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4th Global Forum to combat C-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n (& Bolivia)
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Tuesday June 07, 2005 12:35 by i - "compare & contrast Africa of the Poor and the Americas of the Poor"

"From words to deeds" = "From w-o-r-d-s to d-e-e-d-s"
the 4th Global Forum to combat "-" has opened in Brazilia, Brazil.
The event will bring together important actors in the fight against corruption from Brazil and abroad. A series of panels, lectures, and workshops will be offered to discuss issues such as money laundering, conflicts of interest, and public procurement under the overarching theme “From Words to Deeds.” And set against the backdrop of the resignation of President Mesa in Bolivia for the second time this year, and allegations of wide scale c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n
in Brazil itself, the conference will see leading lawyers and experts on the c-o-r-r-u-p-t of their own countries come together and swap stories on how bad the b-a-s-t-a-r-d-s were and are.
"The program for the IV Global Forum on Fighting Corruption (IV GF) – “From Words to Deeds” – will be divided into eight workshops centered on the key issues on the international agenda regarding illegal activities directly and indirectly related to corruption. The discussions will examine the concrete measures adopted by individual countries to prevent and fight corruption. Participants will consider questions such as crimes linked to money laundering, international convention monitoring mechanisms and e-government, among others.
In addition to the workshops, the IV GF will offer the public the opportunity to take part in six panels, specifically, The Role of the Media, The Brazilian Experience in Fighting Corruption, Enhancing Integrity in Border and Fiscal Agencies, Political Financing, Law Enforcement and Ombudsman – as well as seminars given by specialists on issues connected to the event’s central theme."
The invited guests include the people who smellt out the smelliness in Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuala, Colombia, (all of the continent).
And of course Lulu faces accusations today that he or his office knew and know of payments (b-r-i-b-e-s) which have consistently been made since the dictatorship by the ruling socialist party PT to ensure their control of the federal government.
The Site of the IV Forum on Combatting Corruption
The Bolivian story
last resignation-
today's resignation follows a return to the streets of the capital by campesinos and renewed pressure on the regime by social movements, with the addition this time of a delegation from the new Pope, PapaRatzi sent a team to observe and bark.
So far, the opposition are sceptical that Pressie Mesa is gone now, (as in not coming back) [ as in que se vayan todos! ] because his second resignation this year has not used the word "irrevocable".
This resignation message was not made under the duress of the last one.§ion=internacional$1410000000$3052311&f=20050607
Links in Engurlish the tongue of Sandymount strand-,1280,-5057043,00.html
"In 1993 the historian Carlos Mesa wrote a book: Bolivian presidents: Between the ballot box and the gun. More than two decades later, Mr Mesa can claim first-hand experience at the helm of the turbulent nation".............
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3You'll not have forgotten about mister Pinochet will you?
The charges of "c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n" were added to the list today. You'll have noticed that he goes in and goes out, goes gaga, goes to the health clinic, his kids can't behave themselves, his old mate the german got given a revolver and the option to behave like an officer and gentleman & "sort it out himself" and used it on the police sent to take him away the next day & yet he hasn't gone down yet,
odd isn't it?
you'll get that.
The charges of c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n had not previously been on the list, and mister pinochet and supporters had claimed that though the regime saw hundreds of thousands people dissappear, or suffer torture, and earn the support of Vatican number 2, cardinal soldano, and be fully supported throughout by the USA and UK under thatcher -
"it was all really clean".
"once is spanish for eleven"
other links:,2458,640889,00.html
Pinochet is asking can his old immunity not cover allegations of b-r-i-b-e-s and c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n & all the other little decisions that get made on the QT.,2458,640889,00.html
no that old immunity doesn't. He's 89 years old now.
he'll be past saying he got alzheimers soon enough.
bad old b-a-s-t-a-r-d
use the noodle. soya noodle.
Chile elected a left wing government which wanted to nationalise resources including copper, the U$A said no, and helped Pinochet to power. He now faces charges for corruption, and no more operation condor murder charges. That is history.
Zimbabwe went through post-apartheid seeing a supremacist regime declare unilateral independence from the UK, and the popular regime of Mugabe install itself and in the same period of time become one of the most loathed brutal regimes of Africa.
That is history and todays general strike news.
Brazil went through dictatorship like most of the south american continent, and eventually embraced a popular democracy whose socialist party are now embroiled in allegations of bribery.
That is history and today's news.
Bolivia history and news.
the various government minister and heads of the judiciary are resigning as they resign the constitution places the duty to form an interim government in yet more politicians hands who no-one ever voted for thinking "he'll be the provisional president, hola presidente!". Meanwhile the USA opposes the will of the bolivian people to nationalise their resources.
The USA wants that gas.
So choose your solidarity.
"Elections now free and fair"
"all power to the peoples' assemblies"
When history seems to repeat it is only because someone forgot to stamp their heel on that little rat's tail.
the ministers are led in importance by José Dirceu (his right hand man)
The scandal is really hitting the Brazilian PT, a bit ironic considering the really good message they were trying to send with the conference.
I suppose there might be a lesson in this for us all.....
= any chance of a international conference on g-r-a-f-t in Ireland?