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Orwellian Ireland
"I believe that spies, the security services, in the world generally, are becoming increasingly powerful and that our civil liberties are being eroded." Justin Keating.
This article is an attempt to put flesh on those bones. I attempt to list some of those agencies active in Ireland, to list some of the powers they can and do use to make life difficult for those that cross them and to look at some of the technology they have access to. I put in two appendices too that hopefully show the controlling role of those agencies in Irish paramilitary groups and some international comparisons to this type of intelligence agency support for 'terrorist' groups that they are ostensibly opposing. An Orwellian island in an Orwellian world! Intelligence Agencies in Ireland
I guess I could start with MI6. It is said to have had a leading role in politics in both parts of Ireland during the early years of the troubles and it appears to have continued this role behind the scenes. (1) I have got most of these references from Phoenix magazine in Dublin, Ireland's answer to private eye and we would be very much in the dark as to these agencies if that magazine wasn't around. This is an account from the magazine of Jan 14 1994 referring to some 'close liaison' between Martin McGuiness and Michael Oatley of MI6 :
"the manager in fact of private investigators with offices in Saville Row [Kroll Associates.]. He first met McGuiness in 1972 in Cheyne Walk, Chelsea , when he was a high-flyer at MI6 headquarters in Century House. A year later he became second in command at British Secret Service (MI6) headquarters in Northern Ireland at Laneside, Craigavad.
Since then , McGuiness and Oatley have got together regularly over the years in secret, and at one time (during the 1981 hunger strike) met on an almost daily basis. More recently, Oatley and McGuinness met in Donegal in 1990. It was that meeting which sparked the ongoing peace process of the Hume-Adams talks, a Downing Street declaration, and speculation about a peace deal.
Officially, Oatley retired as a Controller (one of the highest ranks in the Secret Service) in 1991 on reaching the age of 56. However, never a man to let friendships die, he kept in regular contact with Martin - with consequences which we are now reading about.
When historians peruse British archives relating to Irish events, they may find that the codename MOUNTAIN CLIMBER keeps cropping up in connection with the Hume-Adams talks and subsequent events. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER is the house name in the Secret Service for Michael Oatley."(2)
MI6 in particular are said to be quite fond of privatising out some of their more sensitive operations to private security firms. (3) Kroll Associates is a private security firm with an incredible international reach.(4) It is called in by many governments and large corporations to get them out of whatever security problem they are faced with. For example last year Abbey National the big UK financial house had a problem in that a whistle blower was distributing a letter which detailed some 'conspiracy theory' involving their treasury department. So they called in Kroll and now they no longer have that problem. Not since the suggested source of the leak took a dive from the 5th floor balcony of their London HQ while being interviewed by Kroll.(5)
Then there is obviously MI5 which is the main agency seeking to micromanage the political life of the UK. It recruited 25 agents for example to infiltrate the very small Socialist Workers Party.(6) Tony Benn once said that if a British citizen wrote two letters to his local paper complaining about parking spaces that MI5 would open a file on him/her. (7) It is also said that they have a file on any person who goes up for local or national election.(8) Also "it is common knowledge amongst journalists that MI5 has a very close relationship with London’s Fleet Street hacks. The Security Service has at least two agents working in every major newspaper office." (9) Here is an account from the Phoenix on MI5 in the Republic:
"[Gardai] discovered an extensive MI5 operation which had been set up from London. MI5 activities in the Republic are normally run from either Belfast, covering the Border counties, or from the British Embassy - or 'station' as it is called by its agents - in Ballsbridge. Such is the scale and significance of the current operation however, that it is being run from London, with the Merrion Road station being unaware even of its existence. Areas in which the Branch have detected MI5 activity include Dublin, Limerick, Offaly, Wicklow, Meath and Galway.
Other MI5 teams that the Branch have uncovered include a couple masquerading as husband and wife who bought an expensive house in Dublin 4. Another team has operated from Stillorgan, both with employment in the Dublin area. Other operatives have been monitored working for a private security firm in the Dublin 2 area. All are described as extremely intelligent, with 'good' accents, and are usually, but not exclusively, drawn from Britain and Northern Ireland. They tend to present themselves as business people with highly qualified technical credentials, often in the computer industry.
MI5 targets in this campaign are widespread; some are obvious - ie, Sinn Fein and the IRA - while others are more alarming, according to the Branch, who believe they have targeted the business and political community. They have even forged links with some of Dublin's top criminals, a development which has caused equal consternation among the IRA and Branch alike.
In the past MI5 have successfully placed agents in the Provos, and, according to garda sources, have recruited one well-known former Sinn Fein leader in a Border county. The current operation has netted several more, including at least four direct agents now working for them inside the Provos in the South. One of their tasks is to promote divisive political issues inside Sinn Fein. The method of contact and recruitment is often unsubtle, with direct approaches being made to Provo members from people describing themselves variously as journalists offering "expenses" for assistance in researching articles about Sinn Fein. Goldhawk has possession of letters from bogus British-based media agencies offering such inducements to Dublin Republicans.
One intriguing aspect of the operation is that MI5 is not confining itself to the Provos. Anybody with political, military or commercial influence is regarded as a desirable target for their agents, and the area they have had most success in penetrating is the business community.
Most intriguing of all, however, is that MI5 have even descended to fraternising with top Dublin criminals. The Branch monitored one meeting between MI5 agents and a known drugs dealer from north County Dublin at a hotel near the airport, and believe that the drugs dealer was relaying information about IRA members. The suspicion is that the arrests of various Dublin criminals and their couriers in England has led to such contacts and the vulnerability of the criminals to such approaches. MI5 is known to engage extensively with criminals in Britain as part of their intelligence gathering activities there. Both the IRA and the Branch are especially nervous at this strange coalition between Dub crims and Brit spooks."(10)
Of course one reason to target the business community is that it could operate as a cut out mechanism in their attempts to influence Irish politics. What I mean is that they can use a business person to bribe a politician say and the hand of MI5 behind the bribe will not be readily visible. MI5 have clearly a big Irish presence and even on the appointment of Manningham Buller as the Director they recruited another 200 agents to work on Irish affairs.(11)
Then there are a number of references to the big American agencies in Ireland. The CIA is possibly the most famous of those groups and the one with the most power internationally. In the New York Times in 1977 it was reported by John Crewdson that they controlled:
"at least one newspaper in every foreign capital at any given time,” one C.I.A. man said, and those that the agency did not own outright or subsidize heavily it infiltrated with paid agents or staff officers who could have stories printed that were useful to the agency and not print those it found detrimental.
In fact, the CIA’s influence in the international media was probably much greater than its influence in the U.S. This was because the CIA was prohibited by law from certain actions in the U.S., whereas it was relatively unrestrained outside the country." (12)
Victor Marchetti the CIA dissident showed their influence on the Italian Secret Services :
"They are trained, for example, to confront disorders and student demonstrations, to prepare dossiers, to make the best possible use of bank data and tax returns of individual citizens, etc. In other words, to watch over the population of their country with the means offered by technology. This is what I call techno-fascism." (13)
It is rumoured that concern to cover up garda CIA links is behind the delay in investigating the issue of garda collusion in the death of the RUC officers Breen and Buchanan, from Phoenix again:
"It is from here [the Dundalk garda question] that the story of CIA-Garda cooperation is likely to emerge if the man against whom allegations in relation to Breen and Buchanan is asked under oath, and in public, to recall his life and times in the Special Branch."(14)
It is presumably this CIA-Garda Special Branch connection that the magazine is referring to when it hints at garda involvement in the Equatorial Guinea coup affair.(15) Its also rumoured that many intelligence forms have gone missing that detail this corrupt relationship between the CIA and garda Special Branch. The affair includes over 100 Irish passports given to the CIA.(16)
As regards the FBI most senior officers in the gardai have been trained with them (17) This has doubtless lead to a close relationship between the two groups, there is one reference for example to a garda security audit of Shannon airport "arranged by their friends in the FBI on a nod and wink basis."(18)
There are also two British intelligence agencies which operate exclusively in Ireland North and South. One of them is called the 14th Intelligence Company, closely associated with the SAS it has about 150 members :
" The 14th Intelligence and Security company, known to it's secretive members as 'The Det' (short for Detachment, another cover name) is still part of the group of ad hoc units involved in various dirty tricks on both sides of the border. The Det's speciality is covert methods of entry, bugging and unattributable killings. Like the now better known FRU it is an "all arms" group which is British military terminology for a unit which draws members from naval, air force or army personnel." (19)
It is considered: " The oldest Dirty Tricks British army unit in the North"...."The Det was the most political formation in the British forces because of its unique chain of command and control....rested ....with the Director of Special Forces who reported direct to Downing Street."(20)
Finally there is the now famous Force Research Unit which is an outcrop of the British army's Intelligence Corps and was said to have been founded about 1979. Surely the one killing that created the most public outrage in the Republic during the troubles was the death of Tom Oliver in Omeath in 1991. But what the local people didn't at the time realise was the extent and power of these intelligence agencies behind the scenes, and the close cooperative relationship they have with all the Irish paramilitary groups.(21) What we now know is that it was one FRU agent that caught Oliver, by putting a bug in a public phone box, and another FRU agent that tortured and killed him to death.(22) Here are a few references to the FRU and its leader Colonel Kerr:
" Brigadier Kerr was head of the hush-hush Force Research Unit (FRU), an ad hoc military intelligence formation set up shortly after Mrs Thatcher's election as British premier in 1979. One of the aims of the FRU was to defeat the IRA by implementing a counter-terror strategy, ie intimidating the Catholic population into withholding support for republicanism.
Having armed them with clandestine weapons smuggled from South Africa, details of which are contained in the Stevens report, the FRU used loyalist agents to murder many non-involved nationalists, including high-profile Belfast solicitor, Pat Finucane.
[General Sir Frank] Kitson has given for posterity a body of written work explaining how local agents (called indigenous forces in his magnum opus, Low Intensity Operations) had been used in Kenya, Cyprus and South Yemen to terrify rebel sympathisers.
Kerr became involved in counter-terror operations in 1972 when he joined the ad hoc covert operations group, the Military Reaction Force (MRF) as a captain, serving under the 39th Brigade commander, the then brigadier, Frank Kitson.
Later, when Mrs Thatcher personally organised British military as well as political strategy in Ireland after the IRA hunger strikes, Kerr, promoted to lieutenant colonel, took command of the counter terror group, subsequently renamed and reorganised as the Force Research Unit. Like another controversial colonel, Oliver North of Iran-Contra fame, Kerr was moving in high political circles, outside the normal military chain of command. Mrs Thatcher visited his secret unit headquarters at Lisburn (time and date noted in the unpublished bit of the Stevens report) to speak to him about his work and shake the hands of his operatives at an informal party from which other military officers, including those senior to Kerr, were excluded, according to the pseudonymous FRU non-commissioned officer, Martin Ingram. Among Tory honchos who had personal knowledge of Kerr and his secret unit were Tom King, then Northern Secretary, and Douglas Hogg, reportedly interviewed recently by Sir John Stevens about the Finucane assassination and related MRF activities.
All of this has huge implications for modern Irish history and for contemporary politics in London. In the first place, the British-inspired spin (embraced by the Dublin chattering classes and peddled by the media for 30 years) that the noble British were standing as peacekeepers between two tribal factions engaged in an incomprehensible religious war has been revealed for the myth that it is. British spies, with the approval, or possibly on the direction of at least some political leaders, were running a campaign of sectarian assassination since the days of Edward Heath, the Downing Street incumbent when the first dirty tricks unit, Kitson's MRF, was set up."
As regards domestic agencies it has been stated that Special Branch, 'controls' Garda HQ (24) and that the practises of the secret police dominate the actions of the gardai. This is seen in the use of slander for example. From the Phoenix at the time of the succession to Commissioner Byrne:
" In the conspiratorial world of political policing, anonymous tip-offs, mysterious alliances and byzantine plots are the stock-in-trade. The choice of recipients of leaks is interesting. In the normal course of events, a smear campaign against a politician or a subversive would be given verbally to a selected journalist who would run the story but this cannot be done when the smear stories are about litigatious senior garda officers. Instead, the anonymous scribes have targeted politicians and lawyers in the hope that their gossip might eventually reach ministerial ears."(25)
Most of the garda Commissioners since the 70s have come from this world of 'political policing' this is a description of former Commissioner Byrne as one example:
"Byrne's line of business has been hush-hush operators in an elite cadre of detectives who have, because of their unique security responsibilities, a particular insight into the inner workings of the state and the modus operandi of politicians." [and in reference to the US plane immobilised at Shannon:] "The deflection of criticism onto politicians, who had assumed security could be safely left to the commissioner and garda intelligence experts, has shown yet again Byrne's talent for media manipulation."(26)
It is perfectly obvious to this observer anyway that the gardai have a controlling interest in large sections of the Irish media. This is much more so than any Irish politician or party as far as I can see. For example while allowing for the genuine grief of the McCabe family you cannot help wondering if no other person had been killed as a result of the troubles in the last 10 years except Garda McCabe. Certainly the countless Catholics killed North and South at the hands of what we now know to be the British governments proxy armies don't seem to interest the Irish media very much.
It is also said RUC Special Branch was very powerful "through its control of certain sections of the media". The Phoenix specifically alleges this in regard to the local offices of the BBC and the Sunday Times.(27)
No doubt Irish politicians are very concious of this power in the hands of the secret police North and South and is careful not to cut across it. With reference to the Dublin and Monaghan bombings it is said that "Fianna Fail is scared of certain senior gardai who are most averse to public scrutiny of the force's negligence in 1974 as well as the subsequent disappearance of files on the enquiry from garda stations."(28)
Torture figures largely as well in the revelations that have emerged from Donegal and elsewhere. The three women mentioned in the McGlinchey case were all assaulted by the gardai: Adrienne repeatedly by her 'handler' ; Yvonne Devine her friend had to be hospitalised after being held in a garda station and during which time Adrienne could hear her screams from the neighbouring room; and Karen McGlinchey was assaulted by a number of men wearing balaclavas who raided her house and seized documents which were later found to be in the possession of the gardai.(29) In the McBrearty case garda White remembers hearing the screams of Frank McBrearty junior when he was detained in the garda station.(30) Roisin McConnell arrested as part of that case "claimed to have been beaten, told she would lose her infant child, forced to pray for forgiveness and subjected to psychological torture that led to her being hospitalised in a psychiatric institution. She remains deeply traumatised."(31) Even in the Abbeylara scandal it was revealed that John Carthy was also afraid of the gardai because he had been beaten up in Granard garda station.(32) The death of John O'Shea in Kerry, shortly after being released from garda custody, has also caused disquiet. (33) Meanwhile the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture is on the Irish authorities case because of "compelling evidence of brutality to prisoners."(34) In the North of course the practise of torture has been so widespread that in international military training manuals they teach the 'Ulster techniques'.(35)
Legal Powers
Before the Mayday protests in Dublin in 2004 a number of anti war activists were followed around by Garda Special Branch as they attempted to hand out leaflets in a Dublin estate. As recorded here on indymedia :
"The scene attracted some local kids who hung around the guards as we headed off. Afterwards they caught up with us and said they had heard one of the cops saying he'd check with the council to see if they could find some by-lay against leafleting!"(36)
Of course this is no big deal but the fact is that it is symptomatic of the thinking of western intelligence and police agencies. Their instinct is to look for any state rule or regulation that they can then use to harass groups or people that they want to oppress. Clearly the point is that nobody can raise the cry of a police state or political oppression because of course the intelligence agencies stay in the background. So in any future court proceedings that those protesters would face the judges and the media are not going to entertain 'conspiracy theories' about state harassment all they will say is that the law is the law and everybody has to abide by it blah blah blah!lol. So in order to see what powers those agencies have in a western country it is more instructive to look at the kind of arbitrary laws and state powers that are out there that they can manipulate rather than looking at specific anti-dissident or anti-protester legislation.
A simple example is that the local authorities in Ireland have introduced some 'anti-litter' regulations about postering and leafleting that of course seem necessary and don't attract much disquiet in the media. But in fact have then been used in a very heavy handed fashion against protesters and small parties to such a degree that its pretty clear that that was who they were aiming the legislation at. After all with such an at times controlled and manipulated media the simple ruse of using posters is arguably the only way of getting one's point across.(37)
Driving completely legally in Ireland is well nigh impossible if all the rules and regulations are applied strictly. Regulations like car insurance are also almost impossibly expensive for some categories of driver. So for example Eoin Rice who is being harassed as a protester has been jailed repeatedly but always for alleged offences that the media and judges would not describe as interfering with free speech which is how Eoin sees it. This includes being arrested for dangerous driving while actually asleep in his car. He was arrested 10 times in 9 months in 2003 for these kind of spurious charges which frequently accompany serious beatings and the gardai are quite open with him about the real reason for these arrests and assaults :
"But seriously, officers up to the rank of Superintendant have told me quite candidly in 2003 that I will be arrested until such times as I learn to be "careful about what you say"."(38)
The laws relating to public houses and night clubs seem incredibly onerous nowadays and it would strike you as virtually impossible for an owner of such an establishment to stay in business very long unless he formed a close 'relationship' with the gardai. These include serious laws on opening hours, the age of patrons, even children accompanied by adults etc. They have been described by a former justice minister as the 'most draconian laws in europe'.(39) In fact gardai now enter public houses and will prosecute the owners for 1,500 euro if they find anybody drunk there.(40) The McBrearty and Shortt families in Donegal claim that the gardai used these kinds of laws to harass them. It was revealed a short while ago on the Late Late Show that Frank McBrearty senior believes this was caused to the two families because he and the Shortt family refused to pay protection money to the gardai.(41) Here is an account of the case by Senator Jim Higgins of FG :
"The tribunal may be called the Morris tribunal but to the ordinary citizen and in the public's perception it is the McBrearty tribunal. It is about the manner in which the State deliberately set out to accuse Frank McBrearty junior and his cousin, Mark McConnell, of a murder they never committed. It is about the State's vendetta against them and their licensed premises by bringing more than 160 liquor licensing charges against them, hauling them before court after court only to have each charge subsequently withdrawn by the Director of Public Prosecutions but, as a consequence, wrecking their business. It is about the emotional trauma and torture visited by the State on an innocent family which has been left with psychological scars that will never be erased. It is about the truth and whether the State, having wrongfully slandered, victimised and destroyed the McBrearty family, is now prepared to grant them the level of legal representation to which they are clearly and constitutionally entitled in order to establish who was responsible for what happened and the reason such a despicable and evil plot was contrived and persisted with."(42)
Of course one of the points to be made in general about charges made against ordinary people is that unless they are very wealthy they aren't likely to be able to afford to keep up legal proceedings against a state body and in these circumstances probably will never find justice.(43) This is exemplified by the story of those that have taken court cases against the gardai. Phoenix magazine revealed in March this year that there are some 750 cases pending against the gardai in the High Courts and Circuit Courts alleging things like "wrongful arrest, harassment, and personal injuries resulting from garda assaults against civilians"(44). Of the cases settled so far this year no admission of liability was conceded and the compensation awards ranged from 250 euro to 6,000 euro. On the other hand there are also c.1,500 civil actions being taken by members of the gardai against the state alleging things like 'personal trauma' incurred while on duty. The average payout there is running this year at 65,000 euro per garda.
The McBrearty case also highlights the heavy use of slander by the intelligence agencies. In that case Garda Special Branch even went to the trouble of getting leaflets printed to be distributed in the local area slandering that family.(45)
The tax system is clearly another arm of the state that can be used against dissidents. It doesn't help either if the general public are conditioned to react with horror when even a minor lapse of the hugely complex tax laws are committed by someone. For example Michael Lowry was drummed out of Fine Gael very fast on the grounds that he had not declared in tax improvements that had been made to his house by builders working for Ben Dunne who owed him money as part of Lowry's refrigeration business. He disputed the value that Ben Dunne placed on those improvements and in the meantime he obviously felt he shouldn't declare it in tax until such time as a proper figure for the work done was agreed. Bear in mind that some people spend many years trying to understand Irish tax law which gets more complex every year and not every small business man should be assumed to know all the ins and outs of it. It seems to me not that amazing a decision on Lowry's part. Just before his downfall over this tax thing Michael Lowry felt he was under surveillance by some parties who were concerned to stop his attempts at rooting out corruption in the semi-state sector.(46)
Now we have very draconian laws on tax collection implemented by the Criminal Assets Bureau who basically have the power to take every penny off you and then compel you to go to court to try to prove your innocence in accounting for how you earned the money. In theory this was only supposed to be used on big drug dealers but in fact the CAB have been involved in most of the major political controversies of the last few years. They scrutinised the affairs of people like the farmer blamed for bringing in the Foot and Mouth(47) disease to Louth and Ray Burke and neither seem to meet the definition of the wealthy drug smugglers that everybody thought would be the only targets of the CAB. In the case of George Redmond the CAB intervened and held him for a while refusing the Flood Tribunal access to his documents which were only handed over eventually "after a rather bitter struggle" by the Tribunal against the CAB.(48) The Kelly family in Limerick clearly feel that the CAB work in concert with garda harassment.(49)
The CAB was introduced in the wake of the Veronica Guerin murder which was attributed to a cannabis drug smuggling gang led by John Gilligan. The national media at the time just hours after the killing were clearly fingering Gilligan presumably on the basis of garda reports. Now it transpires that Gilligan and the other supposed leading players in the murder have been acquitted of the killing. They have though faced long jail sentences for other offences: Gilligan got 20 years for cannabis smuggling and has also been sentenced to another 5 years for supposedly threatening prison officers and Paul Ward got 12 years for his part in a riot in Mountjoy which was much longer than any other person involved in the riot. Meanwhile informed commentary, including writings by Veronica's brother Jimmy, seem to point to Charles Bowden as the assassin. He is a former top Irish army marksman who received a secret lucrative deal from the Department of Justice for his part in the killing.(50) There are also numerous reports of various figures involved being informants or agents of the gardai. In fact Jimmy Guerin has stated that John Gilligan was working with the gardai during the time when he allegedly became one of Ireland's largest cannabis dealers.(51) So anyway the six million dollar question is who did then kill Veronica Guerin ? Presumably she was getting too close to understanding how the drug trade in Ireland really works. Whomever were involved had to be powerful enough to direct the media to follow the Gilligan red herring and doubtless were also in a position to assist Charles Bowden.
The drug trade in general is another example of draconian legislation that could be used to blackmail people facing drugs charges. That blackmail is used by the gardai has been established by Karen McGlinchy who has pointed out that a garda under oath at the Morris tribunal admitted that they used the threat of a conviction to pressurise Adrienne McGlinchy (52) while Martin Ingram in his book has stated that blackmail of this sort is the stock in trade of the RUC Special Branch.(53) Michael Tanner who was recently convicted for 15 years for trading cannabis has claimed "he was set up by the gardai ".(54) Somebody has been leaking some really interesting information on this subject to the Phoenix:
"Indeed, there have been many signs that a cosy relationship exists between particular detectives and clever criminals.
The upper crust of the drugs world claim that certain gardai operate what is known as the TOS (Three-in-One System). This allows a drug- or cigarette-smuggling informant to run two loads in without interference, while the third is seized by agreement. This is a simple explanation of what is a complex and variable arrangement where "controlled shipments" are allowed into the State in return for intelligence. The dangers for corruption in this secret-deal system are obvious, but it remains in place despite [Assistant Commissioner Gerry] Hickey's new rules. The only threat to it so far has been vigilant Customs officers who are not in on the scheme - and who occasionally stumble on "controlled" importations, with embarrassing results for gardai -............
Some TOS gougers went on to greater rewards in 2004.....[goes on to describe two big drug importers in Spain with close and continuing garda links.] "(55)
There are further details on this in Phoenix Sept 13 2002 where it is described how a former senior IRA man now in Amsterdam imports large amounts of drugs into Ireland, through Wexford, drawing on a close relationship with the gardai and who makes arrangements for the latter to seize a small proportion of the shipments and prosecute "only one or two small time operators" to make them look good. It works the same as the Spanish operation according to the Phoenix.(56) Declan Griffin who was shot dead in a contract style killing in 2003 had won a court case showing that drugs he was found with at Dublin airport were imported with the full assistance of the garda authorities. Journalists who tried to figure out this drug-garda connection have been threatened with jail if they don't hand over notes they made about the case and customs officers found their files on the subject went missing.(57) Sean Dunne who has gone missing in Spain in 2004 is described by Phoenix as being a similar case. Information that the CAB had on him "regularly got into the wrong hands" presumably the magazine means the information was used by the potential assassins that shot him 7 times in Ratoath Co.Meath.(58)
In any case returning to my theme of arbitrary state powers there is also the planning laws and building regulations which again are severely enforced especially in the rural ring around Dublin. In fact many small businesses or local people trying to build housing feel it is impossible to get planning permission unless they cosy up to some 'golden circle' that seem to have no such problems. If they aren't on this inside track they are treated to endless 'bureaucratic' delays and harassment. For example a common reason for refusing permission is to claim that the local road is in too bad a repair to support the extra traffic of a house. The local road of course would also be under the management of the council who then refuse to repair it !(59) In the media the powers that be like to characterise these problems as been caused by environmentalists like An Taisce but in fact only a minuscule number of planning applications are objected by that body or by any other party on environmental grounds. Here is Dr. Ciaran Parker talking about this in Cavan:
"As for the majority of people around here, they are far from bad; they are often just afraid. They are horrified at what happens. This fear has been deliberately engendered by the 'powerful' people, the ones who make decisions, through whose greasy, grubby little hands money passes. These people are miserable cowards, but the 'good people' around here know that if they object they run the risk of being victimised. If they apply for planning permission it will be turned down, or delayed while a litany of technicalities are satisfied. They may well be visited by the Fire Officer, and officials will examine the obligatory notices in person and in microscopic detail."(60)
Incredible as it seems it appears even that the Minister for Justice Michael McDowell is himself being faced with what looks like politically inspired harassment of this type with respect to his holiday home in Roscommon. It is supposed to have been built two metres lower than proposed and for that aberration a poorer person, building the house on a high mortgage for example, could easily be bankrupted.(61) We get a running commentary in Phoenix about the gardai harassing McDowell because of some pretty minor changes he is thinking of introducing. Meaning the gardai it is stated that:
"McDowell is no-one's fool when it comes to knowing how and by whom the media has been manipulated."(62)
"His [McDowell's] unpopularity with some sections of the media has been exploited ruthlessly by the hidden hands in the Phoenix Park who have been quick to leak information which shows him an autocrat and a man driven by personal ambition. His bruising row with a tabloid-Garda Siochana alliance....."(63)
There are plenty of other arbitrary state laws and regulations that can be rolled out to hit people if necessary. Health and Safety legislation seems to be used against some businesses in a very arbitrary fashion for example. Even fire regulations could be used. A leaked document prepared by a police intelligence unit in England dedicated to 'monitoring' New Age travellers and rave party goers made the claim that "fire services were useful in producing prohibition notices".(64) Which means doubtless that the police were secretly working behind the scenes in getting the 'fire services' to issue those notices. One activist arrested before the Mayday protests in Dublin 2004 was arrested on a charge of trespassing. That charge is so arbitrary the gardai in court never even presented evidence from the property owner. In fact they didn't even know who was the property owner.(65) More protesters arrested at that time were falsely charged with loitering and being drunk and disorderly.(66)
The new ASBO laws now in force in the North and soon to be so down here are also incredibly arbitrary and of course are used against political 'undesirables'.(67) The ASBO is granted under civil law so normal criminal standards of proof are not necessary but if you break the Order, and 40 per cent of people affected do, then you go to jail as a criminal. It is this legal mousetrap effect that has led to so many people being jailed under this legislation :
"Asbos also deny people the right to have a jury hear the evidence and decide on guilt or innocence. They also allow hearsay or gossip to be given in evidence. In these circumstances the police know that the local magistrate is likely to grant an order. Only 3% of applications for Asbos have been refused. The result is imprisonment for votes. It is a national scandal that as a result of Asbos 10 young people a week are being jailed, and that beggars and prostitutes are being imprisoned even though begging and prostitution are non-imprisonable offences." (68)
Family law is another area where there is an array of incredibly arbitrary state powers which are exercised in Ireland in conditions of great secrecy. There is plenty of evidence that this has fostered an atmosphere of false allegations and legal abuses that the parties cannot remedy because they are prevented from suing their legal representatives due to the in camera rule.(69) In the US the family courts have been used against dissidents. The CIA whistle blower Michael Riconosciuto was threatened with this when he revealed details of CIA corruption, from his affidavit:
"Videnieks [of the US Justice Department] forecasted an immediate and favorable resolution of a protracted child custody dispute being prosecuted against my wife by her former husband, if I were to decide not to cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee investigation."(70)
It is also reported that some bizarre twists of family law were used against Rodney Stich to curtail his dissident activities.(71) It has been alleged as well that Mark Harris has been jailed for family law offences (seeing his children etc) because he campaigned against injustices in the English courts.(72)
There is one fascinating example from the farming community of the power of some state bodies. Farmers frustrated at the fact that so much of the EU money goes to line the pockets of an oligopoly in the food processing industry demanded that the powers and resources of the Competition Authority be improved to tackle the situation.(73) So the government obliged giving extra powers and manpower to that body. Then in a classic Orwellian manoeuvre the Authority turned around and used those powers against the farmers. Now every time the farmers protest at the low income they get in dairy (74) or beef (75) or cereals (76) the Competition Authority turns up to harass them, demanding photographs of people on the protests and threatening to or taking prosecutions against them. The theory is that the farmers in protesting are gathering together in an anti-competitive manner to influence prices. This is despite the fact that those arrested would represent a tiny percentage of the overall market in that produce and are only protesting in the same way that trade unions seek higher wages.(77) Meanwhile the investigation into the processing industry seems to have been forgotten. Except by the farmers who are reading in their papers about leading members of the Irish meat processing industry describing how in their opinion one person has taken secret measures to attain a monopoly in that trade.(78)
Use of Modern Technology
It is clear that the way people use modern technology has greatly expanded the power of these agencies. Where a few years ago people used cash now a lot of transactions are by credit card and this obviously provides a whole raft of data that the agencies can use. The information required of tax and social welfare authorities also expands all the time and that can also be combined to provide quite a picture of a person.
Similarly as people do research on the internet as opposed to in libraries the capacity to monitor a persons research greatly increases. It is reported by Alain Lallemand in the Belgian newspaper Le Soir that as part of the Echelon network the western agencies monitor all internet traffic at the main internet exchanges.(79) Note that some people would say that monitoring all internet traffic in this way is impractical because of the huge computer power needed but I beg to differ when the way this is probably accomplished is considered. There is no requirement to store the actual data that would travel across the exchanges, as web page requests for example, all you need to do is store the IP numbers and details of who is requesting a given webpage on a given date. The data actually on the webpage can always be looked up again later by those agencies using a comprehensive web archive like which in all probability they use. So in other words they are only storing web addresses and corresponding IP numbers of people who read the pages not the raw data and this can be stored as something like a simple flat text file which of course requires very little computer space. In so far as the contents of emails are unique (meaning they are probably capable of screening out spam and forwarded emails very successfully) they would have to be stored but again until the recent advent of broadband they were usually not very large and I think it is within the scope of echelon to cache them in their entirety.
One problem would have been internet voice calls which would clearly be unique to each conversation and could potentially be large files possibly even scattered over a number of exchanges and it is interesting that the capability of using the internet this way has been around for ages but only in the last few years has it been given any publicity which may be a valuable time delay for the agencies to get in place monitoring facilities for this traffic.
One final serious problem would be the matching of IP addresses (which are kinda the phone numbers used for all internet transactions) to actual people which presents many problems bearing in mind that normal dial up users are often given a separate randomly chosen IP address for every online session. There are two points I would make here.
First of all clearly Echelon has access to phone data as well as internet data so this combined with information in the IP address could tell them a lot. What I mean by this is take for example a hypothetical bucksheen called Peader O'Clancy going on the internet in some smallish town like Dungarvan and posting some risqué political stuff on the net using one of the ISPs that allocate random IP addresses. So if the intelligence agencies using Echelon wish to trace the internet packets they are watching on the internet back to a specific person the first clue they have is the detail thrown up by a reverse DNS lookup of the IP numbers which would show something like As you can see in practise the address itself will narrow things down to quite a small area. Of course the agencies also know the time
the specific internet traffic flowed and the ISP used which is given also in the IP address. So using the phone log data from the phone companies it will show so many people who called into the ISP dial up number and were still connected to that number in the Dungarvan area at that particular time.(80) This clearly narrows their search quite a lot and in practise I'm sure if Peadar is one of these 'pinko liberal' types they hate so much then probably they know all about him and will recognise his name from any small list that would be thrown up by such a search. But there is another point and that is the question of to what degree they cache the actual content of all phone calls which I will discuss in a minute. If the agencies can call up in some form the actual phone call then they can probably use an automated way of pulling out of the tapes of the phone call the details of an internet login session and specifically the numbers for the downloaded dynamically allocated IP address. They could do this for each of the phone calls in the Dungarvan list mentioned until they narrow down poor old Peadar who had thought he was safe using an anonymous ID in his web posts!
