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"Seize the moment" Adams tells youth activists

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Monday February 13, 2006 17:53author by Ógra B - Ógra Shinn Féinauthor address Occupied Ulster Report this post to the editors

Ógra Shinn Féin - Sinn Féin President addresses National Congress

"Seize the moment" Adams tells youth activists
Ógra Shinn Féin - Sinn Féin President addresses National Congress

Republican activists must build the party, build mass support for our objectives, set out a radical agenda for change and advance Irish unity and independence. This was the message Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams brought to activists of Ógra Shinn Féin on the occasion of their National Congress 2006 held in Dublin last weekend.

"Seize the moment" Adams tells youth activists
Ógra Shinn Féin - Sinn Féin President addresses National Congress

Republican activists must build the party, build mass support for our objectives, set out a radical agenda for change and advance Irish unity and independence. This was the message Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams brought to activists of Ógra Shinn Féin on the occasion of their National Congress 2006 held in Dublin last weekend.

Adams commended Ógra for its campaigning work during the year. Ógra was to the fore on the Rossport 5 and the opposition to the Iraq War.

Adams went on to say: "Twenty five years ago young men and women in the H-Blocks and Armagh, many of them the same age as people in this room, were involved in a huge struggle with the British state. They were taking decisions that would have huge consequences not just for themselves and their families but for people right across the world."

The anniversaries of the 1981 Hunger Strikes and the 1916 Rising should be "about activism, about education, about building the party and building support for Irish unity and independence".

Following the IRA's decision to move to a new, peaceful mode the struggle has reached another defining point, Adams said. The party now stands on the brink of an unprecedented opportunity. If support continues to grow partition can be ended and a radical, all-Ireland republican government established "of which we are the heart and soul".

"The enemies of republicanism — be they securocrats, the PDs or the DUP will continue to attempt to defeat us and frustrate progress. They will fail.

"Sinn Féin is now he largest nationalist party in the North — we are the largest pro-Agreement party. We are the guarantee there will be no return to unionist domination or second-class citizenship."

Adams detailed DUP and Paisley connections with unionist paramilitarism over 40 years. Their attempts to undermine the Good Friday agreement were a continuation of the same strategy. But their attempts to undermine and de-legitimate the republican electorate were doomed to failure.

"That is the reality facing Ian Paisley as he addresses his party conference.

"This party stands ready to work with the DUP. We do so already in councils across the North and we did in the Assembly when it functioned.

"Each day British Direct Rule Ministers take decisions on spending reviews, health, education, the environment, energy and other matters which adversely effect every citizen in the North and have a knock on effect throughout the whole island.

"That is the challenge for the DUP. It is also a challenge for the unionist business community, for civic society for community groups and for church groups."

In conclusion Adams said that Sinn Féin was a party with a vision of a new and better future. Irish republicans were now in a new era of struggle and there was a big responsibility on young republicans to "seize the moment and make Irish freedom a reality".
Suicide prevention campaign launched

Congress saw the launch of Ógra's National Suicide Prevention Campaign.

Andrea O'Kane pointed out that with 577 recorded suicides throughout the country for 2003-'04 this was now the biggest killer of young people in Ireland today.

Calling for an all-Ireland approach to the problem O'Kane said: "Suicide prevention must be promoted in an integrated, holistic strategy which is resourced and implemented as one across the 32 Counties."

The wider issue of an all-Ireland mental health strategy must be pursued by young republican activists so that the alarming rise in suicide can be reversed.

Gerry Adams endorsed the campaign calling the national suicide rate unacceptably high. This is an issue of exceptional importance to young people and a national campaign on the issue was much needed.

Delegates discussed issues such as An Phoblacht, all-Ireland integration, and policing, while the Congress also re-affirmed Ógra's position of rejecting involvement in policing boards or associated DPPs in the North and the initiation of a programme for the full demilitarisation of the British war machine in Ireland.

On Collusion, many delegates referred to the fact that files on 400 republicans went 'missing' in the last year while in the hands of the PSNI. Ógra once again supported the fight of victims of British state violence in their campaigns for truth and justice for their loved ones.

S?anna Walsh Over the weekend the Congress was given a presentation by the recently re-organised Sinn Féin Cultural Department led by former political prisoner Séanna Walsh.

The importance of Irish culture and in particular the language in the struggle was discussed. Speakers agreed to tie into the newly-reformed department and be to the fore in promoting and using the Irish language. Representatives of Na Gael Ógra were also present at the congress.

Debates on motions relating to the issues of the environment, social policy, equality, health, education, Irish culture and international affairs were also debated and Ógra reiterated its support for the families campaigning against the construction of the on-shore oil pipeline at Rossport, County Mayo and for the Irish Ferries' workers.

GPO picket

Following the conclusion of the Congress delegates and visitors converged outside the GPO on O'Connell Street demanding and end to political policing. Ógra activists were joined by supporters who joined the demonstration from the street. Chants of 'END POLITICAL POLICING' were heard along O'Connell Street as Ógra Shinn Féin protestors made the issue known.

Harassment by Gardaí

On Friday evening Ógra delegates enjoyed the experience of Dublin's social life with groups of delegates going bowling or to the cinema. However a discordant note was struck when, while on his way to the cinema one Ógra member from the Six Counties attending his first National Congress was politically harassed and subjected to partitionist comments by Gardaí. He was searched and told to go back to his "own country" and "pay his taxes to the British queen".

International guests

Basque youth organisation SEGI, who were unable to attend Congress, sent a statement which said that youth had always been pioneers in the national liberation struggle and went on to say that they looked with interest at the Irish liberation process. New conditions had also been created in the Basque Country but "the repression continues, a lot of youths have been arrested tortured and imprisoned. But we continue struggling proudly and we go forward. Gora Euskal Herria askatuta, gora irlanda askatuta. Tiocfaidh ár lá," the statement concluded.

The Socialist Labour Party also sent members to the Congress and their spokesperson Sukat spoke of their support for the struggle in Ireland and for Ógra Shinn Féin.

Nora, a delegate on behalf of the PDF group from Germany addressed the congress.

A Catalan delegation were also present.

Representatives of the five Cuige regions through which Ogra Shinn Féin is organised reported on local activity. Reports were delivered by Willie Howard for Munster, Eugene Garvey, Leinster, Anna Prior, Connacht/Uladh, Barry McColgan, Six Counties and Brian Keane, Dublin.

Reports showed expansion of Ogra in several areas and involvement in campaigns around British collusion with unionist paramilitaries, the Rossport 5, Irish Ferries, Make Poverty History, political prisoners, Colombia 3, Green Post Box Campaign, 16 Moore Street, Seán Kelly engaging in discussions with other youth groups and exposing issues such as media hypocrisy and Garda corruption.

The 25th anniversary of the 1981 Hunger Strikes and 90th anniversary of the Rising are campaigning focuses for the coming year with major objectives being increased recruitment, campaigning and education.

Mickey Bravender, National Organiser of Ógra Shinn Féin delivered the concluding address on Sunday.

Pól Brady brought proceedings of Congress 2006 to a close with a rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann.

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author by JDpublication date Tue Feb 14, 2006 08:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Seize the odd widowed mother as well, just to keep your hand in as it were!!!

author by Darapublication date Tue Feb 14, 2006 13:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

An SAS soldier once opined that the Northern Ireland troubles would be solved in one night - gather up the few hundred lunatics in the IRA and knock them all off.
I think we have sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind.

author by Non-provopublication date Tue Feb 14, 2006 13:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You know what Dara some other nutter had the same idea. It was called internment night. And that surely did reap a whirlwind. I suppose you would have been a Pinochet cheerleader.

author by Leftypublication date Tue Feb 14, 2006 14:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

God, nothing changes!.We had O'Duffy and his Blue shirts,we had Mosely and his Brown Shirts we had Mussolini,Franco and of course Hitler..........all spouting the same national socialism to the young, the disenfranchised and the gullable.Now we have Adams and co. filling the vacuum with the same crap................the wheel just goes round and round and round and.........

author by Johnpublication date Tue Feb 14, 2006 14:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What expertise has SF in the area of suicide prevention? None. Have they done any statistical analysis of which types of country have the lowest suicide rates, so we might emulate them, and which types have the highest suicide rates, so we might avoid making their mistakes. Of course they haven't. SF advocates a socialist society. But, in socialist societies suicides rates are far higher than in non-socialist societies. In 1986 suicide rates in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were 3 to 4 times what they were in western Europe. Since the demise of socialism, suicide rates in these eastern European countries have fallen significantly but are still about 2 times what they are in western Europe. Even within western Europe suicide rates are highest in social democratic high-tax Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway where they are about twice the rate in Ireland. Countries with the lowest suicide rates in Europe are England, Spain and Italy, hardly bastions of socialism. Northern Ireland actually has one of the lowest suicide rates in Europe, just above England, Spain and Italy - while the suicide rate in the Republic, although higher than in Northern Ireland, is still below the western European average and far below the rates still prevailing in eastern Europe or Scandanavia. In other words, there is no evidence whatever that moving towards a more socialist or social democratic society would reduce the suicide rate in Ireland. Quite the reverse.

author by pat cpublication date Tue Feb 14, 2006 16:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

i pass no judgement on the article and i dont support SFs move to the right. but it is ridiclious to compare republicans to fascists. republicans beat the blueshirts off the streets and when mosley moved to ireland republicans burnt down his house. i will put your ignorance down to the state of the education system. good history teachers are hard to come by.

author by The Pen - Ógra Shinn Féinpublication date Wed Mar 01, 2006 21:33author email osf6county at yahoo dot comauthor address 4 -5 James Street Omaghauthor phone 028 82 25 30 40Report this post to the editors

Included are photos from the Ógra Shinn Féin National Congress


Gerry Adams addresses a section of the Ógra Shinn Féin congress
Gerry Adams addresses a section of the Ógra Shinn Féin congress

author by John's Dunmeheadin2000publication date Wed Mar 01, 2006 22:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's well known that socialist societies suffer worse weather than capitalist ones. For example, Sweden and Norway are significantly colder than Spain and Italy. And where would you rather spend your August holiday - Siberia or Florida? This chilly climate is a warning that free-market economies deliver more sunshine, because the regulatory burden they impose on the sun is much lighter.

Equally striking is the poor record of the socialist bloc when it comes to football. Since the European Cup was first established in the fifties, Red Star Belgrade and Steaua Bucharest have been the only socialist victors (it's notable that Red Star registered their great triumph in 1991, as the Titoist system was disintegrating. Croatia's forward-looking economic reforms no doubt inspired Red Star striker Robert Prosinecki on that memorable night in Bari).

While West Germany bestrode the football world like a colossus in the 1970s, the DDR struggled to qualify for major tournaments (it is true of course that WG's midfield dynamo Paul Breitner was a Maoist with notably undisiplined hair, but his leftist slackness was admirably counterposed by the steely disipline of "Der Kaiser", Franz Beckenbauer). The only socialist victors in the European Championships have been Czechoslovakia and Denmark; the former triumph was a fluke made possible by a sly penalty chip, while the Danish success in 1992 was no doubt inspired by their keeper Peter Schmichael, whose competitive spirits owe little to his country's indolent welfare system. Perhaps Peter might join the excellent Ramussen government and give Danish dole-cheats the same tongue lashing he once administered to Steve Bruce and Garry Pallister!

The modern-day Champions League tells a similar story. Norwegian side Rosenberg have struggled to get out of the group stage, while IFK Gothenberg have never registered another victory to follow their legendary defeat of Man Utd in 1994. Finland barely registers on the map; the meandering career of Jari Litmanen, whose promise has largely been aborted by lengthy spells on the bench, shows only too well that social democracy can weaken the will power needed for success in the sporting world.

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