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The Haditha Massacre: It Goes All The Way To The Top.

category international | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Friday June 16, 2006 15:52author by Semper Fi Report this post to the editors

The horrific story of 1st squad, 3rd platoon, Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st MEF, USMC.

On Nov 19, 2005, a roadside bomb hit a patrol convoy of Marine humvees in Haditha, killing Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas. The twelve men in 1st Squad led by Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, proceeded to storm nearby buildings throwing grenades into rooms and gunning down the occupants, innocent Iraqi men, women and children in cold blood.

What caused these men to kill innocents?
Was it the heat of battle?
No, I would suggest, it is directly linked to the ethos of the elite US Marine Corps.

The story begins as Kilo Company commanded by Capt. Luke McConnell was deployed in Iraq. The Company consisted of a HQ platoon, three rifle platoons and a weapons platoon(armed with machine guns, mortars and anti-tank weapons). Platoons in the regular US Army are usually commanded by the least ranking officer, a Second Lieutenant. But platoons in the Marines are also commanded by a core cadre of senior non-commissioned officers – enlisted men like buck sergeants and privates. Officers come and go, as they are promoted to higher commands, the lowest privates serve for a few years and return to civilian life as reservists - unless they are promoted to non-coms who remain the core of platoon. They control the real strings of power.
In the Marines it is not unusual for a senior noncom not an officer to be CO of a platoon and Kilo Company was no exception. The CO of Kilo’s weapons platoon was Gunnery Sergeant Michael J. Mella. Within days of arriving Iraq, Mella was severely wounded by a roadside bomb.

Noncoms are closer to the ordinary enlisted men than officers. Fire teams, squads, platoons and companies are like families and soldiers develop close brotherly almost loving bonds in combat. Fanaticism often germinates. The external world disappears. The motto is “Unit, God, Country.” The unit comes first. Soldiers will willingly give their lives for each other and jealously guard the reputation of their unit from other Marines. Soldiers of this type are more ready to kill without hesitation or deliberation.
What happened to Mella fuelled their rage and frustration.

3rd Battalion CO, Lt. Col. Jeffrey R. Chessnai, fond of quoting Gladiator and allowing his troops to wear togas and race in chariot races, was typical of the gung-ho hurraaah attitude of the Marines.

In 2004, 3rd Battalion participated in the two bloody battles of Fallujah. In early 2004, Gen. Mattis, CO of the First Marine Division (He is famous for explaining how much Marines like to kill and his bigoted views toward Islam and soon to be portrayed by Harrison Ford in a Hollywood movie) was in charge of destroyed the Sunni insurgent stronghold. A combined air and ground assault swept through the city but because Marines sustained heavy casualties at a critical time in the US. Presidential race when Bush was polling badly against John Kerry, the campaign ended prematurely and control of the city passed back to the Sunnis.

However once Bush won the election, in November 2005, the dogs of war were released.

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were forcibly “evacuated” from Fallujah. Thousands more civilians certainly remained behind while thousands of Sunni fighters also dug in to fight the Marines who quickly set to work with relish.
Strike jets, helicopters and C-130 gunships bombed, rocketed and strafed the city rotary cannon fire. Heavy artillery pulverised insurgent strongpoints with high explosive shells or white phosphorous, heavy armoured bulldozers made paths for advancing Abrams tanks that blasted everything in sight.
The First Marine Regiment commander Col. Michael A. Shupp authorised his infantrymen to clear street after street, building by building, room by room, using grenades and automatic weapons and anti-tank weapons against civilian homes. Insurgents died valiantly in pitched battles armed with only AK-47’s and RPG’s, many more were summarily executed after they had surrendered and unknown numbers of civilians were slaughtered by bloodthirsty trigger happy Marines. The only close historical comparison would have to be the defeat of the Warsaw uprising by Waffen SS troops during WW2.

But for all their technology and firepower, the Marines and the puppet Iraqi Army still suffered about 500 deaths while they managed to kill only 1,500 insurgents. Most of the insurgents retreated in good order and regrouped to fight another day. Despite their utter failure the Americans claimed to have broken the back of the resistance!

