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A quiet whisper in your ear; about what has happened

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Saturday April 22, 2006 05:51author by Seán Ryan Report this post to the editors

This is the first chapter of Book II.

A lot of ground covered here, there's a cast of billions. George Bush makes an appearance, so does Tony Blair and even Jesus himself has a part to play. There's psychology, sociology and an examination of fear. Phase space is looked at (in a non visual fashion) and a better plan to end Global Terrorism is suggested to GWB than the one he currently uses. Likens apathy to phase space.

The pot boiled, and the water turned to steam.

At which point did the mass stop acting like water and start behaving like a gas?

Phase Space is where the quantum world re-interprets our somewhat more than materialistic world; this change is then in turn is made manifest in our version of the real world. Simply put phase space is a place where our awareness does not function or rather where it ceases to convey intelligible information.

Silence is Phase space, or rather relative silence is Phase Space. In a relative sense we see silence as the cessation of sound, but at an intuitive level it is easy to grasp that silence is a pivot point upon which the symmetry of that which can be established and that which cannot be established oscillate. To drag the idea further it can be seen that silence and nothing are two different labels on the same product. It is funny that the most physically impossible behaviour that one could be faced with attempting to do, is to do nothing, yet it doesn’t prevent the mind from considering it or for that matter dwelling on it.

It seems that the mind has extra degrees of freedom. It’s like you look out through your senses, grab all the different vibrations that you can, and then interpret an overall picture and hang the word “universe” on it. Imagine a newborn baby doing this, his only reference point being self realisation. At first even limbs are stuff he considers apart from himself, gradually he learns that if he wishes hard enough he can become mobile and interactive. Then if he grows stronger he can actually will things to happen that are outside that which he has now figured out is his physical manifestation adrift in that which he perceives. At this point to say we have one vastly confused baby is an understatement. Anyway, his nature has gone through two phase shifts at least by this point. From the idea of a formless I to a corporeal one and from there to the idea that there is more to this picture than his flesh.

Of course the Catholic Church would have us believe that transubstantiation is the exclusive property of its twaddle. Transubstantiation tm. It’s amazing the variety and contrast of concepts that the Church claims licensing over, with no more ability orientated input into the formation of these concepts, other than saying “mine”. Of course then Science just has to go and fuck with them. They re-label everything and call it “mine”. The scientists having waited for the Church to try to define stuff and fuck it up, and have the added light of hindsight in order to illustrate their pathway to ownership and thus their pictures are vastly better.

Our confused baby enters the scene and looks at the lot and says, “Mine”.

Now for the irony: If reality, is dependant on the imagination of the observer, and in turn what is observed, is a construct of the imagination, and the definition of what is observed, is too a construct, then isn’t it obvious, that the universe we observe doesn’t exist and that the observer alone in the abyss constantly calculates and verifies random madness, that only gathers a shred of coherence because that too seems to be what the shadow of nothing illuminates. And that this too could be described as nothing.

Being alone and vibrating becomes insufficient after a while, you’re an entity that needs change for that is your motivation. Five billion or so imaginary friends later and you are ready to create reason for being, or you might say “fuck it” and create the ultimate in responsibility by negating yours and transferring part of your so called consciousness into a parent figure. Freud would say this is a reflection of your need to return to the womb. Jung would have said, “tis the fuckin’ voices again, me collective imaginary friends and meself have got together and democratically invented that which could only have arrived thus”. The mind being a place of infinite freedoms provides the only fertile part of the universe from which an all powerful and all knowing being could spring. I mean look at it this way, imagine an all powerful God and the problems he would have creating this picture if I were not there for him to label as, “mine”. Of course this is only part of the shitpile our ethereal construct has to be marched through.

