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Shannon Peace Protest 24th September 2005

category national | anti-war / imperialism | news report author Sunday August 21, 2005 01:48author by Edward Horgan - Peace and Neutrality Allianceauthor email edward_horgan at hotmail dot comauthor phone 087-7786938 Report this post to the editors

25,000 Iraqis dead, 85,000 missing?

Do you know that there are now thousands of US troops and hundreds of tons of munitions passing through Shannon airport every week? You should know.
Shannon is now the primary US military transit airport in Europe for the War and occupation of Iraq.

Hello all peaceniks and anti-war mongers,

I have been asked to help coordinate events on behalf of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA) for the Shannon demonstration on 24th September, so I am asking for your help and support.
This demonstration is being jointly organised by the IAWM, NGO Peace Alliance and PANA.
There has been a concerted campaign by Irish government spin-doctors to portray US military use of Shannon airport as a "dead" issue. It sure is, about 110,000 dead so far, or as the Iraq Body Count reports suggests, 25,000 dead and about 85,000 missing because the US and its allies "don’t do body counts".
The peace movement needs to get its act together to continue to highlight Ireland's role in these unlawful killings. This does not mean that all have to sing from the same hymn-sheet, or march to anyone else's tune. Divisions within the peace movement are a healthy sign of independent thinking, and since we are challenging the abuse of democracy by our government, independent thinking is vital.
The state will respond that they have a democratic mandate for allowing US military use of Shannon. George Bush claimed a mandate for the Iraq war after the last US Presidential election. No one, or no group of people in any state has any right to mandate their government to kill tens of thousands of innocent people. Unlawful killing is murder.
The whole weekend around the 24th Sept or even the week before and after, should be used to remind the Irish people of what is done at Shannon airport in our name. Those of us who do nothing and stay silent are complicit in the crimes that are being committed, and that have already been committed. It was silence and inaction that enabled Hitler to carry out the Holocaust, and Pol Pot the Cambodian Genocide. Over 100,000 dead is about the populations of the greater Limerick city area combined with Shannon area, every man, woman and child, and we in the Mid West of Ireland especially have been part of this.
Some people have expressed concerns about being part of the main IAWM, PANA, NGO PA, demonstration. Fine, then come along and mount your own one person or small group alternative demonstration or protest.
There are dozens of anti-war groups around the country. Each such group could form its own separate demonstration at Shannon over that weekend. We do not need permission from the Gardai and the Irish Government to have demonstrations at Shannon. We are demonstrating against the Government's policies and against Garda and Irish army complicity in the US military use of Shannon airport.
There will be one main demonstration at Shannon on 24th of September, but hopefully there will also be many more supporting events, including temporary peace camps in the area over the weekend.
Perhaps you may feel that it is too much effort to spend an overnight or a few nights at Shannon.
Is 100,000 dead not a good enough reason?
Please lend your individual and your group's support for this protest weekend. Let your voice by heard, or your silence will facilitate the ongoing killing.
There are many who are vocal against the peace movement. They claim that the Iraq War is justified as part of the war on terror, or anyway, it is in the Irish national financial interests. It is the Iraq war that is fuelling the desperation of terrorists, and creating untold terror for its victims in Iraq. Democracy is no more part of America’s plan for Iraq that it was for Chile, Argentina, Guatemala and Nicaragua in the 1970s. A lasting peace in the Middle East would allow the oil-producing states to charge justified higher prices for the oil that they own. Turmoil in the Middle East makes it easier to exploit its resources.
It is important to remember, that you do not need my permission, or the permission of anyone else, including the Irish Government to demonstrate at Shannon.
I would appreciate it however, if you would let me know if you will be "visiting" Shannon over that weekend, and if your group wishes to participate in the main protest or, have your own separate protest.
We need individuals and groups especially to provide food and refreshments, legal support, and to help organise transport to and from Shannon.
Let this be, not just an Irish, 32-county protest, but an international one also. The innocent people we are helping to kill are all non-Irish, so as many non-Irish as possible should attend the protest. Our neighbours are all humankind, not just our friends in the UK and the USA.
We are protesting against the killing and human rights abuses of our neighbours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel/Palestine. We are opposed to murder and terror in all its formats, be it nuclear weapons, or B-52 bombing or suicide bombers.
Ireland has now become part of this terror by supporting the US illegal wars.
We need to make peace on terror, not war. War creates more terror by using terror as a false excuse to secure an undue share of the worlds energy and oil resources. Shame on those who profit from war.

