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ATGWU and SIPTU unity

category national | worker & community struggles and protests | opinion/analysis author Wednesday May 03, 2006 18:39author by Lets come together Report this post to the editors

Union unity=political unity?

The debate, discussion regarding left wing unity continues on this site, in the “left wing” political press, in the pages of Daily Ireland and in small meetings.

However this could be the most significant of all the moves so far.

The ATGWU and SIPTU have announced closer ties. The fact that the two largest unions on the island are getting closer together surely must inspire those who care about progressive politics on this island to try and work closer together.

“We may be more politically ambitious than Siptu at the moment. Relations between the two unions have been cool during the past five years and it will take a while for trust and confidence to be built,” said ATGWU regional secretary Mick O’Reilly yesterday.
“When we reach that stage, we intend to push the idea of a collective drive to elect a left-wing, progressive government, without Fianna Fáil. Labour, Sinn Féin and the independents would certainly form part of that vision.”

For full Daily Ireland article regarding SIPTU and ATGWU closer cooperation see

For opinion see

For debates regarding left unity see

A Republican call for "Left Unity"


author by Liberty Hall Langerpublication date Wed May 03, 2006 19:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This could be important. Both SIPTU and the TGWU (the British wing of the ATGWU) are putting resources into organising the unorganised working class and this is a sign that those resources are not going to be wasted poaching members from one union to another. What the TGWU is doing in Britain is very impressive and worthy of note.

One of the signals being sent by this is that the left activists in the IWU are not going to be rescued by the ATGWU. Those comrades should see that the winds (or at least the breezes) of changes are blowing in the Irish union movement and that they could be a lot more useful inside a Congress union than they are outside.

author by Great Newspublication date Wed May 03, 2006 19:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is great news, something like this is what is needed before there can be any talk about left led government. However I think Jack O'Connor's comments in the article regarding FF are very worrying.

However O'Connor does seem to be a pretty open guy and I am sure he would not say no to some sort of left wing coalition at some stage coming into being.

The main problems I think at moment are.
1. Rabbitte leadership of Labour hates republicans and sees his role as Enda's b*tch.
2. Those in SF who see FF as somehow progressive! I think they are mainly up north, southern members cannot really have any such illusions.

3. The far left would obviously not join such a coalition but they should give it guarded support from the sidelines and of course the far-left and left wing independents should unite themselves.

I have said it before here, if this does not happen soon, we are loooking at decades under FF or FG led governments. NIGHTMARE.

Next years electionis already set up as choice between Enda or Bertie again NIGHTMARE.

author by d'otherpublication date Wed May 03, 2006 21:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Have mergers not generally happened as part of a pattern that papers over the breakdown in trade union organisation and density? Eye up what we have at the moment. Workplace organisation is replaced with algorithms on employers computers that deduct membership dues at source. Whole sectors of industry remain unorganised or have developed structures that undermine traditional union forms. Then there's a coming generation where contact with a union is a rare thing. Never minding the fact its something that is constantly undermined as a concept/need. So I for one don't take much hope from the fact that next years may day march may have just one banner, with some monster of an acrynom on it like "SIPTUATGWU." Instead of two seperate union banners. To be honest, the real questions lies with why every year its the same dwindling shower of bureaucrats marching themselves into increased irrelvence at these events. Mergers can't paper over the obvious and the questions needed to tackle it.

author by H ugh Murphy - ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Jack O'Connor and SIPTU are corrupt, I have told him this twice to his face at large meetings and challenged him to sue me.
His union, when it was ITGWU in the 70's ,collaborated with the employers to sack its own members.
I have the absolute proof of this, contained in a letter from Belfast solicitors Thompsons McClures Victoria Street.
O'Connor engaged them to try and discredit what I'd said.

ICTU are aware of this and will do nothing. Not surprising when I've got letters from Donal Nevin - the Connolly expert, dated 1974, in which he says ictu can do nothing. I'd just told him ITGWU was sacking its own members for with the employers.

Likewise, the union leadership didn't want to know either. When I informed the 'then' general secretary, Michael Mullen, of the Belfast branch's behaviour, he replied "my insulting letters would not keep him from sleeping." I had asked him how he could sleep while his union sacked its own members and betrayed Connolly.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my unionpublication date Mon Oct 09, 2006 13:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Someone has posted a comment that my statements about Jack O'Connor and Siptu being corrupt are false.


Let Jack O'Connor and Siptu take me to court and preserve there good name - Hah!

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Proof positive that all I say about Siptu corruption and the cover up of same by Jack O'Connor is contained in the letters page of Andersonstown News. Interested trade unionists, including... and especially those who support the Siptu leadership should go to the archives and consult pages 2nd August, 16th August and 11 October 1980.

In these pages in three letters written by myself they will learn how their union corruptly sided with the employers and sacked its own members.

They will also learn if they're interested just how far Siptu has deviated from the teachings of James Connolly and Jim Larkin.


