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John Carty......Shockingly, I hear there is a delay to the findings of the Bar Trinbunal
international |
rights, freedoms and repression |
Monday June 19, 2006 16:15 by Michelle Clarke - Two Tier health system......Who has the Power? Are we forming an underclass!!!

Why? Is it strategic or is it Shame?
I am asking the question because of the outright inadequacy of mental health services and integrationist services to cater for the needs of people with health problems particularly mental health problems.....
I recall an Irish Penal Reform Trust meeting.....a Forensic Psychiatrist and his wise words about mental health definititions. The categories of say bipolar equate the same in the outside world and within the hospital implying that a lot of what is termed Psychiatric are in fact social problems. I have written an 18 page essay dealing with this topic over two centuries.
Anxiety can take you by the throat if you suffer from what is named episodic........Listen to your patients and fight for the funding to provide an adequate medical service and perhaps have less people walking the streets and begging............I have heard that if you have mental health problems in the US, you are 4 times more likely to be shot by the police....
Where is the Barr Tribunal Report......What is holding it up? Why was John Carty show. Where were the social services and the doctors.......
The Morris Tribunal has reported. Let's clearn up the act and hear what Mr. Justice Barr has to say.....
Patients together and others. Enclose us in the roll for funding and services that involve dignity and respect.
Recent articles by Michelle Clarke
Funds please from Criminal Assets Bureau for a worthwhile cause....tho... 4 comments
America, they refer to the Underclass.
Medical Services in Ireland are harnassed by the divide - you pay or you don't.......therein is the obscurity as to how to have hope and get the best treatment.....
I note Patient's Together are mobilising to challenge Professor Drumm and the HSE scandal of overcrowding in Accident and Emergency.
I am hearing too much about suicide. I am encountering a degree of medical arrogance that I can no longer accept. I wonder have people experienced similar problems.
We are not hearing about all the suicides.....i.e. those involving the Luas for example or the out of the ordinary number in Finglas at the moment.
What is the system saying......Are they confining us to no Hope and the undersclass category.
I did some voluntary work in Zimbabwe. Those infected were women and children. The word respect and dignity were core. I don't receive the same as a mental health patient in my own a public community health centre.
Let us change Attitudes and let us mobilise through Indymedia to do something about Mental Health and ancillary health problems (my case acquired brain injury) and seek the services that are provided in countries like Germany. The time has come to stop the professionals and their self seeking research......
I ask people to consider this. I ask people to mobilise via Indymedia. I ask for Transparency and Accountability at publicly provided health services for people who need hope. This is a letter I have wrriten to the Health Reform Centre and to politicians and journalists!!!!
Mental Health is about stigma.......Suicide and mental health are closely linked. Ogra Shinn Fein and so many others are targeting suicide but really, from personal experience, a back drop of community health services with no financial charges are required to deal with the multiplicity that forms mental health and this includes addictions of all kinds........It includes our young people.........This is a public health problem but we have a situation in Ireland presently sanction by a money grabbing greedy government, of associations/charities who raise funds by activities like Balls, Running etc. This is fine but let's get real, we are talking about a public health crisis and the need for consistency and initiative for all people.................
Please add to this........Mental health gains a fraction of the funds of Medicine.
This is a knowledge economy apparently. The computer is a tool that assists me cope with Acquired Brain Injury; it lets me comprehend at my speed versus a quick in our visit to a doctor.......The lask diagnosis from a consultant was Chronic Fatigue was the science magazine via the internet that explained what it meant.....
Wake up time and patients don't be put down. Your health and the doctors opinion is a genesis!!!!!! or should be....
Reform.....What nonense if the professionals you employ are so non motivated. Public Doctors are concerned about their private practice and money.......and registrars......well my personal experience is frightening. Why can you not come up with some form of ready reckoner and grant system so that people with me with acquired brain injury and bipolar and anxiety and chronic fatigue system can have complete progressive community services rather than a situation like Baggot Street that says welcome to illness and welcome to the Underclass. A young woman, when I gained sufficient energy to walk there, gave me a heart, an option, and true concern at the Citizens Advice Bureau in Adelaide Road.....
I am not racist but I expect to be treated with dignity.
I expect to be consulted about medicine alteration after 6 years on the same psychiatric dose......I don't expect to be told on a Friday and to have his instruction to the Pharmacist who knows me for 6 years basically 'I am boss and do as I say'
My anxiety has gone through the sky, I am not sleeping, the violent headaches are back and also I am back to vomiting on the street - I have no control ..... I cannot eat.....My family are way and my relationship over.
They say Monday visit him.....but since I am part of the underclass forming in Ireland i won't be listened to.
You all comment about suicide.......(I suggest you look at your practices......Suicide is rampant but public services could only make you think what is the point!!!!!
Have commitment and try doing something for people, treating them with dignity; look to the Germans, the Swedes, the Poles etc.......We see so ignorant in this country and this is not helped by the very low percentage of funds contributed by Government. Listen to your service users also.
Please direct this as follow:
Dr. Hillery
Dr. Owens, Mental Health Commission
Dr. Jim Maguire Consultant Psychiatrist North Eastern Health Board (a man of vision)
Mr. Enda Kenny (Focus on Suicide)
Mr. Connolly (IAS)
Mr. Gerry Adams (Focus on suicide)
Geraldine Clare, Aware
Try Mind in the UK for innitiave. I spoke with an Artist from Ireland who works with them and therapy.
I have had enough. I presented details of over 5 pages of my health history because of the various impacts from hearing to sight, mental illness, to anxiety, acquired brain injury to no short term memory....I pushed myself beyond capacity and ended up with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome alsso. None of the consultants even in the prviate are intergrationist....the fight is yours........
They did not need it and I can go so far as to say I was even mocked about my neurosis........and focus on the past. I tried to explain that depressionn was under control but that my motivation had lots of plans and no energy. I suggested a PA for an Hour as I had when I had the energy to go to Trinity.
I want people to realise that people have a voice and are human. I do not expect to hear from professionals in Psychiatry that they have heard nothing about the Manweller case.........Let them ask Vincent Browne and then examine the criteria with which they treat human beings.
Please note the number of doctors and doctors children who commit suicide......Is it not strange!!!! I believe it is that they know too much about stigma and it is easier to just go ahead and get to hell out of here.......Who wants to live my life and the stigma that surrounds it and the fear and the alienation and the vulnerability?
Michelle Clarke
Ist I expect an answer this time
Gandhi: 'Live as if you are going to die tomorrow and learn as if you are going to learn for the rest of your life.
By the way: Please copy to May Harney. I tried talking to her but to no avail. People ought to realise the power of listening and the silence therein.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Yes, the scheduel that can always act as a stop gap.
Mr. Rabbitte, Labour gave a fair good pacing.
John Carty, 27 years old, a manic depressive, the Speci Unity.
Like the Morris Report......There will be serious revelations about practices in this country......and it will include how services treat the mentally ill. As far as I am concerned we, merit neither respect, dignity, governmental funds, support sysems and proper education.pp by the people who treat it.
Well Done Mr. Rabitte about the outcome of the Barr Tribunal. I understand there must be an order of day.....but when do we stop the nonsense and inherent threats.
Surely there are issues that can be put ahead of others, oarticularly given the serious nature of mental health, John Carty, the professions, his shooting, his mother and sister.
This Report and I must say even in advance, I feel Mr. Justice Barr, will deal with in a fir and equitable way. John Carty was a young man in a period of manic depression quiet evidently alienated from society and the services lost the run of themselves.
July - to release the report is not good enough. I ask - :Is it part of the stigma attached to being mentally ill......the attitude is based on fear and the aim is sweep it under the carpet.
Let the people express their need to hear about this case.
As this is the month of James Joyce.....let us took to what he says about Mistakes. 'They are but portals of discovery'. It is not a witch hunt it is just about social justice. Also let us recall the daughter of James Joyce, Lucia, who lived her life in that awful ritual dance of menal illness,.
Don't insult the Carty family and have the Inquiry Results in July when the Dail is in recess. They have suffered enough. Let them see Justice done..
The Morris Report made definite revelations and so will the Barr Tribunal.
Rory O'Hanlon proofed to exercise his job ......control of the House but Mr. Rabbitte made a good few jives before he was brought to a halt.
The Adage
\Justicce delayed is Justice denied'
I have just noticed that I mispelled two critical names in my article.
That of John Carthy and that of Mr. Justice Barr......
The findings are due shortly. The Wheelock family are struggling to find an answer to their son's death in prison!!!
Let's hope the report findings tackle the problem that quite evidently exists in our Gardai service.......It is not about blame, it is about ensuring it does not continue.
'Gandhi 'You have to be the change you want to see in the world'
That's the Challenge.......
John Carty, Abbeylara..........RIP. Why was he ever refused the cigarettes........he might be still alive......anxiety, as I know, makes actions totally unpredictable if you are cornered.
There two books but I can't remember the names i.e. ABI
To his sister and Mother
I am so proud of you both for efforts, it would be so easy to walk away with Stigma Ireland attaches to Bipolar
Euros 100,000 (will never compenste but you are paving the way to remove stigma from Ireland - that Ireland of Saints and Scholars
Michelle Clarke
This man's life was worth a 100,000 euros. Sadly the Gardai were never trained for negotiations with a very vulnerable man with bipolar disorder. If it was in the 1960's in Ireland, the Priest or the Dispensary Doctor or just a good neighbour would have walked in and said John, let us have a cup of tea and a cigarette. Sadly but truly would have saved John Carty (too young to die).
Supt. Shelley had a remarkable career from the Kerry babies case to Donegal corruption and we all know of this stands/leads.
It beggars belief, on record now, the Barr Tribunal said that Shelley was the Garda Commander in charge of that faithful day.
Quotation for John
Light - dews - breezez and freshness; not one of which...has yet been perfected on the canvas of any painter in the world
by John Constable (776-1837)
From this all may learn about humanity