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Society - a tool for the few to burden the many
The story continues.......
A look at some of the myths we listen to and then repeat to ourselves, so that we may feel proud of ourselves, in lieu of having an actual reason to. "The will of the many outweighs the needs of the few."
How often have you heard this said?
Or, "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."
Let's look at the first one, this is what the government peddle in an attempt to justify their rule. Why is it that so few would see themselves as the many? Or that the vast majority would be labelled as the 'few.'
Now apply the same rationality to the second one.
Yes, now those in government see themselves as the country too. Fuck but they have very high opinions of themselves.
Ok without using these fallacies, let's see why the will of the many outweighing the will of the few is total and utter crap.
I as a human being have the inalienable right to better my situation and myself.
For society to become better, individuals that make up society must improve.
Individuals first, society second.
Society must always evolve in a way that reflects the way individuals evolve.
Adam was an individual as was Eve, but Adam and Eve are a society. How does the will of the many get expressed in this society?
It cannot, because there is no such thing, there is but the will of the individual or indeed the repression of will in the individual. But to manifest a pseudo-will of society is sheer stupidity. Multiple personality disorder. Spooky action at a distance. Worse still, this is the first step in giving a non-human, the same rights as a human, eg. business entities.
There is no doubt however that individuals expressing or repressing their singular wills in a spirit of co-operation can better themselves in the process. But this is not what happens is it?
The telling point here is that individuals themselves must voluntarily repress or express. Anything else is domination and slavery. A minute subset of individuals penning laws for the masses is a violation of what humanity and society express they wish to be.
This is why any viable society or society that wishes to become so, must always focus on improving the individual before it fucks off and gets a Bertie bowl, or a monument to our achievements, i.e. the big Spike. Yes, the fictional beast society, when allowed to satiate its own needs, is a beast of random destruction and a beast that is beyond the control of mortal man or a product of will. It serves none and will only temporarily bestow gifts to those who try to pull it back with choke collar and chain. This is a beast that makes the Church look like a sick puppy.
This is our society.
This is the best we can do?
If it is I want out of the arrangement.
The only problem being I've nowhere to go. I cannot legally exist anywhere without a government to call my master.
Even if I were allowed to divorce myself from the state and allowed to buy some land that was mine to do with as I saw fit, I'd still get fucked. Remember 40 years of backbreaking servitude to the state; and you might own a house. Well try displaying your own flag and not displaying an Irish flag at the same time and I may add raised above the other flag.
See what you own.
40 years getting fucked so you could pretend you owned property is a much more realistic and truthful description of what happens.
Now don't for a moment think that I disrespect the tricolour for to do so is to be one thick bastard. I totally and with all sincerity respect my flag and what I feel it stands for and fuck him who would say or think otherwise.
I do not however respect the rights of a bunch of clod witted, inbred arseholes, who in the collective are so-called government to dictate the meaning of my flag or my heritage or for that matter my future.
That is my right and mine alone.
I may further add that I do not stand anymore for our national anthem.
People often remark to me that this is a very disrespectful thing to not do.
I always answer to them, that to stand for the anthem that is the mass grave of all those who died not having the inalienable right to self govern, is to dance on it. The national anthem is in honour of them and a promise that we would get it right.
Have we got it right?
Or do you lie to your ancestors and yourself every time you stand?
You decide, I just tell it the way I see it and I guess over an issue as contentious as this is, all I can say is that it is my opinion, change it if you can. I would love to be proven wrong for I long to stand in salute to something I can be proud of that is of our making.
I don't stand because I am not proud of us. I am not proud of what we have become.
I am very proud of my heritage and what my country was despite those who tried to make it otherwise, but I am ashamed of what we have become and despite those who make it so, will not belie my anthem and my heritage, to promote and continue a lie.
Nor do I vote.
Immediately I hear the outraged voices cry, 'It is you duty to vote'.
Why not make it illegal not to vote then, if I am not doing my duty?
I mean I would kill for my right to vote so why not kill me when I choose not to vote. Yes bring back the death penalty I have just pointed out a scenario whereby which I would cheerfully and actively try to kill just about anyone who successfully denied my right to vote.
I can see it now, armed soldiers or gardai, proudly force-marching the population to vote. Isn't duty a strange creature?
I say it is your duty to do with your vote as you see fit as long as you make an actual decision.
I would also suggest it is the duty of the state not to muddy crystal clear waters irregardless as to whether self preservation be the reason.
I would also suggest that anyone who votes for someone else who is not a general at least representation of their needs and wants is in dire dereliction of duty. They further compound this dereliction by foisting this random choice upon me and everyone else.
