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Public Health Campaigners Turn the Screws on Freedom Thu Mar 20, 2025 20:00 | Abbie MacGregor
Watch out for the ratchet effect, says Abbie MacGregor. Otherwise we risk sleepwalking into the end of personal responsibility, where every aspect of life is subject to bureaucratic control in the name of public health.
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The Shameful Story of How Australia?s Family Court Was Weaponised Against Men Thu Mar 20, 2025 18:15 | Bettina Arndt
Bettina Arndt tells the shameful story of how Australia's family court was weaponised against men. "The entire family court system is full of people with a bias against men," she says.
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Ed Miliband to Pay Net Zero Tsar ?525,000 a Year Thu Mar 20, 2025 15:50 | Will Jones
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Exposing the Euro Blob: The EU?s Propaganda Machine Thu Mar 20, 2025 14:06 | Thomas Fazi
The EU takes the Blob to a whole new level. In a new report, Thomas Fazi exposes how the European Commission spends millions funding supposedly 'non-government' organisations to promote European 'values' and integration.
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Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17This news report is bang on the button. What else has to happen before people will begin to question the motives and methods of Bush and Blair? These people are ruthless. We already know that they thought little of killing thousands of innocent Iraqis and of doctoring their rationale for going to war. People just dont want to face this appalling possibility and are angry at those of us who have had the courage to contemplate it. Live 8, MPH are now off the agenda - how convenient. ID cards, invade Iran, Korea etc etc all back on the agenda and nobody will dare to object? Wake up, for God's sake!!
Yeah, bet it was neo-nazis.
Start spinning it boys...
8 bombs go off in London and your first reaction is that "Bush and Blair are ruthless."
Morally vacuous, as usual
This is a cut and paste off of fo there is a good excuse to remove this trash
Shipsea - 'Wake up, for God's sake!!'
Islamists fly planes into the World Trade Centre. Whodunnit?
Islamists behead innocents. Whodunnit?
Islamists car bomb Iraqis. Whodunnit?
Islamists bomb London. Whodunnit?
If your answer to all the above is BusHitler-BlairPoodle-Zionazis...sleep well.
Bush and Blair are Ruthless?? There is nothing sadder then watching the usual small minded guff from people who claim to see the 'big picture' yet cannot see the truth under their own noses.
Stop accepting the amoral syrup you seem to be spoonfed from the left wing/appeaser media.
When will you people start thinking for yourselves and cop on?
Dear 'MM'
Yes, Bush and Blair are ruthless. Do you know who is reponsible for these bombings in London, Madrid, New York? Does anyone? There are no innocent sides in this war but there are plenty of innocent victims. Who has the weapons, the money, the power and who is responsible for most of the violence? Who is fighting terror with terror? Why are Bush and Blair not outraged about Sudan, or China or numerous other inhuman regimes? It does not make sense that Islamists (notice how this term is now being used exclusively as a pejorative by some people) would do this thing now. Live 8 off the agenda, Make Poverty History off the agenda. ID cards and the restriction of freedoms fundamental to any decent society - all back on the agenda- who'll protest against them now. Its all so very convenient.
Our city and its people are made of stern stuff
We will not let these people dictate to us
Their ways of bombs and terror
We live in a society with lots of immigrants.
Who have fled those countries that are ruled
By bullying dictators and crooked despots.
Who have made new homes and good lives
For themselves as we all have
Its not perfect, but is anywhere?
Our democracy and freedom is what
Attracts new hard working immigrants
To these shores of ours
We will not let these thugs and their bombs
Distruct our daily lives..... ever!!!
there can be no doubt that Bush and Blair are the real terrorists - they are responsible for the deaths of 100, 000 innocent Iraqis as a result of their invasion of that country for oil.
'Bush and Blair are the real terrorists'
'responsible for the deaths of 100,000 innocent Iraqis'
'invasion of that country for oil'
John, you forgot to mention Halliburton.
Throw in Zionists and you have the complete set.
Obviously Noel reckons that Halliburton, Israeli oppression , an illegal war which killed 100, 000 plus , Dick Cheney , Donald Rumsfeld and and the theft of a nations resources have absolutely nothing to do with what happened yesterday .
No one should talk about it because hes tired of hearing about such things . And he'll make little jokes like the one above no matter how many die because of theft and barbarism .
Obviously Noel reckons that Halliburton, Israeli oppression , an illegal war which killed 100, 000 plus , Dick Cheney , Donald Rumsfeld and and the theft of a nations resources have absolutely nothing to do with what happened yesterday'
So Barry, remind me when 9/11 took place.
9/11 took place years after the US navy bombarded civilian areas of Beiruit killing 1000s in their homes . Bearing in mind each massive naval shell could leave a crater the size of a soccer pitch , muslim civilians seemed to be legitimate targets in US eyes .