Our construct is blind you see. He thinks be and it is. He cannot observe, for to do so would be to imply that something other than his will exists. He cannot hear what his creator is saying because to acknowledge otherwise is to admit that there is a process of creation going on that is not only beyond his control but instrumental in his existence. Is it therefore any wonder that this poor alter ego has anger management issues? Of course then we have the complexity of the individual seeing the flaws and cracks as his construct develops a paranoid delusion of persecution. This poor piece of scared meat must therefore give up his own delusion or envisage himself a sinner, and must now convince his five billion imaginary friends that he is saved because he is fucked. Of course whilst our hero has been inventing a reason not to exist his other constructs have been freelancing and have come up with some similar comfort toys. The chaos and madness increase and all is as it should be. Amen. Then as the shit begins to splatter the inside of his intellect his God performs a miracle, clad in his whiter than white toga, bedecked in beyond exquisite Nike sandals, sporting a vibrant and wild shock of snow-white hair (perfection because he’s worth it) and smiling that Colgate smile, telling him to drink Coke because it is his blood and may be shared by all provided that is of course that he coughs up for it. In this way the fear that irrationally defined God has now started to phase shift itself. So now the fervent believer when he realises his fears are not resolved despite all his hard effort channels the fear back into his imaginary friends who now help to shoulder it and placate our troubled friend. Of course nothing lasts forever. Soon our hero realises he is still afraid and miserable.

“Oh my God, why me?”

The pattern begins anew and this time with a different perspective. Thus eventually this halting and limping miserable, gets a sense of purpose and learns to delegate his fear to his constructs in doses that do not threaten them mortally. He still feels like a loser but because his sense of fear is somewhat newly labelled and elsewhere he feels elation, and is enthused enough to think the cure is coming soon.

The baby observes this and says, “mine”.

In the mean time our hero’s imaginary friends have evolved further and conspired against him. Each insists on being the one and only real person, and each is right. Our hero is now nearly formless, in that he cannot tell is he the real person or is he a construct?

To make it worse the fuckers had elections and he was neither consulted with before hand nor did his vote have meaning. He fades. He becomes scared and everything loses its intrinsic meaning. He looks in the mirror and sees a scared child mouth the word, “mine”. Generation after generation, whose purpose is to feel fear; all because they fucked up interpreting the word. Ownership need not be discovered. It’s not surprising that poor Adam simplified the available information and came up with, “I” and “mine”. Had he stepped back and had a bit of a ponder things might have been different.

This is not to say he messed up, it could have gone either way, he was after all, just after winking into existence from the dust of nothingness. In one sense one must admire the balls of the guy. He doesn’t exist one moment and the very next the first two thoughts are born. “I”. “Mine”. Had Adam made three words rather than two, we would never have even contemplated original sin, never mind suffer the consequences of it. “I”. “In me”. Three of the smallest words; the universe cannot be put in simpler terms. The “mine” is still implied but because it is no longer derived from ignorance or fear, it loses its power to mould and control us. Neither does it bother us too much when some of our neurotic constructs cannot stop saying it.

I’d love for there to be some quick remedy to cure these poor creatures. When I think of them my gut reaction is to negate them in some fashion. I realise that this need to negate them is a symptom of the illness they suffer from. I realise that if I negate them, I replace them.

Fuck that for a game of soldiers.

Does the reverse also happen?

If I am negated am I too replaced?

It would seem to be a bit much to sacrifice, considering it’s the first option we’ve looked at.

Let’s take this argument out of the ether and have it in concrete terms on paper.

George Bush walks into a Burger King in Limerick at precisely the same time as I do. “Gimme a fuckin’ burger and don’t put any green shit in it!” he screams at precisely the same time I scream it. The terrified employee gingerly places a burger between me and George telling us in a hoarse whisper that this is the last one. His demeanour is so pale that George and I intuitively know he will play no further part in the incoming battle.

George being the obnoxious bastard that he is decides to have first crack at showing his authority. He looks at the burger longingly and then he looks at me, his stare blaming me and my existence for all the woes that not possessing the burger have undoubtedly brought to our troubled little monkey. I look into his little brown monkey eyes and I see him rearrange every slight and harm he has ever suffered into a reason to possess the burger, of course I being the reason he cannot have the burger am now the reason for all his torment. Even better, I constitute a threat that can trigger each and every fevered fear this frightened little monkey possesses. I’m a terrorist. This is the point of no return, even profoundly simple logic will not phase him. “George, you don’t even eat meat”, will fall on deaf ears or else will be contradicted by the arrival of Tony Blair waving the Stars and Stripes version of the Union Jack. George on seeing Tony gets the extra spurt he needs to phase shift into being righteously angry. As usual Tony’s well timed arrival is just in time to provide some stiff support for George, who needs an expert validation to seal the orifices in his defences.

Tony is no ordinary fool, he’s reckoned correctly that he is neither evolved enough nor primal enough to claim the burger as his own. And he has figured again correctly, that should I get the burger that he’ll be at the end of a very long line of people I’d feed before him (He’d be right behind George). Statistical analysis in hand and his fate assured, he sets out to manipulate his fate so that he might actually taste the burger. He calculates that the probability of him having a bite of the burger as opposed to getting shit for thanks for his efforts is directly proportional to the distance he can ram his tongue up George’s hairy arse.

In one sense George is grateful for his happy anal comforter. In another sense George resents his bum and its plug. I mean he’s happy that Tony has supported him rather than me, but the fact that Tony has been using a straw as of late has set an uneasy feeling in George.

“Tony has never asked for anything”, George reasons.

“All this time I thought it was because he loved me, but the straw changes everything, it’ll be the last one sometime soon”, the poor addicted monkey deludes himself.

At this point I realise that my only contribution to the debate is that I have observed. My observation itself has played an instrumental part in bringing things to their current situation. I lucidly determine that it will be this observation that shall be the arena in which the current situation is resolved.

Whilst George is gathering his army, his navy, his air force, his “yes” men and his propaganda machine in order to conclusively prove his ownership of the burger, I eat it.

I turn to George and I say, “In me”.

Then I wake up.

Are dreams fucked up or what?

If I were a psychiatrist or a psychologist I’d tell myself that my dream was a manifestation of myself and that it illustrates my inner conflicts. I’d take myself aside and explain that each and every character in my dream was a different aspect of myself.

There was I happy in my belief that it was the dream that was fucked up. But no, tis a fact that it is the dreamer who is fucked up.

Being fucked up implies being in a state of being inferior. Being inferior implies being inadequate, not being adequate equals fear. Not knowing what it is that one is afraid of equals irrational fear. Irrationality is equated with insanity. Insanity justifies the fear. I see many others in a similar state. If we are the definition of what I should be then I am sane so long as I don’t stray too far from the flock. To mask my fear from myself I must become a consumer. A consumer of shit.

Understanding this fear is easier than simple. It is the fear of becoming that which I would become, should I push my potential to its limit.

I’ll use any excuse or device offered to avoid that confrontation. It’s the way I was bred.

Every interaction with society from the moment of my birth has reinforced this fear. Society was born out of fear and it stands to reason that it would perpetuate this fear in order to remain necessary.

Society is at this time ready to enter into Phase Space. And have no doubts that when it re-emerges it will not be as it is now.

The reason it is near this point is that it can no longer support the fear that its justification requires. Its symmetry is ready to break.

What is fear?

It’s hard to nail it down if we exclude the symptoms it causes, in its definition.

I reckon fear is a manifestation of the quantum world in our world. It is a glance into an uncertain future that tends to highlight unfavourable possibilities. It’s like a force but at the same time we can see that it doesn’t actually exist. Fear is similar to gravity.

Unlike gravity fear is not manifested in our four dimensional world, it is rather a deformation of the Space-Time continuum of the mind. One may approach this gravity in three ways. The first is to be sucked into oblivion because one submits fully to the force this gravity exerts. The second is to go into orbit, always being controlled by the same fear but always having enough energy to prevent spiralling down into the dark abyss. The third is to make preparations in one’s approach, some small trajectory changes and an increase in energy output, the force that is the fear may then be used in a “slingshot” effect that turns the force that was fear into an energy boost.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those arseholes who will tell you how to or that you must conquer fear. At a certain level, fear is probably one of our most important resources.

Without fear man would become intellectually inferior to roadkill.

Fear can be a motivating force.

It can stop you from wandering out in front of traffic. On a more subtle level it can even advance society. Fear of hunger can spur research into new methods and the updating of existing methods of food production.

So I cannot label fear as evil.

However the fact that society has evolved a race of fear junkies causes me grave concern. The fact that our democratically elected betters use fear to control the masses outrages me.

Take this “War on terrorism” bollocks. This is both a covert and an open declaration of war on anyone who constitutes a potential threat. To my thinking this means everyone. However to prove it is a device of control takes more reasoning. But this is far from hard.

For instance the attack on Afghanistan by America was in response to American training camps for terrorists in Afghanistan biting the hand of their former masters.

So there is now a new oil executive in charge of the country, the fact that his rule means fuck all outside the building he hides in is irrelevant, because the Americans only give a shit about the oil and re-construction deals. Capitalism has hit an all time low in that it now destroys civilisations in order to make money out of re-building them.

Fair enough the American government may call this view glib and propaganda; it will say it has the right to defend its citizens irregardless to the cost in death and misery.

Some may be horrified to learn I agree with this attitude.

For that reason I urge George Bush to drop a Daisycutter on some American ghetto. Yeah drop a few cluster bombs while you’re at it. Why not spirit some citizens off to some foreign country and torture them, then tell their families, The International Red Cross and Amnesty International to “Fuck off!” when they ask for details.

Isn’t it fair to say that more Americans are murdered by other Americans than by all other races combined? Even when at war they kill more of themselves than anyone else does.

It seems pretty obvious to me that someone has built many terrorist training centres in America itself. Why not turn the capitalistic war machine on the ultimate of terrorists, George Bush. George is responsible for his people after all. It seems to me that his dynasty is very much responsible for the terror the average American feels. In truth if George blew the fuck out of himself and his propaganda machine he would all but eliminate global terrorism. Lets see some “Shock and Awe” at the white house and don’t forget to knock out all essential services, except of course any that are part of the oil business.

In truth George has taken the American constitution, rolled it up and smoked it (the fact that it’s made out of marijuana may have influenced this). The theatrically named “Patriot Act” has nullified most of the rights this “War on terrorism” fights to ensure. The negation of rights is a device born of terrorism and is used to control, it has no other purpose.

Ironically the American legislature that voted this act into being are hypocritically sworn to protect the constitution that this act nullifies and they hypocritically kill foreigners who have no say in the composition of their constitution. In other words the American leadership has authorised the killing or detention of those who might try invalidating the American constitution, and right after this has itself invalidated it.

Irregardless as to the identity of the terrorist and I’m sure the debate will go on for quite some time, terror has won.

The more times someone tells the world that they are not afraid the more the world knows the opposite to be true.

“We don’t fear the terrorist”

The fact that ye spend every waking moment dwelling on terrorism is indicative to me at least that the average American citizen has forgotten all the real fears that threaten America. They spend more in their defence budget than in their educational budget. This in itself is an education or at least I’m pretty sure that some day it will be used for educational purposes.

Are ye not afraid of mass ignorance?

Isn’t ignorance one of the factors that can bring about fear that is a self evident example of unnecessary fear?

Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying my dick is bigger than yours here. Irish education is pretty useless too. But what America spends in its “fear budget” would go a long way to righting the American educational system and remove a hell of a lot more fear. And I readily admit that I do not have the right to tell America what to do. But I do have the right to tell America what I think it should do. I do not ask or beg for this right, I take it. This right is not mine as such but is in me.

Of course one has the right not to listen.

But when American irrational fear and hatred break out and lash those beyond the jurisdiction of the American constitution, my right to make America listen grows too. After a point it becomes the duty of all mankind to protect itself from this abuse, and before the smart arses ask is this a fear reaction, I point out it is a reaction of justice and humanity and fear has very little to do with it. Plus it is a valid reaction against real terrorism unlike the Bush version which only instils fear and terror.

Some people may think terrorism is a new evil that is visited upon the American people. This is not so.

