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Talking about us. Bertie & ZP.

category international | eu | news report author Thursday April 28, 2005 12:07author by céad mile failte Report this post to the editors

your supreme rascal and our supreme rascal.

jayzhus they're very talented.

But they're not bosom buddies.
Each of them wants something.

Bertie wants €U funding for agriculture and science = biotech.
ZP wants €U funding for regional development in the south.

in several minutes, the supreme little rascal of the Irish republic will enter the La Moncloa the residence of Zapatero in Madrid.

they'll talk about the financing of the EU
2007 - 2013
they'll talk about us.
they'll talk about communal and bilateral business
they'll talk about us.
they'll talk about the EU constitution and preparations for its French, Dutch and Irish referenda.
they'll talk about us.

Ahern has just visited the memorial to the victims of M11 in Madrid "the forest of the absent". He will be remembering , his presence at the spire with many young people of Spain on March 12th 2004.
He might be considering that many of those young people live in Ireland in precarity. He might consider that so many of the victims were migrants to Spain.

Both Ahern and ZP accept that the benefits their states take from the EU must be reduced in line with the greater need of the new member states.

There will be a report in the comments on any statements, and whether Bertie said "howya!" to us.

I'll also try and find out whether Mrs ZP (a piano teacher) will play Bertie some Beethoven or Mozart or whether she'll stick with the de Falla or if indeed they'll just listen to some piped muzak, or U2 on the CD player and surround sound.



author by €%publication date Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

we suffer.
precarious work.
precarious health.
precarious nutrition.
precarious security.

why do you ignore our suffering?

talk about us please.
talk about us please.

author by @my crystal bolloxpublication date Thu Apr 28, 2005 13:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

-ah pero, con the ferrere rochers you are spoiling me bertie.

- ah i'm not, you're a lovely man. now do you think you have enough Irish pubs in Barcelona? seemingly you can't get through the centre of Barcelona these days without passing an irish pub.

-oh yes, Bertie, but they offer stable employment, and support tourism and they attract a nice tranquil crowd who respect the longest working hours in europe that the residents of the nieghbourhood have to put up with. And anyway I don't giving a flying putamadre for Barcelona, they're anarchists & catalans, do you have republicans in Irlanda?

-oh yes, José Luis, we do. they're very dangerous, driving like pissed up maniacs on the byways, but we counter them with socialist women in the cabinet.

-I've more socialist women in my cabinet than you Bertie.

ribbid ribbid

at this link you can see the family photo of Zp's government, and compare it to the shites you have.

author by waiting for the day serious political interview are - streamed LOLpublication date Thu Apr 28, 2005 23:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

they agreed broadly on somethings.
I'm not telling you anymore.
cap res. ni nada. faic.
ah go on! you langer sayz ye-
ah go on - give us a clue!
ah jayzhus, couldn't do dat, farmers are cool.
fishermen are cool. poor spaniards are cool.
and catalans are the coolest putamares you could hope for.

But unfortuanately they ( & here is the rub )
don't have the power to stop the multi-national-corporations dictating the economic conditions, and employment opportunities afforded in either the states of the union they are responsible for, this is a matter for "multi-culturalist and multi-nationalist patriotism" at its most inclusive within the better off and newer qualified, if you join a Multi-nat-corp you must accept you work for an entity which often boasts a budget larger than the flag you recognise or the footlball team you cheer yet has no homeland.
If we are to combat the loss of geo-political power to these entities, we have to instill in both workers "in precarity" and *executives* in "security" a sense of belonging to their real communities, their real homes, their real streets, their real nations within and solely within the values of trans-national solidarity and brotherhood and sorority which an improved EU constitution could offer us, and if not we'll have to work really hard on that effin shite one V. G d'estaing wrote coz he thought everyone would be happy to live in a updated version of napoleonism.

(they didn't say that - I did. that's what I say. but I'm more grrrrrrrrrrr than either the golden retreiver or bambi & so too are ye. )

We're going to dance this weekend.

the golden retriever and bambi.
the golden retriever and bambi.

author by ribbid spinpublication date Thu Apr 28, 2005 23:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

* We want streets that are safe.
from drunken and dangerous drivers.

* We want protection from multinationalcorporations that parasite on our workers and taxation systems.

* We want equality of employee rights regardless of ethnic or geographic origin or of gender.

*We need specific policies to counter the unwarrented numbers of educated youth who pursue careers in multi-national-corporations.

*We need an annual party day on the street.

*We need to convice the easterners that this party day doesn't mean we wet our knickers about Stalin.

*We need sound systems and vegetables and musical instruments and hugs and less U2.

*we need to _connect_.

*we need to get up, stand up, have a party and go on the curve, coz let's face it, both the golden retriever and bambi are ancient.

