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Critical Mass rides again![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Viva la velo! At the moment I am residing in Auckland, Aotearoa (commonly known as New Zealand). Its a big city, including its satellites, you're looking at about 1.2 million heads, a bit larger than Dublin but as the fair city spreads into Meath, Kildare, Louth and Wicklow, it will probably have caught up with Auckland in 10 to 15 years. Auckland is a much newer city than Dublin - and basically everything a city should not be. Its extremely low density housing means the city spreads over an enormous geographical area. Coupled with a virtually non-existent CBD residential population, this means one thing: the commuter is king. Or more precisely, the car is king. A huge, multi-lane filthy motorway cuts right through the centre of the city, spreading toxic fumes into the air. This stretches from the North Shore all the way to South Auckland and beyond. Every evening when I walk home I see the traffic crawling between the jammed off-ramps. But yet thanks to a right wing Mayor tyrant called John Banks, the motorway is to be developed further "to ease traffic congestion". The lead-up to the Harbour Bridge (a much less impressive engineering feat than its Sydney cousin) is a bottleneck, so this will be widened. At the expense of one of the older pubs in the city which sits next the flyover! Criminal! Cyclists in Auckland are a rare, timid breed. I pity them. If you thought Dublin was bad, take heart. Cycle lanes? Not a single one in the city centre as far as I can see. Motorists? Mostly roadrage/boy racer scum with chrome wheels, tinted windows, low racing skirts. And the city is just dirty. No other word for it, there's a layer of black filth and grime on the buildings, the bins, the windows... its disgusting. Pedestrians dont have it much easier too - huge signs display how many casualties there have been this year already (or maybe they're scoresheets for psycho drivers). The Critical Mass was born (to my knowledge) in Dublin on March 30th 2001. The main architects of this were Geoff C and William C. Geoff is currently travelling around South-east Asia and Australia, having left Ireland in January. William runs the site, well worth a visit. He's usually to be found around the fringes of the bike rides, video camera at the ready, prying opinions and comments out of participants, passers-by, and pissed-off motorists! That first ride on a patchy March evening brought about 60 or 70 determined cyclistas out onto the streets of Dublin, vacuuming up other cyclists on the way. Our trip took us down Capel St - where we experienced first hand the traffic congestion - we got stuck with the light sequence and had to wait our turn too! The Dublin route isnt fixed in stone, wherever people feel like going at the time usually dictates the direction. Its not always constantly moving either. We take breaks to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. Another one of our stops last summer was prompted by the death of a cyclist at the corner of Aston Quay and Westmoreland St. We held up for a two minute silence which was observed by everyone including pedestrians, bar a few irate motorists who still insisted on excessive use of their horns behind us. The CM grew in support over the following months, with people of all ages and walks of life joining in. Undoubtedly the biggest CM of 2001 was on September 22nd on European Car Free Day. Between 150 and 200 cyclists converged at Parnell Square to celebrate this day, and to give a collective middle finger to Dublin Corporation who had effectively ignored the concept. After the lap of the city, the cyclists gathered in O'Connell Street for street football and volleyball, where another 150 or so people were waiting. Regrettably the Garda of course stepped in and used physical force and harassment to clear the street, arresting 8 people and confiscating many more bikes, which had been locked together as a barrier at the Bachelor Walk junction. I hope he doesnt mind me paraphrasing him, but I interviewed Geoff outside Conways pub on Parnell Street after a CM ride last year. Its a popular haunt for the riders for a post-CM pint as it happens to be situated just around the corner from where we usually finish up! The tape has long been accidentally wiped over with some speed garage compilation, but I remember I asked him why he thought the CM was important, and he replied "because it means a cleaner, greener, peaceful city. It means people will enjoy the city more and their quality of life will improve. Even if we do get more cycle lanes, people need to understand that they should be leaving their cars at home and getting on that bike." The relative low-density of Irish and European cities means that cycling is perhaps the most viable option for a greener future. Even a suburb like Blanchardstown, which is considered to be on the fringe of the city, is still only 6 or 7 miles from the city centre. Which an average unfit lager-slob like me can manage in about 35 minutes! This is less than the time it takes in rush hour traffic. It's infinitely less stressful than sitting in a car, crawling. On the bike you are the master of your pace. The Critical Mass is important for a variety of reasons. The sight of 100 cyclists coming down from Parnell Square instantly gets peoples attention - and hopefully they'll see how cycling can be enjoyable and practical. It provides cyclists with a safe environment (safety and strength in numbers) to highlight their aims and objectives. It slows the traffic down and instantaneously the city noise vanishes in the empty streets ahead. It's also a good social occasion and meeting point where people can chat and catch up. A functioning city needs outlets for human contact - the car cannot and does not facilitate this in any way, but the Critical Mass does. The Critical Mass has also spread to Galway, Cork and Limerick. Hopefully someone can post up news of how they've been going. The Dublin Critical Mass meets at 6pm on the last Friday of the month at Parnell Square, outside the Garden of Remembrance. Bring your horns, hats, flags, whistles, anything that adds noise and colour. Oh and dont forget your bike! Viva la velo! Links: The Critical Mass Hub
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Jump To Comment: 1 2David Maher of the DCC has been continuing his uphill battle to ensure we get good bicycle parking at Hueston station.
