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UK To Extradite Sean Garland to US?

category international | crime and justice | feature author Saturday October 15, 2005 01:20author by Indymedia Ireland Editorial Group - Indymedia Ireland Report this post to the editors

'Superdollers me arse' sez Wag 'Translate $1M to Irish - two gaffs (before expenses)'

The news that the USA has sought the extradition of a central figure in the Workers Party (Seán Garland) due to his alleged involvement in currency fraud in connivance with the government of North Korea has focused attention on a by now little-known faction within Irish politics. Debate on Indymedia.ie has focused on what the 'proper response' to this news should be.

It has emerged that the USA has formally requested extradition of Seán Garland and six others of various nationalities from the UK for the alleged crime of the distribution of forged US $100 bills. It is alleged that these bills (of high quality) were forged by elements of the North Korean administration.

Press coverage indicates that Garland is being accused of involvement in laundering less than one million dollars worth of these bills.

Seán Garland was remanded on bail last week in the North. He is also an Irish citizen with his principal residence formerly in Navan, now in Kentstown in Meath. He has at various times in the past been closely associated with the Official IRA and Official Sinn Fein and in recent times became President of the Workers Party.

News of his threatened extradition to the USA elicited a variety of responses from Indymedia.ie contributors. The first story published on the newswire included a post that summarised the genesis and development of the Official IRA (known colloquially as the 'Stickies') and their long-running differences and conflicts with the Provisional IRA and the INLA amongst others. Other posts point out that the 'stickies' had been markedly unsympathetic in the past to republican political activists facing extradition and the kangaroo 'special criminal courts'.

This issue looks set to test Inter-Irish, Irish-English, Irish-American and English-American relationships in unique ways. It may also make a Europe-wide impact as Garland's ideological colleagues have a strong base across the EU as evidenced by one contributor's post from Greece.

RTE And The 'Sticky' Brigade
Wikipedia Entry on Garland and his time in the OIRA, OSF and WP

author by Eoin Harass - Ex-Catholics against the ethnic cleansing of West Cork Protestantspublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 02:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The rendition of Mr. Garland to Guantanamo is a clear and present and present danger to the stability of this state. Mr. Garland has done this state some service.
The most charismatic and dangerous social republican, Seamas Costello, has long since departed the political scene.
There are times, and this is such a time, when sleeping dogs must not be aroused.
Because of Garland's knowledge of Mr. Rabbitte's( and indeed of my own, although I say this modestly) involvement in defeating the threat of social republicanism,...well if he were to reveal the details, and at that time harsh decisions had to be made, well it would put paid to the prospect of Labour ever being in government while it is led by Mr. Rabitte. And without the FG/Labour alternative the appalling prospect arises of a Fianna Fail and Sinn Fein goverment, and that heralds fascism in this state.
Mr. Garland's arrest is most unfortunate. Admittedly he is no longer an asset now that the IRA has disarmed. But to treat him like other assets, such as Noriega and Saddam, who are no longer useful to Anglo-American democracy, would be a grave mistake. It would kill the prospect of an alternative to the FF/SF advance to fascism.
Let me say this to Mr. Garland: 'Sean, old comrade, I will intervene with my friends in the Bush adminiistration. To rendition, you a septuagenarian, to Guantanamo is really very frightening. They do have sophisticated techniques, not torture, to elicit information. And to think of you in such a situation is appaling. So, stay strong old comrade. Too many have too much to lose by extaditing you to the U.S.'

author by A Citizenpublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 15:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. As our own Government shrug off millions upon millions lost due to their ineptitude and lay blame at the doors of civil servants in their employ, will he be treated the same? To paraphrase Noel Dempsey, 1 million is an insignificant amount. A crime is a crime and should be dealt with fairly. Will he be treated as one of our own, told to sack his consultants or will he be used as yet an other example of our leaders kissing the ring on the hand of war mongers, oil thief’s and pseudo democratic self serving special interest groups A.K.A. the U.S. Government?
The days of neutral Ireland are long gone. Welcome to the United States of America.

author by Another Citizenpublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 15:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Up until the arrest of Sean Garland the WP/OIRA supported extradition. Why the sudden change in policy?

author by SFMpublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 16:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Workers Party supported the extradition of people to the jurisdiction in which they where accused of committing crimes, however as polls found the mass of WP voters never supported this policy. Why is every anarchist and lefty on this site now a rip roaring supporter of the Provos? The WP supported extradition because of a Republican feud mentality that will now see some Provo’s supporting the extradition of an Irish citizen and patriot by USA World Police to a country where his belief’s are criminal and he has committed no crime in and has not visited in 40 years. Are Irish Left and Republican politics forever to be more about fighting among ourselves and splitting or putting Imperialism’s over hang behind us?

The simple facts here are do you think a self confessed unrepentant commie Fenian bastard is going to get a fair trail in George Bush’s America. If Garland has committed crimes in Ireland let him stand trial here either North or South.

author by Some guypublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 19:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Of course Garland should pay the price for crimes commited, but I don't think we should let our government let Bush and Co. use him as another attempt to bolster the war on terror world tour.
Looking at the world, good or bad, I for one miss the commies.

author by Seán MacStiofáin - IRA Chief of Staffpublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 19:16author address Heavenauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Payback's a bitch, "comrade".... ;0)

What goes around comes around

Related Link: http://www.sinnfein.ie
author by SFMpublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 19:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Alright John my old china, how are things in old cockney heaven, did you get up there for not using those condoms as timers. Yeah beat your happy that the auld Godless commie is getting his trouble and strife. - unfortunately you are not really John Stephenson just some sad keyboard warrior who probably doesn’t know anything of substance about either man. I would be very surprised indeed for all John’s failings that he would condemn an Irishman to US law for crimes allegedly commited here- Irish laws for Irish people and all that my ‘ld flower.

author by Fintan Lanepublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 20:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Understandably, there has been a spate of postings on indymedia about Sean Garland focusing on the WP's problematic politics and their collaboration with the northern state. I share these concerns and believe that the WP behaved shamefully in the north, particularly in their support for the RUC and the repression of republicans. I also disagree profoundly with Garland's admiration and support for one-party authoritarian dictatorships.

However, whether or not one disagrees with Sean Garland's politics, I still believe that it is essential that his extradition to the United States is opposed by everybody on the Left, and there should be no 'ifs' and 'buts' about it. Why? Well, there are, in my opinion, at least two compelling reasons:

1. He will not receive a fair trial in Bush's America. It simply won't happen. If he is shipped off to the US, I would be hugely surprised to see him beat the charges because of his politics, previous associations with Eastern European communist regimes, and because of the imperatives of the so-called 'war on terror'. In short, the man will probably spend the rest of his life (he's about 71 now) in a US prison because of his left-wing history. 'Ah!', you might say, 'but he might ACTUALLY be guilty of forging US dollars.' Perhaps, but can we sincerely believe that his politics and the current political climate in the US won't affect the outcome of his trial? I, for one, do not believe he would get a fair trial and, under those circumstances, it would be wrong to extradite him.

2. The second reason is directly related to the first. Garland's politics, and his connections to state regimes hostile to the US, clearly play some part in all of this. I'm not saying that the FBI are especially worried by the WP (doubt it very much, actually), but it nonetheless seems highly likely that their pursuit of Garland is given zest by the 'war on terror' and by the political differences between the US and North Korea. In that sense, this would be a political extradition and an exercising of US power, again suggesting that a fair trial is hardly a likely prospect. Moreover, it is Sean Garland today, but who will it be tomorrow if they succeed with him? His extradition would set a very dangerous precedent.

So, while his politics and past actions might repel people, I think it is crucial that we look at the larger picture and oppose the US attempts to seize him. None of the alleged offences occurred in the US anyway, so why should he be tried there?

author by pizza - irsppublication date Sat Oct 15, 2005 20:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

or not in this case.

The proper response should be happiness to see another murdering lying stalinist scumbag bite the dust.

this man was chief of staff when the OIRA came out of retirmenet to kill irsp inla members. why? because they were "trotskyites".

the puppet labeled the republican republican socialist martyrs dying for political status crims. now he wants to be a political prisoner because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

author by Anarchpublication date Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wasn't it part of U.S. Black Operations to flood Iraq with counterfeit currency during the first Gulf War? Take the log out of your own eye before extraditing the guy with the spilnter etc etc

author by righteous pragmatistpublication date Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The US flooded Iraq with counterfeit currency in order to UNDERMINE the Iraqi economy controlled by Saddam Hussein, a fascist dictator who had invaded Kuwait in order to steal its oil and was committing murderous genocide against his own people.

What is happened here is that Sean Garland an extremist Marxist terrorist laundered counterfeit money for a genocidal North Korean Communist dictator Kim Jong IL.

author by Jimbobpublication date Sun Oct 16, 2005 16:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Which side are you on is the title of a labour song from the early 20th century and sums up the situation concerning Sean Garland. Whether you love or hate Sean Garland, if you're on the left you have a choice to make. You can side with the US establishment and their allies here and in Britain - or you can support the campaign established to oppose the extradition of Sean Garland.

Many of the posters on this site have already made that choice and are taking Mr. Garland's difficulty as their opportunity to put the boot in, and fair enough they may have a point. But that's NOT the point.

This is a fundamental question for anyone on the left, or for those who simply call themselves Irish. Should we extradite an Irish ciitizen to the US who will clearly not get justice? Whether he was just to other politicos is irrelevant, we simply cannot allow the Americans to win this one. Someone used the famous Pastor Niemuller verse "First they came for......" to have a go at Sean Garland, but that poem neatly sums up the reality of the situation. Now they've come for Sean Garland and we can either cheer the US establishment of Bush, Cheney etc on and or we can stand in his defence.

author by roosterpublication date Sun Oct 16, 2005 17:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How can you say that jimbob, who are you to cast judgement on the US legal system?

This is not about Bush or Iraq or Michael Moore its about one mans alleged illegal activity, if he has been involved in counterfeiting US currency and the US courts can prove this then as far as I am concerned he should be on the first 747 out of Aldergrove.

author by goosypublication date Sun Oct 16, 2005 17:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Rooster - Did you support the extradition of Dessie Ellis?? After all it was simply a question of him being accused of blowing up civilians.

I support the campaign for the colombia 3 not to be extradited - because they will not get a fair trial - I don't like the Provos or Farc, thats not the point.

I dont like Garland or the WP's political position - but I donnt support his extradition because he has already been tried in the media and he won't as a result get a fair trial.

author by James Mc Barronpublication date Sun Oct 16, 2005 17:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sean Garland would not receive a fair trial in the US. His extradition clearly has more to do with the US governments propaganda war with North Korea than anything else. Anyone interested in supporting civil rights should oppose his extradition.

Maybe he should jump bail and come south where efforts to fight any attempt at extradition would be more fruitful. I fear that the British leagl system will deliver him to the US quite quickly.

author by Athens callingpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Today's edition of the Irish Times runs a detailed account of the US indictiment against Seán Garland. s it is copyright, it is not possible to post it here but those interested in the article can either buy the paper or read it online at:


I haven't time at the moment to summarise the content of the article but might get around to it.

author by IT readerpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Garland stands accused by US over counterfeit made in North Korea

Secret meetings with North Korean spies, the best counterfeit money ever seen, a Marxist conspiracy to destabilise the US economy, bag loads of cash smuggled on the Holyhead ferry, the KGB, the Russian mafia, Latvian go betweens, fake IDs, the Official IRA, innocents duped into carrying illegal currency, the US secret service, the London underworld, writes Sean O'Driscoll

The case against Workers' Party president Seán Garland and six others accused of dealing in counterfeit money reads like a bad airport novel. But according to a newly unsealed indictment, the case, officially known as "The United States of America v Seán Garland, aka The Man With The Hat" is based on years of secret surveillance by the US secret service and their British counterparts and involves tens of millions in counterfeit dollars.

The US announced last week that it wants to extradite three Irishmen, three Britons and an Armenian on federal conspiracy charges and names Garland and a Dublin political ally, Christie Corcoran (57), as major figures in the plot.

It also lists dozens of locations and dates for the alleged conspiracy, including more than 15 trips made on the Holyhead ferry by couriers carrying bag loads of money to pay Garland for counterfeit currency.

The origins of the case are in 1989, when the US secret service, which investigates all dollar counterfeits, noticed very high quality fake $100 dollar bills in circulation.

The Americans eventually traced the notes back to a government laboratory and printing press in North Korea. The North Korean economy was being crippled by sanctions and the government urgently needed foreign currency, while at the same time hoping to destabilise the US dollar by flooding the international market with fakes.

Eventually, these notes were spread out to Marxist-leaning groups around the world with the hope that they could sell them on.

Seán Garland came to the Americans' attention in the early 1990s, when the first 'supernotes' appeared on Dublin streets. After the secret service were notified by the US embassy, they moved quickly to stop the trade and soon Dublin banks and money exchanges refused to exchange $100 bills.

The Americans got a big break in 1993, when a then 56-year-old Irish counterfeit trader named Hugh Todd, formerly of South Africa, was spotted exchanging the notes in British banks and was holding a bundle of fake notes when he was arrested on July 27th, 1994.

In the meantime, British crime squad detectives linked Todd to two Birmingham criminals, 50-year-old Terry Silcock and 48-year-old Alan Jones from Blockley, Gloucestershire.

Undercover agents taped the pair boasting about their links to Garland, and claiming Garland was a leader of the Official IRA and was controlling the distribution of the 'supernotes' in Britain and Ireland.

In October 1997, Seán Garland allegedly travelled to Moscow with a Dublin acquaintance identified by the US secret service as "JM".

There, Garland went to the North Korean embassy to arrange the purchase of new $100 bills as the North Koreans had copied new security features introduced by the Americans.

When he returned to Dublin, Garland was allegedly careful not to have direct contact with less senior conspirators and potential buyers, having Christie Corcoran do the negotiations for him.

According to the US indictment, those in on the scheme were instructed to use code words such as "jackets" and "paperwork" when talking about the 'supernotes'. The Americans also allege that Garland used the Official IRA to run the operation.

Garland, the Americans claim, told other members of the conspiracy that the dollars originated in Russian and not in North Korea, so as to throw potential moles off the scent.

Corcoran, Silcock and another British criminal, Mark Adderley, from Kinver in Staffordshire, are said to have solicited David Levin, a former KGB agent turned British criminal, as a potential buyer for the notes.

Levin, living in Alvechurch, Worcestershire, agreed to get involved and obtained funds and couriers for the operation through an associate in Latvia known as "HJ".

In the first six months of 1998, Garland is alleged to have travelled to Moscow three times to pick up new batches of `supernotes' from the North Korean embassy.

The money was allegedly smuggled into Dublin in holdalls and in clothes, according to secret audio recordings of Todd, who went with Garland on two of the trips.

While Garland was allegedly setting up the Moscow deliveries, the British crime squad was watching Jones and Silcock travelling to Dublin on the ferry to pick up the notes on behalf of Levin, the Russian criminal, with Silcock making at least 15 trips from 1998 onwards.

Jones was also followed as he cashed some of the notes at a Thomas Cook travel agency on October 30th, 1998. But complications arose in 1999, as the Russian authorities came under heavy pressure from the Americans to shut down the operation at the North Korean embassy.

In January and again in June 1999, Garland, Corcoran and Silcock are alleged to have travelled to Moscow in search of more notes.

However, on both occasions, the North Koreans backed out and later moved the operation to Minsk in Belarus, where the Garland and his groups were able to pick up new batches.

By then, according to the indictment, Garland knew that someone was informing the police and had been warned by Levin that the British police knew about his June trip to Moscow.

Nevertheless, Silcock and Jones continued to meet undercover crime squad detectives who posed as criminals interested in buying at least $1 million in 'supernotes'.

In one recorded conversation on June 27th, 1999, they tell the agents that Seán Garland was "the colonel in chief" of the "old style IRA" and when he "capitalises on the paperwork", meaning the fake dollar notes, "it all goes back into the organisation". Garland was getting increasingly concerned about infiltration in the group, the indictment claims. In a recorded conversation on August 1st, 1999, Corcoran tells the two undercover agents that Garland had told him to look out for a "leak" in the 'supernotes' operation.

Corcoran is alleged to have tightened up on the use of code words, telling the undercover agents a month later to use "jackets" as a code for the 'supernotes'. He again tells them that he has been sent by Garland, a "top IRA man" to whom he is related through marriage, to find out who was leaking information.

The following day, Corcoran allegedly tells the two agents that if they want to buy $1 million in 'supernotes', they will first have to put up a bond to guarantee payment, such is Garland's fear that the operation will be exposed. With the North Koreans having shifted the operation to Minsk to avoid detection, Levin allegedly uses his Russian contacts to arrange fake passports and fake Belarus visas so that Garland's group could pick up more notes in Minsk.

On October 20th, 1999, the British crime squad allegedly saw Silcock give the passports to a Dublin associate of Garland, identified by the US secret service as "JD".

The next day, allegedly using the fake passport, Garland flew first to Copenhagen, Denmark to avoid detection. From there, he faxed a hotel reservation request for himself to a hotel in Minsk.

Meanwhile, Corcoran was continuing to handle the parcels of British money that were being smuggled in to Ireland as Levin's payments for the 'supernotes'. Levin's operation was going well. He found international buyers for the 'supernotes', selling a quantity on November 1999 to an acquaintance named "MM".

When it became clear that there was a mole somewhere in the operation, Garland stopped travelling to Russia and Belarus.

Instead, he sent an acquaintance from Dublin, identified as "AB", who first flew to Birmingham airport on April 4th, 2000 and was picked up by Silcock.