This will not be a protest against the US government. It will be a protest against the IRISH GOVERNMENT for its complicity in the killing of innocent people.

See you at Shannon if you value peace and cherish humanity.
Let this peace protest on 24 Sept not be a once off affair, but the beginning of new peace campaign, for international peace.

author by Curiouspublication date Sun Aug 21, 2005 08:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mr Horgan, I would like to know what proof you have that there is as you say hundreds of tons of munitions passing through Shannon every week ?

author by Michaelpublication date Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good luck -- I'll be looking out for you!

Ed's call to action deserves a proper response from activists here on Indymedia, and on Sept 24th at Shannon Airport. The great protest at Rossport is a sign that solidarity, energy and vision are in no short supply. We can make a difference!

This is about IRELAND'S role in the so-called "war on terrorism", and the Iraq war in particular. At another level it's also about US foreign policy, but first and foremost it's about our country, our airports, and our ability to change.

I have the feeling that the airport authorities at Shannon are determined to stop at nothing until there is a bomb or armed attack against them. Judging from the recent record, the terrorists will most likely strike first at an easy target like innocent civilian workers or tourists.

Peace activists shouldn't accept the accounting of either Aer Rianta or Al Qaeda -- but if we don't organise again, it'll be blood money (U.S. war) or blood (terrorist attach victims) at Shannon Airport.

author by Edward Horgan - PANApublication date Sun Aug 21, 2005 13:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Each soldier passing through Shannon carries on M 16 automatic rifle or its equivalent. and an automatic pistol. The ammunitiion for these weapons, amounting to tens of thousands of bullets are also carried on the chartered aircraft that pass through Shannon daily. Check out the weight of these items and do your sums. I know these facts because of documents I discovered from the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs during the high court case Horgan v Ireland et al, in March 2003. Incidentially the judge in this case, Judge Kearns, found that Ireland was contravening international laws on neutrality due to US use of Shannon airport.
In addition to the individual weapons carred by over 300,000 US soldiers through Shannon, cargo aircraft, both military and chartered civilian aircraft are also carrying of munitions through Shannon. This was also confirmed by Brian Cowen, in January 2003 in a Dail statement. A warplane is a munition of war, particulalry when it is carrying explosive devices, or is being used for war making purposes. How much does a Hercules C 130 weigh, of a Globemaster C 17, and how many of these are passing though Shannon each week? I know this because I was arrested for taking a photograph of a Hercules at Shannon on 4th March 2005, even though I was in a public place when arrested.
Hercules aircraft have been used as bombers and close airsupport ground attack aircraft in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and have been know to have participated in the killing of innocent children in isolated villages in Afghanistan. All this information is there to be found for those who do not walk around blindfolded. I have specificaly requested the Gardai at Shannon to search several different US aircraft at Shannon airport for munitions and dangerous weapons. The tone of your anonomous question suggests you may be one of those gardai, or an apoligist on their behalf.
I have not had the opportunity to weigh the munitions passing through Shannon, but does matter much whether it is one bullet that kills one two year old child, or one hundred tons of munitions?

author by Mark C - Teacherpublication date Sun Aug 21, 2005 17:21author email mark at markconroy dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

This will not be an anti-American protes? Of course it is an anti-American protest. Isn't that who started and continues the occupation of Iraq (and Shannon)? This will be an anti-Irish government protest as well as, and must be, an anti-American protest.

See you on the 24th.


author by Eoinpublication date Sun Aug 21, 2005 18:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good man Ed, on the ball as usual. I'll do my best to make it to the demo.

author by Michaelpublication date Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

On the ball as usual indeed. Great work Ed.

Anyone care to hazard (the almost impossible) guess at numbers for Shannon??

It would have been much bigger in Dublin but I guess having it in Shannon is overall more effective.

The governments continued poster/democracy ban is not helping the publicising of Shannon but I know great publicity work is being done regardless around the country.

Lets hope we can a large crowd down there with plenty of media attention. Spread the word everyone.

