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An tOrd Buí le mairseáil i mB.Á.C![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Orange Order to march on Dublin Tá sé i gceist ag an Ord Buí mórshiúil ó Shráid Uí Chonaill go Teach Laighin a eagrú. Beidh grúpaí fé leith páirteach ann fé scáth "Love Ulster". Tá an chuma ar an scéal go bhfuil cead faighte ag na daoine atá á eagrú é seo a dhéanamh. Tá sé i gceist acu é a dhéanamh ar Sathairn éicint ach níl dáta cinnte go fóill. Tá sé i gceist acu freasúracht i gcoinne Éire Aontaithe a léiriu. Ní féidir linn géilleadh do dhream chomh binibeach suarach fealltach sin. Níl sé de chead againn lieann don dream seo a rogha nithe a dhéanamh. Iarraim agóidíocht mhór chun cur i gcoinne an tíorántacht seo. Cuirfidh mé scéala eile ar aghaidh chugaibh mar a thagann siad chugaim. Tá sibh ar an eolas....... The so called Love Ulster Group has decided to march in Dublin next month. Among others taking part will be the Orange Order. The organisers seem to have gotten permisson to march from Ó Connell street to Leinster house. They have decided to put this on on a Saturday but as of yet the date cannot be confirmed. They hope to show their resistance to a United Ireland. Are we going to let these pseudo-Fachist, Ultra-right and racist bigots march on our streets? This seems like some sick propaganda exercise. We can not let this twisted and destructive element march unopposed. I call for a mass protest. I will keep you updated as to plans. You have been informed.............. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23Is this Eoin Ó Murchú, former member of the Communist Party of Ireland and Raidio na Gaeltachta journalist, speaking?
Are you seriously calling the majority of Protestants that oppose the agreement as fascists?
I get the feeling that if an equally sectarian and bigoted organisation such as the Knights of Columbanus or the AOH were to march in Dublin these people would not oppose it.
These people have as much a right as any group to march down the streets of Dublin. And please don't use the term "facist" unless you can back it up with evidence. Whether people like it or not, there are two major traditions on this island, nationalist and unionist. In the name of tolerance for other cultures, this march should be let go ahead. Protest against it if you want, you are legally entitled to do so, but do it peacefully. You must recognise that there are people on this island opposed to a united Ireland, and their views must be respected.
On another note, why are they An tOrd Buí? The Yellow Order? An tOrd Oráiste is what I would refer to them as in Irish.
I wil adress all the points as above;
Firstly "Fascism" is "a political philosophy, movement or regime that is aggressively nationalistic and stands for a centralized autocratic govermnent, severe regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Orange Order: yes to all of the above.
And by the way Darragh you refer to the two traditions on this island. I think you would find that the Orange Order does not want to have anything to do with the South so why do they want to march?
I find it hard to see a "We Don't like Ireland" march by the French allowed.
Secondly the term "oráiste" in Irish only refers to the fruit. The proper word for the colour orange being "Flannbhuí"
No I am not calling the anti agreement protestants fascist. But I am calling the Ultra right, racist, anti -homosexual, anti-women, anti-catholic,triumphalists fascists
No its not that Eoin.
FAIR have every right to march to march in Dublin , its called peaceful assembly. The IRA killed more Innocent people during the troubles than the British Army, RUC and loyalist paramilitaries. They are marching in commemoration of the deaths of their close ones. Allowing our Unionist brothers and sisters up north to march down in the republic would be a good gesture of tolerance and would help build bridges between all communities on this island.
The orange order however should not be allowed to march, given that they are an organisation that descriminate against working class people, homosexuals and non protestants.
You are quite right. As a group FAIR have a right to march and a valid one at that. I should have clarified that it was the Orange Order that I was complaining about.
Tá cead aighnis ag an dream seo mar chách.
Lig dóibh.
Deir tú:" tíorántacht ", ach is treise do "neamhchead" ná a "gceadsan".
The orange Order are bigots and nothing can change that . We must stop them.
Bíodh meas agat ar na daoine bíodh is nach bhfuil meas agat ar a gcuid smaointe!!!
Céard is meas ann? Níl ciall ná réasún lesi an rud atá á rá agat. Níl meas agam ar a gcuid smaointr agus ní bheidh mé bréagcráifeach agus ceart go polaitiuil agus a rá go bhfuil meas agam orthu. Níl meas agam orthu agus ní doigh lio go mba choir go mbeadh. An é go bhfuil tú ag rá go mba chóir dom meas a léiriú ar Naitsithe -Úra in ainneion nach dtagaim leis an dearcadh s'acusan? Ó cinnte is daoine iad agus nílim ag iarraidh iad a mharú nó aon rud ach fós féin nilim chun a rá "oh is grá liom gach ní ar an domhan seo agus aontaím aontaím aontaím" Tá gá an fód a sheasamh ó am go céile. AN raibh a fhios agat nach ligfear ach Prodastunaigh isteach san ord? anraibh fios agat gur ga go mbeadh do thuistí mar phrodastúnigh chomh maith agus go gcaithfear gealluint nach bpósfasidh tú reiligíun ar bith eile?