Bertie & ZP
Bertie & ZP

author by iosafpublication date Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Bambi (the pre-ZP nickname for himself in the Moncloa which the press over here used to describe him when no-one believed he'd win) needs cash from €urope for the poor people in Spain. & so he's looking for pals to help him slow down the phase-out in funding. So far he has Luxembourg on his side, coz the luxemburgers know how it is, (c/f http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=68116
And naturally he has Mr Socrates of portugal onside too, coz they're brassic as well, (& we put them in power too) and he's hoping that France & Germany will support him, though they have initally voiced opposition along with the UK, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and the Nederlands. Now learn something about €urope.
This basically means the richer states who have crap weather, and buy the most holiday homes imbalancing the economic and cultural systems of the mediterranean and warm atlantic european coast no longer want to pay for roads, schools, and the sort of stuff that gets the big blue flag on the construction sign.
Now ZP (in his Bambi mode) is pretty sure he'll get France and Germany onside soon, and why not, he's potentially the best ally for them, having adopted a different european strategy to his predeccesor aznar, who rather than cash wanted "status". Aznar we remember wanted España to get more voting rights and say in the 25 state union, and be in all the photos with the USA which he theorised would bring in US investment as people over there realised that España wasn't a country in south america but a very proud nation with an empire.
Bertie comes into this on many levels, he was pressie of €urope when Aznar was about, and will no doubt remember him and his posturing. He also in his "golden retreiver" mode knows how important €U funding is to the upgrade of infrastructure in states which received little or no Marshall Aid and knows a lot about attracting investment, but like most golden retrievers
(((there are many breeds of retreiver and the golden though one of the prettiest hunters' companions is in practise quite poor outside of water trials and was bred quite recently in the chronology for more aesthetic purposes than practical), it brings back the target wagging its tail happily, but is loathe to part with it and share the goodies thereafter. Nor does, it like a "pointer" or "setter" provide any previous clue as to where the target is, one can fire off 200 rounds into the gorse and heather and low flying airspace, and in the smell of cordite afterwards feel quite dizzy, and the golden retreiver will run around all over the shop before eventually bringing you back nothing more tasty than a pigeon peppered in leadshot, wagging its tail, and not wanting to part with it - till its in shreds.)))***

€U funding goes beyond giving jobs to construction companies, it really does help kickstart (a technical term) local economies, but thereafter we need equitous sharing of the benefits. This has been problematic for Ireland because the party of the golden retreiver relies on the PDs for it's squeeky clean-ness, you could say that the progressive democrats put the squeek in the coalition by presenting an honest legal face on the scurrilous types who are attracted to the entrepenuerial network of FF. And in return they get to see the economic and social interests of the nouveaux riche satisfied in low taxation and a mortgage privatised economy. And as anyone knows keeping the coat of a golden retreiver clean is a job on its own.

Bertie has declared the ZP plan to be "perfectly reasonable". = maith an fear/ madra!
Really like how you wag your tail though it reminds me of a toad for some reason.

And therefore he'll be on side for the finance discussions on May 22 in Luxembourg. This will be one of the last important €U things presided by the lovely luxies, the presidency goes to the British for the end of the year. and coz Bertie wears a british style suit, and speaks good english, he'll be a useful ally for Spain then as well, coz the British don't like either the French or Germans, on account of them respectively having better food and better beaches.

So on the level of €U money, Spain and Ireland are allies now. Accordingly you should welcome spanish kids to your villages, and allow them shoplift this summer whilst obstensibly trying to learn english. You should make friends with them, and ask them to import hashish and fireworks for you, and learn how to make a decent paella. You should suggest to your local parish priest that you substitute flamenco for line dancing at the weekend social gathering. You should start driving on the righthand side of the road, (as some FF politicians already have - ah! the vanguard!) and you should speak nicely about their fishermen and if you find one washed up on the beach out west, you are now to offer them a home or safe passage to Dublin and not eat them and send the severed head to London as was customary before.

On a last and very very serious note, having worked towards this alliance for many years, might i now say I am delighted, and hope that everytime Bertie comes (till he's voted out) he'll wear the purple tie, (but leave off the pin stripe it's too gravitas) and of course continue wearing the orange tie when he meets the natural enemies of our great alliance in Engurland. And I'd really like it if Bambi/ZP would stand up straight. I'm quite concerned about the leading members of PSOE and PSC these last months, they're slouching and the telly-viewer notices these things.
Stand up Straight Bambi! you've nothing to be scared of, you're tall, stretch out the spine. As my friend quipped to me the other day, if he doesn't start standing up soon, everyone will guess he's on strings.

***readers' note no animal was actually harmed in the writing of this comment or the allusions used, that was just the sort of thing they teach you in hogworts. woof woof woof woof miaow.

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