do now and merge with Fine Gael (Irish Labour Party, R.I.P.).

Cllr. Walsh get out now, before there is another name change and the word 'Labour' is dropped from the party's title, for without a doubt, the party you joined originally is not the same one that is in operating today.

Go independent.

Slán agus beannacht Dé leat.

author by Kpublication date Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Kieran Walsh attacks Mullingar Accord in this Daily Ireland article


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