The second point is the question of the relationship between the ISPs and the intelligence agencies. I have assumed above that the ISPs are independent and value the privacy of their customers but in fact there is a lot of legislation or arm twisting out there which makes it probable that the various agencies and the ISPs have a close relationship. In the UK it was revealed in the Sunday Times that all UK ISP's have had to install a special hardwire link to MI5 headquarters.(81) They hardly go to that trouble without also putting in place some measures which allow MI5 to match the IP numbers to given users.
As mentioned above the main programme which coordinates the monitoring of telecommunications traffic for the big western powers is known as Echelon. It is well known that all international phone calls are routinely intercepted by that network using facilities like the NSA plant at Menwith Hill in England and also GCHQ in Cheltenham near London. The main route by which a lot of this traffic is intercepted is via satellites that are run for NSA by the huge Maryland agency known as the National Reconnaissance Office. All this is very well known but I don't think the full implications of the kind of technology they are using are properly appreciated by most people. Take for example the question of satellite monitoring of phone calls. I suspect a lot of people think then that that refers to satellite calls either made from satellite phones or international calls routed over satellites. They monitor those calls as well but the fact is that they monitor via satellite the ordinary landline calls of many countries. This is done because a lot of those calls in all countries travel across microwave relay links which are line of sight towers that the phone companies use to bounce calls around the country because of their convenience not requiring as they do any landline cables. What happens is that the signal that is directed by microwave at a receiving tower continues on after that into space and there the NSA can position a satellite and pick up the telephone conversations.(82) Eircom do use microwave relays to route internal landline voice calls in Ireland.(83) Furthermore all the Irish and international mobile phone companies use microwaves to bounce mobile calls between their masts. So depending on the architecture of the eircom network it is at least possible that Echelon monitors all Irish internal and international landline and most definitely mobile phone calls. The western agencies have also developed since the 70s the capacity to tap into underwater telephone cables.(84)
Another issue when you look at the technology available is the question of whether they store copies of the calls they intercept. In fact if you agree that these agencies can do anything they want behind all their secrecy and that they would use whatever technology is available to the fullest extent possible then you can come to some startling conclusions. It strikes me that probably they store copies of all conversations that they intercept which could easily be all voice calls on the island of Ireland and keep the copies for as long as they like. The NSA for example has no legal restrictions on doing this: "information on US persons ....cannot be kept longer than a year, information on foreign citizens can be held eternally." (85) The real question is can they do it technologically bearing in mind that they have of course access to data storage technology at least somewhat more advanced that currently available to ordinary computer users.(86) So possibly they are using now the type of technology that IBM announced as theoretical in 2002 (87) and exhibited in 2005.(88)
This is the technology to store a terrabyte of data on a chip the size of a postage stamp. A terrabyte could store about 130,000 hours of telephone conversations.(89) Bear in mind that the NSA computer capacity is not calculated by numbers of computers but rather by the acreage of the computer space and in the 60s it was 5 and a half acres and was reported to be doubling every decade form there.(90)
So incredible as it seems it is technologically, and for them morally, feasible that they keep copies of every single telephone conversation held over the last few years on the island of Ireland. Anybody who would hold data on that scale would clearly have enormous power to use that information to blackmail people and to anticipate the actions of political opposition groups etc. And be under no illusions people that is certainly what those organisations use that information for.(91) As the New Statesman reported in 1988 with respect to a US Congressional investigation into Echelon :
""Since then, investigators have subpoenaed other witnesses and asked them to provide the complete plans and manuals of the ECHELON system and related projects. The plans and blueprints are said to show that targeting of US political figures would not occur by accident, but was designed into the system from the start." (92)
The real power of it of course is that they can retrospectively trawl through a persons past life before he or she came to the attention of those agencies.
It is well known as well that the telephone conversations are put through automated speech to text recognition systems and this has been done at least since the early 80s. (93) Similarly voice recognition is used and it appears they had that technology since about 1979. This means they can track a particular person by flagging his unique voice pattern as he tries to speak on any phone on any platform that they are monitoring. This is from Margaret Newsham an NSA dissident living in Texas:
"As early as 1979 we could track a specific person and zoom in on his phone conversation while he was communicating."(94)
So all those movies that have the principals using call boxes to avoid detection are a bit mute when it comes to the technology available to the NSA and GCHQ.
Phoenix magazine when it described Echelon not long ago referred to a system called Enternet meaning the deployment of new technology that allows the agencies to interfere with the computers of people using the internet.(95) Presumably in cooperation with some large software companies they provide a kind of global hacking capability to the NSA and GCHQ et al :
"But ECHELON now has an "active" component which allows NSA or GCHQ analysts to covertly "hack" into information on the hard disks of computers linked into any telecommunications system, including the Internet."
Microsoft for example were discovered some time ago to have a close working relationship with NSA.(96) This came about because Microsoft felt it was illegal for them to export out of the US technology that could potentially be used as encryption that the US couldn't break. The question is how far does this legal pressure and the secret relationship it fostered go in terms of their products. Note as well the way in which Microsoft go to considerable lengths to hide from the user the extent to which their software caches key personal data.(97) This presumably is done under pressure from law enforcement bodies that are then supplied with all the information necessary to get access to the data later. Some of the main suppliers of anti-virus and internet security software also have remarkable holes in their security scans ostensibly because the software that they deliberately fail to detect is made by the same company as the anti-virus software. An employee of one of those companies claimed once that it was done under pressure from the US government but he quickly felt the need to retract that claim.(98)
It is even possible that the story of modern snail mail mimics that of email with a huge state apparatus of secret police using automated systems to hoover up any compromising information that they can glean from the post. Both the UK and the US have a tremendous legacy of secretly spying on any dissident activity of their citizens by reading their mail. In the UK this was revealed in the Spycatcher book where for the first time a shocked UK public found out that MI5 had offices in all the regional sorting centres where they monitored all the mail in a very widescale fashion.(99) The CIA have had the capacity for some time to read mail without opening it and have deployed this technology in the past on a large scale in the US. :(100)
"In the 1960's and early 1970's, large numbers of American dissidents, including those who challenged the condition of racial minorities and those who opposed the war in Vietnam, were specifically targeted for mail opening by both agencies [FBI and CIA]. In one program, selection of mail on the basis of "personal taste" by agents untrained in foreign intelligence objectives resulted in the interception and opening of the mail of Senators, Congressmen, journalists, businessmen, and even a Presidential candidate."
The above is from the final report of the Church committee of the US Senate April 23 1976. It refers specifically to widespread 'warrantless' mail opening.
"Despite the stated purpose of the programs, numerous domestic dissidents, including peace and civil rights activists, were specifically targeted for mail opening."(101)
In any case the point is that now the Royal Mail in the UK is using handwriting recognition software supplied by Lockheed Martin(102) a company described as the leading supplier of "monitoring equipment to the espionage agencies" in the US.(103) An Post in Ireland is also using handwriting recognition to some degree and the extent to which these developments have anything to do with monitoring by intelligence agencies is something that we can only speculate on.(104)
But there is one flaw in all this that I think I should address. Western intelligence agencies clearly have access to a vast array of data on any person they want to target but the downside is that they may have access to more information than they could possibly absorb. So its all well and fine having 160,000 hours of phone conversations on a stamp sized chip but listening to all that or even reading it as an automated transcript is clearly going to be beyond the manpower that most agencies could deploy. Some would say that this then drastically limits the practical impact of this technology in the actions of western intelligence agencies. Fair enough but here are a couple of thoughts that should be borne in mind.
The first is that the amount of manpower that you can see governments in the west deploying against their dissident citizens can be surprisingly high. During the protests in the summer of 2004 for example some would say that the amount of gardai deployed on expensive overtime to over police a few harmless protesters worked out at about 3 to 1. That's 3 gardai for every protester in case you were wondering was it the other way around. Clearly if that is mimicked in the shadowy world of the intelligence agencies monitoring these protesters then they could successfully plough through most of this mountain of surveillance data.
The second point is that faced with this mountain of information the intelligence agencies have no doubt invested a lot of time in developing computer systems to analyse the data automatically and show up the interesting information only. For example describing the situation north of the border:
"In Northern Ireland, over the past 30 years, British intelligence was overwhelmed with information. It developed "knowledge management" software to handle the raw material from Operation Vengeful - the Big Brother network which produced a vast daily flow of facts on vehicle and personal movements from overt and covert observation posts, CCTV cameras, vehicle check-points and house raids. "(105)
The question is what does that particular software look like and what does it do exactly. At a simple level we have the Echelon system of flagging particular keywords used in any telephone conversation fax or email and which seems problematic and ineffectual.(106) Its not surprising to discover for example that one Canadian housewife went onto a terrorist watch list when she described on the telephone once how her son had 'bombed' in a performance in the school play !(107)
But I'm sure as these type of systems have been refined they could now work very powerfully. So imagine for example a computerised system that was set to detect the interests and level of knowledge of a particular target using without human intervention intercepted telephone conversations of that person. You can see that it could flag the use of unusual words for example that could accurately build up a picture of their subject. So anybody can talk about insomnia on the phone but if words like ciracadian rhythms are present then the software could identify the subject as having medical knowledge or interest. This could extend into every area like football where if in conversations a person is using the names of particular little known players all the time then he/she could be flagged as a football nut etc etc So these robotic systems can no doubt be very accurate and useful. This might also be combined with psychologically modelling and profiling that the UK and US agencies are so fond of.
Furthermore the range of information could be deployed in a few simple effective displays that could help a lot. Take credit card information for example. Recordered there is the time and location of the person using the credit card as is the data from cash machines which also are reported to store video of the person taking out money. Imagine if they had permanent geographic information of the location of the cash machines combined with the location of at least some of the businesses that took the money on the credit card then they could throw up on a screen a map of where a person was at a given time going back as far as they had the bank data for. Unusual patterns of interest would be easy to discover from that. I don't personally know to what extent closed circuit video data from the many cameras run by the gardai around Ireland are stored or linked together but obviously there is great scope here as well for some combined mapping and visualisation on a large scale.
Maybe we should take another hypothetical to see how this kind of information can be used e.g. the mayday protests of 2004 . It seems likely that as the protesters gathered on the Navan Road the signals from their mobile phones were noted. Then as they dispersed the gardai possibly tracked the same phones as they moved away from the protest and took the opportunity of a time when the signal was isolated enough to identify it from other signals to get the specific identity of the person using the phone by stopping their car on a routine traffic issue or whatever. Then they can use the historic information from the phone signal to see where they came from to the protests, listen to the historic cache of phone calls from that phone as I speculate and definitely they could monitor a cache of text messages to build up a profile of that person. Furthermore by looking at the pattern of how the phone signals group together before and after the protest you can clearly see who is normally hangs out with who etc. So with only one specific piece of surveillance data you can tell quite a lot quite quickly. The degree that this data is routinely used by even the smaller western intelligence agencies can be seen from the Times of 1997 which quotes this from Sonntags Zeitung of Zurich in the context of stating that Swiss police have been secretly tracking mobile phone users through the telephone companies:
"Swisscom [the state-owned telephone company] has stored data on the movements of more than a million mobile phone users and can call up the location of all its mobile subscribers down to a few hundred metres and going back at least half a year," the paper reports, adding:"When it has to, it can exactly reconstruct, down to the minute, who met whom, where and for how long for a confidential tte--tte." (108)
But this is in fact only the beginning of understanding the degree of surveillance that can be done using a mobile phone which is about the only product that has been heavily subsidised for sale in Ireland and the UK. Mobile phones can be silently turned on when the user has turned it off and then used to locate the user or to pick up sound in the vicinity of the phone. Yes folks believe it or not mobile phones can be silently activated as bugging devices, that is they can be turned on any time anywhere to record and transmit conversations picked up around the phone. The only way to stop it is to disable the phone by e.g. taking out the battery. As described turning it off makes no difference. To clarify this is not just conversations made with the phone we are talking about bugging people who have the phone on them but aren't using it in a telephone conversation. This is all digital mobile phones using the GSM protocols not phones tampered with beforehand. It is reported that they are turned on by any party that can transmit to the phone special activation codes that are secretly built into the GSM network protocols. One small US intelligence agency in Columbia did this for example by transmitting to mobile phones from small aircraft silently circling in the sky thousands of feet above the phone. Centra Spike is the name of a US agency that works directly for the Pentagon and is here described working in Columbia:
"There was another nifty secret feature to Centra Spike's capability. So long as their target left the battery in his cell phone, Centra Spike could remotely turn it on whenever they wished. Without triggering the phone's light or beeper, the phone could be activated so that it emitted a low-intensity signal, enough for the unit to get a fix on its general location. They would activate the phone briefly when their target was most likely sleeping, then move the plane into position to monitor any calls he might make when he awoke."(109)
From the BBC:
"But today's spies are also able to convert conventional phones into bugs without the owners' knowledge.
Mobiles communicate with their base station on a frequency separate from the one used for talking. If you have details of the frequencies and encryption codes being used you can listen in to what is being said in the immediate vicinity of any phone in the network.
According to some reports, intelligence services do not even need to obtain permission from the networks to get their hands on the codes.
So provided it is switched on, a mobile sitting on the desk of a politician or businessman can act as a powerful, undetectable bug."(110)
In fact this idea of using phones as secret bugging devices of the areas the phone is located in has a long and interesting history back in the good old landline or POTS era. The story starts with this guy in New York who invented a bug in the mid60s that could be placed in a phone. At the time one of the great aims of people developing bugging devices was to get ones that didn't need batteries so the beauty of this bug was that it drew power from the telephone line and so it could be used indefinitely. Hence some called it the infinity bug. But it had other features that made it unique. To understand how it worked think about an average phone sitting in a kitchen say. Obviously if anybody receives a call and leaves the phone off the hook by putting the receiver down on a table e.g. then the person at the other end of the phoneline can hear everything going on in the room. But it transpires that the difference between a phone being on and off hook like this relies on some small and easily tampered with components. So the inventor rigged the phone in order that when a call would come through his little device would activate first and if it noted a particular signal at the beginning of the call then it would stop the ringer activating and instead silently put the phone off hook and so allow the caller to listen to sounds in the room. Since the activating signal had to come in the normal way as a sound over the phone network the inventor used a distinctive sound not usually heard in a conversation. He rigged it that his bug would respond to a blast from an harmonica that the caller would give just after he dialled the n
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20number. Hence another name the 'harmonica' bug. This was all described in elaborate detail in articles like in Esquire magazine from 1966. (111) What was not revealed however until a long time later was that the western intelligence agencies were using the device with some important modifications. At least since the early 70s they had used it to bug rooms without having to tamper with the target phone at all. They achieved the same effect as the New York inventor by placing a device along the phoneline before it reached the target phone usually either the dropline from the telegraph poll or junction box in a housing estate or phone switchboard. It activated similarly by reading signals sent by a call to the target number and it could turn on or off the receiver on the victims phone by complicated duplexing of various frequencies along the phoneline from their gadget to the targets handset. The upshot is that from at least the very early 70s the US intelligence agencies could bug any room they liked using the phone line without having to place any device whatsoever in the room or tampering in anyway with the phone in the room which as far as the user was concerned would also continue to work normally. That they had this technology for so long unknown to pretty much everybody gives you some insight into the kind of advanced technology that the western agencies have access to.(112) This was realised in paramilitary circles in Belfast as late as 1991 (113) and in political circles in Dublin sometime later (114). It is now stated that ISDN lines have built in the capacity for the intelligence agencies to automatically bug rooms via those lines. This at the touch of a button in the phone company or agency offices.(115)
So we can only speculate what sort of surveillance technology they have access to now. Satellite surveillance is obviously a very important area as Margaret Newsham says: "Since our satellites could in 1984 film a postage stamp lying on the ground, it is almost impossible to imagine how all-encompassing the system must be today."(116) Here is an MI5 officer being quoted in reference to some highly symbolic surveillance technology used in Ireland:
"There are homes in this Blessed Isle where the occupant sits to watch his television, which we have rigged so that the television is watching him".(117)
It is also stated there that MI5 in Ireland can install a miniaturised video camera inside a light switch. In fact Tony Geraghty the author and ex SAS man that quotes those references says that about 1 million people in North are monitored using sophisticated surveillance.
That sort of figure shows you that Ireland is very much a country under the spotlight of this new Orwellian world. So reader beware ! You are being watched...........:-)
I refer to two earlier articles in these footnotes i.e. 'Stasiland' article at : and 'O'Hara' at .There is extensive comments added in later to both articles.
1. See comments at the Stasiland article site.
2. p.12 See also quoting Ed Moloney in the Sunday Tribune 24 bSept 2000.
3 Richard Tomlinson "The Big Breach / From Top Secret to Maximum Security" (Moscow, 2001) p 231
6. referring to David Shayler's book. See also the kind of surveillance of political actions mentioned on this site : This site lists the various intelligence groups :
7. He stated that on camera in a documentary I saw, but I cannot remember its name I'm afraid.
8. Mi5's clockwork orange project: "Given the following, it is clear that the campaign for the next general election will be heavily dominated by the personality factor, and every effort should be made to exploit character weaknesses in 'target' subjects, and in particular:
(a) Financial misbehaviour
(b) Sexual misbehaviour
(c) Political misbehaviour"
and from Michael Bettaney of MI5:"In pursuing its domestic policy, the government relies on the aid of a security service
which cynically manipulates the definition of subversion and thus abuses its charter so as to investigate
and interfere in the activities of legitimate political parties, the trade union movement and
other progressive organisations."
( Wakeup magazine in general makes very good reading on this subject)
10. phoenix March 11 1994 p3
11 Phoenix Feb 11 200520p.15
14. Phoenix 2004 Annual p.68
15. Phoenix Aug 13 2004 p.8
16. Phoenix Mar 11 2005 p.8
17. See stasiland article.
18. Phoenix April 25 2003 p.7
19. Phoenix June 6 2003 p.16
20. Phoenix aug 13 2004 p.16 It was said to have been disbanded at this time but if the pattern of those agencies is anything to go by then it probably just changed its name.
21. How else is it to be explained that they would go to such efforts to eliminate a garda informant to protect the IRA? I have put in a separate Appendix A to address this question.
22. See the StakeKnife book op cit.
23. Phoenix May 9 2004.
24. Phoenix Sept 13 2002 p.20: "...the tradition which has grown up since the Special Branch took control of Garda HQ some years ago."
Sunday Times March 20 2005 p.17 "Involvement with the Crime and Security branch is seen by many gardai as the quickest way to promotion. And the best way to impress C and S is apparently, through the regular dispatch of C77's. top secret forms with information provided by informers."
25. Phoenix March 28 2003 p.9
26. Phoenix Feb 14 2003 p.14
27. Quote from Phoenix Feb 11 2005 p.14 and also Dec 6 2002 p.9 .
28. Phoenix March 12 2004 p.6 .
29. Karen McGlinchey "Charades" (Dublin, 2005) and also see the O'Hara article.
34. p.37 which is a good report by Brian Harvey called "Rights and Justice work in Ireland: A New Baseline."
39. and
40. Irish Independent Thursday Oct 14 2004 Where the gardai even woke a person up who was asleep in the pub then claimed he could have fallen off his chair so he was claimed to be a danger to himself and on that basis prosecuted the pub owners.
41. Late Late 15 April 2005 It was related by the journalist Frank Connolly on the programme.
43. showing the debts that the McBrearty's have incurred trying to keep their business afloat in the teeth of all the false charges laid against them.
44. Phoenix March 25 2005 p.16
45. Irish Independent Wed Nov 13 2002 and Sunday Times Nov 10 2002 p.15 : "...defamatory leaflets, referring to the "murdering McBreartys", were printed and given to him by John White, a [Special Branch] detective sergeant, to be distributed in the area."
46. Fergus Finlay "Snakes and Ladders" (Dublin, 1998) p.315.I appreciate that a long time later it was revealed that Lowry had an offshore account but it has also being revealed that many financial advisers and bank managers encouraged their clients to invest in these instruments and no doubt always claimed that they were perfectly legal.
47. That the powers that be may have something to hide over that outbreak can be surmised from the fact that the English farmer scapegoated as being the source of the disease in England has been served with the Official Secrets Act to keep him quiet.
50. and on Ward's sentence:
; Gilligan : and ; More than just myself find these events very suspicious:
51. Sunday Independent July 20 2003 p.12
52. Late Late Show 18th March 2005
53. Martin Ingram and Greg Harkin "Stakeknife / Britain's Secret Agents in Ireland" (Dublin, 2005)
54. Rodney Stich names this as the number one priority for cleaning up corruption in the US because of its use in silencing dissidents: "Eliminate the draconian prison sentences for most drug and other minor offenses"
55. Phoenix Annual 2004 p.62
56. p.9 see also
57 Phoenix April 25 2003 p.9 and
58 Phoenix Sept 24 2004 p.16
59. Information from an architect's office.
60. . His case also highlights the fact that modern day employment practises in Ireland tend to leave people with very little job security and that as well as the seemingly arbitrary way that people secure employment leaves people vulnerable to politically inspired harassment. From Parker again:
"A. The reality is slightly more painful. I was offered a job on the basis of my historical knowledge and research 'expertise'. These were exploited, or rather pillaged (though I was told what was going on). When they had got enough I was told unceremoniously that I no longer had a job.
Q. Was any reason given?
A. I was warned to be 'discreet', but I was told that they no longer had enough money to pay me.
Q. Did you believe them?
A. No. There are some people here who couldn't tell the truth to save their miserable little lives. Lying becomes a habit after a while, just like picking their noses.
Q. And what has happened to the job since?
A. It was subsequently given to someone without any historical qualifications - but they're welcome to that chimp."
( )
"What matters is an association with one of the quasi-criminal cliques here, combined with an ability to flatter.
But one doesn't realise that the exploitation is taking place - not until it's too late. My own experience was that I was so full of gratitude for having been 'given a chance' that I didn't realise the nature of the 'chance' I had been given. I was so loyal - when my superior threatened to resign because of criticism from 'on high' I stated that I would leave too. When I mentioned this to a friend she laughed, adding 'he wouldn't stick his neck out for you, you know'. But I am being unduly negative I hear you say, probably a little bitter. What type of people would do this type of thing? Evil bastards who should be ashamed to show their faces in public. I was so stupid; I never believed that human beings, my own 'fellow Cavanmen' could be such low down curs. I thought I had a contract, but instead it was a temporary work agreement not worth the paper it wasn't written on." ( )
This is Ciaran on local government in Cavan:
"I remember asking one particular [public representative in Cavan].....some weeks before the last local election whether he was gearing up for the contest. “Oh no, I haven’t thought about that yet”. He should have; he nearly didn’t make it. No - they would prefer never to have to go crawling before the amorphous group known alternatively as “the hoors”, “the whingers”, “the Fuckers” and “the cunts”. (By the way, these names are not made up: some people in this neck of the woods might care to dwell on the fact that my family were heavily involved in local politics in the past. I well remember hearing a county councillor remarking, as he entered the count centre where his party colleagues were having a hard time getting elected: “The hoors don’t know when they’re well off”.) Instead of having to fulfil any public representative role, the vast majority would much prefer to cosy up to their buddies in the council executives and the building industry, feeding and drinking at the golden slop tank of local politics, and sharing the back-handers with their buddies."
( )
This is a curious reference of his: "‘phone calls can be and are monitored by Catholic lay groups, so best to mind what you say." (
So despite the long time and expense he has gone through becoming very well educated, he has a PhD in Medieval History and knows 13 languages, he finds it very difficult to secure employment and gets no respect from the money obsessed celtic tigers. The expensive and difficult work he does in historical research is generally completely unpaid and in Cavan he didn't even get a free copy of the journal which he contributed an article to:
61. note the curious references to some personnel in Roscommon here:
62. Phoenix June 20 2003 p.14
63. Phoenix Annual 2004 p.62
67.,8146,1452267,00.html and for their use against protesters:
69. and
70. and
73. and
77. Fine Gael acknowledges that this means that farmers have in practise no right to protest.
Here is an editorial in the Farmers Journal showing the atmosphere:
"This week farmers have begun sporadic protests in supermarkets. The Competition Authority is keeping a watchful eye ready to pounce at any hint of "market interference''. But as the chairman of the Authority said recently, they only take on cases they are likely to win. So they tackle soft targets, not the real issues, especially those in the professions that are strangling Irish life."
Farmers Journal 1 Nov 2003 )
This is a good speech that Noel Coogan of Fine Gael made in the Seanad 6 Nov 2002 again detailing the frustration that is felt that at this behaviour by the state and the precarious position of the farmers:
"The Minister mentioned farm incomes in respect of which farmers are getting very angry. He failed to mention that incomes are set to fall by 17% by which amount he said they rose last year. Taking inflation into account, Teagasc advises that they will drop by 20% this year. This is a staggering drop that would be hard for any sector of society to take. This means average family farm income this year will be around €14,000 or about half the average industrial wage.
Political responsibility for the disastrous fall in incomes rests fairly and squarely with the Minister and the Government. Prices in all the main sectors of beef, lamb, milk and grain are down. Producers are subject to massive political regulation and excessive bureaucracy that is driving many farmers, particularly younger ones, away from the business. They have to put up with cost increases which are beyond the control of most.
For producing food of the highest quality, farmers are entitled to a decent price that will give them a modest income. That is all they are looking for. A farmer carried out research and found the yield from the average dairy cow will generate €1,800 for a farmer. A similar amount of milk will generate €18,800 for some of the super outlets like McDonalds. There is a huge discrepancy.
Before the present crisis, approximately 20,000 farmers were earning less than €200 per week. With the present crisis, it is estimated that another 20,000 are in danger of being forced out of farming in the very near future. Under the leadership of the Minister, if a farmer wanted to generate an income on a par with someone on the average industrial wage, he or she would require from his or her enterprise 250 head of beef stock and 165 acres of land, a suckler herd of 90 suckler units, a milk quota of 80,000 gallons, 550 sheep, 600 acres of barley or 400 acres of winter wheat. The average size farm in Ireland is 65 acres. To improve their incomes, farmers require an increase in prices for their produce and an increase in scale and productivity which requires access to more land at more favourable prices.
The Minister and the Government have stood idly by this and every other autumn as the factories force down the price of cattle by at least €70 per head, while the market remains stable in Britain. Prices have increased on the Continent. We have heard umpteen times that there is no cartel in the beef factories. It must be an extraordinary coincidence that on the same morning every week the factories quote lists for the price of cattle that read the same. For God's sake, who is codding whom?
Then we have the disgraceful behaviour of the Competition Authority which stated in response to farmers' complaints that it was understaffed and would take 12 months to reply. Yet on a whim after a phone call it could raid the homes of private individuals, the unpaid representatives of the farming community who are doing their best to ensure the survival of the farming sector. The Minister and the Tánaiste have a lot of questions to answer in that regard."
( )
80. It is well known that western agencies have routine access to this type of data. Like many international telephone companies Eircom uses Amdocs of Israel to handle that phone data. Foxnews has reported that this company has been the subject of an FBI investigation for suspected espionage activities. An internal memo of the company has been referred to which shows that they use sophisticated algorithms to identify calling patterns (and hence relationship patterns) using the phone data.
81. quoting Sunday Times 30 April 2000.
82 James Bamford "Body of Secrets" (London, 2001) p.367-369
84. "By 1975 the NSA had the capacity to bug undersea trunk telephone cables. It is done by induction 'there is no physical penetration or damage to the cable'." Bamford op cit p.373
85. Bamford op cit p.427
86. So for example in 2001 it was reported that the NSA were planning to build from 2000-2005 a computer which would be 2 million times faster than anything the outside world was aware of. As you can read in that book they are many years in advance of unclassified technology. Since 1984 they have their own secret facility for developing classified computers and storage technology. They also have their own chip making plant on site.( Bamford op cit p.604, 607)
89. Taking from that link the number of megabytes needed to store a telephone conversation we get something like :( 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte X 1024 gigabytes in a terrabyte)/ ( 8 megabytes storing an hours conversation)
90. Bamford op cit p.578
91. See comments added to the Stasiland article for the leak with respect to GCHQ for example.
92. quoting New Statesmen Aug12 1988
93. It is sometimes denied that Echelon has that capability but I am relying on the direct testimony of Mike Frost of the Canadian CSE who used Echelon and had been trained by the NSA. In a documentary entitled "Echelon: The most Secret Spy System" (broadcast History Channel 2 April 2005) he has stated they use those keyword searches. He said the calls are routinely broken down by keyword recognition, dial number and voice recognition.
94. See also on MI6 bugging of the Polish Prime Minister Leszek Miller.
95. from Phoenix magazine May 5 2000. I have seen no further reference to this 'Enternet' and I am not sure if that is the official name or a name that Phoenix humorously gives it.
98. I remember reading that some time ago but I cannot remember the exact company and I also can find no reference to it now on the internet. As regards the 'holes' mentioned see how Norton Antivirus does not detect PCAnywhere : and
Here is a website that shows that in practise a person using PCAnywhere can do all the things that a big bad hacker is supposed to be able to do :
99. Peter Wright "Spycatcher" (Australia, 1987) referred to here:
100. The technology is nowhere described in detail and the Church Committee seemed to only refer to letters physically opened (and resealed again no doubt ).
105. from Phoenix magazine May 5 2000.
106. One anonymous leak for the BND states that the Echelon throws up too many false positives like that:
107. Mentioned by Mike Frost in the documentary op cit .
108. quoting the Times 29 Dec 1997 .
109. Mark Bowden "Killing Pablo" (London, 2001) p.102 See also some leaks from the Swedish Security Services at
110. I know that contradicts the other reference where it says that the mobile has to be switched on but the other reference is quite specific and it seems probable that the BBC is wrong about that.
111. Esquire May 1966 a fascinating glimpse at such technology.
112. describing the type not requiring physical access to the phone, this from lawyers dealing with Dutch narcotic agents.
This link shows that it can be done anywhere on the telephone line: :"No entry to the subject's premises or modification to their telephone set is required." in a detailed description of one type of this bug , first developed in 1963 and in extensive use by CIA at least by the early 70s.
113. Martin McGartland "Fifty Dead Men Walking" (London,1998) p.198
114. Fergus Finlay "Snakes and Ladders" (Dublin,1998) p.106
115. paragraph 4.4
As speculated on in the Stasiland article I think people should not ignore either technology that the western powers could be secretly using to harm the health of 'terrorist suspects' or dissidents. There is simply is too many people out there who are claiming that their health has been harmed in this way.( )
In practise this kind of information rarely leaks out of governments until they fall like in the case of East Germany, South Africa and the USSR. There is also the case of Rhodesia which also had an extensive Chemical and Biological Weapons programme . The point is that Rhodesia was a country with very close ties to the UK which gives rise to the suspicion that the UK authorities faced with a similar 'terrorist' situation might have used the same tactics. The Selous Scouts for example was the main unit in the Rhodesian army that was using these tactics and it was lead by a Lieutenant-Colonel Ron Reid-Daly who served formerly alongside the British SAS in Malaya. Here is a quote of his describing the Rhodesian SAS :"It was a thoroughly professional unit, which, in my opinion, more than lived up to the standards set by the British SAS." ( ) So there are very close ties here and in the current UK SAS there is "notable representation from... the former Rhodesia" (wikipedia article on the SAS). A leading UK businessman Tiny Rowland is described as 'omnipresent' during the negotiations at the end of UDI.(David Martin and Phyllis Johnson "The Struggle for Zimbabwe"(London,1981) p.294) Fred Holroyd was told that MI5 were secretly backing the Rhodesian government and helping them to evade the sanctions.(Fred Holroyd and Nick Burbridge "War without honour"(Hull, 1989)c.p.123) Of course one objection that people would have here is that its all well and fine talking about what went on in some 'uncivilised' part of the world like Rhodesia but the UK forces would not use such heinous methods closer to home against the Irish. But Fred Holroyd who served in both places says that the UK forces were more ruthless and uncaring of the natives than the Rhodesians were. He gives one example to show this :
"I got Tosavepe to write a statement about all this [the beating up of his father by Rhodesian soldiers] and added one of my own and took them to my Brigadier, Brigadier Hoskins. I told him I had come from Northern Ireland where this sort of thing went on regularly, and rather than achieve anything positive, it simply damaged the credibility and morale of the soldiers asked to carry it out. Hoskins studied my reports, and immediately put out an order of the day, saying that if any of his soldiers were ever found maltreating the local people, they would have to answer personally to him. He then got hold of the two officers in charge of the unit and severely disciplined them. If I had tried anything like that in Ireland, it would have been me who ended up on a charge !"( ibid p. 128)
This treatment of the natives by the UK forces in Ireland can be seen as well in an interview given to the Sunday Times by Colin Demet formerly of the Queens Lancashire Regiment stationed in Ulster .(April 3 2005 p.6 of News Review). He says that "the main tactic used by the soldiers was to provoke civilians while searching them." He talks about soldiers firing into pubs deliberately, knowing that innocent people would be killed and dragging old ladies down staircases etc. In the army he was "trapped in a living nightmare. I was watching them abusing people and obtaining a sick pleasure from their actions. The sadistic one third of the soldiers treated me and other decent soldiers in the same way they treated Irish people."
