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Anti-Semitic Band to Play in Jewish District

category dublin | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Thursday January 26, 2006 23:22author by ANTIFA Report this post to the editors

not if we can help it

Grand Belial's Key is an American Black Metal band, formed in 1992 by guitarist Gelal Necrosodomy and vocalist Lord Vlad Luciferian.

This band have links to the National Socialist Black Metal scene and have openly anti-semitic lyrics. So why are they playing in the Jewish district (portobello) on the 24th February in The Lower Deck pub.

Do the mangement know what sort of people they are allowing to use their premises, I'm certain they will by tomorrow morning.

Commonly hailed as the fathers of US Black Metal, Grand Belial's Key have had a bumpy and controversial career since the band was formed in 1992. Early on the band was plagued with internal problems with vocalist/guitarist Lord Vlad Luciferian (who later left to join Ancient), who appears only on the first two demo releases. He was replaced by "The Black Lourde of Crucixion" who now handles the vocals and drums. His arrival marked a more "professional" shift for the band, which would release its first full-length album, "Mocking the Philanthropist", in 1997. The release was stopped dead in its path, however, when German distributor Rough Trade refused to distribute the album, claiming some of the booklet's contents could be considered illegal in Germany. The band's label, Wood-Nymph Records, refused to print a new booklet and was then left with no means of distribution and went bankrupt. The controversy didn't end with the album: The band was frequently a victim of boycotts and cancellation of its live gigs, and played live only about nine times in its first nine years of existence.

author by ANTIFApublication date Thu Jan 26, 2006 23:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors


author by pat c - AFA (pers cap)publication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Its the night before the Love Ulster march. Coincidence? Well it should be a good night for all. I look forward to getting that long hair and turning all 3 of them into boneheads.

This will be a night to remember.

author by historianpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Let's keep things in proportion. Portobello is NOT a "Jewish District". I grew up in the general environs and there were, and are, a small number of Jewish families in the Dublin 8 area. But this post makes it sound like Gretner Green. Such exaggerations do nothing to promote whatever point you are trying to make.

I have no doubt that this bunch of saddoes are exactly that, but I would imagine that none of the losers here who are into this crap are active Nazis. So to turn a small gig in a pub into some kind of re-enactment of the Battle for Madrid is a bit OTT, as out American friends might say.

author by pat cpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Lets not make a federal case of it as our US pals would say. but there is a sizeable Jewish Community in the area and the Jewish Museum is situated there.

there are a lot of unsavoury elements who would be tempted out from under their stones by this gig. that might lead to an even funnier night but its best to stop the gig completely. i doubt if the management were aware of the sort of act that booked the venue. the lower deck hosts a lot of progressive fundraisers and Trad music.

author by historianpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I am not doubting the obnoxious nature of the band and I can imagine the sort of crap they push in their "lyrics". But seriously describing Protobello as the Jewish District is ridiculous. As I said, I was born and reared in the area and know a number of Jewish people who were neighbours, but even in the 50s and 60s it was a small community and today would number a few dozen if even that.
My concern would be that the headline on the post completely distorts the issue. The music may be crap and the people who follow it morons, and perhaps worse, but this isn't the East End of London in the 1930s. That's all I'm saying. Object to the crap if you wish, but do so on more plausible grounds.

author by antifapublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 13:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I was also born and raised in portobello and am jewish myself. In my original post what I meant was Portobello is Irelands most jewish neighbourhood it is home to the jewish museum and the bretzel bakery along with a few other jewish business's.

To allow this band to play anywhere would be an atrocity let alone right here in the one area that has a small jewish population.

author by pat cpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 13:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

They wont play there. I am sure the management of the pub will vcancel the gig when they are alerted to the nature of the band.

The band might try and get some other venue, so lets all be alert. I am still suspicious about the gig being on the night before the Love Ulster march: Combat 18 and other fash have been acting as stewards at LU events.

author by Apfelbaumpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 14:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is not Dublin's most Jewish district that is Terenure by miles.

author by antifapublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 14:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors
Punks discussing stopping the gig.
Indie kids discussing same.
Metallers discussing "freedom of speech" for the band.
One of the band members also plays in a group called Aryan War.

author by antifapublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 14:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Shitagogue

Satanic bullets destined to perforate
The chosen people of ZOG
Hordes of true Black Metal arsonists
Roast the red fathers of the protocol

- contains obvious references to zionism and is obviously urging people to kill jews.

author by James - Anti-work, Socialise, Partypublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 15:18author email themarshometer at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Reactionary pointless silliness!Do you think theres any one who can actually make out the lyrics to black metal songs never mind take them seriously!What will stopping this band playing achieve?I mean other than making you all look like a bunch of f*c%in' facists who cant tolerate the freedom of expression of idealogues in conflict with their own.I seriously think all of you people need to re-read everything you have ever read only this time try and focus on the spirit, rather than the letter of the text, to use a phrase so beloved of one of my secondary school teachers.Whatever happened to i think what your saying is a steaming pile of racist horseshizzle that has only served to illustrate your feckwittery, but i'll defend to the death your right to say it?Its only words after all no matter how gutterally growled they are.I say save your energy for where it could be used usefully, perhaps try and do something to help the bould Kunle stay over here, or even more usefull still you could assisinate Michael Mcdowell.Of course im joking your commitment to your anti-facist principles would never allow you to use tactics like that, but it seems to me that those tactics are only further down the same road as this anti free speech crusade.Bullying people to stop them being able to express their views,however repulsive and insidious they may be, is the first step towards totallitarianism.To borrow a phrase from gangsta parlance I think y'all need to hate about fiddy p'cent less playa and fiddy p'cent more game.

author by pat c - AFA (pers cap)publication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 16:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

to oppose nazzis and fight back against them does not mean we become the same as them. it means that we are live lions rather than dead sacrifical lambs.

i wont defend anyones right to free speech if it involves stirring up race and religigious hatred against Jews. If they start attacking Jews should we also just shrug our shoulders and say that we would become as bad as them if we took any action?

Theres already been Anti-Semitic graffiti in the area. This gig will be stopped and any boneheads that emerge from under their rocks will be dealt with.

author by Ned Flanderspublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 17:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wasn't the Lower Deck the regular gig for 'Tina the Exotic Dancer' years ago, long before lap dancing clubs were ever heard of in holy catholic ireland?

author by Ginapublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 17:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is it Ireland, is it the U.S, is it Germany, where??

author by Barrypublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 18:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

combat 18 are very much linked to Loveulster and nazis are playing in dublin the night before the march ? In the closest thing Dublin has to a jewish district ?
CI8 have acted as LU stewards in the past without doubt and romors have persisted since september theyll be in dublin for the march

Any chance of finding out who actually booked these tramps to play ?

author by pat cpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 18:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Lower Deck Bar, 1 Portobello Harbour, Dublin 8, Ireland, Ph: 01-4751423.

author by antifapublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 18:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The gig is being put on by a metal promoter not the lower deck.

author by pat cpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 18:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thats usually the case but the management have to agree to the booking. If they get plenty of complaints they are likely to cancel it.

Do you know who the promoters of the gig are?

author by iopublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 18:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

my computar is fkd at the moment I can't upload pictures, but a brief reminder that over a year ago, the jewish museum in portobello was defaced with racist graffiti and within 24 hours a stencil had appeared on Dublin's streets. It is one of the keynote images which has appeared at the bottom of every "the writing is on the wall" graffiti series since. The star of david in yellow with blue background. For not only is this mozart's birthday today, nor a day before love ulster its also the day after the anniversary of the shoah.

anyways - solidarity.

author by pat c - AFApublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 18:45author email afa at ireland dot comauthor address Anti-Fascist Action, PO Box 3355, Dublin phone Report this post to the editors

Sentinel Records. 5 Cope Street. Temple Bar. Dublin 2. Ireland.
T: +353 (0)1 6759856.

24 Feb The Lower Deck, Rathmines, Dublin (w/ Grand Belial's Key, Primal Dawn & Yersinia Pestis)

These seem to be the only crowd advertising the gig. Not sure if they are the promoters. But they may be stocking their records, perhaps people would contact them and let them know that its not a good idea.

Related Link:
author by portobello anarchist - anarchist youthpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 19:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The lower deck is a great pub who have put on a load of benefits for anarchists and lefties in the last year, please be polite if you're calling them up about this I'm quite certain they didn't realise who they were booking the place out to.

Related Link:
author by pat cpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 19:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

i agree that anyone contacting the Lower Deck should be polite. They certainly have hosted many progressive gigs in the past.