Bin Laden referred to this directly in his broadcast just before the US elections and how the devastation of Beiruits towers inspired him to do the same to New Yorks . Surprised you missed that .
It also took place after Zionist expansion seizing more Arab lands for illegal settlements and killing 100s of civilians . And the deaths of almost 2 million muslims through British and US sponsored sanctions which specifically targetted Iraqs civilian population .
9/11 took place two years AFTER Rumsfeld, Cheney et al had already forumalted a plan for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. All they lacked was an excuse for doing it. And along came 9/11. Plans for that attack were so well known that shares in the airline industry had dropped dramatically - THE DAY BEFORE. Anyway, who does this Noel think he is - casually spending the lives of thousands of Iraqi civilians? When we kill them, its collatoral damage, when they kill us, its terrorism? Its all killing and its all vile. Has anyone noticed how the Noels of this world never engage with the specific arguments about oil, timing, numbers of dead, prior history and other factual if inconvenient things like that?
I woke to the 8am RTE news on the radio.
The headline was that police had surrounded a G8 protestors camp and were not allowing people to leave.
That story disappeared in a flash...
I was interested to see how the G8 would deal with the pressure of Live8
How many millions of people from around the world were keeping an eye on events in Scotland?
What could divert attention?
What would make 'make poverty history' history?
Now the G8 can lead sing
their own sickening
historical song...
The London Bombs and Osama bin Laden are - like all investigative articles pointing out Bush, Blair's and other collaborators roles - stripped from Internet.
Here's something from the FPF mailbox today:
Franklin‚s Focus 8/20/07
The Belief that bin Laden Lives Has Become an Absurdity
Many moons ago I published English translations of several Arabic obituaries covering the death of bin Laden. These had appeared in Arabic language newspapers, including a national Egyptian newspaper.
Unfortunately, I never filed them because I figured they would permanently remain at some websites for the indefinite future. Well, I was wrong. None of the obituaries was allowed to remain on the Net.
They all have mysteriously vanished (at least according to Google), and we now only have the memories of those who have read the obituaries. My longtime readers have read them and know there is good reason to believe bin Laden died years ago. If my aging memory is accurate, the man died of kidney failure only months after 9/11.
Discussions about his covered up death still exist in the UK and European press, but the American media, with some helpful censoring of the Net by Operation Mockingbird, have managed to bury the truth. Today
I'm appending a well informed UK blog that attacks the primitive, clumsy, and obviously fake 'proofs' that bin Laden is alive.
It's apparent the cabal decided long ago to keep him alive. The dead bin Laden has been as useful propaganda-wise as the posters of WWII depicting Tojo, HItler, and Mussolini. When he died, a huge effort was
expended to raise him from the dead and keep him alive.
To keep him alive, OM had to pull out all stops. As one might expect, the efforts to do so have been clumsy, mistake ridden botches that nonetheless have been parlayed by the American media into supposedly accurate evidence of bin Laden's continued role as the head of an international terrorist group, a world subterranean group that was labeled al Qaida (the camp).
Forgive me for repeating this ad nauseam, but this baptism was done by a bungling FBI agent who didn't speak a word of Arabic but had seen the term affixed to many guerrilla training camps in Afghanistan. There was al Qaida A, al Qaida B, and so forth.
Well, the name took off, and those of us who say there is no bin Laden and no al Qaida are treated as wackos for suggesting such a heresy. Of course, we also are deemed to be unpatriotic by some and even as traitors by Fox News. Worse yet, Tucker Carlson suggested we should be exiled from America (disappeared?).
Another way to look at the issue is to delve into the disease that had reached an advanced stage in bin Laden --- to wit kidney failure. Not even OM has tried to exorcise this truth from the media. It has simply been mostly ignored by the US media. They did manage to print a story or two telling us bin Laden had bought two dialysis machines he was hauling around in the mountains of Afghanistan and the border area within Pakistan.
Dialysis is usually done three times weekly for people with failing kidneys. Under ideal conditions, patients can live for a substantial number of years. In other cases, they may succumb in a year or two. In bin Laden's case, the living conditions were often extremely primitive, and it's no wonder he died not long after 9/11.
Bin Laden was literally living in caves and eating a diet that most likely was far from being healthy or nutritious. We now know that dietary deficiencies can contribute to kidney failure in some people.
Most notably, research has shown that a deficiency of the coenzyme Q10 may conceivably lead to kidney failure. As mentioned here, a significant number of people have made full recovery through a regimen of high doses of CoQ10. Under bin Laden's nomadic moves from cave to cave, with his diet, and having necessarily sporadic dialyses, there can be little wonder he died after his nomadic cave living became permanent. It boils down to simple common sense that he would not live long.
He did, however, live long enough to express admiration for the 9/11 op. What is of most interest here is that he immediately recognized 9/11 as a false flag operation run by the neocon gang in DC, and he said so. Despite his hatred of this group, he was capable of
recognizing an impressive false flag op. He even said he wished he had been able to direct such a marvelous operation.
