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Comments (22 of 22)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22There is probably a resonable chance that a certain percentage of all the right-wing pro-war type trolls are actually people employed by one or more of the various intelligence agencies of the pro-war nations -they do not need to be named, and the idea is that their job is to scan websites and try and get their message across to as many sites and forums as possible. A team of a few dozen would probably suffice and would be well within the budgets of these organizations.
The purpose like all adverts in marketing is to saturate the place, and give the impression one opinion is more widespread than it really is. People use cues such as what others think, what the majority are saying and what the opinions of the various institutions which in reality would be the different newspapers, talk shows and TV channels are saying.
The beauty for the capitalists is that they own and run all these things and so can manipulate perceptions of what individuals think the general population is thinking. The Internet and all it's sites and forums are thus a bit of a challenge. However, since the capitalist have almost endless resources, it is cheap in terms of maintaining the facade or illusion to employ trolls to continue their work.
Alternative models of the troll 'funding' would be funding of right-wing groups or party, through front organisations and other such methods, so that these groups are sufficiently well funded to actually employ either part-time or full time trolls. The funding of right-wing parties and groups via 3rd parties by government has a long and well documeneted history.
About a year or so ago, there was a case of a whole series of pro-war letters appearing all across the US in many different newspapers, both regional and local. It gave the impression of fairly widespread support for the war. It turned out later, that in fact there were only just a few letters which were reused, again and again and they were traced to just one group, which naturally enough was a right wing outfit.
some of them are just people with more right wing views who get a kick out of arguing with 'lefties'. There are certainly trolls active on the site (and not all by any means from the right - the most destructive one was a member of a far left party). But some of those putting forward a more right wing view like Al or even Devil Dog are quite genuine IMHO.
Well, yes both could be correct, since I said a reasonable percentage, which still leaves plenty of room for just ordinary folk.
what does IMHO mean?
there are paid trolls here
when things are hot on any issue for ourgov or usgov or israelgov they pop up all over the place and start screeching
Quote: the most destructive one was a member of a far left party
Me: Care to name which party and which individual you are talking about. Some evidence would be useful too. I wouldn't like to think you were just trolling too.
im curious, why am I a troll? Why am I not allowed state my opinion like everyone else? My opinions arent always against the topic, sometimes a agree sometimes I dont. Is that not what the site is for? IM a member of several sites and an admin on one, does that make me a troll there as well?
in fact the exact opposite was said. You are allowed to express any opinion that does not violate our Editorial Guidelines. Stop being a drama queen.
In fact somebody has explicitly said that they don't think you're a troll. On the other hand that obviously doesn't mean that there are no trolls. The person above who thinks that the idea of paid-trolls is far-fetched needs to get out more. There's a big bad world out there and it's not always nice.
What do you think the CIA/NSA/MOSSAD/SIS/MI5 do with their humungeous budgets? Wouldn't they be derelict in their duties if they didn't do their bit to disrupt what they perceive to be centres of opposition to their governments' interests?
No sorry, if Im reading it right Joe is calling me a nice or better Troll but a troll still.
I think I have a right to respond when someone states something specifically about me but Im hardly a drama queen. A few lines asking a question is all I posted. Not a big winded "Im so trodden on, they keep calling me names"
There are trolls BUT some like Al are genuine IMHO.
Personally I disagree with Joe. I think that your effect is the same as a troll. You say you're a garda but I don't believe it, you've never posted anything that is a convincing operational detail.
Joe said: "But some of those putting forward a more right wing view like Al or even Devil Dog are quite genuine IMHO."
Which clearly states that he thinks you are 'quite genuine' - quite as in entirely.
The idea of paid trolls isn't far fetched at all. Anyone who's read Jon Ronson's latest book will know that people have done odder, badder things to stay on top of the heap.
"But some of those putting forward a more right wing view like Al or even Devil Dog are quite genuine IMHO" - but some of those whats???????????? Trolls, therefore Im a troll. maybe a nice one but still a troll. joe will be able to state what he meant, lets leave it to him.
BTW, I dont post just to cause an arguement, i post my opinions and debate them with others so i dont consider myself a troll.
As far as paid trolls are concerned, I dont know really. never thought about it. I doubt the Gardai is paying people to post here but I suppose some organisations are very well funded and have more than enough staff to cover all angles.
You wouldn't need to pay someone to troll. Some cop on his tea break would do enough shit-stirring on his own initiative. Or even just some plonker who wants to raise hackles for a 'laugh'.
I don't give a toss what people say. The point of being on the look out for trolls is because they just piss people off. A good argument is going to have people who canny agree on the colour o' shite trying to convince one another, but trolls never put forward any other argument other than one designed only to annoy and offend. There are plenty of examples around this site. The latest Galloway thread had some postings by people who just wrote in to mock those humiliated in Abu Ghraib... now that's the work of a troll.
As for your posts being removed, I didn't remove them. I've had a few of my own taken down in the past. It's just the editorial team doing a bit of pruning. I wasn't happy with it but the umpire's decision is final.
I think trolls are one of the high point of this site, the sheer insanity of the posts they type is funny and they usually only manage to provoke people who take themselves too seriously. That said when they insult the deaths of others (as they often do ) I feel they deserve contempt, but not a response.
Al you ARE a drama queen,
"But some of those putting forward a more right wing view like Al or even Devil Dog are quite genuine IMHO" - but some of those whats???????????? "
Nobody else would use so much question marks!
Thanks for taking the time.
The whole troll thingie...... do you give it the time of day........ I mod and admin on several sites , and on most of those sites , zulu day is not an option..... Having set out just where I stand ...... The fact is thaT MY READERS DO NOT BELIEVE , Bush and all That he SAYS......
The editorial guidelines for the site are linked in the left column. Comments that break the guidelines may be removed. If you have a problem with the guidelines or a removal, you may contact the admins through the form or by email (address given in editorial guidelines document) and argue your case.
Al I was saying I reckon you and DD although often annoying are not in fact trolls.
thanks for clearing that up Joe.
I didnt take offence to the post I just wanted clarification.