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The Sunday Papers "Breath of God" edition

category international | arts and media | opinion/analysis author Sunday July 31, 2005 16:50author by iosaf .:. ipsiphi ·.· Report this post to the editors

It has long been observed that we don't really agree on anything at all. Yippee its non banking day, the Sunday Papers is published this week on a Sunday, keen readers will recall the last edition the "Fatwa Edition" was published at midnight 21/7/05 local barcelona time.

It has now been 209 days since Ireland had her first tornado of the current age.

& and our neighbours in the same climate zone (the Engurlish) have had this week suffered that lamentable Hand of God action which saw many homes in the south of Birmingham left without roofing tiles. But because these were god fearing people there were no deaths or serious injuries.
Manorum Dei as imagined by a late XX century english illustrator
Manorum Dei as imagined by a late XX century english illustrator

None of us are insured for such events.

Our governments had collectively hoped that the G8 summit where 4 EU members are represented as well as the EU itself, on climate change and Africa would address such issues.

They did not.
thanks to Bush and company-


I hope the keen reader will remember we wanted the g8 to deal with both Africa and the problems of Africans : realising that we share so many of our terraced and roofed houses with migrants, war orphans, and sundry diverse welcomed people from Africa with all kinds of problems in our climate zone.

A previous Sunday Papers on July 3 dealt with these themes:-


Tornadoes are one of those amazing, awesome acts of nature that simply leaves you dumbfounded -- a huge, swirling, 200-mph beast of a storm that appears to have a mind of its own. You have to actually see one with your own eyes to believe it. In certain places, tornadoes appear with amazing regularity. That's why we see them in the news all the time.

you have ever seen a whirlpool form in your bathtub, sink or toilet when the water is draining, you have seen the fundamentals of a tornado at work. A drain's whirlpool, also known as a vortex, forms because of the downdraft that the drain creates in the body of water. The downward flow of the water into the drain begins to rotate, and as the rotation speeds up the vortex forms.

Q: Why should the water start rotating?

A: There are lots of explanations, but here is one way to think about it (and this way happens to apply to black holes as well as it does to drains). Imagine you are a particle in the water, and you are being pulled toward the suction that the drain creates. You are accelerating toward the point of suction. However, because of your previous momentum, the number of other particles getting sucked toward the point and other factors, chances are that you are going to be off to one side of the point of suction when you arrive. That deflection sets you up on a spiraling path into the point of suction, like a moth spiraling in toward a light. Once the spiral has started in one direction, it tends to influence all of the other particles as they arrive. A very strong spiraling tendency is created. Eventually, there is enough spiraling energy to create a vortex.

Given that you see vortexes all the time in tubs and sinks, it is obviously a fairly common phenomenon. In a tornado, the same sort of thing happens, except with AIR instead of WATER.

Tornadoes are rated on what is called the Fujita Scale, named for the inventor T. Theodore Fujita. There are six levels in this scale:

Level F0 Wind Speed 40 - 72 mph Light damage: Tears branches from trees; rips shallow-rooted trees from the ground; can damage sign-posts, traffic signals and chimneys. God is only playing with ye.

Level F1 Wind Speed 73 - 112 mph Moderate damage: Roofing materials and vinyl siding can be displaced; mobile homes are highly vulnerable and can easily be knocked from the foundation or toppled; motorists can be sent careening off road and possibly flipped over. God is upset about something maybe emissions.

Level F2 Wind Speed 113 - 157 mph Considerable damage: Well established trees are easily uprooted; mobile homes are dessimated; entire roofs can be ripped off houses; train cars and trucking hauls are knocked over; small objects become dangerous missiles. God is throwing things around and in a real tantrum.

Level F3 Wind Speed 158 - 206 mph Severe damage: Forests are destroyed as a majority of trees are ripped from the ground; entire trains are derailed and knocked over; walls and roofs are torn from houses, God is pissed.

Level F4 Wind Speed 207 - 260 mph Devastating damage: Houses and other small structures can be razed entirely; automobiles are propelled through the air. God is biblically smoting.

