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Iraq : Recent FAQ

category international | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Tuesday August 30, 2005 18:41author by Jim Report this post to the editors

Questions Answered

The following are typical recent questions asked about the Iraq War

Answering 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Iraq
1) Some people are saying that Iraq's Constitution will lead to a theocracy. Is that true? Religion does play a more substantial role in Iraq's Constitution than it does in our Constitution here in the United States. However, not only does the Iraqi Constitution not create a theocracy, it has numerous clauses that guarantee the religious rights & freedoms of all Iraqis. For example:

Article (2): (b) No law can be passed that contradicts the principles of democracy.

(c) No law can be passed that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms outlined in this constitution.

2nd -- This constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and the full religious rights for all individuals and the freedom of creed and religious practices like (Christians, Yazidis, Sabaean Mandeans.)

Article (14): Iraqis are equal before the law without discrimination because of sex, ethnicity, nationality, origin, color, religion, sect, belief, opinion or social or economic status.

Article (41): 1st -- The followers of every religion and sect are free in:

(a) the practice of their religious rites, including the Husseiniya Rites (Editors Note: these are Shiite rites.) (b) the administration of religious endowments and their affairs and their religious institutions, and this will be organized by law.

2nd -- The state guarantees freedom of worship and the protection of its places.

The Constitution also condemns terrorism, guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and property rights. It may not be a perfect document, but in many ways it's better than many people may have expected.

2) Well, if it's a pretty good Constitution, why aren't the Sunnis on board?

The chief complaint the Sunnis negotiators have had is over Federalism. They fear that Federalism could be a prelude to the country breaking up. If that were to happen, the Sunnis would be left in the lurch because the oil is in regions largely inhabited by Shias and Kurds.

3) So, since the Sunnis oppose the Constitution, does that mean it will be voted down in October?

In October, there will be a referendum on the Constitution and if 2/3rds of the voters in 3 or more of Iraq's 18 provinces vote against the Constitution, it will be rejected. Sunnis hold a majority in 3 or 4 provinces, depending on who you believe.

Does that mean all those provinces will reject the Constitution? Not necessarily.

To begin with, as U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad has pointed out -- Sunnis may not feel free to openly speak out in favor of the Constitution because of terrorist threats:

"You heard some (Sunnis) say that they like the document, but if they openly support it, their lives could be at risk"

That means the public opposition to the Constitution we're hearing from the Sunnis right now may be overstated and the support for the document may be significantly understated.

Moreover, we must keep in mind that even though Sunnis may make up a majority in 3-4 provinces, not all of them will vote against the Constitution. When you also consider that any Kurds and Shias in those provinces are expected to vote overwhelmingly for the Constitution, it may be difficult to get 67% of a province to vote "nay".

Furthermore, it's possible that the Sunni negotiators don't necessarily represent the views of the Sunni population that well. For example, a poll of Iraqis done by a NGO called "The Civil Alliance For Free Elections": "showed that 78% of participants support a federal state while 22% preferred a state based on a strong central government." That means Federalism, which is supposed to be a big sticking point for Sunnis, may actually be a selling point.

On the other hand, since Sunnis didn't heavily participate in the January elections, but are registering to vote in great numbers today, it may be possible that they will want the Constitution to be scrapped because they believe they'll have more input into a 2nd version.

The long and short of it is that it's very hard to say whether the Iraqi Constitution will be approved in October at this point.

4) What happens if the Constitution is rejected by the Iraqi people in October?

Basically, they start the process all over again:

"The National Assembly will be dissolved, and elections for a second transitional National Assembly will be held by December 15. The new assembly will appoint a new transitional prime minister and government, and the drafting process will start again. A second constitutional draft must be completed by August 15, 2006, after which another referendum will be held. If the new draft is ratified, a permanent government will be seated by the end of 2006. The TAL is silent on what happens if the second draft fails."

5) Would it be a significant setback for the US if the Constitution were rejected by the Iraqis?

