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Ógra SF participate in Youth Debate
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Thursday May 04, 2006 19:36 by Ógra B - Ógra Shinn Féin

Copied from Ulster Herald
In an unheard unity of opinion the UUP, SDLP and Sinn Féin sang from the same hymn sheet at a debate by their youth wings in Omagh. The only thing, however, they agreed upon was that the Socialist Youth – which had branded them as sectarian parties – was talking rubbish.
The debate took place at the training room of Omagh District Council on Tuesday Night and a panel of some 11 members drawn from the UUP, Ógra Shinn Féin, SDLP and Socialist Youth debated various issues. The DUP declined to send a team.
 Omagh Youth Debate. Panellists in their various ways protested that they were not sectarian, and Cathal Lynch of SDLP Youth stressed that one of the founding members of his party, Ivan Cooper, was a protestant.
Barry McNally of Ógra Shinn Féin referred to the protestant influence in Irish Republicanism’s history to refute the allegation.
A Young Socialist claimed that Sinn Féin and the DUP thrive on division and said that Socialist Youth emerged out of an organisation previously known as ‘Militant.’
He insisted however, that socialist Youth never said that the Socialist Party had to lead the red banner forward.
Cathal Lynch rejoined, “A lot of people are of the view that if you were depending on the Socialist Party, you’d be homeless and hungry.”
A young female member of Ógra Shinn Féin was asked by Chairman Frank Galligan if Sinn Féin was a Capitalist party.
“No” She replied, “We come from the working classes, we are a socialist party at heart.”
On the subject of the unionist and nationalist parties depending on flags and emblems to garner votes, a representative of the UUP team, defended the usage of unionist emblems on literature commenting, “You can’t ‘diss’ on other people who are standing up for what they believe in.”
Michael Rafferty of the SDLP team said that John Hume was on record as telling people “You can’t eat flags.” He said that his party had never used a tricolour as a means of Rallying support.
Members from all parties agreed that there should be liaisons with the other parties, in respect of such issues as the hospital and water charges.
The traditional views on policing were aired when the subject turned to the acceptability or otherwise of the PSNI.
Michael Rafferty said that the SDLP did not trust the PSNI and that is why there was a need for the policing board. He said that the PSNI was far from perfect but was better than what had preceded it.
Barry McNally said that three former SDLP councillors associated with policing in Omagh lost their seats at the last election and said that the PSNI were still not acceptable to the community. He added the PSNI had recently tried to recruit Ógra Shinn Féin activists as informers.
He suggested that it was a strategy of the British Government to change names when things went wrong and referred to Windscale to Sellafield, B Specials to UDR and RIC to RUC and now PSNI.
A UUP team member stressed that the PSNI was less corrupt than the Gardai and could not see why the Nationalist Community did not trust them.
Another UUP member added, “What was wrong with the RUC? They only killed 52 people in the Troubles.”
That comment brought jeers of “Only 52” from other panellists.
Another Unionist team member commented, “If people representing the republican community have trouble with policing, surely they should become involved with the Policing Board and make those concerns known.”
Socialist Youth took the view that all police are corrupt citing the behaviour of police towards protestors at the G8 meetings as proof.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Myself and another member of Socialist Youth participated in the debate (if you can call it that!) last Tuesday. The debate began with an address by one member of each group stating their aims and principles and position on the Good Friday Agreement (GFA). The Young Unionists stated they accepted the GFA and that they were setup to help maintain the union. OSF setup with republican ideals and believed in setting up a "32 county democratic socialist republic" and wished to promote the interests of "our" community (a non-sectarian comment if i ever heard one!!). The SDLP Youth was setup to fight for a united ireland and various other "we are more green than OSF" comments. Socialist Youth stated it was setup as a revolutionary youth group run by young people for young people. SY stated the campaigns it had been involved in in furthering the rights of working young people, such as taking up discrimination in the minimum wage, anti-secatarian dmonstrations and against the war on Iraq, we were the only group to specify any campaigning work we had done. SY also stated they welcomed anything which stopped the sectarian slaughter of working class people and on that basis the GFA was welcomed, but GFA institutionalised sectarianism and really only represented a (dis-)agreement at the top by the 4 major sectarian parties. SY was for a real peace process in the working class communities north and south that would tackle the social and economic deprivation in the country.
The debate ranged across a few non-controversial things such as "would you vote for a candidate who was not the same religion as you?" The topic of getting the Assembly up and running then came up with the 3 sectarian parties all saying it would be a good thing. SDLP Youth member said that Peter Hain was not from here, local people needed to be in power and also that Peter Hain had "English answers to Irish problems"!!!! A more xenophobic and nationalist comment it would be hard to think up. SY members stated it would make no difference if Assembly was up or not, the Assembly had followed the same pro-privatisation agenda of Messers Blair and Hain and had not tackled social and economic issues. All 3 parties had agreed to water charges in the Assembly, not to mention privatisation in the health sector. The 3 sectarian youth groups all agreed that it was those dastardly DUPers who were the obstacle to the Assembly up and running again. Interestingly a Young Unionist agreed that the Assembly would make exactly the same decisions as Hain, but he couldnt understand why people didnt see those decisions had to be made that way!!!