Level F5 Wind Speed 261 - 318 mph Incredible damage: Cars become projectiles as they are hurled through the air; entire houses are completely destroyed after being ripped from the foundation and sent tumbling into the distance; steel-reinforced concrete structures can be seriously damaged.
God is martian.

if people in South Birimingham this week had had TV then their reception would have been affected.
Some might have blamed God.

Now we presume you read how tectonic plates work when we left the link about the work by the Wimble family to stop them moving some time in the last century, (you remember we found them by mis-spelling womble)-

I am PROUD to tell you that skilled psychic activists using the Wimble methodology at long distance have succeeded in ensuring that the last earthwuake of 7.4 on the richter scale 442km SSE of Port Blair, Andaman islands on Sunday did not produce a tsunami.


So progressing nicely to appreciate just like a Nobel Prize winner that the Divine is the ultimate source of all things great good small and bad you are ready to learn how black holes work.


You may have heard someone say, "My desk has become a black hole!" You may have seen an astronomy program on television or read a magazine article on black holes. These exotic objects have captured our imagination ever since they were predicted by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity in 1915.

Mr Einstein was very clever, and stuck his tongue at the people he didn't trust, who he felt would pervert his discoveries for material gain.

A black hole is what remains when a massive star dies.

The concept of an object from which light could not escape (e.g., black hole) was originally proposed by Pierre Simon Laplace in 1795. Using Newton's Theory of Gravity, Laplace calculated that if an object were compressed into a small enough radius, then the escape velocity of that object would be faster than the speed of light.
If you have read How Stars Work, then you know that a star is a huge, amazing fusion reactor. Because stars are so massive and made out of gas, there is an intense gravitational field that is always trying to collapse the star. The fusion reactions happening in the core are like a giant fusion bomb that is trying to explode the star. The balance between the gravitational forces and the explosive forces is what defines the size of the star.

As the star dies, the nuclear fusion reactions stop because the fuel for these reactions gets burned up. At the same time, the star's gravity pulls material inward and compresses the core. As the core compresses, it heats up and eventually creates a supernova explosion in which the material and radiation blasts out into space. What remains is the highly compressed, and extremely massive,
core. The core's gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape.

This object is now a black hole and literally disappears from view. Because the core's gravity is so strong, the core sinks through the fabric of space-time, creating a hole in space-time -- this is why the object is called a black hole.

he core becomes the central part of the black hole called the singularity. The opening of the hole is called the event horizon.

You can think of the event horizon as the mouth of the black hole. Once something passes the event horizon, it is gone for good. Once inside the event horizon, all "events" (points in space-time) stop, and nothing (even light) can escape. The radius of the event horizon is called the Schwarzschild radius, named after astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, whose work led to the theory of black holes.

There are two types of black holes:

* Schwarzschild - Non-rotating black hole
* Kerr - Rotating black hole

The Schwarzschild black hole is the simplest black hole, in which the core does not rotate. This type of black hole only has a singularity and an event horizon.

The Kerr black hole, which is probably the most common form in nature, rotates because the star from which it was formed was rotating. When the rotating star collapses, the core continues to rotate, and this carried over to the black hole (conservation of angular momentum). The Kerr black hole has the following parts:

* Singularity - The collapsed core
* Event horizon - The opening of the hole
* Ergosphere - An egg-shaped region of distorted space around the event horizon (The distortion is caused by the spinning of the black hole, which "drags" the space around it.)
* Static limit - The boundary between the ergosphere and normal space

If an object passes into the ergosphere it can still be ejected from the black hole by gaining energy from the hole's rotation.

However, if an object crosses the event horizon, it will be sucked into the black hole and never escape. What happens inside the black hole is unknown; even our current theories of physics do not apply in the vicinity of a singularity.

Even though we cannot see a black hole, it does have three properties that can or could be measured:

* Mass
* Electric charge
* Rate of rotation (angular momentum)

As of now, we can only measure the mass of the black hole reliably by the movement of other objects around it. If a black hole has a companion (another star or disk of material), it is possible to measure the radius of rotation or speed of orbit of the material around the unseen black hole. The mass of the black hole can be calculated using Kepler's Modified Third Law of Planetary Motion or rotational motion.

You'll remember Kepler from the sound of a motorbike or stealth aircraft going by and sounding different for some reason.

How We Detect Black Holes:-

Although we cannot see black holes, we can detect or guess the presence of one by measuring its effects on objects around it. The following effects may be used:

* Mass estimates from objects orbiting a black hole or spiraling into the core
* Gravitational lens effects
* Emitted radiation


Now this is different from the holy Mass, or the Marxist Mass, or even the usual Sunday Papers long observed mass [just in case you have forgotten about that :- "It has long been observed, that on Sunday the mass does different things.
Some go to church, some return from clubs and sleep, some read a book, some do the gardening, some catch up with their kids, some eat a lot, some practise yoga, some Vote.
It has long been valued that on their non-banking days people are pretty much the same as when they work, graft, toil and sweat. Except they have less money making opportunities. This facilitates their increased participation in their society as citizens and nationals of the Civilised World.
It has long been observed that the mass on their non banking days readily absorb shite.
This is why coups are most successful on the weekend, and elections as well.
It is on your non-banking days that you are presented with the most filagree woven tissues of spirit and lie, ghost and truth. It is through weekend that we have considerable space in your head."]

Many black holes have objects around them, and by looking at the behavior of the objects you can detect the presence of a black hole. You then use measurements of the movement of objects around a suspected black hole to calculate the black hole's mass.

What you look for is a star or a disk of gas that is behaving as though there were a large mass nearby. For example, if a visible star or disk of gas has a "wobbling" motion or spinning AND there is not a visible reason for this motion AND the invisible reason has an effect that appears to be caused by an object with a mass greater than three solar masses (too big to be a neutron star), then it is POSSIBLE that a black hole is causing the motion. You then estimate the mass of the black hole by looking at the effect it has on the visible object.

For example, in the core of galaxy NGC 4261, there is a brown, spiral-shaped disk that is rotating. The disk is about the size of our solar system, but weighs 1.2 billion times as much as the sun. Such a huge mass for a disk might indicate that a black hole is present within the disk.

Gravity Lens

Einstein's General Theory of Relativity predicted that gravity could BEND SPACE. This was later confirmed during a solar eclipse when a star's position was measured before, during and after the eclipse. The star's position shifted because the light from the star was bent by the sun's gravity. Therefore, an object with immense gravity (like a galaxy or black hole) between the Earth and a distant object could bend the light from the distant object into a focus, much like a lens can.


Optics like Aucustics is one of the oldest and most guarded of the Elvish arts.

Hobbitsiiis don't get to play with them.



Q. should I lobby my political representatives to include Tornadoes in the PD manifesto for insurance reform in 2005?
A. no.
Q. should I send copies of the video "the day after tomorrow" to the American Embassy?
A. perhaps.
Q. should I be less gullible about expensive low tech science?
A. quite probably yes.
Q. Should I join the Wimble / Womble family in trying to stop tectonic plate movement?
A. there's no room left. If you're not a member yet, it's too late now.
Q. Should I think about ending World exploitation?
A. very definitely yes.
Q. Can I make my own black hole at home?
A. well you really shouldn't try, you know you really should't try. just like you shouldn't try and clone animals and plants.
Q. why not?
A. because you're not Einstein. You're just a monkey. A Tiresome monkey at that.
Q what can I do to help?
A. send love and peace to all the other creatures of the garden.

The Last Sunday Papers :-
fatwa edition

Articles I'd like people to read :-

author by .:. .:.publication date Mon Aug 01, 2005 00:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Very interesting, but most of this is copied and pasted from

in particular

Other than that your article has little or nothing but a few links to some of your other articles, which themselves probably contain more plagiarism.

author by iosafpublication date Mon Aug 01, 2005 02:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Our theme thus this week is "the scientific method", the majority of the material in the above article being cut and paste from theimc ireland archive, cut and pasted before here from elsewhere and one fairly presumes compiled outside of european copyright laws on a US database. Its all cut and paste.
Scientific methods, be they examining the torando of Galway, or of Birmingham, or of emergent imitative forms of terror rely heavily on C&P.

let's crunch numbers.

During the G8 summit in scotland on "africa and climate change", 4 people committed suicide with an additional loss to 52 lives.
They were "3 pakistanis" & "1 jamaican"
After the global outrage C&P'd everywhere, 4 other people were involved in a "failed bombing" of the same city in july 21st. 2 were african. 1 was found in Rome. Of the arrests relating to the first incident they occured in Birmingham and Yorkshire (yorkshire is about the size of northern ireland) and London. 1 Brazilian man, long resident in London was killed during the course of 3 arrests and 4 special police operations in London on the 22nd. The locations "raided" in the investigations relating to the incident in London during the G8 summit, have been found in 3 principle states, the UK; Italy and Pakistan. internet cafés and newspapers and schools have topped the "categories". There have been over 250 arrests. There have been 8 shots fired in one person, one tasar used, and 30,000 african children have died everyday since the live 8 concert for the g8 occured. There have been hundreds of deportations from the 25 state EU after the G5 agreed shared logistics since the 2 days before the G8 summit. Of those hundreds of deportations 2 have been related to terrorist events in Europe 1995. There have been 6 times more deaths in the 9 states of the middle east in the period since the G8 than there have been in the 15 prior to 25 states of the EU due to terror since 2000.
There have been roughly 6 times more civilian casualties in Iraq since 2003 than occured between 14/8/1969 and 28/7/2005 in relation to "our history". There has been one high level suspect released in relation to the London bombing during the G8, there were 88 people killed in his country a week later. There has been 1 Irish person killed due to terrorism abroad since the G8 summit, and estimates vary on how many were killed in Ireland.

As well as drawing on other material for my scientific sunday papers, I also was guilty of reading The Gaurdian, some columnist bleating on about how monty python could sort out their numbers for them and mentioning council flats and semi-detached housing.

I'm flattered people care enough about the Sunday Papers to be checking them up. I'll have to squeeze some less obvious clues into them.

Next week we'll go back to the usual "all you want to know about religious issues and anarchy" stuff.

The scene in Hansfield Estate, Clonee, Co Meath, after the mini-twister tore up the area 1/1/2005. new years day.
The scene in Hansfield Estate, Clonee, Co Meath, after the mini-twister tore up the area 1/1/2005. new years day.

Related Link: http://unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=9&si=1314262&issue_id=11896
author by iosaf on holidays.publication date Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

He's been the regent since 1995, and got the job of King when his older brother the King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud (1923-2005) died last night. He's the Saudi looking type you mostly see on telly shaking hands with people and looking both rich and powerful.

Q. Does this change the price of a cup of tea?
A. The price of a cup of tea, will not alter immediately, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz's predeccesor King Khalid bin Abdul Aziz sorted out the terrible problems on the price of tea which led to queues at the teapots of Europe in the early seventies and had reached their worst point during the reign of King Faysal bin Abdelaziz Al Saud & perhaps were thought to be connected to his murder.

Q. Are the americans happy?
A. Oh yes. dedicated tea drinkers.

Q. Where does the new king stand on the issues?
A. Well he's very for Islam, he used to be pro-taliban but he got a wake up call, he's anti-drink, quite strict on theft, but is all for the woman driver.

Q. It is said, that when something really great happens of good or evil, and there are many people on the stage, or many characters described for the reader, that one of those is the culprit, any thoughts?
A. Yes it is said, indeed, I remarked during the funeral of Arafat who died in France 11/11/04 that within a short time, quite surely the culprit would appear to bid the valedictory prayers. But Arafat wasn't poisoned, the Percy hospital reports proved that, and anyway that's not the scientific method that's shakespeare.

Q. ah yes! but that's not how things work!
A. Ok, King (then prince regent) Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz was not on the stage of the G8, he had his pre-meeting with chairman Tony Blair the Blair on Sunday 3/7/05 in Saudi Arabia they discussed areas of common concern like tea and God. If youre looking for a shakespearian type suspect pick the i-t-a-l-i-a-n (the short one with the wrinkles that everyone hates) but the real favourite is the one with the wonky eyes, he get's everywhere.

Q. But he was on the stage for nine eleven!
I saw the movie! He had a cup of tea with Bush on the balcony!
A: Hmmm. that was a saudi ambassador, they dress alike but it wasn't Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz you've to check the embroidering, saudi prince ambassador's only get one line of embroidering, its a bit like star trek rank counts in this. Anyway the Saudis just put the Bin Ladens on planes and flew them off on holiday mystery tours & please remember it was just a movie.

