the Gospel of Judas - "Jesus Wasn't Crucified"
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Sunday April 16, 2006 03:13
by Karen Fish

Jesus wasn't crucified.
The Gospel of Judas – “Jesus Was Not Crucified”
The Christian Gnostic (Knowledge) Gospel of Judas was made public this week and Judas was the hero not the betrayer. This was just the tip of the iceberg - The Christian Gnostic Gospels also tell us that Jesus was not crucified. The Christian Gnostic Gospels pre date the 4 Gospels kept in the New Testament. The Gospel of Judas was one of the Christian Gnostic (Knowledge) Gospels burned by the Church Fathers at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and discovered in Egypt in the town of Naj Hammadi by a peasant in 1945. The numerous Gnostic Knowledge Gospels of Christ were burned by the Church Fathers because they made the 4 Gospels which they put in the New Testament in 325 AD look ridiculous. In the Gospel of Judas, Judas was the hero and most trusted disciple doing the will of Christ. Pope Benedict looked like the boy putting his thumb in the hole in the levee this week when he called Judas a “Double Crosser”, sticking to the party line despite the new evidence to the contrary.
Well, this revelation about Judas is nothing compared to the others in the Christian Knowledge Gospels. In the Koran, (Sura Chapter 4:156) the angel Gabriel who brought Mary the good news tells the Prophet Muhammad that in fact Jesus was not even crucified, a likeness, an impostor was, because this was the story in the Christian Knowledge Gospels which were burned by the Church Fathers forever (they hoped) 1,700 years ago.
The Gnostic Gospel of Judas never mentions the crucifixion or the resurrection. Seth was the third child of Adam and Eve. There was a group of Gnostic (Knowledge) Christians named after Seth, Sethians. In the Christian Gospel called "The Second Treatise of The Great Seth", 56.6-19 in NHL 332, Jesus Christ told Simon, "It was another...who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I... it was another Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. It was another upon whom they placed the crown of thorns. But I was rejoicing in the height (the hills) over… their error. And I was laughing at their ignorance. (for thinking it was I who they were crucifying)". The Christian Gnostic Knowledge Gospels contradict the 4 Canonized Gospels in the New Testament endlessly. The 4 New Testament Gospels contradict themselves endlessly. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
One need only look right in the Holy Bible to see what is really going on. God the Father said through Prophet Isaiah that the Bible writers, the Priests and Prophets who wrote the Bibles, “the scribes were creating for the people a shelter, a refuge, of lies and falsehoods, (Isaiah 28:14-15) which would cause the people to fall backward and be broken and ensnared and taken.” (Isaiah 28:9-13). God the Father called the Holy Bible “The Word of Satan!” God said to the scribes, "You prophesy by Baal, Beelzebub, Satan!" (Jeremiah 2:8). God the Father said, "They (the scribes) say, 'Says the Lord', when the Lord has not sent them, and yet they wait for the fulfillment of their word!" (Ezekiel 13:6). Jesus launched into an absolute diatribe in Matthew 23 calling the Bible writers, the scribes, lying venomous snakes who spewed their own divisive racist deadly hateful lies right into your Holy Bible and signed them, “said God”, and “said Jesus”. Jesus lambasted the scribes and those who followed the same Old Testament followed by Judaism, Christianity and Islam today.
In fact, Hell itself is an invention of the modern Bible Writers. In the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible every time Hell is mentioned there is an asterisk beside it. The Bible was written in Greek, and every time that Jesus says Gehenna or Sheol your modern Bible Writers substitute their own word, “Hell”. Gehenna was a place outside of Jerusalem where the Jewish and non Jewish people sacrificed their children on fire altars to the God Baal, Satan. Sheol was a place underground where both the good and the bad spirits dwelled together after death. Jesus spoke of Sheol all the time. According to Jesus right in the Bible, everyone goes to Hell, Sheol, after death, both the good and the evil spirits. How long can Christianity survive on a foundation of what God the Father endlessly calls “lies” right in the Holy Bible? Hasn’t it caused enough suffering, or will you all allow it to now lead you all into extinction in Nuclear World War 3?
The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion unites Christianity Islam Judaism and everyone else and the countries they all live in by tying them all together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all, including setting the record straight about the passion of the Christ. Come on in and get the whole story with Biblical citations and new evidence. Come help save the world with truth, love, God of Mount Sinai, and by following the real Word of God, “10ve”, the 10 commandments, once you see what they really mean, and how powerful they truly are.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Im so pissed off at the Roman Catholic Church,they hid the gospel of Saint Thomas,within it Jesus speaks" The kingdom of God is within you and all around you,lift a stone and I am there,break a stick and I am their,you do not need to go to buildings of wood or marble to find it,it is right here" The Vatican denies the existence of this and describes it as "heretical",even Liberation Theology Christians like my friends in Faith The Catholic workers are described as "heretical" by the Vatican,and with the recent bombing in Tel aviv i just dont know what the world is coming to,this world is not civilized,we are destroying our mother Earth and killing each other through war,abortion,meat consumption which contributes so vastly to 3rdWorld starvation,and all our "politicians" still arent tackling societal and socio economic problems such as health care and homelessness"and queers like me are still denied partnership rights,im a liberation theology NON ROMAN Anarchist Catholic,all spiritual paths lead to the same place,and as for all the WASPS (White anglo saxon protestants) who support the war in Iraq and support the death penalty,while opposing abortion(as i oppose) and ignoring poverty by voting for the antiChrist Bush and make very wealthy living through their hate filled televangelist ministries I say this to you,look around,the "born again" churchians that yous are,if you believe that jesus was crucified(executed by the powers that were) yous continue to support Bush and his evil regime,ask yourself who would Jesus bomb next? Or who would he execute,if he came back?I leave yous with this, "If only protestants would exemplify the sermon on the mount(the beatitudes) and Catholics would try to keep up with St. Francis of Assissi" Peter Maurin(cofounder of the catholic worker movement. Our god is love ,our gospel is peace!! light and love (Homo paddy).
The gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John are the true gospels because they are the true message of Jesus Christ Our Lord - that the world could be redeemed and the kingdom of heaven was at hand - not a far off realm that detested the world - but a union of heaven and earth just as Jesus was the union of man with God - truly God and truly man - in one being.
The gnostics detested the material world - they believed in two gods - a god of light and a god of darkness - the darkness was the material world - so they sought the god of the light - this version of "Christianity" was the result of Zoroastorism and other dualist faiths which adopted facets of Christianity for their own purposes - Christs message did not fit with their pagan beliefs so they corrupted it and wrote their own heretical gospels.
The Gospel of Judas claims that Christ wanted Judas to facilitate his death so he could escape his body - that is dualism through and through.
True Christianity preaches a union between the divine and humanity - achieved through Jesus' sacrifice and his resurrection - when we die we are raised BODY and soul - the gnostics rejected the BODY and that was there heresy.
for a complete list of heresies relevant to discussion of gnostic & other early X-ian beliefs visit this page :-
for a list of people condemned as heretics visit here :-
Note that not at one point in the synoptic gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke or John is the Christ reported as treating on heresy. Not one word. It obviously wasn't that important to him...
Its moron time in theology park -- of course Jesus wasn't crucified -- he didn't exist as the protagonist in the Gospel narratives!! How's zat dream boats?
Dear my Children
I have read the gospel of Judas, Thomas, and Mary. i have re-write them in my own blogs and send them to my friends,
We have seen the hidden gospels, we are about to see the truth, the manipulation made by vatican, made by "christians".
but among all that, all His teachings are great. Jesus is Great, only those who manipulate Jesus have not understood Jesus, they have not seen Jesus' teachings... so understand them for they havent seen the truth
Now, for the rest of you who have known, what can you do? what would you do to stop the manipulations, what would you do to let people see the truth? what would you do to have "christians" be CHRISTIANS?
Níor chéasadh Íosa ar chrann?
An mbeidh pardún iarbháis a lorg ó údarais na Róimhe nó na hIosrael?
jeasus sounds like a prick, laughing while someone else gets crusified in his place. what other words of wisdom are in this gospel? kick a man when he's down, don't turn the other cheek, do on to others before they do on to you, no greater sap can one man be when he lay's his life down for another!
my own opinion religion is all a fazad invented to explain things in less educated times and over time used as a social control on society, but so what. some people who call themselves christian are amonst some of the most kindest people i've ever met who'd go out of there way to help you if they knew you were stuck, they see it as a logical extention of there faith. fair enough you allso get the pious but thats life. let people believe what they want to believe.