SY then accused the 3 other groups of being "sectarian" and that they werent interested in tackling the poverty indemic in our society. The Young Unionists said that the UUP had recently produced a document about tackling poverty and that SY should get its facts straight. (I'm sure working people all over the North will be happy they don't have to worry about poverty, the UUP have produced a document, hurrah!!!!) Of course all 3 sectarian groups proceeded to claim in pious voices "we aren't sectarian". Suffice to say the fact they are all based on one side of the community and have no interest whatsoever in appealing to the other side of the community went completely over their heads. The SDLP by having one protestant member who helped found the party are therefore not a sectarian party, utter nonsense. The SDLP and SDLP Youth are sectarian because of the policies they put forward which have no chance whatsoever of being accepted by working class people on the Shankill. The same goes for the UUP and OSF, i'm sure there are genuine people in all 3 groups who don't believe they are sectarian, but the fact of the matter is that Edward Carson felt he was not sectarian, but in reality he was.
All 3 groups proceeded to say SY were "unrealistic" "stupid" "idealistic" etc Particularily nauseating was the SDLP Youth saying they had to be "pragmatic" and "realistic" ie they had to be pro-privatisation and poodles for Blair and Ahern. No wonder they rounded on SY, SY is trying to build a revolutionary youth group that can tackle issues that really affect young people and not waffle like "im more green than you" or what colour poppies you wear. SY did a good job in showing the 3 sectarian parties for what they are and how they arent interested in the well being of all workers here.
Copies of the Socialist were sold before and after the debate.
Fair play to SY for raising socialist arguments in that forum, seems to have annoyed the stoops anyway. But I think ye should be more careful in using the word "sectarian". SF, the SDLP, and the UUP are all "sectarian" in the sense that they base themselves exclusively on one community, and talk about defending the interests of that community against the other. But when people hear the word "sectarian", they usually associate it with hatred, with the view that one tribe should be kept in a subordinate position as second-class citizens. SF and the SDLP don't believe that, and even the UUP has (mostly) given up on it. It's wiser to use the term "communalist" to describe SF/SDLP/UUP, since they clearly identify with one community and one community alone. It'd be harder then for them to dismiss your arguments. Good to see somebody raising left-wing arguments in that forum anyway.
I think our general message, 'An Ireland of Equals' goes some way to set out our vision - time and again our elected activists speak on TV, radion, in fact any public platform including the press to lay out our political, egalitarian, non sectarian message, the Sinn Fein objectives are to achieve a 32 County Democratic Socialist Republic, where everyone is respected regardless of colour, creed and religion. If people out there listen that is half the battle, then to accept that view is another.
Sinn Féin and Ógra Shinn Féin have encountered this problem constantly , and we are constantly producing literature that lays out our political, egalitarian, non sectarian ideology, but as I said that is only half the battle, the biggest battle and the most crucial battle is to convince those disaffected people who are in disagreement with us that we genuinely are a party of all the people.
One major campaign that we are currently working on and engaging on is Unionist and Protestant outreach (obviously not all protestants are Unionists and we have many in the party). The outreach involves schemes like the contraversial Wreath Laying ceremony by Alex Maskey, the Sinn Féin Days of Remembrance for all those indigenious people who died in the conflict, Republican and Loyalist former prisoners coming together for discussion, to cross community projects and now Ógra engaging with young unionists and protestants who are involved in political or community work. We believe that it is only through direct engagement with these young people that we can break down any barriers that persist.
So I think its a many tiered project to break down this false portrayal of our ideology, through publicity (literature, speeches etc), to outreach, and then propably the biggest factor which is to show your effectiveness to the people by working for all the community on broader social issues, Sinn Fein and Ógra is breaking down this false portrayal day in day out, and are growing both as a party and electorally as a result, expect to have the same minority of extreme anti SF bashing views for the forseeable future, on TV, radio and even the Herald, but be confident that we are constantly going forward, constantly progressing and constantly getting stronger and as a result smashing the image which these people wish to portray of us!
Onwards to The Socialist Republic!
OSF are either really good at deluding themselves or they are the most sinister organisation since the Hitler Youth (mmh nationalists and socialists???)
OSF are sectarian through and through - their older party was founded as a sectarian response to a difficult problem. Their literature is in general sectarian in nature. their members are just as sectarian as any member of the DUP.
OSF call for a "democratic socialist republic" sounds like drivel to me. When their political party in the south is willing to go into coalition with every capitalist party bar one it doesnt sound to socialist. when they celebrate their centenary of their party tracing back to 1905 meaning the party founded by arthur griffith - a dual monarchist, anti-semitic fool who is stated that imperialism and socialism were the same and that they should be avoided?????
you should really re-evaluate are you only socialist to tap into images of che guevara - a devout internationalist who was a marxist or are you really socialist and try to objectively change this world.
Although i would avoid the later it may damage your chances of getting a nice easy well paid councillor or MLA job in the future for this party you love oh so much!!
little pen i'm not a shinner but to say that all osf literature is misguided to say the least.
can you give us any examples of how its sectarian?
its very easy just to sit on your computer and preach about what other people are with nothing to back it up.
when there's a crowd of republicans that are actually trying to reach out to the other side of a community (laying wreaths/community work etc) its still not good enough for you.
i'm not a member so i won't comment on the coalition but as far as i'm aware i thought it was something at the ard fheis that said they wouldn't rule out coalition. its pointless even discussing that cos it wouldn't be on the cards for this coming election anyway.
Aye Ogra Sinn Fein revolution indeed. Away and crawl back to your funders in Washington fecks sake - "we're based in the working-class" what a pile of pish, the IRA never gave a fuck what class they were blowing up and Sinn Fein introduced a pile of privitisation shite while in governemnt
Stick your hypocrisy up yer hole
I disagree with a hell of a lot of SY's politics but fair play to them for engaging in this debate in the way they did. From the original post it seems bringing up class based anti-sectarian arguments really pissed off the shinners.