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Transparent Leaking

category national | crime and justice | opinion/analysis author Monday May 22, 2006 17:22author by iosaf Report this post to the editors

Mc Dowell wanted us to ponder this :-
"Probably the most important one is that the United Nations high commissioner's representative in Ireland and his predecessor have both pointed to the fact that the Irish system is one of the best in Europe and that it's a good and fair one and that it's transparent, that it's subject to judicial review."

Most of us of course disagree. But one word of Mc Dowell's statement made last week & republished again in today's Irish Times screams out for more attention :-
He broke the law again - He alone may write the law, change the law, ignore the law, stretch the law....& get away with it everytime.
He broke the law again - He alone may write the law, change the law, ignore the law, stretch the law....& get away with it everytime.

It begs questions - what is "transparent" about the system?

*in 2002 Mc dowell abolished the "refugee advisory board".
so the refugees or their new found friends and neighbours don't get much transparancy there.
This is where the "Irish refugee Council" came in. They don't seem to agree that the system is "transparent". So we move up a level :-

Amnesty International sit at the top level of Non Govermental Organisations worldwide. If we examine their statement on the Saint Patrick's protest of the 16th of May http://www.amnesty.ie/content/view/full/5865/ we May note that "We are unfamiliar with the precise details of these individual cases as yet, hence, while Amnesty certainly has some concerns about the overall asylum process in Ireland, it cannot comment specifically about these cases".
hmmmmm. murky transparency there & no doubt about it.

*here is the exact figures for asylum application and process in Ireland 2000-2005
hmmmm "transparancy after the fact".

In the last week while Saint Patrick's cathedral was scene to protest, drama, racist heckling, church versus state relations, UNHCR visits, mediation, thirst fast, hunger strike, suicide attempts, and belatedly media attention - details of 4 confidential applications for aslyum in Ireland which were not available to either the Irish Refugee Council or Amnsety International" were leaked to the Irish commercial newspapers.

That constituted a criminal act.........................
I'll put it more simply :-
Someone broke the Law.

that crime was comitted by :-
* either a member of the Garda Siochana.
* or a member of the Department of Justice.
In both cases the minister with responsibilty for inquiry is Michael Mc Dowell.
We need not hold out much hope, he broke the same laws himself last December.

here is the pdf file from the department of Justice on political asylum.
Download it & see for yourself how tranparent the system is :-

author by iosafpublication date Mon May 22, 2006 18:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Because, when we all consider the information that was leaked and its nature and the reason for its leaking :-

to influence public opinion.

& then consider the effect it might have had on pubic perception of those groups & individuals who were supporting the men - the crime of leaking confidential details : takes on new significance.

less than 10% of the men had spurious links to a group varyingly described in international law as "terrorist" or "unlawful combattants". Though considering the nature of the conflict in Afghanistan of the last week, some others may consider them a civil war faction. Its notable that none of the men including the 5% with alledged links to that group want to go back "& join in the bloody war".

The Garda or Civil Servant in Mc Dowell's department who broke the law, did so to manipulate public opinion and draw a link between the support groups and :- "terrorists" or "unlawful combattants".

Think about it please. Its "news"

The last time Mc Dowell leaked confidential information illegally he did so just before Christmas to effectively destroy the reputation of a journalist.

author by iosafpublication date Mon May 22, 2006 21:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That means - 37 of the men in question, several TD's principle amongst whom is Ciaran Cuffe (green party) all of RAR & many others.

Please note there were no details of 37 other applications fo asylum published.

Last week on Tuesday I and the vice president of the "papers for everyone" campaign group, and a member of the steering comitee for the global "no borders" day of action (10th October 2006) phoned the spokesperson of the men in the cathedral to offer support, tactical advice based on experience of migrant occupations and to advise against thirst fast & offer statements and declarations of support from various European based migrant right groups. The spokesperson was in hospital at the time and not with his group, due to being blind, he could not take down teh phone numbers offered him, & so the nurse did so instead, she was ending her shift & expressed surprise that he had received a phone call from so far away.
The next day Asian migrant groups met and discussed the matter, and adopted a motion of support to be sent to the Cathedral, & I received numerous messages of support "to be passed on" from members of the Church of Ireland and Saint Patrick's extended community. Then.....
A little bird filtered to us the news that "media massage leaking" had occured, it was no longer in the interest of those who wished to express their support from far away to enter direct communication any longer with the "situation" in Dublin. So that support was restricted to "prayers / sermons" in the mosques last Friday. From Saturday last till today, I have received a total of 55 messages demanding explanation of me why I would support either the Taliban or Al Qaeda. As a marginal supported in another country of the support groups of the action, and as one who translated the news into foreign language coverage, I consider the selective and illegal leaking of confidential information in the last week may have an adverse effect on my employment chances should I ever return to Ireland.

I want an explanation.

author by W. Finnertypublication date Tue May 23, 2006 15:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Some may be interested to know that Minister for Justice Michael McDowell TD, together with the Director for Public Prosecutions, Mr James Hamilton, are playing the lead roles in the human rights abuse and bullying referred to in the e-mail text reproduced below (which has been copied to the European Court of Human Rights); and, that despite numerous attempts by senior social worker Mr Gerard Madden (who is based in Northern Ireland) to get a response from him, Minister McDowell continues, as far as I know, to completely - and extremely arrogantly, ignorantly, and unlawfully in my view - ignore the letter sent to him at the following address (dated November 7th 2005):

E-mail text dated May 23rd 2006 to the "Bullyonline Yahoo Group" follows:


William Finnerty wrote:

To: Bullyonline Yahoo Group
CC: "The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg. \(Re: ECHR Case Reference: 25077/05\)" , "Dick Marty \(PACE Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights\)" , "Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe \(Thomas Hammarberg\)" , "Venice Commission \(Council of Europe\)" , "Royal Mail \(UK\)" , "Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan \(New Inn, County Galway.\)" , "Gerard J Madden \(Senior Social Worker\)"
From: William Finnerty
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 12:12:39 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [bullyonline] "We need a major case to test Human Rights and Bullying"

Dear BullOnLine Members,

I very much agree with the following recent statement from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon:

"We need a major case to test Human Rights and Bullying" (BullyOnLine Message 62429, of May 23rd 2006).

I believe I actually have just such a case, which is well documented, and which involves a long string of very serious "human rights law" and bullying type abuses; and, I have actually sent a formal application to the European Court of Human Rights (Council of Europe) through the registered post on March 25th 2006 in connection with this case.

However, and to my great and growing dismay, I have received no reply of any kind at all from the Registrar at the European Court of Human Rights (to date) regarding his/her receipt of the set of application documents in question.

I have also sent an e-mail reminder to the Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights on April 28th 2006, plus a printed and signed copy of the e-mail in question through the normal post using the UK Royal Mail "Airsure" service (which I also sent on April 28th 2006).

Though the Royal Mail "Track and Trace" Internet service clearly indicates that my "reminder" Airsure letter was successfully "delivered in FRANCE before 10:22 on May 9th 2006" (as anyone can verify by entering the particular Royal Mail Airsure letter reference number LY225605312GB at http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/home/ ), I have still heard nothing at all in return from the Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the safe receipt of my "March 25th 2006 Application".

Needless to say, I am now growing very, very concerned regarding the mysterious and disturbing "wall of silence" I am being deliberately presented with (apparently?) by European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe regarding my March 25th 2006 Application - particularly when it is the case that I can very easily be contacted by e-mail (at the address I am using for this e-mail).

Detailed information relating to the application I made to the European Court of Human Rights on March 26th 2006, including a scanned copy of the Royal Mail "Priority Handling and Registered Delivery" receipt I used on that date, can be viewed at the following address:

Please note that the "Application Documents" on view at the address just above involve very severe psychological bullying over a period of several years - at the hands of public officials and bodies - and that they contain written evidence from my GP (Dr McCavert), and from a senior social worker (Mr Gerard Madden), which supports this claim. One of the "To Whom It May Concern" letters I have submitted from my GP, for example, very clearly points out that I have ended up with "PTSD Complex": as a direct result of all the trauma and abuse I have been subjected to (since around 1998). A scanned copy of this particular letter can be viewed at: http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...r.htm

I am now wondering if anyone at the "BullyOnLine" Yahoo site might have any suggestions as to where I should try to go from here - with regard to my particular case (i.e. European Court of Human Rights "Application Number: 25077/05" now on display at the address two paragraphs up) ???

I feel completely stuck at the present time.

Please note that the legal abuse I am being subjected to is so severe that I cannot even find a lawyer who is willing to advise me, let alone take on my case.


William Finnerty.

Related Link: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/bullyonline/
author by ribbidpublication date Tue May 23, 2006 16:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

very good to see. fair play to you. I didn't actually notice a single mention of "saint Patrick's", "leaking", "criminal acts by either gardaí or civil servants in relation to media massage", "implied association with Taliban" in your comment,
but you managed to deftly communicate your position nonetheless.

Good to know you're on side!!! keep writing those letters. Chip, chip, chip away at the clay pedestal of power! Sure if you don't win, you'll at least send them mad.

author by Other presspublication date Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

To reveal her sources for that Old leakage, which has lead to a weakened Taoiseach
a visibly revelling Tanaiste and a hung Dail (metaphorically, not literally)

Irish Times Journalist and editor have been summoned to reveal their source
on the leaking of things sub-judice regarding Bertie's payments. someone fed
them the info which has led to Mc Dowell holding the reins of governement
for a little while. They appear this morning, will they reveal their sources.
Howlin was forced to-

Meanwhile the Tanaiste presses ahead with the restrictive Privacy/defamation laws
which will see him control the press too.

It has come to a situation where the police/press/ and law is governed by one man
with a tiny % of the vote. Bertie really needs to bring mickey down too.

author by Other Presspublication date Fri Sep 29, 2006 13:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Colm Keenan and Kennedy (KK) have admitted 'burning' the source material
leading to the story on Bertie's donation.
They are claiming 'journalistic' privlege.

Like liam Lawlor burnt stuff, in his garden.......

Thus the leakage is completed, Pee Dees control the state. A weakened Taoiseach,
A bold as brass Tanaiste.
A back-bench revolt.

You couldn't make it up.

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