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On hating Israel![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Europe, the United Nations, many elites in America, and, of course, the entire Arab and Islamic worlds, are against Israel. Their venom arises from three pretexts 1. Occupation? Israel purportedly occupies land that is not theirs - a travesty said to be wholly unique on the world stage, and so deserving of special and universal condemnation. Yet contra the Palestinians' constant lament, there is a great deal of occupied territory in the world today - tragedies that completely evade the moral radar of the United Nations and are unimportant to any of the self-proclaimed moralists of the Arab world. Since 1974, a good part of Greek Cyprus has been under Turkish control - the homes and property of the Greek-speaking Cypriots confiscated, the native population expelled, and the island partitioned. The entire country of Tibet has been annexed by China, quite illegally and without much complaint from any besides a few in the United States. What happened to Lebanon? The Syrians have occupied the entire country, where Palestinians find themselves helots, and the Lebanese themselves are little more than butlers to their Syrian overlords. Kurdistan is the property of three different countries; the Balkans are a mess with literally millions of ethnic Slavs, Albanians, Serbs, and Greeks living in lands controlled by others. What is different in many of these cases is that the Tibetans did not try to invade China on three occasions. Greek Cypriots did not, in a series of wars, try to push all the Turks into the Mediterranean. Nor did the Lebanese seek to storm Amman, lose a war against Syria, and thereby lose the autonomy of their homeland. Clearly there is something else going on in Palestine besides the world's moral indignation over the principle of occupied lands. 2. Borders and Refugees? Wars have a bad history of displacing residents. I doubt whether millions of Germans will ever get back any of their land in what is now eastern France and western Poland. Thousands of Russians have been finding themselves increasingly unwanted in the Baltic states. Will Ionian Greeks - residents of the Western coast of Turkey since the 11th century B.C. - ever return to their homes after the brutal expulsions of the 1920s? Millions of Islamic Pakistanis and Indian Hindus find themselves living in artificial countries in which they were not born. By any fair measure of ancient or modern history, the situation in Palestine is not unique. Indeed, Israel is trying to be far more just to its defeated enemies than most victors - whether Turks, Poles, French, or Chinese - have been in the past. I omit questions of body counts and collateral damage. Pace the United Nations and the Palestine-propaganda machine, the real killing in the world today is going on in Central Africa, the Amazon basin, the former Soviet Union, and India. 3. Racism? A constant charge - most recently and repugnantly made by a freed Mr. Arafat - is that the Israelis bear a racial grudge against the Palestinians. He has alleged that, like Nazis, Israelis seek to cleanse non-Jews from the West Bank. The U.N. itself for years tried to pass resolutions equating Zionism with racism. Nor is there a sizable literature in Israel - as there is in the Arab world - devoted to proving their enemies are subhuman. Real racism and hatred exist in this present conflict, but they are expressed almost entirely by Arabs, not Jews. Had a paper in Tel Aviv alleged that Arabs drink blood and are related to primates, the world's outrage would be second only to the moral indignation in Israel itself. If Israel is guilty of little more than defending itself, and of not allowing its defeated adversaries their land back until the Jewish state is guaranteed security, what then really is at the heart of the world's hatred against the Israelis? The answer is rather transparent and can be summarized easily by five general considerations. 1. Realpolitik We must never forget the crass self-interest of states - a trait that the Greek historians felt was at the heart of most conflict, albeit often crudely disguised by pretexts such as "justice" and "fairness." There may be nearly half a billion Arab-speaking peoples. Millions of Islamic citizens reside now in the West. Just a few hundred miles of the Mediterranean separate Europe from medieval regimes in Libya, Algeria, and Syria. The importance of the Arab world vis a vis Israel, then, can be gauged in an array of cultural, economic, and political fears and opportunities - from the size of expatriate populations to profits to be made from expansive trade and enormous markets. 2. Oil Somewhere between one-quarter and one-third of the world's oil reserves are beneath Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq. For the next 30 years or so, Europe, the United States, and Japan must depend on this steady supply of imported petroleum. And while these Western economic powerhouses obviously try to seek alternative suppliers in Russia, South America, and Norway, the fact remains that for the foreseeable future, in such an interconnected global economy, Middle Eastern oil - and its unstable and unsavory caretakers - are essential to the world's economic health. Moreover, the income from oil brings these dictatorships Western technological expertise and military hardware - and hence the sympathy of millions in the West, who depend on selling them everything from cell phones and computers to jets and drill bits. 3. Terrorism The majority of the world's international terrorists of the last 30 years - the very worst killers who blow up international jets, storm the Olympic Games, murder Western diplomats, storm embassies, take hostages, and vaporize civilians at work - have been in the service of radical Islamic and Arab causes. 4. Anti-Semitism We do not quite know why anti-Semitism persists in a supposedly educated and modern Western world at a time when assimilation, integration, and intermarriage are ever more common and a crass secularism has blurred distinctions among the major religions. Traditional stereotypes and hatred, of course, are always passed on to each new generation; and we must never forget the power of envy that highly educated, competent, and professional Jews incur from the less gifted and less successful. Nevertheless, the current rise of anti-Semitism is quite blatant - especially the shameful blasphemy in the indiscriminate use of the words "holocaust" and "genocide," and in the sudden reappearance of swastikas next to Stars of David. I am a 48-year-old Swedish-American Protestant and have expressed support for Israel for 30 years - but never once before had I been asked, "Are you Jewish?" This past year alone, however, that question - usually framed as an accusation - has arisen at least 50 times, along with printed and electronic invective that would make Mr. Goebbels proud. Here we must be frank: The Arab world bears a great deal of the blame for the current new hatred. Islamic prejudice is the engine that drives European anti-Semitism. The state-run newspapers in Egypt and Saudi Arabia are no different from those in Germany in the 1930s. Saudi diplomats and religious figures unapologetically voice loathing right out of Mein Kampf - itself a bestseller in parts of the Arab world. 5. Aristocratic guilt and the cult of the underdog With few worries about hunger or drudgery, and with ever-increasing material appetites, many Westerners have used that indulgence of affluence to condemn the very culture that produces such a good life. Nihilism, cynicism, and sarcasm are the symptoms we see among our bored and guilt-ridden elite, who belittle both the capitalists who manage their wealth and the arms and backs of the purportedly crass middling classes who actually produce it. Radical environmentalism, romantic multiculturalism, and authoritarian utopianism all reflect a rather smug idealization of the disadvantaged and nature in the raw. Central to this creed is identification with the supposedly anti-Western world of the universal downtrodden - and, really, almost anyone or anything else in the past three centuries that has come up against the juggernaut of the dominant culture of Western industrial capitalism. Thus, for some Westerners, it is not so much the facts of the last 50 years in the Middle East that drives their hatred of Israel. Nor the plenitude of Arabs and paucity of Israelis nor, perhaps, even worry over the price of gas for their Volvos and SUVs, nor their fear of bombs and germs, nor envy of Jews. Partly Marxist, partly ignorant, and mostly naive, these insufferable and affluent European and American leftists see their solidarity with Palestinians as inseparable from their own embarrassed personas. It is easy, cheap - and safe - to right the injustices of the world by marching, shouting, and signing petitions, rather than by living among, marrying, seeing daily, or materially aiding the "other." The truth is that Westerners' support or hatred for Israel increasingly tell us far more about ourselves than they do about the real situation in the Middle East.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2Where to begin?
1. Syria does not occupy Lebanon and it is something only Israel and a right wing Phalange Lebanese militia (responsible for gruesome massacres) that say so. The Lebanese have never been "butlers to their Syrian overlords" and it is, indeed, the Syrians who work the debasing jobs in Lebanon. Besides, most Lebanese trust Syrians more than Israelis. The Syrians helped the Lebanese get their act together after their civil war where sectarianism ruled (something unheard of in Syria who are much more religiously tolerant of their Christians than Israel could ever be). THEY HAVE NEVER done to the Lebanese what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. The "occupation" of Lebanon has never been the subject of any UN resolution, and is therefore, not illegal--like the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Same thing with Chechnya and Tibet. And when it comes to Cyprus, most Arabs side with the Cypriots over their Turkish Muslim co-religionists because they know occupation is wrong. Besides, if pro-Israelis are so concerned with Lebanon, why don't they tell Israel to stop bombing that country--not to mention the near daily flights of its war jets over Lebanon to try to provoke fighting with Hezbollah. Israel wants war with Lebanon, Syria doesn't.
2. The Arabs are ONCE AND FOR ALL Semites. If Jews cannot be anti-Semitic, then neither can Arabs. However, one can see institutional and cultural bigotry all over Israel and the Jewish press. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef calls Palestinians "serpents" and tells his followers "God wants you to kill the Arab." The Moledet (Transfer) Party serves in Sharon's government. Their platform is to ethnically cleanse millions of Palestinians into Jordan. Whose existence is under threat here? Jewish columnists in the US refer to Arabs as animals. Not too long ago a group of rabbis took an ad in the Ha'aretz identifying Arabs as Amalek, a tribe that Jews exterminated in Torah mythology. They said God now wants them to committ genocide against Arabs, as if they were Amalek. Nearly half of all Israelis want to evict Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza in a recent poll. These are your peaceful Israelis?
