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London/Madrid bombings

category international | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Thursday July 07, 2005 17:30author by paul o toole Report this post to the editors


I have found it almost impossible to find mention of the real victims of terrorism which has brought us to this point in history. Your are aware I am sure, that since the internal combustion engine was invented the Middle-East has been a bloodbath. All the powerful so called 'democracies' from the civilised world have visited unspeakable acts of the worst that mankind can bring to the people of Iraq and the Mid-East.
WWI never really ended, and in contradiction to the leaders of today, Winston Churchill had no problem gassing Kurds back then...... “I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes...I dont understand the squeamishness”... He says. Sadam stands accused of using poisoned gas on Kurds apparently in Hallabja in 1988 sold by British arms manufacturers, while the Irish government were selling him beef to feed his army to carry this out.

In 1991, 250,000 Iraqi civilians were killed by coalition forces. Later the with the promise of help and at the request of Bush Snr...'to take matters into your own hands'... 300,000 more innocent Iraqi's were killed by Sadam when they rose up to overthrow him- Bush Snr. never came with the promised help and his troops were ordered to stand down and watch this massacre from the sky in there F-18's.
The latest U.N. figures released In febuary 2004 state that 900,000 Iraqi children under the age of five have been killed through ‘economic sanctions’, and more than 1 million adults. Having killed 100,000 more since March 20th 2003 while looking for nonexistent W.M.D. we were told that the troops would be welcomed as liberators with flowers
I dont agree with violence of any kind, but before the E.U./us/and uk start running around stamping out terrorism wherever it lurks, should we not first take a look at why this is happening.

All western economies are floating on oil from the Mid-east and Africa. Civilians and soldiers alike being killed mean nothing to western governments, they call them 'colatteral damage'. It is only when the economic structures which sustain 'our' western economies are attacked and brought to a standstill that we stand up and take note. The British Rajh only left India after Ghandi threatened to blow up all trains carrying the wealth of india back to the ports to the UK. The British only began talks publicly with the IRA when Canary wharf was bombed. I do not call them terrorists without calling ourselves the initiators of terrorism. It is called fundamentalism as decoy. Judged by the same standards, we are Christiam fundamentalists. They are no more cowardly bombing civilians in London than a UK military pilot dropping bombs indiscriminately on civilian populations.

How then I wonder does George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Jose Asnar, and for that matter An Taoiseach Mr. Aherne expect people being attacked to react. If there are no
lessons in history our leaders can draw from, may I suggest they try to imagine how they would react to schrapnel ripping their families to shreds.

author by iosafpublication date Thu Jul 07, 2005 19:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

making a comparison between madrid 191 dead 2000 injured and london today, figures so far unreleased in the title without analysis in the content is dubious.

Might i remind everyone in ireland and on the imc network, that there are over 2000 police officers of the Metropolitan policeforce who are natives of London in Scotland at the moment, and that those men and women must be as in the dark as anyone to the true extent of death, and with the phonelines still down must be panicking over their loved ones.

I and others have already sent a letter to HMG requesting that those "london policemen" be allowed home a.s.a.p. as their continuing "impartiality" or "professionalism" at the G8 protest can not be guaranteed.

Tomorrow might be a good time to wheel out the opinion, and ask "why was 175million$spent in Scotland and london left at low alert despite many inteligence hints that "today was going to be the day"?"

Meanwhile, there are millions of people in Britain who know nothing. And are going through the post-trauma of terrorism.
Anyone can comment, but don't start "comparison threads" when there is as of yet nothing to compare.

author by Abu Hilaalpublication date Thu Jul 07, 2005 22:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is simple. If the Tyrants want to end this bloody war, then let them withdraw their murdering forces from the illegally occupied Muslim countries where they are trying to steal oil like their thieving ancestors stole much before them.

But they do not care for their people any more than they care for the Muslim people they have their armies kill. They are imperialist, elitist parasites. Only when the people of Britain , Denmark and Italy tire of being sent abroad to kill and be killed and when they tire of being killed at home will they rise up againt the blood-suckers that steal from them their lifes blood, their freedom and their wealth.

There is no other way and when your oil starts to run out and become very expensive you will realise this. They give you "bread and circus", sex and drugs, and police and thugs to keep you in line. How often will you be fooled by their lies and liars before you have had enough?

These heroic attacks in London are only the beginning. The work of two brave Mujahideen who sleep safely at home tonight; an example to all the ignorant ones of the power that lies in those of faith and guided wisdom against the twisted hoards of the Evil Tyrant. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men won't prevent it happening again and again and again.

And here in Ireland the little Tyrants serve Britain, America and European bullies like grovelling dogs just as their lackey forfathers did. Filthy scum like sleveen O'Dea taking orders directly from British Intelligence and US Homeland Security. Newspapers printing Zionist propaganda and all layers of society ordered to serve the Empire. When will the Irish people cry , "Stop, enough" and put them to the pike?

author by R. Isiblepublication date Thu Jul 07, 2005 23:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's pretty obvious that your overheated rhetoric grammar and rhetoric are the work of a day-release nutter. Go troll somewhere else. This is a site for NEWS, not for fake opinions of fake people.

author by brent herbertpublication date Thu Jul 07, 2005 23:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Osama Bin Laden strikes again...
Those of you who understand the significance of propaganda should be able to understand that the Live 8 event signified that people like the Bolivians and the Venezuelans are finally winnning their centuries long battle with those Capitalists, thus requiring Capitalists to start caring, or at least try to look like they care, these being capitalists you should remember. And wouldn't you know it, next thing you know that Osama Bin Laden would show up and start blowing up working class people so that politicians could then take away some more of their civil rights. I would like to take this opportunity to inject some common sense into what is obviously a panic stricken population of Capitalists, by reminding those Capitalists to show some common sense when they make their next move, and not blow themsevles up to many times, because its not good for business.