I wouldnt be necessarily be so polite to Sentinel Records. It doesnt pay to be polite to deathmetal heads. These people know what they are advertising.

Sentinel. 5 Cope Street. Temple Bar. Dublin 2. Ireland.
T: +353 (0)1 6759856.

author by ciapublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 19:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is no talk of going to see this band on the Loveulster forum any metal "chatter"elsewhere?

author by -publication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 20:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it has come to my attention that the singer songwriters of these lyrics's-Key.html
are going to perform in Dublin in February. Surely this would be a clear case of incitement to hatred? Is ireland to welcome such people as blah blah blah blah......

author by fecsakepublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 21:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

these lads need work permits to play here as non eu citizens - i doubt very much if they have them - they are most likely coming for a "holiday" - contact department responsible for work visas with details of who they are etc, details of promoters who would need to have sorted work permits (invictus promotions apparently) and details of where they are coming from (where are they night before on tour?) and they can be sent home from the airport or arrested at gig for no work permits and deported.


these seem to be the promoters - obviously they are tax compliant etc for their promotions work or are they?

author by S.Brownpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 21:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Oh please. Believe me you lot are over reacting. The band is an anti-religious band in general and yes one of the members does play in a skinhead band but Grand belials key always maintain that they are not a political band and attack all forms of religion. I am also quite certain that the gig has nothing whatsoever to do with the love ulster parade or scum like combat18. This gig is about music not the spreading of ideolological bullshit. The vast majority of metal heads have no political viewpoint or are leftwing, only very very few are rightwing. I've been involved in the metal scene for quite sometime and never once come accross a nazi etc.

Secondly, whatever wanker said that people shouldn't bother being nice to a deathmetal head should attend to their own ignorence before they go getting their knickers in a twist about this gig. Sentinel is a metal shop and the guys that work there are extremely nice people and have sweet fuck all to do with your imaginary world of black and white politics. Check the ranks of a.f.a and anti-fa, i think you'll find quite a few metalheads amoung them

author by black and redpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 22:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

and challenge their article which clearly states they are a national socialist band. That means they're on the list. the brown list. And ought not be allowed enter Ireland and on the day that Kofi Annan asks that holocaust denial end, its seems appropriate to ask the ministers for justice and foreign affairs to block the entry of those who do just that.

author by Barrypublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 22:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

they actively revel in it . According to their lyrics it was some sort of mass satanic sacrifice theyre quite happy about

and "kosherrat " ? catch a grip ffs

im fond of a bit of ac/dc and motorhead but thon stuff is just sick and offensive

author by S.Brownpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 23:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The guy who plays in that band aryan war is open about his opinions on things but the band deny that the music is political. Yes they openly attack judaism but they do the same with christianity , like many bands and artists and for some reason that is totally acceptable??? They are a blasphemic band , so what??religion is a negative force! check out the black metal band blasphemy who do the same, people don't seem to have a problem with that though because theres a black guy in the band! Grand belials key are also somewhat tongue in check and they thrive on this type of controversy! By giving them so much attention your just making them a bigger deal than they otherwise were. If this gig goes ahead how many people do you think will go?not very many and then it will be over they'll fuck off home and no one will remember. Im not a fan of black metal myself but I am a metalhead and it seems like alot of people have a very negative attitude to metalheads, believe me there are no more nazi metalheads than there are jazz fans or punks! Theres alot of talk about a violent protest to this gig, but most people who attend will have no interest in the political opinions of the band members they will be there for the music. This eye for an eye approach is idiocy and i really hope that there is no trouble as if it makes any difference at all it will only be to encourage hostility towards leftties.

Its also pritty well known that lemmy from motorhead is somewhat leaning to the right, the man wears an iron cross and i've seen photos of him with ss memrobilia etc.

author by roosterpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 23:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

so what Barry, most people for the march will probably come down by car or train, you have no way of knowing if the people at this gig will be at the march, none at all, your just guessing!!!

author by gay georipublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 23:27author email gg at bearla dot ieauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Y'know, these people are offensive turds, but let's face it, they have the status of garage band at best, and 99.9% of people who listen to music have never heard of these fools, and the people who will go and see them have already made their minds up about jews, the holocaust and the rest.

the best response to these cretins is not to give them any publicity and make sure their trips to ireland are a financial disaster.

lemmy is a collector of nazi memorabilia sure, but you're comparing a 55 year old man with warts, white cowboy boots, an iron cross and a music career going back to ELP and Hawkwind before Motorhead, with the screamings and rantings of these cretings plying tiresome teenage angst to student gobshites,trying to be offensive. if only they'd learnt to wank off in bed....

author by s.brownpublication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 23:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I totally agree with you about that, the best thing to do is to totally ignore them and the gig will be forgotten in a month. It's not like the the play in ss uniforms while waving swastikas, i mean have you listened to any mp3's?you can't even hear the lyrics!! And like i said before most people who will go to this(if not every single one of them) will have no interest in the political views of the band members they will be there for the music, for gods sake i know plenty of christians who listen to satanic death metal and plenty of bankers that listen to punk, it's just music!!!And it does not reflect the personal opions of the people who will attend the gig.

Yes lemmy claims to be a collecter of ww2 memrobilia but have you ever seen him with any allied flags or symbols? Its pritty well known that lemmy is rightwing but obviously he can't admit it. Read Nck Ryans book homeland it makes reference to a rock star that was very close to members of skrewdriver and other combat18 scum and still is and has to call himself a collector, thats lemmy,, if your interested look for the info, you'll find it.

author by (",)publication date Fri Jan 27, 2006 23:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Southern Confederate flag behind drummer:

Weird swastika sticker on his guitar???:

author by anarchistpublication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 00:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In February a concert-tour with the antisemitic Band 'Grand Belial's Key' from the USA is planned in Europe. Grand Belial's Key is a black metal band whose views border on National Socialist.

Following you find some information about the band:

One release is named 'Judeobeast Assassination'

'Grand Belial's Key' gave an interview for the NSBM ('National Socialist Black Metal') magazine Hatemonger Warzine' which contains also interviews with NSBM-Bands like 'Der Stürmer' and „Graveland“. For the right extreme band 'Geimhre' they are 'comrades'

The drummer of GBK also plays in the racist band 'Arghoslent', the vocalist of GBK also played there. 'Arghoslent' see themselves as NSBM-Band and produced a release with the NSBM-Band „Der Stürmer“ and the White-Power-Metalband „Mudoven“.

At the release 'Kosherat' GBK covers a song of the neo-fascist band 'Chaos88', following you find the text: '...Listen to me Jesus Christ From what I've read I'm glad you're dead I wanna meet you, I wanna teach you I wanna beat you like the Jew that you are!..'

The band 'Chaos 88' said in an interview, that they hope for the formation of a national socialist state in Germany and that they hope for a world under the swastika.

One release of GBK was produced with the French NSBM-Band 'Chemin de Haine'.

In an Interview, Bass-player 'Demoniac' speaks about the blasphemy of GBK: '... The judeo-beasts have existed long before Grand Belial's Key. We are at war with the culture of the sheeps and the pigs... the world breaks apart. Jews govern the world, as once predicted'
Seelenbluten magazine Nr. 3, 12/2001, pages 15-16
Tormented Zine, Nr. 5, March 2003

Following you can find the song text of the song 'The shitagogue': 'Shit paints the sides of the chosen edifice A goat is murdered to terrorize god Inhumane sympathy for anal palpitations Untamed methods of blood baptism In constant fear the female hideth A dirty gypsy in a land of crooks Her menstrual offerings stain the altar The legions hail the Teutonic sign Passover genocide Merciless fire Hounds of misery and infectious wounds Crippled pig fixed by a slew of silver spikes Web of misfortune and deceit Lord of the nomadic human pork Tyranny returns The synagogue burns Proselytes can't abstain from fucking Full of pus were the arteries of the elders Miscreants wage impious battle Christ bears not a single weapon His bones crushed by the hammer Then drowned at night in the morasses Satanic bullets destined to perforate The chosen people of ZOG [zionist occupied government] Hordes of true Black Metal arsonists Roast the red fathers of the protocol'

song: 'The Slums Of Jerusalem': '...Daughter Jerusalem is fallen! 1 am one with her destruction... In burning forever!!...''s-Key/BF15E57249D3F9CA48256CF1002DE11B

song: 'demonarchy': '...There exists secrecy among the troops
Waiting to besiege the fountain of life
Like torches of a forgotten Kristallnacht
Storming through the city of Nazareth...''s-Key/15B343C8732BF2E848256CF1002DE184

author by s.brownpublication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 00:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Plenty of bands use the confederate flag e.g pantera and lynrd skynrd, never heard them being called nazi or people trying to stop them from playing and theyre/were much bigger that this band!

As for the swastika it is also widely used by pagan and anti-christian bands as a symbol of heritage, it is used to symbolise its true meaning and to destroy the negative one it has been associated with since ww2. The swastika was there long before nazism and in reality has nothing to do with that bullshit ideology. ww2 imagery is also widely used by punk and metal bands simply due to its powerful imagery.

Im not denying that the guy is national socialist im just saying dont be so paranoid and realistically what difference will he make, do you really think that he'll convince people to be nazis over an hour long gig??Trust me this gig will not be a political event. Heres an idea, why don't people go along if they care that much and if anything happens, like if they start any trouble and then do something, don't just assume . They're hardly going to commence a march on the dáil lol!!!Im sure plenty of musicians who are racist or criminals etc have been here you just didnt know it or they kept it to themselves,what difference will this guy make? I didnt see anyone protesting when that racist right wing muslim came here and gave a lecture in which he glorified suicide bombings and attacks on britain and america and claimed ireland was a legitimate target for al queda, not even the right wing.

author by Ginapublication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 00:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I didnt know that there were jewish districts in Ireland?

author by Gay Georupublication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 00:46author email gg at bearla dot ieauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

There's a Wikipedia entry on Portolbello:,_Dublin

And a book you can buy about Dublin's Jewish community (wider than just Portobello). It's a good read, I bought a copy in the Breztel Bakery in Portobello (note, I believe that Bakery is no longer a Kosher bakery, but the products are just as excellent to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, non-believers and others).

Forget about this garage band. COncentrate on the real anti-semites in our midst. The Iranian embassy is only 3 or 4 miles away from the gig. A demo would be better placed there....

Bad Dress Sense, Bad Taste, Bad Bastards
Bad Dress Sense, Bad Taste, Bad Bastards

Related Link:
author by McArovpublication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 01:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ireland's only Heavy Metal magazine 'Metalworks' which is distributed nationally through Easons Newsagents sells CD's by neo-fascist bands from Eastern Europe.

Martin MacCormaic who publishes the magazine from Co.Kildare is offering the following CD's on the forum

Loits- 'Ei Kahetse Midagi'
Loits- 'Vere Kutse Kohustab'
Loits- 'Legion Estland'
Loits- 'Meeste Muusika'
Metsatöll- Terast mis hangund me hinge 10218'
Tharaphita- 'Primeval Force'
Must Missa- 'The target of Hate
Hate Forest - 'Resistance'

Never heard of these bands?


"according to American human rights organization "Anti-defamation League" in Ukraine there is a number of musical groups, which poses a threat to rights and freedom of citizens. It’s appeared in this list Ukrainian skinhead Nazi groups: "Vengeance", "Tsyrulnya imeni Kotovskogo", "Sokyra Peruna", SBS, "Hate Forest", "Aryan Terrorism".


Loits worship the Estonians who collaborated with Nazi Germany who joined Nazi police and army units and helped exterminate not only Estonia's tiny Jewish community but tens of thousands of Jews brought there from other Eastern European countries to be slaughtered or interned in camps such as Vaivara, Klooga and Lagedi.

LOITS are on the Lithuanian label 'Ledo Takas'. The Ledo Takas band OBTEST are touring Ireland at the moment with Ledo Takas running stalls at the following venues -

Voodoo Lounge (Dublin) 0n Sat 28th Jan.
Rosetta Bar (Belfast) on Sun 29th Jan.

LOITS are due to play the Voodoo Lounge on Saturday the 6th of May.

author by James - Anti-work, Socialise, Partypublication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A bit late in the day for a reply now but i only have d'internet in work.Pat i am in no way saying we should lie down and let nazis have a free reign im just saying that censoring art, however devoid of perceived merit, is not the way to go.Go down that road and its only a matter of time before were all in easons setting fire to all the copys of mein kampf and jim davidsons autobiography.Let these idiots spout there bullshiz, it falls on deaf ears most of the time anyway.Also if you wanna encourage kids to listen to a band and take them seriously one of the best ways to do that is by banning them!If your are all so serious about this and actually want to change a few minds why not wait outside the gig and talk to people outlining your position and have a conversation with them, it may only make a couple of people think about the issues but its a couple more than you would make think by bullying people to stop the gig.Ignorance of other viewpoints can only promote facism not destroy it.These people are only spreading there views, that cant hurt anyone as soon as they start trying to impose these views on others or implement any of their policys that would infringe the rights of others then they should be met with fierce and unrelenting resistence and i would be right their with you.A pre-emptive strike on their art and propaganda will only prove counter-productive in the long-term its precisely this sort of reactionary bull that alienates people from the anti-facist movement and i wouldnt be surprised if it created more facism than it stops.You guys are approaching this like america approached the so-called war on terrorism you cannot stop terrorism by killing terrorists for every one you kill you turn two people close to them into terrorists through their grief and anger.By the same token banning this gig will cause resentment among a few people who will be pushed further right in reaction to your actions.I dunno maybe im wrong and just bitter cos i had all my guns n roses tapes confiscated when i was ten because of some stupid journalist accusing them of being racist!

author by spublication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 19:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Today, 28th, GBK also play at a show in pennsylvania, usa, on a concert which was organized by a white-power-label, together with other racist bands like "wotanorden", "those opposed" ...

Grand Belial's Key is a black metal
band whose views border on National Socialist. One release of the band is
named 'Judeobeast Assassination'.

'Grand Belial's Key' gave an interview for the NSBM ('National Socialist

Black Metal') magazine 'Hatemonger Warzine' which contains also
interviews with NSBM-Bands like 'Der Stürmer' and 'Graveland' The right extreme
band 'Geimhre' calls 'Grand Belial's Key' 'comrades'

The drummer of GBK also plays in the racist band 'Arghoslent', the
vocalist of GBK also played there. 'Arghoslent' see themselves as
NSBM-Band and produced a release with the NSBM-Band 'Der
Stürmer' and the White-Power-Metalband 'Mudoven'.

On the release 'Kosherat' GBK covers a song of the neo-fascist band
'Chaos88', following you find the text: '...Listen to me Jesus Christ
>>>From what I've read I'm glad you're dead I wanna meet you, I wanna

you I wanna beat you like the Jew that you are!..'

The band 'Chaos 88' said in an interview, that they hope for the
formation of a national socialist state in Germany and that they hope for

a world under the swastika.

One release of GBK was produced with the French NSBM-Band 'Chemin de

In an Interview, Bass-player 'Demoniac' speaks about the blasphemy of
GBK: '... The judeo-beasts have existed long before Grand Belial's Key.

We are at war with the culture of the sheeps and the pigs... the world

breaks apart. Jews govern the world, as once predicted'
Seelenbluten magazine Nr. 3, 12/2001, pages 15-16
Tormented Zine, Nr. 5, March 2003

Following you can find the song text of the song 'The shitagogue': 'Shit

paints the sides of the chosen edifice A goat is murdered to terrorize

god Inhumane sympathy for anal palpitations Untamed methods of blood
baptism In constant fear the female hideth A dirty gypsy in a land of
crooks Her menstrual offerings stain the altar The legions hail the
Teutonic sign Passover genocide Merciless fire Hounds of misery and
infectious wounds Crippled pig fixed by a slew of silver spikes Web of

misfortune and deceit Lord of the nomadic human pork Tyranny returns The

synagogue burns Proselytes can't abstain from fucking Full of pus were

the arteries of the elders Miscreants wage impious battle Christ bears

not a single weapon His bones crushed by the hammer Then drowned at night

in the morasses Satanic bullets destined to perforate The chosen people

of ZOG [zionist occupied government] Hordes of true Black Metal arsonists

Roast the red fathers of the protocol''s-Key/D19785831AE53AC048256D75002EFFF5

song: 'The Slums Of Jerusalem': '...Daughter Jerusalem is fallen! 1 am

one with her destruction... In burning forever!!...''s-Key/BF15E57249D3F9CA48256CF1002DE11B

song: 'demonarchy': '...There exists secrecy among the troops
Waiting to besiege the fountain of life
Like torches of a forgotten Kristallnacht
Storming through the city of Nazareth...''s-Key/15B343C8732BF2

author by (",)publication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 23:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

They're playing a white power gig, later this year, in america:

editor note: link to nazi site removed

author by (",)publication date Sat Jan 28, 2006 23:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Its actually today that they're playing that gig!

author by realitypublication date Mon Jan 30, 2006 15:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The 2002 census recorded about 1,800 Jews in Ireland (see, so neither Portobello nor anywhere else can really be called a Jewish area.