Every single person counts.

author by Ciaran - IAWMpublication date Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We're orgnising bus transport for the sept 24th protest from Dublin and elswhere. Here's a list of contacts for the buses so far but we are also hoping to be running buses from other towns and cities. You can ring our office at 8727912 to book a place for anywhere not listed or any of the numbers below



North Dublin: Tel 087 2839964
Dun Laoghaire: Tel 087 2703564
Dublin South City: Tel 087 6650442
Dublin West: Tel 087 6838746
Belfast: Tel 004477 425 31617

Related Link: http://www.irishantiwar.org
author by w - exDissentpublication date Mon Aug 22, 2005 23:18author email dissentireland at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone 0877412431Report this post to the editors

if anyone is interested in helping to do a libertarian bus to this from Dublin get in touch.

author by Damien Moran (Personal Capacity) - Dublin Catholic Worker/Pitstop Ploughsharespublication date Tue Aug 23, 2005 02:00author email ploughsharesireland at yahoo dot ieauthor address Bunratty Castle c/o Durty Nelliesauthor phone 087 9638398Report this post to the editors

Thanks for the above Ed and your continuing vigilance and challenge to us all.

The three Pitstop Ploughshares currently in Ireland, Damien, Deirdre, and Ciaron, will hold a solidarity vigil from 12 noon at the main Bunratty Castle bridge on Saturday September 24th.
Why not SHannon itslef? To have easy access to toilets and a cup of tea at Durty Nellies?


Unfortunately we cannot join you folks at Shannon as we are still banned from a 5 mile radius after having our initial ban from the whole County of Clare overturned last year. We continue to sign on once a week at our local Garda stations.

On previous occasions when the Peace Movement have returned to Ireland's pitstop for the US military, we have gathered in a public space on the Limerick-Ennis dual carriage-way island to greet demonstrators en route and to display our clear opposition to the imperial-logistics supportive shenanigans occuring nearby.

We would like to co-host a day/evening event in Limerick on Friday, Sept. 23rd, and hope it could give an opportunity for locals to engage this issue and also to show all or some of our 35 minute trial documentary, produced after our trial collapsed last March at Dublin's Four Courts. We have a re-trial Oct. 24th. (See www.peaceontrial.com)

Are there any groups/individuals who would be interested in helping out with this event? Have college folks returned to studies by then?
This may provide a good forum for people to gather and discuss possible tactics/strategies for the demo. the next day or minimally build a sense of community and solidarity in the event of any arrests before/during the demo.

I will make further inquiries as to an appropriate venue and post in due course our options.

La lutta continua

Related Link: http://www.geocities.com/dublincatholicworker
author by Mark C - Teacherpublication date Tue Aug 23, 2005 14:14author email mark at markconroy dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm prepared to drive from Portlaoise if anyone would like to be picked up on the way email me.


author by Edward Horgan - PANA, MAMApublication date Tue Aug 23, 2005 18:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thanks Damien and Mark for your input.
A CW peace camp at Bunratty sounds a good idea. MAMA group in Limerick will assist with event on Friday 23rd.
Please make contact with other groups around the country and ask them to initiate plans for the Shannon weekend around 24th Sept also.

author by clockwatcherpublication date Wed Aug 24, 2005 15:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you have any further details, time of protests, etc. please put those details here.

author by Hdward Eorganpublication date Wed Aug 24, 2005 16:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sorry for the post earlier but in reality there is no interest and any protest will alienate ordinary people, I was at a protest in Shannon this year where the organisers (RBB IAWM) decided to decend on a housing estate in shannon brining all the cops in clare with them. We lost all our public support, at the garda barricade the foul mouthed abuse delivered by some people was disgusting and the only comment we got from a shannon resident was someone singing "all we are saying is give bush a chance"

i rest my case, sure go ahead with the demo and alienate yourselves again in reality u r only doing the governemnt a favour

author by Ciaran - iawmpublication date Wed Aug 24, 2005 16:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sorry HDWARd but i was also there at shannon the last time and support was split about 50-50 between those shannon residents who supported the anti-war cause and those who were hostile. Not so different to anywhere else in the country.

author by Hdward Eorganpublication date Wed Aug 24, 2005 16:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Were u there when RBB decided to invade the housing estate and bring cops on horses, on bikes, in vans on foot in the air etc up to peoples doorsteps, where u there when "protesters" shouted vile abuse at the gardai for doing their jobs even when one of the speakers told the crowd that the cops were only doing their jobs and we shouldnt abuse them. Were u there when the shannon industrial estate rang with the cries of "all we are saying is give bush a chance"

I live down here, support for the war in iraq is non existent, support for whats happening is shannon is divided but support for demos like the one which will take place this week is absolutely non existent, just count the number of shannon residents who will take part, face up to it, intimidation on demos will not get u anywhere

author by roger cole - Peace & Neutrality Alliancepublication date Thu Aug 25, 2005 19:30author email pana at eircom dot netauthor address author phone 01-2351512Report this post to the editors