Hugh Murphy

author by Hugh Murphy - sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Wed Oct 25, 2006 00:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Since I exposed Siptu's and Jack O'Connor's cover-up of corruption at De Rossa's 'Race to the Bottom' meeting in the EU offices on 7th December last, De Rossa has done nothing to upset the employers by exposing the union's collaboration.

The employers and unions don't want the rank and file to know how close they are, in case the workers want real representation from their union leaders.

Siptu, Jack O'Connor and the leadership are a disgrace. By covering up the fact that ITGWU colloborated with the
Belfast employers to sack its own members they have trampled into the mud the principles of Connolly and Larkin and especially the fact that Connolly was executed for his part in attempting to free the workers of Ireland.

Sue me Jack... if you dare.

Hugh Murphy

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Thu Oct 26, 2006 13:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

On 1st February 06 in Crawdaddy, in front of a large audience, I again accused Jack O'Connor and his union of being corrupt and of covering up corruption.
David McWilliams - of The Big Bite who'd organised the evening interupted me, saying "let him speak".

O'Connor came out with a load of LIES, to the effect that "he'd received a letter from a Belfast solicitor who could find no substance to my allegations"

When I received this letter six months later I found the solicitor had said the exact opposite. He stated "it may well be that his dismissal in similar circumstances today would be found to be an UNFAIR DISMISSAL".

What nonsense! Any collaboration between union and employers which results in workers being dismissed must be corrupt and unfair.

The solicitor waffles on - and states "where there be members who profoundly disagree with a course of action taken by the union and may even consider it 'corrupt' to agree to investigate Mr Murphy's particular allegations would create a precedent which others may seek to follow at great potential cost to the union in terms of time and finance".

This solicitor is accepting that a great many things are wrong with Siptu and that the only way the leadership can remain the leadership is to keep a lid on past corruptions.

While accepting that Siptu and Ictu want to keep this corruption and the betrayal of Larkin and Connolly hidden, I want to know why David McWilliams and The Big Bite are doing so as well.

Months ago I sent McWilliams the solicitors letter which O'Connor referred to in Crawdaddy, but as yet I've had no reply or any sign that The Big Bite will be doing a programme into Siptu and Ictu corruption.

Hugh Murphy

author by Hugh Murphy - sackedbymyunionexBelfast Dockerpublication date Thu Nov 09, 2006 19:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Has no trade unionist in Ireland an opinion on the corruption of Siptu and Ictu.

Obviously you realise, you are being led by men who cover up the persecution of workers.

If the above letters don't tell you what's going on, see the Blog... CORRUPT SIPTU.

Hugh Murphy

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Fri Nov 10, 2006 01:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Someone has posted alongside the words Corrupt Siptu, the comment, "notify blogger about objectionable content".

Obviously the Truth of what I say is hitting home.

Would the hypocrites who are hurt by my words put themselves into a dockers position who has been sacked by his union? How would they explain to their wives and children that the union founded by Jim Larkin and the union of which James Connolly was acting general sectretary of when he was excuted, had sacked them.

How could they convince sane people, that the union which defended the workers in Dublin during the lock-out had deprived them, and many others of their livelihoods.

James Connolly had a name for the people who refused to stand up to employers - Lickspittles!

So to the Lickspittles who are offended by what I write, I say, expose the past leadership of ITGWU in Dublin who allowed these atrocities on the working class to take place, and to the members of ICTU who were too cowardly to oppose them - shame on you.

I know it will be a very difficult for the union leadership to do - ie honour the names of Larkin and Connolly, but while they hold positions of power their inaction denigrates everything they fought and died for.

Hugh Murphy

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Mon Nov 13, 2006 15:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Trade Unionists shoud read the Belfast Telegrath for last Satuday.

Ardder Raffatery is dying of cancer.

The Befast Dockers were made discharge asbestos by our union.

I will be in touch with Ardder to give my support in his case against Siptu.

Hugh Murphy

author by Tom - Also sacked by ITGWUpublication date Fri Nov 17, 2006 23:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's about time the truth about ITGWU has been told, I applud Hughie Murphy for having the courage to do what the rest of us are afraid to do.

But I'm afraid he's wasting his time. The entire union leadership in Ireland will close ranks and prevent this becoming public knowledge.

When Hughie Murphy was sacked by the union and employers court we went on strike. The strike lasted three days and was called off because the union at a large meeting convinced the dockers that Hughie Murphy deserved sacked because he'd written the Dockers Voice several years before.

Not a word was said about the union's collobaration with the employers to sack him.

In the Dockers Voice Hughie ridiculed the union for sucking up to the employers, and especially the union chairman who sold us out over decasualisatiionand joined the employers. Hughie wanted what he'd agreed to thrown out, but unbelievably, not only was it not thrown out but the chairman / employer remained a member of the union and continued to attend the only union meeting which we had every year, the AGM.

While Hughie rightly exposes the betrayal of Connolly and Larkin, for me the disgusting spectable of sitting beside our ex union chairman turned employer, every year, and knowing that everything discused at the union meeting would be reported straight to the employers, was betrayal and corruption at a local level and could be cut with a knife.

