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offsite link The Government is Making Itself a Laughing Stock in its Battle to End Apple?s Encrypted Privacy Serv... Wed Mar 19, 2025 19:00 | Dr R P
The UK Government is making itself a laughing stock in its use of Snoopers' Charter laws to end Apple's encrypted Advanced Data Protection privacy service. Fortunately, there are alternatives.
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offsite link Covid Vaccine Damage Consultants Paid Millions More Than Victims Wed Mar 19, 2025 17:30 | Will Jones
Consultants assessing Covid vaccine damage claims on behalf of the NHS have been paid millions?more than the victims, it has emerged, after US-based Crawford and Company dismissed more than 98% of cases.
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offsite link Biological Sex Erased From Official Data on Health, Crime and Education Wed Mar 19, 2025 16:30 | Toby Young
Professor Alice Sullivan has completed her review of data collection by public bodies and found that because the word "gender" has started to replace "sex" cancer referrals have been missed and convictions overlooked.
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offsite link The Study Showing the mRNA Vaccine Cancer Link That They Don?t Want You to See Wed Mar 19, 2025 13:00 | Rebekah Barnett
A study from Japan shows the link between mRNA vaccines and cancer. No wonder it keeps getting censored, says Rebekah Barnett ? they really don't want you to see it.
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offsite link Police and Courts Allow Criminals to Choose Their Gender Wed Mar 19, 2025 11:25 | Will Jones
Police forces and the courts are allowing criminals to self-identify their gender even if they have not legally changed sex, with preferred pronouns routinely being used by police officers and judges.
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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?124 Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:56 | en

offsite link "Kristallnacht" against the Alawites in Syria Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:38 | en

offsite link Is Donald Trump managing the possible collapse of the ?American empire??, by Thi... Tue Mar 11, 2025 06:59 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

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Ógra Shinn Féin Remember Bobby Sands

category national | miscellaneous | press release author Wednesday March 01, 2006 21:00author by The Pen - Ógra Shinn Féinauthor email osf6county at yahoo dot comauthor address 4 - 5 James Street Omagh Co. Tyroneauthor phone 028 82 25 30 40 Report this post to the editors

25 Years On

West Tyrone Ógra Shinn Féin today held a vigil in Omagh town Centre to remember the day which Bobby Sands commenced Hunger Stirke 25 Years Ago.
Ógra Activists holding a vigil in Omagh
Ógra Activists holding a vigil in Omagh

Members of Ógra Shinn Fein in West Tyrone held a vigil in Omagh Town Centre on Wednesday March 1st to remember the date which Bobby Sands commenced Hunger Strike. 12 members of Ógra Shinn Féin held posters of Bobby Sands while others bore the message ‘Remember Bobby Sands’.
Approx 2,000 students leaving 3 schools in Omagh Town passed the vigil and many were asking for more information on Bobby Sands showing that 25 Years on, many young people are still captivated by the story of the 1981 Hunger Strike.
The PSNI were present at the vigil and recorded the names and details of the Ógra Shinn Féin members involved.
Commenting on the event Barry McNally of Ógra Shinn Féin said, “This event is the first of many which Ógra Shinn Féin in the west Tyrone area are going to be holding in relation to the 25th Anniversary of the 1981 Hunger Strike. The event was a success and had the intended effect. Many young people were asking Who Was Bobby Sands? 25 years ago Bobby Sands commenced Hunger Strike and many of the young people asking question today, like myself, were not even born at the time of the 1981hunger strike. So it is an encouraging sign to see them being so fascinated by the sacrifice of Bobby Sands and the hunger strikers of 1981.
“However I would question the need for the PSNI/RUC to be deployed in such numbers in the centre of Omagh during the vigil. 7 members of the PSNI / RUC were present at the vigil. Another carload of 4 PNI/RUC were situated a short distance away filming the proceedings on a hand held video camera. Ógra member’s details were taken. The PSNI/RUC have seen from many times before that their intimidation doesn’t work, and it will fail once again.” Mr. McNally concluded

Related Link: http://www.osfbf.pro.ie
author by Republican resistance - Republican resistancepublication date Thu Mar 02, 2006 16:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sinn Fein and their youth troop have no right to celebrate Booby Sands memory,Booby Sands died for a United Ireland and Prisoner of War status,two things the provisionals have sold out and campaign against

Even Bobby Sands family have withdrew their support for SF,on the grounds they sold out his memory

author by ede - ógra shinnfeinpublication date Sat Mar 04, 2006 15:30author email eiresaoirse32 at yahoo dot comauthor address Monaghanauthor phone 67657756Report this post to the editors

Anti republican Persistence, Would be a more Appropriate name for the past letter, Raymond mc Cartney will be speaking at this years Fergal O'Hanlon Memorial Lecture, perhaps you will wish to discuss present Republican Opinion with him in our Questions and answers section ,Otherwise Do something Positive for yourself that commerates these Brave Volunteers And dont be trying to stop the Determination of Irelands Youth in Commerating 1916 and 1981 in the Educational and informative way that No Hunger striker Family or Easter Rising Family Do Or Have a Problem with.


Related Link: http://www.sinnfein.com
author by Republican resistance - Republican resistancepublication date Sun Mar 05, 2006 00:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Republicans who represent what is true of the movement,would not support or help a party which is opportunist,careerist and supports British rule in Ireland,what did Bobby Sands die for.political status and a united ireland,two things sinn Fein and their youth group campaign against.

Sinn Fein signed the GFA which supports British rule,freestatism and criminalises POWs,all for a more 'constitutional Northern Ireland',pardon me but bollox

Real Republicans will continue to fight the good fight for a united Ireland and socialism

Gerry Adams is a modern day Michael Collins,a man who continues the cycle of treachery

Up the real faction of the IRA
Up Oglaigh na hEireann

author by okpublication date Sun Mar 05, 2006 17:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

i believe that sinn fein should not only answer the youth's question of "who was bobby sands", but the youth in turn should ask "what did bobby sands die for". i wonder if the hunger strikers really died for sinn fein to be part of stormont, part of the british crown's payroll, the surrender of the provos, the current sinn fein's attitude of "there are no republican prisoners today", the high-ranking sin fein touts, and the removing of articles 2 and 3 of the constitution.......all being sold as the way for irish freedom when the fact remains that there are more british soldiers in the north than there is in iraq and sinn fein pulls in millions of pounds into their political macine's bank account.

author by John - n/apublication date Mon Mar 06, 2006 13:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If Irish republicans write into indymedia slating 'the provisional movement' for their tactics i believe they must produce a viable alternative to politics.
the real or continuity IRA have so far failed to do this.
they lack support leadership and creditability and apart from their postings on indymedia and other such websites, they are doing nothing constructive to struggle for a 32 county democratic socialist republic.

author by okpublication date Mon Mar 06, 2006 22:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

so in order to voice a complaint, point out hypocrisy, or attempt to announce that one will not blindly "trust the leadership" of any political party......one must instantly produce an alternative to be able to make such opionions? to question motives? to think independently outside the box? if that is the case, then half of indymedia ireland should be erased as invalid, without leadership, without following etc.

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