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global day of Satan 666 news-updates.

category international | history and heritage | news report author Tuesday June 06, 2006 20:48author by ††††††††† - of Megiddo. Report this post to the editors

As most us of us know, the 6th day of the 6th month of Two thousand and..............6
has seen Fox news launch their "Omen remake" and fundamentalists throughout Eire have flocked to school-yards to check the kids for nits and headlice "just in case".

It also has given Joseph Ratzinger an ocassion to be homophobic, anti-feminist, preach who ought have babies, and mention abortion. (Great timing there.)

The Vatican chose 6/6/06 to publish their ""Family and Human Procreation" document.

Its pretty horrible stuff.

other ideas for marking "World Evil Day" varied across the globe - the City of Lima Peru topped the Google charts for search of "antichrist", "666" and "satan". Indeed only 2 non South American cities got into the top 10 list - Barcelona & Madrid.

In the Netherlands fundamentalist christians are still having a 24 hour "anti.divil" prayer day, the idea being that worshipping God pisses off Satan, and pissing off Satan is Holy.

The source of the "666" superstition is widely held by academic and cabalistic types alike to be a codification of the name of Caesar Nero. It is utterly blasphemous in orthodox theology to believe that Satan has babies. Interestingly though Ratzinger decided to go into "having babies" today.

Other than those titbits - its been a pretty ordinary day worldwide with no sharp increases in Murder, Carnage, War, Slavery, Famine, Pestilence & "Business as usual" being reported.

the Last "worldwide day of something" was :- "World Parenthood day". Please note Ratzinger said nothing.

author by †††††††††publication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 21:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

But notably no-one did, many news organisations didn't even want to touch the theme. But there can be little doubt that the "666" thing is right up there with Nostradamus - a corner stone of Western and latterly US cultural products and obsession with "prophecy" & "end-time".

So a little debunking -

the author of revelation did not use the figures "666". He wrote in greek before arabic numerals had been accepted in the West, and instead wrote his codification in hellenic script. so If you kid has been sent home today from the nit-pickers because "666" was found on their scalp - you've a real case = Phone up the legal aid and the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

From the period roughly 150 years before Christ to roughly 200 years after Christ, the use of numeric codification really caught on amongst writers of both Latin & Greek. The reasons were complicated but can generally be attributed to the extend of the Jewish diasporia (which in that period centered on the Iberian peninsula to the west) and also the influence of late Egyptian thought. We find numeric codification throughout all the epigramatic writers of the period, even writers of "pulp drama" such as Plautus liked to show off in that way. There's nothing unusual about this, in today's society we know each other's house numbers, phone numbers &c.., & we all too often forget the size of the cities of the Roman Empire. In this period Rome grew to be home to over 6 million people, the vast majority of whom were slaves. To put that in modern perspective, the census for inhabitants of London averages around the 6 million mark.

the "666" superstition enjoyed a revival amongst Westerners with the launch of the internet and information technology. Barcodes, Bill Gate's Microsoft have all been brought into the "666" myth.
"666" is a "all user access code" in UNIX, and there is no seat number "666" in the European Parliament.

Of all the inscriptions in Pompeii (destroyed by volcanic eruption in 79AD) which interest this reader the most, is one which simply translates as "I love they whose number is 545". Its really quite fascinating inscription, because "545" rendered in Latin numerical script is - DVL. So the inscription reads ( in latin ) "I love DVL". One doesn't need to a rabbinical scholar to see that by simply squeezing in an "e" and an "i" you get "DeViL". So in Pompeii we have a "fake inscription" added by some vandal hundreds of years after the eruption, (Pompeii was excavated in 1748) using the "english word" as a number, the last proof of that theory being that at the time of Pompeii the numeral for "500" was not "D" but "CCCCC".

Of course the institutions of power like superstition. Orthodox religion particularly the Christian and Islamic varieties hold that after the death of the prophet Muhumad (PBUH) or the ascension of Christ there was no more "revelation". Yet those whose lives, education, social policies, governments, constitutions and rights are defined against the background of such institutions are awash with superstition and "prophesy".

Ratzinger is unique amongst contemporary religious leaders in his abuse of "superstition". The Emperor Nero, whose practises far beyond the boundaries of "snuff entertainment" earned the label "666" for what was allowed to take place at the Colliseum. Many times in history that place has been subject to "special papal blessings" as a kind of "exorcism". But only one pope has entered it as part of any other kind of religious ritual -
Mr Ratzinger saw fit to celebrate his "way of the cross" Good Friday 2006 in the Colliseum. Interestingly he wanted to visit Auschwitz too... He also wanted to remind people earlier this year of the "Fatima" story, which indeed he played a part in...

Religiosity may be one thing.
Religion may be another.

Superstition must be fought & rooted out.
There are no evil kids in the playground.

author by Equaliszer777publication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 21:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The author of the book of Revelation was a guy who was taken in by a failed poleshift prophet called jesus.
John's writings were plagairised from ancient documents referring to previous poleshifts.
If you re-examine the discourse attributed to "jesus" you will see that "jesus" was predicting a poleshift in his lifetime, because of a mistake in the understanding of the periodic instability in the orbits of the planets.
I'm much too weary too argue with you about this.
Just go on writing all your drivel.
Dr Immanuel Velikovsky tried so hard to break through the collective amnesia.
But you're too stupid to understand what Dr Velikovsky was wanting to convey to you.

author by †††††††††publication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 21:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

to point out the absurdity of the "11" thing.

a little more debunking-

There is no "11" pattern to terrorist events of the XXI century. The majority of terrorist events have not occured on the 11th of the month, or the 11th month. There is no mathematical connection between the 7th of July and 11, if you think 9/11 NYC or 11/3 Madrid played on numbers - you need an abacus or are ignoring the difference in dating systems between the USA and EU (dd/mm/yy ot mm/dd/yy) The bombings of London of the 7/7 factor base at "7" not "11". The attacks in Egypt, Morocco and others "foiled" attributed to the same "global network" did not or were not planned to occur on any date which is open to "11" factoring, if any pattern emerges of the day chosen it appears to be "Thursday".

There is no universal "day" for wickedness either. A mere 400,000,000 people whose primary language is English consider Friday the 13th to be unlucky, a mere 400,000,000 people whose primary language is Spanish consider Tuesday the 13th to be unlucky.
The fact that 6/6/06 fell on a Tuesday (day of Mars) might explain the upsurge in Hispanic google searches for "anti-christ".

The concept of "anti-christ" has been focus of 3 christian thinkers, only Irene suggested that it might foretell an individual, the others merely thought it would mean a return to Nero's colosseum. The idea of "anti-christ" has however been the subject of over 9 block busting Hollywood movies.
It is one of the appaling secrets of a classical education to be able to read the unexpurgated eye-witness accounts of what a day out at the Colosseum meant. It wasn't a Hollywood "gladiator" movie, nor was it even a simple "burn christians and throw them to the lions". The Colosseum really set the standards in beastial depravity for an audience of 50,000...... & people like to photograph it today.

Repeat :-

fight superstition!

author by Christpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 22:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And get on with saving the Goddamn world?(sorry)

Or do I have to give that job to the girls?(Sorry, again...especially Benedict)

Now for the last time a book, (good or bad) is something you read. read the bloody book.

If one of you asks me which version I will smite you down. Read Playboy, read Poetry
go and kick a football or swim in the Goddamn Sea(Sorry again).

Ps : The twelve apostles won 200,000 each today. welldone boys.
And Most garda stations have the number 666, in them.

love always (except you, Benedict).

author by nit-pickerpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 22:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

oh.................................................................................................................................................................................... its a terrible business.
& Lord forgive us for the intrusions.

But one nit I'd like to pick with you lot is this -

the global logo ((( i ))) as adjusted by indymedia ireland clearly depicts three sixes in the dot over the "I".
Scroll upto the top of the screen & behold!

yeah we'll have that referendum Bertie. great idea. throw in a general election too.

there is no such thing as an evil child. & no child has ever "asked for it".

author by + cross-examinationpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 22:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors


checking the kids for the mark of the beast
checking the kids for the mark of the beast

author by Equaliszer777publication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 23:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The demineralised soil and the animal-tested poisons are rotting our brains.
Our generation will not produce another man like Immanuel Velikovsky.
Dr Velikovsky tried so hard.

They would not listen, they're not listening still --
Perhaps they never will............

author by Barrypublication date Wed Jun 07, 2006 02:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Saw that documentary on the Omen tonight and it turns out 666 means WWW in some Hebrew numerology yoke .


author by The Bush End Times Death Cultpublication date Wed Jun 07, 2006 07:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Bush: "Y'all help me bring about Armageddon and Rapture fer Jesus and Yull git tuh Heaven. Rapture says so." I HAVE EXUSIZED THE DEMON ! THIS HOUSE IS CLEAN !!!!!"

author by †††††††††publication date Wed Jun 07, 2006 21:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

6/6/06 saw the Spanish Supreme Court rule it is unconstitutional for the government to ask citizens to vote, this confirms an earlier ruling that it is unconstitutional for the government to suggest to citizens how to vote.

6/6/06 saw the prime minister of Iran, announce his intention to go watch his national football club play in Germany. The Iranian pm is (famous / infamous) for a few things - nuclear power & denying the holocaust being the main ones. He isn't not widely appreciated in the west for his campaign to allow female spectators and fans watch the Iranian football team in the stadium, a campaign which he lost to fundementalist sections of his parliament and party. Iranian women footie fans were allowed to attend the benefit concert given to raise cash for the team in their own cordoned off section, but have not so far been allowed to watch the scantily clad Iranian footballers in a stadium.
Germany must now decide if they will allow him to visit, or snub him by refusing his visit, and then....
He's broken their law by denying the Holocaust... He really is a clever little divil.

6/6/06 saw the Spanish congress split in the most acrimonious arguments yet. the Rightwing opposition accusing the government of perverting the "state of law" by its "Basque peace process".

(I knew this story would be useful & that date would be "used")

author by +publication date Wed Jun 07, 2006 22:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nero is most probably the man referred to as 666. Simply because when his title Caesar is added, the numerical systems of Latin, Green & Hebrew add up to 666. Its quite peculiar and doesn't often happen that numerology systems concur that way.

Other people or institutions to get the treatment have included the Roman Church & Luther.
Peter Bungus of Bergamo proved in his book published 1584/1585 that "Luthernuc" (the latin for Luther) added up in roman numerals to 666. To which Lutherans responded the phrase written on the Papal tiara (triple crown) "vicarius filii dei" adds up to 666 as well...
This is one reason why our own Irish protestant supreme Ian Paisley held up a plackard accusing the last pope John Paul 2 of being the "antichrist" when that pope spoke at the European Parliament (which skips from seat numbers 665 to 667)
The only pope _not_ to wear that tiara in history is Joseph Ratzinger- hee hee hee. If we latinate the name Joseph Ratzinger and add up the numeric values we get ...

quite............. = do it = dats the black pope.

Interestingly enough the greek word for the roman empire derived from its word for the latin language "lateinos" also adds up to 666. not just Nero but the whole damn racket.
The Emperor Diocletes (who also torched people) also adds up to 666 if you include "augustus".
Other people to get the treatment in time have been - Ronald Reagan, Cromwell (both of them)Napoleon, Bill Gates, both Bushes, Clinton, Elizabeth the first of England, and general Liam Neeson of the treaty forces of the Free state of Ireland.

This will not help you in the Junior or Leaving Certificate Examinations, Kids.

author by christpublication date Wed Jun 07, 2006 22:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A weird yod formation can mean strange things in a life.
mine was a finger of god and you can't escape that.
of course Hughes said " fixed stars govern a life"
but what the hell did he know?

Personally I prefer MS Plath's Purdah, a scream unleashed
in beautiful measured steps......

There is so much to a life. The demon is a friend, my duende

The beauty that creates her words and those of emily, anne, emily
elizabeth is silenced , and I can close my eyes and see a concantenation of rainbows
enter the bridegroom.... where are my attendants?

author by bargain hunterpublication date Thu Jul 06, 2006 03:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Google launched "checkout" last week to help people find whatever they want, a bit like "Ebay".

But there are conditions :- (read this please)
* no stolen gear
* no human body parts (kidneys or embryos &c.),
* no alcohol
* no drugs
* no copyright unlocking devices (meaning stuff to help you unlock copyright),
* no drug paraphenalia (pipes, smoking papers, hydroponic lights)
* no pornography (adult, zoophile or child)
* no endangered species ( meaning nothing as rare as an Asian Elephant /
Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) or a Banteng or ; Bighorn Sheep / Black Rhinoceros / Black-footed Ferret / Blue Whales / /Bonobos / Burrowing Bettongs / Common Chimpanzees or common garden pandabears)
* no government ID's
* no hate material
* no Miracle cures

& last but not least
"No Occult goods Materials, goods or paraphernalia for use in satanic, sacrificial, or related practices"

I suppose that means no-one will buy or sell a Ratzinger Souvenir Mug through Google or for that matter a air trip to Lourdes / Knock international Western Airport

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author by sanitypublication date Tue Apr 17, 2007 21:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

At the moment there is an anomalous image at this link
as reported here -

With this sort of stuff on the net - no wonder people go mad. Maybe a local Dutch contributor could go out of their house and confirm whether or not a stationery object is still between the satellite google earth use for their photos and the earth. A brief description would be cool too. But most of these photos were taken a while back. The object isn't that big. It's pretty low down too. or rather it wasn't very big and it wasn't very low down. It wasn't very high up either. Bigger than a bird. You never see birds on google earth. You never see planes either. So it isn't or wasn't a bird & it wasn't or isn't a plane. It's an anomaly. A bit of space dust on the satelite lense? - no it can't be. then it would be very high up and very low down and over your house a few minutes later as the satelite continues its parabolic little curve.
Don't worry - the Dutch have been asked as their lifestyle is safe & their Queen is informed on a half-hourly basis. Ireland has many thousands of students, tourists and commercial travelers on any one day in the Netherlands. We should campaign for them to look up!

author by Updates Breaker - Updates Breakerpublication date Wed Sep 25, 2013 14:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

wow... this is what i really want...

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