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Liam McNally article from Mayo News Jun 29th 2005![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
narrow Rossport South road. Residents have concerns over traffic safety and access for emergency vehicles. Gardaí took residents’ names when they refused to move their vehicles. What will not be told in court 1. TRAFFIC Mayo County Council has no Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for Rossport, according to Mr John Condon, County Secretary, who confirmed it in writing some months ago. Engineers told residents during a two-hour meeting last week that the council is happy with the TMP in Rossport. A TMP exists for the Bellanboy refinery site eight kilometres away. Rossport is where the Corrib gas pipe comes ashore en route to the refinery. A condition of the Corrib Plan of Development is that a TMP must not only be in place for Rossport, but must be signed off by the council after consultation with local people and with due regard for access for emergency vehicles. It has not happened, yet five Mayo men face possible jail. 2. QRA The Quantified Risk Assessment, or safety, of the upstream pipeline has been exposed, with a company 50% owned by Shell employed by the government to carry out the safety assessment. Rossport people are also concerned about an earlier independent assessment by a consultant who, some allege, once worked with the company who made the pipeline and with companies who work as partners to Shell. To date, there is NO credible assessment on the safety of this pipeline, yet five people who stopped Shell from progressing work on this pipeline stand before the High Court today on contempt charges. The mind boggles. There seems to be a serious loss of accountability, openness and transparency or else we are living in Bongo Bongo land. No one from the Government, Shell, Environmental Protection Agency, Health and Safety Authority, Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources, An Bord Pleanála, Mayo County Council or Belmullet Local Area Councillors can give Rossport people a safety guarantee on the pipeline. What has been produced to date is nothing more than an insult to people’s intelligence. Either Department officials know nothing or else there are grounds for holding an inquiry into why such reports were allowed to be carried out. In the meantime, five Mayo men face possible jail sentences. 3. WASTE PERMITS Roadbridge, the company working on the Bellanaboy site for Shell, applied to Mayo County Council for waste permits to dispose of the spoil from the refinery site. One of their preferred disposal locations is the former council-owned landfill in Glencastle. The Development Applications Unit of the Department of the Environment wrote to Mayo County Council stating: ‘no decision should be made to grant a waste permit before a full environmental assessment has been carried out’. The letter states that the disposal of waste/surplus mineral material is an integral part of the Corrib Gas Terminal site development and should have been assessed as such in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the overall Corrib development. Upwards of 71,000 cubic metres of mineral material is to be disposed from the refinery site by Roadbridge (apart from the 450,000 cubic metres of peat). Disposal of up to 5,000 cubic metres requires a council waste permit, larger amounts require an EPA licence. Who is fooling who? So-called wastewater from the refinery site (that leached into a tributary of Carrowmore Lake the area’s water supply source) is also being deposited in the council owned Crossmolina Sewerage Treatment Works. Is there any assessment of risks to water tables? Were people in Crossmolina consulted? Will the court also be told that the council is dumping spoil from its new offices site in Belmullet in the old landfill? An official described it as a remediation exercise on the landfill. It is not waste. No permit is required. It is material used to cover over the landfill. The landfill closed in February 1999! 4. PLANNING PERMISSION: Shell claims a compound it constructed in Rossport is permitted development under consents granted by former Marine Minister Frank Fahey. Locals lodged a complaint with Mayo County Council in March. The council sought legal opinion this month three months later - on whether planning is required. Similar compounds by Bord Gais Éireann require planning permission. Mayo County Council claim there is no septic tank on site. Local people allege that there is, yet the local people are in court today. 5. SHELL THE MOVIE Will Shell inform the High Court that its staff follow and film local people in Rossport as they go about their daily business? Will Shell state whether or not the truck in the stand-off, that was delivering to their compound, is properly registered under a haulage licence? And will they explain why they have not brought actions against the women and children who are engaged in similar action as the five men cited in the High Court today? The Rossport Five are honourable men, full if integrity. Shell, the Government and Mayo County Council also have honourable people working within their ranks. Now is the time for their voices to be heard. Justice and the law demand it. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2The rte report below indicates public protests are taking place in galway and rossport. Anyone any contacts who might be there and can fill us in about them? Ring them get a short report and publish here. C'mon folks - now more than ever we need to be the media. This is happening now because there is an assumption thatm the activist community is busy with mph/g8 imho. Don't let shell and the courts etc divide and conquer.
Dáil may debate Mayo gas pipeline row
30 June 2005 14:09
A special debate on the jailing of five people from Mayo is likely to be held in the Dáil later today.
The Ceann Comhairle indicated to Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny that he would consider such a debate.
Yesterday, the five Mayo farmers were jailed for obstructing work on the Corrib gas pipeline in Co Mayo.
The Independent Mayo TD Jerry Cowley said the farmers were 'in mortal fear of their lives'.
Labour TD Tommie Broughan called for the Government to appoint an independent arbitrator to resolve the dispute between the farmers and Shell.
Michael Ring of Fine Gael said it was appalling that these men had been imprisoned for defending their rights.
The first of a series of demonstrations in support of the men is continuing at Rossport in north Mayo, and is to continue until 3pm. Another demonstration in Galway city is also underway.
No easy solution - Shell
The Shell oil company said this morning that there is no easy solution to the dispute.
On Morning Ireland, the chairman of the Shell Group of companies in Ireland, Andy Pyle, said direct dialogue was the only way to solve the row.
Mr Pyle said it was unfortunate that the objectors to the project were refusing to talk to his company. He said he believed the company could address their concerns.
Leinster House meeting
Last night, senior executives of Shell Ireland met Mayo TDs in Leinster House and representatives of the Council for the West to try to work out a deal which would resolve the dispute.
The three-hour meeting in Leinster House was attended by Shell's Mr Pyle, the Bishop of Elphin, Dr Christy Jones, four of Mayo's five TDs and MEP Marian Harkin.
It failed to reach any agreement on how the men could be released, but contacts are to continue today.
Yep, we sure have regressed back to the dark days of triumphalist Holy-Catholic Ireland. In fact, we've done a backwards cartwheel. Shiny-new Celtic-Tiger-Ireland is just like Ireland of the 1950's : the china cabinet is all sparkling, and the rubbish is thrown behind the sofa - aka, the Irish Health System!!! You wouldn't want to get ill or injured in modern-day Ireland, without a full wallet!
God help us!