Yes, it would be a significant setback since we're hoping that getting more Iraqis involved in the political process and the elections currently scheduled for Dec 15 of this year will help reduce frustration and violence in the country.

On the other hand, it wouldn't be the end of the world if the Constitution were rejected. As long as the US can continue to keep moving forward in training the Iraqis to police their own country, there's no reason why we can't keep progressing towards victory.

6) What is "victory" in Iraq?:

Replacing Saddam Hussein with a democratic government that is capable of handling its own internal security.

7) Do US forces have to destroy the insurgency to win?

No. As we've seen in Israel, India, Spain, Britain, and many other countries, terrorism alone isn't enough to topple a Democratic government and allow the terrorists to takeover. At some point, the terrorists would need an army capable of taking and holding territory. That's a problem for the terrorists because even if they were able to concentrate their forces in order to take cities, they couldn't hold their gains. After Fallujah and the crushing of Muqtada al-Sadr's uprising, that has been proven.

And given: "that the U.S. expects to have 275,000 Iraqi policemen and soldiers trained and equipped and organized into effective units" by June 2006, things are only going to be getting more difficult for the terrorists in the future.

8) Well, why aren't all these troops trained already?

What's the hold up? Keep in mind that Iraq's army under Saddam Hussein was dominated from top to bottom by Sunni loyalists. Because of that, the army had to be disbanded in order to make sure that they wouldn't end up being a threat to the government (although some members of the army have been vetted and brought back into the fold).

So essentially, we started almost from scratch, training ordinary Iraqis with little experience for police and military jobs. Add to that the difficulties of our different cultures, the troubling and violent conditions, and the fact that we had to train the officers as well, and it has been slow going.

But just because it has been "slow going" doesn't mean that there hasn't been enormous progress. As Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus pointed out earlier this month:

"...more than 110 Iraqi police and army combat battalions are "in the fight" -- a total of 178,000 trained and equipped forces -- a vast increase since a U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein.

Pentagon officials, quoted in an August news article on the Defense Department Web site, said "this time last year, only one battalion was trained and equipped well enough to assist coalition forces."

9) Ok, so the Iraqis are making progress. What does that mean for our troops? When can they start to come home?

The President has refused to set a timetable for a pull out because he believes it would give the insurgents an "incentive 'to wait us out'". Instead Bush has said that as: ""Iraqis stand up, we will stand down".

Although the President is keeping his lips buttoned, some of our generals have been a bit more forthcoming about our plans.

Gen. George W. Casey has said that there may be: "some "fairly substantial reductions" after these elections in the spring and summer.

Furthermore, the Washington Post noted in late July that Lt. Gen. John R. Vines: "told reporters last month that four or five of 17 battalions, roughly one-quarter of U.S. forces in Iraq, could be pulled out if security conditions improved and if Iraqi national elections scheduled for December went smoothly."

Similarly in July, Gen. John Abizaid: "outlined a plan last month to gradually reduce by 20,000 to 30,000 by next spring the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, with more to follow in the summer and fall."

So, it looks likely that we will see substantial troops reductions in Iraq between Jan & June of 2006, although we may actually see a temporary increase in the number of troops in Iraq over the next few months in order to provide extra security of the Iraqi elections.

10) That sounds good in theory, but can our military hold up under the pressure? Are we wrecking the military by keeping them in Iraq under the current circumstances?

First of all, there is no such thing as "light casualties" to a family that has had a loved injured in combat. So make no mistake about it, what we're doing in Iraq has been hard on our soldiers and on their families and friends.

That being said, as Sgt. Joe Roche of the 12th Aviation Battalion explains, we shouldn't lose our perspective:

"The fact is that we are not experiencing casualty rates anywhere near past conflicts, nor for that matter as bad as during peacetime. There were weeks in Vietnam when 350-400 Americans died, and in other wars thousands would die in single battles. Nothing like that is happening now.

From 1983 to 1996, more than 18,000 soldiers died. That averages to more than 1,300 a year, far more than have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan each year. Yes, that was mostly from accidents, drunk driving and other mishaps. Yet, while protesters in Crawford, Texas and elsewhere would have you think that our military can't survive with the low casualty rates of this war, I wonder why they were willing to accept the much higher peacetime casualty rates of the past? We lost around 3,000 innocent people on September 11, and with four years of war and the toppling of two regimes, we haven't lost that many in combat."

Furthermore, as the Boston Globe reported, when you look at new enlistments AND re-enlistments combined, the military is still keeping up the necessary amount of manpower:

"Recruits in July totaled 109 percent of the Army's goal, the second straight month above target. In aggregate, the four services were 4 percent over (the Navy fell 1 percent short). The Pentagon says the Army will still fall short for the fiscal year, and reserve components are still not signing up enough new members (though re-upping targets are being met by the National Guard units of the Army and Air Force). Still, the enlistments ought to prove that America's young men and women still believe in their country and its difficult mission in Iraq, despite all that Cindy Sheehan and her band of like-minded demonstrators can do. The New York Post dug a little deeper than the bare-bones announcement. Every one of the Army's 10 combat divisions has exceeded its re-enlistment goal for the fiscal year so far. The 1st Cavalry Division was at 136 percent; the 3rd Infantry Division at 117 percent. As author Ralph Peters noted, ``This is unprecedented in wartime.''"
The fact that our troops are choosing to re-enlist in significantly higher than expected numbers, even though many of them know they'll be going back to Iraq, should tell us quite a bit about the morale of our troops and whether they believe this fight is worthwhile.

author by Hilaalpublication date Wed Aug 31, 2005 01:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As the US military loses ground and control over Iraq it's desperation results in more diabolical acts of terrorism and mass murder, which we the people of Ireland are supporting with our airspace, airports (Shannon and Baldonnel), and with out revenue through subsidised flights for US military.

56 civilians were murdered when the US dropped four 500 lb bombs on two houses full of civilians. The claim that they also killed 7 "terrorists".

They may have killed freedom fighters engaged in resisting a foreign invader but the only terrorists there are the Americans, British and their coalition of the willing, which includes Ireland.

Related Link:
author by Noelpublication date Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hilaal, I've got news for you - the coalition is winning.
More news - there have been democratic elections.
There's a new constitution which will guarantee rights.
The 'freedom fighters' you've got a hard-on for are aptly named - for they are truly fighting freedom.

author by Richeypublication date Wed Aug 31, 2005 13:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hmmm, Noel. So you defend freedom by killing 56 civilians? If suicide bombers had killed a similar number of people you'd be slavering at the mouth. But it's ok when the Yanks do it, right? Cos they're good by definition, so no evidence can possibly disprove it.

People like you have been predicting "victories" for the so-called coalition since 2003, every couple of months. And I suppose you'll go on predicting it, until the US are forced out of Iraq. According to the most conservative estimates, four times as many civilians have been killed by the US-led forces as by anti-occupation forces since 2003. The US is the single largest cause of terrorism against Iraqi civilians; this is a matter of fact, and you don't have to ignore the atrocities committed by anti-occupation groups to accept this fact.

Another justification put forward by US apologists for the continued occupation is the need to prevent civil war. Well, the US forces are actually doing their bit to incite civil war. During the coalition's terrorist attack on Falluja (celebrated blandly in the idiotic article above) they used Shia National Guardsmen to do their dirty work while going from house to house killing people (this, remember, was the triumphant battle for democracy which began with an attack on the Falluja hospital; the army wanted to control the hospital so that doctors and nurses wouldn't be able to leak stories about civilian deaths to the media).

Now the US is claiming that the new constitution will "take the sting" out of the insurgency. Funny, cos we heard before that the elections would take the sting out of the insurgency. And before that, we heard that the bogus "transfer of sovereignty" to the US puppet Allawi would take the sting out of it...and so on, and so on. In reality, the only thing that will take the sting out of the occupation is an American withdrawal. There may not be peace after the US pulls out, but there will certainly be no peace while they remain there.