Q. I've noticed that on network US tv, this is classified as a "developing story", any insights?
A. well, obviously its not really rolling news, nor is it a human interest story, but it might get mixed up with all sorts of things by friday, and then it will prove a helpful "benchmark" for people who like references.

author by redjadepublication date Tue Aug 02, 2005 18:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Monday, August 01, 2005

King Fahd is Dead: And the Oppressive Kingdom lives on...with Western support. If only you heard Khalid Mish`al (of the Hamas Movement) talk about King Fahd on Al-Arabiyya TV, and later on Dubai TV, this morning. I experienced something a step worse than nausea as a sensation. But this is the legacy of King Fahd: how much he corrupted Arab media and culture, and how much he ran political leaders in different Arab countries.

It is fair to say that when we speak of the Saudi era (which was inaugurated after the death of Nasser in 1970), we are mostly talking about the era of this corrupt man--first as Crown Prince and then as King, or as Servant of the Two Holy Places, as he officially has been known. From 1975, King Fahd was the key personality in Arab politics, and NOT due to exceptional talents or skills, although he played on several ropes, as we say in Arabic. He was many things to many people: a man who spends on Islamic charities to appeal to the pious, and the man who spent years in European casinos and brothels, appealing to the partying younger generation of the House of Saud.

He appealed to Ronald Reagan and to Usamah Bin Laden simultaneously. He was key in bringing an end to the ideological struggle in the region (the so-called Arab cold war) by starting his preferred practice of buying people off and using (and controlling) the Arab and even international media to produce crude Saudi propaganda and to end the avalanche of anti-Saudi rhetoric that Nasser perfected in the 1960s, but that he had to abandon after his humiliating defeat in 1967.

These will be very difficult few days for anybody reading or watching the Arab media: you will hear every Arab politician, journalist, intellectual, thinker, and diplomat heap praise and watch them shed tears on this corrupt and hypocritical king--a man who never had to face a popular vote of any kind. King Fahd is primarily responsible for the proliferation of fundamentalist fanatical groups in the region, nay in the world, having been the main beneficiary of the oil boom in the 1970s.

more at

The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب
- A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
[The Angry Arab News Service is a blog run by an arab anarchist, btw - always fun to read]

UK Independent Today
UK Independent Today

author by iosaf :-)publication date Tue Aug 02, 2005 23:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So many saudi princes with so many different mothers. Their palace politics must be quite something.

This week's sunday papers is lame, because i'm on holidays along with hundreds of millions of other europeans, but a lot of people don't go on holidays they still work, and some europeans just like a younger version of myself go to techno festivals.

Spare a thought for what happened in the Czechtek.

author by iosafpublication date Thu Sep 08, 2005 14:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Normally I wouldn't report these things on indymedia, except considering that I have spent the last week describing post apocalypse chances for a human species sharing more in common with smurfs than mad max fighting out their survival, it sort of hit home.
Put the news in the Sunday Papers breath of God cut and pasted "how vortices work" article thought I. Does Barcelona normally have tornados? Well the simple answer is no. Nor does Clones, Ireland, Birmingham or Europe in general.
Aren't there a lot of them now then?
Yes. This is called "climate change". "Climate change" is the accepted current and fashionable way of saying the weather is broken.
Since seasonal winds brought electrical storms from the Atlantic this last week, the metereological office in Bcn have recorded "a dozen" tornados. & last night I saw one. I was just "technically a irresponsible citizen" and Benjamin Franklin like, went out in "good experimental conditions" to check the refugee evacuation route from the western city to the airport and flat air drop zones by bicycle.
& the airport was closed as 2 tornados took advantage of the flat land to do their thing.

Hmm thought I.
Adjust the survival tips accordingly.

Tornado's are awesome, they emerge from what appears like normal bad weather. They are very concentrated. They appear to be easy enough to deal with, but are probably poor for morale especially if you're escaping a devastated city already, they also carry a lot of water.

here are some photos of what the Tornado(s) did yesterday to a small pretty coastal town a few kilometres south of the airport.
That town has now opened an emergency refuge centre.
In this article you can see one of the tornados. They don't last long, but I tell you they are awesome. The mountain in the photo is the natural barrier on the southern side of the city of barcelona.

Bear in mind that at the same time, rain and wind conditions were "normally heavy" in the city the other side of a 1000metre natural obstacle (small mountain). Everything outside was very wet, but the drains weren't overflowing. Many plants and some balcony fittings were blown. (People took in their washing, and my partner [bless her] sent me out to the supermarket for "more than water usual"). At no stage did any of my "emergency refugee group" organise their "water proof containers", they watched it on tv and waited on our other emergency to be solved -
The replacement modem came by post this morning. Thanks to the Fedex team!

author by Amigopublication date Thu Sep 08, 2005 15:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Love the car lot.

author by noah smurfpublication date Thu Sep 08, 2005 16:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

One of the first things I saw when I came to Bcn years ago was a globe model of earth in physical relief with raised sea levels.
very dinky. I couldn't see drumcondra or kilkenny city specifically, I just saw a lot of new islands.

Now folks, I don't want to scare ye! I'm not going mental apocalyptic or endtime cookie these last weeks, or even years, I'm just saying like the song told you:-
"its gonna rain". & in the most unusual and intense and surprising ways, I think it was Aldous Huxley who observed correctly that the world doesn't end in bang or pop it just sort of makes a broken novelty baloon sound. (i've paraphrased a lot there). I don't think we have enough engineering power to put all the water back the way and place it is in now consistently for the next 50 years.

Your estate agent has probably not taken this into consideration, your local authority will have a fair idea though but of course long term resources and interest are in other things. Often with good reason. Often with very poor reason. We are not going to (smersh)+(serf)= smurf just yet, and long before we do, and Gargamel gets us, you hear the music... Schubert's unfinished symphony, now who controls that cat?

This is (and do think about it) how you say Smurf in all the languages wikipedia has gathered. The most important thing you do if you go into Smurfdom, is get the language thing together, and remember the martians want your smurf genes...

Arabic: Sanafer سنافر (singular: Sanfur سنفور)
Basque: Pottokiak (singular: pottoki), after the Basque pony race pottoka. Early editions used pitufoak, straight from Spanish.
Catalan: Barrufets (singular: barrufet)
Chinese: Lan jing ling (藍精靈)
Croatian: Štrumpfovi (singular: Štrumpf)
Czech: Šmoulové (singular: Šmoula), name based on their light blue colour.
Danish: Smølferne (singular: en Smølf)
Dutch: Smurfen (singular: Smurf)
Finnish: Smurffit (singular: Smurffi)
French: Schtroumpfs (singular: Schtroumpf)
German: Schlümpfe (singular: Schlumpf)
Greek: Stroumfakia Στρουμφάκια (singular: Stroumf/Stroumfaki Στρουμφ/Στρουμφάκι)
Hebrew: Dardasim דרדסים (singular: Dardas דרדס). The real meaning of the word is a small child
Hungarian: Törpök (singular: Törp)
Icelandic: Strumpar (singular: Strumpur)
Italian: Puffi (singular: Puffo), the name has been reinvented from scratch because in Italian language the "schtroumpf" or (in Italian spelling strumpf) reminds speakers of the Italian word "stronzo", literally meaning 'piece of excrement'. Note that the dialect word 'strunz' is even closer to 'strumpf'. The fantasy name "Puffi" is derived from word "buffi" (singular: buffo, as in opera buffa) a word meaning at same time "funny" and "strange".
Japanese: スマーフ (Sumaafu)
Polish: Smerfy (singular: Smerf)
Portuguese Estrumpfes (singular: Estrumpfe), (Brazil knows them as Smurfs)
Romanian Ştrumfi (singular: Ştrumf)
Slovak: Šmolkovia (singular: Šmolko)
Slovenian: Smrkci (singular: Smrkec)
Spanish: Pitufos
Swedish: Smurfer(na) (singular: smurf)
Turkish: Şirinler (singular: Şirin)
Serbian: Štrumpfovi Штрумпфови (singular: Štrumpf Штрумпф)


Put it through your abacus.

how many chemical, and nuclear installations or related activity is safe from extreme flash flooding the EU?

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