Good luck Hughie.

Cowardly Tom, Belfast.

author by Harry the Hippy - The Last Hippypublication date Wed Nov 22, 2006 16:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

My attention has been drawn to the comments posted by ex Belfast Docker Hugh Murphy.

I find what he says unbelievable and yet it must be true as he's given ample evidence of the union ITGWU''s wrongdoing. I have been doing
some investigating among Belfast friends, one whose grandfather was a docker, and he tells me that everything that Hugh Murphy says, and a lot more is true. He also tells me that there's only about six Siptu members still working at the Docks.

In the meantime a comment has been posted by someone who calls himself Cowardly Tom, who it seems was also a Belfast Docker. Is he bothered by his own and the dockers cowardice, that he signs himself thus.


My friends grandfather tells him that yes, they had to unload asbestos, but as far as he knows nobody knew of its deadly character.

I would believe this, only for the detailed information which Hugh Murphy gives in his blog CORRUPT SIPTU and the above postings. Why were these men were too afraid to stand up to a perverse union which should've been named the ETGWU?

Hugh Murphy has challenged Jack O'Connor and Siptu to sue him.

I think there is more chance of Michael McDowell joining the IRA.

Having said that, Trade Unionists should insist that this blight on their noble history should dealt with.

Harry the Hippy

author by Cowardly Tom - Also sacked by ITGWUpublication date Fri Nov 24, 2006 22:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I want to answer Harry the hippy and tell him what sort of men the Belfast dockers were. FRIGHTENED. Firstly Tom is not my real name. Even thoug its over 30 years since I worked at the docks I'm still scared.

The docks were run by hard men. In the mid sixties when a new silo was built to take all of our bag work no compensation was paid to us. Instead the chairman got the best job at the silo and employed all his family.

The chairman before him brougt in a pay in pension scheme, when Mickey Feeney asked who was getting the commission the chairman punched him. We never learned who got the commission.

When the first container ship to sail into Belfast arrived, the above chairmans son and his friend got jobs. As did the branch secretarys nphew and several union cronies.

Anyone asking why this was happening got a dig in the gub.

The hard men still rule. The chairmans son and the branch secretarys son are who recieved this nepotcism are trying to bury there past by stirring up things in sailortown and claiming that they were always good trade unionistts.

I always admired Hughie Murphy but exprcted him to end up in abox cause he was threaened on several times.

One time Iwas there. He was writeing the dockers voice at the time. Two Brothers who's father was also a hard man told him if he didn't stop he'd end up in the dock. Hughie asked them who'd sent them, James Connolly or Jim Larkin? There answer will remaikn with me till I die,,, Never you mind who sent us!

As I said before I wish Hughie well but like at the docks he'll get nowere

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Mon Nov 27, 2006 16:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In relation to the above comments from Cowardly Tom, the cowardice of Jack 'Connor, De Rossa, Ictu and Siptu must now be apparent to all trade unionists.

I have challenged them to take me to court and make me retract what I'm saying about them.

They can't because every word I say is true and they are covering up corruption.

It must be particularly hard for De Rossa to stomach as he's already been to court to protect his good name.

To get back to the point: Atgwu must have nothing to do with Siptu until they condemn the corruption which took place in Belfast.

Hugh Murphy

author by bobby dickey - last docks chairmanpublication date Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the lies that cowardly tom tells are disgraceful. one of the chairman he speaks of did not get ths silo job untill after he was docks chariman.
murphy was alwas a trouble maker since he got into union in 1962.

whats wrong with chairman giving jobs to his relatives. wfhat difference dos it make if there hard men. that was the wfay at thee docks

murphy shod have been done for what he said about us in the dockers voice

we only wanted the best for us an our familys

yes the union got jobs for there familys at the container boad so what an anybody woud do it.

if the employers hadnt of wanted rid of murphy wed have don it ourselfes he did nothing on start troubel and want showers and shampoo
wfhen the new silo went u p its aved a fortunee caus befor everthing was in begs but silo sucked it up how coud the union save jobs by makeing employers give work to dockers what was in containers

murphy shod have been done

bobby dickey last chairman of the docks

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Wed Dec 06, 2006 17:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Obviously the last chairman of the Docks was utterly drunk to boast about his and his union's collaboration with the Belfast Employers.

What will he boast of next - the abuse of a 12 year old girl which saw him put out of the New Lodge - in Belfast. When he appeared in Court, the judge, Resident Magistrate Desmond Perry told him, among other things, that "his behaviour beggared belief".

A full account of Dickey's behaviour {for which he pleaded guilty} can be read on the front page of the North Belfast News for 4th August 1992.

I don't know what Dickey's sentence was as sentencing was adjourned for six month.

I want Jack O'Connor, SIPTU and ICTU, and DE ROSSA to take note of the above
and to get a copy of the North Belfast News.