There's been a lot of correspondence to Heuston Station, Iarnrod Eireann, the DTO and the Department of the Environment and Local Governement. This has all been pretty much ignored by Iarnrod Eireann: see history of correspondence.
With this in mind, the DCC is asking its members and everyone who comes along to the critical mass to incorporate Heuston Station into the route and have some sort of a protest there (around 7pm). David Maher's contacting the mainstream media so we should get some coverage.
john c.
History of Correspondence
Jan/Feb Contacted Hueston station on bicycle issue
- after initial telephone response, 5 subsequent emails/telephone messages were never replied to.
Mar Meeting on Bicycle parking at trains stations - Attended DTO, DCC,
- I.E. agreed to come but failed to attend.
Sep Telephoned the Manager of Hueston station to request proposed Layout of cycle racks be sent to me
- No plans sent.
late Feb Meeting on Bicycle parking at train stations - DTO, I.E. & DCC
- DCC stated proposed no of racks should be min of 500
Mar 14 Wrote to Joe Meaghar, Mary O'Rourke & DTO requesting bicycle parking of 500 spaces
- only Mary o' Rourke replied requesting I.E. to deal with the issue.
Mar 20 Spoke to Joe Meaghar at Public meeting - assured bicycle issue would be dealt with
Apr 18 1. Telephoned Joe Meaghar's office to inquire why I had not been contacted by I.E.
- Tony Cassidy telephoned - no updated available
2. Emailed Tony Cassidy - gave more details on our requests
- no reply received
May 1 Wrote to Joe Meaghar - to inquire why my letter was not acknowledged and status of the issue
- no reply received
May 21 Emailed Tony Cassidy - requesting update on issue
- received email reply on May 24 from Tony Cassidy, stating he had update.
May 27 Telephoned Tony Cassidy - to inquire of status of my submissions & to request letter to formally state I.E. position.
- informed no increase in bicycle racks numbers, moving bicycle parking to far less central location
- on June 1 received requested Letter from Tony Cassidy confirming above sentiments
May 28 Wrote to Joe Meaghar, DTO and Dublin Corporation stating provision of parking was inadequate and I had still received no written acknowledgment of correspondence.
June 13 Telephoned Joe Meaghar's office - inquired why no additional bicycle parking was to be provided
- Received telephone reply from Joe Meaghar office to be informed Willie O'Connor (project manager) stated design is now complete and no further changes can be made.
- I requested that Joe Meaghar contact Willie O'Connor to request that he meet with DCC to ensure additional parking is provided.
well written there mr. path/ kod, yeh the Critical Mass is still riding strong in fact theres one due this Friday 28th. meeting ususal time 6pm at the Garden of Remembrance. bring your horns, whistles, drums all the rest of it as when the 'Mass rides you gotta take note!!!
The last 'Mass was particularly well attended with a shitload of cycle couriers joining in, coincidentally theres was a courier festival that weekend in Dublin, so it was a great colourful occasion and you'll never see the likes of the bikes they had. A different route was taken and we finished off the 'Mass back at the Garden of Remembrance where some couriers performed bike tricks and went for a spin in the pond!!! craic and banter galore to be had. as the summer is finally here the only way to travel is on your bike, the Critical Mass is kinda a monthly celebration of all those times every day when you get cut up by truck drivers, bus drivers, motorists of all sorts. Get on the 'Mass for a fuller life!!!