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Comments (13 of 13)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Well there goes me breakfast.
Normally I don't eat breakfast - specifically because stuff like this has a habit of appearing on Indy early in the morning - I shoulda cut out the middleman and just flushed the muesli down the toilet to begin with.
Looks like our 'leaders' are waking up and smelling the coffee doesn't it, what with the Fianna Fail backbenchers suddenly realising that there's such things as elections.
Too late shitheads.
Here's a prediction.
Party politics are about to become a thing of the past, an historic anomaly and embarrasment. If not before the next elections, then before the following elections.
Independants are constantly aware of their political mortality.
Bring the Gods down!
Come on make your comments without resorting to cheap insults like "shithead" you can do better.
It really ought to have read
The Love that dare not speak its name
For as we know its pride day in Dublin, and we don't really get much more proud than this pair of Progressive Democrat snoggers. But is it love??????????¿?
I think the relationship between the powerful big swinging mickey & the slightly more powerful Mammy & Granny Harney is not really about love at all, its about P-o-w-e-r-g-a-m-e-s.
I'm tempted to throw my tumbler and play the game as well to mark this historic public display of loveless affection.
Here's what we do....
We're going to send copies of this photo to Mrs Mc Dowell.
Uugggghh!!! This is surely the most obscene photo I've seen this week right enough, and I thought nothing could get as bad as the Dublin Pride photos! - were Harney & McDowell on the Dublin Pride march as well?? Will we now see more photos of them having cosy get togethers in hotels and snogging in the corner or worse! Surely, there must be rules against this sort of carry on from members of Leinster House? Is there no limit to the depths people will sink to, to cling-on to power and themselves?
Dia ár sábháil!
did your husband (known affectionately as big swinging mickey) measure up on the powerplay?
whose idea was it?
whose credit card was used to pay the unicorn restaurant?
the PD card? did the trustees aprove?
the Mc dowell card? or did Mary Harney accumulate enough butter vouchers from the health board?
some of you may want to reach out the hand of comfort to mrs mc dowell. Tell her everyone knows Mary Harney is a jeezabel, but the photograph ought not be a source of shame, detailed computer modelling based on the known dimensions of both PD ministers assuring that mc Dowell was not actually making labial contact. The Irish Independent photographer was really only recording a peck on the cheek, an ample peck for an ample cheek, and then the editor of the Irish Independent approved a cheeky front page on the global internet not to get chins wagging but rather confirm something.
that something being that neither PD minister in their P.D.of Affection though PROUD is gay. Dont worry Mrs!
This last week saw Stephen Sackur of the BBC World Service TV program "Hard talk" do Mary Harney.
& he really did do her.
I liked it so much I watched in on telly at 05h00 GMT three times in a row. I really liked how Sackur treated her and suggested "the irish people want some european leftism & are sick of your American liberalism". Also listening to her gurggle about Michael's ambition was quite something.
Best regards to the researchers!
you can read about it & watch it clicking on the video link here :-
so scroll up the page & look at the photo.
the blonde man is the leader of the PD's as of today. The woman with the ample cheek he's pecking is the ex-leader of the PD's.
She came to prominence because she was the only woman in FF who wasn't charmed by Haughey & preferred O Malley.
Though a convent educated type she now lives in mortal sin because she facilitated stem cell & embryonic research & is not a regular mass goer.
& He's a racist.
They were both the worst ministers for Justice & Health your state ever had.
That kiss was their way of saying they were "in charge".
We still don't know whose credit card was used to pay the restaurant bill - the Mc dowell card, the Harney card or the PD trustee card.
I'm still asking you to send Mrs Mc dowell copies of the picture.
& now you could spice up your ever under-appreciated bitchy cruel type of political activism by sending Mary Harney copies of the picture too.
worked compiling a reort for the Dept of Health and Children under Micheal Martin.
to My Knowledge the report was published but never implemented.
she uses her maiden name. (touching phrase)
I would just like to ping this article and photograph. I've not been involved in the general election campaign of the last weeks but I did produce over 170,000 words in the last 5 years which were aimed at attacking Mc dowell.
Last weekend John Waters in the Irish Times was quite correct in his analysis of the Irish electorate and lumpen public. No man of such towering teflon stature as Bertie "international statesman" Ahern was going to be written off so lightly. the government wins elections so at end the best any reader of indymedia ireland could have hoped for in regime change was the castration of big swinging mickey mc dowell . It appears the tallymen of Eire concur we have seen destroyed the Progressive Democrats, a party whose presence was never essential to the good governance of Ireland. In some ways the Ahern brothers' management and prevention of implosion has worked, since that day when the backbenchers of FF walked on the taoiseach's office a good deal of the weakest deputies chose not to run again & the others just waited.
