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Usurping Democracy
national |
anti-war / imperialism |
Sunday March 05, 2006 15:32 by MichaelY - iawm

Mansergh call for arms - stop dissent
A response to a Martin Mansergh article in the irish Times The primary forces that have guided the history of modern political liberation and independence movements have been driven, I believe, not only by the struggle against misery, poverty and exploitation by also by a profound desire for democracy. A real democracy of the rule of all by all based on relationships of equality and freedom.
This democracy is a dream for many across the world – a dream not yet realised. This striving for democracy permeates our history in this country from 1789 onwards – from the Fenians to 1916, to the Civil Rights Movement to the entire cycle of the Womens Movement, the Ecological Movement, the Gay/Lesbian Movements, the struggle to stop the nuclear plant at Carnsore, the huge mobilisation nationally around the hunger strikes, the massive anti-Tax marches, to more recent events against the US invasion of Iraq and the use of Shannon as a warport, the Rossport mobilisation. It is also the same dream that permeates the entire cycle of protest and demonstrations around the issues of globalisation internationally, from the insurrection against the WTO in Seattle to the massive meetings in Caracas only a few days ago.
This need for democracy coincides, under present conditions, with the need for peace – at a time when war has become a foundational element of international politics. War was always considered as an exceptional state of affairs – now that it has become the rule, then the need for peace and our support for all form of resistance against war become the necessary conditions for democracy and liberation for millions of people.
It is in this context, therefore, that I read with interest an article in yesterday’s Irish Times [ March 4th] penned by Martin Mansergh, entitled ‘Usurping Government’s Role Unacceptable’. The man need no introduction…he’s been active behind the scenes ‘advising’most Fianna Fail Administrations, pulling the strings from Haughey’s cabal to the present outfit. His role in relation to FF’s policies vis-avis the North has been very considerable. It is worth noting so that he seems to be somewhat worried about recent developments in Ireland: particularly the anti-War movement, the Rossport 5 movement and last week’s Dublin riots. Mansergh’s view is that once a government is elected it is wrong for ordinary people “to second guess… government policy” particularly as these policies, according to Mansergh”…seek to promote the value and ideals of the people”!! And, of course, if we don’t like these policies, well, we can shut up and wait until the next elections!
What makes this article very noteworthy is not only its clear expression of worry and anxiety in Government circles about political developments but also its unambiguous stance of what to do about it. “Government must redress the usurpation of its authority to deal with third parties outside the State”!! One supposes the “third parties” referred to here are the Bush gang, Shell and virulent Unionism…..A call to arms therefore for the Coalition to stand firm and take control. The practicalities of such a stance and their method of communication would no doubt be left by Martin Mansergh to geniuses like our Minister of Injustice. Watch this space.
Mansergh’s notion of governmental authority stands squarely on the entire tradition of political theory that has one principle: ONLY THE ONE CAN RULE. It matters little if this ‘one’ is a monarch, an aristocrat or a democratically elected government. Only the one can be sovereign, tradition tells us, as there can be no politics without sovereignty….the choice is absolute: either the one, the State, rules or there is mayhem! To rule, to decide, to take responsibility and control, there must be one, otherwise disaster!
I will not dwell here on this notion of sovereignty- suffice to say that it is always a two-way relationship between those who have power and those who are ruled. Positions on how to redress the balance in favour of the rulers side with people like Mansergh… others go on and on about inserting themselves into the corridors of power and changing things from the inside.
I will argue that the forces of democracy, our movement, must counter the actual (or potential) violence of power not as its polar opposite in symmetrical fashion. The way of articulating our dream of democracy, as I conceive it, will progressively take the form of subtraction, a flight, an exodus from the power system. However, to quote a story, the Pharaoh does not let the Jews flee in peace. The ten plagues have to rain down on Egypt before he lets them leave. The violence of the warlords cannot be simply met by its polar opposite: with the absolute lack of violence. Our exodus has never been and will never be absolutely pacific and conciliatory. We will flee, we will exit but with active resistance.
A war against war would be the simplest way of giving this stance a name. More to follow on this theme soon I hope.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4Maybe a little off thread but still on the same subject, I noticed that todays Sunday Tribune ran with a story about how McDowell had chossen to introduce a draconian piece of legisalation by reading it in Irish -as he knew few would bother to take notice let alone understand -that outlines plans for allowing the tapping of phones, monitoring our emails, and Internet surfing habits.
No doubt as the article outlines above, yes the government are concerned and they are doing something about it. They are going to give themselves even more powers. It is quite clear this is an attack on all forms of activism and dissent.
Thanks to the person who analysed the article written by Mr. Mansergh. It should be compulsory reading for the electorate. A number of people expressed surprise at its content.
In adddition, I would suggest that Cabinet ministers keep strictly to their responsibility of looking after the affairs of the peopie. Their interviews should be restricted to these issues of welfare in the Dail, in their offices, or when called to account for their actions or to celebrate achievements.
The Cabinet role is quite distinct from that of the party. Ministers should not be on chat shows and panels. It demeans their role which call for a discrete distance. I was shocked at the behaviour of Minister John O Donoghue on The Week in Politics last night. He spent time upbraiding Fine Gael and the Greens with distasteful invective assuring a waste ot issue time.. As Minster he is responsible for their welfare too. A party Dail representative, rather than the Minister, should have been on the panel. And the exchange of views should not exhibit the type of hostility that we denounce in relation to street riots. We expect intelligent and rational debate that does not rule out respect for the interviewer and other panel members.
The interviewer remarked on the unruly manners.
The dismantling of democracy, began with the three unwise men, Minister Dempsey, Minister Cullen, and now Minister Roche. That they should all have been Ministers for the Environment and Heritage must have made them feel God like.
Minister Dempsey, took all the power of county councils, and put it under the County Manager to out vote the whole council, Minister Cullen amended the monuments act which give the Minister of the Environment sole control of interpretation of heritage. Minister Roche wants to carry on Minister Cullen's aspirations to fast tract infrastructure of a hazardous nature, in order to airbrush any concerns private citizens have.
The dismantling has been a great success.
The FF/PD government was elected into power in 2002 once again because it recieved more electoral votes than the potential alternative FG/Labour/Greens or Sinn Fein or SWP or IRSP or independents or anarchist movement or yours truly as absolute ruler.
Next election the electorate can voice their satisfaction or disatisfaction by voting the government back into power or removing them from power.
Unless you see the electorate a brainwashed automatons for voting for centre left and right parties and a liberated mass throwing off the shackles of capitalism and repressive bourgeoise values when they vote in the likes of SWP
Or else you think that a self appointed vanguard will lead the masses to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat before the transition to full communism and the fading away of the state.
Or else you see people as completely autonomous individuals?
Im afraid the only democracy that flies is the one we have now. So give it a rest. Look for corporate and individual funding for your political party buy posters and placards and TV and radio time and get your message across - or just hope for divine intervention or just have smug satisfaction that the thesis and anti-thesis will fuse into a synthesis on the long but inevitable progress the Absolute spirit in a utopian society.
I put my money on democracy