Personally, I think this operation looks more like a classic Karl Rove operation, rather than an Osama operation, since you see humor is really neccessary to help the Bolivians with that job of theirs, since it really is fatal to take seriously something as utterly stupid as that neoliberalism and 'third world reformism' as a cover story for centuries of imperialist colonialism, but unfortunately, we can't laugh about it anymore, because Osama doesn't seem to have a sense of humor. Having thought it over, I have come to the conclusion that it must be the plan of Karl Rove to make sure that no one ever laughs again, this perhaps being his great propoaganda move since really when you stop and think about it something like that would have to be done, thus keeping all of humanity grimly serious forever and and ever from now on, and thus more in the mood to the lose all of their civil rights, up to and including the Magna Carta, something they wouldn't be willing to put up with if their were in a more cheerful mood.

author by skeptomaniacpublication date Fri Jul 08, 2005 00:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Magnis...Venezuela is the second biggest supplier of oil to uncle sam, which once again means it is a very rich country but the locals are piss poor. But you wouldent comprehend such complicated principles of economics which has led these people to be incapable of running their own country, so they get a little help from their friends in US. Exact same thing in Iraq. Which makes you rich also ,so I suppose they should thank us really for relieving them of their wealth cos they would only squander it-aaammeeeennn

As for irisle... if the cops in scotland on the lines had any cop, theyd leave the line and join the protest instead of behaving like cowardly animals hunting in large packs. Perhaps you should get a campaign going and write a letter to someone wholl listen, to let the troops home because their 'professionalism' and 'impartiality' might be compromised and cause them to start shooting at people..or something
It is irrelevant to Tony Blair how many innocent civilians die in London today because Iraqi oil is the blood of theBritish economy. Ask Madelyn Albright what she thinks about killing innocent people..

author by -publication date Fri Jul 08, 2005 01:49author address spainauthor phone Report this post to the editors

they did it here, they will do it London.
Later today newspapers will publish opinions from experts, claiming that AlQ wanted a change in the spanish government and those on the spanish right will agree, that the IRA did the same in aldgate when a young man accidently exploded killing only himself in the late 90s, all others in his cell were shot shortly after at their house. The leader of the Spanish opposition has already addressed the European parliament saying that this attack proves that there must never be negotiation with terrorists, by that he does not mean AlQ, (they have never brokered discussion, and have no clear political agenda) he means the peace processes of both Basque and Northern Ireland.
Indymedia has a horizontal relationship with the commercial media which means that many opinions which are offered here as articles, comments or "blogs" find their way into the cheque that pays the keep of journalists across the world. We made that relationship we cherish it, but it doesn't always serve our mission. We are currently globally in our annual peak of readership, the hits are high, many people are reading the words. Because we have a consistent attitude-
anti war & anti G8. It has never been proven nor could it be proven that the Iraq war caused AlQ to attack Madrid, and the spanish right have consistently insisted that the planning predated their commitment to that war. Spain still considers herself to be a target, despite having disengaged, and as such has offered all assistance to the British. AlQ are not so "simple" as to be considered just as an insurgent terrorist group claiming territory. They go far beyond that, which is one of the reasons the Bush strategy of the "war on terror" has for the moment been supported
by all of the EU. If you are a worker who uses public transport, you may consider yourself an enemy of AlQ. It matters little what your religion or ethnic background is. That is the "war", we are "anti-war" it is our task, to guard the light of pacifism and carry on our legitimate political struggles be they civilly disobedient or not, for if in this "war" we lose those rights, the "victory" would not be worth "winning".

Think before you speak / write.

There are the first victims - the dead and wounded workers of London and their families.
Then there are the next, all who's lives and political situations are altered by the political manipulation and point scoring made by manipulating an atrocity. Many will now attack Blair.

This is the statement of Indymedia UK on what has occured, I believe it is the attitude of all indymedia collectives. (i hope it is) We are not going to play politics with the victims. But we will needless to say see many others do so, in the commercial media and their attitudes will no doubt find their way to our pages. = "bad fertilizer".

author by ñpublication date Fri Jul 08, 2005 02:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero was elected on March 14th three days after almost 200 people were killed and a further 1600 were wounded in bomb attacks on trains in Madrid, his election was predicted in opinion polls five days before, the electorate overwhelmingly supporting his party's plans to disengage from Iraq and being disillusioned with the former Aznar government for a wide range of reasons. Since then those accused and tried for the bombings have been arrested in many countries, mainly Spain and Italy.

author by Republicanpublication date Fri Jul 08, 2005 04:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I believe the person calling themselves Abu Hilaal and using fanatical rhetoric is the same Irish based person who calls themself Gusan and tries to pass himself of as a muslim on the 32 county sovereignty movements website .

The rhetoric is virtually identical . This waster was banned after persistant nuisance posts . In fact it was very difficult for the 32csm to ban him because of his serious computer kit which disguised his IP .

Worth pointing out here that he is connected to servers etc in Canada although based in Ireland with some very expensive and sophisticated equipment . A sinister individual with a definite agenda . And a sick mind using such a tragic occasion to troll about playing his little games .

Id urge people to simply ignore his posts and not get sucked into his warped games . I also commend Indymedia for their attempts to provide a news analysis on this tragic and very serious subject that does not pander to the hysteria and moral panic of the establishment media .

author by Michael Quinnpublication date Fri Jul 08, 2005 06:39author email mpq at campus dot ieauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you want to disguise your identity, don't use give-away words like 'sleveen' - it makes things rather obvious.

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