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The Sunday Papers "the geneology edition" edition (late)
international |
rights, freedoms and repression |
Monday June 27, 2005 01:51 by iosaf very late at night. - (this would have made a better movie than indymedia article) [ yeah. movies. we're all going]

It has long been observed, that on Sunday the mass does different things.
Some go to church, some return from clubs and sleep, some read a book, some do the gardening, some catch up with their kids, some eat a lot, some practise yoga, some Vote.
It has long been valued that on their non-banking days people are pretty much the same as when they work, graft, toil and sweat. Except they have less money making opportunities. This facilitates their increased participation in their society as citizens and nationals of the Civilised World.
It has long been observed that the mass on their non banking days readily absorb shite.
This is why coups are most successful on the weekend, and elections as well.
It is on your non-banking days that you are presented with the most filagree woven tissues of spirit and lie, ghost and truth. It is through weekend that we have considerable space in your head.
In today's edition :- "being counted"
 unknown models posing for Cranach the elder in unknown times. As many keen readers of indymedia ireland might have noticed, there is a series of articles which focusses on "how so & so voted and not voted".
A regular item which looks at the exercise of democratic franchise from county councils and city municipal authorities, to regional governments complete nation states.
I'm so terribly sorry I haven't been able to keep up.
Democracy is everywhere now you see, and almost all of the planet earth's human population have secured the right to vote, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, creed and in secret.
Some people like to ink their thumbs.
We call this "regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, creed and in secret" a basic human right, one which the type of civilisation would you believe it, we have spent arguably nine generations in developing, cherishes.
There have been elections in Hungary and Iran.
In Iran the muslims won, and in Hungary the socialists beat the former king. Remember those two facts in case they come up in version 7.2 trivial pursuits. "the muslims won in iran". "the king lost in hungary". [very good place for a weekend break budapest].
Now, as the most victorious amongst are noticing,
since we thrashed the €U constitution, our work is almost done.
& willing to prove it, for the world will send its finest to either sit outside the G8 meeting or if there very very very lucky sit in for day. Only the very special will get to sit in "on the day". We can't even guarantee the presence of two pop musically distinctive generations of Irish (dublin) musicians.
So, being the type of activists and intellecktshuals, and so on, that can grasp the basic nettle, we must recognise that since the world is now democratic, there is only one thing left.
I hope the kind reader realises I am being satirical in the shouting capital letters every few sentances, you see that's what they teach you in tabloid land, your penultimate paragraph can be as long winded and waffling as you like, you might eventhink to completely cut and paste the intro. again, as most readers will just belooking at the pictures and reading the last paragraph even if they bother, must have better things to do with themselves, its almost 2am CET that means it almost 1 am in ireland, total bolloxed sunday papers this week. It has long been observed, that on Sunday the mass does different things.
Some go to church, some return from clubs and sleep, some read a book, some do the gardening, some catch up with their kids, some eat a lot, some practise yoga, some Vote.
It has long been valued that on their non-banking days people are pretty much the same as when they work, graft, toil and sweat. Except they have less money making opportunities. This facilitates their increased participation in their society as citizens and nationals of the Civilised World.
It has long been observed that the mass on their non banking days readily absorb shite.
This is why coups are most successful on the weekend, and elections as well.
It is on your non-banking days that you are presented with the most filagree woven tissues of spirit and lie, ghost and truth. It is through weekend that we have considerable space in your head.
We must accept therefore that action is needed, concerts and cinema places must be filled, and both rabid churchgoer cathurlick and calvinist alike, and lumpen proletariat must throw off the shackles of irresponsibility and accept that
.:. ·.· + * @ & % € / $
once this was put really simply as :-
 unknown woman Iran 2005
 ~ unknown man bolivia 2005
 ~unknown women france 17th century
 is this where the philosophical speculation begins with unknown and unknown?
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Comments (10 of 10)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Euan Blair, son of tony Blair has accepted the job offer of "intern" in Washington, to a Republican party congressman.
"little fly on the wall" Euan, however will not be as prominent as monica lewinsky, the congressman David Dreier is not as important on the world stage as little Euan, but yet still manages at the age of 47 (quite well preserved actually - egg timer on hold) to be chairman of the house rules or something like that on Capitol Hill Washington District of Colombia USA just becuase his parents were _not_ as well connected.
Euan will use his three months free summer time, [spending his parents hard cash no doubt] to stock up leaving cert type points for a Harvard MBA which he thinks will help him.
Euan will be remembered by the keen reader of indymedia ireland as the one I'm always confusing Leo with, of course Leo is still a wee bairn, and Euan is now 21, and it was Euan who was done for the drunk &disorderly on whitehall after rts! and not Leo as I've falsely written many times before. Bad bad Euan [pronounced eewan you're in the news today].
put the lad through the google, as we irish know, the son of the prime minister is always good for a story. Euan has however not yet lost himself driving round africa, nor found time to hold a "really kicking significant generational statement of support and independce from the parents sort of thing, you're so cool you irish pop music types"
press conference. But sure he's a lad yet.
Subject: The media and information on Islamic terrorism
by Ryszard Czarnecki ( ) to the Commission:
European satellite broadcasters are playing a substantial role in disseminating information on international terrorism, including Islamic terrorism. Al-Manar TV is watched around the world and in Europe, and Arabsat is reaching Europe from Saudi Arabia as is NileSat from Egypt. It is possible, however, to impose substantial restrictions on the contents they broadcast in their programmes. Spanish Hispasat, which is part-owned by Telefonica and the Spanish Government, and French GlobeCast, part owned by France Telecom, are aware of the content transmitted in Al-Manar programmes, but take no action, thus breaching the relevant European legislation. This is a very serious matter.
How long will Commission tolerate this situation, which concerns European television broadcasters, and what will it do to stop their de facto promotion of terrorism?
Subject: Broadcasting of al-Manar television and the persisting violations of EU Directives
by Charles Tannock ( ) to the Council
Although it has been confirmed by all audiovisual regulatory authorities that content of al-Manar programmes violates the European Directive on Television without Frontiers, al-Manar continues to be broadcast in Europe and from Europe to other regions of the world: The Spanish (partly Government owned) Hispasat and France's Eutelsat continue to provide broadcast capacity to al-Manar.
So there has been an election in Hungary and the Hungarians have turfed out their former King ?
Any chance you might be confusing the land of the Magyars (formerly part of the Habsburg Empire who are not even Slavs) with that of the BULGARIANS (formerly part of the Ottoman Empire who are Slavs and are partial to the Cyrillic alphabet) ? Ah shure aren't globalisation and the EU great equalizers levelling away at all these ould cultural distinctions and historical baggage.
Hungarians - Schmungarians, Bulgarians - Vulgarians, my arse is starting to look like my elbow and who gives a f**k as long as we can tell our Galicians from our Catalonians and Basques .....
Any you accuse the mainstream press of distorting the facts. Well at least they can get details like that correct most of the time.
My advice: take a little walk outside sometime and get a little bit of fresh air. That way you might not confuse the Iberian penis-ula with the broader realm of EUROPE.
i like reading iosaf. he's cute online. he admits mistakes too, so there's no need to be savage.
"penis-ula" is a terrible play on words.
Thank you for voicing your concerns on magyar geography and recent political change, and congratulations for noticing the mistake. A T-shirt is on its way to you. Rest assured you have touched on a common concern, don't feel alone, have you tried talking to a trusted loved one? Men should try sport during summer months to lower their aggression.
{ Correction and Clarification }
Wheras we correctly reported that the muslims had won the Iranian election it seems now the Bulgarian socialists have won the Hungarian election and the Ottoman King has lost. We apologise to readers for any misunderstanding or hurt this inaccuracy might have caused.
For more information on Bulgaria and its links with Europe & Ireland, and its fascist history visit :-
Hungary was once much much bigger than its present size. If it can be said that Ireland longs for its 32 counties to be united - imagine if a country lost 2/3rds of its former self. (of course, some of the current inhabitants of that 2/3rds may not want to be with Hungary - a little similar)
Hunagary before
Blame it on Georges Clemenceau
Some say Clemenceau wanted to punish his Hungarian Nationalist daughter–in–law....
''...most deeply engraved on Hungarian national memory is French Premier Georges Clemenceau’s daughter–in–law, a Hungarian and an extreme Hungarian nationalist. Explain it as you will, but according to every Hungarian I encountered, Clemenceau quite hated his outspoken daughter–in–law and punished Hungary in consequence. It’s hard for an outsider not to have some reservations about this account, but it is widely held there.''
Big Hungary
Small Hungary
Vy is it allowed for ze Hungarians to wallow in zere romantic vet dreams of ze Greater Hungary und for us Chermans it is verboten !!!
Zis is intolerable dikrimination and ze EU should do somezing about it. Maybe zey vill holt a reffirendum - or even a gud old fasch-ioned PLEBISCITE !
Jamie Shreeve is one of the committed writers on bioethics, and author of the "the Genome War", he's published a 3,141 word article in the current edition of "New Scientist" which is interesting to say the least.
It's an overview of the bio-ethic issues relating to human stem cell research and their implant into non human life forms, or to be technical the creation by scientists of "chimeras" life forms which are neither 100% animal or 100% human. Scientists want to do this, because it aids them in the understanding of diseases and conditions such as "autism". We'll use the autism as an example, as autistics have just celebrated their first ever "pride day" on June 18th this year. [I'm sorry I didn't mention it before]
Now Autism in its most severe form means that sufferers have diminished or lack completely aspects of cognitive neurology which *are generally* considered to be uniquely *human* such as understanding or recognising the intentions or wills of others, lingusitic abilities, & ethical, moral and thus social decision making and reactions/ inter-reactions.
Jamie Shreeve in his article quoted Terrence Deacon a biological anthropologist at the University of California (& a member of the John Hopkins working group the main US biotech lobby) as saying "if embryonic stem cells could be cloned from an autistic individual and transplanted into a monkey brain early in its development, perhaps the mechanisms of the disease could be illuminated by observing differences in brain structure and social behaviour between the autistic monkeys and controls who received normal human stem cells"..."this is science fiction".
Yet as we know science is fiction till it is fact, and many of the laboratory application of stem cell research were fiction ten years ago, and also the then scientific community swore on all that humanism is worth that they would never concede such experiments.
Xeno-transplants are common, many a man and woman walking this earth with pig bits in the heart, and they're lucky. But what happens when the genetic material of a stem cell is injected or transplanted into an animal?
When & Where are the factors.
If the human material (which is capable of growing as any part of the human body thats why they're special) is added to an animal before it has properly developed its own embryo, you get an animal with bits of human dna in its entirety. To put it simply you add a bit of human egg to a mouse egg to study alzheimers (brain) you get a mouse with human bits in the tail, eyes, nose, whiskers and gonads. The last word, "gonad" has caused the various government authorities who opened the door on this research, the USA, UK, Italy (remember the vote last month) Spain, et cetera to issue guidelines that _*_at no stage are two chimeras to be allowed to breed_*_
Shreeve uses the example case of Weissman, (one of those biotech scientists who claims anyone opposed to biotech is morally responsibile for disease and suffering). Irving Weissman works at Stanford university USA, and is partner of the private biotech company StemCells Inc. He has spent the last 2 years lobbying for a license to inject human stem cell material (a bit of some girls eggie) the neuronal bit, (the eggie will be a wee bit developed) [kathurlicks would say it as alive] into the brains of a type of mouse that loses its own neurons just before birth. The result would be a mouse with a brain almost completely composed of human neurons. The Canadians have thus out-lawed the implant of human material into unborn animals but it is legal in most other experimenting states.
The article ends with the interesting ethical question, though not expressed as succinctly as I shall now pose it & I hope the readers appreciate my focus of this week sunday papers.
Which is more inethical or objectionable?
A human animal? or An animal human?
to qoute "Cynthia Cowen and colleagues at Toronto university writing in a forthcoming issue of Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal argue that what is at risk is human dignity : a being with only some degree of human-ness [sic] imprisoned in an animal body is not free to experience all the cognitive endowments, emotions and moral rights our species uniquely enjoys".
reading material:-
the article I used for basis:-
some of the scientists involved in this "right to experiment campaign"
this has been happening for years, I personally deal with this by saying "reclaim the genome!" and call an immediate moratorium. Here the issue got publicity in 2003 when Korea approached the chimera.
Indymedia "global" has a biotech section.
visit it here:-
Does a clone have a soul?
By Shahar Ilan.
This seems like a real world example of some of the ethical arguments and parallels used by the Australian utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer. In his work he argues against "speciesism": the discrimination against certain beings based only on their belonging to a certain (almost always non-human) species. So what does that mean in this case?