So I don't think you can say that great scruples are what would prevent the British army from using CBW in Ireland. This is a description of some Rhodesian practises :
"Faced with a deteriorating security situation as the 1970s wore on, Rhodesian authorities resorted to increasingly extreme counterinsurgency measures to resist nationalist guerrillas, including "pseudo-operations," psychological warfare, covert executions, and the deployment of ingenious booby traps and toxic substances.[7] On the basis of insider accounts, there can be no doubt whatsoever that the Rhodesians employed 1) poisonous chemicals to impregnate clothing, canned food, drinks, and aspirin, and 2) lethal biological agents such as cholera bacteria and anthrax bacteria to contaminate water supplies and farmland.[8] Although one former member of the Special Branch of the Rhodesian police - a force that was still designated, quaintly, as the British South African Police - claimed that he and his colleagues were aware of the use of poisons as early as 1973, the first clear evidence of this dates from 1975 or 1976, when the Rhodesian Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) apparently asked doctors and chemists from the University of Rhodesia to identify and test a range of chemical and biological agents that could be used as a "fear factor" in the war against nationalist guerrillas.[9] Professor Robert Symington, head of the clinical program in the university's Anatomy Department, then recruited several colleagues and students to carry out this research.[10]
According to former Officer Commanding Counter Terrorist Operations M. J. McGuinness, the most senior Special Branch officer seconded to the CIO and the man who oversaw the CW program and other covert operations launched from the Selous Scouts fort at Bindura, 25-gallon drums of foul-smelling liquid were delivered to the base a dozen or so times in 1977. The chemicals were then poured into large sheets of tin and dried in the sun. When the liquid had dried, the leftover flakes were scooped up and pounded in a mortar with a pestle. The resulting powder was then brushed onto stocks of denim clothing favored by the guerrillas, mixed into processed meat such as bully beef before being repacked in new cans, or injected into bottles of alcohol with a micro-needle.[11] Moreover, several prisoners were forcibly brought to the fort and allegedly used as "human guinea pigs" to test the effects of the poisons, after which their bodies were secretly disposed of. Other accounts indicate that denim clothing was also brought to the André Rabie barracks of the Selous Scouts, where it was soaked in vats of odorless and colorless liquid chemicals.[12] The distribution of the contaminated items was generally organized by the Projects Section of the Special Branch and delivered by uniformed policemen to agents and intermediaries willing to sell them to the guerrillas, but some bottles of poisoned alcohol were instead disseminated by the Selous Scouts.[13] Secret Special Branch documents made available by Peter Stiff confirm the distribution of various poisoned items, and reveal that at least 800 people had died after absorbing the poison through their soft body tissues. Indeed, the CW program was terminated by police commissioner Peter Allum after the Special Branch commander learned of the deaths of innocent rural villagers to whom some of the poisoned clothes had been sold by unscrupulous local agents, agents who had been recruited by the Selous Scouts and Special Branch and been paid a 1000 Zimbabwean dollar bonus for each "confirmed" guerrilla death.[14]
The Rhodesians also made several attempts to disseminate lethal BW agents, in particular Vibrio cholerae and Bacillus anthracis. McGuinness claimed that two unsuccessful efforts were made by the Selous Scouts to contaminate the Ruhenya River in northeastern Rhodesia with cholera bacteria. A former Rhodesian intelligence officer who remained in Zimbabwe after the country's independence stated that many other attempts to deploy cholera bacteria were made by the Rhodesian security forces, especially in order to pollute water sources close to guerrilla camps inside neighboring Mozambique. He admitted, however, that "this tactic was said to be of very limited use due to the quick dispersal of the bacteria." As for anthrax, this same source said that anthrax spores were "used in an experimental role in the Gutu, Chilimanzi, Masvingo, and Mberengwa kill off the cattle of tribesmen," harmful incidents that were then attributed by Rhodesian Army psychological operations officers to infiltrating guerrillas. For his part, McGuinness said he was surprised to learn from some of his colleagues that anthrax had been disseminated on at least one occasion. The Selous Scouts had originally been asked to carry out the task, but their commander Lieutenant-Colonel Ron Reid-Daly had refused because he thought it would be too risky for his men. In the end, members of the Rhodesian Special Air Service (SAS) regiment delivered the anthrax by dropping it from an aircraft near Plumtree, on the Botswana border.[15] Even today, anthrax is only endemic to Matabeleland, where Plumtree is located. For this and other reasons, Dr. Meryl Nass' argument that the Zimbabwean "anthrax epizootic" of 1979 and 1980 might also be attributable to intentional human dissemination must at least be seriously considered.[16] Finally, in 1979 the CIO allegedly activated a plan to assassinate either Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) leader Robert Mugabe or Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (ZAPU) leader Joshua Nkomo in London, and then recruited an expatriate former British SAS member nicknamed "Taffy" to do the job. After performing successful tests on dogs, he opted to use a rifle to shoot Mugabe with a dum dum bullet into which ricin toxin was inserted, but the operation was aborted at the last minute.[17]"
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Since the 70s there may have been greater research done in the electronic area and the Phoenix for example refers to some microwave device that the US army is using against civilians in Iraq :
"The latest controversial cargo to transit Shannon en route to the killing fields of Iraq is a cute little number codenamed Sheriff. Carried aboard Hercules C-130 freighters of Heavy Lift Command USAF, Sheriff is a "silent ray" device which beams concentrated microwave radiation on "targets" at ranges of up to one kilometre. Its official name is an Active Denial System. Mounted on Humvee personnel carriers, Sheriff is described as a "non lethal weapon for use against insurgents using civilian crowds as cover". Since US troops to date have had no hesitation in firing at perceived insurgents, Sheriff is presumably for use against the "civilian cover" (women and children). The finely focused radiation is designed to cause "a burning sensation on the skin." Non-ionising radiation in small doses has, in many past studies, been associated with various cancers, particularly leukaemia in children. The Active Denial Systems being shipped through Shannon look like large satellite dishes of the sort seen on TV outside broadcast vehicles." (Feb 11 2005 p.8)
Does the British Government Control and Manipulate all Irish Paramilitary Groups ?
Loyalist Paramilitaries
The question of State control over the loyalist paramilitary groups needn't delay us too much with surely very few observers denying that although at the time during the height of the troubles any such allegations were treated as the ravings of conspiracy theorists. I will take just one killing of which there is a lot of public knowledge due to its high profile nature. This case is very likely to be characteristic of all the killings attributed to the Loyalist paramilitaries as all research that has been done on the subject suggests that they have a similar pattern, such as the many killings researched in the book 'The Committee'.
I mean of course the killing of Pat Finucane the Belfast solicitor.(1)
So the initial targeting of Finucane is attributed now to the commander of the UDA in West Belfast Tommy 'Tucker' Little who was working for RUC Special Branch.(2) He stated to a BBC journalist that it was two RUC detectives who told him first to target Finucane (3) although he stated to his son that it was in fact MI5 that set the whole thing up.(4) Obviously there is not much contradiction here since MI5 work closely with Special Branch.
Next up then is the intelligence officer who was detailed by Lyttle to prepare the intelligence necessary to kill Pat Finucane. This was Brian Nelson one of the very few non IRA agents being run by the FRU a department of the British Army's Intelligence Corps. Nelson was considered an efficient and organised intelligence officer because in fact the British Army had arranged to put all his files on special cards and later on computers that they purchased for him.(5) Of course he was also effective because of the huge amount of information that the FRU were supplying him with. So this British Army agent passes on one of those intelligence cards on Finucane along with a photograph and his home address to one of the killers(6).
Step three that needs looking at are the guns needed. They were supplied to the killers care of the UDA quartermaster in that area one William Stobie who was working for RUC Special Branch.(7) And of course like all the others involved he kept his handlers fully informed of the impending murder. One week after appearing on television detailing the fact that RUC Special Branch knew all about the murder he was shot dead.(8)
Finally you have the actual gunmen who did the killing. One of them, Ken Barrett, has revealed details about the killing on a BBC Panorama programme during which he was secretly filmed.(9) There he describes a meeting with a Special Branch officer who told him that Finucane would have to be killed. The officer told him that:
"They didn't want any fucking about. They didn't want to wait for months. They wanted it done."(10)
He went on to state that this officer then assisted the killers during the murder, by inter alia removing a roadblock near the solicitor's house and freezing the area from any security force activity and continued to give further help to the killers in the years afterwards.
This pattern is repeated as I said if you look at any of the loyalist killings. As you see the paramilitary organisation here is just a shell through which the intelligence agencies, including RUC Special Branch, conduct their clandestine operations. As one of the FRU handlers Martin Ingram has said:
"Without the help specifically of the Force Research Unit and the Special Branch, then the Loyalist volunteers would not have been able to tie their shoelaces. They were probably one of the worst prepared, worst trained rabble of men that I have ever had the misfortune to ever come across. But none the less, the resources of the Force Research Unit and to a lesser extent, the Special Branch were fuelled and funneled towards Loyalism."(11)
The interesting question is how far back this state support for loyalist murder gangs and anti-catholic pogroms go in Irish history. There are a few details on that in the biography of probably the best known Loyalist paramilitary Gusty Spence. So here are a few quotes from Gusty noted in that book:
[Information he had from old loyalist gunmen he knew named Buck Alec and Bobby Moore]
"They were an element of the UVF reconstituted in 1935 and some were covertly enlisted by the Ulster government at a fee of 10 shillings a day to promote a sectarian war , which they did do."(12)
[with respect to 1934:] "Protestants and Catholics were coming together and men were hired to shoot Catholics to promote sectarianism and drive a wedge between them. They were paid 1/2 a quid a day .At least 3 old gunmen told me from their own mouths at separate times that was their role."
Its one of those things that the unionist /protestant/loyalist people will not admit to. The Ulster government did employ people to start a sectarian war and it was successful because the rapprochement between them [catholics and protestants] was quickly blown up and the IRA became involved in order to protect the catholic community.(13)
At least we have a bit of Ulster Protestant plain speaking here after all the spin of those intelligence agencies! Of course Gusty was one of the main figures involved in the very early part of the troubles and he provides some information on that period as well quoting the writers of that book :
"In fact the previous year two people had approached Gusty , one of them being a unionist party politician. He was told that the UVF was to be reformed throughout Northern Ireland and he was to be responsible for the Shankill. Gusty's staunch loyalist reputation along with his military experience , explains why he was approached ."I cannot possibly say that I knew the ins and outs of the political machinations because I didn't. I was approached to join the UVF. The way the story was put to me was that there was incipient rebellion and I had taken an oath to HMQ to defend her - it seems grandiose - against enemies foreign and domestic .I saw my service in the UVF as a continuation of my British army service."'(14)
[Referring to an earlier work by Ed Moloney and Andy Pollak:]
Billy Spence [his brother] had formulated the UVF's strategy for 1966 - a clever plan that was designed to mislead the authorities into thinking that bombing and gun attacks carried out by the UVF were really the IRA's work. The idea was to halt O'Neill's 'bridge building' policies and maybe even cause a reaction against him from within the unionist party , which would force his resignation.(15)
He [Gusty] says opposition to O'Neill was basically for 'going too far , especially when he brought Lemass to the North. His overthrow was to take the shape of violent incidents in Belfast and Northern Ireland to hype up communal and political tensions.' "(16) [Gusty joined the UVF in 1965 and others were preparing for the anniversary year of 1966 so it is probably this period or a little later that this refers to.]
And this kind of insight is what always lies behind 'terrorist' actions IMHO.
The Small Republican groups
Piggybacking on 'Barry's valuable research here on indymedia I think that the Omagh bombing might be an appropriate starting place to look at who is controlling the small splinter republican groups.(17)
In particular it might be instructive to look at the bombing from the point of view of seeing the various stages necessary for whoever arranged the bombing to see what kind of 'cover up' would be necessary to disguise the intelligence agencies role in it. What I mean by that is that many people would reply to any suggestion of state terrorism by saying that it would require a vast conspiracy among a large number of people for such a thing to happen and that its impractical to talk about that kind of thing occurring and nobody coming forward to tell the truth. Personally I think that makes a lot of sense so that while the people directly involved in planning the bombing would not wish to come forward to avoid prosecution for the crime the chances are that surely others would have seen what was going on and could be expected to have revealed this later. What I think a number of people overlook in this regard is that maybe the facts that point to a state conspiracy have come to light but are not highlighted by the mass media and hence most people aren't aware of them and even in cases where people are aware of those facts they just dismiss the very idea of a state conspiracy in favor of the more familiar ground of half mad evil terrorist bombers which is certainly the impression the general public usually gets from the mainstream media. So to look at this I divided it up into the various stages of the attack:
During the trial of Michael McKevitt after a long process of haggling by the lawyers a number of emails that were exchanged by David Ruppert and his handlers in MI5 were revealed in court. They represent so far as I know the only concrete details anywhere in the public domain on the preparation and intelligence gathering that were made before the Omagh bombing. From them it appears, incredible as it may seem, that it was David Ruppert himself that was most responsible for that initial preparation. He made videos of Omagh as part of this planning, dummy runs in a car to check the practicalities of bringing a car bomb into the town and it was he that suggested that the bombing could be made in Omagh.(18) David Ruppert was obviously working all this time as an agent of MI5 and the FBI. Hence there is no cover up here as these facts have already been revealed in open court.
The Bomb
In the House of Commons it was revealed that the bomb maker was a leading Provisional IRA figure Patrick Joseph Blair, known as 'Mooch'. This corroborates the much earlier statement by the FRU agent 'Kevin Fulton' of Newry who all along has claimed that he met Blair before the bombing that Blair told him there was something big on and that he smelt the fertiliser on him that indicated he was preparing a large explosive. Fulton states that he passed all this on to the RUC, the registration of the car involved etc and it was clearly a very specific warning because of the track record of Blair as a serious bomb maker and the fact that the resulting fertiliser explosive has to be used within a short space of time after this kind of preparation because it becomes unstable. The RUC denied all this initially claiming Fulton was a 'Walter Mitty' character and admit they did nothing with the warning received which they denied initially getting, but these facts seem now to be widely accepted.(19) Furthermore it appears that Fulton now claims that Blair has been working all along for the security forces(20) and he certainly would be in a position to know that because Blair has been described as his mentor in the IRA within which the two were working together for about 15 years.(21) The Observer states that Blair is now rumoured to have been "spirited out of Northern Ireland by the British security services".(22) So we can have no complaints here about the data that is in the public domain on the subject of the bomb much of it from a man who has taken great risks in coming forward to tell us the real facts.
The Car
It obviously being a car bomb it is normal that a car in these situations is stolen so as it can not be traced back to the bombers. We now also have pretty much all the facts on this heading. The car was stolen by an agent for Garda Special Branch known as Paddy Dixon.(23) Dixon was told that the bomb was to be used for a real 'spectacular' so his handler Garda Sergeant John White was very concerned and went to see some senior Gardai on the subject. They told him that "'John, we are going to let this one go through." Even the day before as Dixon was passing all the information to White about the stolen car White was still imploring his superiors to stop it but all he got was the iron determination of them to let this particular car through. This presumably also involved stopping the 24-hour surveillance of the breakers yard where the car was engineered to accept the bomb. Dixon has been moved abroad and given a false name under a garda witness protection scheme and is now not available to be interviewed by the PSNI Omagh investigators.(24) Garda White was arraigned on false charges and a Nally group of senior Irish Govt officials have found no basis for his claims but they also state they weren't permitted to interview Dixon.(25) However it is stated that the PSNI ombudsman's office do accept White's testimony as being the truth. This is again the only really hard facts about the car used in the explosion AFAIK.
In the Town On the Day
Presumably if some members of the security forces were behind this explosion they would no doubt not wish to be themselves caught up in any blast and it might be thought that any suspicious acts of self preservation by the security forces that seemed to indicate advanced knowledge of the blast would be noticed and the truth would emerge. But in fact some of the relatives do find the events of that day in Omagh to be very suspicious and they simply haven't got any explanation for it. So to quote Lawrence Rush who lost his wife in the bombing and was driven to interrupt a RUC press conference in attempting to get answers to these questions :
"My dear sir, this is a conspiracy. This will come out like the Derry Thirteen [Bloody Sunday]. This is a conspiracy by the British Government and by everyone involved in its administration. This is an example of administrative terrorism [using the word 'administration' earlier clarifies what he meant by this phrase]; that's what it is. Why did Sinn Fein close their office the day before the bomb? Why was the Army confined to barracks? Why sir, the RUC, why did they in active fact have only three men on the streets of Omagh, and twenty-four men out in surrounding areas? Tell me that."(26)
He is now trying to sue the British state because of this but his case has got very little publicity.(27) At the inquest the families couldn't get to the bottom of the actions of the RUC on the day because the officers in question refused to answer questions on the subject on the grounds of not incriminating themselves.(28) Again the evidence is actually there but the media emphasis is entirely different and this is what persuades people that the state has no case to answer.
The Investigation
No doubt the intelligence agencies if they were responsible for the blast would be very keen to see the resulting investigation derailed and yet with such a major inquiry surely somebody would notice it going nowhere deliberately and would reveal this publicly. Again there is no cover up of the facts here as regards what happened to the investigation. We know that RUC Special Branch have done all they can to make sure it goes nowhere or at least not to the real bombers and we have all the information we need on that from the Police Ombudsman's office which has detailed the whole story on the subject(29). Specifically the report states that Special Branch supplied the investigation team with the names of 5 suspects that clearly didn't do the bombing despite the Branch having more detailed accurate information on other parties that they withheld from the investigation. A short trawl of the intelligence by the ombudsman's team revealed relevant intelligence 78 per cent of which they withheld from being investigated. All that has come to light and there is therefore no grounds for anybody to accuse the wider RUC of covering up the facts as opposed to Special Branch which with the same body in the South has a close relationship with MI5.
Members of the Security Services
Finally you have the point many people would make and that is that surely some of those in the security apparatus who knew what was going on would not stand for it and would stop it happening. But it now seems that that did happen. A member of RUC Special Branch telephoned in an anonymous warning to the RUC in Omagh on the 4th of August detailing the attack that was to happen in Omagh on the 15th.(30) The CID
detective who took the call took it very seriously and warned everybody who needed to know about it in the town including his superiors and Special Branch. When the bombing happened on that day a shocked detective asked the Senior Investigating Officer and his deputy what happened to the warning they had got but no explanation has been forthcoming.(31) It is said that the Sub Divisional Commander in Omagh was not told about this warning and, quoting the Ombudsman's report:
"When he was shown the intelligence two years later on the anniversary of the explosion he said he would have set up Vehicle Check Points. When he met the Police Ombudsman's Investigator in September 2001 he said he did not remember seeing the intelligence and said that he would have taken other action and would not have set up Vehicle Check Points.
The recollection of the Sub-Divisional Commander Omagh is not accepted by the Police Ombudsman."
So again we cannot really say that there was a water tight conspiracy of silence on the part of the security services. Somebody in fact did their best to stop the attack. Obviously if this person had revealed any detail other than anonymously he would be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act which is no paper tiger when it comes to preserving secrets in Ireland.
The Subsequent Trials
Under this scenario it naturally follows also that those the state charges for the crime must presumably be innocent bearing in mind of course that no members of the security forces themselves look like ever been charged. Presumably whoever in the state apparatus who was responsible for the crime would be busy stitching up some innocent party to assuage the natural public alarm about the crime that must have been anticipated. We have a lot of details now from the trial of the first person charged with the crime. Suffice to say that the trial has been revealed as a saga of forgery, perjury and witnesses intimidated by the Garda Special Branch (32).
So there is no all embracing wall of silence that might be supposed to be necessary for such a conspiracy to occur. There is if anything a wall of detail in the public domain which confirms it but this might not be what the main media organisations are putting before the public in Ireland or Britain. Most people are just not aware of those facts and those that are aware are probably quite happy with the usual explanation of bureaucratic incompetence rather than conspiracy. After all they probably know a lot about intelligence agencies and terrorists and judge that those agencies would simply never do such a thing. In other words they have seen all the James Bond films and 'Patriot Games' ! So its no problem at all for people to believe the state's explanation for the conspiracy on the day. It is perfectly reasonable to believe that a small farmer or electrician in South Armagh kissed his wife and young family goodbye and decided to massacre 29 people and maim 100's more of his fellow compatriots and many of his fellow religion in the neighbouring county. Apparently he thought this was going to achieve a united Ireland and living all his life among the troubles in South Armagh he couldn't have been expected to realise that the bomb would rather discredit Irish nationalism and spur strong measures on the part of the British government against 'terrorists'. This is doubtless because many of the local people in places like South Armagh and North Louth are reckoned to be crazed lunatics who kill like this almost for sport. So the tabloids have painted it anyway. He also drives in the bomb passing by without a thought all the huge security installations along that border no doubt not wondering whether they keep track of cars passing along those roads which could trace a car back to its origin. He also chats away on his mobile phone oblivious to any notion that such signals could be traced later.
On the other hand the other 'conspiracy theory' involves parties who clearly have the inside knowledge to get around and block any security hindrance and any subsequent investigation. They would obviously, and justifiably, be quite certain that they would never be charged for the crime anyway. Their motivation is not as difficult to come by. A few weeks later draconian 'anti-terrorist' legislation was passed which on that timescale must have been prepared earlier and be just ready to be enacted. It was rushed through parliament with many M.P.'s not even reading it (33). If all this sounds too macabre for some consider that the Offences Against The State Act, the main anti-terrorist legislation in the South, was passed amid the carnage of a 'terrorist' bombing which was later discovered to have been committed by agents of the British intelligence agencies. In dramatic circumstances at a public meeting in Dublin in 2003 the widow of one of those killed in the explosions demanded of the assembled panel, which included Patricia McKenna MEP, whether or not they thought that the bombing at that crucial moment was some kind of coincidence. Nobody thought that it was.(34)
Of course the mother of all allegations relates to the IRA itself. A short while ago you would have been laughed out of it if you had alleged that the IRA was run by the UK and US intelligence agencies - and its still a close run thing !lol - but the situation has I think changed after all the speculation about Stakeknife. So for example William Frazer who runs the FAIR organisation in Armagh and who's father, two uncles and two cousins were killed by the IRA says:
"For years, there have been countless allegations of collusion involving loyalist paramilitaries and the security forces. What people don't realise, is the security services were doing exactly the same thing on the republican side as well. People might not want to believe that, but the evidence shows it happened, and on a much larger scale than people think."(35)
Consulted by the Herald newspaper in Scotland they summarise his views as follows: "He said the officers claims reinforced his belief that the government and intelligence agencies controlled the IRA campaign, using double-agents to manage republican violence."(36)
This insight into what I think is the real history of the troubles as I said derives for many from the recent unmasking of British agents working at very senior levels in the IRA throughout that period. In particular we now know the true history of the IRA's crucial internal security unit who's ruthlessness can be gleaned from its popular nickname: 'the nutting squad'. It was run for much of the troubles by John Joe Magee and after his recent death its has now been revealed that he was a member of the elite SBS unit, which is the naval equivalent of the SAS in the British armed forces and in which Paddy Ashdown served.(37) In the context of these revelations its clear that most commentators now believe he was working all along for the British Government. The main source that we are getting this from is the Newry man known as Kevin Fulton who in fact also served in the security unit while in his case being a member of the British Army's FRU intelligence group.(38) Finally, and in this case famously, we know that the number 2 in the security unit worked for about two decades for the British army in the form of the FRU and it is his unmasking that has lead to widespread speculation as to who really controlled the IRA during the troubles. Here are a few quotes from the newspapers when he was eventually unmasked:
The Irish Times:
"I met [him] over a dozen times. Material and vital intelligence were handed over to him. I never thought for one moment he was an informer. People like him were beyond suspicion."
This Tyrone IRA member, like many others all over the country, was reeling yesterday at the disclosure that the head of the IRA's internal security was a British army agent. He is now "horrified" at the information he and others unwittingly gave Stakeknife.
He travelled regularly to west Belfast to meet the head of security. The meetings took place in the Park Centre, a shopping centre off the Falls Road, or a house in Clonard. "He was a small, stocky, swarthy-looking character. We never liked meeting him. He wasn't friendly. There was no chat. He just got right down to business. If we found a hidden Brit camera in a field, or a bug in weapon, we would bring it up to him."
Stakeknife had the authority to suspend IRA units from operating in any area. "We were always frightened he would close us down. He closed other areas down. We called him and his men 'the Rat Squad'.
"We resented having to come to Belfast and talk to them about Tyrone. But we never thought he was working for the Brits."
"On the basis of his reports, the Brits had a major advantage when negotiating with Sinn Féin. They also had substantial control over IRA operations for a very long time. Stakeknife would have been able to pass details of [so-called] dissidents, or potential [so-called] dissidents, to the Brits who could have them shot, jailed or sidelined. "(39)
Ryle Dwyer in the Irish Independent: " Stakeknife would have had almost unlimited access to IRA secrets, with responsibility for finding spies within the organisation, as well as recruiting new members, and holding post mortems into failed operations. "(40)
As even the Telegraph newspaper notes: "Stakeknife vetted IRA recruits and interrogated informers, giving British intelligence a direct route into controlling the Provisionals."(41)
Sunday Times: "for whatever reason the IRA kept the nucleus of this unit - John Joe Magee, an ex-British Special Boat Squadron member and Scappatici - intact for well over 20 years. With Stakeknife in place, the IRA effectively had no internal security."(42)
So it is now a truism to say that the British army ran the IRA's security unit and as you can see many commentators now appreciate that also meant the British authorities knew everything that went on in the IRA and in the opinion of many 'controlled' that organisation. But few seem to take their logic to the next level and try to provide a proper academic analysis of what the British government was really doing during the troubles and instead continue to talk about 'terrorism' in Ireland as something independent of the actions of the British government which in fact it clearly isn't if even the IRA were controlled by the security forces.
In any case the whole Stakeknife affair is by no means the end of the revelations. It was reported in the Sunday Times, in elaborate detail, immediately after the death of Sean MacStiofain that he also was working for the authorities in his case the Gardai.(43) He just happens to be the leading military figure in the early years of the Provisional IRA and intimately involved in the setting of all aspects of that organisation. He was Chief of Staff of the IRA during a period when they killed about 400 people.(44) Chief of Staff is obviously the highest rank in the IRA.
In fact by looking at the whole question of agents being run by the security forces in the IRA we might get some idea of whether or not they really control it. So first to consider is the FRU which contains personnel from all arms of the British armed forces but is mainly an offshoot of the Army Intelligence Corps based earlier at Ashford in Kent and now at Chicksands Bedfordshire. A former warrant officer in the FRU has come forward and helped to write a book and consequently we know a fair bit about its operations.(45) The FRU is a group that only operates in Ireland, North and South, and is said to have about 100 members and to be almost exclusively devoted to running agents within the IRA.(46) Bear in mind there is only said to be about 400 activists in the IRA (47) so as you can see it's likely the FRU employed quite a high percentage of IRA members. Therefore it doesn't come as a surprise that in the case of Derry we get an estimate that about 20 per cent of the IRA in that city were FRU agents.(48)
But bear in mind that the FRU are by no means the main agent running agency in Ireland and in fact in infiltrating agents into the IRA they were hamstrung by rules on police primacy. This means that normal agent handling in the province was done by RUC Special Branch, the FRU could only employ former or present members of the British army or those who voluntarily handed themselves over to the army as opposed to the police. Stakeknife fell into the latter category while Brian Nelson and Kevin Fulton for example were approached to infiltrate the paramilitary groups while serving in the regular army. As you can easily appreciate this must have greatly hampered the FRU and so it is clear that RUC Special Branch would in contrast be the main agent runners within the IRA and all other paramilitary groups in the province. You must therefore add on another percentage to that 20 to account for agents of the RUC Special Branch in the IRA in Derry and that could be expected to be maybe the same or a higher percentage than the FRU. One constable in the Special Branch in Derry was simultaneously handling 5 agents in the paramilitaries at least one of whom, Raymond Gilmour, seemed to know pretty much everybody in the IRA.(49)
Then you have the largest of the agencies handling agents in the Irish paramilitary groups taking the UK and Ireland as a whole and that is obviously MI5. They clearly run many agents independently of Special Branch. Willie Carlin, a former treasurer of Sinn Fein in Derry, was such an agent who was handled directly by Michael Bettaney of MI5.(50) The Saville enquiry has also thrown up details of direct MI5 agents in Derry, not run through Special Branch, in particular 'Infliction' who was a senior member of the IRA and was very close to McGuinness but whether normally domiciled in Derry is not clear. (51) So throw in a few percent on top to account for MI5 agents in the Derry IRA.
Of course Derry is very near the border and in all probability the powerful Garda Special Branch in Donegal run agents in the IRA who at least some of the time live in that city. One man who has since left the country was referred to as being a Garda agent 'close to the IRA Chief of Staff then based in Derry. He provided the gardai with highly sensitive information.'(52) So again make room for a few more percent to account for those agents.
While information from that quarter is very lacking it is highly likely that the American agencies have many agents in the IRA. It is said that the guns sent to Ireland on the Valhalla ship were gathered in Boston by an FBI agent. John McIntyre who revealed some of these details has since apparently gone missing.(53) David Ruppert was also obviously an FBI agent in the IRA.(54) With their strong American connections there is little doubt that there must be quite a few CIA agents in the IRA and they will also have to be totted up in our analysis.
The various other bodies involved are worth considering as likely to be running agents in the IRA like the other RUC groups e.g. CID who it seems have agents in the paramilitaries like Ken Barrett who was an agent of Detective Sergeant Johnston Brown of the CID (55), the RUC anti-racketeering squad who ran for a time Kevin Fulton as an agent in the IRA (56), and also the Special Patrol Groups of which group Sergeant John Weir was a member while he ran an informant in the IRA called Robert McConnell.(57)
How quickly is it then before you end up with a figure of above 50 percent for the number of IRA personnel who are working for the security forces? Obviously at this kind of percentage you would definitely conclude that the security forces were then controlling the IRA. Note as well the very effective combination of agents in the paramilitaries and technical surveillance devices. So that once the security forces can identify a car it is probably routinely planted with a tracking device.(58) The same is true of weapons that are under the supervision of government agents.(59) Apparently there was a separate unit that bugged and tracked all those that were identified by Stakeknife for example.(60) So showing an incredible amount of power the security forces would have over the IRA via this huge percentage of government agents in their ranks.
Of course you get various explanations to explain away this like inter agency rivalry and lack of communication. But in fact its quite remarkable the amount of gossip that travels around inside the intelligence community as we now know from people like Martin Ingram in the FRU (61), David Shayler from MI5 (62) , Fred Holroyd of Military Intelligence (63) and even Richard Tomlinson of MI6 (64). They all reveal lots of details of actions they were not involved in and sections they weren't members of contrary to all the talk of 'need to know' etc. Its also remarkable how much the garda authorities are under the thumb of MI5 so there is not likely to be any lack of data flowing from Dublin to London (65). Also some of these agencies like the Special Branches have been dealing with Irish 'terrorism' for over a century and its not realistic that they haven't managed to set up proper coordinating bodies. Locally the main such body which brings all the various groups are the Tasking and Coordinating Groups and its clear none of the agencies will act till they get the go-ahead from that body. (66) Then in London there are various coordinating bodies like the Joint Intelligence Committee which advises the Prime Minister through the Secretary of the Cabinet.(67) Of course in practice any of the officials on the ground who may contemplate any 'sensitive' action are going to make very sure that they have high up political protection for what they do and there is plenty of evidence for that. Before the trial of Brian Nelson ( who of course was the UDA's intelligence officer during a time when large numbers of innocent catholics were killed by them and who was actually working for the FRU) John Major interceded personally with the trial judge.(68) Willie Carlin the aforementioned MI5 agent in Derry was flown out of Northern Ireland on Margaret Thatchers private plane.(69) Albert 'Ginger' Baker who was working for the British armies MRF unit while in the UDA during which his group killed c30 people was visited in jail by a senior Northern Ireland minister who offered him a deal later reneged upon.(70) Brian Nelson had also been visited in jail by two government ministers.(71) There is simply no evidence at all for the kind of serious communication difficulties at the high level that some people might claim exists.
Sometimes it is also explained away by saying that it is difficult to get informants to openly testify against IRA members in court. But in fact from all we know of the lives of those agents and particularly from their direct testimony it appears that the opposite is the case and that they are usually anxious to testify in court and end up amazed that the authorities prevent this happening.
So Martin McGartland cannot figure out why he wasn't called to testify against his abductors.(72) Sean O'Callaghan is very disappointed that "for whatever reason he was not allowed to give evidence against his former colleagues."(73) Raymond Gilmour is the exception in that he was allowed to testify against the IRA. However his trial was unsuccessful in what he considers to be very suspicious circumstances. In fact he suspects a deal was made with some or other party possibly between "the British government and the IRA."(74) This suspicion is corroborated by a separate reference from his Special Branch handler in the RUC. He was very disillusioned with the trial and states this:
"This only turned to bitterness much later when I heard from two reliable witnesses the same explanation for the trial's disastrous climax. Both said that, in retirement, [Lord Chief Justice] Lowry had told friends including one of Northern Ireland's most senior politicians that he had thrown out Gilmour's evidence under political pressure. Lowry is now dead [assassinated by the IRA ] and the politician is retired and living outside Northern Ireland. But I believe it. There can be no other rational explanation." (75)
So this doesn't explain either why this level of penetration of the IRA couldn't lead to an end to the IRA campaign. Incidentally if you read about the Gilmour case particularly but also all the other informer accounts you can see that the much vaunted cell system or 'need to know' type rules in the IRA are also quite a dead letter with each informant knowing a lot of information on a large number of people.
There are also many incidents that some would say fall under the general category of bureaucratic incompetence of one form or another that in fact look a lot more like deliberate state support for the IRA. I thought I would attempt to detail 3 such incidents here:
1. In Fred Holroyd's book he talks about the transfer of power that went from MI6 to MI5 around 1974. When this happened a lot of informers were killed as he relates in this anecdote told to him by a Major Keith Farnes of the SAS who was working in intelligence :
"an NCO in the Intelligence Corps who had been running 10 different sources in the IRA had seen them all murdered within a few days of MI5 taking over the operations. He had gone into a bunker and shot himself in the head."(76)
He talks a lot in the book about ruthless inter service rivalry between MI5 and MI6 and also about bad MI5 tactics in recruiting informers but that doesn't seem a sufficient explanation. It wasn't just some kind of incompetence because for example at one point MI5 sent an army unit to ambush him and his colleague in order to warn them off using a particular informer. The officer in charge of that unit, who was supposed to fire over their heads managed to explain what he had been ordered to do to Holroyd and his colleague.(77) There does not appear to be any other rational explanation for this except that in fact MI5 were assisting the IRA in keeping itself intact while it was on the ropes during the mid 70s.
2. In February 1997 almost the world was watching the activities of one particular sniper in South Armagh. They eventually ended up with signposts and T-shirts chronicling his activities. That particular time there was hardly any other paramilitary activity occurring in Ireland and yet the whole security apparatus was very much intact including a thicket of military forts etc ruling over South Armagh itself where the sniper operated. In retrospect then it is not at all surprising to hear that the British Army had targeted this small sniper's team with all their array of technical surveillance. So in an operation that went on for 6 months before mid February 1997 they had a tracking device in the AK47 carried by the snipers escort, a tracking device in the modified car used and a listening device also in the car. This was done by the SAS's 14th Intelligence unit in Ireland with the listening device installed by 'another agency' presumably MI5. There was also talk of one of the members of this unit passing on information to the security forces.(78) So when the sniper and his team started to move towards Bessbrook on February 12 the security forces knew all about what was going to happen. But the team that was going to intercept the sniper was ordered to stand down. They were amazed and wanted to know at least would the regular army in Bessbrook not be alerted and put off the snipers team by a show of force but this was also refused. So the sniper then killed Stephen Restorick. The SAS themselves did not believe any of the explanations offered for this and apparently left the province shortly afterwards in disgust. The amazing thing is that this was repeated six weeks later with the surveillance team ordered to withdraw to allow the sniper to shoot whereupon he disabled RUC officer Ronnie Galway. And these sniping attacks were the only real activities of the IRA during this period I believe.
3. One of the biggest of the IRA attacks has to be the Bishopsgate bomb in London. Here are some quotes from MI5 dissident David Shayler's account of the activities of the security forces prior to the bombing :
"The story begins on Friday, August 7, 1992, during an MI5 investigation into the Provisional IRA (PIRA, the MI5 term) operation on the British mainland. An M15 officer is on the third floor of the organisation's building in Curzon Street, drafting the situation report for the investigation into an active service unit (ASU), which has been followed, moving suspicious trucks around West London.
Reporting indicates that the ASU is planning a large-scale attack in London, like the ones that took place six months earlier at the Baltic Exchange in the City and at Staples Corner near the MI/M25 intersection. The situation report will go out to all services involved in the operation, updating them on the state of play.
That Friday evening, all is calm. The joint Met 'S' Squad/MI5 surveillance team has tracked the lorry to a trailer park in North-West London. The ASU is under control and it looks like any potential attack will be thwarted and the culprits caught red-handed.
This is the last operation with the MPSB (the Metropolitan Police Special Branch), leading the intelligence investigation. Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke has already decided to switch the roles of MI5 and the MPSB for IRA investigations in Britain. After October 1, 1992, MI5 will be in charge and MPSB will offer support.
That night, a special operation team makes a covert entry into the lorry yard and drills a hole in the top of the trailer. This reveals that it contains up to 300lbs of homemade explosive and possibly detonators.
In the MI5 jargon, this makes the lorry a "vehicle-borne improvised explosive device". It appears to hold well over twice the amount of ammonium nitrate and sugar (which form the explosive compound) used at
the Baltic Exchange or Staples Corner.
The intelligence services do not know the actual targets of the potential attack. Officers are speculating that these might include key centres of the UK infrastructure or economy like the Telecom Tower, Tottenham Court Road, Oxford Street, Canary Wharf or even the MI5 building itself.
Now that the special operations team has confirmed that the vehicle is ready to be primed, it seems likely that any planned attack is imminent. Over the weekend, the heads of the services involved meet and agree to
arrest the ASU when they return to pick up the lorry.
Sure enough, in the following days the ASU returns. The Met's anti-terrorist squad takes control of the operation from intelligence teams because "executive action" - in other words arrests are imminent. They
wait until the members of the ASU - around four or five individuals, some of whom have not been identified - further incriminate themselves by touching or checking the trailer.
As the targets gather around the truck, the leader of the surveillance team at the site tries to contact George Churchill-Coleman, the then head of the anti-terrorist squad and one of Britain's most senior policemen. The man in-situ wants to brief Churchill-Coleman with the updates and ask for permission to arrest the suspected terrorists.
He tries the operations rooms on the lath floor of New Scotland Yard. He tries the operations room working in support at MI5's Curzon Street building. He tries Churchill-Coleman's mobile number. It is switched
off. The New Scotland Yard operations room tries to track down the elusive head of Britain's terrorist policing - and fails.
The officer at the site knows that if he gives the order without first clearing it with his boss he will be to blame should anything go wrong, This not a matter of legal procedure or a hard-and-fast rule; the
officer at the scene can give the arrest order, if he wishes.
He decides against doing so. He has his future in the police to think about and, in any case, the Met should be able to track down Churchill-Coleman shortly. The latter does, after all, know that there is a serious
counter-terrorist operation proceeding apace.
But Churchill-Coleman does not get in touch. Suddenly, the ASU start to file out of the lorry yard. One by one they leave. None of the many of policemen or intelligence officers present dare to give the arrest
As the final member of the ASU leaves the yard, he seems to have spotted the surveillance. He smiles and gives a cocky thumbs-up before climbing into a car and roaring off.
He has already been identified as Cyril "Jimmy" McGuinness. The Met has known him for many years for his role in routine but major vehicle theft. This is some of the first evidence that his tricks of acquiring, "ringing" - fitting a stolen vehicle with the registration and chassis numbers of a legally registered vehicle belonging to someone else - and selling on knocked-off cars and lorries has a more sinister purpose: that he is carrying out these tasks in support of PIRA. Although three people are later arrested in connection with the operation, they are released without charge. McGuinness is not among those arrested.
Fast forward to April 24,1993 [the day of the bombing]......For the record, the bomb consisted of one tonne of home-made explosive and 10lbs of Semtex to help detonate it. It killed one person, Ed Henry, a 'News of the World' photographer, and injured 36. It also caused 350 million of damage to a million-and-a-half square feet of office space in the heart of the City.
In a single attack, PIRA cost the UK economy several times as much as the entire Troubles had cost over the previous 20-odd years.
On the Friday of the following week, police released video photographs of two men, their faces largely covered by hoods, jumping from the bomb lorry before it had exploded. These were circulated among the officers of MI5's T2A section and the men were quickly identified as Cyril "Jimmy" McGuinness and his erstwhile sidekick, Damien "Redboy" McPhillips, another criminal well known to the Met for car crime.
By this time, the two were also familiar to MI5. They had not been arrested in the wake of the North London operation's failure and had gone on to lead MI5 a merry dance for six months. The service had spent millions of pounds on following them all over the country It had also tapped their wide range of mobile phones and tried to effect "covert entries" (or burglaries) of their premises to gather evidence against the two.
At the same time, Jimmy and Redboy had imported and exported stolen vehicles, either for their own profit or in support of the IRA's mainland bombing campaign. Stolen or "ringed" vehicles were being used increasingly in Britain either to smuggle PIRA Semtex and weapons into the country or to transport primed bombs to their targets. Although MI5 had an abundance of information linking the two to car crime, it never gathered enough evidence to have them arrested and convicted in connection with terrorist offences. At the same time, the pair appeared not to give two hoots that MI5 was watching them almost round the clock.
That period [those 6 months] had seen more IRA attacks on the British mainland than ever before. The devastation of Bishopsgate was, it seemed, the icing on the cake of M15's humiliation.
I would hope that the authorities considered having McGuinness arrested that weekend, just in case, but it wasn't clear from the discussion in the week afterwards whether that option had been floated at all.
Around this time McGuinness was finally arrested in connection with routine car crime. He was charged with a variety of offences, none of them relating to terrorism.
And maybe, just maybe, [ if McGinness had been arrested earlier] Bishopsgate would never have happened at all and the IRA would have been forced around the negotiating table much, much sooner. "(79)
As you can see Shayler is laying a very heavy hint that the Bishopsgate bomber was under the protection of the security forces. This is doubtless why the Punch article he wrote this in is not allowed to be sold in the UK.(80)
One explanation that we hear again and again to explain away incidents like this is that somehow it is done to protect an informer in the IRA. But in fact as above stated it is likely that there are just so many informers that the security forces don't really need to worry about losing one ! Here is a quote from Colin Wallace who worked in British Army HQ in Lisburn:
"We had literally the whole of the IRA listed. In Belfast we had them all on one board. From an intelligence point of view, they were all informing on each other. The Provos gave information to people not knowing they were part of the British system." (81)
Furthermore the idea that the security forces would go the extra mile like even killing people to protect one of their agents goes against all the accounts we now have about the treatment that agents of the security forces in the IRA receive. In fact they get harassed by the security forces surprisingly enough. They have had their characters assassinated : Martin McGartland talks about Crown agencies going to significant lengths 'to blacken his name.'(82); Samuel Rosenfeld has brought a court case in which he claims a government agent "willfully and knowingly mounted black propaganda campaign against the Claimant."(83) Kevin Fulton meanwhile has had to fight a long battle against allegations of being a 'Walter Mitty' (84) character but was exonerated in the PSNI ombudsman's report on Omagh.(85)
Many have been harassed by false charges laid against them: McGartland has been stopped some 50 times in 4 years on spurious traffic offences.(86) Samuel Rosenfeld was charged with stealing a car and the bizarre court case was adjourned deliberately to facilitate him crossing the border.(87) He has attempted to sue as a lay litigant "Woodchester Finance, a judge and an RUC detective inspector for conspiracy to wrongfully charge him for theft."(88) He is reputed to have 'devastating information' against the security forces which he cannot reveal because of government legal harassment.(89) Kevin Fulton cannot easily find work because he has a criminal record resulting from a terrorist offence which he committed under instructions from his handlers and is also regularly harassed by the police.(90) In fact these agents are now nearly all described as penniless. Also these offences no doubt are on prominent display in internal government files and are useful in slandering them in the eyes of government officials who might otherwise assist. Dermot Ahern before he met Fulton and Rosenfeld was reputed to have read a Department of Foreign Affairs file that slandered them.(91)
They are in short collectively treated in the classic manner of western dissidents (92) and not at all with the kind of tender loving care that some might think the security forces look after their agents. Of course in the opinion of some the treatment they get when they aren't active agents is not the issue, the question is would the security forces go to these huge lengths to protect informants while they are still actively supplying information. But in fact the story of the informers is that so many of them who were actively working for the authorities have been setup by the intelligence agencies to be murdered. That is after all the accepted facts of the Stakeknife case, where many useful serving informants and agents, like Tom Oliver, were murdered by the British army's IRA security unit with the full knowledge of their superiors.(93) This pattern is also confirmed by those that survived. Kevin Fulton "is sure that he was compromised [by the security forces], so the IRA would kill him."(94)
Martin McGartland is often described as one of the most important agents that the RUC Special Branch ever had (95) and continued to supply very useful information until his kidnapping by an IRA cell in Belfast. He now feels, based on statements given to him by one of his RUC handlers and other sources, that in fact MI5 set him up to be killed and that the IRA group that abducted him was working for RUC Special Branch.(96) At first he wrote a book which got a lot of publicity and detailed his good work in foiling IRA activities and with much praise for the security forces.(97) Then later he is to be found writing this second book perplexed at the constant harassment by the authorities and wondering what has been really going on during the troubles.(98) This book has got very little publicity but somebody seems to have read it because shortly after the book was first published he was shot and nearly killed by an unknown gunman. (99) Here is a quote from the book:
"Menacingly, however, and more worryingly, I wondered how many other agents who had worked undercover inside the IRA had been betrayed by MI5 or any other British security or intelligence agencies; kidnaps arranged in secret deals between the Provos and MI5 officers, which ended in the most appalling beatings, tortures and deaths."(100)
In fact his handler told him that the IRA and MI5 have a surprisingly close working relationship and talk to each other all the time:
" 'We suspect that MI5 may even have arranged your kidnapping directly with the IRA.'
'What!', I said, disbelief in my voice. 'I don't believe you. That's impossible. That's fucking treachery."
'I know it is I agree with you,' replied Mike, 'but that's the way they work. MI5 have their contacts with the IRA at the highest level and they always have had.' " (101)
So the story of the agents in situ also does not show this concern for their informants that would explain the various incidents where the IRA has been assisted by the security forces. You sometimes hear other explanations like that the security forces were trying to assist the peace process. Leaving aside the bizarre Orwellian idea of sponsoring terrorism to assist peace there does not anyway appear to be any evidence for this view. For example It is not stated by anybody as far as I know that any of the people killed by Stakeknife were in any way distinguished as hindering the peace process in the IRA.
Of course to be fair for a lot of people the point simply is that there seems to be no logical reason for the British government to support the IRA, it is for so many I think a conspiracy theory too far. I mean what are the whole troubles about if that was true? So to answer that question I thought I would throw in some references going back through history and across into modern international experience to illustrate the kind of black arts of international politics a knowledge of which might shed some light on this question. The international references I have corralled into a separate appendix and what follows are just some loose historical episodes that show that things aren't always what they seem:
1. Recently, to this readers amazement anyway, probably Britain's most famous historian has compared the gunpowder plot to 9/11 with the catholics then involved being the early 17th century's answer to Al Qaeda.(102) But in fact it has been the accepted interpretation of those events among Irish historians since the late 17th century(103) that in fact the then British government engineered that plot itself to provide a pretext for cracking down on the catholics and confiscating their lands. Here Hugh Reilly of Larah in Cavan who as the Chancellor of Ireland (Prime Minister) in the exiled court of James II in 1693 comments that it is by no means the only such 'pretended' plot:
"and in fine if we call to mind how wicked statesmen have used the like practices for ends of their own, as Cecil's own father the Lord Burleigh and his predecessor Walsingham [head of Elizabeth's intelligence agency] had frequently done in Queen Elizabeth's reign; even as in our own days the tyrant Cromwell contrived several such plots for ensnaring the royal cavaliers, and Cecil Rediviuu, creeping Shaftesbury, was no less dexterous in the late King's days: all these circumstances we cannot but conclude , as Osburn an inquisitive author of those times has already done, who plainly says, that the [Gun]Powder Plot was a neat device of the Treasurer, i.e. the crooked backed Cecil, who after he had done the mighty piece of service, was in a few years made Knight of the Garter, and in a few years high treasurer of England.
.....Neither did his malice stop here, but being a famed professor in tricks (as Osburn describe him) and finding how well his wicked strategem took in London, he frames a project to carry on the like design in Ireland."[Meaning the Flight of the Earls episode, the prelude to the plantation of Ulster.](104)
He goes on to make a passionate plea for honest open government and an end to that kind of plotting but all this came too close to criticising his employer James II who was a leading public figure at the time of the equally suspicious popish plots and Captain Blood episodes of the 1680s and so Hugh was promptly fired for revealing this and died shortly afterwards. But in fact his words lived on and his work passed through many editions and became one of the standard Irish catholic histories during the difficult days of the 18th century.
2. The Catholic Encyclopedia paraphrases the policy that Pere Joseph, the famous Capuchin advisor to Cardinal Richilieu in France in the 17th century, followed at the start of the 30 years war in Germany during which they supported the protestant princes covertly in their rebellion while simultaneously overtly supported the Emperor in his attempts to put down the rebellion :
"He wished France to use the Protestants to weaken the House of Austria, and the House of Austria to weaken the Protestants." These two men were of course famous pillars of the catholic church in europe as advisers to his 'Most Catholic Majesty' and for example would be expected to stand strong as defenders of the faith against the Turks then threatening Christian europe. Pere Joseph had even written an epic poem calling for a new crusade against the Turks. In fact they frequently bankrolled the Turkish invasions of europe.(105)
3. Irish people have had to wait about 120 years to discover that the main 'physical force people' in the whole Fenian episodes were in fact working for the British government and manipulated by that government and intelligence agencies for her own ends. This has all come out in a recent book by Christy Campbell.(106) The only thing that perplexes that author was why Michael Davitt, a genuinely heroic figure and like Parnell an MP for Meath, didn't reveal all he knew about this publicly.(107) But what could he do? The Irish were brainwashed at the time by decades of reading newspapers full of information on how concerned the British government was with catching those elusive Irish 'dynamitards' .To turn that around and say the whole thing was a fraud would have meant he would be dismissed as a lunatic and would have lost him all credibility. It was all he could do to keep the ship of the peaceful Land League movement afloat in the teeth of Coercion Acts that supposedly targeted the 'gunmen' but in fact led to arrest of nearly all the leaders of the land league campaign at various times and which lead to that body being proscribed. (108) Meanwhile there was a constant effort to smear people like Parnell and the other leaders with being associated with the gunmen and their various genuinely horrific 'outrages'. A flavour of the times is given here by one of the leaders Tim Healy in his book 'Letters and Leaders of my Day' :
"Tricks of Police Agents in reference to the crime [Phoenix Park Murders] are disclosed in a letter to my brother:
12th May, 1882.
"I am astonished at your writing that you received a telegram from me about the Park Murders. I sent you no telegram, and am afraid the police have attempted some dodge - as if we could have had anything to do with the awful business. Have you preserved the telegram? Do you remember where it was addressed from? I cannot imagine who here could have your new Cork address.
This murder has ruined us practically as politicians, and I have, like many others, been thinking of giving up Parliament. However, we will struggle on a while longer, I suppose."
In the spring of 1883 the Government imagined that Parnell was caught in their coils! The Secret Inquiry Clause of the Crimes Act had been put in force to such purpose that in December, 1882, several men were arrested for the Phoenix Park murders.
That day in the House of Commons lobby Sir William Harcourt, Home Secretary, grew so jubilant that he boasted to Joseph Cowen, "the starch will soon be out of the boys!" Cowen interpreted this as implying that Parnell would be implicated.
Functionaries drifted into Ireland in 1882-3, who believed in Parnell's complicity in the Park murders. This tradition persisted until it was exploded by The Times Commission of 1888. Lord Spencer told J. A. Blake, M.P., in 1883, that gutter-pests, to earn money, offered to implicate the Lord Mayor of Dublin and the ex-Lord Mayors (C. Dawson, M.P., and E. D. Gray, H.P., of the Freeman), the most moderate of men, in the murders.
[Detective] Mallon's knowledge saved the Viceroy from availing himself of the perjury of such creatures. Yet his underlings gave permission to "Red Jim McDermott," one of their New York agents, to visit us in prison. Davitt, Quinn and I were brought down to a special room to enjoy the honour of his acquaintance. The head warder came on duty to be regaled by his intimacies with us, but Davitt knew all about the fellow [and knew he was a government agent] (whom I had never heard of), including his trial in America for murder.
So he broke off the interview, and I told the head warder that if "Red Jim" called again I was "not at home." Next day Phil Callan, M.P., published the fact that "Red Jim "had slipped an extreme Irish-American paper into his top-coat pocket in a Dublin restaurant."(109)
In fact British government support for what the Irish people thought were 'patriots' is maybe a kind of running joke among the Dublin castle administrators over the years, particularly when combined with some Irish peoples fatal attraction to money. Here is a quote from Major the Right Honourable Robert Hobart from Dublin in 1788:
"The gentlemen, styled patriots in the newspapers, availing themselves of the popular prejudices have, I believe, to a man (except Connolly and Grattan) offered their services to my Lord Lieutenant; but his unfortunate adherence to economy has proved incompatible to their views, and they already begin to murmur. They cannot desert the interests of their country gratis, and so many are in the pay that it impossible to add to the number.
Your Lordships experience in this country must have convinced you that a patriot selling his vote is like a girl selling her maidenhead: the first deviation from virtue can only be obtained by love or money. No man can love the Marquis of Buckingham [the viceroy], consequently he must pay largely."(110)
So finally I guess I should stop waffling and offer my opinion on what policy
is really being pursued by the British government in its support for all the paramilitary groups in Ireland. I have to say though in my defence that we don't have enough information from the top table as it were to say definitively what that policy is although we can say conclusively that they certainly are supporting all groups including the IRA while hypocritically telling us the opposite. The 'why' is simply a little more obscure and complex but I think its possible to make some stab at understanding the thinking here based as I say mainly on historical and international experience.
We do in fact have one leak from a high source that can possibly guide us here. It comes from the surprising quarter of Enoch Powell the classical scholar, Defence Secretary, WWII Brigadier, and well known Conservative and Unionist politician, the latter title being in his case more than just the anachronistic title of the Tory party in Britain. His views on the subject can be seen in this extract from a book by Paul Routledge on Airey Neave and concentrating on the latter's death in 1979:
"On 18th Oct 1986 in a speech to Conservative students in Birmingham , Powell returned to his theme...says Neave ...met his death at the hands of 'high contracting parties' made up of MI6 and their friends.' Neave had to be eliminated he argued, because he (like Powell) was committed to a programme of integration of Northern Ireland within the united kingdom. The killing of Neave was designed to shake the government into adopting a course more favourable to a ' united Ireland firmly within the NATO military alliance .The plot to destabilise Ulster had begun twenty years previously ,' he said. It brought together the Foreign Office , British Intelligence and the United States , especially the CIA. None of the Prime Ministers of recent years - Heath, Wilson or Callaghan - knew what was going on. America secured from Britain an undertaking to transfer Northern Ireland out of the UK into an all-Ireland , presumably confederal state. The first objective in this grand plan was to get rid of the Ulster government at Stormont. 'MI6 and their friends proved equal to the job ' he asserted. But the Americans took fright ahead of the 1979 election , fearing that Thatcher and Neave would take the process of Northern Ireland integration into the UK so far that it could not be reversed. Washington was alarmed at 'evidence or what they thought to be evidence' that the new leader Mrs Thatcher and aide Airey Neave had no intention of playing ball with the USA's long term aims. Accordingly 'the roadblock was cleared by eliminating Airey Neave on the verge of his taking office', and from then onwards events were moved ahead again along the timetabled path' .
Powell refused to answer reporters' questions as to whether he was accusing the Americans of Neave's murder . Asked if it would have made any difference if the MP had not been killed , he replied, 'Perhaps not , but those who have assassinated him believed it would have done.'
Powell offered no supporting evidence..........[outrage in the Tory party etc]
It was not until the following year that Powell pointed , in his usual delphic manner , to CIA involvement in 'Central America and Iran , for which evidence only came to light much later.' "(111)
So basically Powell was in receipt of some inside information particularly from an RUC source who he trusted and who informed him of the "effective existence of a policy and motivation outside and above the IRA and INLA” which boiled down to the Americans in alliance with MI6 being behind and protecting the IRA for reasons of their own. Specifically he was told that the Americans hoped by upping the tension and getting rid of Stormont that they could in the long run play a decisive diplomatic role in the emerging Ireland leading to American bases on the island and Irish membership of NATO. Powell used his high level contacts to try to figure this out and he asked Margaret Thatcher about it who told him that she didn't understand either why the Americans were so obsessed with the idea of setting up bases in Ireland.(112) The interesting point is that presumably his source was aware of a lot of evidence in the hands of the RUC of CIA and MI6 assistance to the IRA. In his biography Gusty Spence talks about being arrested in c1966 and being interrogated by Special Branch at the time who kept asking him about the 'plot' to destabilise O'Neill's government. (113) This seems to agree with the sort of early timeline that Powell mentions. The idea of a powerful American role in the troubles behind the scenes seems to be corroborated by this quote from a review of the book on Neave:
"In the spring of 1981, Geoffrey Sloane, a research student at Keele University, interviewed Clive Abbott, a senior official at the Northern Ireland Office. He forecast a discreet role for the United States in a final settlement, which was likely to be a confederal Ireland in which Dublin would participate. This civil servants briefing carries the strong suggestion that America was already secretly involved."
Further corrobaration of this US involvement comes from Stephen Crittenden, a pilot and former manager of a CIA airline, and Richard Taus, of the FBI in NewYork, who have both stated that the CIA is one of the main arms suppliers to the IRA.(114) Some might say that Powell's timetable in this respect has almost come to pass with respect to American bases! But overall it seems a very long term plan and involved a huge expense in blood and treasure for very little gain, since it doesn't really seem that the US lacks military bases in europe. But it might be felt nonetheless that the troubles should be placed in the context of US and UK unhappiness with Ireland in the late 50s to 60s particularly for our role as a non aligned country in the UN following policies under people like Frank Aiken that did not go down too well in Washington (115) and maybe they intended doing something about it. Many countries prominent at that time in the non aligned movement were to end up with a lot of political instability in the long run like Yugoslavia, Indonesia and Iraq. They seemed if anything, mysteriously enough, to be more on a US and UK hit list than the communist countries were.
One effect of the troubles that might have been intended was to curb the strength of Irish nationalism worldwide. Ireland is after all unique in that while it itself is a small not very strategic country its diaspora is huge and quite important in countries like the US, UK, Australia, Canada etc and traditionally it was a quite a noisy and united group generally opposed to whatever the big powers were cooking up but particularly the UK. The troubles have had a major impact in lessening the unity of this group and in fact almost making Irish people feel embarrassed and possibly ignorant of its interesting and by and large proud history and heritage. It is often said that whoever controls a country's view of its history controls that country because the people then can sometimes lack the sense of independence and pride needed to oppose the big powers. This may have been combined with the systematic running down of Irish history institutions over the last few decades. A Cork professor that has highlighted this does not accept that it is done for financial reasons and considers that it might in fact be a deliberate policy.(116) In fact 1966, when it is postulated that these UK and US plans were drawn up, was in retrospect the high water mark for Irish nationalism and it has been very much downhill from there. It is interesting that many of the media commentators in the South (some of whom are quite blatantly working for UK or US intelligence agencies as you can see in the way their international views always agree with the agenda of those agencies) that are most vocal on IRA violence always seem to link it to the GAA or the Catholic Church or heroes from Ireland's past as if they were somehow responsible for the atrocities and in doing so as I say taint those institutions, unfairly, in the eyes of the Irish people. The same is true of criticism's of a 'Pan Nationalist Front' and sneering at Irish Americans and Ulster Catholics in the Southern media so spreading around a ruinous disunity which impairs an otherwise potentially powerful Irish block. In fact at times through history the ability of the Irish as a race to oppose some state activities by united action and protest I respectfully submit can at least equal the best efforts of any other race or country. Even throughout the troubles you can see this to a small extent. Consider the case of the large numbers of Irish people wrongly convicted of IRA attacks in Britain in the 70s and 80s. At that time the British legal system was surely the most reputably in the world and the British government for many years never showed the slightest inclination to reexamine those cases that had already been decided. But to their great credit many Irish people persisted in questioning the judgement of the courts and kept up a campaign going on for years despite much ridicule in the media that they were only fellow travellers of terrorists and court judgements that mocked their conspiracy theory of 'an appalling vista' that just couldn't be true. And yet in the end the whole British judicial system had to recognise this brand new phenomenon of 'miscarriage of justice' which before was completely unheard of. This kind of campaign in the teeth of official hostility from both governments most of that time is very rarely successful in any country mostly because generally the ordinary citizens have no culture of questioning official decisions which in some cases the Irish still maintained. So in any case the kind of united unofficial actions that characterised the Irish community in the past scares governments and might have been also a target of their planning.
What maybe is the most important comparison we can make to the troubles in Ireland are revelations about the same type of instability in Italy in the same period. It was revealed in testimony given by then Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to the Italian Senate in the early 90s that the terrorism - attributed to both left and right - that rocked Italy in the previous two decades had been supported by the Italian security apparatus in cooperation with western intelligence agencies and NATO as part of what was called a 'strategy of tension'.(117) This amounted to creating conditions that led to public support for a kind of right wing security agenda that was in the interests of those bodies which were secretly supporting this strategy. Described here by Ed Schooling who was working with the US army in Italy in an intelligence capacity:
" Nor have I even touched on the subject of Operation GLADIO - commando operations in Europe in which the CIA (U.S. and allies) trained and financed European terrorists to kill multitudes of innocent people in bombings and shootings in order to frighten the public into crying out for more state security!"(118)
Gladio was the name of secret NATO units that were used as part of this type of operation all across western europe. It has been the subject of parliamentary inquiries and heated public discourse in many of those countries, with the notable exception of the UK and the US itself who have not let anything break through their traditional secrecy on intelligence matters. Its not hard to postulate on how this type of strategy could lie beneath the Irish troubles. Basically the terrorism coming out of Ireland and broadcast into every home in Britain and Ireland could possibly have been a kind of mood music which provides the public support for the security services to get ever increasing powers and the ever willing cooperation of the general public in their activities and preserving their secrets. Behind the wall of that secrecy and using those powers they may be able to control the overall political situation in the UK (119) and also protect whatever kind of rackets the establishment gets up to on occasion.(120) This would more neatly explain why the troubles continued for so long and also the pattern of the conflict since it never really mattered who won it was only important to have a steady supply of media 'outrages' to influence public opinion. In fact the highest placed dissident in the security apparatus in Northern Ireland, Colin Wallace, has always said that the troubles should be placed in the context of psychological operations the British intelligence agencies are conducting against the UK population. Of course the security services both in Italy and no doubt in the UK justified their activities by claiming that the left wing attitudes of the 60s and early 70s were some kind of subversive communist plot. Quoting Wallace:
"MI5's increased role in Northern Ireland from the early 1970's coincided with growing industrial unrest in the rest of Britain. More extreme elements within the security service , aided by equally extreme associates in politics , industry and the media , projected the situation as part of a worldwide communist conspiracy. The intelligence community saw the Irish situation as the front line of the left's threat to the UK , and of a great conspiracy by the communist bloc to undermine the whole of the operations played [and ], as far as i can judge , continue to play an important part in this psychological warfare."(121)
So this kind of deliberate use being made of the conflict in order to swing UK opinion to the right which is how the Gladio operations have often being described is maybe the fundamental answer as to why all the paramilitary groups were supported by the UK government.
There is another explanation if you are prepared to run with the idea that the western intelligence agencies are very corrupt and are looking after their own interests rather than any country's security. Of course nobody is going to like this explanation if they think those agencies are lovely people and are not able to conduct long term coordinated actions nationally or internationally. Strange as it may seem there is a lot of evidence of their involvement in the international drugs trade and possibly they like the idea of paramilitary or mafia style networks emerging in some countries in order to assist in the distribution of the drugs.(122) As Dennis Dayle, former chief of an elite DEA enforcement unit, remarked: "In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA."(123) And it stands to reason that they would need distribution networks as Richard Brenneke of the CIA stated once on Italian TV:
"The CIA money for the P-2 [the masonic lodge that secretly ran Italian politics and security] had several aims. One of them was terrorism. Another aim was to get P-2's help to smuggle dope into the U.S.A. from other countries. We used them to create situations favourable to the explosion of terrorism in Italy and in other European countries at the beginning of the 1970s." (124)
There is obviously no lack of rumours that all the Irish paramilitary groups are heavily involved in the drugs trade.(125) This then might also be a factor which encourages the western intelligence agencies to assist the Irish paramilitaries.
I am only too conscious that many readers will find it beyond comprehension that the British and other western intelligence agencies are the secret backers of the IRA. I can only quote John Pilger the famous Australian journalist who has reported from many countries across the world, democracies as well as dictatorships:
"Western Stalinism is by far the most insidious variety. In a democracy , manipulation of public perception and opinion is, by necessity, more subtle and thorough than in a tyranny."(126)
It isn't really that difficult to fool people. I will leave you with the thoughts of an anonymous RUC officer in Kosovo who was questioned by a Sunday Times journalist while serving there. The journalist wanted to know how is it that NATO was all along training the KLA despite denying it during the Kosovo conflict and this officer was quite happy to oblige him in getting to the bottom of this mystery : "Oh. We lied." (127)
It happens :-)
1. A very detailed examination of this case by a number of American human rights lawyers is presented at and I am just going to refer to their comprehensive and referenced book which they accurately call "Beyond Collusion".
2.ibid p.vii
3. ibid p.vii
4. ibid p.56
5.ibid p.31
6. ibid p.48 and p.89
7 ibid p 40
8. ibid p68
9. ibid p.84
10. ibid p.87
11 quoting an Insight TV documentary called "Licensed to Kill - Inside the Force Research Unit". Martin Ingram is a pseudonym.
12. "Gusty Spence" by Roy Garland (Belfast, 2001) p.44. I think that date was 1935 but I'm not certain.
13. ibid p.45
14. ibid p.48
15. ibid p.52
16 ibid p.53
18. where it quotes the Sunday Business Post Jun 22 2003.
20.,11008,640271,00.html where it claims that Fulton is the source of the 'rumours' that Blair worked for the security forces.
21. From the Sunday Herald of Scotland June 2002 stating that Blair was the mentor of Kevin Fulton in the IRA .
22. From the Observer reference listed above. The spin in this newspaper is that it doesn't believe those rumours.
24. ibid and quoting the Sunday Times 28 Dec 2003.
25. quoting the Sunday Business Post of Mar 6 2005. Also
26. from BBC footage Aug 12 2001.
28. From Barry on indymedia as listed above.
30. The fact that the person who made the warning was a member of special branch I have from 'Barry' again.
31. The warning was apparently very detailed and accurate except that it didn't specify that the attack was to be a car bomb.
32. See stasiland article footnote 5 which refers to .
33. page 12 of chapter Paul Joseph Johnson's book 'Order out of Chaos' , where this interpretation of those events is accepted.
34. Stasiland article footnotes 7 and 8, that being the meeting referred to.
35. quoting Sunday Life 7 Nov 2004 , in the context of yet another IRA hitman recently revealed working for the security forces.
37. In that article its pretty clear that KF is Kevin Fulton and F is Samuel Jay Rosenfeld. Both are pseudonyms, as is Martin Ingram, but in fact their real names are not hard to come by.
38. ibid
39. Quoting Irish Times 12 May 2003 .
40. quoting Irish Independent 17 May 2003
42. Sunday Times February 6 2004.News Review p2.
43. As stated the Sunday Times article was published the sunday after his death. It is confirmed here by Jim Cusack of the Sunday Independent 21 Dec 2003.
44. Information on the number of people killed by the IRA during that period from Paul McGuill who has studied Irish Paramilitaries as part of an MA in UCD and whom I'd like to thank.( Incidentally as always the views I express are my own and I hope nobody blames anybody else for them !!lol)
45. Martin Ingram and Greg Harkin "Stakeknife / Britain's Secret Agents in Ireland" (Dublin, 2005)
46. ibid Brian Nelson in the UDA is said to be very much the exception.
48. From the Stakeknife book's introduction by Greg Harkin. The book forms the basis for this paragraph on the FRU. The Guardian also states that "The army was running between 160 and 200 agents within the IRA during the late 1980s and early 1990s".,2763,939089,00.html If we take it as a generous figure of 200 and match that with the equally generous figure of 800 for a combined figure for both active and non active IRA personnel then we end up with about 25 per cent of the IRA being British army agents which is then much the same statistic as Harkin pointed out.
49. quoting The Sunday Times 3rd August 2002.
51. There is also a highly placed source in the Catholic community directly run by MI5 in Derry and very knowledgeable about IRA activites but not a member of that organization, known as Observer C.
52. Sunday Independent Jan 12 2003 p5 .
53. "Black Mass the Irish mob the FBI and a devils deal" by Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill , 2000 p.182.
54. See references to Ruppert under the discussion of the Omagh bomb above.
55. Barrett was in the UDA.
56. quoting Sunday Times 8 June 2003.
57. Paragraph 30.
58. Also Sunday Times notes that all the cars dealt with by the Garda agent Dixon were routinely fitted with bugging/tracking devices which are then followed by the National Surveillance Unit using aircraft. See also Stasiland article footnote 13.
59. Beyond Collusion p.55
" Ingram told us that the quartermaster is
extremely important, because the security forces can electronically
tag the weapons under his or her control. Ingram said that once the
weapons are tagged, they cannot be moved without the knowledge of
the security forces.
In interviews with the Lawyers Committee, Ingram claimed that
this tagging of weapons was an invaluable tool in the prevention of
paramilitary murders. He told us that if Stobie had been an Army
agent, the weapons under his control would have been immediately
tagged and emphasized that he could not contemplate a scenario in
which Special Branch would not have done the same."
60. Sunday Times April 20 2003.
61. Martin Ingram and Greg Harkin "Stakeknife / Britain's Secret Agents in Ireland" (Dublin, 2005)
63. Fred Holroyd and Nick Burbridge "War Without Honour" (Hull, 1989)
64. "The Big Breach; From Top Secret to Maximum Security" by Richard Tomlinson, (2001) .
65. See Sasiland article.
66. See the references to it in Martin McGartland's book "Dead Man Running" (Edinburgh, 1998) p.25. , also see under the footnotes for the Armagh sniper account below.
69. quoting the Sunday Herald Sept 1 2002.
70. Fred Holroyd and Nick Burbridge "War Without Honour" (Hull, 1989) p.86.
71. Phoenix May 9 2003 p.7
72. McGartland op cit p.174.
73. Sean O'Callaghan "The Informer" (London,1998) p. 240 .
74. Raymond Gilmour "Dead Ground" (London, 1998) p.324.
75. quoting The Sunday Times 3rd August 2002.
76. Fred Holroyd and Nick Burbridge "War without Honour" (Hull,1989) p. 100.
77. ibid p.91
78. quoting the Sunday Times 20 June 2004.
79. Punch, issue: 111, July 26 - August 8, 2000 quoted at
80. page 3 in this sample chapter from Paul Joseph Watson "Order out of Chaos".
81. Paul Routledge "Public Servant, Secret Agent:The elusive life and violent death of Airey Neave"(london, 2002) p.350
82. Martin McGartland's "Dead Man Running" (Edinburgh, 1998) p.206
83. see also the slightly different See also
86. McGartland op cit p.171
87. Sunday Times Dec 8 2002 p.5
88. Phoenix Annual 2003 p.66 . Rosenfeld is a pseudonym. He is originally from Galway.
89. Irish Independent 13 Dec 2003 p.8
90. "I have nothing. I have a criminal record so I cannot get a job. When I move around Britain I'm constantly stopped by police who see me as a terrorist." See also where is unfortunately described as 'destitute'.
91. Phoenix Feb 25 2005 p.16
92. See Stasiland article.
93. See Stakeknife book op cit. and
95. Martin McGartland "Dead Man Running" (Edinburgh,1998) p.22. Quoting one of his handlers :"Marty, you weren't some two-bit tout but one of the most successfull agents the Branch had in Northern Ireland at that time. You were a vital cog in the intelligence set-up for more than 4 years....You were someone the Branch would have done all in its power to protect. But they didn't." The same handler also refers to Ian Phoenix's, the head of one of the Tasking and Coordination Groups, description of McGartland as one of their best agents. p.28.
96. ibid p.175 and p.184-5
97. Martin McGartland "Fifty Dead Men Walking" (1997) .
98. McGartland op cit.
99. ibid from the back cover of the book.
100. ibid p.208
101. ibid p.24
102. quoting The Daily Telegraph 4/22/2005.
103. As well as the Reilly see Nicholas Plunkett in his history on the period In NLI MS 345 of c.1700 who agrees that there was no attempt at rebellion on the part of Tyrone in 1607 'and thinks it a contrivance'.p.400
104. For Hugh Reilly see Richard Hayes "A Biographical Dictionary of Irishmen in France" (Dublin,1949).
The text is from Hugh Reilly "Ireland's Case Briefly Stated" this edition:(London,1768).p.15. Its sometimes known as 'The Impartial History of Ireland'.
105. and The Catholic Encyclopedia articles on Pere Joseph and Cardinal Richilieu respectively.
106. Christy Campbell " Fenian Fire, The British Government Plot to Assassinate Queen Victoria" (London, 2002)
107. ibid p.355
108. See also Conor Cruise O'Brien "Memoir: My Life and Themes" (Dublin, 1998) p.107
109. and the extracts being from Chapters 12 and 13 of the book put on the web by a guy in North Dublin who has made available the full texts of some great books on Irish history. Numerous chapters in the book indicate the incredible pressure the Land League was under from the Coercion Acts which were only supposed to be targeting 'gunmen' but were used for example to prosecute people who gave bread to evicted tenants.
110. Lothian Manuscripts HMC no.73 1905 p.433
111. Paul Routledge "Public Servant, Secret Agent:The elusive life and violent death of Airey Neave"(london, 2002) p.333-334 .
112. Simon Heffer "Like the Roman, The Life of Enoch Powell" (London, 1999)
113. Gusty Spence" by Roy Garland (Belfast, 2001) .
114. The Sloane quote is from here: and the reference to Taus and Crittenden is from: which is a sample chapter from Rodney Stich's "Drugging America". You can read an affidavit by Crittenden at and a short affidavit by Taus at .
115. Conor Cruise O'Brien "Memoir: My Life and Themes" (Dublin, 1998).p.196 He served on the Irish delegation to the UN at the time and talked about "Ireland's capacity to resist American preassure." It seems a long long time ago !lol.
116. He gives equal weight to the theory that it is done either by "policy or drift". It was in a letter to the Irish Times from Donnchadh Ó Corráin of May 3 2003. ( ) Later this was referred to in an article in that paper by Belinda McKeon Irish Times Jun 6 2003 :
"In coming weeks, Ó Corráin's diagnosis was supported by letters to The Irish Times from academics at universities in five countries, from Harvard to Hamburg. One letter, from the Dutch city of Utrecht, bore 11 signatures. The level of international concern was striking. Although, since the prominence of science and technology, as subjects and as profit-generating activities, for universities in the 1980s and 1990s, chairs in every humanties subject are vulnerable to abandonment or abolition, Ó Corráin's identification of the empty chairs in Irish studies struck a chord. Why?"
"We are at the bottom of the league when it comes to national libraries," argues Donnchadh Ó Corráin. "Ours is the smallest in Europe bar Luxembourg. Serious money is not being spent on book-buying."
"We have one or two HEA scholarships," says Duffy [of TCD history department]. "But at the science end of campus, virtually every research student is lucratively funded."
( )
117. See under Italy and Western Europe in Appendix B. Here is an article from Phoenix May 20 1994 p.14 on P-2 which is mixed up in this, its also on Silvio Berlusconi :
"Berlusconi Silvio, Milan,
Membership card: 1816;
Code E 19 78; Date 26/1/78; Group 17; File 0625
Fees: 100,000 lire
THESE ARE the details on Silvio Berlusconi that were found in the files of Licio Gelli, the fascist "grand puppet master", when police raided Gelli's villa in March 1981 and opened the continuing scandal of the secret Propaganda Due (P2) masonic lodge. Now Berlusconi, the former P2 member who thinks his destiny is to save Italy from communism is the prime minister of Italy. But who is Berlusconi? Is he an independent force or is there more to the man known as "the cavalier" or "the knight"?
Berlusconi, the son of a Milan bank clerk, graduated with a law degree in 1961. A few years later he decided to enter the world of business. His decision was given the personal blessing of Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, a family friend and fierce enemy of the left in Milan.
Berlusconi's first position was with the construction firm Edilnord. He soon established his own company, Milan 2, using the experience he had gained at Edilnord. But he found the complexities of construction needed more than just industrial experience. Above all, he needed contacts, contacts in the city's bureaucratic labyrinth who knew their way around the complicated zoning regulations and who could not only detect legal loopholes but create new ones.
During this period \ the early 1970s \ Milan was the personal fiefdom of one man: Bettino Craxi of the Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI). The ambitious Berlusconi was quickly admitted to Craxi's inner circle, a relationship that grew over the years while, at the same time, he kept the doors open to the conservative Christian Democrats just in case.
Soon Berlusconi was to make another very important contact, Licio Gelli, a former Mussolini Blackshirt and Waffen SS man, and a fascist conspirator extraordinary. Gelli was impressed by Berlusconi's ruthlessness and invited him into Gelli's personal masonic lodge, the now illegal P2, which he joined on 26 January 1978.
Soon after being admitted to this nest of masons, whose membership reached into the heart of Italy's industrial, financial, media, military, secret service, police and criminal establishments, Berlusconi was put into P2's Group 17. Group 17 was the communications, information and media sector that had responsibility for-"subversive destabilisation". This was part of Gelli's "Plan for a Democratic Rebirth", his 1976 blueprint for a peaceful right-wing takeover of Italy.
At that time, there was no government regulation of communications. With the help of the Monte Dei Paschi Bank, a P2 front, Berlusconi set himself up in television. He became the operative arm of the Gelli plan in which his effective function was to be the co-ordinator of an "agency to link the local press and
television in a national chain that can affect public opinion on the daily running of the country".”
119. A lot of evidence has emerged for example in europe of the intelligence agencies funding and therefore no doubt controlling political parties in europe (see some of the later comments in the stasiland article).
Thomas Deflo Bende of the Belgium Green party ( states that that those agencies are now heavily involved in electoral fraud.
Of course famously the CIA was involved in rigging Italian elections and also in trying to block Allende by those means in Chile. Certainly the recent UK election (2005) has brought to the fore many serious allegations of widespread fraud involving absentee ballots while in the US many details are emerging of how computer balloting is rigged with the assistance of some people in NASA ( also see for accounts of earlier fraud in Cincinnati involving software supplied by the FBI. This is the definitive book on the subject: by two Collier brothers in Florida.
120. Colin Wallace for example at the Justice for the Forgotten meeting in Dublin in June 27th 2003 stated that the same unit that was responsible for the Dublin and Monaghan bombings were also behind the paedophile ring known as Kincora which is maybe an indication of the type of activity that they would very much like to keep secret. Some think that among the Kincora abusers were 'top civil servants':;read=6548 .
121. Quoted in John Pilger "Hidden Agendas" (London, 1998) p.516. This is no doubt what Colin Wallace meant by saying at the above mentioned meeting that the British intelligence agencies were using 'by proxy' ' paramilitaries on both sides' because they felt the state was weak (and hence needed public support for a more right wing approach). See also :
122. Links on the drug question:
'A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade' by William Blum formerly of the US State department:
On the famous 'Dark Alliance' articles in the San Jose Mercury which showed that the main drug suppliers on the US west coast were CIA contract agents
It created a big sensation and sparked off federal enquiries. The journalist was recently shot dead in suspicious circumstances.
"Murder and Drug Running in Montana / Local Residents Allege FBI and State Government Complicity"
Again in reference to Montana :
On Kosovo and Afghanistan:
On Turkey's_Web_of_Covert_Killers-CAQ
A long discussion mentioning the Christic Institute :
"Information on the CIA drug smuggling operations listed above was provided by the following CIA and ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) operatives:
Trenton Parker, Gunther Russbacher, Michael Maholy, Robert Hunt
Documentation confirming the intelligence status of each of these men is attached. This documentation was taken from Rodney Stich's seminal work, Defrauding America.
The information provided by these men, often at great personal risk to themselves and their families, as well as information provided by CIA agents and contract agents such as Richard Brenneke, Stephen Crittenden, Gene Tatum, and Terry Reed, can leave no doubt that the CIA has been involved in drug trafficking on a massive scale and over an extended period of time."
Lists CIA codewords for its drug smuggling operations.:
"The following facts are from the Associated Press and Washington Post stories published in April 2000 on the Hiett case.
Colonel James Hiett was stationed at the US Embassy in Colombia. There, he was the commander of 200 US military advisors and "anti-drug" agents: the Embassy's drug czar.
His wife, Laurie, has already pled guilty to smuggling $700,000 US dollars worth of heroin -- she was so, ahem, confused that she thought it was cocaine -- from Colómbia into the United States. One report says she used "diplomatic pouches" from the US Embassy to evade inspection by Customs Officials. " From Narconews at
"As voters in the Dominican Republic went to the polls on May 17, 2000, their fate was already sealed: Electoral fraud and drug corruption, directed by the United States .....
At stake was not only the presidency of the Dominican Republic, but which United States political party will control Caribbean drug trafficking in the years to come."
Also narconews:
This is the deposition of Desiree A. Ferdinand the daughter of the late Colonel Albert Carone of New York who provides a link between the CIA and DIA and mafia groups involved in the distribution of drugs
Discussing involvement by leading political figures:
Extracts by a book by a retired DEA agent Cellerino Castillo called 'Powder Burns':
125. It would strike you as a well established fact in the case of most of the paramilitary groups. In the case of the IRA here are some comments by Kevin Sheehy former head of the RUC drugs squad, being interviewed by Jim McDowell of the Sunday World:
"Question: While the Provos were taking money through the back door on drugs, then, for public image, and for the Irish/American image, they were prepared to shoot people dead with the DAAD organization, and, in instances like the 'night of the long guns'?
Answer: [after describing how their image in the catholic communities is important] So their policy has always been, that they oversee major drugs trafficking on an international basis, millions of pounds worth, but that their people who have done time in jail are still not, officially, allowed to be involved in that.
Question: So why would the Provos go for the 'independents' -Mickey Mooney, Speedy Fagan, Brendan Campbell, more recently Ed McCoy ? Because they refused to play ball with the Provos?
Answer: Yes........" ( Jim McDowell "Inside Northern Ireland's Drug Racket" (2001) p.218 )
Here is a few quotes from a book by Howard Marks describing his activities in the international drug trade. He frequently hints that he was working for MI6 and here he is in conversation with Jim McCann a leading figure in the Official IRA. It was conversations that Vincent Browne was having with the latter, I think, that caused the government to tap Browne's phone.
"McCann now using the name James Kennedy and claiming he was a close relative of the late President Kennedy was doing very well for himself. He had an office floor in the Guinness tower in Vancouver, oil interests in Venezuela and had partially financed the film equuus. He had a warm friendship with James Coburn and his wife , Beverly. Marty declined comment on the source of McCann's wealth. I gave Marty my new name and room number in the Seaporter and told him to give it to McCann , who rang the next morning. "[dated about 3 days before the death of Elvis I think.]
Jim :"How's British Intelligence ?"
Howard :"Slightly better than the Irish , Jim ."
Jim :"Welsh ass ...smarmy as ever ...."
[they arrange to meet]....
Jim: "Are you still dope dealing Howard ?"
Howard :"When I can can , yes."
Jim :"Those days are f__ing over man. Dope dealers are history. High finance is where its at."
Howard :"Whats that?"
Jim :"Revolving letters of credit , shell companies and offshore banks. I'm spending money hand over f__ing fist , and its all other peoples."
Howard :"So whats different?"
Jim :"Whats different , you stupid Welsh prick , is that I'm living in the fast lane and I'm legit."
Howard :"I take it you are no longer a revolutionary ?"
Jim :"I'm a revolutionary until I die. Since when was selling dope on Brighton pier a revolutionary act for f__cks sake?"
Howard :"It is a bit closer than all this upwardly mobile stuff you are into Jim."
Jim :"Is it f___ ? Howard doing this business I meet the people who matter , the high rollers. You understand me don't you ? There is only 500 people in the world who control everything worth a f__k and I have met them all every f__ing one of them ."
Howard :"Wheres Graham , Jim ?"
Jim :"He's become a poof .He's living in San Francisco or some other poof place. He's probably still dope dealing , like you."
Howard :"Did you do any more Shannon deals , after I got busted ?"
Jim :"I'm not telling you Howard .Graham never could control those egits in Kabul. I found out who they are and their address in Kabul. I've got them when I want them. But those days are gone Howard. You need to wise up, but we'll keep in touch. If you ever get a real problem you can ask for the Kid."
( Howard Marks "Mr.Nice / An Autobiography" (1998) p.148 on p.169 it describes another drug deal set up by Marks and McCann, the drugs to travel from Kabul to Dublin.)
126. John Pilger "Distant Voices" (1994) p.194
127. You can see the quote in the heading of the webpage. I remember from reading the article that it was an RUC officer that said it but I cannot check that with the original. This edition is missing among those in the National Library.
The Strategy of Tension Worldwide
The Strategy of Tension refers to the Italian Prime Minister's descripton of the Italian government's covert assistance in the creation of left and right wing terrorism in Italy in the 70s and 80s. There are in fact many different reasons why some parties who overtly oppose terrorism actually support it and hopefully some insight into this practise can be gained from reading the following links. I guess the simplest way to understand it is that intelligence agencies support terrorists in the same way that police forces run agent provocateurs and presumably it took many years for political dissidents and protesters to realise that this tactics was being used. No doubt historically those that claimed the police were running the most violent of the strikers etc were dismissed as conspiracy theorists until such time as the general public became educated as regards police tactics. I have provided a few quotations or at least a set of keywords that could help anybody searching for these links later.
"Britain was accused last night of falsely claiming that al-Qaeda terrorists had built a 'biological and chemical weapons' laboratory in Afghanistan to justify the deployment of 1,700 Royal Marines to fight there."
SEYMOUR HERSH talking in an interview about a battle in Afghanistan:
"Okay, the cream of the crop of Al Qaeda caught in a town called Konduz which is near ... it's one little village and it's a couple hundred kilometers, 150 miles from the border of Pakistan. And I learned this story frankly-- through very, very clandestine operatives we have in the Delta Force and other very..
There was about a three or four nights in which I can tell you maybe six, eight, 10, maybe 12 more-- or more heavily weighted-- Pakistani military planes flew out with an estimated-- no less than 2,500 maybe 3,000, maybe more. I've heard as many as four or 5,000. They were not only-- Al Qaeda but they were also-- you see the Pakistani ISI was-- the military advised us to the Taliban and Al Qaeda. There were dozens of senior Pakistani military officers including two generals who flew out.
And I also learned after I wrote this story that maybe even some of Bin Laden's immediate family were flown out on the those evacuations. We allowed them to evacuate. We had an evacuation. "
This story is mainly about overt state terrorism but you can see how this respected journalist is beginning to have doubts as to the origin of the "terrorists" as well.
This is much the same story , but it includes the statement from one of these defectors Inspector Abdessalam that:
"Europe and the US are equipping the security forces in Algeria's dirty war."
Giving the wider background , refers to a book which says GIA is indeed under the control of the Algerian government.
"In Algeria, the government-supported GIA has sought to disrupt and discredit any Islamic opposition though deadly infighting and the indiscriminate massacring of civilians in the name of Allah. The military regime's monster is thought to be the most vicious player in the unending cycle of violence that is tearing Algeria apart."
A more detailed review of that book (which is 1473 pages long and has a forward by Noam Chomsky).
"Few readers will be able to avoid the conclusion that the GIA is indeed a part of the Algerian regime's counter-insurgency strategy rather than an anti-government movement."
This controversial website goes out on a limb (as usual) in stating that GIA is run by Algerian military intelligence.
Useful for the many references it lists to back up the claim
" Following the December 1991 elections, which were won by the FIS, the Algerian government moved to outlaw the FIS, annul the elections, preventing the second round from taking place. The FIS, 9,000 of whose members were rounded up and jailed, maintained its commitment to the democratic process. Numerous government-instigated provocations aimed at eliciting a violent response, were rejected by Abdelkader Hashani and other FIS leaders.
In the Algerian war, it is said that "there are three kinds of Islamists: the 'honest' Islamists, the 'SM'[Algerian Intelligence] Islamists, and the Islamists on the 'other' [foreign] intelligence services."'
"Living in exile in Germany, after he served as military attache at the Algerian Embassy in Bonn, Samraoui wrote that "the terror groups in the underground were bred and manipulated by the secret service of Algeria."
According to Samraoui's insider knowledge, the state-run terrorists were recruited from existing Algerian opposition Islamists, who were turned around after arrest, and then run by such entities as the CPO operations department of the secret services. Ostensibly, this was supposed to be for infiltrating Islamist movements, but in reality, the waves of terror over the next years were set up by that operation. On one night in July 1991, the first artificial Islamist terror base was set up some 50 kilometers from Algiers, Samraoui found out, and the first pro-extremist leaflet of "Islamist terrorists" was printed at the "military Antar barracks in Ben-Aknoum, the headquarters of the most important CPO center for illegal operations."
Also the alleged blacklists with civilian targets of the "terrorists," Samraoui found out, were produced at the Centre Ghermoul, where the HQ of the counterespionage DCE was located. All the so-called "emirs" of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) terrorists were run as puppets of the secret services, and the terrorists were always activated with special brutality whenever the Algerian government made attempts to reach a conciliation deal with the non-terrorist Islamist movement."
A good biography of Savimbi .Allied to not only the CIA (receiving support especially from their man Mobotu in Zaire ) and apartheid South Africa but even the Portuguese secret police pre- independence :
" Savimbi is widely seen as responsible for a nearly non-stop war that has taken nearly one million lives and as the principal spoiler of the Angolan elections and United Nations-backed peace plans in the early 1990s. As the Namibian government said in announcing his death, “Savimbi chose the way of terrorism and turned Angola into a land of many killing fields.”
The United States bears some blame for Angola’s brutal civil war because Savimbi was long the darling of American right-wing, conservative politicians and the CIA.
Since the start of the Angolan liberation struggle, Savimbi had touted himself as a nationalist fighting for independence from Portuguese colonialism. However, Savimbi showed more hostility toward the other indigenous freedom parties and forged a clandestine alliance with the Portuguese colonial government and its secret police, PIDE, according to University of Southern California professor Gerald Bender and a series of subsequently released documents. As part of this alliance, code-named 'Operation Timber,....'"
Some good links, including the above article , listed here on the occasion of his death not long ago.
Khondakhar Abdul Rashid Colonel Farooq
"The HUJI-B [Islamic militant organisation] was bent on assassinating Sheikh Hasina because she was considered to be not only a person of secular credentials but also one who was soft on India. Indeed, the Awami League government had taken a series of steps to bring about normalcy between Bangladesh and India. Long festering disputes like water sharing and the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) problem were sought to be resolved. [123] The Awami League government was also making serious attempts to address India’s concerns about North East Indian militants using Bangladesh. Moreover, railway links that were disrupted since the Indo-Pak War of 1965 were restored, and a new direct bus between Dhaka and Calcutta was also started.
But the HUJI-B's subterfuges (with the active aid of the Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI, and fundamentalists in the DGFI, the Bangladesh intelligence agency) continued to dog Sheikh Hasina's rule, and it was becoming quite clear that the HUJI-B, the ISI and other fundamentalists were bent on seeing her defeat. "
There is just one short reference to Belgium but it is from a former LAPD detective, Ed Schooling, who was stationed with the US army in Italy with a top secret clearance.
You can see part one of his story from the link at the bottom. He is clearly in some danger for speaking out , and knows it.
"Nor have I even touched on the subject of Operation GLADIO - commando
operations in Europe in which the CIA (U.S. and allies) trained and
financed European terrorists to kill multitudes of innocent people in
bombings and shootings in order to frighten the public into crying out
for more state security!
In the words of one Belgian terrorist whose leader reported to the CIA, "we were told to kill mostly just women and children..."
Read -- machine gunning innocent women and children in supermarkets and while they were fleeing outside the market!
This was in a city in Belgium."
Thomas Deflo Bende van Nijvel
"The CIA, with the help of the Belgian State Security, had organized state terror, in the form of so-called communist bombings by the terrorist CCC and in the form of senseless super market killings by the Bende van Nijvel. This was done in order to push the Belgian government to accept American nuclear missiles on Belgian territory (completely against public opinion), in order to further strengthen the grip of the State Security on domestic affairs, and in order to shift the public opinion towards the right. This strategy, known as the Strategy of Tension, is now replaced by a strategy of vote fraud."
(Startling account of the Belgian Green party being hit by electoral fraud by intelligence agencies.)
Al Qaeda and the Bosnian and Kosovo conflicts . A former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, James Bisset, agrees with Milosovic's claim that Al Qaeda were in these conflicts in force and supported by the Americans.
Milosovic has quoted from a FBI statement that was given to congress in December of 2001 stating that as well. Many interesting quotes on this website.
Also interesting as regards Costa Rica and Mossad. The CIA wanted him to "simulate terrorism".
Shocking revelations from "chip" Tatum , one of the most important of the western dissidents who are helping to get
the truth out. Read on and you will see why it is classified under Cambodian terrorism , you are unlikely to be bored reading it !
SAS support for rebels in this country in the 80s. You might have heard of them. The Khymer Rouge.
From The Observer Jan 9 2000
More detailed analysis of western support to the Kymer Rouge...strategic realities you understand.
This writer is very critical of the western powers, the article includes details of the new tribunal that is revealing :
"Guerilla leaders Prince Norodom Sihanouk and Son Sann joined the Khmer Rouge in forming a Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea, which at Western insistence, represented Cambodia at the United Nations in place of the government of Cambodia. This provided a fig leaf of legitimacy for Western support of a movement dominated by the Khmer Rouge. American and British advisors and arms shipments aided Sihanouk-s and Sann-s forces, which carried out coordinated military operations with Khmer Rouge troops and were often commanded by Khmer Rouge officers. Western arms frequently found their way into Khmer Rouge arsenals as many members of Sihanouk-s and Sann-s organizations belonged to the Khmer Rouge.
During the peace negotiations, American officials insisted that the Khmer Rouge be given a prominent role in the new governing coalition. As one U.S. negotiator explained, "No Khmer Rouge, no deal."
As Cambodian government troops closed in on the last remnants of Khmer Rouge forces in March 1998, Khmer Rouge warlord Ta Mok communicated an offer through Thai military channels to turn the Khmer Rouge leader, Pol Pot, over to the United States. Taken by surprise, U.S. officials turned down the offer. No desire for a tribunal here. They didn-t want him. But Cambodia wanted him, so the U.S. had to act to prevent that eventuality. The U.S. needed time to structure proceedings, presumably in order to ensure that the American role in support of Pol Pot would not surface during a trial. While U.S. officials worked on arrangements for a trial on their terms, Pol Pot committed suicide.
Following the final defeat of the Khmer Rouge, the Cambodian government announced that Khmer Rouge leaders would be tried for crimes against humanity. Without delay, the U.S. responded by demanding that any trial be conducted solely under United Nations auspices, in other words, under terms dictated by the U.S. After lengthy wrangling, Western threats and pressure forced Cambodia to relent and seek a compromise in which the trials would be conducted in Cambodia, but with a mix of Cambodian and Western prosecutors and judges. A major sticking point is whether the controlling majority will be Cambodian or Western. In response to a hostile letter sent from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in April 2000, Hun Sen announced that the Khmer Rouge trials would not be limited to the years in which it held power, but would cover the entire period of 1970 to 1999. This touched directly on the worst fears of U.S. officials, spanning events from the CIA-backed military coup in Cambodia in 1970 through the final years of Western support for the Khmer Rouge. Only a hastily drawn American plan for evenly divided prosecution and judicial teams brought an agreement on the trial, ensuring that only the events of Khmer Rouge power would be considered....... Clearly the U.S. motivation is to steer any trials in a direction favorable to its interests."
KHMER SEREI mccarthy proj. CHERRY
"Their missions included the conduct of BLACK TERROR against the civilian population of Cambodia, while leaving evidence of their atrocities blaming Cambodian forces for their actions. The purpose of these activities was to create CIVIL UNREST and a rebellion against the Cambodian Regime. It worked. Similar operations utilizing KHMER SEREI were also directed from the United States Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand."
'.....alleged British SAS involvement in training the Khmer Rouge.
"The SAS were there doing training in Cambodia all right," [Nina] Morrison [a former pilot with the CIA's Air America] told WorldNetDaily. "Just like they were involved recently in East Timor."
"The world in general has become a lot more complicated. As such, journalism must also adapt and become more thorough and complex to put all of the missing pieces together. In regard to the Khmer Rouge, this is dangerous work indeed," said Morrison. "True history has a way of disappearing into the night." '
Charles M. Byers, employee of a specialised military explosives company in Arizona, :"Their mission included surreptitiously transporting and detonating a small, man-portable nuclear backpack bomb at an Iraqi nuclear weapons development facility to make it seem like an Iraqi nuclear accident.