Jim's article refers slightingly to "protesters in Crawford, Texas", clearly trying to imply that those protesters know nothing about things in Iraq. In fact, the reference is to a woman whose son was killed in combat who has been putting the heat on the draft-dodger GWB. Since you're so keen (I might almost say, you get a hard on) on US military power, why don't you enlist in the US army, Noel? What's your military record?

author by Devil Dogpublication date Wed Aug 31, 2005 13:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Cindy sheehan's son volunteered to join the military, he re-enlisted and apparently volunteered to serve on the mission where he lost his life - in other words, he was a grown man who made his own decisions, not a 12 year old kid who disn't know what he was doing. His mother's actions are a disservice to his memory and have been disowned by the rest of Casey's family.

If the insurgents are winning, then why hasn't the US pulled out? Hate to break it to you, but they're not going to, not until Iraqi security forces are strong enough to do so.

Why not ask Hilaal (Jimmy Mac, I do believe...) why he hasn't joined the "freedom fighters"...after all, leftists in the 30's went to Spain to fight.

author by Richeypublication date Thu Sep 01, 2005 15:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Indeed, it's shameful for a woman to be angry that her son was killed in the name of a spurious cause, having been sent to fight by a president who pulled strings to dodge the draft himself ... she should apologise to you and every other US apologist for having disturbed your complacency. Doubtless he volunteered because he believed Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, like so many Americans who've been spoon-fed conscious lies by Cheney and co.

Oh, and since you believe things are going so well for US policy in Iraq, you might consider the results of the elections people like you celebrate as a triumph for Bush (elections that only took place because of huge protests called for by Iraqi leaders, screwing up the original plans of Bush and Blair).

America's puppet Allawi was hammered - he only got as many votes as he did because the US funnelled huge sums to his party and helped rig ballots. The UIA, which won, had a programme rejecting almost every plank of US policy in Iraq. For starters, it called for an immediate timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq.

That is what the Iraqi people voted for earlier this year, whereupon Bush, Blair and their hangers-on declared that no "artificial" timetable could be set for withdrawal. In other words, they celebrated the bravery of the Iraqis in coming out to vote, then announced that it didn't matter what they voted for, things were going to carry on regardless. You have the right to vote, and the right to be ignored.

You have refused to address the well-established fact that four times as many civilans have been killed by US-led forces as by anti-occupation forces. You have said nothing about the massacre of 56 civilians (if you think this was an unfortunate consequence of going after terrorists, then surely you must believe that the Shankill bombing was totally justified, and would have been even if the IRA had killed 56 Protestants? If not, why not?).

You content yourself with bland claims that the US is "winning". If by "winning", you mean they are able to maintain a military presence in Iraq, then you're right. The US army was able to occupy southern Vietnam for the best part of a decade, even though the entire population supported the NLF insurgency. They did so by slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians and devastating the whole country. They could probably do the same in Iraq, from a military point of view.

Politically, though, it would be impossible. And that's what matters. The US may not have been defeated militarily, but it has been hammered politically. Its strategy for Iraq is in tatters. The insurgency will not end as long as the US is in Iraq. It wasn't ended by the handover of power to Allawi, it wasn't ended by the terrorist attack on Falluja (you are also silent about the fact that US troops occupied the hospitals when they attacked Falluja so that no stories about civilian deaths would leak out - I wonder why?), it wasn't ended by the elections, it won't be ended by the constitution.

As British military intelligence has admitted, the majority of resistance fighters are neither Saddam loyalists nor funamentalist thugs like Al-Zarqawi (although it's convenient for people like you to pretend that Al-Zarqawi is the leader of the resistance). They are mainly Iraqi nationalists who want to end the occupation. As long as the Americans continue to occupy Iraq, in defiance of the will of the Iraqi people (as expressed in both the elections and innumerable protests and opinion polls), there will be no peace in Iraq. The violence may not end after they withdraw; it certainly won't end while they remain.

This is the crucial point, and no amount of evasive replies from you, trying to distract attention from the real issues, can change that.

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