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End To Armed Campaign![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 'We are proud of the comradely way in which this truly historic discussion was conducted'
We have invited two independent witnesses, from the Protestant and Catholic churches, to testify to this. The Army Council took these decisions following an unprecedented internal discussion and consultation process with IRA units and Volunteers. We appreciate the honest and forthright way in which the consultation process was carried out and the depth and content of the submissions. We are proud of the comradely way in which this truly historic discussion was conducted. The outcome of our consultations show very strong support among IRA Volunteers for the Sinn Fein peace strategy. There is also widespread concern about the failure of the two governments and the unionists to fully engage in the peace process. This has created real difficulties. The overwhelming majority of people in Ireland fully support this process. They and friends of Irish unity throughout the world want to see the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement. Notwithstanding these difficulties our decisions have been taken to advance our republican and democratic objectives, including our goal of a united Ireland. We believe there is now an alternative way to achieve this and to end British rule in our country. It is the responsibility of all Volunteers to show leadership, determination and courage. We are very mindful of the sacrifices of our patriot dead, those who went to jail, Volunteers, their families and the wider republican base. We reiterate our view that the armed struggle was entirely legitimate. We are conscious that many people suffered in the conflict. There is a compelling imperative on all sides to build a just and lasting peace. The issue of the defence of nationalist and republican communities has been raised with us. There is a responsibility on society to ensure that there is no re-occurrence of the pogroms of 1969 and the early 1970s. There is also a universal responsibility to tackle sectarianism in all its forms. The IRA is fully committed to the goals of Irish unity and independence and to building the Republic outlined in the 1916 Proclamation. We call for maximum unity and effort by Irish republicans everywhere. We are confident that by working together Irish republicans can achieve our objectives. Every Volunteer is aware of the import of the decisions we have taken and all Oglaigh are compelled to fully comply with these orders. There is now an unprecedented opportunity to utilise the considerable energy and goodwill which there is for the peace process. This comprehensive series of unparalleled initiatives is our contribution to this and to the continued endeavours to bring about independence and unity for the people of Ireland. Reaction & Digest Of Irish/UK Press Coverage From Slugger O'Toole Indymedia Ireland Compilation Of International Reaction To Statement |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49There is now a challenge to a new generation, and new people throughout the Irish and British communities no matter where they live to help all those caught up in conflict so long to move to a lasting peace, justice, concensus and fulfill their potential at home and in europe and worldwide. As a people, as peoples we have lived bitter lessons.
All my life, and I suspect all the lives of most contributors, readers, of this site, "waiting" for what must be seen as a difficult decision to make, but the right one. I wonder does this now mean the oldest pseudonom / nom de guerre & nom de plume may rest?
I can not deny the rôle played in my political, cultural, social and historical development by the conflict and that name P O'Neill and the language "s/he" so long guarded.
gurb maith agaibh. siochain abu.
slán agaibh is libh!
Síocháin = Peace = Pax = Paz = Pau = Bake = Paix = Saleem = Shalom
Sin deireadh le hairm.
Anois an deacracht: An tSíocháin a thógáil a ligfeadh Cothrom na Féinne le gach duine.
Scaoil amach an t-éargna, an cúiléith, an ghaois is an dea-thoil.
This statement is truly historic. I feal that there is cause for celebration now. The IRA are still an undefeated army and now the ball is well and truly in the hands of the loyalists and brits.
peace is not in the republician movements gift alone, becarefull about storing to much on this. theres still alot more pieces of the puzzle.
This is a momentous ststement. Now the British have to do something. The disater will be if Unionism (British Nationalism) shows bad faith and refuses to help in a democratic system by ignoring this. What's worse is if the Loyalists continue to menace Catholic communities, creating a new form of Irish nationalist backlash.
The ball is indeed in the British court, and they HAVE to capitalise on this or be damned by history as the people who wrecked peace. Trust like this has to be nurtured, not spoiled.
I hope people like Paisley won't fart though their mouths about 'sackcloth and ashes' again. This is too important an event to be put in the hands of egocentric fundamentalists.
Come on, eveybody...
Isn’t it amazing how republicans have managed to make today’s statement look like a victory for their movement?
The Provisionals threw everything they had at the British state – as well as unionism and loyalism – for a quarter of a century and, today, have stood down their military wing in an Ireland containing the exact same political structures as existed during the birth pangs of the Provos in the winter of 1969. I refuse to give serious consideration to any lapdog of the Adams/McGuinness leadership who says in reply to me that this is all part of a grand ‘peace strategy’/masterplan that will lead us to a 32 county socialist republic. It is nothing of the sort. It’s a respectable way out for a military campaign that failed, one that never had the remotest chance of success and, most unfortunate of all, has put the ideal of the unity of Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter back several generations. “Undefeated army”? My arse, as Comrade Tomlinson would have put it.
What is even more amazing about today’s events is the extent to which unionists still don’t realise when they have won the war. Paisley, Empey and company are reacting to P. O’Neill’s latest (and hopefully final) uttering with the usual level of anger and cynicism. I suppose it is people like these – certainly the DUP leader – who have made a tidy living out of instilling fear in their constituents about the threat posed to them by Irish republicanism. Dr. Paisley is probably quaking in his fine leather shoes this evening at the prospect of his lifelong sectarian sparring partner calling it a day.
So, where now for the peace process? I’m not too sure how we’ll get there but I would be fairly certain that in the very near future we’ll have a DUP First Minister sitting alongside his Sinn Fein Deputy in a northern power-sharing executive. And these people were meant to hate each other just a few years back. Smash Sinn Fein? Brits Out? Maybe they were only pulling our legs.
P.S. Is it just me or is there a marked increase in Pub Provos on indymedia (that is people who wear Celtic tops 24/7, know a couple of words in Irish and sing the national anthem in English.)
The IRA must be saluted for this decision and for their commitment to a peaceful solution to partition.
another step towards unity, great to see the political hostage Sean Kelly released.
"P.S. Is it just me or is there a marked increase in Pub Provos on indymedia (that is people who wear Celtic tops 24/7, know a couple of words in Irish and sing the national anthem in English".
Just you.
Must agree with W. Gallagher about the pub provos. They think they can just come onto the forum and throw in a few words of incorrectly spelt, grammatically incorrect and unacceptable Irish and get away with it. I cant stand these people. They give a bad name to the Irish language and perpetuate the myth that all Irish speakers are closet provos. Má tá sibh chun úsáid a bhaint as an nGaeilge, bainigí úsáid cheart aisti.
Erm... why? Bush is hardly the world's greatest peace-monger. If McGuinness says "hey, peace in Ireland!" Bush might think, "oh, no! We'll have to do something about that".
It's about time.
could someone give me the name of the above painting? thanks.
i think it's an important move, but as others have said, and something vincent browne keeps saying, policing is still a critical issue.
It's called 'the blind piper'. The link will tell you more
written prior to release of IRA statement.
and is a romanticised retro-depiction of the tradition of blind harpers and poets in Ireland, it was frequently used as an ilustration to works on Irish history, as well as books on the Irish musical tradition and for that, as well as its "band & tunes" suggeston I chose to use it, I thought it would seem apt.
I think the increased use of Irish recently reflects the increased visitors to the site from rural ireland, and the increased readership we really ought see more Irish on the newswire as a proper reflection of readers linguistic ability & I for one welcome it, my Irish is very very rusty, but I appreciate reading these comments, some of which seem to be quite pithy and well written. & I have not seen any republican slant or SF slant in the majority of them. I rather thought we had left the politicisation of our language behind, and that now neither gaielge or irish names were associated with "fenianism".
On which note : I wonder is Gallagher above one and the same Gallagher who left the badly written and spellt comment on the bcn indymedia thread on this subject?
What a wet miserable day. The rain is constantly pouring down and the memories of winter prevail. This is about the weather.
7 years on from the Belfast Agreement, today the IRA have made a statement. Within lies hope and a future. Today, 28th July 2005, is a historic event. Let the people of Ireland now take up the cudgel and enact the will of the people.
Let the people realise and enlighten their children of the significance of Freedom.
A quote, I suggest is by Albert Camus (1915-1916) writer
Freedom: 'The only conception of freedom I can have is that the prisoner or the individual in the midst of the State.
The only one I know is freedom of thought and action.
Therein is a paradox. Today former IRA prisoner Sennan Walsh who spent 18 years in prison made the statement on behalf of Oglaigh na hEireann. This was a unilateral statement with Oglaigh na hEireann itself, without discussion with the British Government, Irish Goverment, Unionists and others.
Mr. Gerry Adams, Sinn Fein, speaks of a 'defining point in a search for peace with Justice'. Let us savour these words.
Let us remember the people who died during the Northern Ireland troubles. Also, irrespective of 'beliefs', let us recall those people who engaged in Hunger Protest strikes in the 1980's, their passion for Freedom cannot be denied.
I hear the word 'photos' mentioned as the weapons are decomissioned. It would be a sad day that the verification by a Catholic and Protestant clergy men would not be acceptable to the people of Ireland. Do we really want to diminish further the value and significance of the Oath; of Truth. 'My word is my bond' is core to contract with stockbrokers.
Let us accept the 'Bona Fides' of the IRA over the next few months.
Criminality and the over emphasis by the media is but a 'bauble'. We can all make criticisms, judgments etc. but the truth is do we really have a meaning we can endorse.
The shame, as far as I can see, is the over emphasis on something that realistically must be regarded as a component part of mercantile life.
Ireland particularly needs to review its own political culture since 1921 and thereby realise the reality in pushing an newly emerging economy onto the world market. People had to take chances and risks; the desire and passion was about a United Ireland.
Let us think of the moral aspect of history and realise that Morality and judment are subject to ethical ups and downs.
We need to regard our history; we gained money from a variety of obscure sources e.g. Bonds in the US, funding of a National Newspaper, the building of hospitals programmes, houses, infrastructure, tax incentives. to name but a few. We need also recall that the Revenue have been the beneficiaries of over 2 billion euros since the 1980's.....funds mainly hidden so no tax would be paid!!!!!!
I say Let us give Peace a Chance.......
Michelle Clarke
Quotation Amelia Earhart
'Adventure is worthwhile in itself'
The IRA today announced it was finally surrendering to the British and Irish states. The IRA has ordered volunteers to dump arms and become fully involved in the pacification process. Through the party Sinn Fein the IRA will now participate in due course in government north and south. This will include policing (locking up the poor and political dissenters) industrial development (giving money to the rich) and people management (deporting refugees, strike breaking etc). Some day we will have Sinn Fein ministers north and south. some day we will have a united capitalist Ireland, it will be grand.
"On April 6th I made a direct appeal to the men and women volunteers of the IRA. This appeal was based on my belief that there now exists, for the first time in the history of our struggle, the opportunity to achieve republican objectives through purely peaceful and democratic methods.
Today's decision by the IRA to move into a new peaceful mode is historic and represents a courageous and confident initiative. It is a truly momentous and defining point in the search for a lasting peace with justice. I commend the commitment of those who have taken this decision and I appeal for unity and solidarity among all Irish republicans on the island of Ireland and beyond and for the struggle to be carried forward with new energy and enthusiasm.
The IRA decision presents an unparalleled challenge and opportunity for every nationalist and republican.
There is an enormous responsibility on us to seize this moment and to make Irish freedom a reality. I would urge all Irish nationalists and republicans, including those who have shown such commitment as volunteers of the IRA to put their undoubted talents and energy into building a new Ireland.
Today's IRA initiative also presents challenges for others.
In my April appeal I made the point that commitments, including commitments from the two governments were reneged on in the past. History will not be kind to any government which plays politics with today's developments.
There is now no possible excuse for the British and Irish governments to not fully and faithfully implement the Good Friday Agreement.
In particular this means an end to pandering to those unionists who are rejectionist. It means the British government must urgently address the demilitarisation, equality and human rights agendas.
It means the Irish government actively promoting the rights and entitlements of all of its citizens, including those in the north. It means the Irish government actively promoting Irish unity.
It means that unionists who are for the Good Friday Agreement must end their ambivalence. And it is a direct challenge to the DUP to decide if they want to put the past behind them, and make peace with the rest of the people of this island.
Today's IRA statement can help revive the peace process; it deals with genuine unionist concerns and removes from the leadership of unionism its excuse for non-engagement.
Republicans should not be surprised that our opponents will continue to try to defeat us. And in the short-term initiatives by the IRA are unlikely to change the attitude of those who oppose us whether in London or Dublin or within unionism. We can expect this to continue until we succeed in our endeavours.
Today's statement by the IRA is clear evidence of the commitment of republicans to the peace process. Republicans are leading by example.
I am very mindful that today will be an emotional one for many republicans. I am particularly conscious of all those who have suffered in the conflict. I want to extend my solidarity to the families of our patriot dead and to commit myself and our leadership to continue our efforts to win Irish freedom.
I am also conscious of the many other families, on all sides who have suffered. Let us all do everything we can to ensure that no one else dies as a result of conflict in our country.
The road map is clear. Sinn Fein is a party looking forward.
We want to see an end to British rule in our country. We want to make partition history.
We have a vision of a new future, a better future, and we have the spirit and the confidence to work with others to achieve this. Irish republicans and nationalists are now in a new area of struggle. There is a role for everyone in this new situation. Nation building is too important to leave entirely to politicians.
Let us move forward together to re-build the peace process and deliver Irish unity and independence.
National liberation struggles can have different phases. There is a time to resist, to stand up and to confront the enemy by arms if necessary. In other words there is a time for war. There is also a time to engage. To reach out. To put war behind us all.
There is a time for peace. There is a time for justice. There is a time for rebuilding. This is that time. This is the era of the nation builders."
The IRA have put the gun on the floor. Others haven't. Who fears peace?
Ní thuigim an dearcadh atá agat ar an Ghaeilge. "Má tá sibh chun úsáid a bhaint as an nGaeilge, bainigí úsáid cheart aisti." a deir tú. Caidé an chiall atá leis seo? Caidé an úsáid cheart a bhaineann daoine as teanga? Caidé an úsáid eile atá le teanga ach do chuid tuairimí a nochtadh agus a chur trasna ar dhaoine eile? Tá sé róshimplí déanamh amach go bhfui achan duine a bhfuil dearcadh ar leith ar an pholaitíocht acu ag baint úsáid(?) as an Ghaeilge. Insan Ghaeltacht, nochtar gach tuairim pholaitiúil agus caidé atá cearr leis sin?
Ní cheart go bhfuil tabhairt amach a dheanamh faoí úsaid an ghaeilge í gcursaí polaitúil. Bhfearr liom fhéin go mbeadh iarrachtaí déanta Ghaeilge a labhairt í gconaí - is cuma na tuaraímí atá a léiriú sa teanga.
A Fheargail, an bhfuil ará agat go bhfuil méadú ceartaíocht ar tuarimia má léiríotar iad as bearla.
I think it is yourself that is politicising Gaeilge.
Let Éire remember, republicans of old
and the day when Adams and his followers betrayed her.
End British Occupation.
It will take a lot more than this to persuade many Provos and supporters. I’m actually surprised that this seems to have been accepted by all IRA members as I would have thought that at least one splinter group would emerge.
I think this was a wise move on their part, it was the will of the vast majority of people and was needed if any progress was going to be made. Its not often I will say this but I commend those involved for taking the first step, it doesn’t excuse actions of the past but still commendable.
It will also be interesting to see how unionist factions, both political and paramilitary, respond. Surely there is now an expectation on them to make the same move? Especially Paisley, this puts him in a very very small corner with little wriggle room.
Unfortunately I felt this move was cheapened by the first responses from both sides. Surely the people of this nation are capable of seeing this as a fresh start at peace? Surely both sides can at least credit us with that much intelligence? Instead people are screaming about betrayal, defeat and surrender. Even the lads in An Poblacht were trying a PR spin that sullied the move. Claiming that the IRA has saved the peace process. Reality check here, the guns put down killed people until very recently. If a murderer decides not to kill at the last minute has he now saved a life?
A brave and very welcome move but it will be judged more on the actions afterwards than the act itself.
BTW, P. O’Neill didn’t sign this to my knowledge.
"If at any time Sinn Fein decide to disown the armed
struggle they won't have me as a member." - Gerry
Adams, 1986 Ard Fheis
"Sadly, the inference that the removal of
abstentionism would lead to the demise of military
opposition to British rule has indeed called into
question the committment of the IRA to pursue this
struggle to a successful conclusion. I reject any such
suggestion, and I reject the notion that entering
Leinster House would mean an end to Sinn Féin's
unapologetic support for the right of Irish people to
oppose in arms the British forces of occupation. That,
my friends, IS A PRINCIPLE which a minority in this
hall might doubt, but which I believe all our
opponents clearly understand. Or position is clear,
and it will never, never, never change. The war
against British rule must continue until freedom is
achieved." - Martin McGuinness, 1986 Ard Fheis
Good riddance to fake "republicans". Onwards and upwards.
"If at any time Sinn Fein decide to disown the armed
struggle they won't have me as a member." - Gerry
Adams, 1986 Ard Fheis
"Sadly, the inference that the removal of
abstentionism would lead to the demise of military
opposition to British rule has indeed called into
question the committment of the IRA to pursue this
struggle to a successful conclusion. I reject any such
suggestion, and I reject the notion that entering
Leinster House would mean an end to Sinn Féin's
unapologetic support for the right of Irish people to
oppose in arms the British forces of occupation. That,
my friends, IS A PRINCIPLE which a minority in this
hall might doubt, but which I believe all our
opponents clearly understand. Or position is clear,
and it will never, never, never change. The war
against British rule must continue until freedom is
achieved." - Martin McGuinness, 1986 Ard Fheis
Sorry, Tom. I see you beat me to it. ;)
it is good to see someone else remembering what those two USED to say!
Its easy to knock the provos for giving up their war against the Brits, but the communities of Republicans in Ard Macha and Beal Feirste have born the brunt of 30 years of opression from the various murder squads of the Brits, in or out of uniforms. Thats to say nothing of free state opression from the other side of the border.
Who can blame them for wanting to stop?
Problem is policing, are republican PSNI members going to beat their neighbours in Ardoynne off the streets to make way for orange prades? What about in Garvaghy? Interesting times ahead. All thats happening now is a coppperfastening of partition. The only objectors left are Phoblachta Sinn Fein and look whats been done to their members for their political stance. You can be jailed on the word of a Garda Sup. and we all have seen what upstanding truthful people the Gardai are, just ask the McBreartys.
If I see a free Eire in my life time I will be delighted but surprised nonetheless, and I still have 50 odd years left statistically. Glad I voted no to the GFA.
Is mise le meas,
i hope this brave move by the ira makes a turning point in the history of ireland.
even if it will take time and sometimes will go slow am sure it will bring the peace and the dream of a united ireland.
from the basque country just wanna send all my support.
i really dont understand this people that keep going against the ira no matter what they do, whats wrong with you? wars are nassty bussiness but now there is a chance to see an end to it!
and yes the ra still an undefeated army.
only The Herald....
When will u people realise that the armed struggle will never come to anything more than has been achieved by the political wrangling of Sinn Fein. The IRA was a stumbling block the peace in the North. Anyway, sure the leaders of the 'RA have thier wee bonus now to keep them sweet. The only thing is will the rank and file members feel screwed over by the leadership because they didnt get much of a slice of the Northern Bank pie.
By the Way. P O'Neill did sign it.
welcome to Dads Army
Remember international Party at Trafalgar Square the first Saturday at 18.00 after Thatchers death.
"Welcome to Sinn Féin's Peace Process Special website. We have put this site together to give you all the latest statements and responses to the IRA's historic statement (also view the video) as well as a chronology of the Peace Process. We have also provided biographies of many of Sinn Féin's elected representatives."
Q: who is missing in this photograph?
Aengus O'Snodaigh and Sean Crowe anyway.
Níl mé orthu.
sinn fein in action
Q: Who is missing from that photo?
A: A snake, urging the consumption of an apple.
That must be biggest joke this week. The IRA are not going away ya know
The war against the British presence is not , unfortunately , over ; it very well may be for the PIRA (and Provo SF) but they cannont speak for future generations . Their recent actions have ensured that those future generations will , eventually , be faced with this same issue's once again - ie the partition of our country and the (illegal and immoral) claim of jurisdiction over six Irish counties by Westminster .
Why do some on this 'thread' , and elsewhere , rush in to 'celebrate' a 'false dawn' ? Adams and his people will end up like De Rossa ; - 'respectable' , rich , good 'career' prospects and a 'big' job (or should that be big 'job' ?) in the Establishment : had they achieved a British declaration of intent to withdraw I would then almost think they would have deserved those 'trappings' . But they did not obtain their stated objective . Another generation will pay for their failure .
Sharon .
James Connolly
Last Statement
Transcribed by The James Connolly Society in 1997.
