The Nature of CIA Intervention in Venezuela
How the CIA gets elites into power
This article documents how over the past 40 years the CIA has organised coups and run operations to put elites in power whilst pretending to be promoting democracy.
It is an interview with Philip Agee a former operative who left the agency in 1967.
For an typical example of how they operated in previous times:
"...When I was in the agency from the late 1950s on through to the late 1960s, the agency had operations going internationally, regionally, and nationally, attempting to penetrate and manipulate the institutions of power in countries around the world, and these were things that I did in the CIA—the penetration and manipulation of political parties, trade unions, youth and student movements, intellectual, professional and cultural societies, religious groups and women’s groups and especially of the public information media. We, for example, paid journalists to publish our information as if it were the journalists’ own information. The propaganda operations were continuous. We also spent large amounts of money intervening in elections to favor our candidates over others. The CIA took a Manichean view of the world, that is to say there were the people on our side, and there were people who were against us. And the agency’s job was to penetrate, weaken, divide, and destroy those political forces that were seen to be the enemy, which are those to the left of social democrats, normally, and to support and strengthen the political forces that were seen to be friendly to US interests in all these institutions I just mentioned a few minutes ago. ...."
For rest of the article and stuff specific to how they are currently operating in Venezuela, see link below
It is worth learning from what is said here, because no doubt, such techniques are still in use today, including in this country.