PANA organised its first demonstration at Shannon airport in May 2002 and have organised or participated in several demonstrations at the airport since.
It is not clear which deonstration refered to in which the estates were "invaded". But in the last one PANA helped to organise, we agreed to go door to door asking people to sign a petition calling for the use of Shannon airport in this illegal imperialist war for oil be terminated.
Asking people to sign a petition is up to now has been a perfectly legitimate political activity and I have helped to do so in many political campaigns over 35 years of political involvement. Never before had police followed us around as they did in Shannon on that occasion. It was a deliberate effort of the police to intimidate us and more particularly the residents. Apart from the Irish Examiner this use of state power to intimidate people involved in an exclusively peaceful and democratic process was completely ignored by the Irish media which virtually without exception is totally supportive of this imperialist war. Indymedia is one of the very few outlets though which anti-war activists can inform people of their political activities. Ed Horgan is leading the PANA contribution to the anti-war demonstration in Shannon and PANA hopes as many people as possible go there on the 24th of September.
However not verybody can make it so PANA is also organising a vigil outside the US Embassy in Dublin on the same day from 2.00pm.
The reason why we have picked the 24th of Sept is because on that day the United for Peace and Justice group in the US is holding a major demo in Washington. This is important because PANA is not participating in an anti-american demo. We are participating in an anti-imperialist demo in solidarity with Americans and may other people throughout the word on that day. It is only the supporters of Imperialism like Ahern and Harney that call PANA "anti-American" or "anti-European"

Related Link: http://www.pana.ie
author by anarcho-typepublication date Tue Aug 30, 2005 18:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the continuing impotence of the anti-war movement in Ireland shows the need for militant direct action in the confrontation of the State's complicity in US imperialism.

As anarchists, we must show solidarity with the class-based resistance in Iraq (but not the jihadists or pan-Arab nationalists) and their desire to fight against the oppression of the US and of Islamic authoritarianism.

This means that we must directly challenge the use of Shannon as a warbase through militant action. This means that we challenge the State's monopoly on violence through our desire to protect ourselves and to fight with the exploited throughout the world.

Our militancy must be international and our willingness to confront the repressive apparatuses of the Irish must be thorough and consistent.

As we travel down to Shannon on the 24th we must be aware that a rock concerts, speeches and marches are impotent and disempowering. the only way to confront the violence of the State is by challenging its legitimacy and by refusing to submit to its brutality. we must be prepared to confront the war in Iraq and to fight with the exploited everywhere, against the ruling classes and their servants.

A call for militant solidarity against the war!

author by Michaelpublication date Tue Sep 06, 2005 01:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi there anarcho-type,
Something tells me you're either a journalist or a garda trying to stir shit up.... but just in case you mean what I think you're trying to say -- that you think SNN should be disrupted by force -- I'd ask you now PLEASE not to do anything stupid during the protest on Sept 24th.

If you want to do something at SNN involving direct action, please do so only once:
(a) You're not with people who might get arrested or hurt with you, and weren't prepared or even consulted first.
(b) You're so familiar with the place, with your own reason for being there, with your own limits (skill, risk, legal stuff, etc.), that you could almost work on "auto pilot".
(c) You're fully prepared.
(d) You're really, really fully prepared. :-)

There's been shamefully little resistance at SNN in years, and only a handful have kept vigil there off and on. Fair enough, about 30 or so activists are banned from SNN, the town, or even the entire county. But if only 5% of the Dublin anarchists and students against the war took more time to disrupt military refueling at SNN and other airfields, we'd be in much better shape. Most people have other important stuff to do, I understand, but 5%-10% surely isn't too ambitious?

Anarcho-type, if you're just a shit-stirring jerno/agent please give it a rest. If you're serious, then please just take the time on Sept 24th to scout out the area and improve your knowledge (and ours here please!!) of the current situation at SNN: Trade unions, foreign and Irish troop numbers, overnight stopovers, perimeter fence security, buildings, supplies, etc...

author by Dr. Coilín Oscar ÓhAiseadhapublication date Wed Sep 21, 2005 00:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

[email protected]

I have recently written to the above and to [email protected] to insist that RTE do its duty by people like me, current TV licence holders who are insulted and offended on several counts by the abuse of Shannon airport for inhumane and illegal purposes, including the transport of troops to the war in Iraq and of CIA abductees bound for various places of torture.

Please send e-mail messages to the RTE newsdesk to emphasise - politely, please! - that hundreds of thousands of viewers will want to see and hear about the peace demo on the news on Saturday evening.

As a peace-loving citizen, a patriotic Irishman, a tax-payer and a medical doctor, I certainly will.

