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Globalise Resistance bulletin

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Tuesday July 09, 2002 15:46author by Nora Geraghty and Joe Carolan - Globalise Resistance Report this post to the editors

The weekly GR bulletin, with a range of events and reports.

1. Meeting, Tuesday 9th July
2. Burlington court cases
3. Fundraiser, Temple Bar Music Centre, 17th July
4. Jail the Ansbacher gang
5. Report on the European Social Forum meeting
6. Bogus website
7. Save the Dun Laoghaire and Blackrock baths

1. Meeting, Tuesday 9th July.

Professor Arturo Escobar of the Dept of Anthropology, University of North
Carolina, USA, is in Dublin for the next few days. He will be speaking on the issues of GLOBALISATION, DEVELOPMENT and the INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS on these processes, particularly as they affect Latin America. He will be speaking at Wynn's Hotel, Middle Abbey St on Tues 9th July at 7pm. All welcome.

2. Burlington court cases.

Wednesday 10th July, 10am, Old Richmond Courthouse, Nth. Brunswick st.

Last October 14 people were arrested under the Public Order Act while taking part in a peaceful protest. This was in clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the relevant parts of which are set out below. This Wednesday 10th July, 10 of them must face charges in court. We ask anyone who has the time to come and support them by holding a vigil outside the court and letting the police know that we find this unacceptable, and that we call for the Public Order Act to be scrapped.

Excerpts from an eyewitness report:

The protest was called by GR against the 2nd Global Summit on Public Private Partnerships (PPP), where international corporate delegates banqueted with ministers of finance from countries leading the way in neo-liberal privatisation of public services. The banquet was held in the exclusive Southside Burlington Hotel. The conference was endorsed by the Irish minister for Finance, Charlie Mc Creevy, in a move which many Irish activists interpreted as a statement of intent that the control was preparing for a huge new wave of privatisations in the airports, buses, rail, health and education.

Many groups were at the protest- the Dublin Anti-Bin charges campaign, opposing double taxation and privatisation of refuse services; the Bus workers Action Group, a rank and file trade union network that has led strikes on the capital's buses for proper funding of public transport, water service workers from Ballymun (with placards parodying the old Irish rebel song: Not even our rivers run free), Globalise Resistance, the Green Party, the Socialist Workers Party, the anarchist Workers Solidarity Movement and Joe Higgin's Socialist Party.

After 20 minutes of a sit down protest, the Superintendent instructed those sitting down, that unless they moved within one minute, they would be forcibly removed. Within 30 seconds, a group of six Gardai, with numbers removed, jumped forward and began beating protestors on the head with hard, wooden batons. A senior cop was shouting "Into them hard", the baton charge was designed to terrify and punish.

As the protestors regrouped, reinforcements in paddy wagons arrived. The Dublin police helicopter was brought in overhead, and members of the Special Branch (the Irish political police) arrived in plainclothes and unmarked cars. Now strengthened, they launched a second baton attack, this time beating demonstrators out onto the busy main road and making 9 forcible arrests. Dublin was now witnessing a full-blown police riot.

As we began moving away, I witnessed one of the most horrific police actions I have personally seen, even compared to Genoa and Melbourne. A snatch squad of about ten luminous jacketed cops ran, charging at the march from behind, with the wooden batons over their heads. People were lashed into indiscriminately.

They were acting in a very organised, political and violent way. They arrested key organisers, an Indymedia video camera activist, and my friend Rory Hearne, past President of Trinity College Dublin. Rory was arrested by about four huge cops who were beating him all over his body. One cop was choking him from behind with his baton. Blood was pumping out of his head. His friends, who were holding him and asking why he was being arrested, were also batoned, punched and told to "fuck away off!" I turned and saw the SWP's Richard Boyd Barrett being punched and kicked by two cops. An Austrian socialist, Thomas, had his head split open and was covered in blood. He would later be hospitalised, after being arrested, for over an hour and a half.

The use of this snatch squad was highly political, it was aimed at organisers of both the SWP and GR. The 16 prisoners have now been given bail at £150 each.

Full eyewitness reports at:


Following are some excerpts from the Universal Declaration of human rights adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948. The entire declaration is too long to reproduce here, so only the parts relevant to this case are quoted. However we recommend that anyone who has an interest in civil rights should read the entire document at the link given below.