You did it because you didn't understand the ramifications, fine.
Do it when you do understand the ramifications then shame on you and further you have much neck in presuming to tell me of duty.
By always faithfully voting irregardless as to whether society behaves the way you feel it should, you perpetuate the failure of a solution or even a bandage.
Because this shit has been allowed to implant and bloom we are in for a very tough time of it irregardless as to which way we turn, with this in mind I say we turn and be true to our heritage and traditions and go through the shit, but this time fix it and let our children have the prospects of standing and being proud of us and of themselves.
We still have the power to shine a light through the darkness but it is fading.
Let's look at a not so old motto. 'Dublin the cultural centre of Europe'. Jesus! I mean for fuck's sake. Dublin isn't even the cultural centre of Ireland. It's one of our newest counties for Christ's sake!
No offence to the Dubs intended bar those who think I'm a culshie. I just highlight how far we actually go in our self-deception. All I am saying is that Dublin at no time in history has been the cultural centre of Ireland or at any time after. The reason in particular for this is that this is the seat of the Irish government, this is where our culture and national identity are slowly and tortuously being forced to recant.
Recant that you were the only nation during the dark ages to remember education and its importance and that you brought this light with you throughout the planet. Recant and repent.
Recant and repent that we promised ourselves a society based on the freedom and dignity of the individual, and that everything we'd do, internally and outside the country, would be done in a spirit of charity, and of prudence and of justice, so that a proper social order could be established in ireland, and that concord be established abroad. This is what millions of Irish men, women and children died for. Recant and repent their existence.
This was our heritage are you proud of what we have become?
It took a while but the dark ages have finally caught up with us.
I say society is necessary, I say Irish society is absolutely necessary and I say we are absolutely fucked if we think we possess or have achieved either.
It is our heritage that we always illuminated a pathway in darkness, it will be our children's heritage to snuff out the light and fall around as we do.
I mean our heritage is also one of endurance and the moment we get the right to become as we see fit, we become that which enslaved us in the first place. We add hypocrisy to the list that is our heritage and our testament.
To sum it up:
Irish bastards rather than English bastards subdue us.
We pay rent to Irish landlords rather than English landlords.
We obey English law with an Irish twist.
We work for anyone but ourselves.
We still cannot own property.
We still pay taxes and see no improvement in our infrastructure bar our cultural centre of course, and I may add so as not to offend my fellow Irish people that this is at a pace and a usefulness, that is totally unacceptable, for what should be the biggest and most exquisite emerald in a green studded crown. It's a fair comment to make, that it is easier to be killed or injured by a speeding bus than it is to actually catch one of the fuckers.
Anyone who wants to study particle physics should move to Dublin, Christ does that city move at pace.
All I can say is that we are traditionally a nation of many words and many greetings. I mean our native tongue doesn't have a word meaning "no." Hence the Irishman's ability to say much but mean little, it is why we have the gift of the gab. Now the postman can't even say "hello," cause he needs to be efficient in his new foreign way of life.
In villages all over the country, people idled saying hello to each other and probably did so too in cities before this and before me.
This too has fallen by the wayside in the rush to become other than we are or were.
A large percentage of our population live from week to week knowing a small change in circumstance will leave them with no legal means of coping. But they choose not to think about, or believe in this. The government buries its head on this one too; "we've lots done but lots yet to do." I say this slogan is truer if you remove lots twice from it. In other words; we have done blank but blank yet to do.
Because we have become that which subdued us, we have created the new Irishman in the image of his slave ancestor. What good is a master without a slave?
Now instead of signing treacherous treaties on rocks we sign them in labour courts and other jokes. I mean partnership for prosperity amongst many others is a treaty signed by people with fundamental differences that are totally ignored in the signing of the treaty, this becomes clearer every time this treaty enhances the lives of the rich and as per usual fucks the poor. You'd think that because now that we are all Irish, we'd get at least some foreplay first. These treaties should be referred to as the Bendover treaties.
We now look down on our fellow human beings who largely due to fate belong to one imposed and supposed minority or another. Irish society has become a Pandora's box and now that I've looked into it I realise the shit hit the fan ages ago and I urge others to open the lid and observe what is. Irish society should mean everyone, in theory maybe, but in practice not even close.
The bible nails it when it says, 'the love of money is the root of all evil'. I of course don't think it was that miraculous that it was discovered all those thousands of years ago, I mean it must have seemed pretty obvious then too.
Time is relative, and time is money, so money is relative too. Money makes the world go round, relatively speaking.
You want something you have to buy it with some bottled time.
Jim Croce never looked at it this way, and even if he did I don't think his girlfriend would have appreciated the thought that went into the gift, in his song 'Time in a bottle'.
Of course you cannot stuff time into a bottle only the state, banks and employers can do this, and don't ask them about this because it is a secret. They get some paper and draw on it and we go fuckin' crazy for it, we'd kill each other for some. Then they tell us that it will be divided as follows: One divided by the amount of will suppressed, multiplied by social standing and then multiplied by what would be a fair and averaged wage rate (interesting equation). Of course time will not be seen as money here, as this would mean everyone's time was of equal value. Yes time and money are only equated after wage rates are set. It is only the workers time and or money that are relative whilst the rich try for absolute.
A similar quantum tunnelling occurs when you shop. Yes the thirty minutes to an hour you spend shopping can result in you giving away a much higher proportion of your bottled time than your meagre purchases and time spent shopping merit.
Profit gets a wallop off our labour and off all the fruits of our labour too. At no exchange are we considered or treated as equals. We are a product too. With a label on our foreheads that we walk around proud to show. Our intent is noble but to facilitate one's degradation by saying nothing, speaks plenty.
To suffer degradation and do nothing shows our relative worth. But as with all that is relative and quantum there is the unknown. Change is the fundamental principle of the universe and nature. Never mind the notes, look out for the change. Our ancestors were wise indeed.
Society is not about the family anymore.
Society is not about protecting the masses, if it ever was, once it got organised.
Society is a mechanism whereby parasites fronted by a fictitious will of the many set about maximum output versus minimum input and all in the name of bettering themselves.
They do not better themselves though, they mock and destroy all that is good and noble in the purpose of society and they send us stumbling backwards down an unlit staircase that lowers the overall state of humanity.
After needs are sufficed, all else is material possession and just consumes more time. I'm not saying this is wrong, that's down to the choice of the individual, but is it right for one man's time to mean poverty and another's to mean luxury? Surely the lives and therefore duration (time) are of equal value? Take any essential part out of a mechanism and it ceases to function irregardless as to availability of parts.
Let's look at a gem of an idea. Lets look at minimum wage. This supposedly helped bring low wage earners closer to those who earn high wages.
All this cynical and deplorable act did was to drive inflation nuts let's look at some of the effects this had.
All prices went up, thus showing where the money flow would come from.
All the poor got ripped down further into the chain of poverty, because not having a wage meant not being able to cope with the price rises. Single working mothers especially felt this one.
The minimum wage earners stayed exactly where they were, well not quite because the price rises favoured big business once again.
Of course now that the poor and the minimum wage earners got screwed it's quite easy to see who did actually reap the harvest. Could minimum wage be the brainchild of crowds like IBEC and government?
Inflation always victimises people in quantities that are inversely proportional to their financial ability to deal with it? Has it got to do with inheriting the earth and all that stuff? Our government tells us that it effects the whole population, but I say because it is not caused by a surge in population, that it is making the poor, poorer and anything that makes the poor, poorer makes the rich, richer.
Another factor that rockets inflation is credit. Yes buy today with the sweat of tomorrow. Loads of supposed free credit makes for price rises too, with the sharks going into a feeding frenzy what with all the extra blood in the water.
We live in a place where the rich constantly victimise the poor, to guarantee the poverty gap widens. Useless organisations like FÁS exist so that unemployment figures may be juggled. Students are mostly expected to teach themselves, and what little teaching is offered, is well behind the times. The conscripted or duped victim still receives the equivalent of the dole.
They teach you how to beg some arsehole for a job and to thank him for exploiting you. The only differences between 'Work experience,' and work, are that wages are lower, and any traditional benefits associated with employment are not accrued, eg. pensions.
We live in a country that runs within an economy. Money is work. It's all about money, and for you to get more than you put in, is to capitalise on and cause losses in another. This is meant to the rich of course, because whatever the rest get relative to one and other, is a fight for the scraps the rich have thrown them. Capitalism is not a new crime it is an ancient one.
Society is in a delicate balance at all times. There is enough crime and crap, to stop the population at large, from examining the practices of the State, and not enough crime and crap, to collapse the whole shit pile.
We are on the brink and still the straws are added.
Only equality can save us now coupled with the knowledge that time is not nor can it be ever equated to money. A free mans worth cannot be valued by another man, not in cash. Not in a free society.
Sean Ryan
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Jump To Comment: 1In the constitution of Ireland, Article 45 . states it all, as a citizen of Ireland. You are entitled to as a citizen of Ireland to earn and purchase your own home so what does adeqate mean. HOMELESS IS NOT AN ADEQUATE OF LIVING.