Let’s looks at the right to bear arms. If one has to convince another that one has the right to defend himself, then surely this is a scared attempt to justify a self evident truth and more so to justify it to one’s self.

Don’t get me wrong here I’m not trying to say that it is wrong if you feel the need to keep a loaded fully automatic machine gun and a few grenades lying around, by all means, go ahead; knock yourself out. If it is the case that you actually need them, then you need to rethink your concept of a free society, and whether you live in one or not.

Possess what you will, just remember that it is wrong to take a life or cause injury.

Do you know why people cheer for the man who paints his living room with a burglar?

Because now the state cannot allow the burglar, to further fuck the home owner over.

Do you know why the home owner, killed the burglar?

Because the burglar personified the fear, that the system sworn to protect the homeowner would prolong and sustain the assault on him. If the burglar had gotten away alive, the home owner would forever be left in a state of limbo that would remain unresolved. The justice system itself would irregardless as to the outcome only compound this effect by removing the right to resolve the problem and then in turn totally and utterly screw up the resolution itself.

So the hero homeowner ultimately resolves the situation first if he can.

Is the home owner wrong?


Does the burglar deserve to be dead?


Does the home owner realise this?


Is this the full picture?


The fear of the burglar is itself a representation of the fear that has become society. But because society is too powerful for our home owner to nullify; he kills its scapegoat instead.

It’s like a dream.

The American dream.

The right to pursue happiness.

The reason for the pursuit?


Society has become a thief; a thief who steals a possible future and then replaces it with a certain one.

It’s like when the Romans (Not the Jews.) nailed Christ to a cross. Christ represented the fear that a Messiah might appear to deliver the Jews from the Romans.

Christianity in turn fears it will not see Christ return to deliver it from Satan or statehood.

The funny thing is that if he did return they’d probably kill him again. I mean it’s pretty fair to say nearly every one of them has a crucifix ready.

I find it poignant that Christ described his return visit as the visit of a thief in the night.

In fairness, if the State made adequate provisions for the justice system to deal with criminals appropriately, the grey area that is the rightness and the wrongness of the homeowner defending his home would begin to favour and ultimately reflect wrongness. This is self evidently so.

The effectiveness of the justice system is inversely proportional to the need of the average citizen having to take the law into his own hands.

Justice and charity are the measure of society.

How can it be that we allow this to continue?

We the Irish have become a nation of watchers. We watch the world happen because we fear to tread our own path.

Ask an Irish citizen about George Bush and American empire building. And you’ll get an informed and an intricate breakdown on all the current and past views. Finally you’ll also be given an opinion.

Ask an Irish citizen to define the evils of American sponsored capitalism and how it infects and blights so called “Third World” and “Developing” nations. You’ll be drawn a colourful picture that will show exactly why these countries are deliberately kept in an impoverished state.

Ask an Irish citizen why it is that we have gambled everything and bet it all on the American way, which they themselves have just described as degenerate and deplorable.

This will cause a meltdown. We are not programmed for questions like this.

There will be one of two reactions.

The first is anger which is triggered by a fear of the unknown.

The second is that you will cause the Irish citizen to retreat intellectually and this will allow your question to waft over him like a light summer breeze stirring the leaves of the mighty oak.

It doesn’t matter what way you put the question to him, he’ll avoid it.

How many people do you personally know who don’t think that the American war and occupation of Iraq was and is about oil and money; and who also believe that the Irish Government who have argued vehemently that we are a nation who upholds the standard of International Law and who openly supported this invasion without the legal sanction of the UN or more importantly the sanction of the Irish people, are not a bunch of fucking hypocrites?

I’d like to see Bertie and the rest of the wankers he hangs around with, visit a hospital in Iraq and tell some disfigured children why it was necessary and just to visit wanton carnage and destruction on them. Then I’d like him to tell me how he thinks he is representative of me or any other creature or beast that possesses a shred of morality or pity.

I’m so disgusted with my country I want to puke.

That we’d turn and look the other way as genocide and slavery were imposed on another nation, and that we’d act like senseless cattle as our government spewed their filth about international threat and international law, all because we feared losing our precious jobs.

