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Comments (24 of 24)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Hi Mr Long,
I don't know you, but you might like to consider a couple of things.
I believe the statement you are objecting to was made on International Women's Day, March 8th. Were you aware of that? It is a day to recognise the role of women in struggle. It was therefore appropriate to make the call on that day.
The 1916 Proclamation was very progressive in its day in promoting equality (including the equal right to vote) for men and for women. 1916 leader Constance Markiewicz was a militant suffragette as well as a republican. Perhaps you were not aware of that fact either.
Furthermore, for you to suggest that a call to women to wear an Easter Lily with pride is a call for it to be treated as a “fashion item” is a deeply sexist comment on your part. Do you think women are thick: pretentious beings who wear emblems only on the basis that they look nice?
Whatever about your conception of what an Easter Lily is for, you are certainly a prisoner of outmoded ideas. Have another go at Gerry Adams, who you seem to want to ‘get at’, if you must, but leave the convoluted reasoning to the Sunday Independent. They are at it longer and furthermore they get paid handsomely.
It was Gerry Adams who launched the Lily as a fashion item for Women to wear. I'm not bothered about it but I would rather see funds raised going towards prisoners rather than to buy a new set of Armanis for the Sinn Fein Apparatchiks.
Wear a Red Lily.
Hi Tank Girl,
And what makes you think it will not go towards prisoners? Who are prisoners that your (possibly fictitious) 'red' lily supports?
We live in interesting times when supposedly left wing posters pick up without question and regurgitate the splutterings of the capitalist media with regard to Sinn Fein. But maybe you are on a ‘youth break’ from your social class origins and eventual destination (and there’s me talking off the top of my head).
Thank, sorry, that should be ‘think’, again.
Who should get the money? The cop killers in Castlerea?Or maybe the other 5 "brave volunteers" down there along with them. There work for the cause?Beating a 6 stone AIDS riddled Junkie to death for selling smack to feed his own desperate addiction.What heroes for the cause!!!
I dont give a rats arse about parliaments but maybe you should be reminded that Sinn Fein are participating in two partitionist parliaments. If I remember correctly the Sinn Fein Ministers of the Crown at Stormont ended up having to implement cutbacks. Such is the price of power and being accepted as part of the establishment.
If I do make any Red or Red and Black lillies then I'll raise funds for those arrested while preventing loyalists from marching through Dublin. Not a cause you would support. Have a nice day sister.
As in 'this policeman thinks" (a first). Did he die because he was an addict - and is that what happened to your man in the garda station the other day?
Think tank.
We should be struggling together - we are!
While I am at it Tank Girl, your maths is deficient. Sinn Fein are participating in one partitionist parliament. The unionists and the brits are seeing to it that they can't participate in the one up north. Perhaps you join them in that opposition.
On a more serious note.
I concur with opposition to administrating cutbacks – that is the fundamental question, not ‘participation’ in an assembly that mainly working class people, nationalists and republicans have elected Sinn Fein representatives to represent them in.
As for those arrested during or after the riot, I am aware that the Gardai started the trouble (what else is new) and got a big surprise - they kicked the small arse of what turned out to be a big dog. So I would be sympathetic to anyone arrested. Except for those who took advantage to loot, they pursued their own selfish ends and they can take their chances as far as I am concerned. If they did it through ignorance and they get caught I suspect it will not be a lesson to them.
He didn't die.He was murdered by 5 vigalante thugs and after getting charged they joined up with S.F. to get nice easy time in the nick.They are now considered to be volunteers!!Republican prisoners my arse.
Ive spoken to some Community activists about this and read the Pushers Out! book. It wasnt like you say. It was a case of ordinary people defending their community against a pusher. Nobody realised how ill he was and nobody was out to kill him. The trial conducted the No Jury Special Criminal Court was a show trial more like the Salem Witch trials.
Tell it like it is ... was.
I bet TPT ('This policeman's thick'?) has another go.
Do not try and pass off your shitty little opinion as fact - Josie Dwyer was not murdered you liar - even the Special Criminal Court couldn't twist the facts to get a murder conviction. The men were taken in by political prisoners because they would be targets to the hard core criminals in the other landings.
Yeah your arse - thats where your talking from
for too long, irish youngsters have seen something cool and groovy about the slightly flared black trousers, the matching sunglasses the matching sunglasses in one of the european countries with least direct sunlight, the berets and the black ties & who could forget the sensible V necked jumper . Please don't. Its not hip . Its not with it . Its not be demeaned. Let the RSF colour party do the marching around like soldiers to their hearts content hiding behind the shades "coz we get well hassled by the branch boyos". There are always other things you could wear.
Combats. a lovely pair of operation desert storm army surplus combats will only put you back a few quid, or euros as they're known now. And you'll be well rad .
F that. its all pants.
whether you stick them, or pin them, or plant them in your garden, only auld fellahs take it seriously.
put a safety pin through your tongue instead.
the fashion paramilitary policing council warn "don't demean the threads boys & girls"
this Easter remember the suffering kids. And you'll have better oral sex afterwards too. Oooooooooooo. oral sex & dental floss
Tell me this dumbasses.How healthy does a grown man covered in scabs weighing 6 stone look to you?I suggest you read some other literature if Pushers Out is where you are going to quote from.
Ordinary people defending their communities? How about Sinn Fein hijacking another movement to score a few easy votes.Hypocrisy in the extreme.Sinn Fein would never have anything to do with illegal drugs I suppose?Colombia 3?Coffee they were over there buying was it?
Murdered?? My apologies. Will kicked to death do? Worried about getting a hard time in Prison-My point excactly.Brave volunteers?Hardly Bobby Sands style is it.Allthough there bravery in taking on a 6 stone semi-corpse will always go down in Republican folklore.Tiocfaidh ar la.
You really whan me with your cool debating style. If shit were wit then you would be the King. Look if you want a chat then dont abuse me. You seem to have too many hang uos about SF so maybe its best if you drop the topic. I'm not an SF fan but seeing as you are such a Big Man why not go say all that to a Sinn Fein member?
TPT ('the policeman's nipple'?) has resorted to bad language and insults. Always the sign of a weak argument. As for the Columbia 3 being there for the coffee, this is a new police-state smear. Everyone knows they were there for the bird watching. So there.
(By the way, look it up in a dictionary - one without pictures.)
I suggest you use a dictionary aswell.Nipple begins with the letter N not T.
Seems there are no losers here: a poverty scarred community has permanently rid itself of a junkie drug dealer, and a bunch of neanderthal bowsies are locked up in prison.
What's the downside?
just like the british helmet making faries :-
A total of 10,021 helmets were made for an Irish Free State standing army of 10,000. The helmets are now used in movies for german ones. "Intentionally or otherwise, the helmets were made with an inferior quality material. Anyone handling a standard German or Austrian helmet of the Great War period, then handling a Model 27 will easily recognize the difference in weight and feel. The stress lines along the front of the helmet are prominent, and many cracked and became unserviceable during their period of use. One must wonder about motivation, as it had been only a brief period of time since the last British troops left the island. Stranger yet, one must wonder why the Irish Free State was willing to take delivery of helmets that did not meet standards. Although a review of the army’s history reveals a great deal of controversy over the organization. Funding was also a problem during the period."
It was that funding that Boland sought to rectify with his 1940 budget. & in 1941 the delivery was made.
Thus we see that The British gave De Valera's Neutral Eire German looking Helmets.
I wonder who makes the colour party clothing?
the lowest bidder?
the Irish Free State army helmet made by the Uniform Fairies in England
if I thought 'nipple' began with a 't' I would have written 'tipple', as in drink. However, since this is a family website I did not wish to appear vulgar and so I wrote 'nipple' instead of another word that sounds like 'wit' and a word that you like, 'shit'. (Jesus wept). You really are a cop, aren’t you?
As for 'Mr T' (not another one), since you show no compassion for anyone, you are a blueshirt, a fascist or another cop. Come to think of it you could be all three.
susan wrote about money raised from the sinn fein easter lily....."And what makes you think it will not go towards prisoners? Who are prisoners that your (possibly fictitious) 'red' lily supports?"
i thought the war was over, the weapons surrendered, and the fighting men & women out of the if sinn fein sells a lily, where does that money really go to if the war is over? just how many pro-GFA provo republican prisoners are in jail right now?
Well done Susan.Your detective work is second to none.How you managed to work out i was a cop is pure genius.We could do with a good woman like you in the force.Your dumbass ways would be widely welcomed in our Force.Look forward to seeing you in Templemore.
It's not necessary to go to Templemore anymore - 120 hours 'training' entitles you to become a yellowpack policeperson. Those with sociopathic tendencies will be applying to join. The opportunity to bounce a member of the public's head off the pavement a few times should attract the right kind of applicant.
What do they teach in Templemore these days anyway. I hear they give over 30 seconds to human rights, as a concession to the liberal namby pamby types. In one ear and back out the same one, I'd say.