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous
acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world
in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom
from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common


Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this
Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,

Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to
equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any
discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to
such discrimination.

Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right
includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive
and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of

Article 20.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

Article 21.
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country,
directly or through freely chosen representatives.

Full declaration at:


3. Fundraiser, Temple Bar Music Centre, 17th July

Globalise Resistance will be holding a fundraiser to help with the fines which may be faced by those who were arrested at the Burlington under the Public Order Act. The final line-up will be confirmed in next week’s bulletin, but so far we have confirmed the following acts:

King Sativa.
The Happy City Samba School.
DJ Paddy Dempsey, (Mono, Eyewobble).

It should be a good night, hope to see you all there.

4. Jail the Ansbacher gang.

There is to be a special sitting of the Dail on Thursday, 11th July, to discuss the Ansbacher affair. There is to be a protest at the gates at 5pm. The protest has been called by the SWP but all groups and individuals are welcome to participate and bring banners and placards. GR support this protest fully. We know that hundreds of business people have been evading tax, but the Government is already saying that it will be too difficult to prosecute them, clearly indicating that there is one law for the rich and another for the poor.

What’s robbing a bank compared to owning one?

5. Report on last weeks ESF meeting, 2nd July 2002.

The European Social Forum runs from the 7th-10th November 2002, in Florence, Italy, with a demonstration in support of immigrants organised for the 6th, the day before the Forum begins. On Tuesday 2nd July the first meeting to mobilise an Irish contingent for this event was held in the Teachers Club.

A broad group of people came together on Tuesday last to discuss mobilising for the European Social Forum. At a glance around the room the variety was encouraging. Apart from Globalise Resistance (who organised the meeting) the attendance included members of the Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Labour Party, Green Party, SIPTU, the NUJ, the Irish Anti-War Movement and the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Group. What was even more encouraging was that as the meeting went on it became apparent that we were in agreement with each other for the most part, and that those points on which there was some dissension were not going to get in the way of our common enthusiasm for the European Social Forum and all it represents to us.
The meeting kicked off at around 7.45pm with Joe Carolan speaking of the need to bring together the different strands of the global movement in the spirit of the World Social Forum, which took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in February. 60,000 people came together at Porto Alegre to discuss how best to organise against the corporations that are wrecking our public services and our planet, how to tackle the third world debt and how to combat the desperate inequality that is being created by neo-liberal economic policies around the world.
In the aftermath of this meeting it was decided that, as many Europeans could not afford to go to Brazil, a European version should be held in Florence, Italy, where the Anti-Capitalist Movement is very strong. In preparation for this event two huge halls have been booked, each with a capacity to hold 9000 people, and 24 smaller rooms each with a capacity for 2-3000.
In the mornings there will be huge conferences focusing on issues such as fascism and the rise of the right-wing throughout Europe; war and the struggle for peace; refugees and human rights abuses, and environmental issues. In the late afternoons there will be public demonstrations on a range of issues and in the evenings there will be cultural events, world music and showing of films. The European Social Forum will run from the 7th to the 10th of November 2002.
The discussion was slow to begin, but when it did it was lively and interesting with many people speaking eloquently about their ideas and concerns. All seemed to agree that the time has come for us to unite under the banner of a broad movement and fight against the forces that are wrecking our world, and that in order to do that it will be necessary for us to put aside minor differences and open up a dialogue between left-wing groups, environmentalists, trade unions, peace activists and concerned individuals.
The only real point of dissension was the Nice Treaty, as many people take very different standpoints on this for their own reasons. However, it was agreed that whatever your opinion on the treaty, the issues involved will soon become live issues in Ireland as the second referendum is scheduled for the autumn.

The main focus of this meeting, of course, was to organise a planning strategy for bringing together groups and individuals, getting the word out there, organising sponsorship, transport and accommodation. Volunteers were soon found to do the various jobs which need to be done, and it was agreed that another meeting should be held in about a months time to see how far we’ve come.
We fervently hope that the next meeting will attract a much bigger crowd, and that we can go to the European Social forum in November as a large Irish contingent. It has to be said that Ireland is lagging far behind some of its European neighbours when it comes to mobilising large numbers of people against the wrongs being inflicted on them and their brothers and sisters in other countries. Perhaps the European Social Forum can provide a focus which we in Ireland can use to work together and to learn to tolerate our traditional differences with a view to presenting real opposition to our common enemies.
Related link: www.worldsocialforum.org

6. Bogus website.

The website www.globaliseresistance.com was advertised at the Glastonbury Festival. This site has nothing to do with our organisation. The site opposes abortion rights and includes many offensive pictures, supposedly of aborted
foetuses. It is maintained by the UK Life League, an organisation with links to loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland and to violent anti-abortion groups in the US.