Hugh Murphy

author by Cowardly Tom - Also sacked by ITGWUpublication date Fri Dec 08, 2006 20:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Maybe now seeing Murphy has told about Bobby Dickey the union people in Dublin will realise what we had to put up with up here.

But i and everyone else knows they will just cover everything up.

Murphy is right when he says there corrupt but everyone knows that and nothing will happen. Thats the way of the world and the way of trade unionism in ireland. Noone can tell me any different I have expercinced it.

Even had we supported Murphy and stayed on strike nothing would have changed. We pretended to believ Dickey and the union cause we were to afeared not to. We didn.t want the union picking on us.

We all knew they were selling us out but we got 8 years redundancy money for 35 years service but had we stayed on strike for Murphy we.d have got nothing and maybe a rap on the door.

The hard men ruled an they still rule. Everyone knows the lies they tell are lies but are to afraid to say anything.

I want to live out my life in peace

Cowardly Tom

author by bobby dickey - the last docks chairmanpublication date Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

if cowardly tom isnt dead i know were he lives

if cowardly tom isnt dead i know where he lives

we don the best for are members cause we had anothe union at are backs

murphy shod have been done things werent as simpel as he said.

when he wus kiking up a stink over compulsery overtime at containner boats we shut him up by givin him job at best paid containner boat with tommy conningham

but he nocked of at 5 o clock an cause uproaar shouting he can't be boght

siptu an atgwu shod git together an fight the employers we couldnt do it cause of other union whod take all our work

we had to walk fin line tween men and employers itgwu was good enouf for larkin

we woudnt allow murphy be enployed cause he woundnt work compulsery overtime the containner boats coudnt wait

author by Cowardly Tom - Also sacked by ITGWUpublication date Tue Dec 26, 2006 17:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Bobby Dickey was asusual full of christmass cheer as he is every week. What he said about murphy is exactley true he couldnt be bought.

Everybody and murphy knew what the employers done by giving him the job. He had prinisciples. Even th emen who worked at container boats started to say the money wasnt that good when they had to work and be onstandby 24 hours a day. Union treats shut them up.

It seems dickey is saying that the union sucked up to employers cause of the other union the TGWU bujt the revrese is true. We were scebs and undermined them. We undercut them at everey job and done it cheapper insted of gettting togater with em.

We were also scebs to our own union. When the Dublin dockers wnt on strike we disscharged there cargo.

Were Larkin woud be disgusted is because the other union in Belfast port was protastants. The employers and ITGWU used this to divde and conqer. They playd us of against each other and made a fortune with Larkins union as colloborators.

Dickey can stick his trets is he gonna shot me wid his walking stick I see he has said nothing bout why he was put out of New Lodge.

But their are other sly hard men hoved taken over from Dickey and the ITGWU


author by Siptu Tony - Siptupublication date Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have been watching this site with disgust.

Who would want to join Siptu?

Why would you want to join Siptu?

Was it Connolly or Larkin who said: "the bigger the Trade Union the greater the fetters with which we bind ourselves".

The fact that writs are not flying proves that everything said about Siptu is true.

I, for one don't want to belong to to such a devious corruption.


author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked my my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You are absolutely right Tony, to wash your hands of this corruption.

They have dishonoured Trade Unionism, Connolly and Larkin. In Belfast, where they engaged in the devise tactics [ which were scorned by Larkin] and outlined by cowardly Tom, of setting worker against worker because of their religion.

Larkin saw through this and united workers, to the disgust of the employers. He wouldn't even vomit on the leaders of SIPTU who claim to be walking in his footsteps.

Show me the difference between the ITGWU in Belfast, persecuting, fining dockers large sums of money, collaborating with the employers to such an extent that the EX UNION CHAIRMAN WHO SOLD OUT AND TURNED LABOUR CONTROLLER, ATTENDED the AGM. [as cowardly Tom pointed out, this was the only union meeting held each year] - and the present day leadership collaborating with the employers in so-called Partnership.

As anyone with half an eye can see - there is no difference.

Tony, you're the first person from SIPTU to acknowledge that you're reading this site and learning the corrupt history of your union after Larkin.

I must accept, that either they're too scared to comment, or they believe everything I say and agree with it, hence they're silence, or they're waiting to see me dragged through the courts to retract the corrupt comments I've made against the union and Jack O'Connor.

Maybe the answer is a more simple one which should interest ATGWU :ie, the largest union in Ireland consists of two hundred thousand Cowardly Toms.

Sorry - less one, Tony.

Hugh Murphy

author by Andy from Siptu - Siptupublication date Fri Dec 29, 2006 17:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A Polish worker with little grasp of English has told me he wants to join my union. Suckto.

This should be of intrest to Siptu and Atgwu

author by M - FROM DUBLINpublication date Sat Dec 30, 2006 21:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Can anyone please tell me when the Dublin dockers refused to unload ships because of the asbestos on them..

Hugh i applaud your honesty......

if anyone can give me a rough idea .. i.e year -I will be greatful

author by Arthur Rafferty - Irish transport and general workers unionpublication date Tue Jan 02, 2007 05:39author address author phone 07715921137Report this post to the editors

In response to Mr Dickey and his HEAVEYS i worked at the belfat docks for 25 years. I unloaded ASBESTOS for all 25 years and am now DYING from asbestois due to this. Our union off that time in the 50's 60's and 70's were told off the danger off asbestos but neglated to inform the ordinary docker. For they kept this secret to themselves knowing that any worker in their right mind would refuse to work with this due to the fact they had absoulty no PPE to ensure their safty. Our union had a duty off care to warn its members about the danger off ASBESTOS but never told the dockers handlling the deady material!!. Also PRICK relations who were catered for at the belfast docks, they were put into all the best paying jobs by the committee and as for JACK O CONNOR off SIPTU i have been trying to arrange meeting with him for 21 months however i have been ignored by his office. What secret have have these people to hide for i am only lookin the truth??

I am 100% behind Hugh Murphy and and his fight against the corrupt practices off SIPTU and former Members off the "IRISH TRANSPORTS AND GERNERAL WORKERS UNION

author by Arthur Rafferty - [email protected]publication date Wed Jan 03, 2007 19:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For Mr dickey to say if we didnt do the work we would have lost it to another union, this is total nonsense for cross channell would not have done the work we did. As for him to threaten any ex docker with his bully boys who does he think he is. We had to stand that abuse from these so called delegates and committe men all through the 50's 60's and 70's. As to even mention the name off Jim Larkin in the same breath as these scum is a shame. As for Hugh Murphy thanks for the meeting today.

Would harry the hippy and Cowarldy Tom get in touch with me on ---- 07715921137

Note Mr Dickey i use my own name

Arthur Rafferty.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sac ked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Thu Jan 04, 2007 16:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Arthur Rafferty is dying of Asbestosis and Jack O'Connor, President of Siptu, won't meet him.


Because O'Connor's union, when it was known as ITGWU, knew of the risks involved with working with asbestos and did nothing. Yet O'Connor will meet employers and government ministers at the drop of a hat.

Not only did O'Connor's union know of the dangers of asbestos but it was {in the persons of union officials Bobby Dickey and Joe McBrim) directly responsible for myself and a gang of men working at it.

In the late nineteen sixties, we were discharging asbestos at the docks when one of the dockers, Paddy [The Turk] Brennan, in a very excited state, came over the hatch and shouted down into the hold "Stop! That stuff gives you cancer." We all laughed, but because of the way Paddy was behaving we listened to him.

He told us that "One little little sliver of this stuff could kill us," and we were working in clouds of it, spitting it from our throats and blowing it from our noses. As the bags went up out of the hatch, it spilled from ripped bags and was blown everywhere.

Paddy convinced us of the truth of what he was saying, so, ankle deep in asbestos, we stopped work, sat down, and the union was sent for.

When Dickey and McBrim arrived, Dickey went ballistic. At Belfast Docks it was a serious offence to stop work.
Paddy Brennan came from the next hatch and told Dickey about the dangers of what we were working with.
Dickey laughed and told him to "fuck off" or he'd be up before the committee. Paddy persisted with his arguments but Dickey threatened to suspend him if he didn't shut up.

Paddy shouted down to us, "On your own heads be it, I have told you."

Dickey then ordered us to resume work or we'd all be up before the committee. This was a euphemism for being fined by the union, and was no idle threat. As many as ten men could be fined each week for offending the employer.

Liam O'Reilly, one of the holdsmen that day, has since died of a chest disease.

Shortly after we resumed work, Dickey came over the hatch and threw down a box of cloth masks, the sort doctors wear. They were left over from loading a meat boat where we had to wear white coats, gloves and masks, because the cows had been ritually slaughtered. The masks were so we didn't breath on the meat. Ironic...!

For Mick O'Reilly of ATGWU, to even consider forming a party with SIPTU while Jack O'Connor won't acknowledge the corruption and intimidation his union engaged in in the past, IS anathema to Trade Unionists.

Arthur Rafferty, who is dying of Asbestosis becasue of the corruption of ITGWU, has formed a committee with ex Belfast Dockers who are also dying of Asbestosis. ITGWU exists today in the form of SIPTU - and the fact that SIPTU will not deal with the former corruption of ITGWU, makes them also corrupt.

Mick O'Reilly and ATGWU are the only people in Trade Union circles who can make the SILENT Jack O'Connor of SIPTU and the SILENT ICTU answerable to the members who pay their wages - and to answer in the Court of Public Opinion and Decency for this atrocious betrayal of the trade union ideals of Jim Larkin and James Connolly.

author by Arthur Rafferty - Dockerpublication date Fri Jan 05, 2007 18:37author email arthur_rafferty at hotmail dot co dot ukauthor address author phone 07715921137Report this post to the editors

Mick i would like to have a meeting with you to talk about that peice off garbage jack o connor off siptu and also itgwu scum who ran the belfast docks from 50's 60's and 70's. Those so called union men sent their fellow workers to the deaths workin with asbestos with out any protection at all. No masks No clothes nothing at all, yet the delegates and committe men were all informed about the danger off asbestos as early as 1960. JUDAS got 30 peices off silver i wonder how much they were paid, my worry is for fellow dockers dying with asbestosis also their familys who were exposed to the dust on their clothes not knowing the danger they were in. All thanks to them scum delegates who ran our union for the employers. Ispoke to some trade unions in belfast including ictu Peter Bunting asking for their backing for our campaign suprise suprise not one offered us help looks likes those unions are every bit corrupt as siptu. Were did Larkin and connolly go wrong leaving scum like this in charge off unions getting back to mr Dickey sending pick relations to the best off jobs that included the tally men who were doin six to ten books a day. While ordinary dockers if work was slack were sent home to sign on the dole. When i say six to ten books i mean one days pay for one book so six books equals six days pay but you had to be a prick relation to get into the tallying section. Yet those corrupt delegates stood for this. Those delegates and committe men if you could call them men have alot to answer for. How can they sleep at night without thinkin about how many dickers they have killed through pure greed and neglect .

Arthur rafferty

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 21:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I rang Mick O'Reilly in Belfast this morning to ask why he hadn't been in touch with Arthur Rafferty. He was on his mobile talking to someone else and his secretary said he'd get back to me. He didn't.

Does Mick agree with the corruption which ITGWU engaged in, in the past, and which is being covered up by Siptu and Ictu?

I don't know.

Does Mick, now that he knows the depth of corruption in which Siptu is steeped, still want to form a Left Wing Party with them?

I don't know.

Does Mick agree with the cover up of corruption by Siptu and Ictu?

I don't know.

Does Mick agree with Belfast Dockers being sentenced to death to make profit for the employers?

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 16:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It seems Mick O'Reilly is not so vocal - since he said "We may be more politically ambitious than Siptu at the moment. Relations between the two unions have been cool during the past five years and it will take a while for trust and confidence to be built".

Does Mick stand over these words?

How many ex Belfast Dockers have to die before the trust and confidence he speaks of has been built.

author by cowardly tom - sacked by itgwu and employerspublication date Sat Jan 27, 2007 14:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It seems that Mick O'Reilly is the latest union to be corrupted by the say nuthing synddrome. why will he nott commentt onn the fact that meberss of itgwu are dying of asbestioss.

Even the British govermengt has an oponon. Artur Rafferttys case was raised in th house of Commonns during th eweek.

Its a sorree statt of affaris when the british Goveranment care more about irish Workers than Irish trade unions.

Woud Mick, or SIptu or ictU say something about the corrupt siptu and the fact that this union drove uion membres to their deaths thirty and forty years later to make money for the employers

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Mon Jan 29, 2007 19:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Cowardly Tom, in a quite inarticulate manner has broken the story - that Nigel Dodds of the DUP, on Wednesday 24 January, raised the fact in the British House of Parliament, that Arthur Rafferty and many other Belfast Dockers are dying from asbestos poisoning.


This matter should have been raised in the Oireachtas but not one of the TD's I wrote to, INCLUDING the TAOISEACH had the courage to do so.

Maybe now, when the English show just how CORRUPT Irish Trade Unions are, something will be done.

It's like a sick Irish JOKE.

We paid our Trade Union to protect us, but the corrupt people in control of the Union acted in COLUSSION with the employers to sack dissenters among its members - AND to enhance profits for the employers the union kept secret from it members the deadly nature of Asbestos.

Maybe now that the DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS of ITGWU and the cover-up by SIPTU are being aired in Westminster, we can expect some action from the Irish Government.

A good start would be, to SACK and put on trial for crimes against the Irish People, De Rossa, O'Connor, Rabbitte, Begg, McLoone and any other persons which a Public Inquiry would decide should stand trial for covering up this atrocity.

Maybe now it's clear why De Rossa sued Dumphy and won't sue me.

author by Tony - Siptupublication date Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hugh Murphy and indymedia are to be congratulated for bring this corrupt saga of trade union corruption into the open.

That the British house of commons has debated Irish Trade Union Corruption must show to the trade union movement here that they can't keep a lid on this corruption anymore.

The so-called trade union leaders who Murphy has mentioned are a disgrace. Even without partnership all they ever represented were the employers.

I was surprised to read from Hugh's posting that he'd also been writing to many TD's and the Taoiseach but got nowhere. But now, seeing that Bertie is a Socialist, he'll do something and expose the betrayal of James Connolly and Jim larkin.

I know he doesn't need them but exposing corrupt Trade Union Leaders could get him a few extra votes, and would go a long way to cleaning up his act with the working class... who pay tax.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 14:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

While Jack O'Connor lies through his teeth at Larkins grave, Arthur Rafferty, just one Belfast Docker who's dying from TRADE UNION induced asbestosis, has made a plea in last Sunday's Sunday World, that his case is settled before he dies.