Orders were given by U S Government personnel that this plane be destroyed before it reached the United States of America."
Some notes on the story of Montesinos in Peru and particularly the CIA connection, the article points out where some of the CIA's money went to fund the FARC across the border, of course the CIA never
realised this could happen!
"Three separate Peruvian military intelligence sources told ICIJ that surveillance equipment provided by the CIA for use in the drug war was instead used by the SIN to intercept the conversations of opposition political figures, journalists, businessmen and military officers suspected of disloyalty to the Fujimori regime. "Intelligence services" were sold to wealthy individuals, corporations or influential officers. A buyer could pay $1,000 to $2,500 per week to receive intercepts from the tapping of a single phone. Or, the military intelligence sources said, the wealthy buyers could pay spies to gather other information about individuals of their choosing."
More on the same story with the CIA/drug cartels effectively controlling Peru through blackmail bribery etc......the usual pretty picture!!
This simply shows how much Montesinos cooperated with the US authorities in Columbia. He had his own 120 man intelligence network in Columbia and at all times cooperated with the US govt. which makes it very hard to see how the CIA did not know about his support for the FARC.
Further details referring to testimony put before the US senate:
"New allegations concerning the CIA's alleged connection with cocaine
dealing in Latin America are bubbling to the surface in the wake of fresh
elements in the investigation into the so-called Jordan-Latina Connection,
a traffic in arms to Peru and Colombia by Jordan go-betweens. The traffic
is said to involve CIA agents in both Latin America and the Middle East
and government officials in Peru and Jordan.
As Intelligence Newsletter revealed last September (IN 389), the trade
consisted of delivering weapons to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC) guerillas and to the Medelin cartel in exchange for
What could have led the CIA to turn a blind eye to the traffic? According
to legislators who testified before the Senate's intelligence committee,
the CIA might have reckoned the weapons delivery to FARC would help
continue the spiral of violence in Colombia and thus justify Washington's
Plan Colombia, a program aimed at gaining more military and intelligence
influence in the entire Andes region. "
Meanwhile we are all shocked to discover that the right wing "terrorists" and a US bank are getting along famously:
"The Colombian press -- the daily El Tiempo, on Saturday, October 20th - has now reported the identity of the United States banking institution whose checks funded the AUC - defined by the U.S. government as a "terrorist organization." The bank was Barnett Bank, and the checks were reportedly cut in 1995, before Barnett was purchased by NationsBank in 1998."
montesinos FARC arms lebanon
From a Lebanese newspaper:"......10,000 assault rifles bought from Jordan were parachuted to anti-US Colombian guerrillas by Ukrainian mercenaries, an operation allegedly masterminded by Peru’s former intelligence chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, who’s now on trial in Lima. Soghanalian, one of 36 co-defendants, is being tried in absentia.
Montesinos, widely feared during his years as the eminence grise of now-disgraced President Alberto Fujimoro, was on the payroll of the CIA, and that has led to speculation that the agency may have been involved in the Colombian business as well.
The most popular conspiracy theory is that the CIA wanted to escalate violence in Colombia to justify Plan Colombia, a controversial $2.5 billion US military aid program to the Bogota government to crush drug trafficking, which went into effect months after the Jordanian rifles were delivered to FARC. The US government has denied any CIA role in the gunrunning. "
"According to Atef Halasa, the head of protocol at the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, his country would not have released the weapons without informing US authorities. Halasa was reported as saying that the American government not only knew of the deal, but that it was authorised by the CIA."
In case you think all this is ancient history...
The Lavon affair.....Also see under Israel and Britain.
"In July 1954 Egypt was plagued by a series of bomb outrages directed mainly against American and British property in Cairo and Alexandria. It was generally assumed that they were the work of the Moslem Brothers, then the most dangerous challenge to the still uncertain authority of Colonel (later President) Nasser and his two-year-old revolution. Nasser was negotiating with Britain over the evacuation of its giant military bases in the Suez Canal Zone, and, the Moslem Brothers, as zealous nationalists, were vigorously opposed to any Egyptian compromises.
It therefore came as a shock to world, and particularly Jewish opinion, when on 5 October the Egyptian Minister of the Interior, Zakaria Muhieddin, announced the break-up of a thirteen-man Israeli sabotage network. An 'anti-Semitic' frame-up was suspected."
Consider some of these facts from a recent incident from the main Cairo newspaper.
Story of the bombing attack that was the pretext for bombing Libya has taken a long time to come out , and the truth is............
"A documentary broadcast August 25 by German public television [ZDF] presents compelling evidence that some of the main suspects in the 1986 Berlin disco bombing, the event that provided the pretext for a US air assault on Libya, worked for American and Israeli intelligence."
A discussion involving earlier attacks in Germany quoting the Guardian March 26 2000 :
"Black September, the Palestinian terror group that killed 11 Israeli
athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, was allowed by the German
government to hijack a passenger jet two months later to provide a
'cover story' for the release of the three gunmen captured at the
A former US special forces member Stan Goff speaks in a moving introspective account . Also good for El Salvador and Columbia and the drug trade.
"Zumwalt [of the US embassy] told me at a bar once that he was training the finest right-wing death squads in the world.
They [the poor people there] have to be invisible so they can be ignored. They have to be sub-human so they can be killed.
This July, Commander of the Colombian Army, Jorge Enrique Mora Rangel intervened in the Colombian judicial process to protect the most powerful paramilitary chief in Colombia, Carlos Castano, from prosecution for a series of massacres. Castano's organization is networked for intelligence and operations directly with the security forces.
That network was organized and trained in 1991, under the tutelage of the U.S. Defense Department and the CIA. This was accomplished under a Colombian military intelligence integration plan called Order 200-05/91.
I was in Guatemala in 1983 for the last coup. In 1985, I was in El Salvador; 1991, Peru; 1992, Colombia.
People don't generally hear from retired Special Forces soldiers. But people need to hear the facts from someone who can’t be called an effete liberal who never "served" his country.
A liberal will tell you the system isn't working properly. I will tell you that the system is working exactly the way it's supposed to.
As an insider on active duty in the armed forces, I saw the deep dissonance between the official explanations for our policies and our actual practices: the murder of schoolteachers and nuns by our surrogates; decimations; systematic rape; the cultivation of terror.
I have concluded that the billions in profit and interest to be made in Colombia and neighboring nations has much more to do with the itch for stability than any concern about democracy or cocaine. After reflection on my two decades plus of service, I am convinced that I only served the richest one percent of my country.
..............Quoting General Smedley Butler:
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service in the Marines. I helped make Tampico, Mexico, safe for the American oil interests in 1914; Cuba and Haiti safe for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue; helped purify Nicaragua for the International banking house of Baron Broches in 1909-1912; helped save the sugar interests in the Dominican Republic; and in China helped to see that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. War is a racket.”
Like Gen. Butler, I came to my conclusions through years of personal experience and through the gradual absorption of hard evidence that I saw all around me, not just in one country, but in country after country.
I am finally really serving my country, right now, telling you this. You do not want some things done in your name."
This was written by the ousted Premiere of Guyana Cheddi Jagan.
Very interesting in the context of the recent UK elections!
"In 1961, the PNC lost the elections.
After losing the election, the PNC leader LFS Burnham made a deal with the US government. This was exposed by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Special Assistant to President Kennedy in his book, A Thousand Day, John F. Kennedy in the White House, when he wrote:
“Thus far our policy was based on assumption that Forbes Burnham was, as the British described him, an opportunist, racist and demagogue intent only on personal power ..… Then in May 1962, Burnham came to Washington ….. Burnham’s visit left the feeling, as I reported to the President, that ‘an independent British Guiana under Burnham (if Burnham will commit himself to a multi-racial policy) would cause us many fewer problems than an independent British Guiana under Jagan’. And the way was open to bring it about, because Jagan’s parliamentary strength was larger than his popular strength: he had won 57 per cent of the seats on the basis 42.7% per cent of the vote. An obvious solution would be to establish a system of proportional representation.”
The American columnist, Drew Pearson, in a syndicated article pointed out that the late President Kennedy applied pressure on the Macmillan government to withhold independence and to change our electoral system.
The British government could not easily succumb to this pressure. This was because of its commitment made at the Constitutional Conference held in London in 1960. Then Burnham’s demand for proportional representation and my demand for independence were rejected on the understanding, however, that whichever party won the 1961 elections would lead the country to independence.
Consequently, the strife and violence, fomented and financed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to provide the British Government with an excuse.
All of this is now public knowledge. The New York Times, on February 23, 1967 headlined a story by Neil Sheehan: “CIA is linked to strikes that helped oust Jagan”. The London Sunday Times on April 16 and 23, 1967 carried two stored by the Insight Team, headed “How the CIA got rid of Jagan” and “Macmillian, Sandys backed CIA’s anti-Jagan Plot”. In the first story it is said: “As coups go, it was not expensive: over five years the CIA paid out something over £250,000. For the colony, British Guiana, the result was about 170 dead, untold hundreds wounded, roughly £10 million worth of damage to the economy and a legacy of racial bitterness.”
The second story said: “Although known at first only to Macmillan, Sandys and the two top security men in Britain, it inevitably become known to a similar number of British officials in Guiana.” The latter no doubt included the British Governor, the Commissioner of Police and the Head of Security Branch, and explains why my government could not get the full backing and support from them, and the army and police which they controlled.
Incidentally, the Times story also stated: “The CIA insured one ex-Jagan supported for $30,000 in 1964.”
Clearly, violence was the result of the conspiracy of the UK and US governments and the Guyana political and trade union leaders to overthrow the legally-constituted PPP government."
Guy Philippe Louis-Jodel Chamblain
"The United States armed and trained in the Dominican Republic the groups that rose against former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a preliminary report issued in the Dominican Republic indicated Monday.
Priest Luis Barrios and lawyer Briant Concannon, both members of the "independent" commission, presented the preliminary results of the investigation that contradicted the Dominican authorities which had previously considered "surrealistic and oneiric" the delivery of US guns to Haitian rebels in their national soil, as some accusations stated. "
Allegation that the Indian govt. with British help wanted to support an insurgency in West Bengal province as an excuse for the central Indian govt. to intervene.
"..........he continued to arrange to buy a plane from the Latvian state airline.
He says this was with police approval. North Yorkshire Police's Special Branch deny this.
.....Mr Bleach had expected the plane to be intercepted before the arms were dropped but this did not happen.
In Delhi there was a Congress government and in West Bengal there was a Communist government and the two are not the best of friends.
An armed insurgency in West Bengal would have allowed Delhi to have impose direct rule on the state and oust the ruling Communists."
Mysterious goings on ...
His claim that he was working for British intelligence supported by an MP.
Sunday Times Dec 1 2002
Where it was revealed that he had been a member of the British Army's Intelligence Corps.
Internal rebellions in Indonesia in the 50's and 60's , inspired it seems by the usual suspects , and no I'm not talking about long bearded cave dwellers!
The author L Fletcher Prouty is one the most valuable CIA whistle blowers for the period.
Bali robert finnegan joe viallis
military's links to terror by Tom Fawthrop Wimar Witoelar Kopassus shadowy links with Indonesian generals
"The highly politicized Indonesian military, trained in waging terror during more than 30 years of General Suharto's dictatorship, are among the suspects in last month's Bali bombing, according to a respected Indonesian commentator. "
(see end ) Admiral Widodo
"In interviews earlier in the year, however, he and his lieutenants boasted of their relationship with TNI [Indonesian army]. In one interview, Ja'far claimed to have a hotline to TNI commander Admiral Widodo (Panji Masyarakat, 26 April 2000). Another FKAWJ leader also admitted that TNI officers have assisted in the training of Laskar Jihad [militant islamic group] (Gatra, 25 March 2000)."
army link to militant unrest
Abu Bakar Bashir bali cia
Laskar Jihad Johannes Bonay TNI
"A string of violent incidents on the border of Papua New Guinea and Indonesian Papua has thrown into the spotlight the shadowy relationship between the Islamic extremists of Laskar Jihad and the Indonesian military (TNI). Questions are also being asked about the role of Jemaah Islamiah, the group suspected of masterminding the Bali bombings."
Laskar Jihad TNI well known link
aceh david easter
bali Abu Bakar Bashir
bali Syamsuddin Omar al-Faruq
"The American ambassador here, Ralph L. Boyce,
does not have to venture far from his heavily fortified embassy to be
challenged about who was responsible for the Bali bombings that killed more
than 180 people.
The perception among many of the educated elite in this largely moderate
Muslim country is that it was not, as the United States has suggested, a
radical Islamic group with links to Al Qaeda.
Instead, they blame the Central Intelligence Agency."
bali force lieutenant colonel The officer, who received training in the US
bali A former member of the Indonesian Air Force has admitted,3858,4532601-110490.html
Sidney Jones in The Observer Oct27 2002 : "In the aftermath of the 12 October bombing in Bali, Indonesians are convinced they have terrorists in their midst. They're just not sure who they are. Absurd, as it may seem, if talk shows and media commentaries are any indication, the most likely candidates in most Indonesians' minds are the U.S. government and the Indonesian army. Al-Qaeda is a distant third.
Only these three, the thinking goes, have the expertise, the contacts, and the motivation to carry out an attack on the scale of the Bali attack."
"As the noose tightens on Hambali, security authorities also expect to uncover a series of links back to covert operations conducted by former intelligence czar General Ali Murtopo in the 1970s in the interests of the Suharto regime......
The source says that in the 1970s Hambali was a Special Operations (Opsus) plant into Jemaah Islamiyah. He was given the codename G-8 and tasked with building the financial structure of Jemaah Islamiyah.
Whoever Hambali is, for the incumbent government, capturing the mastermind of the Bali terrorist attack is as much a matter of disclosing the dark forces of the Suharto era rather than only a part of the US war against terrorism and al Qaeda. "
MEK Mujahedin-e-Khalq perle
From a book by an Iraqi immigrant to Israel, Naeim Giladi, who documents the real story behind bombings and riots that occurred in Iraq just prior to the Jewish exodus from there to Israel and for which he has first hand knowledge.
Devious goings on by the British and Israeli spies.
"Alexis de Tocqueville once observed that it is easier for the world to accept a simple lie than a complex truth. Certainly it has been easier for the world to accept the Zionist lie that Jews were evicted from Muslim lands because of anti-Semitism, and that Israelis, never the Arabs, were the pursuers of peace. The truth is far more discerning: bigger players on the world stage were pulling the strings.
These players, I believe, should be held accountable for their crimes, particularly when they wilfully terrorized, dispossessed and killed innocent people on the altar of some ideological imperative.
.............And that is why I have written my book and this article: to set the historical record straight.
We Jews from Islamic lands did not leave our ancestral homes because of any natural enmity between Jews and Muslims. And we Arabs-I say Arab because that is the language my wife and I still speak at home-we Arabs on numerous occasions have sought peace with the State of the Jews. And finally, as a U.S. citizen and taxpayer, let me say that we Americans need to stop supporting racial discrimination in Israel and the cruel expropriation of lands in the West Bank, Gaza, South Lebanon and the Golan Heights."
More details on the above incidents from Akiva Orr who served in the Israeli army in 1948:
".....emissaries from Israel who often used dirty tricks like throwing bombs into synagogues to create the impression of anti-Jewish persecution to stampede the Jews to Israel.
This answer outraged my heckler even more, and he shouted in an agitated voice: 'You are a liar, no Jew ever threw a bomb into a Jewish synagogue.' The audience weren't used to seeing someone denounce a speaker as a 'liar'. Being British, they assumed such an accusation was based on solid information capable of withstanding a libel charge. The ball was now in my court, but having encountered this charge many times before I was well prepared. I had copies of the Israeli weekly Haolam - Ha-zeh (of 20 April and 1 June 1966) with me, which published details, with photographs, of these events. Some Iraqi Jews who had become disabled as a result of the bombs thrown by Israeli agents into the Mas-uda Shemtov Synagogue in Baghdad had sued the Israeli government for damages, in Israel. The government had preferred to settle out of court and pay damages, but the legal exchanges had reached the Israeli press and had been published by some magazines. When I read out the details of the case from the Israeli magazine all eyes turned back towards my adversary. I demonstrated convincingly that I was not a liar. What would he say now?
There was a moment of silence and then he blurted out: 'You see, unlike the Arab countries Israel is a democratic state. You can publish everything in the press there.' The audience burst into laughter; I didn't."
The CIA in Iraq since the gulf war , sponsoring car bombs in Baghdad that killed over 100 people.......From ex-CIA officer's Ralph McGehee's Ciabase quoting the Washington Post:
"Most embarrassing U.S. failure in Kurdistan is that of CIA, which backed the wrong horse. The CIA centered its covert program styled as the Iraqi National Accord, or WAFAQ in Arabic. Accords leaders were once Saddam's cronies. The leaders promised they could mount a quick coup. They failed. One of the key bomb-makers disclosed publicly that bombs financed by CIA have killed scores of Iraqi civilians in Baghdad and destroyed HQs of rival National Congress in Salahedin."
Abdul-Latif al-Mayah Dr. Muhammad
Wide scale assassinations of intellectuals in US dominated Iraq.
Sam Hamod ,a former adviser to the US State Department :
"With these matters in mind, it appears as if this new "attack on the Christian churches is just another attempt either by the American CIA or its operatives, or the Mossad of Israel, to paint Islam with terrorism and to split the Muslim and Christian communities in Iraq.
This is another sad chapter in the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Since the early days of the war, the Iraqis complained about the treatment of prisoners taken by the Americans. Unfortunately, no one would listen to the Iraqis or those of us who reported these atrocities. You all know the truth by now, how we were lied to by our government and by the U.S. media; so much for truth and "embedding." So, once again, we have to report to you, this is just another American cover-up to create more chaos in Iraq, just as America did in Viet Nam to keep us in that war, and to justify more attacks on Muslims groups in Iraq.
At this point, there is no telling what the U.S. or the Israeli Mossad will do in Iraq in order to foment civil war among the Iraqis and to justify the continuation of an American occupation in Iraq."
basra al-Sadr UK forces 'involved'
'Followers of the radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have blamed British forces for the coordinated series of car bombs which killed 73 people in the southern Iraqi city of Basra yesterday.
The targets of the attacks were Iraqi police stations and a uniformed policeman who joined the protest said "the British were the ones who attacked us". '
kurds plan b
SEYMOUR M. HERSH's article: ...."Israeli intelligence and military operatives are now quietly at work in Kurdistan, providing training for Kurdish commando units and, most important in Israel’s view, running covert operations inside Kurdish areas of Iran and Syria. Israel feels particularly threatened by Iran, whose position in the region has been strengthened by the war. The Israeli operatives include members of the Mossad, Israel’s clandestine foreign-intelligence service, who work undercover in Kurdistan as businessmen and, in some cases, do not carry Israeli passports.
Turkish sources confidentially report that the Turks are increasingly concerned by the expanding Israeli presence in Kurdistan and alleged encouragement of Kurdish ambitions to create an independent state."
zarqawi Iyad Allawi INA
by Nick Possum from Sydney:"If Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the terrorist leader credited with the beheading deaths of Nick Berg and Kim Sun-Il, did not exist it would be necessary for the United States to invent him. That may well be what the CIA has done.
What? Really? Is that credible? Would an intelligence and espionage service really murder its own people, or neutrals, or citizens of an allied country? Would it cynically kill harmless civilians with terrorist-style bombings? Would it snuff out the lives of innocents to make a political point or create a climate of fear?
The answer is Yes. For an example and we need look no further that the career of Iyad Allawi, the new, hand-picked, prime minister of Iraq. According to a New York Times report in June this year, former CIA operatives say Allawi, who ran a CIA-backed exile organization, the Iraqi National Accord (INA), organised a bombing and sabotage campaign in the early 1990s. The targets included a cinema and a school bus. At the time the CIA was trying to foment a military coup against Saddam Hussein and it is probable that the bombing campaign was intended to destabilise the regime by creating a climate of fear and instability.
In the espionage community, operations like this, for which no group claims responsibility, are known as “grey operations”. If they are attributed to a source other than that which carried them out, they’re called “black operations” and they’re carried out by “false flag” operatives. "
From the Tehran Times referring to reports in the Egyptian press relating to the the assassination of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer al-Hakim .
Claims of US approaches to a group they later called terrorists.
Introducing the Force Research Unit , headquarters Belfast.
And the link below indicates it is only one of many such incidents.
The facts speak for themselves and I think the author outlines them , albeit maybe in a slightly polemic manner.
More on the FRU from a whistle blower.
“I should have opened my mouth at the time,” he says in regard to the ‘running’ of Nelson, “but you view things in a different perspective when you’re part of the intelligence community. Now as long as I have a breath in my body, I will take up the cudgel for the truth.”
Extracts from 'The Committee' . Stranger than fiction , but recently the author won an important libel action in London despite such luminaries as David Trimble being in the dock against him :
"I am especially grateful to Tim Laxton who, since 1994, has helped me in countless ways to complete the investigation I began in 1991.
Tim's first career as a City accountant has left him with few illusions about what seemingly respectable people are capable of doing; so he found no difficulty in believing that the Loyalist assassination campaign was being run by affluent and well-connected individuals, including a banker, a lawyer, an accountant, a clergyman and the owners of some of the largest businesses in Northern Ireland.
I have come to appreciate more fully that the Committee, which ran the Loyalist assassination campaign from 1989 until late 1991, was merely a more formal expression of a phenomenon which existed for many years. Though even now I still do not know the complete cast list of Committee members, I understand more fully than before that the RUC Inner Force was indispensable to the murder conspiracy. For, as a key source has recently explained to me, the initiative in Loyalist attacks on Republicans has always come from the RUC, which employed men such as Robin Jackson and Billy Wright as and when it suited. These two notorious Loyalist assassins, this source made clear, could not have operated as they did without official protection from the highest levels within the security forces-including Britain's domestic intelligence agency, MI5, which always worked closely with RUC Special Branch.
So it is, I think, fair to say that no-one can be said properly to understand the conflict in Northern Ireland without taking into account the following facts, which have been effectively concealed from the public in Ireland and Britain for many years.
RUC Special Branch, working with the elite RUC Special Patrol Groups [SPGs] which spearheaded the war against the IRA, employed a small number of hard-line Loyalists to assassinate Republicans and, when necessary, to attack the general Catholic population. One of these assassins, Robin Jackson, murdered more than 100 people. [See Appendix 6]
British Military Intelligence and MI5, which worked closely with RUC Special Branch, fully supported this strategy. The new information presented in Chapter 13 of this paperback edition shows that this strategy of state terrorism against the Catholic population was implemented on both sides of the Irish border, with lethal effect.
Once the Committee's existence and murderous activities were exposed on Channel 4 Television in 1991, an elaborate propaganda exercise initiated by the RUC and championed most notably by The Sunday Times succeeded in discrediting the broadcast revelations. After Channel 4 had dropped this story, which was simply too hot to handle, no other British media organisation dared to pick it up again. Britain's largest public service broadcaster, the BBC, ignored the story for eight years before finally, in March 1999, broadcasting a small part of the truth -- when it screened an interview with former terrorist Bobby Philpott, who admitted that the RUC had been indispensable to the Loyalist assassination campaign. The British press also failed to report the story, with the result that the British public has been kept in ignorance of the facts documented in this book for the first time.
In late 1997 I was trying to arrange meetings with some of the leading figures in the Loyalist assassination campaign in an effort to discover whatever I could about more of the Committee's "unsolved" murders. I had made tentative arrangements to meet R.J. Kerr who, though not a member of the Committee, had helped Robin Tackson to murder William Strathearn in 1977, had participated in the attempted murder of Paschal Mulholland in 1984 and had been involved -- albeit at a low level -- in Loyalist sectarian killings over a period of nearly thirty years. He was in a position to fill in many gaps in my knowledge of Loyalist terrorism and had grown disenchanted by developments within the paramilitary underworld. Shortly after I had learned of his willingness to talk to me, the news reached me of his death in a mysterious explosion, reportedly an accident. I had also taken initial steps towards arranging a meeting with Billy Wright in prison where he was serving an eight-year sentence -- not for murder, not even for attempted murder, but for threatening to kill a woman in his home town, Portadown. I was told he would see me but I did not really expect to make any significant breakthrough in my research from such a steely and ruthless terrorist. Before any date was fixed for the meeting, he was murdered by a Republican splinter group on December 27th, 1997. And my hopes of securing an interview with the Committee's other key assassin, Robin Jackson, were also dashed when, in January 1998, I learned that he was dying of lung cancer. "
The affidavit by ex-RUC Sergeant John Weir prepared in connection with the legal cases involving 'The Committee':
"Some months after the Strathearn murder I was called to a meeting with the head of RUC Special Branch in Newry, Chief Inspector Brian Fitzsimmons. He confirmed what I had already been told by Chief Inspector Breen that I was to be transferred to Newtownhamilton RUC station. During this meeting Mr. Fitzsimmons let me know that he was aware that I had been involved in Loyalist terrorist activity for some time but it was clear he was not bothered by this. He told me that he knew all about my paramilitary past activities with James Mitchell and that my local connections to Loyalist paramilitaries were part of the reason why I was being placed in charge of Newtownhamilton RUC station. I understood the message of my meeting with Chief inspector Fitzsimmons to be that I had the green light to carry on with my activities. I now know that Chief Inspector Fitzsimmons rose to the rank of Assistant Chief constable and that he was killed in the Chinook helicopter crash in Scotland in 1994. "
I drew this lesson from the death of Army Intelligence officer Captain Robert Nairac who had infiltrated both sides, Loyalist and Republican, in an attempt to intensify the conflict so that each side would wipe each other out.
[RUC Constable William] McCaughey had stated: "the RUC in South Armagh are the UVF."
He told me that Martin O'Hagan [the late assassinated journalist who assisted Sean McPhilemy, the latter being the author of 'The Committee'] lived close by and could be dealt with any time. He then asked me if, from my conversation with Sean McPhilemy I thought he would be easily scared. I told him that I had not talked enough to Sean McPhilemy to be able to answer that question but I thought as a journalist he would be obviously difficult to put off what he was working on. I understood this to mean that he and others had talked or considered putting pressure on Sean McPhilemy to make him drop the story. "
Here you can get the transcripts of the Panorama (the BBC's main investigative programme) screenings that have definitively established British army and RUC control over the UDA at the time of the Finucane killing.
Specifically its the story of the main UDA intelligence officer in Belfast Brian Nelson who also worked for the British army in the guise of the FRU. Here is a quote from the transcript:
" By our count at least 80 people listed on Nelson's targeting files were attacked. 29 were shot dead. We do not suggest Nelson had a role in all these attacks.
What is clear is that only a tiny minority of the victims were involved in terrorism."
terrorist nelson carlin kerr infamous terrorist
'"IT IS as simple as this," the former intelligence officer says. "The British Army took an honest soldier, paid him to become a terrorist and then fed him the information he needed to set up Catholics for assassination. We turned an ordinary man into a monster."'
sbs magee court documents
"However, court documents leaked to the Sunday Herald show that Magee, head of the IRA's infamous internal security unit , was trained as a member of Britain's special forces. The IRA's torturer-in-chief was in reality one of the UK's most elite soldiers."
more on the FRU
Abu Qatada MI5
"One of al-Qaeda's most dangerous figures has been revealed as a double agent who fooled MI5, raising intense criticism from European governments who had repeatedly called for his arrest.
Britain ignored warnings from friendly governments about Abu Qatada's links with terrorist groups and refused to arrest him"
"With the U.S. bombing of the Afghan headquarters of Osama Bin Laden, the alleged mastermind of the terrorist bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the American public has suddenly been hit with wildly exaggerated newspaper articles and television reports depicting Bin Laden as some new "Carlos the Jackal," a semi-mythical figure at the center of "international terrorism."
Only in the fantasy-ridden world of Hollywood do "rich" "criminal masterminds" carry on their own wars and terrorism. Outside the world of James Bond, things work quite differently."
al-qaeda Manufactured Intelligence
"To kidnap, torture and execute people are terrorist actions which are in no way related to God or to Islam, and these actions are not rewarded by paradise as some ignorant Western media figures would like to believe.
The terrorist event of New York 11 September 20001, and the terror event of Madrid on 11 March 2004, and other terror events commonly connected to Islam, are clearly not related to Islam if we consider that the Al-Qaeda terror organization was established by the C.I.A in the 1980s. Al-Qaeda is nothing but a conveniently "Islamic" front which enables the C.I.A. to commit crimes in the name of Muslims. It is well known that the Mujahadeen terrorists of Afghanistan were organized, trained and funded by the C.I.A. using the Pakistani ISI as a "cut-out" in order to lure the Soviet Army into Afghanistan at the end of 1979. The Mujahedeen can be seen as C.I.A. terrorism with an islamic name and "islamic" perpetrators. Afghanistan has, for all purposes, been destroyed by these fanatics in furtherance of American interests."
"The alleged spiritual leader of the al-Qaida terrorist network is living with his wife and children in northern England, in a safe house paid for by the intelligence services, it was claimed yesterday.
Abu Qatada, a Muslim cleric believed by several European countries to be a pivotal figure in international terrorism, disappeared from his west London home in December, before a round up of alleged terrorist suspects. It was rumoured that he had fled abroad.
Time magazine's sensational but bizarre claim is attributed to senior members of European intelligence services.
The report says that Mr Qatada, claimed by some to be Osama bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe, and his wife and family are being fed and clothed by British intelligence. "
"Astonishingly, despite suspicions that he was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, al-Liby was given political asylum in Britain and lived in Manchester until May of 2000 when he eluded a police raid on his house and fled abroad. The raid discovered a 180-page al-Qaeda 'manual for jihad' containing instructions for terrorist attacks. "
Many interesting links.
Review of a book that links the CIA and Bin Laden's organisation.
The Hamas allegations. Arafat's version of its genesis and support :
'Dec. 21, 2001 (EIRNS)-In interviews with leading Italian publications, Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat went into some detail regarding the genesis and operation of Hamas. To Corriere della Sera on Dec. 11, he said, "We are doing everything possible to stop the violence. But Hamas is a creature of Israel which, at the time of Prime Minister [Yitzhak] Shamir [the late 1980s, when Hamas arose], gave them money and more than 700 institutions, among them schools, universities and mosques. Even [former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak] Rabin ended up admitting it, when I charged him with it, in the presence of [Egyptian President Hosni] Mubarak."'
Again its what this website has always claimed but nobody can dispute the very detailed nature of the allegations painted here and its historical roots which make an almost crazy assertion look a lot more plausible.
The US ambassador to Israel's "comments are an acknowledgement of what any serious Middle East observers knows: Hamas has always been seen as a tool by which Israel could undermine the nationalist movement led by Palestinian Authority President and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat."
Earlier goings on.
Speculation on a recent incident.
David Shayler states in local London newspaper: "I read some communication between [British MI5] officers in which a senior officer who had been looking into the Israeli Embassy bombing in 1994 said: 'I believe the Israelis did it themselves'. So this is not my ridiculous conspiracy theory. These are the words of a senior MI5 officer whose opinion is based on the investigation."[email protected]/msg107666.html
Sophie Claudet al quaeda mossad
'A senior Palestinian security official claimed Saturday his services had uncovered an Israeli plot to create a mock Al-Qaeda cell in the Gaza Strip, while an Israeli official dismissed the charge as "absurd".
Gaza head of preventive security Rashid Abu Shbak told journalists at a press conference that Israeli agents, posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's terrorist group, recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
"Over the past nine months, we've been investigating eight cases in which Israeli intelligence posing as Al-Qaeda operatives recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip," said Abu Shbak, referring to a series of e-mails and phone call conversations.'
al quaeda mossad Colonel Abu-Shbak
The above story from the BBC.
Israeli Roots of Hamas
[U.S ambassador to Israel Daniel] Kurtzer said that the growth of the Islamic movement in the Palestinian territories in recent decades-"with the tacit support of Israel"-was "not totally unrelated" to the emergence of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their terrorist attacks against Israel. Kurtzer explained that during the 1980s, when the Islamic movement began to flourish in the West Bank and Gaza, "Israel perceived it to be better to have people turning toward religion rather than toward a nationalistic cause [the Palestinian Liberation Organization-ed.]."
fake al qaeda Rashid Abu Shbak
involving a failed test Katyusha
suicide bombers Tooth Fairies
'According to United Press International,
“Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.”'
Welcome to Operation Gladio.
Now you know why Italians are conspiracy theorists , because the truth leads them there !
More on Gladio. The original website is now down , this link is to to a web cache of it. Notice how the CIA supported the Red Brigades as well showing clearly that the anti communist aspect is only a cover.,4273,4158945,00.html
Testimony of General Maletti as reported by The Guardian:
"Among the larger western European countries, Italy has been dealt with as a sort of protectorate. I am ashamed to think that we are still subject to special supervision.".
This is a very full article on Gladio from the respected Covert Action Quarterly no 49 summer of 1994.
"That the Red Brigades had been thoroughly infiltrated for years by both the CIA and the Italian secret services is no longer contested. The purpose of the operation was to encourage violence from extremist sectors of the left in order to discredit the left as a whole. The Red Brigades were a perfect foil. With unflinching radicalism, they considered the Italian Communist Party too moderate and Moro's opening too compromising. "
Here you can see the footnotes , in German though , to the article listed above.
" According to information developed by the Pike Committee (a congressional committee investigating CIA misdeeds), P-2 member Michele Sindona was the conduit between the CIA and the architects of "the Strategy of Tension." Formalized by Italian fascist Stephano Delle Chiaie, the Strategy of Tension was a program of terror designed to discredit the Italian left and provoke a reduction of civil liberties and a broadening of police and surveillance powers. Its ultimate goal was a restoration of fascism in Italy. Epicenter of the Strategy of Tension and the coup attempts of the 70's, the so-called "Super SISMI" group functioned as an intelligence service within an intelligence service. (SISMI is one of Italy's intelligence services.) Composed of P-2 members and their allies within the SISMI, the "Super SISMI" cynically created and manipulated terrorism of both the left and the right. One of the apparent victims of the Strategy of Tension was former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro. Having invited the Italian Communist Party into a ruling coalition, Moro was kidnapped and murdered by the Red Brigades. (An Italian parliamentary commission investigating the activities of the P-2 lodge found that Licio Gelli had helped to found the ostensibly left-wing Red Brigades, whose program of terrorism discredited the Italian left and weakened Italian democracy.)"
Breneke Remondino CIA P-2
[ex-CIA officer Richard Breneke in a discussion on Italian TV:] "The CIA money for the P-2 had several
aims. One of them was terrorism. Another aim was to get
P-2's help to smuggle dope into the U.S.A. from other
countries. We used them to create situations favorable to
the explosion of terrorism in Italy and in other European
countries at the beginning of the 1970s.
Q: Excuse me, but your statements are very
serious. You say that the P-2 was a creation, the financial
and organizational arm of the CIA to destabilize, to
run cover operations in Europe?
Breneke: There is no doubt. The P-2 since the
beginning of the 1970s was used for the dope traffic, for
destabilization in a covert way. It was done secretly to
keep people from knowing about the involvement of the U.S.
government. In many cases it was done directly through the
offices of the CIA in Rome and in some other cases through
CIA centers in other countries. "
philip willan namebase
" -- sponsored ostensible left-wing terrorism in an effort to undercut the electoral position of the Italian Communist Party, or perhaps to pave the way for a coup."
glaudio You had to attack civilians
"At the end of last month, Frank Cass in London released a new book by Dr. Daniele Ganser of the Center for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich called, “NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe,” which offers plenty of evidence that there was also a “Salvador Option”[a new Pentagon plan leaked by Seymour Hersh] in post-war Europe. It turns out that during the Cold War, European governments and secret services conspired with a NATO-backed operation to engineer attacks in their own countries in order to manipulate the population to reject socialism and communism.
It was called “the strategy of tension” and it was carried out by members of secret stay-behind armies organized by NATO and funded by the CIA in Italy, Portugal, Germany, Spain, and other European countries. The strategy apparently involved supplying right-wing terrorists with explosives to carry out terrorist acts which were then blamed on left-wing groups to keep them out of power.
Only three countries, Italy, Belgium, and Switzerland, have had a parliamentary investigation into NATO’s role and a public report. The US and UK, the two nations most centrally involved, are refusing to disclose details, so crucial pieces of the story are missing. Still, Ganser’s book offers some disturbing insights into a hidden aspect of the Cold War. "
Also covers Macedonia.
"The following are some articles dealing with Anglo-U.S. covert and not so covert sponsorship of 'Greater Albanian' terror in the Balkans."
On the Nis bus bombing , the police in Kosovo openly speculating about CIA involvement.
Sunday Times July 29 2001: "UN sources believe the suspect, Florim Ejupi, who was wearing a bright orange prison uniform when he vanished and was said to have cut his way through four sets of barbed wire fences with a simple tool, had been working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). His trial would have been a serious embarrassment, they claim."
Some interesting points on the rise of the KLA.
"The April 18 London Sunday Telegraph reported that SAS, a unit of the British special forces, is running two KLA training camps near Tirana, the Albanian capital. According to the Telegraph, the KLA units trained by SAS are infiltrating Kosovo, using satellite and cellular telephones to help guide NATO bombing missions. "
This is a fuller account of the leak in Germany of CIA planning as regards Kosovo Yugoslavia , that was mentioned in the above article, which was passed on to this website by Jurgen Reents, Press-spokesman of PDS at the German parliament.
"This text I am giving to a Catholic priest, who is a member of the Order for
Peace [Ordensleute fur den Frieden] here in Germany. I am doing so while
maintaining confessional confidentiality, and divulging no information as to
my identity. He will transmit this text on my behalf to those who need to
know the truth. I hold a high-security post in the government apparatus in
Bonn, and for reasons of conscience can no longer remain silent. The facts
that I am about to divulge are, for the better informed, examinable and
verifiable. Both the entire NATO propaganda staff as well as the Infernal
Trio, Schroeder, Scharping and Fischer, here in Germany are unabashedly
lying to the public with nearly every "fact" they present about the Balkans
War, while a willing media pack is keenly spreading these lies, unverified,
as gospel truth. About the current situation: The Federal Government knows
the true reasons why the people are fleeing and is cynically playing with
the calculated misery of the refugees in the border regions of Kosovo, in
order to maintain an image comparable to WW II deportations and "ethnic
cleansing". Neither the military intelligence arm of the Bundeswehr nor that
of the NATO have at their disposal photographic evidence, intelligence
knowledge, indications and proof leading to the conclusion that there is
systematic expulsion or deportation of refugees by the Yugoslav special
forces, army or police.
Furthermore, NATO officers are functioning as liaison
commandos for the KLA. The contacts that were necessary for this mission
were established by US and German officers, in violation of their mission as
OSCE observers, preceding NATO-attacks. Here the German parliament is being
as much taken for a fool as the general public.
The Chancellor and Foreign Minister knew from the outset that no Yugoslav
government could ever sign the occupation statute, as it appeared in
articles 6,8 and 10 of Annex B of the Rambouillet Treaty. Both understood
clearly that this would mean the end of Yugoslavia as a sovereign state. War
was therefore inevitable. Experts of the Justice Ministry poked fun at these
passages, these clauses NATO would give NATO the rights of a medieval
robber-knight throughout the whole of Yugoslavia.
Code named "Roots" - a covert action under which the CIA prepared the war -
the objective is the destruction of Yugoslavia through loss of Kosovo,
Montenegro and Vojvodina. Under the "Roots" operations, the USA has since
the beginning of the first term of Clinton's Administration been working -
in close collaboration with Germany -on this covert action of the CIA and
the DIA, and supported by the German secret service. The objective of
"Roots" is the military and ethnic destabilization of Yugoslavia, the last
bastion of resistance in the Balkans. The objective of "Roots'" is the
dissociation of Kosovo as the principal source of raw materials for
Yugoslavia though a comprehensive autonomy, by Albanian annexation or total
independence; the secession of Montenegro, its the only remaining access to
the Adriatic, and the dislocation of Vojvodina the "bread basket," and
another source of raw materials for Yugoslavia leading to the total collapse
of Yugoslavia as a viable, industrial state. Behind this action is Germany's
and the USA's fear that Yugoslavia will ally itself with Russia and other
former Soviet states once Yeltsin is replaced by communist and nationalist
forces in the near future."...from an automated translation from the german of the original webpage at:
we get this interesting continuation of the above text, the translation is obviously not perfect but the relevant points are I think clear:
"After old-Roman custom of the "Divide et impera" the operators of roots set on direct promotion of the large Albanian nationalism in the Kosovo, in addition, on the indirect financing of royalistischen Tscherniks and Serbian Ultranationalisten in the Kosovo by rich right exile-Serbian circles in North America and Europe, in order to provoke an ethnical conflict. Disappointing it ran for the "Roots" planners that 1997 appeared again a peaceful solution, when the moderate speaker of the Kosovo Albanians agreed contractually with the systematically daemonisierten Milosevic contractually to re-establish in the public education the autonomy. Now the CIA establishment UCK [KLA], based on the basis of forces of the Albanian Mafia, which, still like their Sicilian counterpart the mountain villages in the border area between Kosovo, controls Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, in the drug trade, smuggling, in extortion etc. actively is and a Kodex with blood revenge and the law of the silence operated, also in the Albanian civil war captured weapons on the plan called. Activities of peaceful reconciliation between Albanians and Serbs became by notices of the UCK from the ambush against Yugoslav police units prevented. Weapons had been captured sufficient in the Albanian civil war. The civilian population served as sign.
These actions were strengthened after the renewed meeting between Rugova and Milosevic 1998 and led as expected to over reactions of the police and military units in the Kosovo, which could be sold then in the west on the part of the NATO states and the UCK as first signs of ethnical cleanings. Of by the UCK was in this connection the speech, also not of it, murdered like the civilian population was never abused and only quite not from the Serbian-nationalistic chain dogs financed from the west, which were financed by the same circles right exile inheriting as in Bosnia Arkans Tigermilizen and Tschetniks. (similarly one financed from the west of Usta with the fights for the separation Croatia.)
In the same period the basis Montenegro became more American by promotion of NATO-friendly politicians and immense investments and European Union companies into the routistic infrastructure, as well as by structure of so-called "more pro-Western" private stations undertaken and the today's condition reaches that approx. half of the voters supported the present NATO-friendly government.
On the Vojvodina one took Hungary influence over the NATO candidate. Anti-Serbian rushing transmitters in the border area of Hungary to the province with a population of mixing from Serbs, Hungary and small German (more banal), Romanian and Croatian minorities should schueren resentment opposite close Belgrade. The bombs on the Danube bridges separate now purposefully the province from the remainder of Yugoslavia and promote on the one hand inevitably closer relations with the NATO member Hungary, on the other hand one the bombardment shows concentrated on the cities of the Vojvodina with by the majority Serbian population such as Novi Sad and the exception of the cities with by the majority Hungarian population, who now gentleman is in the country. If this preparation of a war of aggression with knowledge and approval of the Kohl government belongs and now with Schroeder, Scharping and Fischer accomplished, not before the international war crimes tribunal, then I know not, what is to be otherwise negotiated there. Conclusion with that NATO and CIA war against sovereigns Yugoslavia. The "Humanisten" is exposed. Bonn, 7 April 1999 sgd. Insider."
KLA CIA Aidan Laverty
"On Sunday, March 12, Britain's BBC2 television channel ran a documentary by Alan Little entitled "Moral Combat: NATO At War". The program contained damning evidence of how the Clinton administration set out to create a pretext for declaring war against the Milosevic regime in Serbia by sponsoring the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), then pressed this decision on its European allies. The revelations in the documentary were reinforced by an accompanying article in the Sunday Times."
KLA Leonid Ivashov PsyOps # FM 33-5
[ The head of Russia’s Defense Ministry's Central International Military Cooperation Directorate at the time of the Kosovo war , General ]"Ivashov testified that the US/NATO plan relied heavily on psychological operations. He said that these “PsyOps” included disrupting the peace negotiations, discrediting the Yugoslav and Serbian leadership, and encouraging terrorism in order to promote Kosovo’s secession from Yugoslavia."
Transcript of BBC programme on David Shayler (MI5 dissident) outlining his allegations of MI6 support for an Libyan Islamic "terrorist" group.
"It was only when I met PT16B discussing other matters with him that he mentioned this thing
in a kind of note of triumph saying that yes, you know, we've done it, you know, we are the kind of
intelligence service that people think we are almost, you know. My reaction was one of total shock. I mean
this was kind of really against what I though I was doing in the Intelligence Services. And against what
people had been telling me as well. I mean against what I'd been telling people. I mean in my job in MI5 I
knew quite a few journalists because I used to be a journalist, and from time to time a conversation would
come up about the work of the Intelligence Services and so on and I would say these stories are either
rubbish or.. you know.. somebody has completely misunderstood what's going on. Yes, and the
intelligence services don't get up to the things that were reported in the 1980s. I mean there have been
some bizarre stories about them being involved in murdering Princess Diana's bodyguard and so on. And I
was determined to tell these people this sort of thing didn't go on. But this was a kind of refutation of that.
Suddenly it was like this sort of thing does go on and I was absolutely astounded when I heard that this was
the case....."
The significance of this is that we now have from a very credible source an allegation that as late as 1996 British intelligence were using one of the large number of Islamic groups who have their
headquarters in london to overthrow a middle east government . Its a credible source because we know that Shayler was indeed a member of MI5 (appointed to the Libyan section) because the British govt. prosecuted him under the official secrets act.
(The document, the full CX report is printed here, doesn't prove MI6 involvement of itself , Shayler had that from another source , it just proves the existence and MI6's knowledge of the plot . Notice how the projected govt. was not expected to be pro-western which would further disguise MI6's hand in it.)
David Shayler:"We need a statement from the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary clarifying the facts of this matter. In particular, we need to know how around £100,000 of taxpayers' money was used to fund the sort of Islamic Extremists who have connections to Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network. Did ministers give MI6 permission for this? By the time MI6 paid the group in late 1995 or early 1996, US investigators had already established that Bin Laden was implicated in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Centre. Given the timing and the close connections between Libyan and Egyptian Islamic Extremists, it may even have been used to fund the murder of British citizens in Luxor, Egypt in 1996. "
More on the question of British intelligence's attitude to Libyan and other Islamic "terrorist" groups from the Washington Post Foreign Service Oct 7 2001.
'Among the thousands of dissidents who have found refuge here are dozens of activists allegedly linked with bin Laden's al Qaeda movement or associated groups. Over the years, some dissidents suspected by foreign governments of involvement in terrorist acts have been protected by the British government for one reason or another from deportation or extradition.......... and could be used as a subtle means of political pressure against authoritarian regimes, from Libya to Saudi Arabia to Yemen.
"Britain has been playing this game in the Middle East for a very long time," said Yosri Fouda, London bureau chief for the Arab TV channel al-Jazeera, who has made a detailed study of Islamic groups in Britain. "It's a political game that can be effective as long as you know how to play it, but it can also come back to haunt you."'
On the same subject from dawn the Pakistani newspaper.
"Following the Sept 11 terrorist attacks in New York, Britain has become the news centre of the world not merely for taking part in the fight against global terrorism but also for playing a key role in providing a logistics base for Islamic extremists and Al Qaeda itself. The recent raids in London and other British towns and earlier arrests of the suspected terrorists have shown that the UK does appear to be far more significant than previously thought.
In Washington, Paris and capitals across the Middle East and Asia, intelligence agencies are reportedly pointing to the UK some thing more than just a haven for Islamic dissidents and a centre for the dissemination of extremist propaganda."
Finally more details from a website that always pulls no punches, quoting David Shayler:
"We paid £100,000 to carry out the murder of a foreign head of state. That is apart from the fact that the money was used to kill innocent people, because the bomb exploded at the wrong time. In fact, this is hideous funding of international terrorism."
Curious links between British businessmen and arms sales to Libya and terrorist groups.
"Tiny Rowland Flirtations With Terrorism"
" A well placed and knowledgeable source has told This Writer that the fatal shot almost certainly came from the upper floors of No. 3 St. James Square - location of the secret joint MI5/CIA surveillance post. The operation was engineered to create public outrage that would have hardened the existing “soft” view of Libya by the British government. We were also told that the operation “planners” were concerned that deaths of Libyan protesters by Qaddafi’s own assassin, wouldn’t be enough to mobilise the government to take extreme retaliatory measures. Consequently, an additional target was chosen that was certain to inflame public opinion. Yvonne Fletcher was the sacrificial lamb." (A detailed account building on sources like a Channel 4 Despatches documentary of April 1996 and which raised questions by Tim Dalyell and others in the House of Commons.) and and this interesting site:
" In 1977, Edwin P. Wilson sold Libyan dictator Moammar Quaddaffi, 42 000 pounds (20 tons) of C-4, one of the most powerful explosives around, and perfect for terror operations Libya was on the US list of nations sponsoring terrorists, and was therefore off limits to this kind of business. .......Wilson was claiming that he had been working for the CIA when he sold the C-4 to Quaddaffi."
The Macedonian government and people have frequently said this openly as well.
"Introductory note: Emperor's Clothes has published quite a selection of articles which, though there are disagreements amongst them, point to the same indictment: Washington is the key force behind the terrorist assault on Macedonia",6903,449923,00.html
The Observer March 11 2001:"The United States secretly supported the ethnic Albanian extremists now behind insurgencies in Macedonia and southern Serbia.
The CIA encouraged former Kosovo Liberation Army fighters to launch a rebellion in southern Serbia in an effort to undermine the then Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, according to senior European officers who served with the international peace-keeping force in Kosovo (K-For), as well as leading Macedonian and US sources."
Rastanski Lozja Ljube Boskovski
Reported in the Cork Examiner: "Macedonian police gunned down seven innocent Pakistani immigrants, then claimed they were terrorists, in a killing staged to show they were participating in the US-led war on terror, authorities said.
Police spokeswoman Mirjana Konteska.......described a meticulous plan to promote Macedonia as a player in the fight against global terrorism that involved smuggling the Pakistanis into Macedonia from Bulgaria, housing them, and then coldly gunning them down."
A story from the recent past.
"Army General and Head of the PGR Releases Two Israelis Arrested With Guns and Explosives Inside the Mexican Congress."
Pierre Robert Mr Luc casablanca
"Rabat - French national Pierre Robert, who is on trial in Morocco for allegedly leading a Muslim extremist cell involved in the May suicide attacks in Casablanca, told a court on Monday that he worked for French intelligence. "
tiny rowland Beira Renamo
"When the security of the pipeline was threatened in the early 1980s, in the context of the expanding war between the Mozambican government and the South African-backed Renamo insurgents, Lonrho entered into direct contact with Renamo to arrange a deal.
In June 1982, a Lonrho subsidiary signed a secret protection agreement with Renamo leaders covering the Beira oil pipeline. The agreement stipulated that payments of US $500,000 would be made to Renamo each month from June to August, to be continued indefinitely thereafter, unless either party gave one month’s notice to terminate the arrangement. "
Recent attempts to destabilise a part of Namibia , this is August 1999 long after the fall of apartheid obviously.
The links between UNITA, lead by Savimbi, and the CIA are too obvious to bother documenting ! (but I have listed some under Angola).
Note that Namibia had sent troops into the Congo in support of Kabila who was being attacked by Rwanda and Uganda . For the western manipulations of the latter two countries see under Rwanda.
"Adding to its destabilizing activities in Congo Brazzaville and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, it appears that Jonas Savimbi's rebels were involved in the August 2 uprising in the Caprivi strip in northern Namibia."
The Namibian foreign minister notes this in the context of the new US war on terrorism.
"With US help, Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi not only tried to topple the Angolan government during the 1980s, but throughout the 1990s he armed rebels who undermined the newly democratic Namibia.
"They did this against our Constitution," says Gurirab, who for 27 years fought South African rule of the country now called Namibia, with the South West African People's Organiztion (SWAPO). "They were attempting to dismember our country by violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Namibia."
"All this comes in the same week that George Bush named John
Negroponte as head of the US intelligence services. Negroponte, in
his acceptance speech, said that his most important work in this post
would be to reform the intelligence services so as to be able to
fight with more efficiency in the war against terrorism.
The news was met with horror in Nicaraguan press. The headline in El
Nuevo Diario's Feb. 18 edition read "State Terrorist as Supreme Chief
Against Terrorism." The article went on to remind readers of the
horrors that were carried out against Nicaraguan citizens by the
contra forces, funded and trained by the US army in Honduras, and
against El Salvador citizens by death squads also funded and trained
in Honduras during Negroponte's time as US ambassador to Honduras
during the 1980s."
"CIA-fed media releases claimed that the United States had to fund the Contras for freedom purposes and to combat communism. The real reason appeared to be the profitable drug trafficking. My CIA contacts stated the CIA was shipping arms to both sides, defending this practice in a tongue-in-cheek comment, 'How else can the CIA keep the war going!'
The CIA sought support from Congress for its Contra operation by reporting that the Sandinistas were t
that the Sandinistas were trafficking in drugs and claimed that the Contras were not doing the same. Actually, U.S. intelligence agencies were selling arms to both the Contras and the Sandinistas and taking drugs as part payment. The drugs were then shipped back to the United States in the same aircraft used for shipping the arms."
Was the killing of Daniel Pearl all it seems? This is from one of Britain's biggest and most respected newspapers The Guardian April 5 2002:
"The principal kidnapper, the former LSE student Omar Saeed Sheikh - whose trial begins in Karachi today - has added to the mystery. He carelessly condemned himself by surrendering to the provincial home secretary (a former ISI operative) on February 5. Sheikh is widely believed in Pakistan to be an experienced ISI "asset" with a history of operations in Kashmir. If he was extradited to Washington and decided to talk, the entire story would unravel. His family are fearful. They think he might be tried by a summary court and executed to prevent the identity of his confederates being revealed.
So mysterious has this affair become that one might wonder who is really running Pakistan. "
More on the sort of leads that it seems Pearl was pursuing.
" It is also rumoured that Pearl was in fact especially interested in any role played by the U.S. in training the ISI or backing it in any way, especially during the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
"Details of any U.S.-ISI cooperation would of course not be appreciated even in Washington, especially regarding U.S. cooperation in promoting any kind of Islamic militancy," stated a source close to the Pakistan foreign office.",12469,1028044,00.html
23 aug 2003 rory mccarthy bin laden
From The Guardian newspaper :"Experts who have been following the attempts of the Pakistanis and the US to find the al-Qaida leader have suggested that:
· The Pakistani president, General Pervez Musharraf, struck a deal with the US not to seize Bin Laden after the Afghan war for fear of inciting trouble in his own country;"
osama dubai figaro Chossudovsky
"A recent Reuters report (11/13/03; scroll down) quoting Labeviere's book "Corridors of Terror" points to alleged "negotiations" between Osama bin Laden and the CIA, which took place two months prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks at the American Hospital in Dubai, UAE, while bin Laden was recovering from a kidney dialysis treatment ."
Robert Fisk: "Like the man accused of arranging the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, Mohammed was an ISI asset; indeed, anyone who is 'handed over' by the ISI these days is almost certainly a former (or present) employee of the Pakistani agency whose control of Taliban operatives amazed even the Pakistani government during the years before 2001."
(This site lists a lot of the internal contradictions in the story as presented by much of the media.)
The full article by Robert Fisk.
In the videotapes which Peru's fallen spy chief kept we have this nugget about Bin Laden's group hiding out in Lima , from Reuters. Lima was their 'rest area.'
See Columbia for American connections to Montesinos.
Long editorial from narconews which puts that fact in context.
"The Al Quaida network of Bin Laden could not have enjoyed such refuge in Peru without the approval of Montesinos, who ran Peru with an iron fist, and collected a fee from all whom he protected."
A radio interview with a former Army CID investigator Gene Wheaton:
"Well that's the, the turning the American public's brain to
cottage cheese so they don't look at the big issues. One of the
major covert operations these guys in Washington had going (and
again, this is sort of the "lunatic fringe"; it's not the
mainstream people. Because the mainstream CIA and Pentagon people
do not agree with what's going on.) They set up an operation
called "Operation Screw Worm", built this secret airbase down on
the Mexican-Guatemalan border and were moving weaponry down to
Peru, and being... ostensibly to furnish to the Peruvian
government to fight "Shining Path" revolutionaries and the drug
smugglers. But in fact, when the consignments would get down
there, the covert operators would break 'em up, *sell* *to*
*both* *sides* to *keep* agitation going and to *keep* the
business of covert operations and weapons movements viable. It's
the entire covert operations sub-culture, and the movement of
weapons around the world. And these paramilitary, low-intensity
conflict operations are *strictly* *business* with these men.
8,000 strong army is chasing a group said to be no bigger than 80 on an island 20 miles by 40 and yet American special forces have to intervene , strange.
This parish priest has a few theories though.....
'Amid the prolonged hostage crisis in the island-province of Basilan, a Catholic parish priest decided to reveal what he knows about an alleged military conspiracy with none other than the notorious bandits themselves.
Dominguez, a former Western Command Chief, branded Nacorda's exposé as "the concoction of a sick mind," adding only a person with a "sick mind" would say that the military has been using the Abu Sayyaf in a "vicious war game" in Basilan. "
Army spokesman Lt. Col. Jose Mabanta, meanwhile, stressed that an internal investigation concluded, "There is no collusion between Army officers and the Abu Sayyaf." '
The story of Angeles ,an account of one Filipino intelligence agent inside the Abu Sayyaf.
He says he planned some raids "to justify the signing into law of the proposed Anti-Terrorist bill pending in Congress at that time" .
This story proves that always the truth is stranger than the fiction.
Giving the background on the Abu Sayyaf.
And links to the military.
Where I found these links , there are a few more as well.
(And I thought Irish history was complicated!)
'Sen. John Osmeña [one of 24 Senators in the powerful Senate in Manila] yesterday accused Malacañang [Phillipine govt.] of fabricating the bombings and the disturbance in conflict-torn southern Philippines, saying the "manufactured situation" is mainly a plot hatched by the US government and Philippine Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes.
The strategy of Washington and Reyes, Osmeña charged in a statement, aims "to create a situation whereby military entry by the United States in Mindanao will be justified" and "to support the increased budgetary requirement by the (Philippine) Department of National Defense (DND) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) considering that a war in Mindanao will require a billion pesos a month of inflows." '
(More on Philippine politics here: ).
Michael Meiring CIA By Craig Hanley &? Jun Bersamin davao city
"What is unusual about the case, The Manila Times reported, is that Meiring [Described as a terrorist by Davao Prosecutors ] was: whisked out of Davao, past the Philippine National Police guarding him at the hospital, and on to a chartered plane, accompanied by what Immigration officials described as agents of the US National Security Agency and agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation."
The Manila Times quoted a friend of Meiring who said he was: told by a Filipino in Davao, carrying a message from the US Embassy that Michael would never be charged with a crime in connection with the explosion. The investigation will end up as a stonewall. Michael will be protected and...the incident will be shortly forgotten, if you re willing to forget it.
Officials in Davao City will not forget. The suspicious blast took place during a wave of terror bombings across Mindanao as US and Philippine troops conducted anti-terror exercises. President Arroyo threatened to declare a state of emergency and demanded that lawmakers rush through her tough new anti-terror bill. Rush it through they did.
Now Prosecutor Bendico says the US-shielded terrorist was trying to blow the hotel up."
(Big story in the media in the Phillipines.),3858,4733855,00.html
Guardian Friday August 13 2003
From the pen of the highly respected Naomi Klein: "Yet the Meiring affair has never been reported in the US press. And the mutinous soldiers' incredible allegations ['that the army has fuelled terrorism in Mindanao by selling weapons and ammunition to the very rebel forces the young soldiers were sent to fight'] were no more than a one-day story. Maybe it just seemed too outlandish: an out-of-control government fanning the flames of terrorism to pump up its military budget, hold on to power and violate civil liberties. Why would Americans be interested in something like that?"
A spokesman for the Communist Party of the Phillipines :"He said that the CIA's Philippine station also maintains a covert terrorist cell, which includes explosives, sabotage and psy-war experts recruited and handled by the CIA.
"All indications show that the series of bombings in Davao City and Koronadal were carried out by this CIA terrorist cell," said Rosal."
'U.S. military efforts to intervene in the Abu Sayyaf hostage crisis appears to be a turnaround from their reported links to the Mindanao extremists several years ago. In May last year, Senate President Aquilino Pimentel Jr. described the Abu Sayyaf (“Bearer [or Father] of the Sword” in Arabic) as a “CIA monster.”
Pimentel also cited revelations by a police asset, Edwin Angeles, who has since died mysteriously, that the military equipped the Abu Sayyaf with vehicles, mortars and assorted firearms for its raid of Ipil in April 1995. In the raid - the group’s first large-scale action - 70 people died while 50 teachers and schoolchildren were kidnapped.'
"Today, we all know that Mayor Climaco's killing was masterminded by a
few ranking officers assigned at the Southern Command (SouthCom) whose
main objective was to eliminate someone who was constantly interfering
with their multi-million peso criminal activities at the then Barter
At the same time, the military officers who plotted the mayor's
brutal murder had hoped to draw the Muslims and the Christians into a
Holy War --- using a popular US military tactic called "Divide And Rule"
which was widely used during the Vietnam War --- but somehow failed
after Malaya exposed the plot in a series of articles.
"Who will greatly benefit from the bishop's murder?"
If one were to ask this question here, surely majority of the
respondents would point to the military---since it is a widely known
fact that the Muslims loved Bishop De Jesus (his internment in Jolo at
the request of the Muslim populace there instead of his hometown in
Bulacan can attest to that).
As to the motive why the military would profit from the bishop's
death, there are many. Consider this:
* THE ABU SAYYAF MYTH --- In a situation like the one prevailing in
Jolo, Sulu right now, military generals assigned in the province of Sulu
stand to make no less than P2-million a day as long as the "full-red
alert" status remains.
The money comes from certain percentage of the hazard (battle) pay of
their men in active duty and deployed in the area. Generals also
reportedly receive part of the money used to procure more armaments to
be used in the make-believe military operations against Muslim groups
that do not even exist such as the Abu Sayyaf.
Last month, former SouthCom Chief Lt. Gen. Edgardo Batenga told
reporters in Davao City that the Abu Sayyaf Muslim extremist group never
existed and that the group was merely the "creation" of the government
and the military."
This describes the influence of the CIA in the Phillipines.
The observer on some politically convenient bombings.
"Evidence shows secret police were behind 'terrorist' bomb"
Prominent Russian politician/businessman says he has proof.
"Hot Spots" a documentary on Chechnya presented by Mark Urban, broadcast BBC2 Tuesday 10 August 2004
"For certain the FSB....provoked and instigated the second Chechen war." said by Boris Berezovsky.
Very detailed account by the same author as the observer report.
This includes a summary of recent revelations which are to be published soon by an FSB dissident , extracts have been published in a Moscow newspaper.
It claims a pattern of terrorist incidents blamed on the Chechens were in fact caused by the FSB. This is a chapter and verse account of who planted the bombs.
(Scroll down to the paragraph headed Caucasus / Chechnya.),2763,662476,00.html
Berezovsky rolls out the evidence.
Therein quoted : "What is then the purpose of today's FSB terrorist, according to Litvinenko, activity? In his response to that worrying question, Litvinenko recalls the situation when police asked security agents to form a gang to deal with unruly businessmen. In his opinion, the FSB resorts to terrorist acts like police to security agents. Same purpose, same tactics, but at a different level of authority. At the state level. Like in the case with police, the state hires, or puts up with, a gang of bandits to create an atmosphere of fear . To make people live in constant fear of terrorists so that they yield to passport checks . and sacrifice part of their freedom space."
References to the Baltimore Sun 14 Jan200 and this from The [London] Independent 6 Jan 2000:
"On the video, Lieutenant [in the GRU, Alexei] Galtin said he was captured at the border between Dagestan and Chechnya while on a mine-laying mission. "I did not take part in the explosions of the buildings in Moscow and Dagestan but I have information about it. I know who is responsible for the bombings in Moscow (and Dagestan). It is the FSB (Russian security service), in cooperation with the GRU, that is responsible for the explosions in Volgodonsk and Moscow." He then named other GRU officers."
Rizvan Chitigov the American
"MOSCOW, March 24. (RIA Novosti)-Rizvan Chitigov, who was killed in the district center Shali in Chechnya on Wednesday and was the third most influential warlord after Shamil Basayev and Doku Umarov, had graduated from an elite U.S. subversion and reconnaissance school and had served on a contract basis in a U.S. Marine battalion, Kommersant reports.
Marine dog tags indicating his name, and date and place of birth, were discovered on his body. "
Mr Berezovsky, [the powerful politician and businessman] now living in London, called a press conference to produce a British explosives expert, a French documentary-maker, a former Russian agent of the FSB (successor to the KGB), and a woman who lost her mother in the blasts, to accuse the security service and demand an official inquiry. "I am sure the bombings were organised by the FSB. It's not just speculation. It's a clear conclusion", Mr Berezovsky said yesterday."
beslan london Kamel Rabat Bouralha
chechnya Halo Trust FSB
From Reuters:'The FSB, a successor body to the Soviet-era KGB, said in a statement: "The FSB has reliable information about the training of mine and explosives experts for armed groups of international terrorists fighting in Chechnya.
"One group which is secretly carrying out such operations inside Russia is the international non-governmental organisation, the Halo Trust."
'"We have information that most of them are members of various British military structures and the leader, Matthew Middlemiss, is a staff military spy," the FSB said, adding that it was holding an unspecified number of the charity's workers.'
endnote 2
"Julie Corwin, "Lebed Posits Secret Agreement Between Basaev [Chechen rebel] and Russian Leadership." RFE/RL Caucasus Report, September 30, 1999. [Former Governor of Krasnoyarsk Territory, the late General Alexander ] Lebed made his accusations in an interview published on September 29 in Le Figaro, which is quoted by Corwin. Also see Anna Husarska, "Copycats," The New Republic, October 25, 1999, p. 50. Allegations against tycoon Boris Berezovsky were made in Moskovsky Komsomolets, September 14, 1999, and quoted in RFE/RL Newsline, September 14, 1999. General Alexander Korzhakov, President Yelstin's former chief bodyguard, accused Berezovsky and the Russian intelligence services of instigating the bombings. See Natalya Shuyakovskaya, "Korzhakov Says Bombings Were Berezovsky's Doing," The Moscow Times, October 28, 1999, p. 1. In addition to Lebed and Korzhakov, these charges were made repeatedly by cabinet-level figures in the "Fatherland" movement headed by former Prime Minister Evgeny Primakov and several Russian political analysts and journalists. The charges were echoed by Basaev and other representatives of the Chechen community."
(Obviously everybody is accusing everybody else of the bombings, the point is few now think it was terrorists acting without the support of someone in the Russian inteligence agencies or government.)
fsb Krymshamkhalov
"It was the FSB [Russian domestic intelligence agency] that ordered the attacks. The name of the FSB chief Nikolai Patrushev has been mentioned on several occasions," he [Krymshamkhalov charged as accomplice to the attacks] said in the letter to a Russian investigating committee and dated July 28, 2002.
theatre Khanpash
An interview with a Special Forces operative who was in the Moscow theatre posing as a Chechen terrorist.
It reads like something out of Le Carre!
"So it seems, the FSB and the MVD just trying to solve and acting out someone else's scenario.
During the second Chechen war such methods were well tested by military intelligence. The leaders of the so-called "squadrons of death" were the employees of the GRU. Executions of our compatriots without court hearings - it is their work. And neither the FSB and the MVD, nor prosecutors, or the courts can do anything about their bloody leadership. Then again, a common practice of the GRU squadrons is to use the Chechen bandits. And also, - their former victims (widows - who became such after the actions of the "squadrons of death") - since this is very convenient material for reaching the goals of terrifying all people.
So - was it them? Or someone else, unknown to us?
I don't have an answer. But it is very important to get to the bottom of this. And it is also, without doubt, necessary.
… So what did the people die for? What kind of an insane price is 129 lives?
Here is what we saw, when light was shed on a tiny part of the story about an agent provocateur of our days.
People have died, but the agent provocateur is thriving. And it is exactly him, who is a part of the political inner circle. He is well fed, looks well, and, most importantly, he continues… In the next few days he leaves for Chechnya. What will he prepare this time?
"I need 24 hours to meet with Maskhadov," he says.
"Only 24 ours?"
"Well, perhaps two days."
Khanpash is condescending towards the nanve. Towards us. "
theatre khanpash Terkibayev
"The author accuses you of an inclination towards conspiracy plots. .....How would you reply to this?
Anna Politkovskaya [the journalist on the above story]: No, I most definitely do not have inclination towards conspiracy plots. I can tell you quite openly - after “Nord-Ost”, a large number of foreign journalists and embassy employees came to our newspaper’s editorial office, and they kept asking the same question: “What do you think, are the Russian special forces implicated in this terrorist act? Did you, perhaps, notice anything suspicious?” Every time I answered that I saw no such possibility. Just because if I allowed for this possibility, it would be very difficult for me to live with it. But then, starting approximately in January, certain information has started to come to our editorial office. This information was evidence to the special forces’ complicity after all. I started to check the information for one reason only - to prove to myself that it is false. And, generally speaking, all this material arose from my attempts to prove to myself, that it is not so. It seems to me that all of this is monstrous. The reality that surrounds us is horrifying. It is horrifying that the special forces have more power than the President, than all of the authorities; it is horrifying, that the special forces make us jump through their hoops. I started at the opposite end - with the intent to confirm that it is not so, that the society is more powerful, that we live in a democracy. And then… It was a lengthy process. Preparing this article took a long time."
[I know the feeling !!lol]
"The authorities perceive society as a burden. The further away its representatives, the more boring are their faces, whenever society raises questions that concern it............Now, in the wake of universal capitalization, we have become a problem - the public with its questions. Representatives of power understand that without us, the "millet", they cannot have their desired delicacy - power - and so they prefer somehow to coexist.
Having analyzed this entire collection of diverse information there is one assumption that we can make: at various times Russia's special services have been linked to various provocations that have been necessary to maintain tension in the North Caucasus. But different special services have had a different relationship to different provocations."
Press reports on Ryazan et al.
'Moscow, 29 August 2001 (RFE/RL) -- The weekly "Novaya gazeta" this week caused a sensation with the publication of 22 pages of excerpts from "The FSB Blows Up Russia," a new book alleging to expose government complicity in hired assassinations and other criminal dealings.
The book, which has yet to be published, is co-authored by Yurii Felshtinskii, a historian and writer who emigrated to the United States in 1978. His writing partner is former FSB Lieutenant Colonel Aleksander Litvinenko.
The authors also examine the still-unsolved string of 1999 apartment bombings in Moscow and other Russian cities that left more than 300 people dead. Authorities at the time blamed the blasts on Chechen terrorists, and used the incidents to justify Russian military re-engagement in Chechnya. But Litvinenko and Felshtinskii allege that it was actually the FSB, and not terrorists, who were responsible for the bombings."
Felshtinskii says that after traveling to Moscow and speaking with a number of FSB officials, he concluded that his suspicions were correct:
"When it became clear to me that the FSB had organized the blasts, I lost my emotional block [telling me that such a thing could never happen]. The most difficult thing for us [Russians] is to believe that a branch of the state could blow up apartment houses in its own country. We all live with a sort of psychological block -- that such a thing is impossible."'
Referring to a TV programme on the Ryazan incident.,2763,761551,00.html
A Chechen 'terrorist' claimed to be working for British intelligence.
This covers the same ground as under the Congo but includes many interesting details of US support for the RPF in this country and the attack on the aircraft that started the genocide.
US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney: "Western countries have incited rebellion against stable African governments by encouraging and even arming opposition parties and rebel groups to begin armed
insurrection. "
More details of meddling by the western powers.
"For several years before 1994, the hostility between the Hutu-run government and the Tutsi exiles in the RPF was shaped by foreign powers. The French and Belgian governments backed the old regime to protect their interests, while the British and Americans sought to increase their influence in the region by supporting the RPF. From 1986, the RPF was openly backed by the government of neighbouring Uganda, which acted as an Anglo-American proxy. Rwandans serving in the Ugandan military received training from the British at their base at Jinja, Uganda, while the Americans began schooling the RPF leadership. RPF leader Paul Kagame, for example, attended the US army and staff college at Leavenworth, Kansas. From 1989 the USA supported joint RPF-Ugandan attacks upon Rwanda.
As American and British relations with Uganda and the RPF strengthened, so hostilities between Uganda and Rwanda escalated. By 1990 the RPF was preparing to invade Rwanda with the full knowledge and approval of British intelligence. Belgium then terminated its support for Habyarimana and shifted towards the RPF, allowing it to set up office in Brussels. This left France as Habyarimana's sole Western supporter."
Saudi Arabia,11599,787811,00.html
brit embassy riyadh kelso
"British embassy staff in Riyadh have been accused by the Saudi Arabian authorities of coordinating a campaign of anti-western terrorist bombings in the kingdom, the Guardian has learned."
From a book by Andrew Murray Scott and Ian MacLeay transcribed by a certain hard working 'scolaire bocht' !
"The powers of the PTA [Prevention of Terrorism Act] allow the police and Special Branch to perpetuate legalised terror campaigns against political activists. The , of course, entirely ineffective in stopping the terrorist bombings.....It is effective, however, in creating a climate of fear and mistrust in which everyone is prepared to inform on everyone else.
Through the use of agents and informants and the skilful treatment of "dupes" the State has thoroughly infiltrated and controlled the outbreaks of terrorism in Scotland."
Sierra Leone
Hints that deBeers backed the RUF rebels .
"Among the more interesting revelations surrounding Sankoh's capture is the discovery of documents suggesting the RUF was trying to negotiate, or maybe had already negotiated, an exchange of cash or arms for diamonds with several "well-known" international companies. This is likely to make those certain "well-known" companies look bad, mostly because the RUF's modus operandi is to chop off the hands and poke out the eyes of people who have nothing to do whatever with the government."
John Pilger agrees :
"A reliable source of what Tony Blair, Geoff Hoon and Robin Cook are up to in West Africa is the Wall Street Journal, the authentic voice of American corporate power. On 22 March, reports the Journal, the US embassy in Freetown called a top-secret meeting of the multinational corporations that control Sierra Leone's diamond mines, the Freetown government and the RUF rebels, whose territory includes the mines. The US and Britain had forced the government into a coalition with the RUF and demanded that Foday Sankoh, the RUF leader, was given immunity from prosecution and made minister for natural resources, meaning diamonds. That his men were then spreading terror by amputating the limbs of children was not a consideration."
South America,2763,194697,00.html
Operation Condor , Pinochet's interpol of South America , sort of....
"The 700,000 files, stored on the eighth floor of the supreme court in the Paraguayan capital, Asuncion, provide a detailed history of Operation Condor, the top secret organisation set up by Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Brazil in the mid-1970s to track down and eliminate political opponents. "
More on Condor and American govt. reluctance to explain its role.
And CIA involvenment ...
"According to recently de-classified files, the U.S. aided and facilitated
Condor operations as a matter of secret but routine policy. ....
Condor was a covert intelligence and operations system that enabled the
Latin American military states to hunt down, seize, and execute political
opponents across borders.
The regimes hunted down dissidents and leftists, union and peasant leaders, priests and nuns,
intellectuals, students and teachers--not only guerrillas"
Gives an overview of US involvement in South America. I appreciate that this website pulls no punches but surely most of this is disputed by few people now...
Review of a recent book on GAL.
" It has now been clearly established that the Socialist Party (PSOE) administration in the 1980s set up a series of death squads known as the GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación -- Anti-terrorist Liberation Groups). The GAL operated almost exclusively in the French Basque Country, where ETA maintained its organisational bases.
The death squads targeted leading members of ETA, but at least a third of their victims had no connection with terrorism. "
From the BBC , in case you dont believe the above!!
Emilio Suárez Trashorras
From The Times (uk) June 21 2004 "The man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the al-Qaeda train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the private telephone number of the head of Spain’s Civil Guard bomb squad, it emerged yesterday.
The revelation has raised fresh concerns in Madrid about links between those held responsible for the March bombings, which killed 190 people, and Spain’s security services."
Sri Lanka
This is a very detailed account but from a source that has so many curious stories it is hard to know which to believe.
Here he quotes many specific sources though including the mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky.
That this important source mentions Sri Lanka is confirned by the link below.
"According to accounts by retired officials of the Israeli secret service, the Mossad, the Israelis were simultaneously training the Sri Lanka Army and the Tigers, and providing arms to each. Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, told Indian Abroad news service in 1991 that the Tigers were trained in Israel in 1985."
The British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services, was simultaneously training the Sri Lankan Army and the LTTE."
Useful for corroborating the startling earlier reference , it simply says that Mossad "supplied the rebel Tamils with anti-PT boat arms to fight the government." (Do a search for Ostrovsky and its the paragraph underneath that ).
'In the case of [Sri] Lanka, a Mossad officer made a connection with the
country's leader, sold him military equipment, including PT boats for coastal
patrol, then turned around and supplied the rebel Tamils with anti-PT boat arms
to fight the government. It then trained "elite forces for both sides, without
either side knowing about the other, and helped Lanka cheat the World Bank
out of millions of dollars to pay for all the arms they were buying from them."'
American government support for the forces destabilising Sudan.
'"For the last eight years, the U.S. has had a policy which I strongly disagree with in Sudan, supporting the revolutionary movement and not working for an overall peace settlement."--Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, April 2001 '
Just to complete the picture here you can see how a Canadian oil company is calling the shots on the govt. side in Sudan.
'"America leads the civilized world in a war against terror," Jacobs said. "Here is a Western oil company, trading its shares on the New York Stock Exchange, instigating and funding the same jihad-terror that struck America."'
Tiny Rowland SPLA
"February 93: 'Tiny' Rowland, chairman of the Lonrho group and long-time back room operator in African politics, reveals that for the last nine years he has been a member of the SPLM/SPLA."
Amos Golan Cornershot Danny Yatom
"Jordanian sources said three Israeli nationals were detained and interrogated by Jordanian authorities over charges that they supplied weapons and ammunition to rebels in Darfour. The sources said the Israelis confessed to the charges.
The ringleader of the purported Israeli arms smuggling ring was identified as Amos Golan, the sources said. Golan operates a defense company in the Tel Aviv area and was said to provide training for militaries in Africa, Middle East Newsline reported."
Brian Smith oil china Garang Eritrea
"Mounting evidence of US destabilisation of Sudan"
Sunday times article outlining the allegations of Dino Bellasi. The allegation is usually given that he was ordered to set up a "secret army" by the head of the Swiss secret service Peter Regli.
Regli denies all , lets fly at Bellasi accussing him of a web of lies , and also criticises his defence minister for lacking courage, but resigns anyway.
The BBC on the subject.
Showing the initial shock that his allegations caused.
Now for part 2 of the Bellasi affair: the retraction and the embezzlement spin , so all is calm again on the alpine pastures.
He retracts all after an investigation into his case by one Carla del Ponte the then Swiss federal prosecutor.
Further information on the new settled state of affairs. However our new war crimes czar it seems has been accused of using "inadmissible" types of interrogation methods.
(How did this manage to be kept so quiet considering her sensitive new position ?) You have to read a number of different scattered paragraphs on that site to get all the information , its the Nyffenegger`case.
Look at the pressure Bellasi's lawyer is under as well , they were considering disbarring him for his frequent public statements on the grounds that he was illegally advertising legal services .
Maybe a fresh look at Regli might be in order , courtesy of a South African court.
Now who do you believe?
Duncan Sandys Matthew Jones
A recently discovered US and UK plan to destabilise Syria in 1957 as reported in The Guardian: "The report said that once the necessary degree of fear had been created, frontier incidents and border clashes would be staged to provide a pretext for Iraqi and Jordanian military intervention. Syria had to be "made to appear as the sponsor of plots, sabotage and violence directed against neighbouring governments," the report says. "CIA and SIS should use their capabilities in both the psychological and action fields to augment tension." That meant operations in Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon, taking the form of "sabotage, national conspiracies and various strong-arm activities" to be blamed on Damascus.
The plan called for funding of a "Free Syria Committee", and the arming of "political factions with paramilitary or other actionist capabilities" within Syria."
Zev Bruckenstein al-Qaeda cells
The author has agreed to release this detail on an anonymous basis from "A New Zealand security official [who] says his services have uncovered an Israeli operation to create al-Qaeda cells in Thailand. The security official in Thailand said Israeli terrorist are posing as operatives of al-Qaeda."
A car full of wolves..
"Turkey's Terrorists: A CIA Legacy Lives On"
More on the above.
A sophisticated analysis from the respected Covert Action Quaterly.
Further details on turkeys gladio , bringing together numerous articles on the grey wolves.
A discussion of the links between the Kurdish "terrorist" groups and Israel by a leading Mossad dissident Victor Ostrovsky:
"In fact, because of such Mossad activities and its casual attitude toward the export of high tech weaponry, Israel sometimes finds itself on both sides of the same conflict. This has been the case in Sri Lanka, Cyprus and Bosnia. Such also has been the case with the Turks and the Kurds. This is further complicated by the fact that the divided Kurds themselves are sometimes on more than one side of an equation. "
On some recent allegations of suicide attacks and human bombings...
United Kingdom
Qatada Hassaine MI5
Atif Ahmed Jacob Levich Moussaoui
Moussaoui "has persisted in naming Ahmed as both an al Qaeda conspirator and a British double agent. Moussaoui's claims are self-serving, since his defense strategy relies on establishing that the FBI and other intelligence agencies knew all about the terror plot, and therefore must have known that he himself was not part of the "Nineteen Martyrs Team." Yet his charge that Atif Ahmed was working for British intelligence is suggestively consistent with the apparent news blackout."
Jeffrey Steinberg Olaechea
"The American media have been typically remiss in their reporting of this phenomenon, of London's safehousing of leading international terrorists; however, since November 1995, at least nine governments have denounced London as the center for world terrorism, and each has provided evidence to prove it. In some cases, the protests have taken the form of official diplomatic demarches to British officials; in other cases, the protests have taken the form of detailed expose in the official government news agencies.
In April 1996, Egyptian Interior Minister Hasan Al-Alfi, told the London-based weekly {Al-Wasat} that ``all terrorists come from London. They exist in other European countries, but they start from London.''
(Peru , France, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Libya , Nigeria ..details listed .)
Linda de Hoyos bhutto
"Naturally, British intelligence or its subcontractors will tend to back all sides in a conflict--since the conflict, NOT the victory of any one side--is the goal."
Moussaoui Atif Ahmed british agent
'he plans to address the jury on his main obsession: that September 11 was known about by the United States but was allowed to happen in a murderous conspiracy designed to discredit the Islamic world.
He named in court Atif Ahmed, "who is a British agent who has taken a very important part of this", whom he wished to summon. "My aim in pleading guilty was to expose the information I have."',1284,649744,00.html
Investigation in The Guardian :'Documents compiled in Madrid, Milan, Paris and Hamburg and seen by the Guardian indicate that most of the known attacks planned or executed by al-Qaida in the past four years had links to Britain.
........A senior German intelligence officer summed up the mood [in europe with respect to al qaeda] when he said: "All the clues lead to London. All the roads lead to London." '
gordon thomas “That is why the kidon are there. They can make an assassination look like an accident"
United States
New York Times article on the first WTC bombing.,1361,583254,00.html
school of americas george monbiot
okc bombing Harry Everhart
al Qaeda stanley hilton double agents
okl politics of terror by david hoffman
The definitive book on the Oklahoma bombing fully researched and documented. The story that emerges bears no comparison to the public perception of the incident. The whole book is online here.
neil mackay urban moving
oklahoma PHOTO REMOVED Daily Oklahoman
super-Intelligence Support Activity
tehran times npr radio newscaster 9/11
twa Exposing The Truth Cmdr. Donaldson
An amazing although anonymous leak from a recently retired BND, German intelligence, officer :"Because of our intelligence findings, there is not one government in Europe that believes the official version handed down to the American people. That includes Tony Blair, Mr Bush´s staunchest ally.
Every prime minister and every president within the EU (and most not in the EU) knows that 9-11 was an internal operation, and though their intelligence services have made that fact known to their American counterparts, none dare address the US government directly. To some extent this is where Mr Rumsfeld´s "mad dog" policy had some success in the beginning. However, Germany´s foreign minister (and my last political boss) Joschka Fischer, saw off US pressure to commit German troops to Iraq by privately telling Rumsfeld that sanctions against Germany would result in his publishing these findings in the media and telling the world about it. It worked, and the Bush administration backed off. "
(Long detailed extraordinary account.)
This is useful in corrobarating the above otherwise incredible account. Many of those facts are echoed here and this is certainly not an anonymous source. Its from General Leonid Ivashov the Kremlin's soldier in charge of relations with NATO during the Kosovo crisis, during which he met Milosevic many times , and who has attended NATO conferences:
"A terrorist network whose purpose is to undermine Russia is organized and coordinated from London. There, under the wing of British intelligence, thrive the world's most radical Islamic terrorist organizations, such as the "Islamic Liberation Party", the "Worldwide Islamic Front", the "Defenders of Shariat", the "Mukhadjiri" movement, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and others. I've named only those organizations which are forbidden in the majority of Islamic countries. In London also are located the nerve centers of Chechen terrorism along with the bank accounts of the terrorists.
Especially alarming is the possibility of nuclear terrorism. Let's analyze a curious chain of events which occurred recently: First, the Pentagon orders a study on the possible consequences of a portable nuclear device exploding in a Moscow-type subway system. Then information appears in the press that 'Al-Qaeda' possesses such a weapon, along with rumors that such weapons were sold by the Ukraine. And finally, the final link in the chain: on February 9th [2004] an explosion (conventional, for the time being) occurs in the Moscow underground. Was this the finale, or merely a dress rehearsal for a more serious nuclear attack yet to take place? "
chavez Over 'Terrorist' Plot
'"Over there, in U.S. territory, people are conspiring against Venezuela, terrorists are being trained," Chavez said.
"If they (the U.S. authorities) are really fighting terrorism as they say, they should act against these terrorists who are threatening Venezuela," Chavez said.'
Western Europe
Good on Italy but also Germany , Belgium Greece and some on Britain. I think it is fair to say that this story of gladio is established and I think accepted as part of the modern history of Italy.
'"We "had" at least one newspaper in every foreign capital at any given time."
- a CIA admission in 1977, referring to European papers owned outright
or infiltrated sufficiently by the Agency to print stories which were
useful to the CIA or to suppress those it considered detrimental.'
Covers France , Algeria and Italy.
(Maybe a small bit speculative, a comment which no doubt could be interpreted as the pot calling the kettle black !)
'Yemeni officials retaliate by arguing that the West, and Britain in particular, is not doing much to neutralize the fund raisers, whom they describe as the lifeblood of groups such the Islamic Army of Aden.
Yemeni officials sent Tony Blair a bulging dossier on what they allege British Muslims (including the notorious cleric Abu Hamza) have been up to inside their borders. In Sanaa, government officials are astounded that Britain has not acted on their information.
As one senior figure in Sanaa says, "The really bad men, like bin Laden, don't fire the guns, they pay others to do it for them." '
It seems the US was meeting some rebel groups in eastern zaire prior to the large conflict errupting there, testimony given before the committee of the house of representatives.
[ex NSA Wayne] "Madsen said the US military worked with Rwanda and the Congolese
rebels to overthrow Mobutu. He said they again supported the
rebellion against Laurent Kabila because "by 1998, the Kabila regime
had become an irritant to the United States, North American mining
interests, and Kabila's Ugandan and Rwandan patrons."
"The United States has a long history of supporting all
sides in the DRC’s civil wars in order to gain access to the country’s
natural resources."
Just some background on US involvement in the Congo , benevolent it was not!!
In this article a 24 year veteran of the CIA confirms that Mobutu was a CIA asset from before he took power which is an important confirmation of the facts outlined in the above article. Otherwise this website talks about the incredible size of the US intelligence agencies.
a bunch of references from Phoenix magazine and Indymedia, stuck together with no structure, logic or any proof of association. What a joke. ANy wonder there's been no comment on it - ploughing through this crap is tedious as hell.
And why no mention of Sinn Fein/IRA spying and intelligence gathering in Ireland? Don't you find that sinister? Or how about Frank Connolly's sham of an oepration the US-religious right-backed Center for Public Spying, an intelligence gathering operation for Sinn Fein/IRA? When you are going to start dealing with the real Stasi in Ireland - Sinn Fein/IRA? Or don't you find that remotely Orwellian?
i post at many many indys around the world, and without a doubt indymedia ireland is the most censored of all indy sites, and there are many indymedias which are censored now having been bought out by israeli interests...I think indy ireland is just a bunch of backwoods catholic (Israeli britainnia lovers) idiots scared of the truth and the future....Bill Gallagher
''The spraying of powdered materials throughout the skies of the world is happening on a daily basis everywhere. This has been going on with increasing frequency since the so-called “Election” of the bush crime family to leadership positions in America. Hardly a day goes by now where jets do not lay down chemical trails in grids and canopys. This is support for technology being used against the population of the world. Its main goal is control of food and water through weather modification, but the vast vast expense of this program, as well as the classified technology of corporations such as Time Domain Corporation, suggest even greater goals are being obtained in conjunction with the attempt to lock down food and water. Monsanto Corporation is also deeply involved in this illegal take-over, and many others. Electro-sensitivity of the soil itself will only allow gm crops to crow eventually. Get it? I knew you would.''
I dont think you could say that Phoenix is a particularly left wing or anti establishment magazine. Its owned I think by the family of the late General Mulcahy's family, staunch Fine Gael stock. I think its fair to say as I said that it is an Irish version of Private Eye and I think its modelled on those lines. Maybe the new Village magazine would be more a kind of left wing magazine, and in general Vincent Browne and Eamonn Dunphy on the radio I think are more anti-establishment figures right now.
I think its unfair too to be so disparaging to those who submit stories to Indymedia. Im sure the vast majority of those accounts are true and authentic. Its seems to me a better idea to believe ordinary peoples accounts and experiences than it is to trust official sources or the main media organs which usually only rely on those sources for their stories.
Toneore you obviously havent finished reading the thing that you say I dont talk about the paramilitaries! I do I just see them as controlled by the intelligence agencies so there is not much point in talking about them in isolation. Anyhow I know it is a bit long alright.......
I don't have the time to read all this just yet, but this, from the excerpts I have looked at, the most interesting thing to appear on Indymedia in a long time.
Toneore, of course, was all like;
"a bunch of references from Phoenix magazine and Indymedia, stuck together with no structure, logic or any proof of association. What a joke. ANy wonder there's been no comment on it - ploughing through this crap is tedious as hell."
1. There are many refrences there, not just from indymedia and phoenix, but from published biography i.e Gusty Spence for one, news articles, and a lot of other asssorted references. And no, they are not some examples of conspiracy drivel drawn from David Icke.
2. Tedious as hell for one headline morons like yourself and that nonce Noel, maybe.
Nope, I gotta get time out to read this fully, it is a great article about how intelligence agencies operate around the world as well as in Ireland. Considering the fact that the Morriss tribunal has published it's findings, yet the Gardai involved seem to be getting full pensions etc, makes assesments such as Brian's all the more valid.
Of course, Brian, if it's a nice job at the Sindo you want, and you don't want great columnists like David Quinn to be comparing you to 'the likes of Robert Fisk', then don't bother writing articles like this.Seriously, though, great effort, hope it is not wasted. Must get back now, I'll read this in full tomorrow.
I don't recall asking you to open your cakehole on this topic. But seen as how you're so keen to shoot your yankee loudmouth off, how about giving us a little article on "Orwellian America" ......
Try to keep it short ..... so that it's suited to the average US citizen's attention span ..... and don't use too many polysyllabic words .... gotta take care not to provoke any cognitive overload .......
Ya'll don't be takkin like that to that there my brudder.yall aint got a good words a say bout God, Presdent Bush, yall buncha dumbassed pinko asswipes,.Shet yer big mouths
Noel , nonce...... hahaha summed it up better than i ever could . toneore at his usual bollocks i see . cant argue a point that man . how much is he paid for this shite anyway
I thought it might be easier to read this article as a pdf book. I have added in a few other articles and some new stuff as well. I hope you like it , you can see it on the web at .
MI5 hacks in fleet street? surely not?
The likes of Con Coughlin has good contacts is all:)
Martin Ingram Aka Ian Hurst is a liar.Soldier of Fortune.Mercenary.Only interested in making money.He is a con-man who will sell his lies to anyone who will pay for them. He is a court jester and clown.
The person who calls himself Martin ingram but is in fact ex Int Corps SSgt Ian Hurst (known as rocky) is a liar of the highest order. His book STEAKNIFE is almost complete fiction, as are his assertions that Martin McGUINNESS was an agent of the state. He is dementedly lying completely about his past service in FRU. He only ever served in sleepy backwaters of the Province and never came face to face with anyone except low level eyes and ears agents. He never ran STEAKNIFE or even met him. In short, his book is a complete fabrication based on god knows what. He endangers the lives of serving and former soldiers as well as civilians with his ridiculous fairy tales. Hopefully he will appear in court at some of the current inquiries and investigations so he can be shown to be the liar he really is.
This message comes from
Martin Ingram to Mountjoy Cellar
I found this very interesting article online, and could not help but post it here as your page directly is talking about the same topic of Cardinal Hoyos, SSPX, and the Latin Mass, so please I would love to read some reactions from a Traditional Catholic prospective, I am actually a High-Anglican who LOVES the Latin Mass, and I am thinking of "crossing over" like Tony Blair, but I need to know more about the Moral Veracity of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement. Honestly, I am content with the Oxford Movement and the books of Cardinal Newman have brought me closer to Roman Catholicism, but articles like this and anti-Semitic rages of Mel Gibson concern me and keep me looking in from the outside!
Any consolations would be appreciated.
In Christ,
Text of Article I found here:
Hello, could anyone answer this scholarly question? Does (Catholic or non-Catholic) anyone know the FARC-EP's Stance (or Political Policy) toward the Latin Tridentine Mass...or Old Roman Rite Latin Mass? I know that some Colombian Rebel Movements (FARC, ELN, etc) in the 60s were found, funded, and organized by so-called Catholic priests who some were generals (jefes), is that really the truth? Yes you know, in the 1960s, there was only the good Old Latin Mass before those Conciliar Changes of the Vatican II Council circa 1969 took place. I read that in Communist China, the government of Communists allow a special Church called the Chinese Communist Patriotic Catholic Church to exist (in fact they use it for their political purposes), this sect rebelled from Rome, still they celebrate the Old Latin Mass Liturgy (pre-Vatican II style) with their valid succession of bishops, anyone know about this (anyone from China)? Yet, I admit that, I am not sure does Pro-Chavez Communist Army called the FARC-EP have chaplains (deacons, priests, bishops) like a regular governmental military? Do they have a Seminary? And how about the ELN too, (Padre Torres?), and the various other rebel groups- there are many of them in the montanas? Do these various schismatic groups communicate together for special feasts like Christmas(~Communcatio in Sacris)?
I was wondering if they tolerate Traditionalist Latin Mass Catholic Priests (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, FSSP)? Also what is their official policy toward the Greek and Russian Orthodox Priests? Do they like Putin's Patriarch Alexis? Someone said they kill priests a lot (and a bishop in Cali), is that really true or a lie?
Frankly, I am a little worried to hear Chavez mentioned in Peace Talks, I read he is involved in the Sin (Betrayal) of Communicatio in Sacris with non-Catholics (like Muslims). Where is Tony Blair in this mess (I hear he likes the Old Latin Mass as he left the Anglican Communion)? I have to tell you, that I am no theologian, actually, I read these matters from a new and brave scholarly book written by a Hispanic-Latino Professor, Dr. DeTucci (I think he studied at Harvard and the Javierana in Bogota, Colombia?), you can browse the book online by going to Lulu Bookstore:
Dear Colombians (and Venezuelans), in my studies, I also read the Liberator Simon Bolivar forbade Non-Catholic Churches in Gran Colombia (and any "Communicatio in Sacris"), is that true? I read this Time Article that confirmed these Bolivarian Laws:,9171,937395...oglep
I guess Bolivar was very Anti-Masonic, right? Does Harvard-educated President Alvaro Uribe take a stance on this or is he Indifferent? Or is Uribe under the control of the AUC, or not? I read online that Scholar-Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos of Medellin, Colombia (Bishop Prelate and Vatican Official of the Latin Tridentine Mass Indult Commission Ecclesia Dei--which ironically is trying to heal the Latin Schismatic Rebel Groups formed by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of France which extend globally including in Europe and the Americas, now headed by Monsignor Fellay) is actually a secret-Jefe Lord of the Right-Wing AUC, is this true? Further I read he also has helped the M-19 Blocks officially pontificating as their Bishop during the Solemn High Pontifical Old Latin Masses that were held for Medellin and Cali Cartel Families, and of course he must of collected their rich donations or la comienza they call it. Does anyone reading this, or perhaps sharing this, have revealing intelligence on this grave scandal (tell me)? Honestly, I suppose and I guess that this big rumor may be leaking around also (esp. in Caracas) that Hoyos also helps certain Israel/Zionist Programs with financial laundering (washing the dinero) of funds under the guise of Vatican-Church Hierarchy ( e.g., the Most Holy Family Monastery's Michael Dimond has been cited by some Bp. Michael Carter as being the Zionist Superior Jefe of this Programe). Further, I saw on television recently (Univision) that Director Oliver Stone (a Socialist) is investigating this whole Latin-Colombian Schism and claims to have the scoop of inside information on Uribe, Hoyos, and Friends to definitely expose them in a High-Budget Documentary that will be released to movie theaters around the world (in Spanish and English). May I guess there is a certain Liberal-Socialist Bishop Jason Spadafore (from Palma de Troya, Spain) involved in the fiasco? I guess so!
Please share this reading and write me if you have something to share.
P.S. Frankly...I also read about Vlad Tepes, a Catholic Prince who resisted the Turkish Muslim Invasion in Romania, he is a national hero to Romania, and he actually died a Roman Catholic! Vlad certainly put fear into his enemies by his strict justice, and his enemies lied that he was a vampire to demonize him. So people can make up stories about people, and call them terrible things, like a terrorist. You can read more here: