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What has become of Rossport?

category mayo | crime and justice | opinion/analysis author Tuesday October 04, 2005 21:50author by local - concerned Report this post to the editors



I am pleased the Rossport five have being released but I feel this is another side to this saga that’s remains untold. It regards the locals in Rossport who are under a constant cloud of intimidation these are people who may not support the Rossport 5 and who are being made uncomfortable and uneasy in their own home.
The locals can no longer take a stroll down the road, chat with a neigbour and this is not because of Shell this is because of pushy protestors and Rossport 5 supporters. This may be unintentionally but there are people in Rospport who no longer feel rossport is the place for them because of the threat they feel from anti-gas supporters which now outweighs the threat of any gas explosion because they are feeling this everyday for the last 6 months.
Locals can no longer stop and chat with a neighbour or drop into a house for a cup a tea there are eyes watching them and immediately they are under suspicion for these simple acts. What has the place come to it is no longer a community it is divided hell hole.

I am not writing this looking for a backlash or long lecture on the evils of Shell and how they have caused all this. I am simply bringing attention and making people aware their is more than the Rossport 5and their families suffering. I understand people’s right to protest and how they feel they are protecting the land and environment and this means more than the unease and intimidation locals feel right now.
However please take a minute and think how you would feel living in a place all your life but in the lat 6 months wishing you were anywhere but there right now. Imtimidation and bullying is widespread and increasing every day in Rossport. I don’t need anyone telling me this is not taking place I am living it and feeling it. It’s time the other side of this story was known and people are allowed to have their own opinions in Rossport.

author by Genuinepublication date Tue Oct 04, 2005 23:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You may well be a local resident but then again you could just as easily be a supporter of the mulit-national or a Fianna Failer. If you are genuine can you prove this in some way, if you are not happy to give your name and address.

author by readerpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 00:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

" Imtimidation and bullying is widespread and increasing every day in Rossport."
"It regards the locals in Rossport who are under a constant cloud of intimidation"
"I am living it and feeling it. It’s time the other side of this story was known and people are allowed to have their own opinions in Rossport."

Sorry, but to my ears you dont sound like a local resident of the Rossport community. The fact that you are referring the people living there as "locals" and not as our community, as in you being a part of it, makes me suspicious.

Can you give us any examples of said, harassment or intimidation? What was said, by whom, when, where?

If its time the other side of the story was known, why are you posting anonymously?

This is more than likely bullshit, unless there's some more evidence to support this claims then it should be deleted. It has never been raised as an issue in any other media, nor have I ever heard it from anyone else. More than likely a troll posing as someone from Mayo who is faking concern at a non-existent problem to cause arguments.

author by nearlylocalpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 00:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Was "LOCAL" asleep with the rest of ROSSPORT (with a few exceptions) when the "FIVE" returned home on Sunday night.

A little support from the local people they have served so well, so far, would not be to much to ask!

Does "Local" really understand the long term impact of ignoring these protests?

author by Ivan Hpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 01:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Having dealt with the hugely-funded and ruthless PR operations of Shell and other large companies, I think it's quite possible that this was posted by someone working for (or a friend of someone working for) Shell.
Unfortunately a spineless or lazy (or both) journalist from the Sunday Independent or other ethics-free publication will probably use the above posting as evidence of a campaign of intimidation and bullying in Rossport.
In fact it's a great little trick for lazy journalists: anonymously post about a made-up scenario and then report on it in your newspaper.
The lack of examples is a good indicator that this is fictional.

author by Paul O'Cpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 01:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Cartoon by "Polyp"


author by Paul O'Cpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 01:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Polyp again


author by IFpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Genuine.....where is your name and address?

Moving on slightly - i want to know why the onjectors will not participate in the safety review of the project. they spent ninety something days in prison on the grounds that they had health and safety concerns and now they wont involve themselves in the safety Review - seems odd to me!

author by Timpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I've spent a few weekends up there, at the solidarity camp, and I've met some of the people in some of the pubs too.

