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Make Partition History!

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Tuesday September 20, 2005 15:40author by Bara Report this post to the editors

What are you talking about?

Here is a recent quote by the spokesperson of the Zapatista National Liberation Army, whom I consider to be one of the most progressive current forces in the world that form a radical new anti-imperialist liberation movement, based on creative and open nationalism and socialism.

Their current and successful efforts, specifically engage with the issues regarding National Unity, while forcefully resisting their oppressors. Therefore, I include these words by Marcos, sub-commandant of the EZLN of Chiapas.
They are most appropriate words of reference for anyone considering fighting for such a thing as they are - for such a thing as a United and Free Ireland.

“The unity we need is not the one to which we’re accustomed, unity as hegemony and homogeneity. Someone who wins and leads all the others and makes them equal.
In that unity, someone wins and someone loses, but not the one who should lose, the one above.
Building unity with a thirst for hegemony and homogeneity is condemned to failure.”
- End of quote.

So, is it only (not meaning to belittle the goal) getting rid of the direct British control in the six occupied counties, that Republicans see as a United Ireland? That they will then be united in the same capitalist social system that exists in the Republic today governed by Dail Eireann?

I think a lot of so called Republicans actually see no further than this, for what they claim will be a united Ireland, including Gerry Adams by evidence of his wishy-washy statement about what this ‘make patition history’ campaign is about.

They don’t actually envisage the same United Ireland which Republicanism set out for; the age-old nationalist agenda merged with a crucial socialist agenda, that was the Republicanism developed from Fenianism which was developed from aspirations to the old Irish Clan system which like socialism was founded on common property and so on.

Then what’s the big fuss about? apart from getting rid of the Brits government in the North, which will be great, then it’s just a bigger Irish Republic of capitalists, living under the same bad system of government. Ok, it will also be more aesthetically pleasing to the eye when observing the Irish Republic as a unified mass of green land surrounded by the blue waters. Is that it? Wow, big deal for humanity! What a freedom that Republican fight was for!
No! That’s not what the fight and the suffering and the deaths of great Irish people were for, not by a long shot!

The southern Republic which Northern Republicans and Nationalists want to amalgamate with has been since its establishment, governed by a carbon copy parliamentary system of Westminister, governed by a parliament that has not been representative of Republicans and has criminalised Republicans like the British have over the years, criminalising them in the same non-jury courts.

So, as the main Republican and Nationalist political party, Sinn Fein, settles itself snugly into the imperial-leather parliamentary seats in Stormont and Dail Eireann – what the hell are they at? They don’t have a plan! Why do they not promote a clear picture of their United Ireland instead of it being an enigma to all?

Well, judge Sinn Fein by their actions, by their comfortableness sitting on the fence. Judge them by their selfishness and lack of humanitarian unity - as demonstrated when they met with Bush and Blair to discuss the peace process at the time they were invading Iraq – the most blatant propaganda stunt imaginable made successful due to Gerry Adams and his party.

Judge the Sinn Fein leadership by their inability to share, as to whether they are for a sharing united Irish society; have they shared leadership of Sinn Fein over the years – No! It’s the same cronies at the top holding the reins, who wont trust anyone else to take control. They own Republicanism, it’s Gerry and Martin’s dream machine.

It has always been Sinn Fein policy to discuss things behind closed doors and leave people guessing until the last minute, which was a necessary security policy at times but which has resulted in a blind following. What is their strategy now while seated in parliament with the enemy, because of the growth of a new support base who haven’t a clue about the age-old Republican goal of a nationalist socialist Republic? They are using Republicanism to further their own interests but it is not the same cause.

Yes they may give some representation to Republicans now in the Dail and Stormont, so what? Will that bring about change? Do their supporters not realise that these parliaments are designed to forbid the opposition win changes over the party in government, to forbid topics being raised which have been deemed by the government appointed Chairman or Ceann Comhairle to be out of order, and so on with their parliamentary house rules, to ensure the status quo control.

Has the politics taken place in those parliaments ever brought about the social change we wanted? The politics of Dail Eireann through the successive governments of the southern people, have embraced the neo-colonial (socio-political-military-industrial) system of united western nations, to allow Irish people work and live as part of it. So yes Irish people have become materialistically richer, and more because of their own labour efforts than because of the politicians guidance of society into capitalism.

I’m not suggesting this growth in wealth has not taken place, I’m not suggesting people in the Republic in the 80’s were not suffering from poverty and that they don’t thank Fianna Fail for saving them then. However, that’s specific to that time, and of course under a different government from the start, things may not have ever got as bad as they did in the 80’s, but those arguments aside… Republicanism is supposed to be about something these parliaments will never offer – securing the social change we want.

For Republicans to trumpet calls for a United Ireland they must explain exactly what they mean by it. Otherwise call on! for a Brown or a Pink Ireland! it makes as much sense. If Republicans cannot be united themselves on Republican principles they how are they to define unity for the diverse Irish society of today. Sinn Fein already named their campaign as a call to ‘End Partition’ as opposed to the traditional Republican call for a ‘United Ireland’ which encompassed so much more to so many more Republicans.

Sinn Fein try to lay claim to being the 100 yr party, as if no changes had taken place to it.
I’m not surprised if their new supporters believe this because Sinn Fein aren’t the party to educate them in what Republicanism is really about.
Republican Sinn Fein have not developed dramatically like Sinn Fein but that doesn’t deny that serious party split and change in the ‘100 yr party’. Forget those who want to rewrite history to their own advantage.

Republicans! Educate yourselves! Create your own views! Take the lead! That’s your way forward as currently you face a most depressing situation but if you believe in yourselves that you are fighting for the same humanitarian causes that Irish people have always been fighting for under various banners, then what Republicanism has become will not hinder you.

Do not blindly accept that Sinn Fein are Republicans unchanged in 100 years – it’s a lie that anyone with basic knowledge and intelligence can see, so challenge them and confront them and question them – if they are your political party. Sinn Fein can claim to own Republicanism, it’s politics and the IRA, but that’s a pathetic claim, as the past and future will prove.

Seek out other Republicans with different views to Sinn Fein. Do your own Republican studies and exercises. Find unity with other revolutionary activists no matter what their banner - who are fighting for the same humanitarian concerns.

See how much closer that will bring you towards realising the true humanitarian goal of a United Ireland - a New Ireland! A successful and influential society of multicultural people who will proudly fight on for global unity and humanity.


author by Barrypublication date Fri Sep 23, 2005 00:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A peoples sovereignty must extend to the peoples ownership of their national resources . A united Irish state must be totally accountable to its citizens , serving their interests first and foremost and not foreign powers and capital . Gerry Adams is no Hugo Chavez and never will be .

The Sinn Fein leadership arent even accountable to their own membership and brook no dissent . Their actions surrounding the Shannon warport situation shows that when it comes to the crunch they will alow Ireland to be used by the same forces whom they refuse to confront or condemn .
This is despite the good showing by grass roots sinn fein members in opposition to this and the Rossport situation on the ground . Why they continue to support a leadership whose personal stance is in practice totally opposed to their own honest beliefs is both a mystery and a tragedy . How long will this farce last ?

Adams and McGuiness will back the water charges too , just as theyve backed the PFI and will sign up to the PSNI .

A mere extension of the corrupt free state over the entire nation is not a worthy ideal , never mind even a workable scenario . The free states attitude to accomodating diversity among its citizens is pathetic . Its aproach to northern protestants since 1922 has been to regard them as foreigners , and this approach is continuous with its decision to regard children of immigrants born here as exactly the same . Born in our nation but foreigners nontheless .
The southern state , despite its material trappings of wealth , places no great importance on either its citizens interests , its sovereignty or the rights of its citizens to ownership of the island and its resources . The state was , remember , founded by a foreign power , with an oath of allegiance to its monarch . The British standard model of government was adopted as the state model and continued to serve other interests rather than the Irish people .
A 32 county state which is still in the pocket of foreign capital and government isnt worth fighting or protesting for .
An unpartitioned island which still sends Mayo farmers to jail for defying Shell , which still allows the US to use it as an aircraft carrier and facilitates torturers , and who turns a blind eye to the murder of its own citizens by British intelligence is not a republican ideal .
However the much vaunted "pragmatism" of the Sinn Fein leadership has shown that they are utterly incapable of standing up to either the British or US admistrations . Every time they cave or suck up to them its either presented as a cunning ploy or simply not mentioned at all . No dissent allowed .

Any worthwhile republican concept of full Irish sovereignty must include the ownership of Ireland by the people of Ireland , not Shell , the US government or the Westminster and Stormont Parliaments . Irish sovereignty and control of Irish affairs must be the preserve of Irish citizens and accountable firstly to Irish citizens . All children of this nation no matter what their religion , gender , sexuality or ethnic background must cherished equally .

Every single institution of the southern state , Leinster House , its judiciary , its constitution , media and its armed agencies refuses to recognise these republican ideals which are explicit in our 1916 proclamation .
Any state which cant live up to these ideals is not one which republicans can ever support or afford legitimacy .

The MPH rally is every bit a PR stunt as Bono and Geldofs , empty promises and slogans by powerful hypocrites . This is certainly not to say that those attending are not personally committed to republican ideals , far from it . Perhaps a contribution they could actually make to a worthwhile ideal is to remember their leaderships slogans and promises and actually hold them accountable to it . If they feel disempowered to the extent that this simply isnt an option then the obvious solution is to seek out other republicans who are actually accountable to what their orgainisations membership tells them to do .

author by observer2publication date Sat Sep 24, 2005 18:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Everything Barry says about the treatment of southern prods since 1922 is true.It is good to see a more balanced approach towards the history of this island as opposed to the revisionist crap that has been fed to us by "the republican parties".

author by kpublication date Sat Sep 24, 2005 18:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here's some low-res pix from the mobile (sorry, wasnt bothered bringing a proper camera around town with me all day) from the start of the MPH (tee hee) march. There was a big enough crowd at this, maybe four or five thousand. I think it swelled in numbers as it went down O'Connell St, hoovering up Kerry and Tyrone fans off the paths.

Some people had made a good effort to make it a visual protest/rally. One group, mostly people in their early 20's, were dressed up in Michael Collins-style uniforms, and were drilling with wooden guns. A truck carried a small float of a fake British Army sangar/outpost, complete with camouflaged up paras in the back, pointing their guns at the crowd of nationalists behind them. There was a Japanese film crew from a TV news station there making a documentary.

Drilling exercises in Parnell Square West
Drilling exercises in Parnell Square West

Inspecting the troops
Inspecting the troops

Spirit of 1916 banner
Spirit of 1916 banner

Wooden rifles.
Wooden rifles.

Mobile British Army outpost in Dublin (later on was mortared)
Mobile British Army outpost in Dublin (later on was mortared)

author by .publication date Sat Sep 24, 2005 18:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Again, sorry for the shit quality.

Fack off Paddy
Fack off Paddy

"Shoot the one with the Celtic jersey on!" "Which one? There's too many of them..."
"Shoot the one with the Celtic jersey on!" "Which one? There's too many of them..."

author by Bean counterpublication date Sat Sep 24, 2005 20:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just 4,000 is a very disappointing turnout given the huge amounts of work and other resources that went into this.

author by republicanpublication date Sun Sep 25, 2005 19:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the provos are surrendering their weapons to their british rulers and signing up to the british police service . who wants to turn up and hear Adams tell lies about opposing partition ?

Jesus , to look at the grins on the faces of those idiots with their toy guns after reading those links about the Loughall engagement , my stomach turns . Adams and co are joining the very people who shot those men dead .

A prophetic sight , sinn fein members in British uniforms with guns pointing at Irish citizens . In a few months time it wont be a float on a parade , itll be a reality .

Dirty f###ing bastards . Not difficult to figure out who set those republican soldiers up to be wiped out now Adams and co are showing their real nature .

Sick to my stomach .

author by observer2publication date Sun Sep 25, 2005 20:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just announced that all arms dumps north and south have been decomissioned.

Well the ones they know about anyway!!!Ha Ha Ha.

author by Badmanpublication date Sun Sep 25, 2005 21:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Amazing timing of events. They announce that they have decomissioned their arms the day after the Make Partition History March and, as far as I can tell, at almost precisely the moment that Tyrone won the All-Ireland.

It's almost as if they are deliberately trying to bury the announcement under a blanket of nationalist flag-waving rhetoric. But, no, I'd say it's just a coincidence.

* returns to waving tricolour, singing the four green fields and drinking his pint *

author by Observer2publication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 02:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The P.I.R.A are long since decommissioned anyway, so this announcement only confirms the end of P.I.R.A as an organisation of armed resistance. The can now continue to march dressed in freestate uniforms and drill with wooden guns. Slan.

author by Flute Bandpublication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 15:29author address phone Report this post to the editors

I don't know where people are getting their figures from but there was certainly a lot more that 5,000 at this march.
The whole event went very well and was well planned with an excellent variety of acts.

Well done to all involved.

author by iosafpublication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 16:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

thanks. I agree with a lot of points you made, & thats not just coz I'm a zapatista. At present most strategies to create a unified ireland are based on mostly american economic or cultural ideologies and not on the basis of how best our very diverse people may progress to the future as a European nation, state and republic :-)

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