I suggest that anyone who is disheartened by the government's victory reflect on our true moment of triumph. I for one have now realised that the photograph above really does need to be sent to the Diamond of Dublin's D6 offices of Mc Dowell. hasta la vista!
in order to 're-form.'
'Reform' is a word that has occupied Mary Harney's website for quite some time.
This making making frontpage I.T this morning, the party is considered 'rudderless'.
quick re-cap for future exams;-
1.Mc Dowell ousted Harney.
2. Mc Dowell Lost his seat.(last elections)
3.Harney became leader and still is.
4.Mostly the party faithful have absconded necessitating new rules which state that
you no longer have to be a councillor or TD to be 'leader'.
5. O Malley's child has been interviewed by the Gardai and her former work partner
too , over planning irregularities on an arts centre. the investigation is apparently
ongoing in the case of Ms O Malley's partner.
6. Ms Harney has vowed to'stay on' until a suitable replacement is found, through
senate or youth groups (one presumes)
Mr mc Kay- the writer of the letter on 'dissolution', has managed the front page of the
Times (whose editor was once a proud PD). TD. he cites media negativity as part of
the problem.
PD's are hi-jacking the National Airwaves with councillors throwing their weight behind Mc Kay;
they are running on anti-corruption and sleaze, following from Mc Dowell's stated 'watchdog'
FF propensities....
Enda also tried this one- they'll all be putting on the white suits and running on anti-corruption,
which cleverly hides the fact that the prisons and hospitals under the Stewardship of
Harney and Mc Dowell are run-down and ripe for privatisation- which was always their policy.
Anti-corruption is not a platform and Enda Kenny's attempts to utilise the committee on
the protection referenndum were both Low and off-target.
Political processes in the Dail set up by FF/PD have a habit of being ongoing, including the
setting up of the tribunals and select or cross-party committees, all of them were set up in
response to some issue or other and all were facilitated by both FG and PD parties at
Parliamentary level. I saw Enda Kenny in the run-up to the election on his mobile
arranging a lightening visit to the Beaumont for a photo-shoot (probably with PR) , and yet
his typical response within the Dail chamber hovered around bi-partisanship or weak amendments
to FF/PD legislations.
if the PD's are honest about looking at the problems they would begin on how their health
and justice policies have not alone endangered lives but have resulted in deaths and
the complete buckling of the health-care system-but we get casual spin and empty policy
platforms based in sleaze that they perceptibly supported until it no longer suited.
[will add in links on health policy and prison reports].
Did anybody watch Vincent Browne last night (TV3). Nell McCafferty was a breath of fresh air. It was different to the boring Questions and Answers on RTE 1.
Nell made a scathing but remarkable comment in relation to Mary Harney, Minister for Chaos in the Health system. Nell's words were that 'this Minister can do anything she wants. She can make mistakes that have led to the deaths of vulnerable people in our Hospitals. Her CV on chaos is endless and yet as Nell said - she just cannot be sacked and for once in the history of the State, Vincent Browne had no answer just a wry smile.
To add To the comments of Dissolver - one of Senator O'Malley's PD ex partners (probably PD) is a legend in D4. This man evolved from a Door man in Dromoland Castle and now is targetted at ousting Sean Dunne as the new Squire of D4. Even the Gardai are puzzled. He drives around with two boxers in the back seat wearing his pint parisienne shirts and Gucci watch - rumours are that he is going to head the PD's in a new direction - Where I don't know?
I will end now by saying - this morning's comment by a senior PD member to dissolve the party (PD's) and get out of Government now means in any democracy, Mary Harney's position as Minister is unsustainable in any democracy.
I come from Galway - the incident that the Dissolver talks about relates to a certain planning application involving allegedly O'Malley, will be covered up - I assure you and the case will end with the only suspects - the two boxers in the porche 4 wheel drive.
K.T. Walsh
Self appointed Chairman of Ireland's New Disney World - sorry I meant Irish politics.
The first Independent TD to hold a ministerial position in the history of the state! Isn't she great?
Of course Warty Harney has been an independent TD since the last Election when the party imploded under the leadership of the far right Big Swinging Mickey Mc Dowell who you can see exchanging coldsores and HPV with Harney in the photo up this page.
surely worth a ping.
if not a tingle.