Of course, many observers in Europe also spotted what was an obvious false flag op. The astute observations of excellent European scientists were immediately dubbed as looney by the American controlled media, a
heresy so terrible it may have contributed to the renaming of French fries. As for Americans who saw through what was an obvious false flag op, they were quickly branded as being unpatriotic or even treasonous.
As for those of us claiming bin Laden was dead after obituary notices appeared all over the Middle East, we also were branded as unpatriotic or possibly treasonous according to Bill O'Reilly and his ilk.
Today's Quotation
'He loves his country best who strives to make it best.'
Robert G. Ingersoll, America's greatest orator, a profound genius, and my all-time favorite writer and speaker.
I am the proud owner of the twelve-volume set of the original 1898 Collier's complete works of Robert G. Ingersoll. As it so happens, this is the only thing I own that is of considerable value. I often ponder over to whom I should will this priceless set of magical volumes, but I thus far have not been able to do so. Suggestions would be welcomed.
Warmest regards,
Are the latest messages from al-Zawahari faked by US Intelligence?
Here are some relevant facts which I think you and your readers ought to consider carefully. Though many taped messages have purportedly been issued by Osama bin Laden (OBL) and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri, not one of them after September 9, 2002 has been authenticated as genuine by independent experts such as the Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual
Artificial Intelligence based near Lausanne [Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, now the IDIAP Research Institute].
The only "experts" to validate these tapes have been those same intelligence agencies whose reputation for deceiving the public is now legendary.
Thus genuine video tapes delivered to al-Jazeera TV in late 2001, featuring an emaciated and white-bearded OBL disclaiming responsibility for 9/11, offer a bizarre contrast to the November 9, 2001 video tape -- mysteriously "discovered" by American soldiers in an abandoned house in Jalalabad -- in which a suspiciously plump and black-bearded OBL is suddenly found fessing up to 9/11.
Bin Laden was not a man given to lying. On September 16, 2001 he issued this message to al-Jazeera, referring to the catastrophe of the Twin Towers: "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation."
The real perpetrators of 9/11, in OBL's estimate, were Israeli intelligence and their neoconservative accomplices in America.
Such an explosive "conspiracy theory" could hardly be allowed to take root in American minds. It was therefore necessary to pin down the blame for 9/11 on OBL and a bunch of jihadis armed with box-cutters.
Hence the need for a whole slew of bogus tapes in which an actor playing the part of OBL accepts full responsibility for 9/11, thereby giving America and Britain a pretext for pulverising the Muslim world and plundering its resources.
BIN Laden is almost certainly dead. An obituary notice announcing his funeral appeared in al-Wafd (an Egyptian newspaper) on December 26, 2001. It became perfectly safe after this date to issue bogus OBL tapes ad nauseam, threatening the west with fire and brimstone, given that the real OBL was no longer around to deny the authenticity of the same tapes.
I should like to suggest that recent statements attributed to OBL's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, including the suggestion that the Queen should give you (Salman Rushdie - HR) a knighthood, are also likely to be bogus.
The most telling evidence is this. Recent threats against the west are no longer emerging exclusively from tapes delivered to al-Jazeera, but from an entirely new source: a jihadi website called al-Hesbah. "Is Britain
longing for al-Qaeda bombings?" screams a recent headline on this website.
According to MEMRI, the Israeli propaganda website, al-Hesbah is one of the five most dangerous websites in the world. And now for the big surprise. "The al-Hesbah chat room," a letter in The Guardian (July 3) informs us dryly, "is registered with a domain-registration company in Scottsdale, Arizona, and it is one that hides the identity of the original registrar."
The correspondent, M A Vidal, says he finds it strange that terrorist websites should be allowed to flourish in places like Texas and Virginia -- in short, that Domains by Proxy should be allowed to confer anonymity on terrorists operating on American soil, all under the
implacable eye of Homeland Security!
My conclusion? It is also possibly yours. That there is something fishy about al-Hesbah. This "terrorist" website is probably being run by the usual suspects! Some of its bloodcurdling quotes sound like badly
written pastiche. ("Rejoice, by Allah, London shall be bombed!")
As for that audio tape, Mr Irving, in which Ayman al-Zawahiri is so anxious to confer a knighthood upon you, how can you be sure this is the real al-Zawahiri speaking and not an American/Israeli imposter?
As I write this, a new bogus bin Laden tape has been released, together with the doubling of the bounty on OBL's head to $50m. All these fake tapes and phoney websites are signs of desperation. The torturers of Abu Ghraib have lost the war on terror; and bin Laden, wherever he is, knows it and is secretly rejoicing.
Anne Cavendish
Cambridge, England
Fwd. by Foreign Press Foundation
Editor Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent Al-hasbah - Url.: