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no sex please! we're polish.
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Friday May 26, 2006 01:39 by king Herod

Pope Benedict XVI the supreme moral authority for most citizens of the Irish Republic has begun his 4 day visit to Poland, during which he will speak against feminism, gay marriage, abortion, liberalism, contraception, & sex education. For those of you who don't know who pope Benedict XVI is, or why he is newsworthy.... A long time ago the archangel Gabriel appeared to a teenage girl in Palestine commonly called Mary, she was most probably aged between 14 and 16 based on customs of the time. The archangel told her that she was pregnant but wasn't to get too uptight about it.... It wasn't going to be a crime.... Because she'd have a virgin birth without DNA samples and her baby would be called Emanuel / Jesus / Brian & he'd be really famous and end up starring in the first Good Friday Agreement, and Michael Mc Dowell the sinful capitalist liberal hadn't been accounted for in the divine plan.
Of course all the frothy stuff got removed over the centuries, and now we know better. Pope Benedict, the German Shepherd, Papa Ratzi, has been well prepared for by his hosts the former communist & bolshevik, Poland. The Polish government has banned adverts for items which might upset him or the memory of Mary the virgin teenager.
1) tampons.(+)
2) condoms.
3) beer.
4) lingerie (what Mary Harney wears underneath her suits)
 Da Vinci's annunciation, when Gabriel visited the teenage Mary & told her it wasn't a crime, she'd be a virgin. In addition the Polish conservative government (which couldn't sway its neighbouring Bylerussian regime) has stopped all broadcasts of Pornography and Erotica.
We have 4 days to report on what the black pope has to say for himself, & we await the moment that he becomes the 2nd Roman Catholic pontiff to visit Auschwitz (and incidently the only current world leader to do so who served in 3rd Reich forces),,1779765,0....html
It will merit lots of attention & comment & over these 4 days, Ratzinger previously only important for his product placement or wondering about the double jeopardy question about his rumoured review of condom use and AIDS, will surely say nothing on the Da Vinci code movie, which thanks to modern sinful preference for entertainment over sensible popular pressure is still showing in Polish cinemas.
"Jesus was well over the age of consent when he shagged Mary the Magdalene."
:- so no worries there for the moral minded amongst you.
There will be updates on this important story, as some of you might have noticed Eire isn't really as catholic as it used to be, and you'll have to rely on indymedia ireland for your spiritual needs.
(+) interestingly the Roman Catholic Church asked previous Irish governments to ban tampons on the grounds they would introduce young women to the pleasures of vaginal penetration. But that was a long time ago, back in Mary Harney's convent school days when Michael Mc Dowell was still swotting hard for his points to be a boring lawyer.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20the illustration is by my pal, Steve Bell who sees some his stuff get into The Guardian, he saw this one first published in January 2005, its entitled "the meaning of Auschwitz",,1400706....html its play on the Vitruvian man by da Vinci with the armbands unsettles one somewhat. I sometimes think I should tell my friend Steve to be more discrete & not upset one's tranquility so.
I wonder who will welcome Ratzinger to Auschwitz?
There will diplomatically not be a red carpet, even though they liberated the place.
But there will be holy water.
no comment
The first was given on arrival to a group of Polish priests, and is entitled :-
"To Be an expert in spiritual life" (it has been translated by the Vatican)
the German Pope made a sign of blessing at the site of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Some observers were disappointed his car (Daimler Chrysler Mercedes Benz) didn't slow down.,7340,L-3255321,00.html
[On the eve of the visit, Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich had said that Poland’s Jewish community had asked the Vatican to "include on the pope’s program in Warsaw Thursday the benediction of 41 Righteous, Polish Catholics who saved Jews in the war.]
a lower than expected turn-out described between 250,000 and 300,000 was seen for his first mass at Pilsudski Square, Warsaw under the slogan "Be Strong in the Faith".
[the Pope has also visited the "Black Madonna", and it has been revealed he will avoid speaking German in deference to Polish mistrust & sensititivites except when he visits Auschwitz on Sunday.]
Q. Do Catholics Menstruate?
A. Well, about half of Catholics menstruate for most of their lives, we call them "women".
Q. Is it sinful to Menstruate?
A. Depends on what you're thinking about, but of course more traditional types would see the stain of Eve's temptation.
Q. Are Tandoms unholy?
A. I believe you might mean "Tampons", "Tandoms" are bikes for two and are considered a slight sin, depending on what you're thinking about.
Q. Sorry, Im not that familiar with the material. Are "T-a-m-p-o-n-s" unholy?
A. phone up your local parish priest & ask him. But do give him background information, Doctor Earle Haas (not a catholic) invented a tampon in 1929 that could be effectively mass produced. Earle Haas filed for his first tampon patent on November 19, 1931. His patent description was for a "catamenial device," derived from the Greek word for monthly. He later trademarked Tampax as the brandname for his tampon product.
Can Catholics use Tampons? do we need legislation?
Do not think that you are a revolutionary or what ever. The EU has been run by the likes of you for well on forty years. The EU is now a big black hole where the birth rate has collapsed and into which civilisations (immigrants) disappear! I hope that you are consistent in your beliefs: you will campaign against young men from Roman Catholic families from joining an EU army to protect the current morbid culture.
Life to some people appears to be full of hang-ups about this religion and that; they failed to come up with an alternative template so that positive thoughts and beliefs can be carried from one generation to the next. This result in the given of insults, sarcasm, destruction, pull down whatever is ordered. The sad thing is that EU society is now unstable and is bereft of hope and results in such tripe. A quotation, which society appears to no longer support, from Paul Valery 1871-1945 “As far as I am concerned, any people who have been influenced throughout history by Greece, Rome and Christianity are Europeans.” Society is reaping the whirlwind of modern education which has turned form the 'thought' subjects to the 'exploitative' subjects of capitalism without a soul. You will probably get a medal for your treatise from the current EU (condoms solves all problems) establishment.
Some of you may have been worrying about the "t-a-m-p-o-n" thing. So I'd like to clear up any theological or moral doubts, especially since the minister of justice has been exposed as a pervert this morning, and we may no longer look to him for such guidance.
Tampons aren't sexy. ok? If you think a tampon is sexy you are a pervert.
Tampons however are often taxed as luxury goods. Except of course in Iran, where the liberal president of the government has this week lost his campaign to allow female fans of the national selection watch the World Cup match. Female fans of the Iranian football club will have to apply for asylum if they want to watch the fine young men of Iran kick balls about.
If you think our children need guidance on this, write a letter to the ministers of education and health. They're both women, you can use the word "menstruation" in the letter, they'll know what you're talking about.
meanwhile the Polish Jewish community is now being reported as feeling "slighted" by the lack of a proper acknowledgement of the Warsaw Ghetto or its revolt by the German Pope.,20867,1926....html
The Warsaw Ghetto :
The Warsaw Ghetto uprising
innocent polish kid licking an ice cream. "uachtar roite" is also unholy.
Are Catholics perverts?
But asking "are catholics perverts?" is a bit like asking was "Oliver Cromwell a pervert?". We're a long way off mammy's tucking their kids into bed at night with the "bogeyman" warning - "Whshttt you wee langer, go to sleep now or the Pope will get you" . & to answer the question properly would also mean pondering what a pervert is. & this is where it gets slippery, because Catholics have very strong positions on what and who perverts are.
I suggest, that in light of the facts in the article and updates above, you really ought have asked :-
Are the Polish perverts?
Then we could have brought the cold statistical evidence into the chamber. No all Polish people are not perverts. Until 2 days ago most Polish people hadn't even considered the erotic potential of a tampon. We'll leave aside the uachtar roite for the moment. But we can probably assume that these 3 Polish individuals are perverts : Zbigniew Badziak, the chief of advertising at Polish TV, Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski the minister of culture & heritage & Ludwik Dorn the minister of the interior. You will note being a government minister is no protection against being a pervert . Its a psychological as much as social thing.
Now to pursue the issue Are the Polish perverts? whilst also not leaving aside the question Are Catholics perverts? we could do little wrong by examining Irish court proceedings and wonder how many Catholics (meaning office & church wage holding individuals) and how many Polish people have stood trial for sexual offences. As we know, there are more Catholics facing such procedures, and thanks to huge gaping hole in sexual offences legislation caused by the minister of justice Michael Mc Dowell (whom curiously enough was called a pervert this morning (for his wishes to allow gay people adopt children), one man of Polish origin was allowed change his plea of guilty at the Irish courts this morning. He had been facing the court for having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 14 year old girl. Perhaps that Polish man is a pervert too?
+ + + + + + + +
None of this helps explain how normal Polish or Catholic people feel about Joseph Ratzinger visiting Auschwitz and praying in German. We'll need a special Sunday Papers "pervert edition" for that.
It's not just ads for beer that are off the air for the duration of the visit. In the towns he is visiting there is a ban on the sale of this offensive-in-the-eyes-of-God drink. It was the same when the real Pope visited (you know, the Polish one). No hangovers - moral or otherwsie - allowed.
the man referred to in "the Rialto 14 year old" case is actually Romanian. Still his perversion doesn't seem to come near the 64 year old Antrim man who had sex with children (not teenagers) aged 6, 8 and 10. He got 3 life-sentances for that. Still someone else at 38 years of age in Galway had sex with a 12 year old (also below the age of the blessed virgin Mary mother of God upon betrothal) he got 3 years. Strange isn't it? He was to get out of jail while the girl was still "under-age". Very funny business this Justice. & you'd expect the lawyers who write these laws to think more about them (the beasties) and less about getting on telly all the time talking tough.
Anyway, the Polish people (who didn't leave) are now going asleep without erotica, tampon adverts, their particularly notorious porn shows, ice cream or beer. They can in future months look back on their crime statistics for the papal visit, & maybe then begin to reflect on the weirdness of the conservative coalition they allowed be elected.
I wonder will other states in Europe ever be "so catholic"?
Of course just before we get all "self-rightous, liberal, progressive, modern & democratic", Ireland didn't have condoms sorry (obsessed me) tampon adverts when the last Pope came. Nor did we have a Warsaw ghetto or Auschwitz. Thats because we are "catholic" and not "jewish". You see, just in case you didn't know already, the Warsaw Ghetto and Auschwitz weren't really "polish" with a capital "P". Only in the last months the Polish government has resisted at EU level attempts to call Auschwitz a "polish camp". Quite simply because it wasn't. It was a NAZI camp & most of the people who were enslaved, experimented on, tortured and murdered within were Jewish. There is only one world leader who people can fish out photos of wearing NAZI ensigna. Even if he didn't like wearing them. & his name is Joseph Ratzinger & he isn't jewish - He's the black pope.
latest commercial coverage-,,-5848169....html,,13509-2198979,0....html
"Malachi 2:1-4: And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If you will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart to give glory to my name, ... behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces."
Database of Publicly Accused Priests in the United States
Photo 1: Priests giving the Hitler salute. Priests giving the Hitler salute at a Catholic youth rally in the Berlin-Neukolln stadium in August 1933. (Source: A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen)
Photo 2: Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler
Christianity in Europe during WWII
by Jim Walker
Which Ten Commandments?
Priests giving the Hitler salute
Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler
What this means :-
1) the canonisation of JPB is still on hold.
2) People who suffer illness need to pray more.
3) we may wonder what illness is. What causes it? Is it part of the divine plan? In this anniversary year of Freud, we may reflect on how many states of being previously thought of as conditions of ill-health have changed or even found names. We may wonder about the nature of the perverts . As the Polish government clearly demonstrates itself to be the first democratically elected regime in Europe with certain Opus Dei infiltration, we may wonder at the irony that closer to home, men who once were ordained priests or entrusted members of Roman Catholic orders now serving prison sentances for sexual crimes : are instructing their lawyers to seek their release. Why? Because our minister of Justice framed a bad law, & is now might go into history as the man who saw "the sinners" released.
Tomorrow is "Ascension Day". Its the one day common to all Christian denominations (apart from the Mormons). Its the day they mark Jesus / Emanuel / Brian leaving us all to our own devices and going into space. We wait to see what Ratzinger says, wears, doesn't say, tomorrow when he enters Auschwitz the site of the Shoah and mass extermination, experimentation and murder of European Jewry. There is only one world leader who people can fish out photos of wearing NAZI ensigna. Even if he didn't like wearing them. & his name is Joseph Ratzinger & he isn't jewish - he doesn't have AIDS, he isn't african, he isn't a communist, he isn't a democrat, he isn't very popular but he is still "the black pope". May God save us from Polish governments, and keep us from governments such as Mc dowell's that can't write laws to protect our kids, and Pope's who can't say the right things.
Even if I am only understood by the reader to write "God" in a poetic sense, may the reader also believe God heard enough prayers from Auschwitz. Tomorrow The Kaddish will need to be sung yet again. Yithgadal vyithkadash shmeh raba b'alma di-vra chir'utheh vyamlich malchutheh bkhayechon uvyomechon uvkhaye dchol-beyt yisra'el, ba'agala uvizman kariv, v'imru: amen
But the Kaddish will not stop feed the hungry, raise up the meek, right the wrongs, bring down the mighty and arrogant and corrupt. Naming things for what they truly are - will.
Ratzinger's predecessor & contemporary to the Warsaw Ghetto and its uprising, made no mention of it ever. In either the twice annual "urbi et orbi" addresses, or in any publically given prayer or oration. His predecessor & contemporary to the Holocaust, never made any mention of Auschwitz, yet the diplomatic missions of St James (UK) and Stockholm (Sweden) had told the Holy See (Vatican) what was occuring in 1943. His predecessor did however, oversee an evacuation and replacement process of NAZI and Croatian war criminals to South American states in the immediate aftermath of the War. By which time he had made public oration, excommunicating members of the Italian Communist Party. We may reflect that Ratzinger' only touch on "politics" during these last days, has been to laud his immediate predecessor Karol Wotyla's fight against "communism". That fight was the most important of the XX century for the Opus Dei Roman Catholic church. & they have given us a clear message of what their ideal governments would be like in Poland these last few days.
We may wonder at thier support for Berlusconi and how "thank God" the newly installed president of the Italian republic is now a former member of the CPI.
Make no mistake. The perverts have power more often than not by what they do not say or allowed be heard.
Why did neither RTE nor the Irish State tell you the worst crimes of child rape affected by Mc Dowell's failure, have been in thier time priests?
- 2nd no comment -
Neither of this year's succesful movies "da vinci code" or "munich" were on the agenda. Trade, commerce & how to save Israeli trust in the new government were. The new coaltion of Poland doing its best to assure Israel that anti-semitism would be dealt with. Israelis & Jews had previously expressed dismay at the inclusion of the far right "League of Polish Families Party" in the current Polish government
The state of Israel may be an apartheid war-state which no more represents the views of global jews (practising or ethnic) than the state of Iran represents the views of global muslims, but for their part the Israeli's asked that the Polish authorities would show sensitivity to the feelings of all survivors of the Shoah & Holocaust (meaning the many hundreds of thousand others who were "more communist" or "more socialist" or "more democratic" or "more slavic" or "more masonic" than "Jewish" during the visit of Joseph Ratzinger to not only Poland but Auschwitz. Let's put it this way :- if anyone throws an egg or worse at the German Shepherd, Tel Aviv doesn't want the blame / credit and to be frank, they don't really want the fall-out if someone from the Fatima's hand crew does it either...
In Austria alone the current EU president, there are 19,000 cases oustanding of property confiscation.
In Israel, 40% of holocaust survivors live below the poverty line.
Most migrated from the former Soviet Union, which according to Fatima secret 2, only needed to be consecrated & converted for everything to be "ok". Gosh! if we had a time machine we could go back and save Pope John Paul 1's life, and stopped the world from having the polish pontiff....
We may know that Putin wanted to be priest as a teenager.., so maybe he got "consecrated & converted" but we can't say the people's of Chechnya, Kazikstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Kirghizstan & Azerbejan have yet shown much interest in taking Christian sacraments or looking for a sprinkle of holy water.
We now have a few hours, before we see what Ratzinger has to wear when he walks under the gate "arbeit mach frei" & prays in German. Will he give us something newsworthy?
This is the bookcase at 263 Prinsengracht which opened to Anne Frank's hiding place. She never got prayers either. odd. she was a teenager & a virgin
Most organised religions, including the one you are mocking in this thread, are open to criticism for a wide variety of reasons. One of the world's other main religions however, seldom seems to come in for any criticism in quite the same manner on this site. I will believe in the fairness and impartiality of Indymedia when I read posts about the absurdities of Islam, and criticism of the many evils carried out in its name. It seems that it's all right to lampoon Christianity but not Islam. Why is that? Fear of reprisals?
See the "Trouble with Islam" for an example
"Tell the Truth"
his spokesperson said he had visited Auschwitz as a "son of the German people"
the visit which saw him walk under the gateway "Arbeit mach Frei" was not originally in the schedule, but he insisted on it. He didn't want to be a Hitler youth, he didn't want to be stationed in a town which saw nightly prison transfers, he didn't want to be a Pope. But he did want to see Auschwitz.
he said he didn't want to be a NAZI
he said he didn't want to be a pope.
Here's an interesting article in Alternative Press Review called
Sexual Fascism in Progressive America
Scapegoats and Shunning
Adolf Eichmann was the Austrian Nazi "man in the office" who troubled himself with train schedules and logistics so as to send millions to the camps. He was the only person to receive a judicial death sentance in the Israeli state and his ashes were scattered at sea, after the Mossad brought him to justice. It has now emerged through CIA de-classification that the USA knew where he was to be found, a full decade before Wiesenthal(+) was credited with tracing him. Its an interesting news item, as the Mossad afterwards criticised Wieshenthal for his investigation suggesting he had "messed up" ongoing operations.
The CIA it now emerges, sat on the information because they were worried Eichmann if interrogated would reveal details of others in the so-called "operation odessa"(*) who had joined the US sponsored "fight against communism" in South America.,1518,42....html,,17920....html
(+) C/F
(*) C/F
It is curious that the Polish authorities have recorded increased incidents of violent sexual crime, house burglaries during the "papal visit" recorded above. One might possibly infer from this that banning tampon adverts, telly erotica and porn and the sale of ice cream & beer didn't really make the Polish holy after all...
Ireland has one MEP Kathy Sinnott (c/f ) who sits with the Opus Dei far right faction in the EU parliament as part of this block The League of Polish Families rule Poland in Coalition, the same party that today denied any part in the CIA rendition flights, despite being named as assisting the CIA illegally in Dick Marty's 67page introductory report :-
It appears we have an American born MEP & indymedia ireland contributor in very unusual company...
They haven't been allowed have one for the last 2 years, but today poland's rainbow pride people did their thing.
Speaking before the party began, UK MEP Michael Cashman, signalled out the far-right "League of Polish Families" for criticism.
["We've all become extremely worried in the European Parliament in particular about the increasing hate-speak from senior politicians here in Poland..... "Poland has joined the club of the European Union. The same rules apply throughout those 25 countries and part of that is respect for minorities and we're not seeing that at the moment,".....
He singled out remarks by Wojciech Wierzejski, a senior politician from the nationalist party, The League of Polish Families, which recently joined the conservative coalition government. Mr Wierzejski was quoted as saying by a Polish newspaper, Zycie Warszawy, that if gay rights groups marched illegally then the police should beat them with sticks"]
Mr Wierzejski's party took pride in banning tampons, tandems, beer, erotica, ice cream & pornography during the recent visit of the Pope Benedict XVI to Auschwitz death camp.
They sit & vote with the American born Irish MEP Kathy Sinnott.
"In a landmark legal decision, a federal judge in Oregon on Wednesday denied a motion by attorneys for the Vatican to dismiss a civil lawsuit brought against it by a man who says he was molested by a onetime Chicago priest."
After Poland.....
Pope Benedict is arriving in Brazil.
He does like his political hotspots.
I see king herod / Iosaf and his band of dimwits are at it again.
Not finding fulfilment in his own religion of rationalism he goes about venting his petty spleen
on what he discerns as his only worthwhile opponent - the Catholic Church.
Trouble is the CC and its leader don't count him as even an annoyance.
How infuriating to be ignored!
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king (herod).