Is it too much to ask that this man's final years be lived in comfort with the compensation to which he's entitled.

Why will Jack O'Connor not do the decent thing and admit that his union is at fault. Why will he not admit that corrupt union officials in Belfast ordered dockers to discharge asbestos?

Why will he not admit that when his union in Dublin knew of the dangers they sent the ships to Belfast to be unloaded by Northern union members?

O'Connor's union condemned the Belfast Dockers to death.

He may praise Larkin to the sky and sing his praises, but ACTION SPEAKES LOUDER THAN WORDS

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

While Atgwu, Ictu and Siptu are are strangely reluctant to comment upon the betrayal of Trade Unionism and of Belfast Dockers dying of asbestosis - which have previously appeared in these postings, maybe they'll find something to say about an article which appeared in the Northern Edition of Sunday World, 25 February 07.

The British Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith has promised to investigate why Arthur Rafferty and other Belfast Dockers dying of Asbestos have not received compensation for this recognised Industrial Disease.


The British government won't pay compensation to the Belfast Dockers because they told the Belfast employers and the Dockers union, ITGWU in 1947 and again in 1960 about the dangers of asbestos. AND if any dockers contracted asbestosis through their employment they should be compensated by either their employers OR their union because they failed to inform the dockers of the dangers.

For the sake of TRUTH and JUSTICE which Ictu, Siptu and Atgwu say they want for their members, would someone in the Trade Union movement take up the plight of these dying Irish workers.

author by Tony - Siptupublication date Mon Feb 26, 2007 15:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes Hugh Jack is a hypocrite. I have been asking questions about your postings and have been told [unofficially] that the leadership can't comment because there's a court case pending.

I have also been told [officially] that the Siptu leadership set up a Sub Committee to investigate Hugh Murphy's claims of past union corruption but he refused to attend any of the Sub Committee meetings.

I think it's deplorable that this union should shun the Belfast Dockers dying of asbestosis.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my uniion ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Mon Feb 26, 2007 18:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In reply to Tony of Siptu,

I don't see why the leadership are reticent to speak now - I informed them as early as the mid 60's that the union in Belfast was behaving corruptly, and the 'then' leadership ignored it.

YES, 'today's' leadership did set up a Sub Committee but it was simply a WHITEWASH exercise.

I was contacted on 4th April 06, by one Martin Naughton of the Finance Division, who said: "The National Executive Council of the union has established a Sub Committee that would like to meet you at your convenience on the matter".

In another letter dated 3rd May he stated: "We would like to draw your attention to the first paragraph of your letter and advise that the Sub-Committee was not established to investigate 'corruption and collaboration' which you state took place in Belfast, but to meet with you, listen to what you would wish to say, to clarify any matter if necessary and then report its observations to the full National Executive Council of the Union".

OBVIOUSLY the only reason for establishing this Sub-Committee was for it to clear the Unioin of any wrong-doing, this was why I refused to participate.

By attending this FARCE I'd have been giving credence to the WHITEWASH.

Tony, I hope this clarifies matters for you. Our Union behaved corruptly, openly collaborated with the employers, and in concert with the employers sacked any union members whom the employers saw as TROUBLE MAKERS.

I, and many Belfast Dockers {most of whom are dying from asbestosis because the union ordered them to work at this lethal cargo} will TESTIFY in court to our Union's CORRUPTION.

author by Cowardly Tom - Also sacked by ITGWUpublication date Sun Apr 01, 2007 14:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

An article in today's Sunday World [northern edition] should be of interest to Trade Unionists down there in the South, it's entitled DYING MAN GETS TO PUT HIS CASE, and states that Arthur Rafferty is finally getting to meet a senior Siptu official.

After 24 months Joe O'Flynn, General Secretary will travel to Belfast to meet Arthur.

I wonder, would a member of Ibec or the most lowley member of government have been kept waiting so long.

Arthur intends to ask O'Flynn "why the uniion didn't give himself and hundreds of dockers who also worked at asbestos, protective clothing and masks"?

His answer should be interesting.

In the article Arthur elaborates, " I have always maintained that our union knew about the dangers of working with asbestos. We were the only dock in the UK and the Republic of Ireland which would take asbestos".


"I will be telling all this to Mr O'Flynn on Tuesday. I have waited for this moment for two years so I won't be missing him and hitting the wall".

Said 66 year old Arthur.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by ITGWUpublication date Wed Apr 04, 2007 09:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I hope Cowardly Tom saw last nights Utv news.

If he did he'll know that at long last SIPTU is going to back Arthur Rafferty in his fight for compensation for contracting asbestosis, and to lay the BLAME fairly and squarely on the people responsible for condemning him to an early grave.

The decent and honourable thing would've been for the union to have met with him TWO YEARS ago.

Cowardly Tom correctly quotes Arthur from the Sunday World: And Arthur, true to his word on Utv news, stated that he confronted Joe O'Flynn with the facts - which O'Flynn wouldn't believe. That is, that his union had prior knowledge of the dangers of Asbestos.

ONLY after being shown the proof - contained in a letter from a British Minister would he concede Arthur was right.

Joe O'Flynn is going to meet any of the previous union officials still alive and find out WHY this betrayal of Trade Unionism HAPPENED.

OBVIOUSLY they'll deny everything. The only way the TRUTH will be got out of them is UNDER OATH.

author by Cowardly Tom. - Also sacked by ITGWUpublication date Sat Apr 07, 2007 23:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What a catastrophe - AND made all the worse because it has happened at Easter.

All Atgwu, Siptu, Communist party, Socialist party, Labour party and leading Left, or so-called Left leading lights have been struck DUMB.

Obviously the cause of this affliction is the corruption which took place in Belfast.

Even if they maintained that THEIR PARTNERSHIP would never sack its own members - even by acknowledging this corruption they will be asked to condemn it - and they can't condemn PARTNERSHIP.

So, the answer is a collective STRUCK DUMBNESS as portrayed by a senior SIPTU OFFICIAL on the UTV insight programme.

In courtroom the right to SILENCE is a fundamental right - but our union officials should be fundamentally LEFT, which patently they are NOT.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by ITGWU and Belfast employerspublication date Tue May 01, 2007 12:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Last Friday April 27th, I attended a conference in Liberty Hall organised by Proinsias De Rossa.

On the platform with De Rossa were RUAIRI QUINN, PAUL CULLEN, EU commissioner, DAVID FODEN of Eurofound, JOE O'FLYNN and EASTER LYNCH of ICTU.

After O'Flynn's passionate opening address about the plight of workers, I interrupted proceedings and lambasted O'Flynn about his treatment of the dying Belfast Dockers.

Strangely, O'Flynn refused to comment.

I then remained quiet until the question and answer session, and listened to the great work which the panel SAID they were doing for European workers. When given the mike, I stated to De Rossa among other things, that "Neither he nor SIPTU should be representing workers in Europe when they're ignoring the plight of the Belfast Dockers".

I expected the panel to be outraged, especially as the endeavors of one panel member to get South African fruit banned here, during apartheid had been explained to us by Ruaira Quinn.

Not one member of the panel OR De Rossa said a word about what I'd just said, and De Rossa called for the next speaker.

This, from the people who'd just extolled their virtues in working for the workers of Europe.

A WORD springs to mind.

author by Sally - SIPTUpublication date Tue May 01, 2007 20:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hugh, you didn't mention that the conference {which I also attended} was called "Labour Law and Flexicurity" and sub-titled "What is Europe up to"?
After hearing what you said, I must ask what is Mr De Rossa up to? Frankly what you said beggered belief. Because you mentioned indymedia before the mike was taken from you, I have been reading up on the corruption of SIPTU.

That you've called Mr De Rossa and Jack O'Connor corrupt and challenged them to SUE you means that you speak the truth. Everyone in the Liberty Hall theatre was impressed with you. You were really strong when you attacked Joe O'Flynn and I was gob-smacked that he sat there and took it. That speaks volumes.

After hearing all that you said, Hugh, I am asking Mr De Rossa, the panel AND Siptu, WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by ITGWU and Belfast employerspublication date Tue May 01, 2007 21:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear Sally,

The dying Belfast Dockers will be glad of your support.

Tragic as it is, and it's an undeniable fact, SIPTU,, De Rossa O'Flynn and the other so-called LEFT WING people at that conference are only WELL PAID puppets for the wealthy ruling class.

Especially the one's who blow their own trumpet and who work in Europe.

When these people honour Larkin and Connolly they besmirch everything these Labour Leaders stood for - and send out the message to the Right - that everyone has a price.

Because of the sell-out of SIPTU I don't think we will ever again see a Trade Union which is dedicated to the working class, unless - a scandal like the Dying Belfast Dockers is too much for ordinary members to stand for.

This is what De Rossa, O'Flynn, O'Connor and the rest on the Gravy Train are afraid of. They are really FRIGHTENED that union members will wise up and say - WHAT ARE WE PART OF?

The next step will be to stop paying union dues.


author by Sally - Siptupublication date Wed May 02, 2007 14:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well spotted hugh. You above all people should know that you don't left Siptu know what you are saying or thinking.

Only you let the cat out of the bag the Siptu police in the Police State would be running ragged trying to ID me.

Even though I have not got your courage I still think what you, Arthur Rafferty and the other dying dockers are doing is RIGHT

author by zaphodpublication date Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

My father, John "Pancho" Nolan, worked in the docks during the 50's/60's, he told me of the asbestos workers coming down seperate gangways, hidden from other workers. The employers/unions knew exactly what was happening, but you were all catholic scum to them.
I'm not interested in religion, I am anti-theist, it's more of a blight than the so called trade unions.
Don't let them get away with it, continue fighting.
As a last resort, before you die cause them the same harm as they caused you.

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