Is dóigh go bhfuilim a rá go bhfuil cead aighnis ag gach duine. Lig dóibh.
Dar ndóigh rud eile ar fad a gcuid smaointe. Ach cuirtear in éadán smaointe le smaointe eile, agus leantar iad cibé réimse ina mbíonn na smaointe sin a spealpadh. Má mian leis an Ord Bhuí a gcuid amaideachta a nochtadh ar shráideanna Bhaile Átha Cliath, lig dóibh. An bhfuil tú le dínit éigin a ligint leo le cosc a chur orthu, nó glas béil a chur orthu nó mairtíreacht éigin eile a bhronnadh orthu? Ná bac!
Tuigim ach fós féin ní dóigh liom go mbeadh (nó go mba chóir go mbeadh ) an dearcadh céanna agat dá mba Naitsithe a bhí iontu i.edream ar bith a bheadh níos measa ná isd seo)
Dar ndóigh, ní bheadh.
Bhí na Naitsaithe ar son díothú ciní: na hIúdaigh, na giofóga, homaghnéasaigh, na Slaibhigh, 7rl.
Níl a ndrochuaillmhianta ionchurtha leis an Ord Bhuí
I guarantee I will definitely be there in protest. We must stop this from happening. I was sick when I heard these trespassing bigots were being allowed to march by our very own GPO. To think that the very symbol of our rising against the tyrants will be subjected to a passing parade of unionist and British idealism beggars belief. Nationalists in the north have fought and protested for years to stop these imperialists invading their streets on July 12th etc. And now the Irish government basically says come on down and march on our national street, march all over us like you have for the past 800 years. Absolute disgrace!
Ni dóigh liom go bhgfuil tuairim na nÓráisteach chomh fada sin ó dhithú a dhéanamh. Féach samplaí ar nós Druim Chrí agus mar sin de. Bheadh a bhforfór sásta dá nglanfaí na Cait den Domhan. Féach an méid ball ar ciontaíodh i ndúnmharú Caitliceach. Ní haon ghrúpa milis é seo ar cor ar bith. Agus tá siad siúd seo i gcpoionne na homógneásach chomh maith.
Aontaím le Duine gur cheart ligean don Ord Buí nó Oráiste (is cuma i ndáiríre, ná is ar éigean a bheas siad ag plé le Gaeilge mórán) morshiúl a dhéanamh i mBaile Átha Cliath. Má chuireann muid ina n-aghaidh, tá muid chomh "intolerant" leo féin. Ní gá agóidí ina naghaidh - is iad féin is fearr a dhéanfaidh droch-bholscaireacht dóibh féin. Maidir le do ráiteas faoi nach ligean an tOrd ach do Phrotastúnaigh ballraíocht a bhaint amach ann, sílim gur seafóid scéal mór a dhéanamh de seo, ná is Ord Protastúnach atá ann. Níor chuala mé go raibh an Eaglais Chaitliceach ag ligean do Phrotastúnaigh dul leis an Opus Dei nó bheith ina Knights of Columbanus. Cinnte caithfidh do thuismitheoirí bheith ina bProtastúnaigh le gur féidir leat bheith i do bhall den ord (agus is oiriúnach an focal "ball" i ngach ciall sa chás seo!), ach san Eaglais Chaitliceach fiú má phósann tú duine ar chreideamh eile, tá dualgas ort do pháistí a thógáil mar Chaitlicigh faoi threoir "Ne Temere...". An oscailteacht chéanna le feiceáil sa dá eagras / eaglais.
Go siúla siad síos Sráid Uí Chonaill, agus go ndéana an slua neamhaird orthu. Is measa i bhfad neamhaird ná agóid sílim féin.
Scríobh rinagaeilge:
Ni dóigh liom go bhgfuil tuairim na nÓráisteach chomh fada sin ó dhithú a dhéanamh. Féach samplaí ar nós Druim Chrí agus mar sin de. Bheadh a bhforfór sásta dá nglanfaí na Cait den Domhan. Féach an méid ball ar ciontaíodh i ndúnmharú Caitliceach. Ní haon ghrúpa milis é seo ar cor ar bith. Agus tá siad siúd seo i gcpoionne na homógneásach chomh maith.
Lena leithéid de ráiteas, is dual fianaise a chur ar fáil. Muna ndéanann, níl ann ach ráflaí!
Seems at bit much to allow loyalists in particular. Do the people in FAIR not realise the irony af marching alongside loyalist paramilitaries or is it somehow 'different' for victims of loyalist violence. What they should have done is have both of those victims groups together. As it stands now it just looks like an excuse to take the ****. The best thing might be to ignore them, let them have their little march and then go away.
Tá cead aighnis ag gach duine, an duine buí san áireamh
Agus mise ag scríobh anois, síltear go bhfuil Cath na Bóinne a athimirt ar Sráid Uí Chonaill. Cad a tharla do daonlathas is cead aighnis?
Seo dearcadh Raibeard Mecmillaon ar an eachtra: