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Comments (6 of 6)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Well it was a busy day although we didn't get up until later.
Then I watched a bit of telly (not the parade such as it was).
Had my Easter Sunday dinner and then my chocolate egg.
It was lovely.
Would like to extend best wished to all four members of the above, Hope ye had fun with your flags etc and didn't get too excited!
mentioning that nonsense in your easter statement , washing your dirty linen in public on the anniversary of 1916 is as inappropriate and utterly embarassing as the provos condemning their members criminality in theirs . Nothing to do with 1916 . Both your statement and the provos are an embarrassing disgrace to the memory of our patriots and 1916, a disgrace to talk of this internal nonsense on such an important occasion. both of you have lost the plot and are utterly clueless .
Maybe you clowns and the provos greatest service to 1916 would be to disband thoroughly before next easter in case you have to wash any more dirty linen in public about the failures of both your organisations . Heirs to Pearse and Connolly I think not . Berties crowd are bad enough but youd expect better from you people . Obviously incapable of better . Shameful .
The history of nations,
Tells of many people,
Who suffered very greatly,
Under a foreign rule.
So let us now consider,
What we know can happen,
If rising against a system,
Which we know is very cruel.
We should never choose,
A violent way of dealing,
With evil and oppression,
No matter of what kind.
For we can just become,
Like those whom we oppose,
If we justify any killing,
Inside our little mind.
Trying to resist evil,
By any violent means,
Is absolutely useless,
And pointless to defend.
If we insist on gauging out,
Another person’s eyes,
We’ll only blind each other,
And that’s how it will end.
Counteracting violence,
With any violent means,
May make every one of us,
Just as evil too.
So let’s set out to follow,
A more successful way,
To bring about a peace,
Which will be just and true.
We need to use imagination,
And a lot of common sense,
In fostering peace initiatives,
And help to build a bridge;
We know that it is better,
When people agree to share,
Than when we kill each other,
On some embattled ridge.
The high moral ground,
Is better indeed by far,
Though nonviolent means,
Can cost us quite a lot.
Achieving lasting peace,
Is a noble and grand ideal,
The most worthwhile belief,
Which any of us has got.
Jesus wasn’t asking us,
To take a passive stance,
Turning the other cheek,
Wasn’t asking for a blow.
It was just a sign to bosses,
Of that time and place,
That respect for their servants,
Was what they ought to show.
Parting with undergarments,
In a debtor’s court,
Carrying a soldier’s pack,
For yet another mile,
Were nonviolent methods,
To resist the evil of His day,
They gave the people hope,
And maybe made them smile.
This was Jesus’ Third Way,
Which we should always seek,
So we can resist evil,
In a good and caring way,
It calls us to be brave,
To help out people in need,
We may even with our lives,
Someday have to pay.
Nonviolence can be seen,
As a spiritual challenge,
Of epical proportions,
Which are called for today.
It’s the only option left,
To get us anywhere.
But it is God’s Way of Peace,
For which we ought to pray.
Jesus didn’t do just nothing,
To bring peace here on earth,
He faced up to rampant evil,
And paid dearly with his life,
He asked that every person,
Be committed to His peace,
And live with one another,
Avoiding violent strife.
After crucifixion,
Resurrection came,
It reveals God’s Love for us,
Which we need every day.
Let’s call upon Christ Jesus,
To help us make this world,
A place where children grow,
And happily can play.
Trusting in His way,
Can even change our world,
It’s a way of bringing Peace,
Which we need never doubt.
Let’s spread the message of Easter,
Of the Glory of the Cross,
For Peaceful Means can bring,
A True Peace on Earth about.
May the Holy Spirit guide us,
When we seek a Peaceful Way,
For Jesus asked this clearly,
As ‘Love your Enemies’ He did say.
Let’s Pray for Liberation,
Of People Everywhere,
For Refugees seeking Asylum,
With whom We Need to Share.
When Opposing Domination,
Let’s adopt a Peaceful Way.
If Remembering a Nation’s Rising,
Let’s Remember Resurrection Day.
See Walter Wink Books:
Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way
(Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2003)
ISBN 0-8006-36093-0.
The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium
(New York: Doubleday, 1998) ISBN 0-385-48752-5
Written by a Peaceful Means Campaigner,
Easter 2006
Great to hear Fianna are still going strong, keep up the good work.
The young can be foolish and believe in dreams. I was once young and I believed in a United Ireland where the people could live without fear and true justice would mean wrongs would be righted. We spoke of the great things we would do for our people and we dreamed. What a foolish dream, because power corrupts and it has corrupted those whom we trusted to lead us towards that goal. Those who would seek to repartition this part of Ireland [The so-called Super Councils] in order to have power in three of these counties. I looked up to Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness as did the Republican youth of the early part of the 20th century look up to De Valera and Collins. We got imprisoned, many brave volunteers died, our friends and comrades gone or mentally exhausted. All that and 30 years of war and misery brought us to this point where the people are no better off, The drug dealers and hoods have replaced the British army. The Republican Movement doesnt know the meaning of justice just ask people like the McCartney family. Those who question are removed because it is foolish to think for oneself in the Movement, the leadership must do that. Those who are loyal and unquestioning are well rewarded, they might even get to run a pub. It is OK to cosy up and be photographed with the most evil warmongers since Hitler and the Nazis, while they bomb the citizens of Iraq, women and children to kingdom come for oil. That's OK the Americans are our friends!
I would advise any young person with dreams of bettering their people to think twice because the only people that they will eventually better will be those who they look to as leaders.
Does your mammy or daddy know?