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The Sunday Papers. "your choice always was" edition.

category international | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Sunday June 05, 2005 19:46author by iosaf mac d. the ipsiphi Report this post to the editors

Verum opere in longo fas est obrepere somnum :: Indignor quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus

It has long been observed that on their non-banking days, people generally have more time to pursue their liberty & happiness, do their neverland things, enjoy the fruits of their labour, spend time with their family, relations, kids, friends. Some garden, some do long division sums, some protest, some even vote, some worry about themes of the day like War, Europe, Terminology, or indeed the themes of the immediate season - bird migration, global warming, Europe, War, sport or those which never go away such as Europe, War, whatever you understand by "babalon".
"we're on our way to the thrilling movies, & we'll know what we're going to watch when we get there"
"we're on our way to the thrilling movies, & we'll know what we're going to watch when we get there"

The last week has seen three referenda celebrated in Europe on European Union affairs. The french and dutch rejected the draft constitution, and as of writing the results of the Swiss ratifications of Shengen and Dublin treaties are unknown.

The consequences of the rejection by arguably the most established european electorates (those of Netherlands and France) yet asked to ratify the expansion of the multi-layered economic, political, security, environmental, market, geographic and cultural treaties and accords in their first unitary presentation, a lengthy document of over 170 pages written by Valerie Giscard d'Estaing a former president of France have been far reaching and will continue for more time than any national state government relishes.

Set against the backdrop of a much weakened government in Germany (by regional elections) which faces early general elections in September, and equally important recent munical election defeats suffered by Italy's governing coalition, and the election to the third term of whomever it is that rules UK (they must be a dream team of expansive talents and hooded shadowy agenda touching occasionally on phantasmagoria, yet more on wanton popularism & all to often deepest nightmares) indications are that "€urope" is on the table. (The surgical, dining, coffee, café, mapping, observation & work table).

Thus 2005 will be the first summer in recent memory that sees a weakened western contintental european political class not really enjoy their holidays.

One of the important gigs, we remember is this year's G8, an annual farcical summit of the powerbrokers of neo-liberal globalisation, and the current representatives of some of the most ancient brokers of power who've enjoyed much the same seating arrangements, and been the subject or object of the diplomacy and commerce, war and death for most people's of the planet.

G8 is thus the modern "tippy toppy" terminology for
what is better understood as "the imperial congresses", the meetings which give us the treaties by which we measure our history and geography. & as tippy toppy terminologists, we have joined Lazarus by the gate demanding crumbs and worldly scraps of comfort and mercy for as long as any tippy toppy journalist cares to write up-

This year's G8 will see us: "the shadowy anarchists" and pals, retainers and charges, girl and boy friends, dogs, cats, and pets of all descriptions, try new tactics and do our best to avoid the tragic and completely avoidable deaths which have seen the main object of our epic and dramatic confrontation with those by whom we fight our global enemies, (for never forget they are only politicians and economists) which all to often is reduced to a mere scuffle with the local plod (with or without adecquate training, or license to firearms or not).


Lebanon has also gone to the polls in the Beirut and Southern sectors last week and today


The command structure in Afghanistan has altered, the opium crop is in its first harvesting, but Mr OBL hasn't been taken in yet.

SE asia Oceania

China is disputing asylum claims by a member of its diplomatic legation who is looking to australia for assistance, and the recent diplomatic conflict with Japan has cooled down, the european tour of visits by the imperial family are now seeing the first return dates, and Japanese contribution to the G8 will see the table set for new containment strategies on the Korean peninsula for early Autumn (autumn = fall if you're either a US or Canadian G8 delegate).

tá fhios agaibh, cad a smaoineamh mise.

My home & house and neighbouring surrounds-

France has begun the prime ministerial term of Dominque de Villepin who has asked for a 100day appraisal, which indeed "mon cheries" he'll get.
Tomorrow he meets representatives of the trade unions to discuss summer time, employment measures. This as any national state economy manager knows, will be quite a task especially in summer. & as any economist or €uropean integration "free-market-neo-liberal-globalisationist"
will happily tell you, it shall push the enveloped of free market interventions and tweaking of subsidies and selling off some family plate to achieve. {Perhaps they could see off the little forks no-one ever uses properly?)

Catalonia, is grand, getting along nicely, bit hot, but sure we have the mountains and the sea, football could be better, new bats have been noticed in the forests, but the prawn count is down, the tourists are still fun to laugh at, and we would be lying if we said it was all hunky dory, but this is sarcasm, - Use Your Imagination.

Spain, is facing a regional government election soon, which will see the founder of the PP, Mr Fraga, face his electorate in Galicia possibly and plausibly for the last time as president of the Xunta (the local government). This democratic process and consultation is being felt by many not least the PP themselves as a test of their future direction and relevance to the country. Yesterday saw all high level members of the PP including the former cabinet and prime minister Aznar (but with the exception of Fraga) attend a mass demonstration in Madrid called by the "victims of terror association" which numbered 1million (according to organisers) or 250,000 according to police.
Carrying banners such as "eta=mafia", "spain united will never be defeated", "no treaty", "no surrender" and so on, this demonstration saw the Zapatero regime challanged for the recent overtures and speculation that there may be moves to a treaty with eta. This use of democratic protest and expression may not be disregarded by the government and must be considered to have an effect on the galicia problem. Conversely, the leader of the illegalised basque party who was released on bail of 400,000€ has used his court appearances on friday to call tribute to a former leader of eta and batasuna who died in his 80s he is charged with being a leader of the illegalised group.

South & Central America-
things are very interesting, and more articles on the continent will appear on the newswire in the next month, meanwhile 'tis always worth learning spanish and portuguese.

All to often the continent is reduced to cliché after cliché of gesture politics, popularism, weak references to the scourge of corruption and war.
Those problems of corruption and war, are not more or less important than exploitation, the lack of autonomous aid in health and education and effectively enforced international judicial process.
We shall therefore compare and contrast South America and Africa this coming month.

Levant & Maghreb "the islamic world"
There can be no shrinking away from the certainty that the first years of this century have brought increased instability and reactionary religious conservatism and generation immigration for the region. Mistakes have been made of appaling consequences and the escalation we have witnessed in set to continue and worsen.

Artic & antarctica
Exploration and investigation projects by scientific institutes increasingly supported and guided by multi-national-corporative entities has further compromised and weakend global accords on the inviobality of these territories, and the prohibition of their exploitation. There also melting. And we dont want to see the new Nestlé double directorship plan bottling artic water for the thirsty of africa on a massive profit quite yet.

One of the last frontiers, (the japanese are going to the centre of the earth) no-one can here you scream, stay out of it, there are now more effin satelites up there, which fucks your dish up, and now you need ever more sophisticated tracking software to move the motor. Other than that, if anything too radical happens i'll leave you a comment on the relevant thread (it always gets deleted).

Words & Phrases for the last week worth putting through the search engine on the left of the screen are - "europe", "homeless", "shoot to kill" & whatever you like, its your media, you want to look up bodily fluids, or crystal meth or neverland you do - tell us about it afterwards, and if its fit to publish you could do that too.

Last week's Sunday Papers "non! edition" was published in france and in french and did not have an online version, but "trusted pleni-potentiary" Eoin wrote a letter -
the previous was here, though if you're following the treasure hunt crossword thing, they often are not cross-referenced chronologically "dat be 2 easy" -
"the recollection of fools edition"-
"the spanish inquistion edition"-
"latin american summit Gaudalajara edition"
"March for Peace 2004 edition"
"interlocking circles of influence" the first.

we're not getting there that way. & you're going to hand over the rudder & take the oars a while.
we're not getting there that way. & you're going to hand over the rudder & take the oars a while.

author by .:. iosaf ·.· ipsiphipublication date Sun Jul 10, 2005 16:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is my sunday comment, coz I'm too busy to put out a sunday papers this 10th of june 2005.

And i'm leaving it here because of the illustration at the top, "we're on our way to the thrilling movies, & we'll know what we're going to watch when we get there"

It depicts a philosopher, alchemist, poet, scribe, mathematician, translator and all round polymathic dude who lived in Barcelona a long time ago.

His name is / was / will be Ramon Llull.
if you can pronounce his surname you can get your tongue around the lolation of catalan and the language of the carthars. :-) its a bit like "yyyyyyyyyuuu" with a tiny touch of the tongue to the palate.

he was born in Mallorca in 1235, became the tutor of King James II of Aragon. He wrote in Arabic, Latin and Catalan. In 1265 he had a religious experience, and became a tertiary Franciscan, a follower of Francis of Assisi the rich man's son who abandoned materialism for poverty, caring for lepers and getting along really quite famously with birds (of the feathered type).

Llull pressed for the study of Arabic and other tongues of the mediterranean in Aragon for the purpose of the conversion of Muslims to Christianity.

He went to Tunisia after being in Rome in 1285 to convert the muslims, remember it was crusade times. And he was very violently expelled.

And when he returned to Barcelona he joined the list of Jewish, Muslim and Humanist polymaths which that city have given the world calling for a unification of the three monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - which, together, he hoped, would be able morally and psychologically ( i suppose a bit anachronistic) to defeat the Asian invaders then threatening Europe and the Middle East.

He met met Duns Scotus in 1297, (older readers will remember Scotus from the older 5 punt note)
and received the title Doctor Illuminatus.

Llull wrote on everything, bestiaries, mystical guides, he translated the mathematical theories of the muslims, the cabalistic tracts of the jews.

a qoute :- {"Around 1275, Llull designed a method, which he first published in full in his Ars generalis ultima or Ars magna (1305), of combining attributes selected from a number of lists. He also invented numerous 'machines' for the purpose, each of which consisted of two or more paper discs inscribed with alphabet letters that referred to the lists of attributes. The discs could be rotated individually to generate a large number of combinations of ideas.

The method was an early attempt to use logical means to produce knowledge. Llull hoped to show that Christian doctrines could be obtained artificially from a fixed set of preliminary ideas. For example, one of the tables listed the attributes of God: goodness, greatness, eternity, power, wisdom, will, virtue, truth and glory. Llull knew that all believers in the monotheistic religions - whether Jews, Muslims or Christians - would agree with these attributes, giving him a firm platform from which to argue.

The idea was developed further by Giordano Bruno in the 16th century, and by Gottfried Leibniz in the 17th century for investigations into the philosophy of science. Leibniz gave Llull's idea the name ars combinatoria, by which it is now often known. Some computer scientists have adopted Llull as a sort of founding father, claiming that his system of logic was the beginning of information science."}

Ramon Llull today has a university (private) named after him where well off young Catalans and Spaniards and people from all the Mediterranean get quite a good education. Beyond that, he is still a very interesting writer. One who changed his "geopolitical vision" and in doing helpd altar the world vision of his society and city.

Helping to make arguably one of the most civilised cities of that time. One where muslim, jew, christian and non believer could live in harmony.

He ( I believe ) is one of the founding fathers of
"Our Way of Life". & indeed one of those extra special reasons why I chose to live in Barcelona.

Saleem = Shalom = Pax = Pau = Paz = Paix = Peace

author by .:. iosaf ·.· ipsiphipublication date Mon Jul 11, 2005 17:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I am continuing a textual compression of those ideas I had wished & planned last week to share epistle to the Eire and readers of English as far away as the americas and united kollectives on Sunday last.

{if you want to keep things simple don't bother reading this}

The life of Ramon Llull, in the illustration at the top, and short biography in the comment previous, saw a conjunction of msytical knowledge and beliefs which helped an ethical consensuality emerge, amongst the people's of the mediterranean and then by "trickle down effect" those of europe. The ground work was laid for the Rennaisance. And useful bridges in the understanding of superstition were built to what is still termed "the dark ages" when the root causes of the crusades are inaccurately placed.

Ramon ( like me these last weeks ) had access to many writings, not only religious such as those of the muslims and jews and franciscans to whom i have referred in the last comment, but also many other texts now lost to us, and of course those other fathers of our way of life "the satirists" of Greece and Rome to whom I often refer, as the closest readers know.

The qoute above from Horace was thus well known to Llull and his contemporaries.
"Diruit, aedificat, mutat quadratarotundis"
= He changes, he builds, he turns square things into round. I have added- "sed disjecta membra"
= yet the dismembered remain.

The most likely copy of Horace the satirist to be read by Llull was the so-called "barcelona codex" which is reliably sourced to ripoll a beuatiful romanesque town in the pyrennes being afforded its first mention on the 31/august 1353. But was most probably quite popular for many years before, a nearly identical collection of 77 numbered pages being first mentioned in the libraries of western aragon as early as the 12th century. It is quite possible that Llull included references to the timeless Horace and others in his "secondary" contact with contemporaries such as the muslim mathematician and mystic Ibn Khaldun, and whomever thought to use the then "quite fashionable" numerological systems of the Muqaddimah. In the Muqaddimah we see all the numerical permutations of various invocations of Allah, which show the "cross-polination" of mysticism at that time, as pretty much the same techniques of decryption of the "letters" and "numbers" of both creator and created passed from jewish qabala to humanist architecture to christian mystics to be tumbled in the logic machines of Llull and the first "magic squares" of the muslim faith. In short at the time, what some would term now "syncretism" saw complex ritualised use of numbers compared for the first time between all traditions of the same book, yet still using different dating systems. The handwritten notes to the Barcelona codex collection of Horaces satires and odes lists the psot roman city communities of France, the carthars and aragon tracing an unbroken (yet fantastical) lineage of kings, "the merrovingians" to Príam, of Troy. That was merely an attempt to "find the date". For whomever wrote such notes, celebrating their literacy and breaching most seriously the rules of any library, did not live in a time of "common era".
If they were christian or jewish or muslim or "humanist" they used different dates depending on a king's reign, the death of a prophet or the exodus of moses. The lineage to Priam is merely an attempt to place the "doodle" in the great flow of experience which is "TIME".

I write about time a lot. It interests me greatly.
I sometimes feel I store up little pieces of speculation and reflection on time for the future so they can be vacuos past, scant looks at battles that everyone agrees the dates of yet can not tell you the truth on.....

I for one find this all terribly fascinating. And I'll bring you through key "comparisons" and "contrasts" of such "superstitious" use of numbers some time soon, and to make it really really interesting I'll tell you about the other numerical systems then making their first tentative appearances on the radar and sonar of the savants and illuminates of Europe - the hindu systems which are quite extraordinary in their combination of lunar and "macro-number" calculations.


In the real world it is essential that at this time,
all concerned for "our way of life" insist that the events of July 7 which so stopped by usual sunday papers, are put to a public inquiry either by Westminster or the London Authority/Assembly or better both governmental institutions.
(there will be no need to mention by sunday papers) At that public inquiry, representatives of all boroughs affected, all emergency services used, all government departments responsible, all state isntitutions responsible and most importantly
a representative of the Victims ought ask and attempt to answer very difficult questions, and ensure that Londoners continue to live in a transparent, accountable democracy which might show "by example" all other cities "how to respond" to such attacks and guarantee "our way of life", for sadly these imitative terrorist crimes will continue in this XXI century.

author by iosaf .:. the ipisphi ·.·publication date Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nobody is capable of pithily dealing with this comment title in a few sentances of html, or for that matter a large circulation newspaper.
One of the point of "the sunday papers" articles are to remind myself and everyone that we all have very different ways of life but share the most mundane things and that is essential to the bedrock of civilised values upon which we have seen several "systems of collective organisation" evolve.

Something which concerns me is the use of the term "miraculous" in the irish press this weekend. Are those Irish who survived the bombs in egypt alive due to a miraculous escape?
Are the customers of the Irish bar on the red sea somehow protected by a divine force which did not extend to the supermarket under the hotel?
But the little girl last week in Turkey had evaded the miracle?
Was the bombings of 7/7 London not miraculous but the failed bombings of 21/7miraculous?
Was the death of a brazilian 22/7 short of miraculous but the survival of so many others supernatural?

Is this how we rationalise the arbitrary slaughter and threat of masacre of Terror?

Ramon Llull (continuing the illustration at the top and biogs in the comments previous) as well as Ibn Khalid were fully aware of the work of Rabbi Ben meir ibn Ezra before them, the sephard mathematician poet and mystic had lived in an earlier age, under the caliphate when jew and muslim were allies and christians their joint infidel & ignorant enemies.

with Ben Ezra's contact (& his contemporaries') with Arabic & Indian mathematics, we get the first book about these -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
and the most important of all, this-
it would take us a long time to decide what to call
which resulted in the various words english still ascribes "0"; zero, nil, nought.
nothing will come of nothing. It is too late to call God to this war on any side.
We must I feel, find more mundane common concerns and values for we are supposed to be seeking the realistically obtainable.
Maybe the best miracles happen in peace.
Peace = Saleem = Shalom = Pax = miraculous?

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