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Anti-Empire >>
A bird's eye view of the vineyard
Alternative Copy of site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz
Alternative site: Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb
The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.? We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below).?
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by Mr. Allen for the Saker blog Over the last few years, we hear leaders from both Russia and China pronouncing that they have formed a relationship where there are
Moveable Feast Cafe 2023/02/27 ? Open Thread Mon Feb 27, 2023 19:00 | cafe-uploader
2023/02/27 19:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of
The stage is set for Hybrid World War III Mon Feb 27, 2023 15:50 | The Saker
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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony
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Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony
RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony
Waiting for SIPO Anthony
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Promoting Human Rights in IrelandHuman Rights in Ireland >>
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its not exactly a serial publication deal with movie rights is it Davy?
Looks like it might be fun. but i'm not going to do it everyday. Oh no. start as you mean to go on. my motto.
The blogosphere is continuing to grow, with a weblog created every second, according to blog trackers Technorati.
In its latest State of the Blogosphere report, it said the number of blogs it was tracking now stood at more than 14.2m blogs, up from 7.8m in March.
It suggests, on average, the number of blogs is doubling every five months.
Blogs, the homepages of the 21st Century, are free and easy to set up and use. They are popular with people who want to share thoughts online.
They allow for the instant publication of ideas and for interactive conversations, through comments, with friends or strangers.
Technorati is like a search engine that keeps track of what is happening in the blogosphere, the name given to the universe of weblogs.
It relies on people tagging - giving keywords to - their blogs or blog posts so that its search engine can find them.
Free blogging services such as those provided by MSN Spaces, Blogger, LiveJournal, AOL Journals, WordPress and Movable Type were also growing quickly, said the report.
Blogs are easy to use and can be subscribed to
Thirteen percent of all blogs that Technorati tracks are updated weekly or more, said the report, and 55% of all new bloggers are still posting three months after they started.
It also pointed to the growth in moblogs, blogs to which people with camera phones automatically send pictures and text.
Other services, such as the Google toolbar and the Flickr photo sharing website, have implemented "blog this" buttons, which also make it easier for people to post content they like on the web straight to their blogs.
The voices in the blogosphere are also sounding less US-centric, with blog growth spotted in Japan, Korea, China, UK, France, and Brazil.
What is clear is that the blogosphere is highly varied, with blogs coming in many shapes and forms, whether they be professional or for personal use.
Blogs have been used as campaign sites, as personal diaries, as art projects, online magazines and as places for community networking.
Much of their appeal has been boosted because readers can subscribe to them, for free, to stay updated of any new posts automatically.
Blogs have played a part in highlighting issues that journalists have not covered. They have also proved to be a valuable communication channel for journalists in repressed countries who have no other publishing means.
They have recently shown how they can also complement and enhance mainstream press in coverage of events, such as the recent London terror attacks.
The Technorati report did not, however, break down the blogosphere in terms of gender use.
Over the weekend, the BlogHer conference took place in the US, which saw a gathering of almost 300 bloggers talk over blogging issues which are pertinent to women, and to men.
But the statistics show not everyone who starts a blog stays the course. Although the blogosphere has doubled in size in just over five months, only around half of all blogs are "active" - in other words they have been updated in the past three months - and just 13% are updated every week or more often.
Article continues
Nevertheless, the number of active blogs has been steady for the past year, Mr Sifry noted.
"I think that this shows that even as the blogosphere is growing at a geometric pace, the 'stickiness' of the tools and the willingness to write hasn't changed much at all," he said.
*please note no actual bloggers were harmed in the making of this comment.
**you are as a reader worthless there are millions of readers, you must get (((i)))nvolvéd.
iosaf from what I had heard around the more cultured circles, you might be quite close to the truth.
Dear Friends,
Jesus - well, just, and I say just, starting to find some time for writing etc! Will get back to normal in the time ahead.
Very brief update -
1 - WARN
2 - Street Seen
3 - MPH
4 - Tear down the wall
5 - My Diary
Anti Racism- West Against Racism is holding a great gig tonight.
Damien Dempsey does a fundraiser for the West Against Racism Network
A rare once off exceptional and sensational night of
ceol & craic with Damien Dempsey plus Fergus , Brian
,Meabh, Conor , Terry, Decy & Deirdre
Roddy McCorley Club, Moyard House, Glen Road. 8.30pm
Thursday August 25th 2005.
Doors open 8.00pm Tickets Only £10.00- tickets going fast.
Also West Racism Racism will be 'Unveiling’ an Anti Racism Mural this week on the Falls Road on the International Wall.
Get along to both events and support.
Street Seen, The next issue of Street Seen will be on the Streets very soon..
- the Street Seen discussion list is now set up for activists – let the discussion begin!..
- the Street Seen Blog spot has also now be fixed, We where 'blocked' from accessing and putting articles up - but articles will now be put up soon and regular.
Make Poverty History - White band day is upcoming - and other various events and participations are pencilled in. Details to follow.
Talk -
Tear down the Wall!
A talk with slide show by Matan, a young Israeli
activist from Tel Aviv, member of 'Anarchists Against the Wall', who got
their name after one of their activists was shot in the legs by the
Israeli army while they were attempting to tear down a section of the
fence. Every Friday for the last few months they have been taking part in demonstrations at the Palestinian village of Bi'lan, most of whose land will be taken away once the wall is constructed.
Talking about the impact of the wall on Palestinian
villagers will be Rana, a Palestinian research student at UU Magee, who
is from a village outside Jerusalem which will be cut off by the wall.
Talk –
Thursday 25 Aug at 7.30pm. Glór na Gael, Falls Road,
Belfast. (Opposite Royal Victoria Hospital)
My Diary will be updated, the second entry, in mid Sept, as to also incorporate both an International debate and also later on next week an address I have been asked to give to a major Anti Poverty conference in the North,.
I had intended to only have the first intro being extensive but such has been the last few weeks - activism etc - that this months will be more extensive than the first.. After that I will have to cut my inputs down {length} on the online diary if I am to finish my book -- as I will be writing also in the Street Seen paper, on the Street Seen site, on Indymedia and soon newspaper and journal articles.
I have found that at the start of the year I had set out to get more involved in a number of projects but it just was not possible – and I have found of late that I just have not got time for all such activism and requests. Therefore as I had stated, I will prioritise two issues in the months ahead - this outside of writing - for the time ahead.
My next update will be Sept Diary - Signing off until then. D
do you really think anyone cares about what you do. you write like your some form of international celeb and that all your legions of fans are just dying to know what your up too. What the fuck. This is the most surreal thing i have ever read. You are simply want to build upon your own name not any campaigns. You are an absolute joke.
keep blogging. there are millions of bloggers but only one Davy Carlin.
'Davey simply wants to build upon his own name not any campaigns'. Must be a newcomer or something, Daveys campaigning history speaks for itself.. BTW you say he just wants to build on his own name. Where did he get that name. Well just so you know, people are not presented a name among the campaigning world they earn it. That is probably why his blog diary is already so popular I hear among campaigners. I will try and google your name Wow to see what you have been up to. Hope it is not to surreal.
All together now, there is only one Davey Carlin, there is only one Davey Carlin, one Davey Carlin
Judging from the lack of comments on the site, and the deafening silence surrounding the blog here, it doesn't look like its igniting anyones imagination. Live and let live, but stop rubbing up each others egos - it makes us all look like meglomaniacs harping after a legacy for the grandkids.
Good blog, that build on word' wonder what far left party that came from? Time to get after them Dav.,
September entry done - Linked above
And my October entry into my diary is up.
It is entitled 'STREET SEEN in the beginning', and gives the history of Street Seen from its initiation to now one year of our establishment.
It also incorporates the Make Poverty History Movement in the North in detail. -
In Solidarity Davy Carlin
Interesting writing davy.
I am to get a number of copies of it - Any one who wants a copy, and I know ye,.
drop me you e-mail and I will get one to you in the time ahead.
It is a really powerful grassroots documentary made at the height of the conflict.
I will be heading down to Dublin in the time ahead and will leave a copy of it with Mark for you. All the best D
Dear Friends,
November Diary now updated. D
Had forgot to attach this within my Nov update -
Again it tackles the issue of more 'Subtle' forms of racism, and should be read with the Nov input.
My final Diary entry for 2005 is attached.
Dec 2005.
See you in 2006
In Solidarity D
The Jan 2006 input on my activist online Diary has been added D
Link provided
Who is this dude and why would we care about his on-line diary, does he think he is some kind of personality? He used to post his 'thoughts' on the blanket website and write about his childhood etc, who gives a fuck.
He's someone who is entitled to free speech - like you.
does this irk you?
I had not intended to do another input on my dairy until May {as working on book} but given I have joined Organise! and a few other issues - I will do a brief one shortly.
I have now started a full time job - as well as a part time one! Tis to pay of all those bills I have accumalted as a virtual full time activist over recent years.
But, I will find the time - make the time - to write as always. ATB D
Diary is updated - under title - My joining of Organise!
Link provided
f*%k the begrudgers! some day this diary will rank with orwells!
May Diary Updated - on link attached
"f*%k the begrudgers! some day this diary will rank with orwells!"
Actually Davy, I was thinking about Orwells diaries. In his WWII diaries he muses on how rumours start and spread. He decided to start a rumour that beer was going to be rationed and see if it came back to him. It never circled back to him.
But why don't you start something similar?
Now there is something to mull over - ATB Pat C
I had did a bit of poetry re - Black Mountain. Forgot to put up, will attach within May diary - or put up at later date. SO - ATB - D
The link provided below provides the final part of my series of articles about me, as a black kid, growing up in West Belfast during the height of the recent Irish War,
There is also a picture of me at the age of nine where I had lived then on the Falls Road in 1979.
Good stuff indeed. You were such a lovely kid, whatever happened? ;)
I had also amongst much I had seen there, seen Ronnie Bunting being shot. Ronnie Bunting was the son of Major Ronald Bunting, a one-time aide to Ian Paisley. He was a once Belfast commander and a senior chief on staff of the INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) while having also been a founder member of the IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party). Bunting was to be the only Protestant to be interned without trail in 1972. He was eventually killed after several attempts on his life along with Noel Lyttle in 1980.
I remember that well. Noel Lyttle was the third member of the Smash H-Block/Armagh National Committee to be murdered. He only decided at the last moment to stay in Ronnies house that night. Yet the assassins knew he was there and sought him out. The assassins deliberately chose to only wound Ronnis wife, Suzanne after she jumped on one of their backs, she was not an intended target. It suggests to me that this was an SAS squad, Loyalists would have killed Suzanne as well. the UFF were allowed to claim responsibility.
I am told that I am still as lovely and as handsome today as I was then, by my partner, so that's good enough for me!!! All the best D
As stated, this is the last in my West Belfast series but I will link back both to this and my Diary in future years.
On my Diary, I will put one more article up on it in the months ahead and may also update it over the years as well as linking to it, via a new blog.
Signing of - D