Well we kept the jobs.

Well done.

It only cost us our soul, yet again.

And here’s some food for thought.

We didn’t have to suffer “Shock and Awe” to be forced to take American jobs like the Iraqi peoples have had to, we licked arse to get them, in operation “Squat and Suck”.

I can’t wait to see Bertie’s reaction when American Factories in Ireland begin to relocate to where labour will be abundant and cheap in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The big wheel turns you fuck.

An economic downturn.

This is what our government is.

Not to mention that they are also a social downturn, a moral downturn and a very large blotch on the character of the Irish. And don’t feel left out if you sit in the Dáil but not in government, know that you are just as corrupt a specimen. Unless of course you are Michael D Higgins, who was at least a voice of reason and pointed out the illegality of the American invasion of Afghanistan in spite of the circling hyenas who laughed at him. In truth I disagree with his politics, but I respect his humanity and I believe he would have made a president that would have made me proud.

I cannot imagine a justification for either the crimes of America or the crimes of the Irish that I could give to a hurt child.

Even if Saddam were a homicidal dictator with a penchant for inflicting misery on his own people.

Even if Saddam had stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological materials.

Even if he had violated every order issued by the UN or America.

I don’t care.

The people of Iraq and others before them were already suffering before we started on them yet again.

The people of Iraq were suffering under the rule of Saddam.

The people of Iraq didn’t have stocks of WMD’s, they didn’t even have stocks of medicines.

The people of Iraq were at all times in compliance with UN resolutions, and were at all times suffering from UN sanctions.

It’s funny that the Iraqi people would have got screwed no matter which way they went.

Getting fucked is obviously the planned end result.

When analysing a man’s reasoning, look firstly at his potential results before his stated intention.

This way of looking at things is the way Ireland is slowly but surely, beginning to look at itself. We see for instance that we do indeed possess the Ireland that our leaders of 1970’s and the 1980’s have planned. Even our politicians forever harp on and on about ancient economic strategies that have made Ireland as wealthy as it is.

Is the Ireland of today a product of the wishes of the people?

Do we wish to be afraid to walk our own streets?

Do we wish to be prisoners in our own country, where we lock ourselves up at night and save our government the bother of having to do it?

Do you really wanna die on a fuckin trolley?

Do we wish to exist to work and that the fruits of this work satiate everyone but the people of Ireland?

How many false wishes must our pretend genies offer and then bungle before we see that we are being fucked over, just like always.

Like a child who is constantly disappointed, we develop a thick skin known as apathy. The broken promises mostly don’t hurt so much anymore. But we instinctively know that it is just a matter of time until an exception occurs. In a universe where only lies exist, one must believe some of them, that’s just the way of things.

The apathy phase shifts as it begins to boil.

And rage is born.

In me.

author by Not Sean Ryanpublication date Sat Apr 22, 2006 09:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sean. Your pieces are long-winded, rambling, at times totally incoherent, and fail to make any sort of concise point. I barely ever get past the second paragraph, and judging by the lack of responses to the majority of your articles posted here on indymedia, I'd say most people dont either. Even the structure of your articles is the same (intro with cosmic concepts, then one single line with swear words negating the intro, then some bizarre hypothetical situation in an attempt to make some vague point) and its getting tedious now.

Writing for the internet (so that people read it properly and reply) isnt that hard. Just trim your articles down to about a fifth of what they are now, and ground them in reality. Also, wouldnt it be better to take a trip outside your bedroom (you must spend days of your life squatting in front of a PC writing all this rubbish) with a microphone or a camera, and engage with other people apart from yourself? I'm sure you think you have loads of interesting opinions and thoughts, but by now its wearing thin for the indy reading public. Why not step outside beyond your own front door, interview someone (anyone) involved in a local issue, and write something that doesnt stem entirely from your own stream of consciousness? I might actually read that, and so might other people too - and subsequently reply to it.

Please, please, no more of these. They really do define 'bandwidth wastage'.

author by Seán Ryanpublication date Sun Apr 23, 2006 02:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Now if only I could teach you to read.

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