Galway - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
James Liddy to read in Galway
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event notice
Monday June 12, 2006 14:10
by Kevin Higgins - Over The Edge

Over The Edge in association with Salmon Poetry presents a reading by James Liddy, Susan Millar DuMars, Ron Houchin & A.E. Stringer
Over The Edge in association with Salmon Poetry presents a reading by James Liddy, Susan Millar DuMars, Ron Houchin & A.E. Stringer at Sheridan's Wine Bar,
14-16 Church Yard Street, Galway on Friday, June 23rd 9pm.
James Liddy was born in Lr. Pembroke St., Dublin, in 1934. His parents hailed from the cities of Limerick and New York. His books include Gold Set Dancing (Salmon, 2000). He is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he teaches creative writing, and Irish and Beat literature. James Liddy: A Critical Study, by Brian Arkins, was published by Arlen House in 2001. The Doctor's House (Salmon 2005) is part one of his autobiography.
Susan Millar DuMars is originally from Philadelphia, but has lived in Galway for some years now. Her collection of poetry, ‘Everyone Loves Me’, was published by Lapwing in 2005. In 2005 she also received an Arts Council Bursary for her collection of short-stories ‘Stupid Slim-neck Audrey Hepburn Dreams’.
Ron Houchin has taught literature and creative writing in public schools and colleges in the US for the past 30 years. Ron has read his poetry in Ireland on many occasions, most recently at the 2001 Dublin Writers' Festival. His first collection ‘Death and the River’ was published by Salmon in 1996. His latest collection, ‘Moveable Feast’, was published by Salmon in 2002.
A. E. Stringer is the author of 'Channel Markers' and has published poems in many journals in the U.S. including The Nation, Antaeus, Shenandoah, Denver Quarterly, Ohio Review, Poetry Northwest, and others. He teaches writing at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.
All welcome. For further information contact 087-6431748.
Over The Edge acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council and Galway City Council