3. Hatred in the Islamic world will never compare to that in the West. Arabs did not try to exterminate Jews even though they now pay for the sins of European Christians which you are descendant from. Arabs hate the way the Israelis try to consolidate their entire hegemony through war and stealing land. This is what leads to hatred. If it were Belgians doing what the Israelis are, you'd see hatred of Belgium as well. Arabs and Jews lived together in peace for centuries. The Arab countries in March offered that chance to Israel, but in typical contempt it turned peace down.
4. Hatred and anti-Muslim bigotry in American churches, which you probably attend, is akin to or much worse than anything in a Mosque. The sad irony is that Palestinian Christians, the living stones of Christianiy (they are the heirs to the disciples of Jesus Christ) are now practically nonexistent in the Hold Land because they were on prime property Israel wants for itself. You should be ashamed to ignore your fellow Christians this way.
5. Finally, criticizing Israeli actions in the illegally occupied territories is not hating Israel. Hating Israel is allowing it to turn into a racist, apartheid state which claims to be a democracy yet refuses to give a vote or civil rights to 25% of the people under its control. But don't worry, anti-freedom, hate filled apologists for Israeli brutality like yourself are all over the world.
Nice try at lying, but you won't fool people who really know what's going on.
.. just for the record, and as an exercise in deconstuction of popular myth-based propaganda, the pseudo-arguments contained within 'caits' ravings can be effectively suicide-bombed into oblivion using the following basic, home-mixed factual observations:
1.: The most effective antidote to mindless antisemitism (of the variety traditionally directed against Jews) is to clarify with crystal purity the differences between Judaism as a legitimate, ancient and honourable Religion, and Zionism, a nationalistic, aggressive, racist, and recent ersatz-religion for those who have forgotten their G-d.
The popular prejudices (widely construed as 'antisemitic') to be found amongst most of the world's population stems, in my opinion, from the deliberate confusion sown by the Zionists in their equation,
Zionism = State of Israel = Jewish People = Judaism
whereby the un- or misinformed tend to impute the crimes commited by the former pair upon the innocent latter two. This is, obviously enough, a lamentable state of affairs, but also one they are not shy to abuse - by hysterically screaming that anyone opposed to the goals or methods of Zionism is a Jew-hating Nazi just itching for the chance to commit Massmurder all over again.
See this site for a real eye-opener!!
2.: Add to the list of those opposed to 'Israel', by which aggressive and irrational Zionism is really meant, the intellectual elite and a large part of the population of the State of Israel itself (>=35%), plus the Refusenik Movement within the IDF itself, where at least 460 soldiers are being sand as opposed to oil in the gears of Sharon's favourite bulldozer! See this link to support them:
Then consider that the three 'pretexts' are, in actual fact, 3 facts:
2.1. Occupation - without the question mark. No-one merely *purports* that Israel occupies the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, etc.; rather, anyone at all connected to reality accepts this as a concrete fact. This is perhaps as stupid a no-brainer as saying, "The USA *purportedly* attacked Vietnam and effectively wrecked that country."
Also, it is a unique situation only in that it has lasted for 35 years, despite repeated UN resolutions calling for withdrawal. The rest of point one is just so much heated wind.
2.2. Borders and Refugees - the exculpatory cases of expulsion cited all occured before the UN and the principles of Internatinal Law had been founded or properly formulated - not so in the case of Israeli expulsion of Palestinians from their Homeland - the State of Israel confirmed in its document of proclamation the principal of adherence to International Law - something which in hindsight sounds more like some kind of perverse joke. One of the first principles of International Law is that Territory can not be gained by War. The rest of point 2 is mere padding.
2.3. Racism - again, no question mark required. Israel is a State of systemic racial and religious discrimination, very much reminiscent of apartheid South Africa; palestinian children are beaten and shot dead in the streets of the Illegally Occupied Territories *for sport* by the moral heroes of the IDF on a daily basis - It is no secret that Sharon's dream is the 'Transfer', i.e. ethnic cleansing, of Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza and indeed Israel proper. This could very possibly mean a major war, with the probability of Nukes being involved looking increasing likely.
The Nazis never tried to cleanse non-Jews from the West Bank, so this scurrilous hypothesis is ridiculous, invalid and despicable.
... well, I think that you get the picture, and thanks to Sei, I don't really need to continue. (S)he has made some very valid points here, and I would welcome an email from her/him.
Schalom, BlackPope