Given to his daughter Nora Connolly on eve of his murder by the British
To the Field General Court Martial, held at Dublin Castle, on May 9th, 1916:
I do not wish to make any defence except against charges of wanton cruelty to prisoners. These trifling allegations that have been made, if they record facts that really happened deal only with the almost unavoidable incidents of a hurried uprising against long established authority, and nowhere show evidence of set purpose to wantonly injure unarmed persons.
We went out to break the connection between this country and the British Empire, and to establish an Irish Republic. We believed that the call we then issued to the people of Ireland, was a nobler call, in a holier cause, than any call issued to them during this war, having any connection with the war. We succeeded in proving that Irishmen are ready to die endeavouring to win for Ireland those national rights which the British Government has been asking them to die to win for Belgium. As long as that remains the case, the cause of Irish freedom is safe.
Believing that the British Government has no right in Ireland, never had any right in Ireland, and never can have any right in Ireland, the presence, in any one generation of Irishmen, of even a respectable minority, ready to die to affirm that truth, makes that Government for ever a usurpation and a crime against human progress.
I personally thank God that I have lived to see the day when thousands of Irish men and boys, and hundreds of Irish women and girls, were ready to affirm that truth, and to attest it with their lives if need be.
Commandant-General, Dublin Division,
Army of the Irish Republic
Some people never learn, or do not want to. The Brits have not been a problem to a United Ireland for over 100 years. Some one and a half million IRISH people, called unionists, have.
As for "pub provos" they are mostly Real or continuity sectarian bigots, who would burn Wolfe Tone out of Ardoyne if he was alive now. And a lot of Johnny come lately "Irishmen" have appeared, and the best way to show you are Irish is to support a Scottish soccer team.
There are times when I think about 70% of the North, Catholic and Protestant, want to be Scottish.
As for dumping arms, it is the smart move, but a bit worrying for "Southerners" who now face the onward march of Sinn Fein.
It's about bloody time that they decided to stand down. They've brutally murdered innocent men, women and children for far too long. How was blowing those two young kids to pieces in Warrington patriotic? They weren't even in their teens and they were murdered by the IRA while shopping! And the same happened to hundreds over the years....Jean McConville, Robert McCartney...the list goes on. I don't know how anyone could glorify the murderers of innocent people.
Aidhe! Tá sé in am do gach arm scoradh!
'PEACE WITH JUSTICE' is a very noteworthy saying, but what is peace and what is justice???? Which should come first and can we have one without the other?
Ask yourselves before making any rash comments -or any comment for that matter1
Instead they chose to end their permanent ceasefire of March 22nd 2006 and bomb Madrid's airport killing 2 Ecuadorian migrants and then see a sporadic campaign which included killings of police as well as a retired socialist councillor, a 71 year old builder and daytime bombing of a university carpark.
Or perhaps more importantly those who articulated the aspirations of their political tradition of independence had not the capacity or competency to prevent the tiny minorities which decades of conflict, politicised violence & extortionist criminality had created within the structures of ETA from returning to their campaigns. Indeed one of the ETA members who had read the statement of the permenant ceasefire was to be expelled from the group and expected to await execution. A development in sad contrast to the nice little vid the IRA produced the day of this article above. But it's a very long list the ETA death list..,
It must be obvious to all that the chances were lost and since the return to violence the political space open to the Basque leftist independence movement to reach a negotiated settlement with the Spanish and French states has gone. the spokespeople have gone - the support has gone - the grassroots have withered.
Today's keynote speech by Spanish Minister of the Interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, in Cadiz, is worthy of noting and as a comment to this article because it is the first time a member of the Spanish government has alluded to the Irish / British peace process and route pursued by the IRA . He went on to clarify that "Eta had been able to end like the IRA and will end like the GRAPO". Being of course a reference to one of the leftist terrorist groups which had for a while been active in the Spanish state (c/f "The end of the GRAPO - one more anachronistic terrorist group is destroyed" - )
He also made scant reference to the internationally well known attempts by a Spanish prosecutor to enforce an extradition order on Irish resident Iñaki De Juana Chaos commenting to journalists that in that case, which had lost mainstream interest once the leadership of ETA were arrested at the same time, that "all that is diplomatically possible is being done".
link to report on this keynote speech with video of the press statement which followed