The soldiers on the ground know otherwise and morale has collapsed among the US military in Iraq who have had to serve tour after tour with no end in sight. Convoys come under the constant attack even in supposedly friendly from friendly Shiites or “Sheetes” as the Marines all contemptuously refer to them.

The rage and frustration of the Marines is increasingly directed at the Iraqi population.

The death of Terrazas was the breaking point for the elite Kilo Company, a unit that arrived in Iraq hoping that their actions as Lt. Col Chessani liked to put it “would echo in eternity.”

They have got their wish after the Haditha massacre.

Democrat Senator Murtha, a decorated former Marine himself, called their actions “cold blooded”. He should know having served in Vietnam.

Major Gen. Richard F. Natonski, Mattis’s protégé and successor, as CO of the First Marine Division is continuing where Mattis left off, as his predecessor gets rich from his best selling account of the Fallujah battle in American bookstores.

Gen. Hagee, leader of the US Marine Corps and Lt. Gen John F. Sattler, the commander of the First Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq, both served in Vietnam, where the atrocities of US Marines against Vietnamese civilians or “gooks” as they liked to call them are documented by the government of North Vietnam.
Hagee, himself served as an officer in the First Marine Regiment during the war from 1970-1971 and as CO of the 1st MEF in the 1990’s.

author by Semper Fipublication date Fri Jun 16, 2006 16:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Haditha Massacre: It Goes All The Way To The Top.

The horrific story of 1st squad, 3rd platoon, Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st MEF, USMC.

On Nov 19, 2005, a roadside bomb hit a patrol convoy of Marine humvees in Haditha, killing Lance Corporal Miguel Terrazas. The twelve men in 1st Squad led by Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, proceeded to storm nearby buildings throwing grenades into rooms and gunning down the occupants, innocent Iraqi men, women and children in cold blood.

What caused these men to kill innocents?
Was it the heat of battle?
No, I would suggest, it is directly linked to the ethos of the elite US Marine Corps.

The story begins as Kilo Company commanded by Capt. Luke McConnell was deployed in Iraq. The Company consisted of a HQ platoon, three rifle platoons and a weapons platoon(armed with machine guns, mortars and anti-tank weapons). Platoons in the regular US Army are usually commanded by the least ranking officer, a Second Lieutenant. But platoons in the Marines are also commanded by a core cadre of senior non-commissioned officers – enlisted men like buck sergeants and privates. Officers come and go, as they are promoted to higher commands, the lowest privates serve for a few years and return to civilian life as reservists - unless they are promoted to non-coms who remain the core of platoon. They control the real strings of power.
In the Marines it is not unusual for a senior noncom not an officer to be CO of a platoon and Kilo Company was no exception. The CO of Kilo’s weapons platoon was Gunnery Sergeant Michael J. Mella. Within days of arriving Iraq, Mella was severely wounded by a roadside bomb.

Noncoms are closer to the ordinary enlisted men than officers. Fire teams, squads, platoons and companies are like families and soldiers develop close brotherly almost loving bonds in combat. Fanaticism often germinates. The external world disappears. The motto is “Unit, God, Country.” The unit comes first. Soldiers will willingly give their lives for each other and jealously guard the reputation of their unit from other Marines. Soldiers of this type are more ready to kill without hesitation or deliberation.
What happened to Mella fuelled their rage and frustration.

3rd Battalion CO, Lt. Col. Jeffrey R. Chessnai, fond of quoting Gladiator and allowing his troops to wear togas and race in chariot races, was typical of the gung-ho hurraaah attitude of the Marines.

In 2004, 3rd Battalion participated in the two bloody battles of Fallujah. In early 2004, Gen. Mattis, CO of the First Marine Division (He is famous for explaining how much Marines like to kill and his bigoted views toward Islam and soon to be portrayed by Harrison Ford in a Hollywood movie) was in charge of destroyed the Sunni insurgent stronghold. A combined air and ground assault swept through the city but because Marines sustained heavy casualties at a critical time in the US. Presidential race when Bush was polling badly against John Kerry, the campaign ended prematurely and control of the city passed back to the Sunnis.

However once Bush won the election, in November 2005, the dogs of war were released.

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were forcibly “evacuated” from Fallujah. Thousands more civilians certainly remained behind while thousands of Sunni fighters also dug in to fight the Marines who quickly set to work with relish.
Strike jets, helicopters and C-130 gunships bombed, rocketed and strafed the city rotary cannon fire. Heavy artillery pulverised insurgent strongpoints with high explosive shells or white phosphorous, heavy armoured bulldozers made paths for advancing Abrams tanks that blasted everything in sight.
The First Marine Regiment commander Col. Michael A. Shupp authorised his infantrymen to clear street after street, building by building, room by room, using grenades and automatic weapons and anti-tank weapons against civilian homes. Insurgents died valiantly in pitched battles armed with only AK-47’s and RPG’s, many more were summarily executed after they had surrendered and unknown numbers of civilians were slaughtered by bloodthirsty trigger happy Marines. The only close historical comparison would have to be the defeat of the Warsaw uprising by Waffen SS troops during WW2.

But for all their technology and firepower, the Marines and the puppet Iraqi Army still suffered about 500 deaths while they managed to kill only 1,500 insurgents. Most of the insurgents retreated in good order and regrouped to fight another day. Despite their utter failure the Americans claimed to have broken the back of the resistance!

The soldiers on the ground know otherwise and morale has collapsed among the US military in Iraq who have had to serve tour after tour with no end in sight. Convoys come under the constant attack even in supposedly friendly from friendly Shiites or “Sheetes” as the Marines all contemptuously refer to them.

The rage and frustration of the Marines is increasingly directed at the Iraqi population.

The death of Terrazas was the breaking point for the elite Kilo Company, a unit that arrived in Iraq hoping that their actions as Lt. Col Chessani liked to put it “would echo in eternity.”

They have got their wish after the Haditha massacre.

Democrat Senator Murtha, a decorated former Marine himself, called their actions “cold blooded”. He should know having served in Vietnam.

Major Gen. Richard F. Natonski, Mattis’s protégé and successor, as CO of the First Marine Division is continuing where Mattis left off, as his predecessor gets rich from his best selling account of the Fallujah battle in American bookstores.

Gen. Hagee, leader of the US Marine Corps and Lt. Gen John F. Sattler, the commander of the First Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq, both served in Vietnam, where the atrocities of US Marines against Vietnamese civilians or “gooks” as they liked to call them are documented by the government of North Vietnam.
Hagee, himself served as an officer in the First Marine Regiment during the war from 1970-1971 and as CO of the 1st MEF in the 1990’s.
The ethos of the Marines is encapsulated by their motto “Semper Fi.”
They are an elite within the US military, with their own armour, infantry and air force.
They have first choice of the most advanced weaponry and the most intensive training in the world. It was the Marine Corps who stormed the island of Iwo Jima leaving only 200 of the 20,000 Japanese defenders (“nips” as they liked to call them) alive in WW2 that testifies to their murderous treatment of enemy combatants.
They are the spearhead of any American invasion and they are called the plug the gap during enemy breakouts.

The only military organisation that historically compares for independence on the battle field, ruthlessness or murderous ferocity is the Waffen SS, an army that served the SS state, the elite army of the German Reich.

Even their recruitment policies of the US Marines resemble the Waffen SS.

The Waffen SS abandoned their policy of pure Aryan soldiers in their ranks by recruiting Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians, Russians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slavs, Serbs, Bosnian Muslims, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Finns and even Indian POW’s who served in the British army in North Africa. These troops became the most fanatical Nazis and carried out the worst atrocities against Jews and their own countrymen.

The Marines recruit not just white Anglo-Saxon Protestants who make the majority of American “poor-white trash” but also African Americans, Hispanics and Asians. The poor in the US oppressed by the capitalist elites have always been the most fanatically patriotic and so are used to oppress their own countries of origin – the Third World which has been the victim of American aggression for decades.