We believe that opposing capitalism and neo-liberalism must mean fighting for women's liberation, including a woman's right to control her own fertility. Most people support abortion rights - 77% agree with the need for legal abortion, and every attack on the 1967 Abortion Act has failed.

Because anti-abortionists have so little public support, they can only gain publicity by devious and shocking tactics like this. We ask people not to go to the site to check it out. You will only add to their Internet traffic, give them the impression they have an audience and encourage this devious behaviour yet further.

Our members put enormous effort into taking forward the rights of ordinary people. We find it deeply offensive that our name is being misused to promote revolting material in this dishonest way.

We are consulting solicitors to investigate ways of closing down this site, and preventing the continued misuse of our name.

7. Save the Dun Laoghaire and Blackrock baths.
Sunday August 11th. Assemble Front Gates of the Peoples Park at 2pm.

Like so many public sites, amenities and services the Dun Laoghaire and Blackrock public sea baths are a target for privatisation by developers. The council closed the baths a number of years ago and have let them fall into a state of disrepair because they want to sell them off to their friends in business. In particular there was a widespread fear that more luxury apartments would be built on the sites as has happened on much of the seafront in recent years.

However, there has been a fantastic campaign of resistance to this. Last year a local campaign group the Dun Laoghaire Heritage and Renewal Campaign in conjunction with GR organised a march and carnival that saw over 600 people take to the streets calling for the baths to be re-opened as a public amenity. (This is probably one of the biggest marches ever to take place in Dun Laoghaire!)

As a result of this action and thousands of signatures that were collected and handed into the council, the council have recently agreed that apartments should not be built on the site of Dun Laoghaire Baths and that some sort of amenity should be maintained there. This is an important victory for people power. However, the council are still talking about developing the site under a so-called Public Private Partnership. As we know this is another word for privatisation and will mean the baths will be developed as an exclusive amenity available only to those who can pay hefty admission costs or annual membership fees. The baths are loved by local people precisely because they were public and open to all. There is huge support for the baths to be kept fully public.

To secure the future of these public amenities from the hands of greedy developers another day of action is being organised on Sunday August 11th at 2pm starting from the Peoples Park in Dun Laoghaire. Last years event was brilliant with a huge march, music, face painting, street theatre, food etc. And it had an effect. If we can do as well and better this year , this is a fight we can win. The council is under pressure and there is massive opposition to any privatisation.

This is a fight against GATS and the Neo-liberal agenda at a local level and connects the global movement to a real issue that effects ordinary people. We appeal to all those who want to join the protest or help/contribute in anyway to the day to come along on August 11th. We are also looking for music, face-painters and street theatre performance art to make it a good day out. Anyone interested in helping contact Heather at 087-2859141 or come to the planning meeting on Thursday July 25th at 8pm in Smyths Pub, Georges St, Dun Laoghaire. Please come along.

The bulletin committee,
Nora G. + Joe C.

author by King Mobpublication date Tue Jul 09, 2002 17:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

>The website www.globaliseresistance.com was >advertised at the Glastonbury Festival. This >site has nothing to do with our organisation.
>Our members put enormous effort into taking >forward the rights of ordinary people. We find >it deeply offensive that our name is being >misused to promote revolting material in this >dishonest way.
>We are consulting solicitors to investigate ways >of closing down this site, and preventing the >continued misuse of our name.

I'm sure GR just luuuuv those anti gatt and anti wto sites, y'know the ones that satirize and mock those organisations.

You can give it but you can't take it?

Would we be having this debate if it was a McDonalds piss take website? Er no. Your hyprocricy is stinking up the place.

I'm not defending abortion or the content of this site, but seems to me, if it was someone else you'd defend and approve of this cybersquatting. Handing this over to soliciters is the kind of tactic a corporation would use; and the kind of thing you'd rush to condemn, and cry out to support the behaviour of the squatters.

Food for thought.

author by aunty partypublication date Tue Jul 09, 2002 17:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"We believe that opposing capitalism and neo-liberalism must mean fighting for women's liberation, including a woman's right to control her own fertility. Most people support abortion rights - 77% agree with the need for legal abortion, and every attack on the 1967 Abortion Act has failed. "

oops guys. there is no 1967 abortion act. oh yeah, there is one. IN THE UK!!!! you just copied that bit from a GR UK bulletin. we all know that, while GR in wreland is a genuine group of people from different groups, GR UK = SWP. take a look at indymedia uk for more info. can't ye at least look at what you're typing onto an irish newswire?

and you're going to sue? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. well first of all *you* are not going to sue, the uk swp are going to sue. second of all isn't that just a tiny bit hypocritical?

viva la revolution ... protection of trademarks today, socialism from below tomorrow.

and how did you pair decide that gr are pro-choice? did you ask your *members*?

author by RED OCTOBER 1917 - Socialist Youthpublication date Tue Jul 09, 2002 19:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Whats the story with the globalise resistance ireland website? Its been down for a while are their any plans to resurrect it?

author by Davepublication date Tue Jul 09, 2002 22:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

GR have formed a rank and file committee to discuss the matter.

author by imcsupporterpublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 09:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

why bother? when they can hijack this website. we repeat again, lads, everybody else posts the URL. why do you think you've the right to freeload the full version of your bulletins on this newswire?

author by blissetpublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 11:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

50% of this site is comments bitching everytime GR post anything - this bitching appears to me to be more in danger of taking over site than GR - why don't the bitchers provide some content - that way GR would take up less space on the wire -

Related Link: http://www.autonomedia.org
author by King Mobpublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 13:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The pisses me off about the behaviour of GR and the SWP, is when criticism is raised of their tactics and behaviour the only thing you get is silence.

Socialist Alternative is set up, issuing it's manifesto criticizing SWP and we get silence from the SWP, unwilling to answer those criticism. Instead anonymous people attack the SA online.

Consistently when people have issues with GR tactics or SWP behaviour, and ask for answers we recieve silence.

How about GR get off their arses and answer some peoples bitches, and start a dialogue, maybe then they're be less criticism of GR around here.

author by Rosepublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 15:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That's bloody right.

author by iosaf mac diarmada (I PSI PHI) - reclaim the streetspublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 15:33author email iosaf at email dot comauthor address Carrer del Codols 23, x Placa George Orwell, Barcelona, 08002, Catalunyaauthor phone 0034 93412 04 30Report this post to the editors

no-one answered a query sent to
[email protected]
this was in answer to a statement made by
"David" which accompanied an Irish mobile telephone number.

I had pointed out that RTS has traditionally been
anti-globalist (Particularly when these terms are used in reference to NEW WORLD ORDER implementation)
anti-car (and thus roads,tarmac production, oil industry, non renewable plastics...)
and I opined anti-TV as well.

I have since been informed that "Globalise Resistance" were the "organisers" of May 6 Y2K2

now it appears not the only "globalise resistance"
oh well anarchists can hardly complain about cybersquating now can they?
The title of my first novel was cybersquatted.
many groups with whom I was active and indeed still am are cybersquatted.

often spooky.

its been happening as long as there has been either a "NET" or trade mark system.

Ponder a while the peculiar Irish Golden Pages.
or research the history of MCDONALDS south Africa.

I and my colleaugues in the Global resistance
movements to global capital, human rights abuses and blaa blaa"
what means a name?
would like to see details of the court appearances on IMC Eire.
if possible.

Otherwise I might have to go peeping internal Irish state records.
and that´s a bore.

Oh you folk would really all be better mobilised in anti-THORP actions and agit-prop.

That was traditionally the priority for Ireland.
after national question debates.

because MOX fuel production endangers the entire population of Earth not just the people who live within the 300km radius of THORP Sellafield.

Plutonium is one of the chief media of terror used by the Global ORder.

Anyway I´ve other things to do now.
-----keep an eye on Ukraine folks.
keep up the good work.

reclaim the streets!
kill your TV!
autonomy begins with self!

----(oh one last postscript I don´t really like the SWMies.
I remember them arriving at a shut THORP die in, (the first) in 1989, and hijacking the event with their damn posters.
Only this year did their local equivalent in Catalúnya realise that such 20th century mobilisation methods don´t really work, nice to see them here now using methods developed by Reclaim the Streets collectives through the 90´s.
but still I hate the idea of a SWM activist being beaten up by four big Gardaí.

anyword on their internal inquiry?
love ye folk!

ná díol cearrach dhubh
ná ceannaigh cearrach dhubh
ná bí gan cearrach dhubh.

Related Link: http://reclaimthestreets.net
author by blissetpublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 15:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

author by DFpublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 16:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In your newsletter GR calls for the jailing of the Ansbacher cheats. This coming from the SWP confirms is reformism. SWP do not call for the nationalisation of the assets of these crooks!

I think SWP should read the Transitional Programme.

The inclusion of Save Dún Laoghaire Baths shows again that GR is a SWP covergroup. The SWP initiated that campaign, why can't you continue to take part in it as the SWP? Why call yourselves GR? I'll tell you why, when you call yourselves the SWP ordinary people run a mile

author by winston smith - MINITRUEpublication date Wed Jul 10, 2002 16:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I was at the THORP demo- and it was 93
the SWP didn't hijack it.
In fact, they organised it.
Patrica Mc Kenna spoke for the Greens as well

author by iosaf mac diarmada - reclaim the streets!publication date Thu Jul 11, 2002 14:52author email iosaf at email dot comauthor address Carrer del Codols 23, x placa george orwell 08002author phone 0034 93 412 0430Report this post to the editors

Yes dudette my address is real.
its the result of years of
surreality and synchronicity.

Placa George Orwell is located in
the Gothic quarter of Barcelona.

named after the author of 1984 and
a internationalist volunteer fighting
the anarchists during the Spanish Civil War.

For the last ten years it has been named
Placa Trippi. (trippy)

Street based Art and agit-prop has given
this area a very special character.

Carrer del Codóls
is a small street leading off Placa G:Orwell/Trippy

Carrer is Catalan for street.
Codóls is Catalan for the small smooth stones
generally found in rivers which are pretty
good for throwing.

My name is real too.
Its anglicisation is Joseph Mc Dermott.
My Irish passport and citizenship
are recorded in Gaelic.

Autonomy begins with self!

is a motto I´ve liked for years.
so play with your name!!

Iosaf mac diarmada =
O AS IF mac diarmada
If Osama Mad IRA cad.

I lived amongst the Italian and spanish Occupation movement for many years in London and Italy, there Iosaf was pronounced,
hence the graffiti tag
where I is the ego :-)
PSI is well psi
and Phi is a mathematical constant associated
with amongst other things spirals.
the point of all this is not
personal agrandisement but
to make the point that all our hermeneutic tags
such as names, addresses, lives
hold significance relating to our individual
experience of autonomy and thus help or hinder
the anarchy we may encourage others to try.

These often involve Game theories, chaos theories, synchronicity and well surreality.

The ethic of Play.

Publishing my real address some think foolish.

True in London 2001 our animals were killed by fascist locals.

But after years and years of this game play.
I am so accustomed to writing peeped, monitered, hacked emails, not receiving my post, telephone being cut off whenever important geo-political types come to town, and bemusing weirdos with or without clothing allowances that well, what is there to hide?

The folk of SWM may have "organised" a protest in 1993 against I seem to recall the development of THORP3, but the "die in" component of the street theatre was not one their suggestions.

that had been born over cups of coffee the day before, between Westmoreland Street Bewley´s and the now extinct Coffee Inn on South Anne Street.

die ins are a cool way of getting the point across.
but they don´t need to be plastered with a partisian political logo.
Sellafield goes much beyond the frankly narrow agenda of SWM.
If they "organised" that protest they did so badly.

Images of that protest formed part of a pre-indymedia.org exhibition which travelled around quite a bit.
I seem to remember some images were shown as part of "Distillations" a exhibiton of contemporary Dublin held at the Garden of Earthly Delights 94?

Some one is sure to remember all this more clearly than I.

They were nice places weren´t they?

O to the Irish Times-----I wrote letters quoting Salust, Seneca and Lou Reed in the wake of the terrorist event of September 11, which here was national Catalan day, and also the day of remembrance for Chile´s Pinochet coup.
focussing on the knee jerk reaction of European states to offer unconditional support to Bush2.

As I wrote the second of those letters, Aznar mobilised the spanish airforce over Catalúnya.
Ahern offered the US use of airbases.

Its a shiboleeth.
I like shiboleeths.

neutrality is important.
very important to Irish Finnish Swedish Swiss
Austrian activists and journalists.

Voting rights for the disporia would be nice too.

I´m just throwing out thoughts.
This morning a multi-national corporation ditched its workers here.
The Trade Union fobbed off the workers, so large union support only exists for a collective demand for payment of salaries which shall for summer holiday reasons not happen till after the corporation files bankruptcy...


Oh but we do get a strike on July23.

I got a job with this company four weeks ago, none of the employees have been paid for two months, nor the social security payments lodged, Its ELT sector, so if any Irish are thinking of coming to BCN to teach Enlish or Anglo-american, think again.
Anarcho-syndicalists though are rising to these new challenges on how to politicise the apolitical to the european reality of corporate labour conditions.
like not getting paid.
not paying your rent.
blaa blaa.
baa baa.
so don´t pay your rent!

I´ll post a coherent thought one of these days.
Grá mhór uaim dhoibh.

A senior Garda once told me I spoke pigeon Irish.
probably right.
I replied that his English was pretty poor too.
probably right.

OH the Norwegians and Manx are very into closing THORP.

Track that fuel folks.

think about the British Irish council.
strand 3 Peace Process.

and nice to see new photos on Eire IMC.

Related Link: http://reclaimthestreets.net
author by iosaf - rtspublication date Thu Jul 11, 2002 15:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

just reading over

made the crappy mistake of
saying that
Orwell fought the anarchists.
he didn´t.
he got on very well with them.
and yes
loads of others fought as well.
each other.

one of the curious things about BCN
history and how it is carried, are
the bullet holes where Franco´s soldiers
shot the Catalans.

They line approaches to the cathedral.

but what interests me are the bullet holes not behind the point where were those heads and hearts but the stray holes further up the walls which signify possibly the last moment change of heart or conscientious objection (?) of the some of the soldiers of the firing squad.

if ever you are in Barcelona visit
Placa Felip Neary next to the cathedral.
there are fine agit-prop murals and grafitti, the bullet holes and a line drawn on the ground where stood those firing squads.
But generally the tourists just walk on by and that is that.
they just walk by.
that is that.
they just walk by.

author by Badmanpublication date Thu Jul 11, 2002 15:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Where can I get some of dem drugs dude?

author by blissetpublication date Thu Jul 11, 2002 18:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I was there and I know exactly who came up with the die in - dundalk born bred swp member - sorry all u bitches - but that's the way it was

author by King Mobpublication date Thu Jul 11, 2002 22:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Another day another contemptable silence from GR/SWP...

If you don't even have the balls to debate the criticisms from your own side I can't really see any of you cowardly revolutionaries storming the walls of oppression

Again the SWP and GR show they are only worthy of contempt.

I'll keep posting this comment to all your fucking posts Joe until you engage your "comrades" in debate.

author by redpublication date Fri Jul 12, 2002 00:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

show off!

author by iosaf=O AS IF - RTSpublication date Mon Jul 15, 2002 15:29author email ipsiphi23 at email dot comauthor address Codols 23, BCN 08002 Catalunyaauthor phone 0034 93 412 04 30Report this post to the editors

I wasn´t showing off about the novel, the presence of an account of transvestite nun group sex on the internet at the address some thought to find my novel has caused misunderstanding for me for several years.
The book has been distributed in various media and lengths for years and so becomes a trail of clues for those into to it to follow.

93 was fun enough said.
SWM are a waste of fundraising cash.
I very seriously doubt, the one person origin of protest ideas ever.
though I am willing to concede this point, 1993 was a year of great import to many people in Ireland, and I am guilty of prioritising my memories of that year.

dem drugs were placed on open sale in Ireland that year of 93 too actually.
and for others recipes can be found on the net, look particulalry at the files of Sandos corporation.
1988 Mr Shulgin and his wife....
there are over 650 variations on the long molecule.
shit I´m going into bad poetry again.
though its not the worst of sins.

and your still a dudette!
Dundalk born indeed.
to think people there could be inticed by SWM...

Related Link: http://www.cnt.es
author by blissetpublication date Thu Jul 18, 2002 16:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Have tried in past to deprogram my evil swp twin with no joy

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