As the representatives of the vast majority of Irish people who detest the ongoing abuse of the facilities at Shannon, those demonstrating deserve coverage on the national channel.

Best regards,

author by Mark C - Teacherpublication date Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Does anyone have a name of someone at the newsdesk to contact about the above? I've emailed them, and not yet received a reply, but I'd prefer to email someone a little less anonymous than "To Whom It May Concern:"


author by A10publication date Sat Sep 24, 2005 22:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If that is all we can muster,compared with the three THOUSAND pre Gulf war 2.Maybe this is saying somthing...
Organised by Labour as well according to RTE news .Somone stealing everyones limelight.

BTW ED for somone who is supposedly concerned on facts you are remarkably ignorant of any knowledge of the military hardware that is supposedly going thru Shannon.As well as being remarkably ignorant of international law of arms transport and the ins and outsof moving mutions on international flag carriers of foregin countries.Not to mind the ignorance of what type of weapons are issued to the US GI. A perusal of some military manuals and knowledge of your "enemy" would give you more credence as to what you are talking about instead of emotive sweeping generalisations.

You quote that C130s have been used as bombers and have killed hundreds of children in Afghanistan,and then say the information is available for all to see.Well I guess I am thick as I cant find any of this could you give us a time,date and location to back up this spurious claim???
Also where has a C130 been used as a bomber??And please dont bring up the old "daisy cutter"nonsense.As not ONE of them has been used in Iraq or afghanistan ,as it is a JUNGLE clearing device.

author by Michaelpublication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A10, searching with the Google query "daisy-cutter afghanistan site:.mil" (no quotation marks) returned more than a few links to U.S. military webpages reporting the use of BLU-82 bombs in Afghanistan.

Example 1:
Document: A Year of Enduring Freedom
Military Operations
By Gunnery Sgt. Charles Portman, USMC
U.S. Central Command Public Affairs

In the battle at Tora Bora, “we are dropping earth-penetrating bombs,” Franks said. “We call them JDAMs (Joint Direct Attack Munition). We're dropping laser-guided bombs, and we have dropped what we call BLU-82, the daisy cutter-a 15,000-pound munition,” he said.

Link: http://www.defendamerica.mil/articles/oct2002/a100702a.html

Example 2:
Document: DoD News
DoD News Briefing - Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz and Rear Adm. Stufflebeem December 2001

Q: Mr. Secretary, why use the daisy cutter in Tora Bora? Is that a precursor to any larger U.S. presence there?

Wolfowitz: I'll let Admiral Stufflebeem take that one.

Stufflebeem: Well, I think General Franks would have a couple of good reasons why to use a weapon of that size. One is that there is a psychological effect of having a munition of 15,000 pounds of explosive capability that's brought into a very narrowly defined area. This cave complex is literally on the sheer walls of a valley, and therefore, the reverberation effect that goes up in those caves should have some kind of a negative effect. (Laughter.)

And the other -- the other would be just the obvious effect of the high explosive yield. It was -- it was at a target, at a cave target, and that cave target should no longer be usable for anybody to get in or out of.

Link: http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/2001/t12102001_t1210dsd.html

So again, A10, please take just a moment to check YOUR facts (it took me about 2 seconds to find those links using Google) before going on the attack against other Indymedia contributors.

author by Michaelpublication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

To answer your claim, A10, that the blu-82 is used for clearing woodlands, here's another quotation from a U.S. military website:

Allied coalition psy-warriors captured the Iraqi soldier’s attention using dramatic methods.

"We would tell them that tomorrow we would drop on them the biggest bomb we had," recalls Jones. "Then, exactly as promised, we dropped a ‘Daisy Cutter’ (BLU-82) that looks like a small atom bomb detonating. The next time we said we were going to drop another big one like that, the defections increased dramatically.

"One Iraqi soldier came across clutching 343 safe conduct passes he had been collecting. We found over 52 percent of defectors had been listening to our broadcasts."

At the same time, American Forces Network’s radio broadcasts had the respect and credibility it lacked in Vietnam. Instead of doctoring the news by re-editing, the Gulf War AFN gave the troops exactly the same news civilians heard back home — rebroadcasts of AP, ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN news on the hour.

Related Link:
author by A10publication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 13:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So THREEquotes one from a USMC SGTof it being used in combat.
Second a suggestion of use,not an actual use in combat.
third a quote from the first gulf action.
All three are military actions.

And where are the supposedly CIVILLIAN attacks???
I await to hear from you?

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