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Iran / USA / Letters / God / Guantanamo / the price of Oil
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anti-war / imperialism |
other press
Thursday May 11, 2006 22:16 by gurggle.

In the last week the Iranian regime has sent 2 letters to the USA, a state which like it is ruled by God Freaks, and also like it is plausibly credited with promoting the most anti-zionism in the world.
It has been a long time since anything as simple as an 8 page letter sent from one "religous nutter" to another could excite comments or be included by the soothsayers of Capital in the reasons for the brief lull and then spike on Oil prices this week.
Actually it might be the first time anything as simple as a letter caused that...
Dr. Mahmoud (Ahmadinejad / Ahmadinezhad) is the "democratically" elected president of the Islamic republic of Iran, a state which is comitted to the destruction of Israel, the development of Nuclear power, and generally getting up the Yankee nose. George Bush is a man who doesn't read newspapers, uses his illiteracy and mal-adroit speech as a propaganda tool, and consistently involves Jesus (PBUH) in all his decision making.
Guantanamo Bay is the most obvious and public sign of US disregard for international law, the place they bothered to tell us about, where over 500 people are held without trial, and experimented on. Its a really scary place. Its so scary that for years we didn't ask questions about it, and its so horrific that Gary Mc Kinnon who used his IT know-how to access the USA defense computers to find out where UFO's really alien or just natural phenomona today is reported as being scared he will be sent there, if extradited.
The 8 page letter sent by the Iranian president to Bush may be read here in its entirety.
& it was cut and pasted to them from the French daily "Le Monde" : iwho have archived in their media section, for which you need a password.
A second letter has been sent it seems, from someone with more theological qualifications (spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) to the USA, & interestingly according to the Israeli Ynet, " includes 'hopeful signs' for launching negotiations" href=",7340,L-3249455,00.html"
Here you will find the supposed list of over 500 men who are held at
USA gulag detention centre
Guantanamo bay.
its not in the phone book. But it shares its compound with a hospital :-
US Naval Hospital (GTMO) PSC 1005, Box 36, FPO, AE 09593-0136 .USA
You might like to send them postcards or woolly blankets.
Not for the first time Lord Goldsmith of the UK judiciary (attorney general) called yesterday for the place to be closed.,,11069-2174520,0....html",,11069""
The USA which had the previous day dismissed the letter from the Iranian presidency as "a pisstake" has refused to close its only openly recognised gulag prison, where it can isolate, indoctrinate, brainwash, operate on, cyborg, experiment on prisoners & maybe even turn them into remote control suicide bombers.
I really believe that if His Excellency Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad, president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had an easier name for westerners to remember (such as Sadam, or Arafat, or Nassar, or the Ayatolah) he would now be a household name. As it is, we haven't even formalised the versions of his name which we see in print in the West. So we read and hear on our radios, and watch on our TV's reference to the Iranians . This week the Irish Times saw fit to publish a syndicated article by a US thinktanker and "insider" of US foreign policy on the "threat to Israel" posed by a hypothetical mad mullah Iran led by himself the un-memorable.
In his short career since winning the elections for president of his country, Mr Ahmadinejad has really scored big time on the geo-politics front. More than once have I seen him on the pages of my "free commercial advertising based throw away newspapers". I've read about him being put through "psycho-analysis" I've seen him put through "facial analysis" (a sort of physiognomy) I've seen his entry at wikipedia grow and grow - & move from a little "stub" to a lengthy article now "protected from vandalism". I am, as we all are, aware that the capitalist-military-industrial order of the USA would quite happily commit itself to an invasion of (or) "regime change" in Iran. I suspect that it would give a Democrat Presidency more perverse kicks, since it was a Democrat President (Carter) who hastened his departure from the White House because of the Islamic Revolution's ability to outperform the CIA.
"he Iranians"are indeed playing very good geo-politics, very very good "Islamic politics" and really quite brilliant "US politics". If within the remaining 175 days available they succesfully tendered for management of Bolivia's hydrocarbon resource exploitation, they'd be on front of Time magazine by 2007 with the title "masters of psy-op".
I want to ask on this open publishing space ;- we consider the tone being used by His Excellency President of the Iranian Republic Dr. Mahmoud (Ahmadinejad / Ahmadinezhad).
Its not classical. Its not intellectual. Its not diplomatic. its not posh. It doesn't even appear too clever. = Its excellent global politics. Is this a presidential letter? or a statement of faith? or as condoleenza Rice all to quickly seemed to dismiss it a "piss-take"?
