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Will the US Seize the Opening for Troop Withdrawal?
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Thursday December 01, 2005 02:05 by Coilín ÓhAiseadha Máigh Nuad, Co. Cill Dara
Ray McGovern pessimistic re White House response to Cairo reconciliation conference
In an analysis published last week, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern presents the high level of agreement expressed by Iraqi factions at the previous weekend's reconciliation conference in Cairo, in acknowledging the legitimacy of resistance, denouncing terrorism and demanding a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign forces. But he remains pessimistic about prospects that the Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal will take the hint, or that Condoleezza Rice will take any independent initiative within the State Department to press for withdrawal.
Meanwhile, in news reports Wednesday, although Bush maintains the pretence that he will "settle for nothing less than complete victory" - a sure recipe for complete defeat - and insists that he will not be induced to announce a deadline for withdrawal, he has nevertheless declared an intention to "decrease our troop level in Iraq". November 24, 2005
Will the US Seize the Opening for Troop Withdrawal?
By Ray McGovern
The surprising degree of consensus reached by the main Iraqi factions at the Arab-League orchestrated Reconciliation Conference in Cairo last weekend [19-20 November] sharply undercuts the unilateral, guns-and-puppets approach of the Bush administration to the deteriorating situation in Iraq. The common demand, by Shia and Kurds as well as Sunnis, for a timetable for withdrawal of occupation forces demolishes the administration’s argument that setting such a timetable would be a huge mistake. Who would know better—the Iraqis or the ideologues advising Bush?
Withdrawal of Occupation Forces
From the final communiqué:
“We demand the withdrawal of foreign forces in accordance with a timetable, and the establishment of a national and immediate program for rebuilding the armed forces...that will allow them to guard Iraq’s borders and to get control of the security situation...”
It is no accident that pride of place is given to the demand for withdrawal and that rebuilding the armed forces comes second. The Bush administration has insisted that it must be the other way around; i.e. e., that rebuilding the Iraqi army is precondition for withdrawal.
Also no accident was the conference decision to differentiate sharply between “legitimate” resistance and terrorism, and to avoid condemning violence against occupation troops:
“Though resistance is a legitimate right for all people, terrorism does not represent resistance. Therefore, we condemn terrorism and acts of violence, killing and kidnapping targeting Iraqi citizens and humanitarian, civil, government institutions, national resources and houses of worship.”
For good measure, the final communiqué also demanded “an immediate end to arbitrary raids and arrests without a documented judicial order,” release of all “innocent detainees,” and investigation of “allegations of torture of prisoners.”
The communiqué’s feisty tone was facilitated by the conspicuous and unexplained absence of US representatives. By shunning the conference, administration officials missed the beginning of a process that has within it the seeds of real progress toward peace. In addition to over 100 Shia, Sunni and Kurdish participants, the conference was attended by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran, but no US officials. The gathering was strongly supported not only by the Arab League but also by the UN, EU, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
All in all, the various Iraqi factions, including interim government officials, displayed unusual willingness to make the compromises necessary to reach consensus on key issues—like ending the occupation. Key Sunni leader Saleh Mutyla had set the tone shortly before the conference, even though the US chose that time to launch “Operation Steel Curtain,” the largest foray into Sunni territory this year. Mutyla nonetheless indicated that the resistance would agree to a ceasefire in exchange for US withdrawal. [ LINK to ]
Reaching out to the Sunni
One main purpose of the Reconciliation Conference was to engage the Sunni parties in the political process, and several of the Sunni participants have close ties with nationalist Sunni insurgents. Agreement that resistance is a “legitimate right” and the decision not to apply the word “terrorism” to attacks on occupation forces were two significant olive branches held out to the Sunnis. In recognizing the right to resist the occupation, the conference severely undercut Bush administration attempts to paint Sunnis as Saddam loyalists or al-Qaeda collaborators. In contrast, the Sunnis were made to feel like full-fledged partners in this newly begun search for a peaceful solution sans occupation.
Underscoring that point, Iraqi Interim President Talabani, an ethnic Kurd, made an unprecedented offer:
“If those who describe themselves as Iraqi resistance want to contact me, they are welcome...I am committed to listen to them, even those who are criminals...”
...and from Washington? Pouting
The administration’s initial reaction seemed designed to put Talabani and other negotiation-welcoming Iraqi officials in their place. On Monday, addressing the issue of troop withdrawal, State department spokesperson Justin Higgins said:
“Multinational forces are present in Iraq under a mandate from the U. N. Security Council. As President Bush has said, the coalition remains committed to helping the Iraqi people achieve security and stability as they rebuild their country. We will stay as long as it takes to achieve those goals and no longer.”
Tuesday, another State Department spokesperson sang the same mantra. She also gave lip service to US support for “the ongoing transitional political process in Iraq,” but offered no explanation as to why Secretary Condoleezza Rice decided not to send representatives to the conference in Cairo. Is she still taking instruction from what former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff calls the “Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal?”
With a full-fledged peace conference scheduled for February, and elections in mid-December, Washington has little time to waste if it wants to influence the peace process begun at the Reconciliation Conference in Cairo. The demand for the withdrawal of occupation troops creates an opening. But with the “cabal” and neo-conservative policymakers still in charge, and jittery Democrats only slowly seeing the light, it is doubtful that the administration will seize the opportunity—even though doing so would probably enhance Republican chances in next year’s mid-term elections.
This may change, however, because other pressures are mounting. America’s front-line Army and Marine battalion commanders in Iraq ///////LINK to yesterday’s piece///////// have gone behind Rumsfeld’s back to spill their guts to Senate Armed Forces Committee Chair John Warner. [ LINK ] And Congressman John Murtha, retired Marine and a leading defense advocate on the Hill, has introduced a bill calling for troop withdrawal “as soon as practicable.”
Taken together, that initiative, the mini-mutiny among field-grade officers, and the outcome of the Cairo conference could conceivably break the Gordian knot in Congress. In calling for withdrawal, Murtha has made a critical bridge from the hawkish center to a majority of Americans and to progressives on the Hill.
A New Chapter? Maybe
These recent events could open up a new chapter in the history of this war. Iraqi politics, U.S. public opinion and military necessity all argue for the US to lend its support to the national reconciliation process. Yet, even faced with such an obvious chance to climb out of the Iraq quagmire, there is still little sign that the Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal will be able to veer from the prevailing predilection to self-destruct.
It remains sad fact that the president’s current advisors are the same ones who brought us Iraq—and for reasons other than those given. It will take very strong pressure to get them to relinquish their twin vision of permanent military bases in Iraq and predominant influence over what happens to the oil there. The president is not likely to argue with the ideologues around him, nor has he shown any willingness to broaden the circle of his advisors. The only realistic hope may lie in the chance those Republican congressional candidates who already have beads of sweat on their foreheads can break through the White House palace guard and argue persuasively against the increasingly obvious folly of “staying the course.”
Current Straws in the Wind
It is too early to tell whether there is any substance behind recent statements by senior US officials expressing hope that US forces can be withdrawn sooner rather than later. The only straw in the wind with possible substance seems to be the unexplained delay in deploying the 1st infantry division brigade from Fort Riley that was earlier earmarked for arrival in Iraq before the December 15 election.
For all intents and purposes, the administration position remains the same. Lt. Gen. John Vines, commander of coalition forces in Iraq, keeps warning of the consequences of a “precipitous pull-out,” repeating: “I’m not going to get into a timetable. It will be driven by conditions on the ground.”
But, you say, Secretary Rice told FOX news on Tuesday “those days are going to be coming fairly soon when Iraqis are going to be more and more capable of carrying out the functions to secure their own future.” Is there not hope to be found in this? Might this be PR preparation for a drawdown sooner than foreshadowed in earlier, more rigid statements?
Not necessarily. By all indications Rice continues to take orders from the Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal. She is as weak a secretary of state as her predecessor. Even if she let herself be persuaded by seasoned professionals at State that, in present circumstances. she ought to be pressing for a troop drawdown driven by bargaining at the negotiating table rather than “conditions on the ground,” she would almost certainly feel it necessary to get permission from the cabal before taking this novel idea to the president. She would probably even have to get them to sign off on any plan to send official representatives to the February meeting in Cairo, should she come to realize that it makes sense for the US to insert itself into the emerging political process with Iraqi and other key players.
As for Rumsfeld’s relatively optimistic spin on recent talk shows, there is little to suggest that this has any purpose other than to assuage growing pro-withdrawal sentiment in Congress and the population at large.
Ray McGovern is a member of the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). He worked as a CIA analyst for 27 years, and now works for Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC.
An earlier version of this article appeared on
Bush opens door to reducing U.S. troops in latest attempt to win support
18:06:24 EST Nov 30, 2005
"Setting an artificial deadline to withdraw would send a message across the world that America is a weak and an unreliable ally," Bush said after the White House released a 35-page document touting a strategy for success.
"And those are my goals as well. I will settle for nothing less than complete victory."
"As Iraqi forces gain experience and the political process advances, we will be able to decrease our troop level in Iraq without losing our capability to defeat the terrorists."
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10I think the U.S wants to withdraw but it can't be seen as withdrawing in the line of fire as this would only encourage more suicide bombers. I think that Iraq does have a future with a new government in place so long as that government is able to maintain law and order.
Mr. Bush's vision of the next big step is equally troubling: training Iraqi forces well enough to free American forces for more of the bloody and ineffective search-and-destroy sweeps that accomplish little beyond alienating the populace.
That may be the most grandiose set of ambitions for the region since the vision of Nebuchadnezzar's son Belshazzar, who saw the hand writing on the wall. Mr. Bush hates comparisons between Vietnam and Iraq. But after watching the president, we couldn't resist reading Richard Nixon's 1969 Vietnamization speech. Substitute the Iraqi constitutional process for the Paris peace talks, and Mr. Bush's ideas about the Iraqi Army are not much different from Nixon's plans - except Nixon admitted the war was going very badly (which was easier for him to do because he didn't start it), and he was very clear about the risks and huge sacrifices ahead.
A president who seems less in touch with reality than Richard Nixon needs to get out more.
New York Times: Nov 1 2005
Because the US went against the vote of the United Nations Security Council the invasion of Iraq was illegal.
Even though Saddam Hussein is gone and soon to be replaced with a democratic government this does not give any legitimacy whatsoever to regime change.
Regime change was not sanctioned the UN.
The government of Iraq even if it recieves a majority of support from the Iraqi people should not be recognised by the International community because it came into a being as a direct result of the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Saddam Hussein was the sovereign ruler of Iraq - according to Arab culture - autocrats are the traditional rulers.
Democracy is a Western concept which cannot and must not be imposed on the rest of the world because local and cultural traditions will be harmed.
Notice how Arab countries have gone from traditional communities living as desert nomads using the camel as transport and with the discovery of oil their culture has been diluted by Western capitalism and culture.
The US should pull out and allow the Arab world to revert to its original Islamic heritage.
In 1973 when US troops withdrew from Vietnam the country was stable and peaceful after the defeat of the NVA and Viet Cong. A competant South Vietnamese government and military were in place to keep the Communists out.
But then while the Watergate scandal was at its height a Democrat dominated senate voted to cut funding to the South Vietnamese government with the result that artillery units could not fire more than a few rounds a day and that the Vietnamese government had no resources to maintain its army.
The result was a breakdown in South Vietnamese morale and a Communist walkover and thirty years of tyranny in Vietnam, the genocide in Cambodia and the prolonging of the Cold War until Reagan and the first Bush Presidency defeated the USSR and Communist Vietnam came crawling back to the West looking for international investment.
Today if Iraq suffers the same treatment by defeatist politicians at home America will not just lose another war it could have won with the necessary political will but the enemy unlike the Viet Cong will pursue America to its own soil.
RT if you really believe that South Viet Nam was a legit state and nation, then I am sure you also agree in the 'legitimacy' of North Korea.
Two Viet Nams is about as historically Legit as two Koreas. Not.
They were/are the product of imperial forces playing chess with the people on the ground getting squashed.
RT, go on believing in your delusional president - wont change the fact that the US will have to leave Iraq, sooner or later.
RT - please just cut and paste what is essential - people ARE capable of going to the whitehouse website too ya know?
'America have never had nor have no intention of staying in Iraq forever'
Well, this is progress for you RT - you realise Bush has lost the war and is getting out.
But the true believers like you will just go on mimicking Stalin's new phraseology.... repeat this phrase repeatedly (and click your red shoes together) until what wish becomes true....
'Withdrawal with Honour'
'Withdrawal with Honour'
'Withdrawal with Honour'
'Withdrawal with Honour'
'Withdrawal with Honour'
It worked for the Soviets in Afghanistan, should work in these dark days.
"Righteous Pragmatist" - ashamed to put your true name to your comments? - seems to be rewriting history:
"Vietnamization was successful
by Righteous Pragmatist Thursday, Dec 1 2005, 11:16am
In 1973 when US troops withdrew from Vietnam the country was stable and peaceful after the defeat of the NVA and Viet Cong."
I beg your pardon? As far as I know, the United States withdrew in defeat and embarrassment, following the deaths of thousands of the country's finest and most courageous young men and women. And as subsequent events show, the country was certainly neither stable or peaceful.
"A competant South Vietnamese government and military were in place to keep the Communists out."
You mean, a military junta. That's what the Columbia Encyclopedia also calls it.
"But then while the Watergate scandal was at its height ..."
- reminds me of the current situation, with a corrupt president, appointed and reappointed through electoral fraud, struggling to maintain his illegitimate place in the White House, while becoming ever more unpopular.
"The result was a breakdown in South Vietnamese morale and a Communist walkover ... "
Thus completing the defeat of the South Vietnamese regime of President Thieu. Where is the peace and stability in that?
"... and thirty years of tyranny in Vietnam ..."
I won't dispute it, but please note that The Columbia Encyclopedia records that Thieu was also a tyrant:
"In Oct., 1971, President Thieu of South Vietnam was reelected for another four-year term; he ran unopposed as other candidates, fearing a rigged election, refused to participate."
"President Thieu gradually assumed dictatorial powers; he abolished local self-government, restricted the press, arrested thousands of suspected Viet Cong sympathizers, and increased the number of executions. Mass protest demonstrations (Oct., 1974) in Saigon caused Thieu to reorganize his cabinet in an attempt to quiet the opposition. ... By April President Thieu resigned and fled to Taiwan, the remaining government of South Vietnam surrendered, and the North Vietnamese entered Saigon without opposition."
Please note that the Columbia Encyclopedia was not written by partisan communists.
Getting back to RP's comments:
"Today if Iraq suffers the same treatment by defeatist politicians at home America will not just lose another war it could have won with the necessary political will but the enemy unlike the Viet Cong will pursue America to its own soil."
By using the phrase "lose another war", you seem to acknowledge that the US was actually defeated in Vietnam. Thanks!
RP, I think I understand your point of view, but there is such a thing as cutting your losses. There comes a point when it is necessary to acknowledge defeat.
To date, 2,113 Americans have died in a foreign war and 16,000 have been seriously injured, e.g. requiring amputations of limbs. That's 10% of the entire contingent of US troops in Iraq.
Why prolong the misery?
If I were the enemy of the United States, I would say: By all means, stay in Iraq until 2,000 more of America's finest have been murdered, and 16,000 more debilitated. But I am not. It is a cause of great dismay for me to see the deaths of thousands of both Americans and Iraqis in Iraq.
I will not sit quietly by and watch as an unelected and unpopular president drags his country into nothing less than complete defeat.
RP, you may be righteous, but not very pragmatic.
More info about him
this cartoon....,7371,1656182,00.html
To the Government of America.
Cogratulations President Barack Obama!
America should back off from all foreign conflicts. Leave other nations and their disputes for them to solve themselves. By seemingly posing as a Global Police Peace Keeping Force, the American gov't is opening an avenue for unwanted hatred from nations affronted by the so called democratic principles. America is risking the lives of it's own people by interfering too much in other nations affairs (cruel though it may be,) - let them clean house themselves.
Please Americans, stay home and develop yourselves and enjoy your status as one of the most powerful nations in the world. Just protect yourselves from unprovoked and meaningless killings. Why do you have to intervene? Let them kill each other. You protect one, you kill the other. Instead of achieving peace you are creating dangerous devout enemies worldwide. God will not bless America if America does not trust God to protect his flock. All people are HIS flock. HE knows how to avenge them.
Thank you and I apologize if what I have written is against your democratic values. If my gov't is committing genocide, I and my fellow countrymen will find ways and means to rid ourselves of this
tyrant and his atrocities whatever they may be.
May God Bless and Protect Us All.
Not at all , you have not offended me in any way shape or form .
Our Government are at the moment abusing sick children in Our Ladys Hospital based in Crumlin , by closing much needed ''medical musts''
as if it meant nothing to the politicans or those faceless Overpaid H.S.E. gurriers ...........FACT...
We have just received reports about horrendous physical abuse on young children who were sent to Industrial Schools by the government of the day
way way back in the 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s ,while the children then were being sexually abused by our Christian Brothers and Nuns and Priests
of the day ..........FACT ........
Seems to me that there is not much difference in what the government ''over see's '' Then And Now .