It's sad that Ireland lost this cultural diversity, but the reality is that there are far more Muslims in Dublin 8 than there are Jews in the whole of Ireland.

author by get it straight.publication date Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

2002 census:
pop by religion:
Jewish:1,790 m 913 f 877

previous figures:
Post WW2 6,000
1901 census 4,000 (all ireland) (figures rose as a result of fleeing from russian pogroms).
1891 census 2,000 (all ireland)

The first Jewish congregation in Ireland dates back to 1660 C.E. when the first synagogue, actually a small prayer room, was established in Dublin.

By 1745, there were 200 Jews in Dublin but they were not able to continue to grow their community;

by 1818 there were only 2 Jewish families in Dublin.

In each of the censuses in 1861, 1871 and 1881 there were fewer than 500 Jews recorded throughout Ireland.

The above shows that the designation of Portobello as "a jewish district" is pure nonsense. The fact that some jews lived in the vicinity and that there is a bakery and a museum(which originally opened as a synogogue in 1916) there today do not make portobello "a jewish district".

The fact of the matter is that the highest number of jews resident in Ireland ever was in the aftermath of WW2 when there were 6,000 here. Most of these emigrated almost immediately to either Israel or the U.S.A.

author by Fluffypublication date Wed Feb 01, 2006 01:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Do you really think ringing up venues to get gigs banned that you would have no intention of going to anyway is a libertarian way of going about things?

We all know the "independent", "libertarian" image is a mask for a bog standard authoritarian communism that is slightly too far above the heads of Indymedia-age kids to comprehend, but as you get older and go about censoring gigs surely the truth must be becoming apparant to a few of you. No? People like you are social ballast, the mainstay of every corrupt and tyrannical regime. Libertarian! Who are you kidding really?

author by Confusedpublication date Wed Feb 01, 2006 01:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

All that's happening is that some degenerate sub-human anti-semites are going to have their gig cancelled. Perfectly libertarian, it's the workings of the free market. The venue (Lower Deck) is free to ignore the market's request and pay the heavy economic price if it likes.

author by . - .publication date Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the vocalist of gbk, "grimnir wotansvolk" is the owner of the national socialist black metal-label "vinland winds". Asked about his ultimate political goals, he answered: "Easy, we would export all the Niggers, Jews, and newpaper reporters back to a little town called Tel Aviv where they would be forced to toss Ariel Sharon's salad."

the former vocalist and drummer of gbk, cazz grant, played also in the bands "infernal hatred" and "aryan war".

author by Free Speechpublication date Thu Feb 09, 2006 14:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You people are idiots. GBK are obviously tongue-on-cheek.
Way to put everything completley out of proportion!
and there are two bands called Spearhead. One does play RAC, the other just plays aussie style war metal. This is the one playing dublin, NOT the racist one.

author by Cancelledpublication date Thu Feb 09, 2006 14:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The venue pulled the plug on the gig, the promoters of the gig said they don't intend to seek another venue for it. This was published in Daily Ireland last week.

author by garage band hopefulpublication date Thu Feb 09, 2006 19:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

with a contemporary pro-ecological sustainable power angle,
though we haven't got into wikipedia yet, we're hopeful. We call ourselves "Iranian rabbi". any pointers for a gig? our posters are cool. we ripped them off a danish newspaper.

author by Ahtopublication date Mon Apr 03, 2006 01:03author email lembetu at loits dot orgauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

> Loits worship the Estonians who collaborated with Nazi Germany who joined Nazi police and army units and helped exterminate not only Estonia's tiny Jewish community but tens of thousands of Jews brought there from other Eastern European countries to be slaughtered or interned in camps such as Vaivara, Klooga and Lagedi.

That`s the lamest porpaganada against Loits I have ever heard!!! Only arrogant idiot can write something like that.
Open your eyes, read and learn what hapened in those dark times in Estonia and stop posting bullshit if you do not know anything about Estonian history. Start from here:

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