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Left/Right? Doesn't he have the support of a certain Chavez?
Here's how McDowell justifies the lies he is promoting about Connolly:
"In protecting the State's security and preventing subversion of democracy - which sometimes involves making the public aware of underlying facts and allegations - it would be very wrong of a Minister for Justice to fail to take action or to speak out on the sole basis that the subject mattter was incapable or unlikely to be established beyond reasonable doubt in the criminal justice process."
Translation: "I don't care whether what I'm saying is true or not - in fact I know it isn't - but if I claim I'm preserving democracy then I can say whatever I like about people who are genuinely interested in preserving democracy. Hopefully nobody will notice I'm admitting these accusations about Connolly aren't true. That way I get to look like the good guy and the good guy gets to look like me."
Well, it's not working Michael. We all know a smear campaign when we see one.
There are just eight of these sick, ultra right-wing lunatics in the Dail and yet it is their agenda alone which Fianna Fail has adhered throughout their coalition with them. From universities and health, to social justice and workers rights, the PDs have corroded the integrity and decency of this country. These are the people who openly boast that some are more equal than others and who have handed sovereignty over Irish citizens to US agencies. We can now look forward to the sick SSIA bribe- fest before the next election -which may well buy them another term by taking public money from desperately underfunded public services. In this country, the rich rob from the poor. SSIAs are a form of disenfranchisement - an additional, undeserved reward for property owners and business people, paid for out of the taxes of ordinary working people.
We need people like Frank Connolly and institutions like the CPI. The same story is being told up and down the country wherever people of honesty try to speak out and expose the corruption. They are victimised and smeared and the shame of it is that their colleagues, friends and families all generally look the other way while the lynching is taking place. McDowell and the PDs are the true subverters of democracy.
Why has no one including Frank Connolly explained where he was during the period when McDowell says he was helping the FARC drug dealers? Robert Ballagh's point on Q&A last night was that if Connolly answered for his whereabouts he would be legitimising McDowell's ascertation of guilty until proven innocent, but Connolly still needs to say where he was or most people will assume that he is guilty.
I honestly don't take Mc Dowell seriously on colombia. I don't really take him seriously on anything, he has less than 250 days to go as a government minister. This week another milestone in the various peace process in that "very very big" country was laid. With yet another ultra right wing terrorist group laying down arms.
Its a proper country you know, loads of armed groups, drug cartels the size of multi-national-corporations and well Uribe is beyond Mc Dowell's league, but big swinging mickey likes to poke that prejudice, and seems sure all he has to say is "Colombia" and people will think "fenians", its a pity for it does a great dis-service to Colombians.
In short if Mc Dowell was taken seriously at this level (international affairs) then a Garda team would have gone to Bogota. They didn't.
He's not.
I want to add my name to support Frank Connolly
Mc Dowell should be charged about the allegations which he has made.
Sam Smyth Irish Independent is nothing but a right wing unionist puppet.
I've heard it suggested that the PD's were originally conceived by Charlie Mc Creevy and Mary Harney, to be a front for Fianna Fail under the supposed legitimacy of a 'fresh, principled and ethical approach' to politics. The suggestion is that the PD's and FF are one, therefore, and the PD's are a scam to deceive the Irish people into thinking that there will be some accountability in Irish politics, while they carry on as normal.
Any opinions?
I think minister McDoughal has made a goat of himself and his party by thinking he can override our whole legal system and act like a paranoid dictator who thinks he can crush anything HE deems as a treat by abusing his powers. He is a disgrace and will be gone out of office come the next election and will never be in that position again. He looks like hes on the pay roll of the DUP and UUP by the way he rants on these days and when you see him passing over secret Garda files to Unionists (Sammy Smyth) writing for the pro Unionist so called 'Irish Independent' paper, you have to start asking what the hell is going on these days and have people lost sight of the big picture.. I think FF see the PD's now as a liability and will be wanting to get rid of them out of the coalition if they can in the next election..
FF most definitely see the PD's as a complete bombscare. Its time for Sinn Fein to advance the casue of unification and go into gov with the FF's. They are, after all, our first cousins. Just need to get rid of all those h Korea type economic policies first..
I was at a talk by McDowell a while ago and he was saying that a established judiciary was the main common point between all the established democracies around the world. Its the height of hypocrisy to go around preaching that, and then to go undermining that judiciary because of a hatred of a certain idealogy.
He's a damn scary man. He seems like he can't even entertain the idea for a second, that he could be even slightly wrong on any issue.
Thankfully there is some semblance of a democracy here, or I'd be very frightened.
In the hope that it might help funding for "The Centre for Public Inquiry" in Dublin to continue, which is now under very serious threat, an effort has been made to point out to "Atlantic Philanthropies" (and the Media) that Minister McDowell is neglecting a part of his senior "public official" duties in a way which may yet land him in very serious trouble with regard to certain aspects of human rights law.
Further information can be found at:
Part of the e-mail at the above address shows that under Minister McDowell's guidance, the Republic of Ireland's Waste Management Act has been altered in a way which many believe is entirely repugnant to the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland - and consequently completely unlawful of course. How's that for subversion?
The e-mail at the above address also contains a link to an 8 minute video interview with United States lawyer Teddy Moore on corruption in the US legal system - a system he claims is absolutely rotten to the core and completely out of control - and which (to me) Minister Mc Dowell appears to me to be using as a model for the Republic of Ireland.
The interview with Mr Moore can be viewed by clicking on the following link:
Only a few months ago Mc Dowell threatened Gardai that if they talked to the media about any particular case they could face up to five years in prison-then he turns around and leaks a Garda document to the Indo.As was pointed out in Q&A's if he really wanted to disclose the information to the public (which under law he has no right to do anyway) he could have held a press conference or leaked it to all the papers.The fact that he furnished it solely to the strongly anti-republican rag that is the "Independent" is indicative that he is following a political agenda.The presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law is something which underpins this democracy and this applies even after someone has been charged.Mc Dowell knew Connolly would not face charges so he set about to tarnish his reputation in another way.For all his legal eagling Mc Dowell demonstrates that citizens rights under the law apply to everyone bar those who pursue a different agenda to his heighness.
It looks like this has backfired abit on McDowell not that funding will get re-instated though and that has been the principle objective to close down the CPI.
In a report on the RTE website, Justice Flood said in an interview on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, that every citizen is entitled to a presumption of innocence until proven otherwise in a court of law.
These comments follow the revealation that McDowell had given documents to the Irish Independent. Now considering the way he goes on about leaks and talking to the press thats a bit rich coming from him.
And Flood also said that the Minister for Justice cannot override the constitution, which states that justice shall be administered in courts, adding that the only person who can decide whether a citizen is to be prosecuted is the DPP, and no one else.
Saw bits of them flashed on RTE news. The public/opposition should demand to vet what he/gardai say is 'proof'. If it's good enough for treatment for sham smyth it should be good enough for the public.
I remember him flashing another wad of documents (re 'bogus' asylum seekers) to prove a point not so long ago on QUANDA - only he had access to those too.
Old showtrial trick.
"Michael McDowell was inciting to hatred (again) on quanda and indulging (repeatedly) in a strange stalinesque tactic of waving around documents that the public have no other access to to prove him right and brendan howlin wrong and to prove him right and anti-deportations people wrong."
"In the words of Professor Dermot Walsh, director of the Centre of Criminal Justice at the University of Limerick, there is something legally uncomfortable about a Minister for Justice asking the public to trust him on the basis of information supplied by the gardaí (etc-eeekkk) and known only to him."
Was Frank a threat to the state of michael mcdowell's rep? Definitely.
The Taoiseach and McDowell are going to brazen this one out because they know they are on to a winner. This won't play out the way some of our leftie mindsets would like it to . McDowell has thrown out an accusation and the way that goes is Connolly was in the IRA, with the Colombia 3, attempted to have a passport forged. Unless Connolly can take McDowell out with a firm rebuttal the right will win again. They don't care about he morals of it. Their sort never do.
some nice letters on McD in today's Irish Times
archived here for those without a password
The Irish Independent are a disgrace. It is an excuse for a rag of a paper matched only for its content by the likes of the Daily Sport. Tony O'Reilly etc should be ashamed of themselves for creating such an excuse for what they call a newspaper. It is a paper thats only aim is to embark on its own campaigns for its own sinister reasons, that are fed from the Top by its West Brit and anti Irish owners. Long live the fair and unbiased Irish Times..
Michael Mc Dowell abuses the information his office grants him the privelage of holding for political gain.
He always has, and this ought confirm to all that the ministry of justice in the Irish state needs complete reform. In the past I have written that on matters of "intelligence" Ireland is unique in which there is no named and accountable director of intelligence who is answerable to the Oireachtas to verify claims made by politicians. This case highlights yet again the problems such an unusual absence cause for Irish democratic society. Certain commentators in the past on the newswire held that such a rôle belongs to the Garda commissioner, but I have argued that that is not the case, and indeed never has the GC appeared to answer cross-party questioning in the elected chamber.
The result is that information and mis-information is released at the whim of the minister and not when it best serves the public interest. That naturally leads many to the assumption that such release of information or mis-information is done to manipulate public opinion and in particular the "floating voters".
As I remarked earlier on this theme, Mc Dowell is now in his final 250 days as minister of Justice. And as I have always said - though having played an important part in the recent development of Irish democracy, the PDs are by no means essential to that development _in government_.
From afar (Barcelona) the return to this story "c-o-l-o-m-b-i-a" seems to have only one purpose to divide "floating voters" on the left of centre. I see it as watershed which starts the 2006 general election campaign "on the right", and note its timing so close to the extraordinary mobilisation of leftwing parties and interest groups in the last week obstensibly under the banner "against Irish ferries" which I believe started the 2006 general election campagin "on the left".
Mc Dowell has yet to present evidence or refer to the "escape route" of the Colombia 3, and it does seem odd that neither his own "support group" (the Freedom institute whose thoughts are available on the Northern blog site or the rash of letters and counter opinions in the IT
or archived in a comment immediately above this)
have asked about the "Peruvian connection".
So I suppose I will.....
{"Is it not true, that FARC and 2 other terrorist groupings in Colombia used Peruvian techniques as well in the preparation of bombs? Is it not true that Peruvian connections were used to bring the C3 back to Ireland? Is it not true that Aunty lucy of Peru and paddington bear lurk in there too?"}
Yes it is true, but the minister doesn't want to tell us about that because he doesn't calculate any voter swing. Rather like he doesn't want to tell you about co-operation (outsourcing) of national security matters to other states in all 3 areas of great concern - Terrorism, Narcotraffic and Organised Crime. You have not been offered information on the arrest by other EU states of Irish criminals this summer. Why?
In time, McDowell will fade away, the future will bring us much more needed "reform of the ministry of justice" and different types of ministers, and we must all now dot the dots and realise that at present under the 1937 constitution the Irish ministry of justice concentrates too much power in one office, an elected office for which very few people are suited to exercise the duties in an impartial way and are immune from the corruption that such privelaged information might bring. Complete reform of the 1937 constitution or better still "a new constitution" will start with that department.
"Tell us everything or hold your tongue Mickey"
'calculate any voter swing.'
remember McD/PDs thought the Citizenship Referendum would create 'swing' for the PDs - but it didn't work.
For such a smart guy his divisive politics have not produced much for his party.
The best the PDs can do is keep their seats,
thats swing enough for them.
Earlier this year Michael Mc Dowell in one of his keynote speeches, ( I believe made to the Gardaí )
made two claims which remain unverified :
1) the IRA assembled a "state" within a state to bring down the state.
2) there were around 1000 active members of the IRA in the Irish state.
I'm going to ask the leaders of the left wing parties and the "independent TD" block to ask the minister to clarify both those claims.
Name the names mickey!
1000 names in either the Indo or the IT or to be constitutional the Dail.
Then because we are a mature democracy we may put the "hidden subversive threat" behind us, as indeed the arsenals are verified as decommissioned & chose who to vote for next election, without having to endure the whining of a man who wants to be remembered as "taking on the IRA". & most probably a good deal of those "1000" will then go to court, and the solicitors will be happy, and in as short a time as it takes a mediocre man to fade, most people "will forget all about it". Isn't that what constitutionalism is all about? It will be great. We'll talk about drug lords and poverty instead. I for one can't wait to find out are the "1000" all in SF or not.
In connection with the European Court of Human Rights Case Number 25077/05, the Council of Europe has been asked to investigate the "public official" activities of Republic of Ireland Justice Minister Mc Dowell - and those who are supporting him.
Full details of this request can be found in the text of a letter dated December 15th 2005 to the Council of Europe at:
Krystal nacht -Connelly nacht.
Right man-wrong era.
for once available to all readers!
Seemingly the Gardaí informed the minister that they weren't going to prosecute mr Connolly. But that wasn't enough for him, oh no! He has power! He can pick up the phone and go to the media! You don't get up Mickey's nose without encountering snot. Strange you'd think it would be more troubled by cocaine.
anyway, Mr Connoly in 1983 got a two-year suspended prison sentence for rioting and his involvement with a group called "Revolutionary Struggle" while he was at college. Imagine that !?
Oh he was a dodgy one from the beginning, just one step above being a franciscan. We should invite him to pen a piece for the newswire surely?
Mr Mc dowell is as of yesterday like all his fellow TDs on holidays. We don't know where he has gone. It might be Roscommon where he has a villa, (someone alledgedly fird a shotgun through the windows last year which provided Mc Dowell another opportunity to speak to the press but didn't produce any police investigation, arrests or court cases). Or it might be South America, on a "fact finding mission" where the Bolivian presidential campaign is coming to an end with Coca farmer spokesperson (and strike leader) Evo Morales is running neck to neck against Jorge “Tuto” Quiroga. for the elections Sunday. Or it might be the house in Terenure. No matter wherever he is, he's safe.
His gardaí love him with a sincerity known only to the praetorian guard. Whilst he's on holliers, we all have an opportunity to "oust him".
There are 999 other people on his list of "subversives", people who rioted, people who joined revolutionary groups, people who the Gardaí won't arrest, people who did spanish courses and went to Belfast to look at the murals.
Ireland will not be safe, until Mc Dowell's work is done. We must encourage him to name them all.
Who knows? maybe you too are on that list.
This man is a disgrace. So is the Irish Independent. They are both rags. Check out the Irish Times today and see the article about what McDoughal was at. Its such a disgrace for a so called democracy. A blatent abuse of power to crush a citizens right to freedom of speech. Let us remember what has happen. A centre for public inquiry has been smashed by a government minister. This would not happen in any other democracy. A sad day for democracy..
Now that subversive
Whilst the Taoiseach last night was reported as commenting on the donaldson spy revelations "this is as bizarre as it gets", one of the key figures of the Irish judiciary, former High Court judge Mr Justice Feargus Flood issued a stinging statement by which he has warned that Michael Mc Dowell has undermined the office of the DPP.
(the office of the DPP in the Irish state)
((where Mc Dowell works as an elected politician))
[and abuses his position]
= oust him
Revolutionary Struggle were not anarchists.
They were a strange mix of Maoism and Red Brigade / Red Army Faction / urban guerillismo / autonomist Marxism. Nothing whatsoever to do with anarchism.
Of course, the Sunday Times hates anarchists and labels all anti-state violence as anarchist. They think Al Qaeda are anarchists despite the obvious differences between muslim fundamentalists and atheist libertarian socialists.
Mr. Justice Fergus Flood's objective rebuttal of McDowell's allegation without proof has obviously rattled the Minister. That is the way to go - by sound argument - no name calling necessary. The man is condemned by his underhand an unethical propoganda.
McDowell's comment to the TV reporters media afterwards was " You should see the thousands of messages of support I have received" . Indeed.
Even if it is true that he has thousnds of people supporting him - so what ? So did Hitler.
Mc Dowell is a cowardly thug who has finally been outed. To call Myers as your main defence witness must surely indicate that he is possessed of the same delusional mentality as Thatcher . His belief in his omnipotence and omnicompetence and the influential people now prepared to speak against his abuse of the powers bestowed on him must convince the electorate that he is a dangerous liability. Irrespective of your views of Daily Ireland his failure to turn up in court in Belfast to face those he so cravenly defamed is a measure of the cowardly thug. The fact that he looks so comfortable when superimposed with an SS uniform cannot be a coincidence .
Lowry the RUC Special Branch leader of Operation Torsion is gone it only remains to get rid of Thug Mc Dowell to allow the will of the people of Ireland to be implemented.
the sunday independent has published the vaguest sort of allegations this morning that not only one but four of gerry Adam's pals are spies (for both the Irish and the British).
Never heard about Revolutionary Struggle before. Does anyone know what happened to it?
Reading today that some Italian guy was a member and got a jail sentence for knee-capping a British industrialist speaking at Trinity College.
This letter has appeared in various newspapers this week. Also on CPI's agenda was the acquisition of the site for the new prison, Thornton Hall. Too close to the Minister?
Dear Editor,
The Centre for Public Inquiry has produced two excellent reports on Trim Castle and the Shell gas pipe in Rossport. What was the next project planned by this organisation and by Frank Connolly? Could it have been the strange story of Tara and the M3?
Yours etc.
Dr Muireann Ní Bhrolcháin
58, Laurence Avenue
Co Kildare
on the 15th of December, the state of Ireland gave 150,000€ to OEA/OAS (organisations of american states) to promote human rights in Colombia.
The funds have been assigned to the "InterAmerican Centre for Human rights" (CIDH) and will be used to strengthen the "mission in support of the Peace Process" (MAPP) which the OEA/OAS operates in Colombia to acheive a peace settlement with several armed groups and the government. That mission was set up over 2 years ago at the petition of the colombian state.
Speaking on behalf of Ireland, Mr Noel Fahey (the permenant observer for ireland at the OEA/OAS) confirmed to the secretary general of that organisation José Miguel Insulza, that "Ireland has increasing interests in South America"... "than the peace process of Colombia is of interest to everyone"...
(indeed it is)
According to Colombian sources, the Irish state has now contributed 450,000€ over 3 years to these "peace process" projects.
on an alledged amount of money which was alledgedly brought from "there" to "here".
Of course this news introduces a new character to the parlour games of the last week Mr Lord Laird of Artigarvin. The northerners "slugger o toole" are keeping all this well collated, unlike the Dubliners who still think these issues are seperate, the nordies have spotted that the "spy stories" do really come together.
Couldn't resist this. Credit should go to Eamonn OC for giving me the idea though.
You can make out the lead going back to Bertie's remote control
The Conservative minister who abused parliamentary privilege on 17 January 1989 and made the claim that there were "Solicitors in Northern Ireland unduly sympathetic to terrorists" . Challenged by Seamus Mallon about the dangers of making such wild accusations in the context of the conflict in the north of Ireland, Hogg repeated the allegation no less than 14 times [Hansard]. The allegations were based on RUC Special Branch "Intelligence" which had been given to Hogg.
On 12 February 1989, RUC Special Branch agents using their UDA front assassinated Human Rights Lawyer pat Finucane.
Shouldn't we be awarding McDowell the "Fascist Hogg" prize?
Hogg: McDowell's role model
COLOMBIA / VENEZUELA: After a near breach in relations earlier this year, mutual necessity and shared traditions have drawn Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Colombian leader Alvaro Uribe back together.
Over the weekend the two leaders hugged, called each other "brother" and, as a youth orchestra from Venezuela played classical tunes, chatted amiably in the shade of an enormous ceiba tree near the spot where Latin American independence leader Simon Bolivar died in 1830.
Mr Uribe invited Mr Chavez here to mark the 175th anniversary of the death of Bolivar, whom both countries claim as a founding father.
After two hours of talks on Saturday, they announced a series of economic initiatives. But the emphasis was clearly on repairing ties that had frayed.
The low point came in January, when agents acting on behalf of Mr Uribe's government spirited Colombian guerrilla leader Rodrigo Granda out of the Venezuelan capital and jailed him. Venezuela recalled its ambassador and suspended commercial relations for a month. Later Mr Chavez accused Colombia of playing host to his enemies.
The tension might have been compounded by the leaders' ideological differences - Mr Uribe is a right-leaning friend of the United States, while Mr Chavez emulates Cuba's Fidel Castro. But the two countries need each other too much to remain estranged.
Mr Uribe wants continued access to Venezuela's markets (the second-largest destination for Colombian goods after the US) as well as the continued goodwill of its government toward the estimated one million Colombians living and working there.
For Mr Chavez, good relations with Colombia are essential because he has ambitious plans to export crude oil to Central America and China, and a pipeline to the Pacific would have to run through Colombia.
Venezuelan energy minister Rafael Ramirez said the two countries were moving forward on such a plan. "Both governments now understand that to be on the permanent edge of crisis is damaging to both," said Bogota political commentator Vicente Torrijos.
LA Times-Washington Post Service
So says a lawyer in County Galway (Republic of Ireland) who appears to be acting under the influence of Justice Minister Michael Mc Dowell TD, and who also appears to be causing unnecessary delays in connection with the sale of a 30 acre site close to the centre of Roscommon town which is thought be worth between 5 and 20 million Euros - depending on what kind of planning permission can be got for it.
For full story please go to:
As can be seen at the above address, this lawyer's remark about human rights law was brought to the attention of the Council of Europe yesterday - in connection with European Court of Human Rights case number 25077/05.
"It would appear that Minister for Justice Michael McDowell TD believes he can personally override the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland without holding a constitutional referendum? To the very best of my knowledge, and please correct me if you believe I am wrong, Minister McDowell has no authority whatsoever to do any such thing."
The above piece of text has been taken from a letter dated December 23rd 2005 to Mr Greg Nolan, who is a lawyer in the Republic of Ireland.
The full text of today's letter to Mr Nolan can be viewed at the following address:
Minister McDowell is a corrupted evil pig..
"Minister McDowell is a corrupted evil pig.."
Is it because he doesn't agree with you? How about saying that Pat Rabbette is a corrupted evil pig given the recent allegations against him with Frank Dunlop?
who goes on holidays to columbia anyway. It is ok to disagree with McDowell , but almost all of the comments here point to frightening naivety.
"who goes on holidays to columbia anyway. "
Nora Owen and Mo Mowlam also visited the FARC region along with a clutch of other political tourists.
did they hide the fact that they were there ? mcdowell has spent his entire life working in the law. He rose to become senior council. If it is a toss up between mcdowell and connolly , why should i believe connolly ? His life is ruined , he has lost his job, were he to sue and win Mcdowell and the pd's would be obliterated. Fianna fail would get some serious flak. Connolly himself would stand to get a serious wad of cash. What's to stop him ? Either he was in dublin or he wasn't. Ever looked at porn by accident ? didn't think so !