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"Insurrection" - Dublin Anarchist Freesheet

category dublin | anti-capitalism | press release author Friday November 11, 2005 23:37author by Insurrection - international insurrectionauthor email inertiaonthestreetsofdublin at hushmail dot com Report this post to the editors

Available Now!

"Insurrection" is the first issue of what will hopefully be a long running project to provide more free anarchist analysis and theory on the streets of Dublin.

Some copies are available for free from the table outside red ink bookshop, temple bar and at most upcoming Anarchist events.

For copies to distribute in your neighbourhood email us.

Much thanks to the people from the Dissent Ireland site for hosting the files.

[ Front Cover 2.73mb ]

[ Insider Cover 2.01mb ]

[ Page 3 - no tits 1.14mb ]

[ Back cover - contacts 666kb ]

Introduction - excerpt.

Now more than ever we need to look around and accept that this culture of death, capitalism, does not serve our real interests or desires. Our lives have become so dull, selling ourselves by the hour so we can satisfy our urge to consume, counting the seconds until our "leisure time" so we can get fucked up and forget about the monotony we will inevitably return to on monday morning.

We must begin the struggle, learn to act rather than wait, accepting the urgency of the situation we face. We must learn to fight for real and to fight with passion. We must act in solidarity with our comrades all over the world who have already begun fighting. From Chiapas to Chile, Athens to Rossport. The spirit of revolt is regrouping, accepting that Seattle and Genoa are over and learning from our earlier defeats. Our struggle is Global, now let's make it very fucking local. Street by street, block by block

This is our world and we can't stand idly by anymore!

We can't be fooled by elections or reform anymore..

Our struggle is for life.

Fight Foul!

Related Link: http://upagainstthewallmotherfucker.blogspot.com
author by madmike (not)publication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Then home to bed and a wet dream

Related Link: http://www.sd455.com/movieteenagerebel.jpg
author by Finnpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Do you have any knuckle dusters, knives, pistols, hand grenades, automatic rifles, machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, mortars, flame-throwers, gun mounted jeeps, trucks, armoured personnel carriers, self propelled assault guns, main battle tanks, artillery guns, mines, helicopter gunships, fight interceptors, bombers, napalm, daisy-cutters or nukes? Or man power?

Well your fucked then aren't you?

author by Insurrection - international insurrectionpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The force of an insurrection is social, not military. The measure for evaluating the importance of a generalized revolt is not the armed clash, but on the contrary the amplitude of the paralysis of the economy, of normality.

author by Insurrectionpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 15:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Front Cover Preview
Front Cover Preview

author by hMMMpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 15:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

getting some advice on how to do a broadsheet properly.That looks like somones 10year old put it together.

author by Insurrectionpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 15:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You're obviously a bourgeois pig with no eye for revolutionary aesthetics, the guardian - this is not.


author by himselfpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 15:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Freesheet looks great!!! well done to all involved, we need more of this sort of thing.

author by organisepublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 16:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Its always great to see the creative spirit come to the fore in revolutionary politcs, this freesheet like every good polemic, something Nietzche invited us to engage with and act upon in the aestethics of existence, is definately a breath of fresh air. However, deep breath and a step beyond our frustrations with an expolitative and opprsseive social and economic system that colonises our whole lifeworld requires further critical reflection. Anything that arouses the creative and critical reflections of the determining pissed off youth of the world is a good thing, but without sounding like an old, hungover lefty , bereft of vodka from the collapse of the traditional left one must ask themsleves, where to next, how, and by what means. In short, unless provision is made for some basis of embedding organisational power ( power to referred to in the positive, in the sense , of organising our own communities around common needs ) and exchange relations in a post revolutionary insurrection we are doomed to complete failure. what will be left is a vicious open vacum that many regressive poltics and ideas will quickly rush to fill. The methods and means of organisation are essential, if the end is simply the overthrow of the logic of capital without any organisational and directional basis, in short, without politcs and plausible working alternatives that people can genuinley relate to we will be burning banks for an increased jail sentence. Desire organisation, participation, inclusion and direction as much as a vision of a world without the monotony of capital... the insurrection is not possible or desirable otherwise.

author by randomer - the full stop brigadapublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 16:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As communities and economic goverance systems accustom themselves to rule and dissidence via the tentacles of information technology, within this electronic fabric of struggle some of you seem to have a problem with speaking english.

Juat because its poetic and long winded does not mean it is getting us closer to the revolution.

author by (",)publication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 19:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Picked up a copy in Red Ink today, looking really really good. Well written and produced.

Fair play to all involved.

author by Noddypublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 21:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why is so importent to be rioting??

Why is it such a place of prominice on the front cover ?

Does this not glorify violence?

A farce to think that fighting the riot police will achieve anything than putting people off what you have to say.

People who casually break laws cannot be trusted to build a new society. Neither will they trust idiots who don't know that when you fight the state it should always be on your terms , time and place. This keeps the inititive with US the reaction and the catchup with THEM.

Never the other way guys.

The State, which is organised for and around violence, has all the resources it needs to fight physical battles and is only too happy to give double or treble in return.
Why dont you fight them with a weapon they dont have ?

When you fight (as fight you must ) you never react to provocation because that doesnt suit you. You fight the battle in your time, your time and your place. You hit them where they are weak and vulneralble not full frontal in where you can be surrounded, atomised, worn down. If this is going to happen you withdraw and rest and fight another day.

Its people determined to fight the violence of the state with vigourous and determined organisation that mobilises and inspires people. Thats what the state fears, not masked teens with bricks in their happens.

The only weapon you need is your determination and your truth.

And your good name is all youll ever have
Lose it once and its gone.

No doubt you mean well but have a little reflection on this will you?

Keep up the work on the mag!

author by hmmpublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 16:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

really interesting a breath of fresh air, maybe make the next on longer.

the calls for you to calm/tone down on here are so funny, activists can be so protective about "their" ideology.

author by hmmpublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 16:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

has noddy actually read the freesheet or is he just calling people masked idiots and making assumptions based on the action shot used for the cover?

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