Cindy Sheehan and Radio Free Eireann
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Sunday August 28, 2005 16:33
by Saoirse Daltun

Republican Sinn Fein's Fascist Connections
John McDonagh supports violence in Ireland and has deep and longtime connections with the extreme right. He has opportunistically latched on to the Cindy Sheehan movement
As leader of the National Irish Freedom Committee McDonagh has objected to the recent formal statement by the IRA ending their campagn against the British. IRA volunteer, Seana Walsh, who read the IRA statement on video, was condescendingly sneered at by Radio Free Eireann. Walsh, who is 48 yrs old has spent 22 yrs in prison for his beliefs. But he is not 'republican' enough for McDonagh.
Likewise, Joe Doherty, who spent 9 hard years in prison in NYC fighting extradion and deportation, was not pure enough in his patriotism for McDonagh. Doherty, used to write a column for the Irish People newspaper until it was censored by McDonagh who was then the editor.
McDonagh silenced Joe Doherty but had the bigot, Billyclub Hughes, write a weekly column. Hughes regularly cited the fascist weekly, the Spotlight. He praised Yockey's Imperium, a book dedicated to Adolph Hitler. Another favorite of Hughes was Nesta Webster, an English fascist and anti-Irish bigot. Hughes loves her stupid conspiracy theories.
More recently Hughes has been Radio Free Eireann's Washington's correspondent where he claimed Golan Cipel was a Mossad agent who brought down Gov. McGreevey.
Hughes has also praised the 'work' of Kevin McDonald. McDonald was a character witness for David Irving, the English nazi, in his failed libel suit against Deborah Lipstadt, author of 'Denying the Holocaust'.
McDonagh's colleague, Brian Mor, also wrote a column where he warned of the 'yellow danger', meaning the Japanese.
With another longtime friend, Gerry McGeough, McDonagh organized an 'Irish Race' conference in NYC, the theme being that the Irish are a separate and distinct race of people and that this racial purity should determine their politics. McGeough has since campaigned for the Irish fascist, Justin Barrett, who has close links with the European neo-nazi movement.
The National Irish Freedom Committee, headed by McDonagh, is the U.S wing of Republican Sinn Fein/Continuity IRA, a tiny group in Ireland still conducting a campaign of violence. Recently they hijacked a taxi, placed a bomb in it and ordered the taxidriver to drive to a police station. He abandoned his vehicle and the police defused the bomb. This is one taxidriver that McDonagh will not interview.
McDonagh is supporting violence in Ireland and, presumably, peace in Iraq.
John McDonagh has enduring, and longtime, relationships with extreme rightwing and violent forces. He has now latched on to the Cindy Sheehan phenomenon. With friends like these...
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4Radio Free Éireann has a long history of supporting progressive/left-wing causes. The shows are archived at
Republican Sinn Féin is likewise left of centre, as can be evidenced by doing even a minimal amount of reading on the party and its members. Perhaps begin by reading their publication, Saoirse, and the motions put forth at their Ard Fheisanna which can be read on their website.
The National Irish Freedom Committee is not the "US wing of Republican Sinn Féin/Continuity IRA" - which are, themselves, separate organizations. The NIFC, an organization with no foreign principle, exists to promote the Eire Nua peace solution in the States, to lend financial support through to the dependants of Eire Nua activists who are being harassed and marginalized by the "authorities" in both parts of Ireland, and to promote Irish-American cultural heritage.
I urge readers to ignore the above libel, to read over the NIFC and RSF websites, to listen to Radio Free Éireann, and to judge for themselves. Note that he/she has cited none of these accusations with sources. I wonder how George Harrison would reply to this ignorant tosser calling his organization "extreme rightwing".
The above article is deliberately discrediting.
These type of posts regularly appear on this site to try and destroy creation of good solidarity .
Good on Radio Free Eirinn for excellent boadcasting and Cindy Sheehan for galvinising US antiwar movement back into action!
We need a radio station like it to wake up Irish citizens re continuing use of our land and airspace by US military.
The patron if not founder of the people this post is denigrating was Mayo born George Harrison , a fervent supporter of the Cuban revolution , Ho Chi Minhs forces as well as the Black Panthers .
Harrison publicly campaigned for all these causes in New York , from the 60s untill his death last year . He was " the Godfather" of Irish republicanism in New York and fearlessly supported left wing causes when many hid from the feds out of fear .
Not a single attributable source has been supplied by this blatant piece of black propaganda . Shameful .
so the rupert gang is at again.
shame on all who help blacken the names of genuine and hard working activists. NIFC does very good work under quite difficult circumstances.
the rupert gang doesnt even TRY to disguise what they are: a us government front group who are out to damage Irish Republicanism in the states. Stay well clear of them. if you dont wish to take my word and that of other activists - just pay attention to them, it takes a very short time for the true intentions to come out in the open.