Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Indymedia Film Night: Cesky Sen (Czech Dream) @ Connolly Room, Liberty Hall
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event notice
Monday April 10, 2006 00:24
by IMC Ireland

The second in an ongoing (hopefully!) series of Indymedia Film Nights in Liberty Hall.
An engaging comedy, and an examination of consumer society gone mad...

Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May, 2003 - its a few minutes before 10 a.m. and there are more than 3000 people jostling on a remote parking place. Many of them are clutching plastic bags in their hands; some of them are armed with trolley bags. Assistants are handing out plastic cups and the moderator on the illuminated stage urges the people to have a drink from the near-by water tankers. The "hyper-anthem" of CZECH DREAM rings out once again from the speakers: "Try to see as a child, many things will seem wild..." Suddenly the managers of the hypermarket rush out on the stage, greet their customers and briskly cut the glittering ribbon. The escort remove the metal barriers and the crowd starts moving. They still have 300 metres to reach the hypermarket. People start running... A moment later, the fastest of them are struck dumb: the hypermarket that they have reached is nothing but a huge film decoration... Documentary hyper-comedy CZECH DREAM is a feature film about a hypermarket that has never existed.
CZECH DREAM documents the largest consumer hoax the Czech Republic has ever seen. Filip Remunda and Vit Klusak, two of Eastern Europe's most promising young documentary filmmakers, set out to explore the psychological and manipulative powers of consumerism by creating an ad campaign for something that didn't exist.
Dokumentární komedie ČESKÝ SEN zasáhla do skutečného života mnoha Čechů. Jednatřicátého května roku 2003 se sešlo několik tisíc lidí na louce v pražských Letňanech. Přilákala je sem reklamní kampaň, slibující hypermarket ČESKÝ SEN s nevídaně nízkými cenami. Dav však na místě našel jen plátěné průčelí. Tento „přátelský podvod“ byl součástí projektu filmových studentů Víta Klusáka a Filipa Remundy. Objednali totiž u jedné z největších reklamních agentur propagaci neexistujícího produktu - hypermarketu. Pak už jen s kamerou sledovali, jak se dnes vyrábí důvěryhodná reklama, jež nemusí být sebeméně podložena skutečností. Zábavný i znepokojivý film zblízka pozoruje reklamní profesionály, režiséry, psychology, analytiky, české celebrity, ředitele hypermarketu i zákazníky - tedy svůdný kolotoč konzumentství, v němž se dnes většina z nás veze.
Humorná, provokativní a inteligentní „reality show“ ČESKÝ SEN dokázala vrátit nejširšímu českému publiku zájem o dokumentární film. Film získal řadu ocenění nejen v Česku, ale i na významných světových festivalech v San Francisku, Dánsku, Rusku, korejském Soulu. Do programu svého festivalu ho zařadil i Michael Moore, tvůrce nejúspěšnějšího současného dokumentu Fahrenheit 9/11. Sousloví „český sen“ označující plané sliby přejali do svého slovníku novináři, politici i obyčejní lidé.
Thursday May 25th at 7pm, the Connolly Room in Liberty Hall. Full bar afterwards. Admission only €5. With thanks to SIPTU for hosting the Indymedia Film nights.

The hoax hypermarket facade...

The crowds of punters arrive...

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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7B/W flyer to follow soon for you to download and print...
Poster... coming to a cafe/shop near you soon.
... was published last year on Indymedia.
banner for razorwire.
Documentary will be 30mins
Nice one for the screenshots - looking forward to seeing the new revolt film
Due to the slightly longer than usual Revolt contribution we will be slightly pushed for time this evening - can people PLEASE break with irish tradition and show up reasonably on time for the 7pm kick off.
Please please please....
heard it was a top night, full to the brim and that a few of the afghanis came down, any more detail reports.