Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
New Orleans Night for Common Ground,
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event notice
Sunday September 25, 2005 19:48
by Liz Curry - Dublin South FM
keykiet at yahoo dot com

Voodoo Lounge, Arran Quay, 8pm-12
New Orleans Night. Tues. Oct. 4th The Voodoo Lounge 8-12. Music starts at 8:30 sharp. Entrance 8 euros or by donation. Tickets at the door. Benefit for Common Ground Community Clinic, Algiers, New Orleans.
The lineup is
Prison Love Bluegrass www.prisonlove.info
The Mongrels http://www.eofeasa.ie/goodgigs/themongrels/The_Mongrels.htm
Joan Enguita Country/Blues - California www.joanenguita.com
Ross Breen 1920s jazz www.rossbreen.com
Jerome Poirier Skat and double bass - France. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jeromepoirier/Selection/
Colin Scallan Blues/Rock/Funk http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/129/about.php
In association with local radio station, Dublin South FM, I am organizing a benefit night for Common Ground, a grassroots community group, based in Algiers in New Orleans which has been organizing throughout Hurricane Katrina & is setting up a permanent community clinic.This event is about community helping community, solidarity not charity.
The gig will take place in The Voodoo Lounge on Arran Quay in Dublin city centre from 8pm on Tues. Oct. 4th. Suggested donation at the door is 8 euro, or what people can give. It will be a New Orleans Night with Jazz, Blues, Bluegrass and Irish music. Links to Common Ground and more details are below.Please spread the word, it'll be a great night of blues, jazz, bluegrass and more.
Liz Curry
Common Ground
Volunteers from all over the U.S. including Food Not Bombs, are working with Common Ground to provide healthcare, food and basic necessities in the worst hit areas of New Orleans. Common Ground wants to keep the clinic going as a permanent community clinic. They need more medics, volunteers ,supplies and donations. See www.neworleansindymedia.org for updates, www.commongroundrelief.org for details & volunteer's stories www.realreports.blogspot.com
www.democracynow.org for an interview with Malik Rahim, a veteran of the Black Panther Party & New Orleans community activist whose house in Algiers is a centre for relief operations.
Supplies Common Ground is currently delivering large quantities of both food and hygiene supplies to those in the Algiers area and beyond, including areas that remain unvisited by traditional support organizations. We are in need of basic supplies like toothpaste, shampoo, etc., as well as safety gear like rubber boots and mold/pollen-strength dust masks.If you would like to send supplies directly to the Common Ground group, please use the following Post Office box:
Common Ground
P.O. Box 3216
Gretna, LA 70054
Keep in mind that while we can receive reasonably-sized packages at this special, temporary PO BOX, larger donations should be shipped in directly to one of Common Ground's community relief centers. Please send an short, informative email to [email protected] to arrange your donation today.
Direct Monetary Contributions
If you would like to send cheques, please make them payable to:
Common Ground
P.O. Box 3216
Gretna, LA 70054