I'd like us to wonder these question instead of just leaving them for the Stealth Eagle of Jesus + and I'd like us to wonder what happens to person's mind when they are handcuffed, put in goggles and earphones. What would happen to you? Would it matter what music they played you? Would your drug intake matter much? Would it matter if there were little TV screens on the inside of the goggles? Do you think Jesus wanted that? Well it doesn't matter, Jesus is the only thing mad fundamentalist Christians and Muslim have in common and Jews most certainly don't.
is the bylerussian camp any better?
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4suggesting that the USA could experiment on prisoners in camps.
That all stopped with the syphilis experiments, and you all should know the PCP and LSD programs in Vietnam were volunteer only. Nothing is happening in GITMO which couldn't get past a US court of law.
his "crime" :-
being clever enough to guess the passwords to enter the databases of several of the USA's security service mainframe computer networks.
(thats harder than using google. its even harder than getting an indymedia ireland privelage)
his "motivation" :-
finding out about the UFO's, EBE's (extra-terrestial biological entities), how the Apollo missions were faked, proving he really is clever.
his "fear" :-
being sent to GITMO.
in GITMO no-one hears you scream.
its worse than anything Sigourny Weaver ever imagined.
support Mr Mc Kinnon. (clever computer people especially if unemployed - need our support)
(or @ least don't allow the USA to give him syphillis, LSD, PCP, Ketamine, an orange jump suit, a koran, two buckets, goggles and white noise)
interview with Gary
info on Gary
the case against Gary
Don't worry about God Freaks.
Worry about Nerds.
Nodo50 Spanish state anarchist umbrella file (#1984) on Gary :-
forgot to update our Scottish mate Gary Mc Kinnon's case - he's still in the UK & still fighting that extradition- seems to worry less about being sent to Gitmo. It's at the high court last report from BBC was February 14th
Gary's case is referred to in this article & all the links still work. Even if you like many others were stung by those unsolicited updates that Windows and it appears Mozilla sent out in the last week. Don't get bParanoid - you don't need to understand a computer or the internet to trust the people who do who are on your side. Sometimes these fine bods end up using glue to put things back together. amazes me I'm sure it does you too. But I do things with letters and numbers, symbols and "stuff" - most people don't understand it - but they trust me with it.
So I pay attention to those rare ocassions when a good old fashioned letter is sent from one "world leader" to another. I giggle at the pretension of how these men be they the supreme wookie of Washington GW Bush or the grand old man of the non-alligned movement Fidel Castro or sticky brickie himself Dr Mahmou get called "world leaders". It's like so...... planetary. How they get out of thier boxes eh?
Anyway I asked yesterday that Dr Mahmou write a letter to Mr Blair - he hasn't as of yet - been a busy man at the League of Arab summit - just wrapped up & he's gone off with the Russian and Chinese (who sit in as observers) for a cup of tea and a biscuit (or cookie you could call it). But I asked for a letter to be written!!!! Sure they wouldn't let me down I scoured the internet, sent faxes and went and sat on the usual park benches at the appointed times till I found "a letter".
Fidel Castro has written a letter to Mr Bush & he wants the world to know. So I'm telling you.
I've just seen lovely photos of him in his tracksuit in the hospital bed, recovering well, bless him - with a jotter and pen. It's going to be an old fashioned ink and paper letter complete with graphology & saliva & DNA : we'll read about it soon I'm sure. Fair play to Fidel. Fair play to anyone who does it. Many readers of this site do it. Don't stop!
Fidel has condemned Bush (& all the Bush) for the hunger and thirst of 3 billion fellow humans.
That's planetary talk & I'm listening.... aren't you?
with photo of the letter
fair play to him.
"we can still see you"(.:.)"we got x ray vision"
He has however been given permission to appeal to the House of Lords. (he aint under any ipsiphi wing so I can't tell you how it will go)
here are the 2 other articles on the newswire which will tell you more about his case. Though this article wasn't specifically about him, it did mention him and collate links to his various support groups. He deserves support as any cleverclogs who gets into the USAF computer does, but there are many in the EBE lobby - who worry that his case has set back serious public discussion of the subject for another generation if not more or at least till westerners realise that EBE's are not going to pitch up on the White House lawn or even be intelligible to all except the weirdest minority of humans & will indeed cause you more shite than Moses walking your labour force out lock, stock and smoking barrel. Oh yep - I did tell you a few times last month that they won't try speaking english didn't I? Quite - a sino-linguistic construct makes much more sense. Put that through your hitchhikers guide to the galaxy or wikipedia.
Gary still deserves support from all people who favour an internet where information is free & all those who support enemies of the US military industrial complex. Give him the support.
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