I've never encountered any of the supporters being pushy, never mind intimidating.
In the pubs, everyone was friendly, and I don't know if all those people supported us or not, cos we weren't trying to shove it down their throats, 'cos we were just socialising and relaxing. They knew their neighbours, and what was going on, and some of them raised the topic with us, in support, although some reckoned "you'll never beat the government", but admired the people who were taking a stand.

I heard that there are people who thought that the terminal might bring more work and business if it's built at Ballinaboy, some were hoping to have B&B business for the short time that the construction team might be in.
But, everyone I spoke to said that this was short-sighted, and that more jobs would be created from having offshore terminals. There are differences of opinions, to be sure, but no suggestions of going round with flaming sods of turf, spitting at their kids.
So is the suggestion that it is intimidating to no longer feel yourself to be in the majority in terms of opinion? Thicker skin needed, methinks...

To me this reads a lot like an editorial that Brendan Halligan did in the Limerick Leader some time back. He said he had received a letter from a local woman who said she felt intimidated by the fact that she supported the war and loved America, but that there were people handing out leaflets...

Of course, he said she was too afraid to allow him publish her letter... I reckon he just made it up as a poor substitute for a moral or journalistic position. (He was always against the peace camp, but his other arguments had fallen apart)

You can read it at the link below. See how there is no proof at all to back it up, just like the posting above. The only difference being, that one is an editorial in a profitable newspaper, but the same anonymous attempt to present protestors as a mob of thugs for standing up against unrestrained greed and power.

Expect a similar posting or letter the next time that another campaign catches the public's attention and breaks through the narrow paramaters that the government (and other vested interests) try to put on the debate.

Kevin Myer's scrawl yesterday was a prime example... half truths.... yes the men were jailed for contempt, but then Myers pretends ignorance as to the sources of some of the claims regarding the pipeline (as if the people of Rossport haven't done their research, haven't been publishing it, with the sources referenced). he prefers to downplay it all, look, these people are misguided, and don't really understand it. Perhaps the bogmen and women are simply superstitious about pipes the same way that an isolated amazonian tribe might be about a harmless battery powered radio...
sorry lads, but the horse has bolted on this one... trying to keep the floodwaters of truth back by using soggy fabrication won't really do the job.

Related Link: http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=22335
author by Niall - Shell to Seapublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Paul, could you email me those cartoons full size please?

author by Tpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is the typical sort of tactics that the operatives of PR organisations who do work for the likes of criminal outfits like Shell. There is a long history of underhand tactics and most of these PR companies which are actually quite subversive are full of ex-intelligence service people that were quite high up in these organisations. They bring with them all the knowhow, subversion techniques and contacts with them. You can also be quite sure they retain the abilities to 'tap' back into the huge quantity of information held by intelligence agencies and of course they do a lot of their own work there too.

It all seems superficially half concerned and sincere, but there nothing could be further from the truth here. It is such a load of nonesense to suggest that local people feel intimidated. The implication is that Shell are not intimidating.

So 'local' if you are geniune which I doubt, why don't you take a visit to Nigeria and see what it's really like to be intimidated or if you can't do that, go and talk to some Nigerians who have lived under the terror imposed on their lives and communities by Shell. Why don't you get it into your head 'local' that Shell's record around the world show them to be a terrorist organisation, because they use terror and intimidation to achieve political ends that serve to increase their bottom line. The same goes for many other multi-national corporations.

author by Ciaránpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I agree that the above is probably a PR hack out to muddy the waters and confuse the gullible.

But another aspect of the whole contempt of court business and the so-called "rule of law" is serving to undermine completely the Irish Times led assualt on the men's integrity.

A few weeks prior to the Rossport 5 case that resulted in the jailing of the five men there was a case where a Ryanair pilot applied to have Michael O'Leary jailed for contempt of court for, I think, breaching an injunction. In that case the judge was in obvious agony, and postponed making the decision for a couple of weeks in the hope that some agreement could be reached with the two parties. It eventually was and, unfortunately, Michael O'Leary remained at large.

My question is: why were the courts so quick to jail the Rossport 5 and so reticent to jail Michael O'Leary? Both were ostensibly "guilty" of contempt of court and yet both were treated in drastically different ways. The so-called "rule of law" that is exercising Mr. Myers and his superiors at the Times should surely strive to treat all breaches of the contempt rules with equal severity - but it appears that Michael O'leary was given much greater consideration by the courts than the Rossport 5. Can a legal eagle try to provide some light?

author by Lee Gheleeglepublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

jailing O'Leary would have interfered with a large business, Ryanair, and made a powerful enemy for the government.

Jailing a few farmers was not expected to cause as much trouble (shur who'd support a bunch of farmers from the back of beyond???)

Of course lots of people backed the five men, their families and their community and will continue to back them until the fight is over.
Getting the men out was a partial victory, and a boost for morale, but the govt spin doctors and Shell hope that it can be portrayed as the end of the trouble.

wrong again Gombeens....

author by Shipseapublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 13:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As soon as we heard they were to be released the first thought in everyone's mind should have been 'what will the price of this be'? Shell etc were losing the PR war over the 5. So long as the men were in jail they looked like bullies so they had no choice but to climb down. But rest assured Shell and FF are angry about it and more determined to railroad this through than ever. FF never learn lessons, bullying is the only answer they have to getting their own way in the face of opposition. Releasing the men will have been part of a bigger strategy for dealing with the situation, no doubt.

The attitude now will be something like ' right you little squirts, youve had your day in court, now fuck off and stop annoying us - anymore from you and we'll show you who's boss'.

The previous poster referred to the Irish Times led assault on the integrity of the men. Expect a lot more of this and a lot of even dirtier carry on behind the scenes. We can probably expect more surprise announcements too. An observable pattern in the way FF evade public scrutiny and force things through is by setting sudden deadlines that leave no time for a proper resonse. The issue itself gets lost in the protest about due process. And then people drift away, defeated and angry. Over and over again you can see that happening. Lets hope the 5 and their supporters are ready for it, this time. The safety review is a sham and should be exposed for what it is - the otucome of that needs to be well prepared for. It really needs to be discredited now and not after the fact.

author by Local of Rossportpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 18:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I too am a "local" of Rossport and in recent months it has saddened me to see what has become of the village of Rossport. To see poeple that have grown up together all their lives now in dividend camps and threatened by the supporters of Shell is very sad. All of the above is true and if you are looking for examples of such please go and ask "The Rossport 5". I wish to thank the concerned local above for drawing peoples attention to this fact......

author by Local back againpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 19:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A PR stunt blaming shell again! ……….. Shell is not to blame for everything that happens in Rossport. You think I would put my name and details to this are you crazy? And have family and friends intimidated and bothered even more.
Once again because you don’t like what I write and ye are unwilling to acknowledge my point you completely disregard it and once again unleash a backlash of sarcastic comments when I am stating a genuine problem in Rossport. This is typical of what goes on in rossport everyday for us not supportive of the Rossport 5.
Do you think I would make this up? I wish I was half as devious and small minded as you try to make me out to be. I could name incidents and occasions of bullying (actually I could name a lot of them) but this would only draw attention to my neighbors who have suffered who do not want the attention. You know once upon a time in Rossport people were allowed to live there lives without people demanding to know their stance on issues or why they had spoken to that neighbour and what about .
Tim… I agree with some of your point’s yes some neighbours accept what you are doing in the village and support that you are trying to take a stand against shell and the government. But you have to remember you agree with the Ross port 5 you support them so you don’t know how it feels and how you are under suspicion when you don’t. Just read the replies to my piece immediately I am accused of being some shit stirring journalist or an employee of shell. I am none of these I am a local and as I simply stated before I am just drawing attention to another side of the saga.

author by Miriam Cottonpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 19:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you have a genuine case, then you should be prepared to state that case openly and plainly - just as the Rossport 5 have done. You are attempting to smear the reputation of their campaign and of their supporters on what is nothing more than hearsay. You expect us to believe you - an anonymous contributor making serious allegations without any evidence whatsoever to back them up, and then you act as if it was a 'backlash' when people quite rightly point to the gaps in your argument. If the tables were turned you'd be shouting louder than anyone, I suspect.

Unless or until you provide us with something concrete, then your comments will have to be disregarded in fairness to the people maligned by them.

author by Jesspublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 22:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A local to Rossport, who found a voice on indymedia, but not anywhere else... not the local papers, not the local radio...

and you can't name a single incident that would verify your statement? how very, very convenient...

anonymous posting is one thing, but asking us to take everything on faith is too much...

If you can't give your name, give dates and places where intimidation occured. Which terrible anti-Shell gargoyles were involved? Surely, you must be able to identify some of them? They're not anonymous.

author by marthapublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 23:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

fair play to you local., but i think you might as well be talking to a bunch of flowers, that are just there waving in the wind in the fields of Rossport! These intimidators who try to inflict their view point on others , cant understand how local people can have their own views. we're all glad the Rossport 5 were released, but they were imprisoned for breaking the law and not for standing up for me or anyone else in this village, why cant ye protesters leave it at that and stop making martyrs of them. aLSO WILL SOMEONE PLEASE,PLEASE TELL THOSE STILL IN THE TRAILER , THAT THE ROSSPORT 5 HAVE BEEN RELEASED. YE CAN NOW GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!

author by Niall - Shell to Seapublication date Wed Oct 05, 2005 23:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

... don't you know why they're still there in the trailor? No-one's goin nowhere till Shell go to Sea.

author by teejaypublication date Thu Oct 06, 2005 13:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

this article started off with a fairly clever trick, and now it's just name calling.

"intimidators trying to inflict their opinions"
that's pretty poor effort.

You're not gonna make it into the Troll hall of fame unless you pull your socks up and write something more solid than that!

author by Aiden McGrath - Nonepublication date Sun Oct 09, 2005 17:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Any Person or persons feeling intimidated by the protests in Rossport and all over the country should not look to blame this on anyone other than themselves. This nervous feeling of intimidation is more than likely a figment of their own imagination brought on by their own guilt and shame.
Guilt and shortsightedness for selling their land to gain a financial profit. Shame for the fact that they too proud to admit that they were wrong. Sorrow because they have asisted in endangering the lives of their children their community.If you to insist on using this medium to spout unfounded alligations of intimdation I would appreciate if you would grow some vertibrey around that spinal cord and use your name.

Yours Sincerely

Aiden McGrath

author by another localpublication date Mon Oct 10, 2005 00:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

since when did you start worrying about Rossport? and how do you know that people have'nt been bullied in one way or another? I'm not the local who commented earlier, however I agree with that person. they are correct in stating that intimidation is widespread! and who in their right mind would give their name on this site, do you want peoples homes bombarded with bottles!!!!!! maybe you think you have all the answers as two of your uncles were part of the so called Rossport5. grow yourself some spine mate and cop on !! we live in a free state and we the people are intitled to air our views if we want.

author by DV8publication date Wed Oct 12, 2005 18:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

12 October 2005 16:52
A retired US Navy officer with expertise in explosives has told a hearing into the safety of the onshore pipeline from the Corrib Gas field that if the pipeline were to rupture, the ensuing explosion would kill anyone within a mile radius.


Related Link: http://www.rte.ie/news/2005/1012/mayo.html
author by Bernadette - Rossport Residentpublication date Tue Mar 14, 2006 00:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wake up and smell the Gas. Open your eyes and look out the window, do you actually see anything, probably not. Take some time to think about what we have in Rossport and what we stand to loose. You are probably someone who never walks along the beach or have never seen the seals come up the bay in the summer.Don't appreciate the beautiful views, the sound of the sea, the safety for our children, the freedom for our children, I could go on and on. But I would be wasting time and energy on a lost cause, as they say you wont appreciate something until its gone, shame on you. If you have something to say thats worth saying at least put your name to it. My suggestion to you is to move to a big smog filled city and position yourself in a highrise somewhere, Rossport is too good for you. I was very fortunate to have enjoyed a wonderful safe, carefree childhood in Rossport and intend to allow my children to do the same. So go away and grow up and then maybe just maybe you too will deserve the gift of ROSSPORT too. There are some things money cannot buy, we,ve got one of them on our doorstep lets be grown up enough to appreciate it any fight for it.

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