"AB" and Silcock were given false passports containing Russian visas by two men sent by Levin. "AB" and Silcock then flew to Dublin and gave the passports to two other Garland supporters, identified as "TL" and "GD", who flew to Minsk to pick up more 'supernotes', using a circuitous route through the UK and Germany.

However, things started to go seriously wrong the following month as Levin was having problems paying Garland for the last batch of 'supernotes'. He passed on a message to Garland that banks in his native Russia were no longer allowing him to cash the 'supernotes' and that German authorities had seized $250,000 in 'supernotes' from one of his couriers.

In appears that Garland may have become suspicious and Levin was anxious to prove his claim. He had Silcock fax Garland a Russian document showing that Russian banks had detected the 'supernotes' and a German language document proving that the Germans had confiscated the $250,000 in 'supernotes'. Both of these faxes have allegedly been intercepted by the British crime squad.

By June 1999, Levin came up with $98,000 to give to Garland, and passed it on to a courier to deliver to Dublin.

The crime squad arrested Levin the following day. He told them that he didn't know the money he received was counterfeit. A month later, he allegedly gave limited co-operation to police, telling them the whereabouts in Moscow of $70,000 in 'supernotes'. These notes were then picked up by the Russian authorities as evidence.

The same day, Silcock was arrested at a Birmingham pub and Jones was picked up a few days later, revealing some of the stash of profits from the 'supernote' operation. In 2002, Levin, Silcock and Adderley were jailed for nine, six and four years respectively for what police said was the largest counterfeit dollar operation ever seen in Britain. Silcock alone handled $4.2 million in counterfeit money, the court heard and the whole operation was worth $29 million.

Questions still remain that will only be answered if Seán Garland and other members of the "Supernote Seven" are extradited to the US.

Who for example, are Garland's five associates, named "JM", "JD", "AB", "TL" and "GB" who were also said to have been involved in bringing the 'supernotes' in and out of Dublin. Are they members of the Official IRA, which the US secret service claims in the indictment were running the day-to-day operation of the `supernote' scheme?

If US intelligence is correct, the Official IRA is far from defunct, having delivering multi-million dollar parcels of Korean manufactured dollars in and out of Dublin for years. Whether that claim will stand up in a Washington DC courtroom remains to be seen.

Conor Lally adds: A Dublin based spokesman for the Workers' Party, John Jefferies, told The Irish Times yesterday that neither Seán Garland nor any other member of the party had seen the indictment. As a result of this he was not in a position to comment. Garland did not respond to a request for a comment. The request was made by telephone to the party's Belfast office on Friday. Party general secretary John Lowry said Garland was currently living in the North as a condition of his bail following his arrest by the PSNI in Belfast in relation to alleged international counterfeiting offences.

© The Irish Times

author by Abroad in Athenspublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Copyright?, I posted that article up earier this morning but it was subsequently removed. I've no problem doing it but obviously the Indymedia heads are concerned about it.

author by Cynicpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"A Dublin based spokesman for the Workers' Party, John Jefferies, told The Irish Times yesterday that neither Seán Garland nor any other member of the party had seen the indictment. As a result of this he was not in a position to comment."

To help John Jefferies, I am posting an extract from the indictment below. The full text is at the link. Perhaps now John Jefferies will be in a position to make a comment.

"Leader of Irish Workers' Party and Official Irish Republican Army
Arrested in United Kingdom on U.S. Indictment
Charging Trafficking in Counterfeit United States Currency

Washington, D.C. - United States Attorney Kenneth L. Wainstein and Special Agent in Charge James B. Burch, United States Secret Service, Washington Field Office, announced today that Irish Workers' Party leader Sean Garland, 71, was arrested late Friday, October 7, 2005, in Northern Ireland on a provisional arrest warrant requested by the United States, based on charges pending in the District of Columbia that Garland operated a years-long scheme to obtain, transport, sell, and pass as genuine, highly deceptive counterfeit $100 United States Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs), sometimes referred to as "Supernotes." Garland, of Dublin, Republic of Ireland, was charged together with six other conspirators in an Indictment returned by a Federal Grand Jury in the District of Columbia on May 19, 2005; the Indictment was unsealed upon Garland's arrest. "


author by Maxpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 14:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That link leads to a Press Release, not an indictment. Sean Garland says he hasn't received the indictment yet. Have you a line into the US Secret Service, Cynic, or maybe you're one of them?

author by Cynicpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 14:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This press release has been available on the web since the 8th October, it contains the gist of the indictment. The WP/OIRA have been able to set up a Sean Garland website, do you really believe (or expect indy readers to believe) that the WP/OIRA havent become aware of this?

author by Maxpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 15:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

not an indictment, and contains not a shred of evidence or anything new other than a list of anonymous initialled folk, just like the attendance list at an AA meeting.

author by A real cynicpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 15:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

US security agencies lost all right to be believed when they came up with poison gas planes and mobile laboratories and terrorist training camps so they could invade Iraq. Please stop discussing this allegations and start discussing how we are going to stop the US from further eroding our human rights. I’m standing behind “the man with the hat”. – You can support US economic and military Imperialism if you wish I’m paying for mine in ‘superdollars’ – that’s the ones the profiteers don’t earn from. UP the OIRA. Right in 1969 and still right now.

author by Cynicpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 15:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why dont you and WP/OIRA answer the following questions:

1 Why was Sean Garland associating with Irish and British Gangsters?

2 What was the purpose of Sean Garlands visits to Moscow?

3 In 1997 Sean Garland of the WP/OIRA & Managing Director of GKG Comms International Ltd., in Dublin, met recently with Cao Xiaobing, Bureau Director-General within the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, to discuss unidentified business opportunities . What was this all about?

The BBC certainly think theres an indictment out there:

"The US has formally accused North Korea of forging millions of dollars of high-quality counterfeit US dollar notes, known as supernotes. A US court indictment said seven men, including senior Irish republican Sean Garland, distributed the $100 fakes.

North Korea has long been suspected of making supernotes, but this was the first time the US has given details.

The US is seeking the extradition from the UK of Mr Garland, who denies the charges against him.

According to a statement from the US Justice Department, the indictment "describes the efforts of Garland and certain of his associates, between December 1997 and July 2000, to obtain quantities of the counterfeit notes from North Korean sources and to transport, and to either pass as genuine or resell, the Supernotes in the United Kingdom and elsewhere".

The statement said that the "highly deceptive notes - which began to appear in worldwide circulation in or about 1989 - were manufactured in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [North Korea] and under auspices of the government and transported worldwide by North Korean individuals acting as ostensible government officials".

Mr Garland is accused of handling up to $1m of the supernotes, and of pretending to co-conspirators that the source was Russia, the statement said. "

author by Cynicpublication date Mon Oct 17, 2005 15:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"UP the OIRA. Right in 1969 and still right now."

at last! Someone who admits that the OIRA still exists. What has it been doing all these years though apart protection rackets.

author by tonypublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 13:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wheres all the anti extradition provos now?

author by B.HUGHES - PERSONALpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 14:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sean Garland should not be extradited. How can he get a fair trail in America, he has already been found guilty by the media and once the C.I.A. are involve he hasn't got a chance. How can we trust a Government who bring Iraqi people through Shannon Airport to be tortured in Guantanamo Bay. These innocent people are suspected of acts of Terrorism not convicted of them and this is how they are treated.

author by Keithpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 14:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Bernie i agree with your comment. This man will not get Justis in America because he has stood up against their might all his political life . whether you agree with his politics or not we must stand up for his civil rights.

author by Cynicpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 15:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I dont want Sean Garland extradied to the US. Opposition to the extradition of political "offenders" should always be the principled stance. I just wish to illustrate what a nasty piece of work he is. But pray tell, have WP/OIRA now changed their position on extradition? They always supported the extradition of Republicans.

author by pat cpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 15:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Wheres all the anti extradition provos now?"

One of them is supporting Sean Garland (According to the Sean Garland website)

Councillor David Cullinane, Sinn Fein, Waterford

But where were the WP when PIRA and INLA members were facing extradition?

author by SFMpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 15:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Pat C I think the real question is where were members of the INLA and PIRA when members of the WP were getting gunned down by their organisations on the streets of Belfast? Why are people so hung up on a conflict which is now thankfully over and in which everyone was wrong to some degree and no one was all the way right. It is great to see that some SF representatives realise than Sean is in their same tradition of democratically forwarding Republican values, bombs and bullets have only put a United Ireland further away. The bitter Provos and INLA who were willing to shot 6 year old children in their attempt to put the WP off the streets will support his extradition but who needs such murdering idiots anyway - what we need is Irish Republican and Left unity on this issue.

author by pat cpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 15:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Pat C I think the real question is where were members of the INLA and PIRA when members of the WP were getting gunned down by their organisations on the streets of Belfast?"

The INLA and PIRA were defending themselves from attack by the OIRA. Do you want me to list civilians killed by the OIRA during these feuds?

It doesnt take away from the fact that the WP consistently supported extradition of Republicans in the past. I dont think Sean Garland should be extradited but I hope the WP in the future will oppose the extradition of Republicans.

author by pat cpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 15:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Heres some civilians killed by the OIRA during their 1975 & 1977 feuds with the IRA.

19 October 1975 Billy Wright (34) nfNIRI
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA). Died two weeks after being shot at his hairdresser's shop, Cabra Road, Dublin.

11 November 1975 Owen McVeigh (28) Catholic. Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA). Shot at his home, Grosvenor Place, Lower Falls, Belfast. Mistaken for Irish Republican Army (IRA) member. Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA) / Irish Republican Army (IRA) feud.

12 November 1975 Michael Duggan (32) Catholic. Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA)
Chairman of Falls Taxi Association. Shot while in St Paul's Hall, Hawthorne Street, Falls, Belfast. Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA) / Irish Republican Army (IRA) feud.

27 July 1977 Daniel Cowan (39) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA). Shot at his home, Riverdale Park East, Andersonstown, Belfast. Previous occupier intended target. Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA) / Irish Republican Army (IRA) feud.

author by Patsypublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 16:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Pat C, I think you'll find that the Provos attacked the Officials in October 1975 and managed to kill a few civilians and a 6 year old girl in the process; in 1977 after the UVF killed a young boy at the Stickie Easter parade and fighting followed as Sticks blamed Provos, the Provos shot the kid's uncle dead later that day!
The CAIN website will be deluged with cut and pasters if this goes on but one figure nobody will better is that of all the civilians killed by the Provos by accident or design, many of them protestant funnily enough....

author by pat cpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 16:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes I could also post details of more people killed by the OIRA. But the OIRA never start anything do they? The OIRA killed a few Protestants as well.

But this is taking us away From Sean Garland and extradition. The stance of the stickie posters here is not exactly going to win over Republicans.

I oppose the extradition of Sean Garland because I dont think he'll get a fair trial. Also because despite it all, its still a political case. It doesnt mean that I think hes innocent of the charges. But I dont think undermining the US economy is a crime.

Whats at issue is, where did the money go and will the WP now end their hypocrisy.

author by BERNIE. - PERSONALpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 17:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If the Provo's are truly against extradition they will call on their members to support the growing campaign to STOP the extradition of Sean Garland .

author by SFMpublication date Tue Oct 18, 2005 17:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What you said is totally correct - although two of those listed by you are not 'civilians' in the strictest form - one of these was most likely killed by a person who was a former member of the OIRA - now organisations can’t be held responsible for that? Well possibly for training them they should be but that is another issue. The position of the WP on extradition in the 80’s is an issue that should be seen in the light of who was in the party at that time as well as their stated positions - The important issue here is that the maturity being shown by at least some in P Sinn Fein on this issue must be welcomed. Lets hope this might bode well for the future of the Irish Left - hopefully Rabbitte will take notice.

author by Liam O'Shea - WP supporterpublication date Wed Oct 19, 2005 10:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A number of leading trade unionists including SIPTU President Jack O'Connor and Mick O'Reilly of the ATGWU have a letter in today's Irish Times (19th Oct) condemning the US attempt to extradite Sean Garland.

Sean Garland has also written a letter in todays Times responding to an article carried in Monday's Agenda section of that paper.

Related Link: http://www.seangarland.org
author by Down in Athenspublication date Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is from the http://www.seangarland.org/ website. It's a list of all the Greek organisations taht have issued their support for the release of S. Garland.

Is it just me but why are the Greek Communist Party (KKE) giving this case so much publicity. One of their CC members was at the WP ard fheis and was in the restaurant when Garland was lifted. That might explain it but the level of support for an leader of what is a minor, foreign and insignificant party is somewhat unprecidented for the KKE.

The KKE HQ is a massive fortress-style building in a northern suburb, complete with a party press, TV and radio station. It's surrounded by a high security fence and well policed by party security and also enjoys a police presence. WHile this is only speculation, but maybe the KKE is in on the superdollar plot.

The following Greek organisations have also added their voice in support of Sean Garland:-

- Greek Federation of Pensioners
- Trade Union of Workers in Pharmaceutical And Cosmetics Industries of Attica – Piraeus & Islands
- Federation of Workers in Pharmaceutical Stores
- Trade union of professional accountants of Athens
- Students’ Association of the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens
- Students’ Association of the Faculty of Economy of the University of Athens
- Student’s Association of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Athens
- Student’s Association of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Athens
- Student’s Association of the Athens University Of Economics And Business
- Student’s Association of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
- Athens’ Committee for International Peace and Détente
- Labour Centre of Agrinio

The MEP of KKE Thanasis Pafilis has presented a question to the council.

Resolutions of solidarity and protest have been issued by
- The Greek Federation of State School Teachers of
SecondaryEducation (O.L.M.E.)
- the Federation of Greek Women (OGE)
- The Labor Center of Larissa
- The trade union of workers in provisioning and tourist industry of

Also the Municipal Council of Athens has decided to issue a resolution
in its next meeting.

Statements have been made by
- the famous Greek actor Costas Kazakos
- the ex-minister of justice Georgios -Alexandros Mangakis

Today, October 18th a delegation of the Campaign for Democratic Rights
and People's Liberties will remonstrate to the British embassy in

The delegation will be composed by Georgios -Alexandros Mangakis,
University Professor, former minister and MP, Antonis Skyllakos, MP,
Panagiotis Kritikos, former MP and first vice-chairman of the
parliament, Costas Kazakos, actor and stage direstor, Stratis Korakas
former MP and MEP, and the trade-unionists Christos Souleles, Dimitris
Souliotis and Maria Fragkiadaki.

author by comradepublication date Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

there was a korean connection there too. sure of it.

author by Felon setting - toutspublication date Wed Oct 19, 2005 14:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The ANC and PLO always used to be at WP conferences; maybe you want them in the frame as well.

author by Mepublication date Wed Oct 19, 2005 14:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The IMC issued a report today on paramilitaries on the island. Guess what - no mention of the OIRA.

author by pat cpublication date Wed Oct 19, 2005 14:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The ANC and PLO also attended Sinn Fein Ard Fheiseanna. I suppose going by the old WP taunts this would make them ProvoTrots or Provo Hushpuppies. Or might they just be UltraLefts?

If you are looking for Felon Setting then you will find that the WP has a fine history of such work.

But enough of this. The central point is that Sean Garland will not get a fair trial in the North. I might not think hes innocent, but I dont believe that undermining the US Economy is a crime. Sean Garland should not be extradited.

I reckon he should flee to the South; it would be much more difficult to extradite him to the US from this jurisdiction.

author by pat cpublication date Wed Oct 19, 2005 16:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The above should read: Sean Garland will not get a fair trial in the US.

author by Keithpublication date Fri Oct 21, 2005 15:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I urge all Irish people regardless of political persuasion who are against extradition to actively support the stop the extradition of Sean Garland Campaign . Don't just say you are and do nothing .Protest this Saturday 22 October at the Spire O'Connell street Dublin. If you don't live in Dublin organise a protest in your own area. We must protect this mans Human rights by doing so we are protecting our own.

author by Realistpublication date Fri Oct 21, 2005 16:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"I urge all Irish people regardless of political persuasion who are against extradition to actively support the stop the extradition of Sean Garland Campaign . Don't just say you are and do nothing ."

Ok Keith I respect the sentiments but come on it's not as easy as that life's a bit more nuanced. If this was simply a stop extradition to the US campaign you would see me but let's be honest when did you ever see Sean on a stop extraditon demo. I support the non-extradition of Sean but joining a demo with hypocrites, you'll have to convince me a bit more.

author by roosterpublication date Fri Oct 21, 2005 17:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Sean Garland will not get a fair trial in the North."

- so you say that he will not get a fair trial in the north, mainland UK or the US and of course Colombia is out of the question, so where would you suggest he is tried, which country in the World satisfies your stringent legal mind????

"I might not think hes innocent,"

-so his guilt is completely irrelevant?
if he's guilty we should be putting his old grey ass in a courtroom swiftly followed by prison.

"but I dont believe that undermining the US Economy is a crime."

-so its OK? perhaps you can draw us up a list of which countries it is OK to undermine financially!

"I reckon he should flee to the South; it would be much more difficult to extradite him to the US from this jurisdiction."

-the authorities in the south refused to extradite OTR's for 30 years why would we let him get even near the border?

author by pat cpublication date Sat Oct 22, 2005 15:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

some of your questions should really be directed at thw wp. i'm not exactly in love with that party.

however, given the pretrial publicity it is very likely that Sean Garland could get an order preventing his trial in the south, north or england. the same is not true of the us.

however the exradition laws in britain and the north are more stringent and theres a greater chance of him being extradied from there.

well i wouldnt consider undermining the Brit economy a crime either!

but the important thing is : where did the money go? to the OIRA? to the WP? or did SEan Garland and his cronies trouser it!

author by Rooneypublication date Sat Oct 22, 2005 20:37author address Nerwyauthor phone Report this post to the editors

The American government have chosen to take this elderly man and to proscute him. they have chosen this individual as he is a easy target to fit the crime. if we are to blame anyone should we not take it to the proper individuals at fault. This would be the Koreans, why has the American government chose not to do anything about them even though they are the corect individuals to blame. if they chose to take Shawn back to the states for proscution i feel we should go into americas past when they chose to steal the Native Americans land and drive them from their homes they should sort out their own past before trying to resolves Irelands. If we are to forget about the past in Ireland to resolve the Troubles why should we let America try to disturb it again. The Rooney Family against the extradition of Shawn. Newry.

author by RJSpublication date Sun Oct 23, 2005 06:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is an assumption in the thread that there is no smoke without fire.

We know well they're game of slur without evidence. Legend has it that LBJ (US pres from 63-69) once decided to put it about that a rval in the primaries had committed indecent acts with animals. His aides said something like "We can't do that. No one would believe it and, anyway, it is not true." Johnson replied, "I just want to hear him deny it."

We see the same with media leaks about republicans every month; no evidence, but the media falls for it, hook line and sinker. Carmen Prowetta (who witnessed the murder of the Gibraltar Three), George Galloway, Jean Charles de Menezes.

We also know about their fabricated evidence about WMD. There latest dossier has just been reported on indymedia.ie.

When it comes to making allegations against political threats, politicians in poewr have a track record that says two things - they should not be believed; and their motives would repay some investigation.

Why is the extradition being sought now? When i first seen the article, I immediately thought (as Eoin Harass), that the move was an indirect way of getting at the Labour Party and therefore, damaging prospects of an alternative government. A lot of old stickies in LP's leadership would have questions to answer (bad PR).

Whatever about counterfeit money, it has been about for some time now that the WP had sponsorshop from the USSR.

Evidence should be given to the DPP _if there is any_ - put up or shut up.

Fair trial in a US Federal Court? The circus itself is all that's needed for the desired effect of maintaining the current (pro-war, pro-torture, anti-DueProcess) government of Ireland.

author by Cynicpublication date Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sean Garland should not be extradited, he wont get a just trial. But only a very naive person would be unaware of the widespread criminality that WP/OIRA and their Chief of Staff have been involved in.

author by hmmmmmmmpublication date Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Think about it :-

a) He won't get a fair funeral.
b) He won't get fair obituaries.
c) He's not getting a plaque.
d) He didn't get an Ard Fheis mention.

"But only a very naive person would be unaware of the widespread criminality that FF and their favoured class of business men have been involved in."

author by Paul Little - IRSPpublication date Tue Oct 25, 2005 03:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Whilst I undoubtedly have political differences with Sean Garland and the Workers Party, like yourself many would damn me for even commenting on the plight of a sticky but I am clear Sean Garland should not be extradited at the behest of the USA.
The Free state governments response to the arrest of one of its citizens by a British government exposes once and for all the pretence of Irish Neutrality. People need to speak out against human rights abuses no matter where they occur. As much as it seems strange to speak in favour of your opponents wrong is wrong.
Seamus Costello understood the rights of the common citizen, thats what he fought for.
Stop the extradition of Sean Garland!

author by Maxpublication date Thu Oct 27, 2005 13:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Didn't George W. Bush recently make a comment to the effect "I'm not convinced by trial by media".

He was of course talking about his mate Karl Rove, not Sean Garland or George Galloway, but what's sauce for the goose is an acid bath for the gander.

author by Cynicpublication date Tue Nov 01, 2005 16:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Catching up with Sean Garland

Phoenix Magazine 21 October 2005
(This requires a paid sub to view online)

YOU can't help feeling sorry for Workers Party chief Sean Garland, arrested on a US extradition warrant, after being caught up in a web of international espionage where secret alliances change like hidden, shifting sands. Garland (70) is likely to die in a Federal jail if he is convicted for allegedly master-minding a $30 million forgery distribution operation in what the US Secret Service called North Korean super-dollars.

The timing of his arrest in Belfast is as interesting as the accusations. The WP denounced it as an attempt by US imperialism to strike a blow at the party on the eve of their annual conference because of their opposition to the Iraq war. The PSNI said they had arrested him at the first opportunity after receiving a US extradition request. But both stories are spin.

The Yanks are unconcerned with what the politically insignificant WP thinks about Iraq, while the Special Branch in Belfast knew, without acting, about Garland's alleged involvement in the super-dollar racket since at least 1999, when they set up a super-dollar surveillance operation in Downpatrick, Co. Down, at the request of the UK NCIS (National Criminal Intelligence Service).

More than likely they knew about it since 1994, when US and British security
authorities were informed by Garda HQ in July of that year that Garland's non-political associate, Skerries businessman turned white- collar criminal Hugh Todd, was arrested at Am Grafton Street with a briefcase full of forged super-dollars, a fake UK passport and a mobile phone which listed numerous calls to Garland. Court documents released in Washington last week show that US spy planes were specifically targeting Garland on trips to China and North Korea, monitoring his Irish 087 Vodafone calls to Madame Cao Xiaobing among others in 2001, an operation which could not have succeeded without co- operation from Dublin.

All this infonnation, now available in US court papers, proves that American, British and Irish security authorities were aware of Garland's alleged involvement in the super- dollars racket for years, without moving against him until now. The WP leader lived openly at Kentstown near Navan, commuted to his Dublin HQ and frequently visited The Devil's Den, a WP club in West Belfast.

Although he was named as "the head jolly" in the conspiracy by prosecuting counsel in the West Midlands trial of five minor figures, Garland seemed immune from attention.
For 30 years the Official Movement (which includes the still extant, still armed Official IRA) was an important British intelligence asset in the war against the Provisionals. It provided agents of political influence in trade unions, peace groups and the media. It also provided vital networks of infonnants in so-called denied areas of Belfast, Derry and the Border near Newry . Traditional infonners recruited through blackmail or greed were at risk of discovery and execution by the PIRA, but Stickie spies had immunity, because deportation or killing would provoke an armed feud which the Provos believed the British would exploit.

Like many senior RUC Special Branch officers who took their swift post-Patten departures as acts of treachery (and wrote acrimonious books and gave revealing media interviews), the spooks who may have been behind the WP funding have long gone. Perhaps someone in the CIA or MI6 believes the time has come to clear the books. But there may be a dozen other reasons why the super-dollar show is now back on the road.

Upheavals in the international world of secret intelligence following the Bush-Blair alliance against militant Islam, and changing security needs in Ireland after the peace process meant the Official Republican Movement, of which the WP is the above- ground component, was redundant.

author by joe mccannpublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 21:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is a very simple and compelling reason why no-one in the progressive wing of Irish politics should as much as lift a finger in Garland's defence - and it is that if the boot was on the other foot Garland would do much worse; in my case his henchmen tried to get me assassinated by Loyalists because I was exposing their criminality which apart from counterfeiting included running massage parlours with Loyalists, widespread theft and gangsterism and building site scams, one effect of which was to push down the wages of the building workers whose interests Garland and his ilk claimed to uphold - throughout all of this period the Sticks had the active help of the RUC Special Branch and were closely allied to the Northern Ireland Office which rewarded them by giving them drink licences for their clubs and lucrative contracts to building companies they were associated with; Garland and his mob were dishonest thugs who treated dissent or criticism with extreme violence. Personally I hope the fucker dies in an American jail and is gang-raped every night before his pathetic existence ends.

author by Black Potpublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 21:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Personally I hope the fucker dies in an American jail and is gang-raped every night before his pathetic existence ends."

I can see why someone would want you shot. You sound like a hypocritical scumbag thug yourself. Pity they didn't get you.

author by joe mccannpublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 22:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How little you know about the Sticks! You are what they would term 'a useful idiot' - Garland is someone who actually got people killed, I just wish upon him the same fate as he delivered to others, but alas I have no way of doing so - but he did and he didn't blink when he did it! I also think there is something wonderfully ironic in the fact that the people who are going to send him to an US jail are the same ones who succoured him and covered up for him when it suited them and him!

author by Billy - Nonepublication date Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you know Belfast at all you might be familiar with the many Provo drinkers like the Felons Club or the Ardoyne clubs run by the Provos. You might also remember the Rock Bar run by the IRSP. Are you saying thses organisations were all in league with the Northern Ireland Office and the RUC?

author by Barrypublication date Tue Nov 15, 2005 18:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The reason many clubs were built in the first place was because it simply wasnt safe to travel for a night out . And that catholic owned bars were targets .

The Felons club was physically built by former internees who subscribed money to it every week . Unlike the stickie clubs it was subject to frequent attempts by the state to put it out of business , the last one only a few years back .. Many "provo" clubs had their licenses revoked and the patrons simply brought their own drink . That has never happened yet to a stickie facility .

The Rock bar was always a family run public bar, not a club . Ive never once heard of the IRPS taking it over . Very doubtful indeed as most of its clientele would be sinn fein voters at least .

author by An batapublication date Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Another headache for Bertie and his cow-towing to US imperialism.
Garland has officially fled the north and won't be returning. US to seek his extradition here.

author by roosterpublication date Wed Nov 16, 2005 13:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

he stood in front of a judge and requested permission to be allowed to return to his home town for pre-planned medical treatment.
So, sorry to bursty your bubble he has not escaped he has only delayed his extradition.

author by An Batapublication date Wed Nov 16, 2005 13:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

US will seek Garland extradition from State
Seán O'Driscoll in New York

The US government will seek the extradition of Workers' Party president, Seán Garland, from the Republic of Ireland if he cannot be returned to Northern Ireland, a spokesman for the US attorney's office in Washington has said.

Mr Garland announced yesterday that he has fled to the Republic to avoid extradition proceedings on charges of distributing millions of counterfeit dollars on behalf of the North Korean government.


Related Link: http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/ireland/2005/1116/3147987154HM7GARLAND.html
author by roosterpublication date Thu Nov 17, 2005 00:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

But I do know that he requested permission in a northern court to get permission to travel south while released on bail, the judge gave him that permission and if he goes against those bail conditions then that will not look very good for him will it?

"Mr Garland announced yesterday that he has fled to the Republic"

author by roosterpublication date Thu Nov 17, 2005 00:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

now if you would be so kind to passing on seventy euros so I can access the link that would be nice.

author by Barrypublication date Thu Nov 17, 2005 00:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the individual you are arguing with while simulataneously trying to solicit funds from is not myself .

And no I cant help you either

author by Socialist Party Memberpublication date Thu Nov 17, 2005 01:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Socialist Party opposes the extradiction of Sean for all the obvious reasons that he will not get a fair trial and also what he is accused of is not something we would do or condone but nevertheless it isn't a "crime", unlike murdering 100,000 Iraqis which his accusers are guilty of committing.

author by Cynicpublication date Sat Nov 19, 2005 14:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why doesnt he flee to North Korea and take refuge there? I guss thats why the SP are supporting Sean Garland. They both think Noth Korea is a Workers State.

author by HP payerpublication date Sat Jan 14, 2006 16:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors


author by roosterpublication date Sun Jan 15, 2006 22:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

But, hey, we have a peace process now so he should be able to come home, right???

author by john andersonpublication date Sun Jan 22, 2006 02:32author email comets at aol dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

North korea has starved to death 2 million people and tortured to death over 1 million in their gulag's. You leftest scum deserve to die in the gulug's you defend. This leftest f--k deserves whatever we give him, face down in his pillow with a 12" black cock in his butt, welcome to america M.F. ps he is not going to cuba but will be tried and convicted in a regular court.

author by pat cpublication date Sun Jan 22, 2006 20:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the only "left" party which defends N Korea is the Workers party. also i would say that it has little to do with marxism: marx died in 1883. you can hardly blame him for what was done in his name afterwards.

author by roosterpublication date Mon Jan 23, 2006 00:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

dude, thats standard practice on this site, don't take it personally.

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