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Breaking the Seals of Mass Destruction.

category international | sci-tech | other press author Wednesday August 10, 2005 15:33author by o! Report this post to the editors

Mr Bush is uneasy, Iran has only twice taken the headlines from him since he got the job of the great white chief of the USA.

You remember, there were two earthquakes in Bam a little more than a year apart when he went on holidays.
Breaking The Seals Of Mass Destruction: Image - dervishes camped outside isfahan in May or June of 1909
Breaking The Seals Of Mass Destruction: Image - dervishes camped outside isfahan in May or June of 1909

He's on holidays again, and those Iranians have broken the seals.
& we are all very worried.
Its a serious business breaking the seals, and would most probably have called for a pair of scissors at least.
meanwhile, mr rumsfeld has announced that Iranians have been supplying the insurgency with better quality explosives than they used to have.
he's very upset.

here's a wonderful site on the history of Iran with many pictures of all those people you never learnt about, maps, and links to tippy toppy modern iranian interest stuff. But note, nothing is updated after 2002.

Iran used to be called Persia.
Iran is muslim.
There aren't many south american revolutionaries in Iran.
The photo you'll see later on telly is of the Khaju bridge in Isfahan where the Iranians broke the seals.
Its a really pretty town, its got a really pretty really old mosque because they were muslim then too and serious about it.
Iran doesn't like Israel.
Iran didn't like Iraq.
Iran used to buy a lot of beef from Ireland.

here's some photos:-

here's the Isfahan University of technology:-

its very beautiful, the city where the iranians (muslims) broke the seals is a listed UN world heritage site.
you can watch a video by clicking on illustrations in the wikipedia article.

here's the city council site

and if you check their foreign press desk, you will see that the proud descendents of those dervishes who brought the light of the Mevlana from Anatolia to Persia with no uncertain yearning for constitutionalism and devotion to learning
have recorded excessive Irish interest in the



By the way you too can play IAEA inspector.
Ask your flatmates opr neighbours to seal the fridge with a 2euro coin and some wax and pretty ribbon.

Now phone up the local jehova witnesses and tell them you're going to break the seals just like in the bible because you're hungry and intent on making an omlette.

author by o!publication date Thu Aug 11, 2005 13:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Iran presently counts on 2 very important allies on the nuclear thing, one is Russia who has actively supported them all the way and the other is China who used back in the old days meddle in Persia before Iran existed and it was simply 2 superpowers securing energy supplies. The Chinese have been helping the iranians since 1985.

Iran now has support of both these high tech states to develop nuclear energy for making cups of tea, keeping down the household bills and being good to the environment. Iran does not have the support of these states for making big dirty nuclear bombs, but sure even if they did, they wouldn't be using them against the Russians or the Chinese would they?

Indeed, how would the iranians deliver their WMD?
Well they might just sell or give the wicked stuff to someone else to deliver, like their neighbours the much maligned Pakistanis who never did enough to fight the war on terror, and everyone knows are being really slippy and evasive, and behind all the sounding off really hate both the UK and the USA.

So, it is interesting on the international nuclear alert thing, to see Pakistan test fire a nuclear scud missile this morning. And it went swimmingly they say.

If you look at the map below you will see Pakistan at the bottom right corner. If pakistan wanted to nuke their neighbours they could hit everything in the picture with the technology they just tested. But you know they probably wouldn't want to nuke Iraq, they'd prefer to nuke Indians, we know this, its what we've been taught, this is solid geopolitical information.

Truth is, the USA have not passed crucial tests themselves, and now in the eyes of many states in the world, are a fading force, a toothless tiger, they are it appears beginning to lose their war at least on the geopolitical strategic containment thing. It really has been quite curious how the Bush regime has brought together enemies and made them more aware of being muslim than at any stage in their 20th century history and not only made them religious, but given them the urge to get nuclear.

truly the worst US president ever.

a map of iran with its neighbours for you to learn
a map of iran with its neighbours for you to learn

author by o!publication date Fri Aug 12, 2005 21:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Akbar Ganji is a journalist who was imprisoned by the iranian state for not being too much of a fan and indeed writing unkind things.
He's very popular in the west, oads of people like to talka about his case, from the White House to reporters sans frontiers.
Today he got to 62 days hunger strike.
but when he got to day 60, the day that everyone in indymedia ireland land had to make up their mind if blatent disregard for the environment in making yet another nuclear power plant is "ok" if its the iranians doing it, and you know they might nuke the White House.... they might & that would make it all alright.... so it would.
the director general of rsf Robert Menard has been following Ganji's plight and suffering and has joined those voices critical of Iran, (its not a good place to be a journalist or internet user) and on that 60th day of hunger strike he asked mr Ganji to stop.

Interestingly the Iranians said through their justice department spokesperson Jamal Karimi Rad, that the hunger strike was over, because Mr Ganji accepted on monday a cup of sweet tea.

Sweet tea contains 16 calories for every ration of refined sugar added, a really sweet cup of tea could count up to a 100 calories. You're going nowhere without at the very least 900 calories a day.

Now the Ganji story is a bit of a "sideline" to the breaking of the seals of mass destruction and of course the role of public worship and religion in established states run by Blair or Bush under God.

put him through Google.
"Akbar Ganji"

author by iosafpublication date Sat Aug 13, 2005 21:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you put iran through the search engine on indymedia ireland you don't really get much, if you put iran through the "indymedia archives" you don't get much either, brief discussions on the possibilities and impossibilities of starting an "iran indymedia" back in 2002-2003 and of course the old chestnut that "iran is on the list of US invasions".

Is it?

Yesterday Mr Bush gave an interview to Israeli television which dealt with a lot of topics and allowed the man to do what he does best, provoke rattle sabres and up the temperature.

He said to the Israelis and through them the world that "all options" were open in the case of stopping the Iranians develop the bomb, though he of course added the caveat that military intervention "is the last action any president would do".

Mr Schroeder has directly challenged Mr Bush's comment that "all options are on the table" over the Iran crisis.

"Let's take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn't work," Mr Schroeder told Social Democrats at a rally in Hanover which has formally started his election campaign, to rapturous applause from the crowd.

lovely word "rapturous" gets people very excited.

Now to answer that little question above "is it?"
(iran on the list of invasions). The simple answer iis - No it isn't. The complicated answer to why it isn't, explains the weakness of US foreign policy, the limitations of the Bush regime and the horrible extent of the worlds problems which will be left all of us when that regime ends. Suffice to say for the moment that Bush admitted last week to Fox TV for an american audience that the "EU three, France, Germany & the UK are handling the diplomacy on Iran", & he pointedly didn't mention "wmd" nor did he mention Mr Ganjis though he does as often as he can.

I'll explain more tomorrow in "the Sunday Papers".
before I do, "again" is the key word, and of course a little clue is where the BBC classified the story - "middle east", not europe and german news, but middle east, but look at the hazy map above and you see Iran is mid asia.


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