Waffen SS troops.

US Marines.

Same Difference.

author by Semper Fipublication date Fri Jun 16, 2006 16:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Charles Whitmann shot dozens of innocents from a tower building at a university Campus in Texas.

Lee Harvey Oswald shot dead President Kennedy from a sixth floor building.

author by Davy Crockettpublication date Fri Jun 16, 2006 16:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I always wondered - Why have the US military adopted the German helmet?

author by Full Metal Jacketpublication date Fri Jun 16, 2006 16:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Halliburton state has the CIA and the Marines.

The SS State had the Gestapo and the Waffen SS Divisions.

author by Lex Barkerpublication date Fri Jun 16, 2006 19:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nazis protected by the CIA

Newly declassified CIA documents show the Americans and the German BND knew Eichmann was hiding in Argentina at least two years before Israeli agents snatched him from the streets of Buenos Aires on his way back from work. They knew how long he had been in the country and had a rough idea of the alias the Nazi fugitive was using there, Klement.

some examples,

Adolf Eichmann The SS colonel who organised the final solution was so enthusiastic about his work that he carried on even after Heinrich Himmler had called a halt. He was captured by US troops but escaped to Argentina. Israeli agents tracked him down in 1960 and he was hanged in 1962.

Hans Globke A Nazi functionary working with Eichmann in the Jewish Affairs department who helped draft the laws stripping Jews of rights. After the war he rose to become one of the most powerful figures in the government. As national security advisor to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, he was the main liaison with the CIA and Nato.

Reinhard Gehlen A major general in the Wehrmacht who was head of intelligence-gathering on the eastern front. He sold his supposed inside knowledge of the Soviet Union to the Americans who made him head of West German intelligence, an organisation he led until 1968.

author by Golgomititschpublication date Fri Jun 16, 2006 19:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'Shock and Awe ' is just the modern american version for Blitzkrieg (lightning war). Rumsfeld is of german ancestery and Im not surprised about the some of the similarities between the US Army and the Wehrmacht.

author by The Noble Wolfpublication date Fri Jun 16, 2006 19:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

They're not the only ones to draw inspiration from the Wehrmacht !

At the gates of Yassergrad
By Amir Oren

25 January 2002

In order to prepare properly for the next campaign, one of the Israeli officers in the territories said not long ago, it's justified and in fact essential to learn from every possible source. If the mission will be to seize a densely populated refugee camp, or take over the casbah in Nablus, and if the commander's obligation is to try to execute the mission without casualties on either side, then he must first analyze and internalize the lessons of earlier battles - even, however shocking it may sound, even how the German army fought in the Warsaw ghetto.

The officer indeed succeeded in shocking others, not least because he is not alone in taking this approach. Many of his comrades agree that in order to save Israelis now, it is right to make use of knowledge that originated in that terrible war, whose victims were their kin. The Warsaw ghetto serves them only as an extreme example, not linked to the strategic dialogue that the defense establishments of Israel and Germany will hold next month

author by Golgomititschpublication date Sun Jun 18, 2006 22:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Fallujah Americas Guernica


author by Lex Barkerpublication date Mon Jun 19, 2006 00:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors



author by TheGuypublication date Fri Dec 12, 2008 00:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hello Gentlemen and Ladies,

I am From The U.S..

I am Deeply saddened and unhappy by the criminal conduct of the Marines in Haditha.
I hope that the Marines and any other people who did these crimes will be brought to justice and will be sentenced and jailed by the U.S. Court system.

This type of criminal behavior and criminal thought process is not appropriate and is not typical of the thoughts and behaviors of most United States Marines.

These people are not my responsibilty, Therefore I am not bound to make amends for their behavior. But I apologise for these people's ruthless and murderous behavior.

These Marines make me ashamed to wear the U.S. banner. I am deeply angered that these people are connected to me. They are connected to me by being given the name of United States Marines and these people are connected to me by being United States citizens.
These people truly anger me. The conduct of these people is inexusable. I ask that all U.S. Marines never let this type of tragedy happen again.

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